Software Testing Code - 22518

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Software Testing Code - 22518

Sr. Test Test Case Prerequisites Steps Input Data Expected Actual Remarks
no Case Objectives Result Result
1 TC1 Login Username and Input the Username The user The user is Pass
password username and and should logged in
password and password login to in the
press login system system

2 TC2 Login Invalid Input the Invalid The user The user Pass
username or username and username should not was not
password password and login in the able to log
password system and in and
prompted prompted
that invalid to enter
credentials valid
passed credentials
3 TC3 Create, edit The user Navigate to No data The The anager Pass
an delete should be the data manager was able to
material or manager editing page should able manipulate
supplier and do to data
data respective manipulate
task the data
4 TC4 Manipulate The user Navigate to The user The The Pass
staff data must be the user data which manager manager
manager management to be should be was able
page and do manipulated able to to
respective manipulate manipulate
work the user the user
data data
5 TC5 View Tasks The user must Navigate to No input The user The user Pass
be the tasks should be was able to
authenticated section to able to view his
view the view his tasks.
respective tasks
data assigned

Software Testing Code - 22518

1. Generate the test case to validate the Supplier’s contact details like Mobile number and E-mail address.
Sr. Test Test Case Prerequisites Steps Input Expected Actual Remarks
no Case ID Objectives Data Result Result
1 TC1 To validate the Mobile Enter the Valid The user The Pass
mobile number number mobile mobile shall number is
number number prompt valid
is valid
2 TC2 To validate Mobile Enter the Invalid The user The Pass
mobile number Number mobile mobile shall number is
number number prompt invalid
is invalid

2. Generate the test case to validate quantity for selected goods/items.

Sr. Test Test Case Prerequisites Steps Input Expected Actual Remarks
no Case Objectives Data Result Result
1 TC1 To validate The item Enter the 0 The user The user Pass
the quantity of selected quantity shall was
items prompt prompted
that the that the
quantity is quantity
never 0 must be
than 0
2 TC2 To validate The item Enter the The valid The The user Pass
the quantity of selected quantity quantity quantity was able to
items should select the
selected quantity
3 TC3 To validate The item Enter the The The user The user Pass
the quantity of selected quantity quantity shall was
the items greater prompt prompted
than that the that the
limit quantity quantity
should be should be
less less.

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