Upper Limb Powered by MaxAI)
Upper Limb Powered by MaxAI)
Upper Limb Powered by MaxAI)
(J the tendons
of the flexor digitorum superficial
O iI hiss no branches
in tre arm
® is formed ty the anastomosis of the terminal part of the radial artery with deep branch of the ulnar atery
O Is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the uinar artery with deep branch of the radial artery
O lies superficial
to the Limbricales
- perforates
the coracobrachialis and control It
O accompanies
deep brachial vessels
the median nerve, which is true
® arises from brachial plexus with the lateral and medial root
® ulnar artery
O brachial artery
The apex of axilla is bounded by
(0) awa
1/3 of cavice
® laren border
of first eb
(J neadof humerus
0 uinar nerve
@) tachial nerve
O thorcodorssl nerve
The axillary artery
0 median neve
O umat nerve
0 adiaryrene
® radi nerve
Which nerve passes through the quadrilateral foramen?
® NAfve
O madian neve
) uma nerve
O (achal nerve
® anary nerve
Which nerve injured can lead to “Ape-like"hand ?
O Bai nerve
Which nerve injured can leadto "claw hand"?
C uma miecve
O axillary rene
0 rads! nerve
The cephalic
O receives the superficial veins of the nand and the medial side of the forsam
®) pass tIOUGN 178 Groove between the pactoralis major and deftoid
0 vein
end In the subcavian
A fall on the elbow fractures the medial epicondyle
and damages important adjacent structures. Among the deficits li
O to ex the wrist
- inability 10 grasp a piece of paper tightly between the extended 2nd and 3rd finger
O inabilityto abauct the wrist
Which muscle is innervated by both the ulnar and median nerves?
O suplnstor
oO none
of the bove
Concerning the muscles of the upper limb, which is false?
O Trie median nerve passes between the two heads of pronation teres as it leaves the cubital fossa
O The median nerve passes to the hand theough the carpal canal
» The Linar nerve enters the forearm superficial to the two heads of freon carpi Wnarls
@® the pectoral
lymph nodes
() the @teral
lymph nodes
(the subscapular
lymph nodes