Theoretical and Exper Study Steel Props

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Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steel Props Used in Concrete Buildings

Article in International Journal of Engineering and Technology · June 2015

DOI: 10.7763/IJET.2015.V7.787


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4 authors, including:

Cleirton André Silva de Freitas

Universidade Federal do Cariri


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Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steel Props
Used in Concrete Buildings
Cleirton André S. Freitas, Francisco J. P. Almeida, Ailton T. Silva and Wagner O. Batista

cross-section, the length of the column, the elastic modulus

Abstract—In concrete structures molded in situ it is of the material and the restraint provided by the connections
necessary to use temporary structures, called prop. These at the supports.
support the actions of the permanent loads and variable as Euler buckling considers an ideal column, which assumes
well, while the fresh concrete becomes self-supporting. Support
posts are normally made from wood or steel. Little reuse, that: the column is perfectly straight before loading; the
deforestation and low productivity are the disadvantages of the column material is homogenous; the load is applied through
wood column application, against of advantage of the low cost. the centroid of the column's cross-section; and the material
On the other hand, steel column presents high productivity, stresses remain in the linear-elastic region of the stress-strain
time reduces and not only high reuse but also it is renewable. curve. While these assumptions are never truly met in
This work was carried out on the criteria design, experimental
practical columns, Euler buckling serves to introduce the
tests and computational simulation of the steel support post.
The design criteria used in this research it’s from the Brazilian concept of stability as a failure consideration [7].
standard. The lab tests were applied in six typical size Despite of the importance of this prop system, there is not
prototypes. And finally, for the computational simulation was a procedure for accurate sizing, and an experimental study
developed one specific program called FLEP. The results show for validation is needed. This is because the steel prop is
an especial care of parameter buckling in the Brazilian design formed by a set of pieces with different strength. They are
criteria and the program FLEP as well, for to obtain the same
result in experimental tests.
composed of four parts: the inner tube with one top plate; the
outer tube with bottom plate and external thread; Handle of
Index Terms—FLEP program, lab test of prop, Steel prop. adjust; and a pin of fixation (Fig .1). Table 1 shows the
geometry data used for manufacturing the tubes.

Top plate
The prop system consists of temporary structures made of
wood or steel, which is intended to hold the shape of the
Inner tube
concrete [1]. The steel prop can be reused in many different
kinds of works; has load capacity greater than wood;
precision leveling; fast and secure mounting; and also great Pin of
durability [2]. Its use in residential and commercial buildings fixation
with ceiling height until 3.50 meters [3].
The steel props are used during construction, alteration, Handle of
demolition and maintenance works [4]. However, structural adjust
failures of these systems have occurred on construction sites
Outer tube
in the past, due to inadequate design, poor installation and
over-loading, which would cause not only project delays but Bottom plate

more seriously injuries of the construction workers [5].

A large compression load can cause the column to become
unstable, resulting in a sudden lateral deflection of the
column. This bowing of the column is called buckling. The
purpose of the Euler buckling calculations is to compute the Fig. 1 - Elements the adjustable steel props.
magnitude of the axial load that will create this instability in TABLE I – TUBE DIMENSIONS OF THE STEEL PROP.
the column [6].
Factors that dictate the load required to buckle a column OUTER INNER
include the dimensions and configuration of the column LENGTH DIAMETER DIAMETER THICKNESS
TYPE OF SECTION (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TUBE CIRCULAR 1500 52 48 2
Manuscript received March 20, 2014. This work was supported in part by INNER TUBE (STEEL ABNT MR 250)
the FUNCAP and UFCA. Authors are members of the Research group on
structural engineering in Cariri - GPEEC, Federal University of Ceará – UFC
Cariri Campus -, Av. Tenente Raimundo Rocha S/N,
TYPE OF SECTION (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Cidade Universitária, Juazeiro do Norte, 630000 Ceará, Brazil (e-mail: TUBE CIRCULAR 1600 42 38 2
II. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR DESIGN OF PROPS [11] and NBR 8800/08. Thus, were adopted steel props with
According to [8], long and thin elements submitted to an 3.10 meters, and the results of the study these three methods
axial compression are called columns, and the lateral were compared.
deflection is called buckling. The ruin of a compression The first step, experimental tests, was developed in the
member is frequently driven by critical load of buckling, laboratory of structures at the Federal University of Cariri.
unless there is local instability of its components. For the The samples of steel props were obtained in the local market
design of tubular steel prop, was adopted in this work the in the town of the Juazeiro no Norte. Among the data
Brazilian standard NBR 8800/08 [9]. The Equation (1) analyzed, the principal was the load capacity.
shows a axial force resistance in compression (Nc,Rd), The next step was the computational study with the
associated with instability-limits by bending, torsional and program FLEP (Linear and Elastic Buckling of Plane
local buckling. Frame). This program was developed by [10], through the
finite element method (F.E.M). Two models were adopted
χ QA g f y for verification of buckling, as well as the value critical load.
N c , Rd = (1) In the third stage was the sizing following the
γ a1
recommendations of the NBR 15696/09 and NBR 8800/08.
Three hypotheses of theoretical models for the props were
studied. Were considered the props made only with inner
χ is a reduction factor associated with compression;
Q is a reduction factor associated with local buckling; tube the props made only with outer tube and the props made
Ag is a cross section area; with both inner and outer tube.
fy is a yield stress of steel;
γa1 is equal to 1,10 in normal case. IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
Experimental tests were performed in five samples of steel
In the circular tubular sections, the reduction factor for prop. These were built and instrumented according with Fig.
local buckling (Q), according to [9], is given by (2) or (3). For 2. Two steel supports were required and fixed on floor by
the props studied in this work was used Q equal to 1. bolts. The load was gradually applied to the prop by hydraulic
jack (Hidraumon with load capacity of 15ton or 15000kgf). It
If, D ≤ 0 ,11 E then: Q = 1 was controlled by hydraulic pump (Hidraumon of 3CV and
t fy 700bar) and their components, such as electric engine, oil
If, 0 ,11 E D E then: 0 ,038 E 2 compartment box and control valve Fig. 3. The measuring
< ≤ 0 , 45 Q= (3)
fy t fy (D / t) f y 3 system of the displacement were composed by Dial Test
Indicator (DTI), DTI Support, Load cell (RS-5000 Excel -
Where, maximum of 5000 Kgf) and Reading panel (HBM WE2108).
D is an outer diameter of tube;
t is a thickness of tube;
E is an Young’s modulus of material.

The reduction factor (χ) is obtained by (4) or (5), Dial test

accordance with slenderness ratio (λo) by (6). The axial force indicator

of elastic bucking (Ne) is obtained by (7).

Hydraulic jack
If, λo ≤ 1,5 then: χ = 0 ,658 λ0 (4)
Steel prop
If, λo >1,5 then: χ = 0 ,658 / λ 20 (5)
Load cell
QA g f y
λ0 = (6)
EI π 2 (7)
Ne =
(KL ) 2

K is a buckling coefficient;
L is a free length;
I is a moments of inertia of the section. Fig. 2 – Experimental study of the adjustable steel prop.

III. METHODOLOGY The load step was applied with increment of 100 kgf.
In this work were developed an experimental study, an Then, a longitudinal displacement was read by one DTI on
analysis of the computational model through the FLEP top. The lateral deflection was also read by two DTI installed
software [10] and a prop sizing following the NBR 15696/09 at a distance of 1.30 m from the base (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).
The critical load used was the average of the maximum
loads supported (Pcr = 1650 kgf). The prototypes had little
lateral displacement during test until the buckling load as
shown in Fig. 6. The results of all props were similar
behavior to prop 1, Fig. 7. The lateral displacement was less
than 4 mm at the maximum load.
The collapse occurred always in the inner tube. The
increase of displacement with decrease of load occurred after
the critical load as shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 3 – Hydraulic pump made by Hidraumon.

Fig. 4 – Measuring of lateral deflection with Dial Test Indicator.

Fig. 6 – Visual displacement of the steel prop at the load 1673 kgf.

Fig. 5 – Dial Test Indicator on top of prop.

The load was increased until the point where the prop
showed instability. It is the time when there was deformation
without load increase. Table 2 shows the values of the applied


Steel prop 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 7 – Lateral deflection of the steel prop 1.
Load Load Load Load Load
(kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf)
1 107 113 108 612 130
2 600 330 320 785 360
3 697 420 520 815 508
4 799 505 705 850 705
5 900 700 900 900 900
6 1200 900 1100 980 1106
7 1311 995 1300 1025 1305
8 1408 1190 1400 1200 1500
9 1500 1300 1500 1300 1600
10 1600 1400 - 1440 1800
11 - 1500 - 1540 -
Fig. 8 – Increase of displacement with decrease of load.
12 - 1600 - 1740 -
Average of loads (kgf) 1650
V. COMPUTATIONAL STUDY (M.E.F.) B. Model with elastic support (FLEP 2)
The computational study was developed by FLEP program In the second model was considered the presence of bottom
[10]; that was used the finite element method. This was plate and top plate of the prop, as shown in Fig. 10. To
implemented with frame element, in which is possible to represent stiffness of the plates were added in the model an
apply external loads and thermal loads. It is possible to elastic spring.
calculate the elastic buckling load, the nodal displacements, The model was run with a unit axial load compression in
reactions, bending moment, and shear force. the negative direction of Y axis, in order to find a value of
The formulation used in the FLEP program was based on critical load. Value of the critical load was about 15.84 kN or
the direct stiffness method. Initially, the internal forces in the 1584 kgf.
structural members were obtained, for the applied loading. The elastic stiffness of support (Krotz) was calculated to
From these efforts, geometric stiffness matrices were simulate the stiffness of the prop plate. According to [12], the
obtained, for each element. The equilibrium equations of the stiffness of an elastic support is numerically equal to the force
structure were represented by (8). that causes unit displacement of this support.

[K t ]{d } = {F } (8) Inner tube Outer tube

[K t ] = [K e ] + λ [K g ] (9)

Roller support Pinned Support
[K t ] is the tangent stiffness matrix; and spring and spring
{d } are the nodal displacements; Fig. 10 - Discretization of the 2nd model by M.E.F (FLEP Program).
{F } are the combined nodal forces;
[K e ] is the elastic stiffness matrix; The elastic stiffness of support (Krotz) was calculated to
simulate the stiffness of the prop plate. According to [12], the
λ is dimensionless quantity;
stiffness of an elastic support is numerically equal to the force
[ ]
K g is the geometric stiffness matrix; that causes unit displacement of this support. Then, plate was
considered as shown in Fig. 11 and the free body diagram of
The lowest value of λ , which makes singular the matrix plate in Fig. 12.
[K t ] in (9), is the value of the critical load of linear elastic Unit rotation in the counterclockwise direction was
buckling of the structure. applied in the middle of the bar. Besides, was considered a
In the FLEP program was used a method based on the constant of cross section. Then, was obtained the stiffness
bisection algorithm. Where, the tangent stiffness matrix of coefficient, about 168, through of coefficients
the structure [K t ] was factored for many values of sum, as shown in (8).
dimensionless quantity λ . For this, the Cholesk method was
used. Finally was obtained the value of the linear elastic
critical load.
The Frame element was used for two-dimensional
modeling. It is link by two nodes; having three degrees of
freedom per node. Two computational models were adopted
in this step. The first was discretized with rigid roller and
pinned support. The second model was discretized
considering elastic support because of end plate.
Fig. 11 – Plate illustration of steel prop.

A. Model with rigid support (FLEP 1)

In this model was disregarded the bottom and top plate of
prop. The prop discretization is shown in Fig. 9. Observe that
outer tube and inner tube are made by four frame elements.
For the supports were used roller and pinned. The model was
run with a unit axial load compression in the negative
direction of Y axis, in order to find a value of critical load. Fig. 12 – Free body diagram of plate.
Value of the critical load was about 13,76 kN or 1376 kgf.
3 EI 3 EI 6 EI (8)
Inner tube Outer tube K RotZ = + =

Roller support Pinned support

Fig. 9 - Discretization of the 1st model by M.E.F (FLEP Program).
The theoretical study was based on NBR15696/09 that In this chapter were compared the numerical and
references the NBR 8800/08 for design of tubular members. analytical results with the experimental one. The Fig. 16
The NBR 8800/08 does not refer the compression sizing of resumes the comparison of the critical load between:
the tubes with variable circular section. In this study were Experimental; Computational (FLEP1 and FLEP2); and
adopted three hypotheses for design of tubular steel prop. Analytical (NBR1, NBR2 and NBR3) results.
In the first case was considered the steel prop made only The 2nd model of the computational study (FLEP2) was
with inner tube. In the second hypothesis was adopted only more approached of the experimental test than 1st model
the outer tube. And in the third were adopted the two (FLEP1). The critical load for FLEP2 was 4% less than the
sections, inner and outer tube, with their respective lengths. experimental value. The analytical study with NBR1 (inner
tube) and NBR2 (outer tube) were realized only to understand
the element behavior and computational calibration. It is not
A. Application of the first hypothesis: inner tube (NBR1)
apply in real case. The third hypothesis, NBR3, (used inner
Was adopted a single cross section for all length of prop,
tube and outer tube with buckling coefficient k equal to 1.4)
inner tube equal to 42 mm and thickness about 2 mm. In Fig.
showed result 2% less than the experimental test.
13 are shown the characteristics of the prop for this
hypothesis. After the application of the theoretical
foundations for design of steel props by (1) to (7) was
obtained axial force resistance (Nc,Rd) equal to 845.0 kgf.

Tube Ø42mm – K=1

Fig. 13 – Geometry of the 1st Hypothesis using inner tube.

B. Application of the second hypothesis: outer tube

Was adopted a single cross section for all length of prop,
outer tube equal to 52 mm and thickness about 2 mm. In Fig. Fig. 16 – Comparison of the critical load.
14 are shown the characteristics of the prop for this
hypothesis. The axial force resistance (Nc,Rd) equal to 1648.0 VIII. CONCLUSION
kgf was obtained by (1) to (7). The FLEP program proved to be a reliable tool for
computational analysis of steel prop. Justified by the fact that
Tube Ø52mm – K=1
the result of his critical load was only 4% lower compared to
the experimental trial. The experimental test is the best way
to define the permissible load of the steel prop. After the
Fig. 14 – Geometry of the 2nd Hypothesis using outer tube.
experimental study was possible to calibrate the analytical
study with NBR3, adopted buckling coefficient equal to 1.4.
C. Application of the third hypothesis: inner and outer It is not exist in literature.
tube (NBR3)
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Planos. 2010. Ferramenta Didática (Curso de Engenharia Civil) – structures. He developed studies in three-dimensional
Universidade Federal do Ceará -Campus Cariri, Juazeiro do Norte. modeling, finite element and experimental tests. Relevant experience in projects
[11] ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. NBR 15696 Fôrmas e of concrete structures and steel into works of hydropower at ENGEVIX S/A.
escoramentos para estruturas de concreto - Projeto, dimensionamento e Currently he is Professor Effective Civil Engineering, Federal University of
procedimentos executivos. Rio de Janeiro, 2009. Cariri.
[12] Soriano, H. L.; Lima, S. S. (2006). Análise de Estruturas: Método das The last publication of Prof. André Freitas, were: Evaluación numérica del
Forças e Método dos Deslocamentos. 2ª Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora efecto del espesor de la placa de contacto en la acción de palanca en conexión de
Ciência Moderna Ltda. acero tipo T . Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y
Diseño en Ingeniería, p. 1-9, 2012.; and Numerical and Experimental Study of
Steel Space Truss with Stamped Connection. Journal of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, v. 5, p. 494-504, 2011.

Francisco José P. de Almeida is from Fortaleza city,

Brazil and was born in 1960. Graduated in Civil
Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (in
1983) and a Masters in Civil Engineering from the
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1985).
Worked with stress analysis on components of rockets
at the Institute of Aeronautics and Space construction
(ITA). He is currently assistant professor at the Federal
University of Cariri (UFCA). Develops computational
programs for analysis using finite elements. He is the author of FLEP.

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