Upper Limb Powered by MaxAI)

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Which one does not pass through the carpal canal?

() the common flexor sheath

(J the tendons
of the flexor digitorum superficial

(0 Thetendon of flexor pollicis longus

O the median nerve

@ the ulnar nerve

Concerning biceps brachii, which is true?

O It bees cep to the ower half of the corsctirachialis

oO It & the chilef extensor of the farsa

O its fang head can also extena the. shoulder joint

-® The stir: head arise from the comeold process

(@ the wrist joint
It fleaes
Regarding the radial nerve, which is true?

O It rises from the medial cord

of the brachial plexus,

0 It lies to the medial side of the brachial artery,

O iI hiss no branches
in tre arm

O it 1s easily injured when the fracture of the surgical neck of humerus.

® It runs posteriorly with the dees brachial ares

Deep palmar arch

® is formed ty the anastomosis of the terminal part of the radial artery with deep branch of the ulnar atery

O Is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the uinar artery with deep branch of the radial artery

O lies superficial to the tendons of flexor muscles

O lies superficial
to the Limbricales

®) gives off three common paimar digital tenes

Concerning musculocutaneous nerve, which is true?

O arises from medial cord of brachial plexus

O Innervates triceps brachil

O Innervates posterior group of musdes of arm

- perforates
the coracobrachialis and control It

O accompanies
deep brachial vessels
the median nerve, which is true

® arises from brachial plexus with the lateral and medial root

O les to the media side of axilaty artery

O lies to the lateral side of brachial artery all through

(@) accompanies the deep brachial vessies along the arm

O lies to the lateral side of brachial artery in the cubital fossa

Which structure accompany with radial nerve passing through humeromuscular tunnel

O nutrient vessels of humerus

® deep brachial artery

O radial artery

® ulnar artery
O brachial artery
The apex of axilla is bounded by

(0) awa
1/3 of cavice

[) medwi border of scapes

® laren border
of first eb
(J neadof humerus

(OD pectorshs major

Which nerve arises from the lateral cord of brachial plexus


0 uinar nerve

0 medial pectoral nerve

@) tachial nerve
O thorcodorssl nerve
The axillary artery

O begins from the medial border of the ist rib

0 gives off the intemal horace artery

C) ends ai the lower bacder of the teres manor

O lisim only
its Branches distribute to the pectoramajor
(®) gress off the artenor Frerzosts artery
Which nerve injured can lead to "wristdrop™


0 median neve

O umat nerve

0 adiaryrene
® radi nerve
Which nerve passes through the quadrilateral foramen?

® NAfve
O madian neve

) uma nerve

O (achal nerve

® anary nerve
Which nerve injured can lead to “Ape-like"hand ?

0 musculccutonecys reve and median cave

- median sve sind ulna reve

() ulnar nerve and slay nerve

(i axillary are and @dial ~arve

O Bai nerve
Which nerve injured can leadto "claw hand"?


(®) median neve

C uma miecve
O axillary rene
0 rads! nerve
The cephalic

0 ariges from the medial soe of dorsal venaus rete of hand

O the radia artery


O dri into The orachinl

O receives the superficial veins of the nand and the medial side of the forsam

0) runs along the kxieral sde of the biceps brachi

the basilic vein, which
is true?

® DEginG at the Whar soe of the dorsal venavs network of hand

O Degins af the radial part of the domal venous network of fand

a) ascends song the Weel part of the am

®) pass tIOUGN 178 Groove between the pactoralis major and deftoid
0 vein
end In the subcavian
A fall on the elbow fractures the medial epicondyle
and damages important adjacent structures. Among the deficits li

O to ex the wrist

0 Irabifity 10 extend the wrist

O Inability 10 oppose the thumb

- inability 10 grasp a piece of paper tightly between the extended 2nd and 3rd finger
O inabilityto abauct the wrist
Which muscle is innervated by both the ulnar and median nerves?

O fiexor digitonm superficialis

QO) pronator quadistus

[) flexor digitorum pratundus

O suplnstor
oO none
of the bove
Concerning the muscles of the upper limb, which is false?

O Tre supinator muscles forms the Noor of the cubital fossa.

O Trie median nerve passes between the two heads of pronation teres as it leaves the cubital fossa

O The median nerve passes to the hand theough the carpal canal

» The Linar nerve enters the forearm superficial to the two heads of freon carpi Wnarls

0 The deltoid muscle is supplied by the axillary nerve

The lymph nodes along the lateral thoracic vessels are

@® the pectoral
lymph nodes

() the @teral
lymph nodes

(the subscapular
lymph nodes

(0) the central

lymph nodes

(0) the apical

lymph nodes

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