Making It All Work
Making It All Work
Making It All Work
too simplistic
Setting priorities first => no focus on
Systems were getting lower priorities out of the way
Focussed on setting goals => no
Why other systems and models have failed recognition of different levels of goals
Assuming you can start from scratch ->
can't deal with rapid change
The concepts work, in an understandable and logical way
Capture what isn't clear
Clarify what isn't clear
The key is to GET CONTROL
Then organize
Then regularly review
Why a phenomenon? They are easily implemented by anyone Something to write with
at any time with common tools everyone Necessary tools A mind that works sufficiently
Somewhere to hold the lists you create
Based on fundamental universal principles
The GTD phenomenon Process
Mastering workflow Organize
The new model
Tools to gain control
It's all about focus GTD gives
Install habits to reflect on perspective
Power = concentration
Concentration = elimination of distraction
Limited amount of space for recall
Your mind cannot manage commitments well
Latest and loudest get most attention
Until there's a better system, the mind cannot let go
A leak-free system
A systematic approach to retrieving data
The logic of GTD How to relieve the pressure of broken from that system
Distraction = mismanaged commitments self-agreements
translated down to action level
So why does this work for a calendar? you know where it's parked
unkept appts lead to quick negative feedback
Finish your thinking
Perspective is your most valuable asset Manage the forest & Hug the trees
Set up your calendar and action list manager Pressures of what you do professionally
encroach inappropriately on what you do
paper-based or electronic doesn't matter;
whatever works for you Constructing Your System privately
Set up ad hoc list functionality
Life and work are NOT mutually exclusive spheres
If you haven't one, "stuff" will (re)enter your life Set up a functioning reference system The Hoax of Life/Work Balance Key issue is to eliminate distraction and
have focused alignment in whatever
your workstation should give you the Structure effective personal office, home you're doing
feeling you're in your own 'cockpit' and transit workstations
incompletion trigger list might help Complete mind sweeps Making It All Work-In The Real World
Employing Tools and Tricks-Working a System
Negative label = you've gotten stuck here
Identify projects and actions to improve your system
Victim: only dealing with latest & loudest;
it *will* take time, but make it a habit just
like brushing your teeth (which also takes operating in crisis mode
Populating the System
time!) Incorporate time for processing Victim/Reponder Responder: knows this may happen, but
also knows how to get act to get back on
Build in the weekly operational review track
Creating elevated horizon events Micromanager: inordinate emphasis on
aim to reach zero every 24-48 hours Use and empty your in-baskets structure, process, system
Too controlled = out of control
Do weekly reviews Working the System Micromanager/Implementer
Implementer = we organize ourselves to
Reassess and refresh your system consistently fulfill our directives
The Matrix of Self-Management
What has your attention? What's the Crazymaker: no focus or at least
weakest link in the chain? Capture / overcommitted
When in doubt, clean your inbox Clarify / Organize / Review or Do? If you're not feeling in control... Crazymaker/Visionary "I can resist anything but temptation"
Just start doing the exercises and don't So, what? Visionary: visioning is core to expressing and expanding
get too hung up on what comes out. You The Fundamentals of
Self-Management An appropriate mix of perspective and structure
can always change things later on. ... and if you need a focus?
In "the zone"
Independant of content or substance of
Why am I here & How am I? Captain and Commander what you're doing
purpose is manifested continually But pay attention to preventive
maintenance responsibilities: don't just
"ultimately I take actions to complete
cruise along
projects in order to fulfill responsibilities
that I have so that I can move myself Scope: Why?
forward to accomplish things that I do to
make my vision come about, whcih will Situational
fulfill my purpose for being. The Matrix is Fluid
mission statement The 1st step in improving is accepting current reality
Typical formats
statement of purpose Captured
Typical trigger: a situation in which you're Purpose Clarified
unclear about how and why you're What has your attention hasn't been
Decided upon
involved OR in which you need to allocate Paying attention to what has your attention
scarce resources When to Engage Handled
Getting Perspective at 50k Feet:
Purpose and Principles The starting point is right now, right here
Focusing on your ultimate reason for
existence is likely to trip up anyone with
only a partially open consciousness, and Identify anything in life OR work that YOU Physical environment
in that context can quickly degenerate think might need to be different
into naive navel staring and self absorbed Mental inventory
romanticism. The Ultimate (and Patient) Power of Purpose
Create a crude placeholder for it in one Physical in-basket
delimited location
Scope: 'You wouldn't care where you lived Paper list
You're at your best when... what? as long as... what?"
The even more subtle stuff Use the Horizons of Focus as a checklist
Simple list
Typical formats 10k feet: Projects Unresolved issues are projects as well
Personal credo's
At the beginning of an(y)_enterprise, 20k feet: Areas of Focus and
when people aren't entirely clear on the The personal mind sweep Responsibility Roles you play, hats you wear
mode of operation When to Engage
What you need or want to be
accomplishing in the future
If you were wildly succesful in the coming Even if such goals haven't been clearly
years, what would you imagine or see 30k feet: Goals and Objectives
articulated, the question of setting them is
yourself doing or being? Lifestyle & career goals Scope: what would long-term success already on your mind -> capture that!
look, sound and feel like?
Nature of the company 40k feet: Vision
What you do see yourself doing 5 years from now? 50k feet: Purpose and Principles
What's the biggest/best thing you can offsite meetings etc Running diary of events happening
imagine for yourself or your organization?
Typical formats More reflective writing
write your own obituary Journaling Power of pure observation (without
treasure maps / mind maps immediate reaction)
Getting Perspective at 40k Feet: Vision
Regularly, and whenever circumstances demand it Handy if thinking about a particular
When and How to Engage
project/situation is
The true power in a long rnage vision is disjointed/fractured/scattered
the acceptance that holding that picture
inside your consciousness permits you to Getting Control: Capturing
"When in doubt, clean a drawer"
imagine yourself doing something much
grander than you would normally allow Cleaning up Things are initially functional but lose their
yourelf. functionality over time
Pictures in our mind about ourselves The Future Is Now More than the sum of its parts
affect our neural patterns and self-image Group capturing
Things remain disorganized when people
health/vitalit don't confront their meaning
The Organizer as Therapist
recreation Unprocessed stuff nags at you
life The Nature and Volume of "Stuff" You go numb to nagging (but also to gold nuggets)
self-development Capture without restraint; after that,
spirituality Clarify and evaluate it against all sorts of
etc... Dealing with Stuff The Vision vs Execution Dynamic
Convergent vs. divergent thinking | CPH127
asset management Scope: what do you need to maintain?
"What is it? What do you think you should do with it?"
quality control The Key to an Empty In-basket
planning Notice areas that you're resistant to
staff development work examining in detail; these probably
Don't blend actionable and nonactionable items contain blended items
system design
public relations 'Maybe' is 'No, but might require action later'
Is it actionable?
etc... Getting Perspective at 20k Feet: Meetings should end identifying action
Areas of Focus & items and owners
Ask yourself: why do I have that project?
Responsibility You're responsible for your own life: don't
High level job description let yourself be the victim!
Org chart What's my desired outcome? / What does DONE mean?
Personal lifestyle checklist What's the next action? / What does
Typical formats The Fundamental Thought Process for GTD
Dept structure chart Getting Control: Clarifying DOING look like & WHERE does it
Project component checklist
You need to know where you're going in
Monthly or so
The Critical Questions to Be Answered order to get there most efficiently
Or when something signifant has The Tactical Value of Outcome Focusing Decide on a defined outcome will avoid
changed or will change procrastination and get you unstuck
Or when things aren't in balance How and When to Engage
(work/private!) as much as you'd wish The Reality Check of the Next Action Focus
them to be "Unless an active reclarification is applied
to stuff it tends to expand and
Areas of Focus that don't demand self-propagate"
attention usually don't get it: they'll lurk
It's Meaningless Is it trash? Reframe question: Does it
until they blow up. This way, you'll flag
them before they do. Hopping into the Realm of the More (still) have a meaning for you?
If It's Not Actionable, Then
Subtle and More Strategic Decide not to decide; no commitments to
do anything, but put it in a trusted Seven Problems with a Someday/Maybe
It's to Hold On, Until a Later Time organization list List — and Ways to Correct Them
Outcomes that can be completed in a year
Something that can be finished and It's reference
marked DONE
Scope: what do you need to complete? We don't need to think about them when
Weekly reviewed if you want to finish it within a year
things are obvious and easy .. but under
Not something you DO; you can only do action steps stress even simple procedures such as
capture & clarify are often resisted and
Projects list = index to your projects ignored.
No project too small Appropriate focus doesn't always happen
The Power of the Fundamental Thinking Process
No difference between personal and Typical formats on its own; train yourself to do it
business: it's what you want to GET
DONE, right? Getting Perspective at 10k Feet: Projects
There's no such thing as "not organized at all"
Get clear: (re)gather all stuff
Order = Freedom
also scan your calendar Get current: update your system Weekly
Not organised is to miss opportunities to
Get creative complete tasks with the minimum of tmie
How and When to Engage & effort
Whenever some key project(s) lags behind Inefficient systems drain energy
If you feel out of control
"Where things are suits what they mean to you"
You need to have thought enough so you "Organized" is a self-defined concept,
don't have to think, just act different for each individual
The Power of Project-level Thinking
Neat is not equal to organized
What "Organized" Really Means
The world changes over time; if you don't
Scope: what do you need to do?
change your environment with it, you
Typical Formats Organization is an ongoing effort become disorganized
When you have time and want to make Decide what to hold on to, how, and for what purpose
sure you're considering all available Meaning Precedes Organization
How and When to Engage Runway stuff generates more input and
occurs and changes more frequently
Inventory of options should be as clear
and complete as possible. Big difference Sophisticated Systems for Mundate Details Higher level purposes require less data
Getting Perspective on the and occurs less often
between mostly complete and fully
complete. Runway: Next Actions
The Runway and Your Priorities Might be evident, but if written down
Purpose allows for regular realignment
Execution has reached the top of the
business buzzwords
The Action Level as the New Frontier Best behaviours
Simple list will do
The more control and perspective you
have, the more you'll be willing to stretch Simple list
and expand into new territories
The Ultimate Mystery of the Mundane Vision 'Treasure map'
Photo collage
To get control is to have all of your
Areas of Focus Simple list; usu. less than 20
choices available in one place
To get perspective is to match your Once You're In Control, Keep Going! Simple list should do (NB: this is just the
choices to your goals index to all the projects; the support
Projects material goes elsewhere!)
If the meaning of your piles isn't regularly
refreshed, recalibrated, enlivened they Outcomes You're Waiting On From Others
can easily revert to so much 'stuff'
You Need Perspective to Stay in Control
Day+time specific actions
Perspective naturally follows out of Calendar Day-specific actions
Control, but addressing them separately
Reminders / information
allows for some oft-needed guidance
along the way Calls
Getting a Grip on the Horizons Getting Perspective
Easier to get control on the mundane
Easier to commit clearly to higher levels if Actions
you can trust they'll be implemented Anywhere
ASAP, by context
Best guideline: pay close attention to Going Up or Down the Hierarchy Errands
what has your attention, and start on that Getting Control: Organizing Agendas
The 'levels' do not imply relative ... etc
importance; they're all important
Waiting Fors
Higher altitudes typically provide Working with the Horizons of Focus
reference points regularly review
includes long range fantasies
Someday/Maybe ideas books to read, movies to see, places to eat
The Organizing Categories things to learn
... etc
Is reading this mindmap absolutely, No
positively THE thing you should be doing
right now? Don't know? you're out of control
1. Do, if it takes less than 2 minutes Storing and retrieving takes more than two minutes.
Areas of focus/responsibility
Getting Control: Engaging Actions
Time available
Once You Know That The Next Action Is...
YetIogwn_Making-It-All-Work.mmap - 16/06/2011 -