The New Strategic Thinking Robert en 5531
The New Strategic Thinking Robert en 5531
The New Strategic Thinking Robert en 5531
by Michel Robert
McGraw-Hill © 2005
352 pages
Focus Take-Aways
Leadership & Mgt. • A CEO should not keep the company's strategy secret or develop strategy in
Strategy isolation from subordinates. A successful strategy requires stakeholder support.
Sales & Marketing
Finance • The CEO should develop a future-oriented vision for the company.
Human Resources
• This vision unites employees around the company's goals.
IT, Production & Logistics
Career Development • Strategic thinking synthesizes vision and strategy.
Small Business
Economics & Politics • Focus on strategy in both good times and bad.
• A properly formulated strategy will serve your company over the long term.
Concepts & Trends
• Current information can enlighten your expectations and future projections.
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Author and consultant Michel Robert has tested his process for strategy development over
the course of two decades of business experience. His method involves taking advantage
of the overall knowledge of your company’s executives and involving them in developing
strategy, turning them into stakeholders in the company’s future. His book is both a guide
to the process and a collection of case studies of companies that have used this approach,
ranging from insurance providers to heavy equipment manufacturers and developers of
advanced weapons systems. Not surprisingly, Robert champions his proprietary process
and often crosses the line into selling rather than teaching. Nevertheless, getAbstract
finds that this can be a valuable handbook for the CEO who is considering how to set a
strategic direction for growth.