LESSON 6 - Ethical Dilemma
LESSON 6 - Ethical Dilemma
LESSON 6 - Ethical Dilemma
Ethical Dilemma
Moral dilemma
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Think about
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Master title style
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Think about
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Master title style
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Definition: Ethical
title style
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Features of moral
title style
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Solution to the
case:title style
the agent’s solution in the case is clear;
• What would you do if you it is more important to protect oneself
borrowed a weapon, say from harm than to return a borrowed
a gun from a neighbor. weapon.
One day, you had an And in any case, the borrowed item can
altercation with him, and be returned later, when the owner no
demands that you return longer poses a threat to you.
immediately the weapon Thus in this case we can say that the
you borrowed. requirement to protect yourself( and
maybe others) from serious harm
• Will you return the
overrides the requirement to repay
weapon or not?
one’s debts by returning a borrowed item
when its owner so demands.
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Difference between
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and dilemma
In Book I of Plato’s Republic, Cephalus too easy to be characterized as a
defines ‘justice’ as speaking the truth and genuine moral dilemma
paying one’s debts. Socrates quickly refutes
this account by suggesting that it would be
wrong to repay certain debts—for example, to
return a borrowed weapon to a friend who is agent’s solution in that case is
not in his right mind. Socrates’ point is not that
repaying debts is without moral import; rather,
he wants to show that it is not always right to
repay one’s debts, at least not exactly when
? clear; it is more important to
protect people from harm than to
return a borrowed weapon.
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Hypothetical vs real title
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Are there
to edit real moral
anyMaster title style
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Click tofeatures
Crucial edit Master
of moral
title style
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The to editdilemma
Master title style
• Imagine that you are an employee working for the train company as
a switch operator. One day you see a train speeding down the track,
its driver is in obvious distress. You realize that the train has had a
malfunction and is unable to stop.
• You look ahead of the train and see five workers working on the
track. If you allow the train to go ahead, it will surely kill all five.
• However, you could divert the train by switching tracks. On the
alternate track, there is one worker, working alone.
• If you switch the train, you cause the death of one worker; if you do
nothing, five will die.
• What will you do?
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Click to edit Master title style
Click to edit Masterdilemma
Phenomenological title style
Types of moral
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Epistemic dilemma
Master title style
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Click to editdilemmas
Ontological Master title style
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Click to edit Master title style
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Click to editmoral
self-imposed Master title style
dilemmas and dilemmas imposed on an
agent by the world
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Click to editmoral
self-imposed Master title style
dilemmas and dilemmas imposed on an
agent by the world
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obligation dilemmas
Master title
and style
prohibition dilemmas.
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How tosolve
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an ethical
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