Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2019: Pearson Edexcel GCE in Mathematics (6665) Paper 1 Core Mathematics 3
Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2019: Pearson Edexcel GCE in Mathematics (6665) Paper 1 Core Mathematics 3
Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2019: Pearson Edexcel GCE in Mathematics (6665) Paper 1 Core Mathematics 3
Summer 2019
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Summer 2019
Publications Code 6665_01_1906_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019
General Marking Guidance
All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.
Question Scheme Marks
1 Way 1 Way 2
4x 6 4 x 2 14 x 10
x 2 0 x 4 4 x3 6 x 2 18 x 20 x 2 4 x 6 x 2 18 x 20
4 x3 0 x 2 16 x 4 x3 8 x 2 M1
6 x 2 2 x 20 14 x 2 18 x 20
6 x 2 0 x 24 14 x 2 28 x
2x 4 10 x 20
10 x 20
4x 6
x 2 4 x 2 14 x 20
4 x3 6 x 2 18 x 20
x2 4 4 x2 8 x2
2 x 4 6 x 20
4x 6
( x 2)( x 2) 6 x 12
4x 6 A1
( x 2)
Way 3
4 x3 6 x 2 18 x 20 ax b x 2 4 c( x 2) o.e. 1st M1
Either substitutes/ and or equates coefficients to find a value for a, b or c 2nd M1
One of a 4, b 6, c 2 1st A1
All of a 4, b 6, c 2 2nd A1
(4 marks)
Way 1
M1 Divides 4 x3 6 x2 18 x 20 by x 2 4 to get a linear quotient and a linear remainder.
To award this look for a minimum of the following
4 x+ A
x 2 ( 0 x ) 4 4 x3 6 x 2 18 x 20
4x 3 + 0 x 2 16 x
Cx + D
A1 Quotient = 4 x 6 and Remainder = 2 x 4
M1 Writes their expression in the appropriate form. Allow a slip with sign if the intention is clear.
4 x3 6 x2 18 x 20 Their linear remainder
Their Linear Quotient and factorises x 2 4
x 4
x 4
4x 3 + 0 x 2 16 x
A1 Quotient = 4 x 14 x 10 and Remainder = 0
4 x2 8 x2
A1 All values correct a 4, b 6 and c 2 or writes 4 x 6
( x 2)
Way 3
1st M1 Forms the correct identity by muliplying through by x 2 4
2nd M1 Either equates coefficents and/or substitutes a value for x in an attempt to find a value for
either a, b or c
1st A1 At least one correct value a 4, b 6 or c 2
2nd A1 All values correct a 4, b 6 and c 2 or writes 4 x 6
( x 2)
Question Scheme Marks
y where 0 and 0
3 x 2 dx 3x 2
y (2 x 1) 3x 2 (2 x 1) 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 (2 x 1) 3
1 1 2
where 0 and 0
(2 x 1)3 dy 3x 2 6(2 x 1) (2 x 1) 3
2 3
3 x 2 dx 3x 2
y (2 x 1)3 3x 2 3 2 (2 x 1) 2 3 x 2 3 3 x 2 (2 x 1) 3
1 1 2
dy (2 x 1) 2 18 x 12 6 x 3
3x 2
dy (2 x 1) 12 x 9 3(2 x 1) 2 4 x 3
or (2 x 1) 2 12 x 9 3x 2
3x 2 3x 2
2 2
dx A1
(i)(b) dy
0 either their 12 x 9 0 x or 2 x 1 0 x ... M1
1 3
x , x
2 4
Way 1
(ii) dy sin 2 x M1
y ln(1 cos 2 x)
dx 1 cos 2 x
dy 2sin 2 x
dx 1 cos 2 x
dy 4sin x cos x
dx 2 cos 2 x
2 tan x A1
Way 2 Careful with the order of the Method marks
y ln(1 cos 2 x) y ln 2 cos 2 x 2nd M1
(10 marks)
Question Scheme Marks
M1 Uses either quotient rule or product rule to the achieve the correct form.
A1 Correct unsimplified or simplified expression for
M1 Quotient Rule: Takes out a common factor of at least (2 x 1)2 from the numerator, allow
numerical slips but not algebraic slips, as long as the intention is clear.
Product Rule: Combines as a single fraction with a correct numerator allow numerical slips in
the denominator AND takes out a common factor of at least (2 x 1)2 from the numerator, allow
numerical slips as long as the intention is clear.
dy (2 x 1) 12 x 9
(2 x 1) 2 12 x 9 3 x 2
A1 o.e. such as
3x 2
dx dx
dy dy dy
M1 Sets their 0 or 0 or 0 and proceeds correctly to find a critical value for their
dx dx dx
0 provided that their numerator is at least a quadratic. Condone setting equal to 0 and
cancelling a common factor first as long as a value for x is achieved.
1 3
A1 x ,x
2 4
Way 1
dy sin 2 x
M1 Differentiates to a form
dx 1 cos 2 x
dy 2sin 2 x
A1 A correct derivative
dx 1 cos 2 x
M1 Uses the correct double angle identities sin2x = 2sinxcoss sin 2x 2sin x cos x and
cos 2 x 2 cos 2 x 1
If uses cos 2 x cos 2 x sin 2 x do not award this mark until either 1 sin 2 x becomes cos 2 x or
1 cos 2 x sin 2 x becomes 2 cos 2 x in the denominator
A1 Achieves 2 tan x with no incorrect work seen
Way 2 Careful with the order of the Method marks
3.(a) R 65 B1
tan awrt 82.87 M1A1
(b) 13 13.81 C M1 A1
(c) cos 15t 82.87 M1
15t 82.87 128.33 t 3.03 A1
M1 Sets 13 cos 15t ' ' 12.5 with their values for R and and rearranges to achieve
cos 15t ' ' k where 1 k 1 . Condone starting from 13 ' R 'cos 15t ' ' 12.5
Note 1: Starting with 13 ' R 'cos 15t ' ' 12.5 can score a maximum of M1 A0 dM1 A0. It should
lead to t 0.712 and t 12.238
Note 2: Alpha in radians can score a maximum of M1 A0 dM1 A0. It should lead to t 0.012 and
t 0.213
Question Scheme Marks
2x 5
2 5
4(a) ff(x) M1
2x 5
2 2 x 5 5 x 2
ff(x) x dM1, A1
2 x 5 2 x 2
2 ln a 5
(b) Sets fg(a) g(a) ln a M1
ln a 2
ln a 4 ln a 5 0
ln a 5 (ln a 1) 0 ln a 5, 1 dM1
a e5 , e 1 A1
(7 marks)
2x 5
2 5
M1 Attempts ff(x) condoning sign and numerical slips
2x 5
9 9
Alternatively writes f(x) 2 and hence ff(x) 2
x2 9
2 2
dM1 Correct processing to obtain a single fraction of the form . Achieved by either,
multiplying all terms in both the numerator and the denominator by x 2
attempting to write both the numerator and denominator as a single fraction followed by the
multiplication of the numerator by an inverted denominator to obtain a single fraction of the form
attempting to write both the numerator and denominator as a single fraction followed by the
cancelling of the same denominators to obtain a single fraction of the form
A1 ff(x) x
Question Scheme Marks
V shape on the +ve x axis B1
0, a 0, a and
,0 B1
O a
(b) 1 1
Substitutes x 4 into 3x a x 2 3 4 a 2 2 M1
Way 1 2 2
Solves 12 a 4 a 8, 16 dM1 A1
Substitutes x = 4, squares both sides and forms a 3TQ in a
3x a x 2 4a 2 96a 512 0
Way 2 2 1 M1
Solves 3TQ to find values for a dM1
a 8, 16 A1
Sets 3x a x 2 and substitutes x 4 M1
Rearranges an equation to find a value for a dM1
a 8, 16 A1
(c) Chooses larger value of 'a’ solves 3x a x 2 x ... M1
x or 7.2 A1
(7 marks)
B1 For a V shape on the positive x - axis in quadrants one and two. It must clearly pass through
the y - axis
a a
B1 Points 0, a and , 0 both lie on the graph. Allow a on the y – axis and on the x - axis
3 3
Question Scheme Marks
Way 1
M1 Scored for setting 3x a x 2 and substituting in x 4
Implied by 12 a 4 , or 12 a 4 or 12 a 4
A1 Both a 8, 16
Way 2
M1 Substitutes x = 4 and squared both sides in either order to form a 3TQ in a
A1 Both a 8, 16
A1 Both a 8, 16
M1 Chooses the larger value of 'their a’ and solves 3x a x 2 x ..
A1 x or 7.2
Note: If they use both values of their a then M1 and/or A1 is awarded when the largest value of x
following their values of a is selected.
Question Scheme Marks
d x 2 x 12 ln x 3 d ln x 3
6.(a) f ( x)
dx dx
x 2
x 12 M1
f ( x) ln( x 3) 2 x 1 x 2 x 12 1
x3 A1
or f ( x) ln( x 3) 2 x 1 x 4
(b) ln( x 3) 2 x 1 x 4)( x 3 0 M1
ln( x 3) 2 x 1 x 4 0
(10 marks)
Applies correctly the product rule to f ( x) x 2 x 12 ln( x 3) . If they state
u ... u ' ... and v ... v ' ... follow through on their u ' ... v ' ... as long and u and v
are correct.
f ( x) ln( x 3) 2 x 1 x 2 x 12 1
correct un-simplified or simplified.
Award as soon as a correct version is seen, isw
Must have correct notation e. g. ln x 3 is A0
M1 Sets f ( x) 0 and attempts to factorise x 2
x 12 which may have already been done in part
dM1 Rearranges to an equation of the form .. x ln( x 3) .. x .. ..ln( x 3)
A1* Factorises and divides to form the given equation with no errors or omissions or poor notation
Question Scheme Marks
4 ln( x 3) 4 ln(4)
M1 Substitutes x0 1 in x . Implied by x1 or awrt 1.4
2 ln( x 3) 1 2 ln(4) 1
A1 awrt 1.428
A1 x2 awrt 1.38 0 , x3 awrt 1.385
M1 k 2 f (0) This mark can be implied by seeing k = awrt 26.4 with no working seen
A1 k 24ln3
Question Scheme Marks
1 1 4 1 3
tan x awrt 1.49, 0.49 x ... M1
x awrt 56.2, 26.2 A1
(8 marks)
Alt (b) 2cos( x 30°) = sec x 2 cos x cos30 sin x sin 30 sec x
3 cos 2 A 1 1sin 2 A 2 M1
Question Scheme Marks
M1 Uses cos( A 30°) cos A cos 30 sin A sin 30 (Condone a slip with a missing 2)
dM1 Uses sec A (maybe implied) and divides with an intermediate line to reach tan A + k
cos A
A1 Achieves tan A + 3 with no errors or poor notation cso
M1 Uses part (a) and the equation correctly to reach the form tan x+'' 3'' = sec2 x
M1 Uses sec2 x 1 tan 2 x to form a quadratic in tan x , does not need to be collected onto one
tan 2 x tan x+1 3 = 0 or equivalent including tan x tan x awrt 0.73 = 0
M1 Solves quadratic and proceeds to one value for x.
A1 x awrt 56.2, 26.2
Question Scheme Marks
e0.12t 7 M1 A1
ln 7
t 16.22 years M1, A1
dN A dN A 0.12t
(b) Differentiates to achieve e0.12t dt 600 0.12e M1
N 3000 dN A
Substitutes e0.12t A into e0.12t
600 dt
dN A
Substitutes 600e0.12t N A 3000 into 600e0.12t
Note: If they work with 2 N A do not award any marks until a value for N A is substituted. If they
achieve the correct answer then all marks can be awarded. If they do not achieve the correct
answer B0 M1 A0 dM1 A0.
Special Case: A student who starts with N A 6000 and achieves t 13.41 years can score a
maximum B0, M1, A1 e0.12t 5 , M1, A0 for 3 out of 5
Question Scheme Marks
dN A
M1 Differentiates to achieves the correct form e0.12t
dM1 Rearranges the equation N A 3000 600e0.12t to e0.12t ... and substitutes into
dN A
dN A
or rearranges to 600e0.12t ... and substitutes into 600e0.12t
M1 States 200 Ce k and 500 Ce 2k
dM1 Uses a correct method to eliminate C from their equations to achieved either
500 200
e k '' '' k ... or e-k k ...
200 500
A1* Achieves k ln with no errors or omissions or poor notation. cso
B1 80
Question Scheme Marks
1 dx 1 ...
9(a) x ... OR OR ...(1 cot y)2 M1
Way 1 1 cot y dy 1 cot y 2
(1 cot y ) 2
1 dx 1 dx 1 cosec2 y
x cosec 2
y OR A1
1 cot y dy 1 cot y 2 dy 1 cot y
1 1 x
cot y 1 or cot y B1
x x
Uses cosec2 y 1 cot 2 y and cot y 1 to eliminate y and achieve
f x
2 x2 2 x 1 * A1*
1 1 1 x
Way 2 x cot y 1 or cot y B1
1 cot y x x
dy 1
Differentiates ... 2 M1
dx x
dy 1
cosec 2 y 2 A1
dx x
Uses cosec2 y 1 cot 2 y and cot y 1 to eliminate y and achieve
f x
2 x2 2 x 1* A1*
1 1 x
Way 3 x cot y 1 tan y B1
1 cot y x 1 x
dy 1
Differentiates ... M1
dx 1 x 2
dy 1
sec 2 y A1
dx 1 x 2
Uses sec2 y 1 tan 2 y to eliminate y and achieve f x M1
2 x2 2 x 1* A1*
1 1
(b) x B1
1 3 4
Question Scheme Marks
1 dx
(c) Subs their x into their 2 x 2 2 x 1 and INVERTS M1
4 dy
dy 8
1.6 or A1
dx 5
(8 marks)
Way 1
M1 Attempts to differentiate using the chain rule to reach a form on the rhs ... or
(1 cot y)2
quotient rule to reach the form or ...(1 cot y)2
(1 cot y ) 2
dx 1 dx 1 cosec2 y
A1 Correct differentiation cosec 2
y or
dy 1 cot y 2 dy 1 cot y
1 1 x
B1 States cot y 1 or cot y
x x
M1 Attempts to use cosec2 y 1 cot 2 y with cot y 1 to eliminate y and find an expression for
1 1
dx dx x
in terms of x only e.g.
dy dy 1
2 2
1 1 1
Note: cot 2 y 1 cosec 2 y 1 1 1 cot y
x x x
A1* Achieves the printed answer 2 x 2 2 x 1 with no errors or omissions
Way 2
1 1 x
B1 States cot y 1 or cot y
x x
dy 1
M1 Using implicit differentiation to reach ... 2
dx x
dy 1
A1 Correct differentiation cosec 2 y 2
dx x
M1 Attempts to use cosec2 y 1 cot 2 y with cot y 1 to eliminate y and find an expression for
dx dx 1 2
in terms of x only e.g. 1 1 x 2
dy dy x
A1* Achieves the printed answer 2 x 2 2 x 1 with no errors or omissions
Question Scheme Marks
Way 3
B1 tan y
1 x
dy 1
M1 Using implicit differentiation to reach ...
dx 1 x 2
dy 1
A1 Correct differentiation sec2 y
dx 1 x 2
M1 Attempts to use sec2 y 1 tan 2 y with tan y to eliminate y and find an expression for
1 x
dx x
1 x
in terms of x only 1
dy dy x 1
A1* Achieves the printed answer 2 x 2 2 x 1 with no errors or omissions
B1 States x o.e.
1 dx
M1 Subs their x into 2 x 2 2 x 1 and INVERTS
4 dy
Note: If they do not show you the substitution you will need to check their value of x.
dy 8
A1 or 1.6 cso
dx 5
3 dy 8
Note: If part (b) x this still leads to this scores M1 A0
4 dx 5
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