Elbow: Posterior Approach
Elbow: Posterior Approach
Elbow: Posterior Approach
Posterior Approach
o Prone with arm hanging over armboard
o Over posterior aspect of elbow (lateral over tip)
o Distal to radial nerve innervation of triceps
o Identify and isolate ulnar nerve
o Osteotomy of ulna olecranon
o Elevate triceps
o Radial nerve – can’t extend past the distal 1/3 of humerus
o Ulnar nerve – identify and protect it
o Median nerve – lying on anterior distal humerus
o Brachial Artery – lies with median nerve in the front of the elbow
Medial Approach
o Supine with armboard – arm abducted and externally rotated
o Curved incision over medial epicondyle
o Proximally between brachialis muscle (musculocutaneous nerve) and
triceps muscle (radial nerve)
o Distally between brachialis muscle (musculocutaneous nerve) and
pronator teres (median nerve)
o Identify and retract ulnar nerve inferiorly
o Epicondyle ostetomy reflected distally
o Incise capsule and medial collateral ligaments
o Ulnar nerve – isolate before medial epicondyle ostotomy
o Median nerve – Don’t retract common flexors too vigourously
Neurovascular structures
o Median Nerve
Crossed front of the elbow joint on its medial side
Covered by bicipital aponeurosis (lacterus fibrosus)
Disappears between the two heads of pronator teres (humeral head
on medial epicondyle / common flexor origin AND unlar head on
medial side of coronoid process)
Runs down the forearm adhering to deep surface of flexor
digitorum superficialis
o Radial Nerve
Crosses front of elbow joint in the interval between the brachialis
and brachioradialis
Divides in the cubital fossa at the radiohumeral joint into the PIN
(enters the supstance of the supinator muscle) and superficial radial
nerve (descends down the lateral side of the forearm under cover
of the brachioradialis muscle)
Sites of entrapment of the radial nerve around the elbow (from
Tendinous origin of ECRB
Leash of Henry - Radial recurrent vessels
Fibrous bands anterior to the radial head at the entrance of
the radial tunnel
Arcade of Frohse (MOST COMMON) – tendinous
proximal border of supinator
Distal edge of supinator at exit (least common)
o Ulnar nerve
Crosses the joint in the groove on the back of the medial
Enters the anterior compartment of the forearm passing between
the two heads of FCU
Runs down the forearm on the anterior surface of the flexor
digitorum profundus
Sites of compression of ulnar nerve (wheeless – Cubital Tunnel
Arcade of Struthers (8cm above elbow – band extending
from the medial head of triceps to the medial intermuscular
Medial head of Triceps
Medial Intermuscular septum (distal thickening as it
inserts onto the medial epicondyle)
Medial Epicondyle
Cubital tunnel (FCU aponeurosis)
Anconeus epitrochlearis (anomalous muscle)
Arcuate Ligament (aponeurosis of FCU – connects the
ulnar and humeral heads of FCU)
Deep Flexor-Pronator Aponeurosis
o Brachial Artery
Enters the cubital fossa on the lateral side of the median nerve on
Divides halfway down the cubital fossa into the radial and ulnar
Under the biciptal aponeurosis
o Radial Artery
Passes medial to biceps tendon
Turns anterior and lying on supinator and pronator teres insertion
o Ulnar Artery
Passes deep to deep head of pronator teres