BF-S-B00-1311-002 - 0 Soil Report Specification
BF-S-B00-1311-002 - 0 Soil Report Specification
BF-S-B00-1311-002 - 0 Soil Report Specification
1.1 This Specification covers the minimum requirements for soil investigation to be performed by
CONTRACTOR for RasGas Barzan Onshore Project.
1.2 CONTRACTOR shall perform a geotechnical investigation in accordance with this Specification
to determine the stratigraphy of the subsoil, physical properties of the soil, and all else necessary
to develop design for facilities foundations.
1.3 The soil investigation program shall comprise performing exploration and sampling at the
specified boring locations, field and laboratory testing as specified, and preparation and
submission of a complete soil report.
1.4 After field work is completed, the site shall be restored to the conditions that existed prior to the
start of this investigation. This shall include sealing of all boreholes and test pits with soil cement,
cement grout or other approved material.
The work to be performed under this Specification shall conform to all requirements contained in this
Specification including the following referenced documents. Latest edition of codes, standard, and
regulations issued by the Effective date of the Contract shall be adhered to. Conflict in references shall
be referred to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall keep updated copies of all the documents listed below
at testing laboratory.
BF-S-B00-1312-001 Earthwork
ASTM D1557 Standard Test methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (27,000KN-m/m3))
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ASTM D1586 Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Spilit-Barrel
Sampling of Soils
ASTM D1587 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical
ASTM D1883 Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Laboratory-Compacted Soils
ASTM D2113 Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site
ASTM D2166 Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil
ASTM D2216 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content
of Soil and Rock by Mass
ASTM D2434 Standard Test Methods for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)
ASTM D2435 Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils
Using Incremental Loading
ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified
Soil Classification System)
ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual
ASTM D2850 Standard Test Method for Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Test
on Cohesive Soils
ASTM D3080 Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained
ASTM D3148 Standard Test Method for Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Specimens in
Uniaxial Compression
ASTM D4318 Standard Test methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils
ASTM D4542 Standard Test Method for Pore Water Extraction and Determination of the
Soluble Salt Content of Soils by Refractometer
ASTM D4546 Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of
Cohesive Soils
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ASTM D4719 Standard Test Methods for Prebored Pressuremeter Testing in Soils
ASTM D5334 Standard Test Method for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soil and Soft
Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure
ASTM D5731 Standard Test Method for Determination of the Point Load Strength Index of Rock
and Application to Rock Strength Classifications
ASTM D7012 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength and Elastic Moduli of Intact
Rock Core Specimens under Varying States of Stress and Temperatures
ASTM G51 Standard Test Method for Measuring pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing
ASTM G57 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the
Wenner Four-Electrode Method
Technical Report F/T 181 Method of Determining Thermal Resistivity of Soil in Situ for the
Calculation of Cable Rating.
D. Government Regulations
State of Qatar laws for the protection of workers’ rights as implemented by the Ministry of Civil
Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Energy and Industry, the Ministry of Health, the Department of
Rubric Safety, and the Labour Department, especially:
- Labour Law No. (3) of the Year 1962 and its amending Laws
- Law No. (14) of the Year 2004
State of Qatar laws for environmental protection as implemented by the Supreme Council for the
Environment and Natural Resources, especially:
- Law No. (14) of the Year 2004
Also, any additional requirements by state or local agencies (including Ras Laffan City) that have
jurisdiction where the work will be performed.
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All personnel performing the field work and related processing shall be qualified and have a minimum of
five (5) years related experience. COMPANY shall have the right to review and approve the
qualifications and performance of all personnel furnished by CONTRACTOR.
All the field, laboratory and office work indicated in this Specification shall be performed under direct
supervision and guidance of licensed surveyor licensed to practice such services in Qatar. COMPANY
shall have the right to review for acceptance work being performed by CONTRACTOR. This review by
COMPANY does not alleviate any responsibility of CONTRACTOR to provide complete, correct data
and parameters.
The soil reports of Attachment-1 “Reference Soil Reports” are provided by COMPANY for reference
only. COMPANY assumes to have no responsibility as to of the accuracy of these reports.
CONTRACTOR must verify any information, data, etc. contained in these reports before using them.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall conduct surveys to determine appropriate locations and elevations of
drilling location from benchmarks on the property.
(2) CONTRACTOR shall preserve and maintain all existing bench marks and reference points on
the property established by COMPANY. Should the CONTRACTOR, during execution of the
fieldwork, destroy or remove any bench marks or reference points established by COMPANY,
they shall be reestablished by CONTRACTOR at his cost.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall perform soil drilling and sampling by following the requirements
established in this Specification.
(2) CONTRACTOR’s drilling location plan and quantities shall be reviewed and approved by
(3) Soil boring shall be made with heavy duty rotary drilling equipment of a size and type designed
to drill holes of 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter. Drilling units shall be equipped with hydraulic
(4) CONTRACTOR shall record the groundwater level in the boreholes at the start of each working
day. Provision to prevent surface water inflow into borehole shall be made until the end of the
groundwater observation.
(5) Representative water samples shall be taken from designated boreholes for the use of chemical
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7.1 General
(1) Core boring shall consist of taking continuous samples of rock using a rotary diamond
bit, water or air cooled, and core recovery barrels of the type and size specified at ASTM
D 2113.
(2) Core boring shall be made through the casing previously used for soil sampling.
However, if casing was not used during soil drilling prior to rock coring, casing shall be
driven to the top of rock. Casing shall be of sufficient size to permit core drilling and
minimum of "N" size wire line equipment at the depth that bedrock is first encountered.
Coring shall be initiated no earlier than at the point at which the SPT-N Values reach 100
blows for a 150 MM or less of penetration
(3) Core barrels shall be double or triple tube type with non-rotating inner barrels of
Christiansen C Series or Long Year Q Series wire line or equivalent as agreed upon.
Coring runs shall be limited to a maximum length of 1.5 meter provided a minimum of 90
percent of the core from each run is recovered. If less than 90 percent recovery is
obtained, the next run shall be reduced in length by 0.5 meter and shall remain at this
length until 90 percent recovery is achieved.
(4) In the event that core borings penetrate soil filled seams, joints, or cavities where there is
a sudden increase in the rate of penetration the core barrel shall be withdrawn from the
hole and an attempt shall be made to sample the zone using split-spoon samples.
(5) CONTRACTOR shall record changes in penetration rate, loss of drilling fluid.
(1) The core shall be placed in wooden core boxes. Divide each core box into separate
compartments, each compartment shall be the width of the core obtained. Place the
core in these boxes in such a manner that the various strata are in the same relative
position in the core box as they are in the ground. The order of placing cores shall be
the same in all core boxes.
(2) Wooden blocks, marked with the appropriate elevations or depths, shall be inserted
between each run of core. The blocks shall be marked in depth, and the marking
system shall be consistent for all boring and shall be the same form as appears on the
drill logs. The total length of core obtained from each core run and the corresponding
distance drilled shall be indicated on the log.
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(3) The top of each core obtained and its true depth shall be clearly and permanently
marked on each box. The depth of each change of rock strata shall be clearly marked
within each box. Core that is broken during or after removal from the barrel shall be
marked as such. Special care shall be taken to locate and note the depth and thickness
of all soil seams or cavities. These shall be clearly indicated in each box and on the
drilling log.
(4) CONTRACTOR shall place a wooden spacer in the core box in the proper relative
position wherever core is lost or where any known open seams or cavities are
encountered. The spacer shall be marked with the top depth and length of the missing
core or cavity and the nature of the missing segment (for example, "lost core", "cavity",
and so forth).
(5) Any in length to the removed core, marked with the top depth and length, date of
removal, purpose, and name of the party responsible for such removal.
(6) Upon completion of the logging the core box shall be marked on the top with the following
information and carefully placed in the storage area: name of project, project number,
boring number, core box number, depth of core, core run numbers and drilling date.
(7) Color photographs, approximately 7.6 by 10 centimeters minimum size, shall be taken of
the core, including the identification.
1) The purpose of obtaining these samples is to determine the physical properties, stratigraphy
and thickness of the various soil strata as they exist in the ground. It is necessary to locate
and record the depth at which any change in stratification occurs and to obtain samples truly
representative of the material comprising each stratum as it exists in the ground, including its
natural water content. Seal each sample as soon as it is removed from the ground without
loss of water by evaporation, breakage of container, or other disturbances in transit.
2) When casing is used, it shall be driven closely following the cutting bit to exclude surrounding
soils from the boring. The casing may be omitted only where it can be shown, to the
satisfaction of COMPANY, that the boring will not cave in and sampling operations without
the casing will not entrain soils from and elevation higher than the depth at which the sample
is taken.
3) Before the start of drilling operations, CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMPANY with a
complete description of the sampler, giving inside and outside diameters, length of the barrel,
and check valves used.
4) Take special precautions to ensure that the energy of the falling weight is not reduced by
friction between the drive weight and the guides.
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5) Samples shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 1 meter in depth within a continuous
stratum and every change of strata unless otherwise directed COMPANY
1) The purpose of this sampling method is to obtain undisturbed samples of character suitable
for laboratory tests. Nominal 7.6 centimeter diameter samples shall be taken with a
Thin-Walled Tube, Stationary Piston Sampler, Dension or Pitcher Sampler.
2) The length of the sample taken in one sampling operation shall not be less than 30
centimeters, a second attempt may be required to obtain the sample before advancing the
boring to a deeper depth.
3) If the soils are so hard that a Thin-Walled tube cannot be pushed into the soil, then a Dension
or Pitcher type sampler shall be used.
4) If very soft soils are encountered and the sample cannot be retained in the Thin-Walled tube,
then a stationary piston-type or osterberg sampler shall be used.
9.1 General
(1) Field permeability tests shall be performed in the boreholes identified by COMPANY.
Tests shall be conducted in stages as the drilling progresses, in zones selected by the
Geotechnical Engineer.
Permeability tests shall also be performed, in other boreholes, in case of significant
anomaly within the rock mass (fractured zones or void).
(2) Field permeability test shall be performed by the falling water level method (variable head
method) in accordance with BS 5930.
(1) Holes in which seepage tests are to be performed shall be drilled using only clean water
as the drilling fluid. This precludes the forming of a mud cake on the walls of the hole or
clogging of the pores of the soil by drilling mud. The tests are performed intermittently as
the borehole is advanced. When the hole reaches the level at which a test is desired, the
hole is cleaned and flushed using clean water and shielded or upward-deflected jets until
a clean surface of undisturbed material exists at the bottom of the hole.
(2) The casing shall be filled with water which is then allowed to seep into the soil. The rate
of drop of the water level in the casing is observed by measuring the depth of the water
surface below the top of the casing at 1, 2 and 5 minutes after the start o the test and at
5 minute intervals thereafter. These observations are made until the rate of drop becomes
negligible or until sufficient readings have been obtained to satisfactorily determine the
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a) the depth from ground surface to the groundwater surface both before and upon
completion of the test.
f) the depth to the bottom of the boring from the top of the casing.
g) the depth to the standing water level from the top of the casing.
Boreholes shall be backfilled with soil cement or grout except as otherwise directed by COMPANY.
Boreholes shall not be backfilled until the final 24 hours groundwater measurement has been made and
COMPANY has given his approval for the backfilling.
(1) CONTRACTOR’ s location plan and quantities of test pit shall be reviewed and
approved by COMPANY.
(2) The test pits shall be excavated at the location that designated by CONTRACTOR and
approved by COMPANY, in order to take bulk soil samples
(4) Bulk samples shall be used for the laboratory test to determine compaction
characteristic of the site materials.
(5) Test pits shall be backfilled with soil cement, ground or compacted soil on completion
of the work to the satisfaction of COMPANY.
(6) In situ density tests shall be performed in soils intersected in test pits using the sand
replacement method or other method as approved by COMPANY
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Crosshole seismic test conforming to ASTM D4428 shall be performed to obtain the
seismic velocity of subsurface soil/rock for static/dynamic analysis of rotating
equipment foundation with 1m interval to the depth of 15m.
Electrical resistivity test conforming to ASTM G57 by Wenner four electrodes method
shall be performed to obtain in situ resistivity for cathodic protection design with
electrode spacing of 1, 2, 3 and 5m.
Thermal resistivity test shall conform to "Needle Method" of Technical Report F/T181 by
the Electrical Research Association, "Method of Determining Thermal Resistivity of Soil
in situ for the Calculation of Cable Rating".
(1) All boreholes shall be logged by a geotechnical engineer or geologist with a tertiary qualification
in engineering or geology and appropriate experience in this type of work.
(2) The graph or log shall be forwarded to COMPANY office not later than the day following
completion of each sounding or boring. The soils report shall include a re-copied log which
shall be in neat and legible form
(3) Information to be included in the log shall include, but not necessary limited to the following:
7) Elevation of ground surface with respect to reference datum, water depth, and state of
tide, as applicable
8) Depth to different starta and to each sample and those elevation
9) Depth to groundwater and contributory factors
10) Inclination from vertical and direction of hole if applicable
11) Type of sample and its depth
12) Amount recovered for soil samples
13) Where standard penetration samples are taken, the SPT-N values for each sample.
14) Description of each soil sample and soil stratum per the Unified Soil Classification
15) Description of joints conditions: joints spacing and other pertinent comments (infilling,
roughness, aperture…)
16) Description of each rock sample and rock stratum per the Clark & Walker system for
carbonate rocks and ISRM procedures
17) Core recovery and RQD (Rock Quality Destination) for each core run, presented
numerically and graphically
18) Depth at which drilling fluid was lost, if such loss occurs, amount of loss and range of
depth over which the loss occurred
19) Description of all equipment used in performing the investigation and pertinent data
regarding obtaining of samples and field tests such as weight of hammer, height of
hammer fall used, sized and type of samplers, standard penetration blow counts on
sampler, etc.
20) Pertinent comments by a logger covering any special conditions, obstructions and/or
difficulties encountered
14.1 General
(2) Samples to be tested in the laboratory shall be selected by the CONTRACTOR on the
basis of the field logs. Laboratory testing will be concurrent with the drilling and
sampling program. The actual numbers and types of tests to be performed may differ
from those listed, depending upon the results of the drilling and sampling program.
Each laboratory test shall conform to the standards or specifications given in Section 2.
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(2) Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soil, (ASTM D 4318).
(7) Grain size distribution of the portion retained on No. 200 sieve by washing samples
recovered from sand layer (ASTM D 422).
(13) Determination of the thermal conductivity of the soil at the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 meter
depths. (Technical Report F/T 181)
(14) Determination of water-soluble sulfates and water-soluble chlorides in soils. (BS 1377
Part 3)
(16) Determination of hydraulic conductivity of the soil (ASTM D 2434, BS 5930 Section
21.4 and Section 21.4.3 Variable Head Test (Falling Head/Rising Head Tests).
b. Place the measured soil sample in a drying pan of known weight and weight to the
nearest 0.1 gram. Calculate wet density as the measured wet weight divided by
the computed volume, and report in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).
c. Determine the moisture content of the bulk density sample by drying the entire
sample at 110°C ± 5°C until a constant weight is attained, or overnight. Determine
the weight of the over-dried sample to the nearest 0.1 gram. Calculate the
moisture content according to ASTM D2216. Calculate the dry density as the wet
density divided by 1 + moisture content, and report in g/cm3
d. Report the results of the bulk density determinations along with a description of
soil type and any observations of stratification, etc.
CONTRACTOR shall submit the results of the geotechnical investigation in a written interpretative
report. Recommendations shall be fully described in the report. The interpretative report shall contain
the final recommendations and pertinent data, as a minimum. The recommendations shall be completed
and unequivocal for the purpose of engineering, design and construction of civil facilities and
foundations. Recommendations shall be backed up with appropriate analyses which shall be fully
described in the report. The final report shall include the following values, comments, and
d. A plan locating all soil borings and test locations by coordinates. Barzan Project Grid and
Qatar National Height Datum (QNHD) shall be referenced.
e. Complete boring and test pit logs showing boring or test pit number, date of start and
completion, ground surface elevation, ground water level, and standard penetration
resistance N values.
a. Descriptions of site conditions - regional geology and potential geological hazards, site
surface description, subsurface conditions, and subsoil properties
b. Determination of the static ground water level and expected variances at each boring. An
analysis of the ground water as to its corrosive properties shall be made.
a. Recommended foundation types and embedment depths for different plant facilities
stating the general criteria, including the factor of safety, used for selection. Also include
anticipated construction problems for each type of foundation.
c. For soils subject to shrink/swell, e-log P (void ratio - log pressure) curve(s) determined in
accordance with ASTM D4546 shall be provided. As a minimum, swell pressure, swell
index and percent heave shall be determined. The percent heave shall be evaluated
under pressure equal to (a) the in-situ vertical overburden pressure, and (b) the in-situ
vertical overburden pressure plus structural loading.
a. Net allowable and ultimate soil bearing values for a range of sizes at recommended
depths below grade.
c. Recommendations and restrictions for large mats and building slabs. Modulus of
subgrade reaction for mat foundation design.
d. Dewatering methods and maintenance of reduced water table for underground structures,
if required.
f. State if the allowable soil bearing pressure may be increased when load combinations
include transient such as wind or earthquake or hydrotest loads.
g. State whether passive resistance and soil friction may be combined in resisting lateral
For vibratory equipment foundation analysis, include the following soil properties:
b. Poisson's ratio and dynamic shear modulus corresponding to each layer of substratum
expected to interact with foundation systems.
15.7 Piles
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Where pile-supported foundations are required, recommended pile types, sizes, and
compression, uplift, and lateral capacities for long term, transient and hydrotest conditions shall
be provided. Recommended hammer type, size, energy, embedment, set and refusal criteria
for pile driving shall be included, as well as the need for pile load test. Anticipated downdrag,
heave or group action shall be state where applicable.
15.8.1 Earthwork
b. Suitability of on-site soils for use in various types of compacted fill, including
compaction criteria and special preparation / other requirements for use.
k. Topsoil to be stripped
a. Recommendations for types of materials for the subbase and base course, in
considering availability of local materials.
b. Recommendations for natural and fill subgrade preparation and CBR values for
recommended subgrade, subbase or base course.
f. Amount of soluble sulfates and chlorides in soils and in ground water, and carbonate
content of soils.
16.2 Factual report shall be reviewed by COMPANY and comments shall be incorporated
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