Reducing Noise From Fans

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NVW0010.1177/0957456517748392Noise & Vibration WorldwideReducing noise from fans

Noise & Vibration Worldwide

Reducing noise from fans 2018, Vol. 49(1) 11­–13

© The Author(s) 2018
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0957456517748392

by NVW editorial staff

Although the noise from a cooling fan has no effect on Easy methods of reducing fan noise
cooling, it is very annoying to the system end user. Most
designs target minimal fan noise for satisfying their user’s Sound Reduction Systems1 offers 10 simple methods of
demands for quiet systems. However, additional desire for reducing noise from fans:
smaller and higher system performance compounds this
challenge, as both serve to increase the need for airflow, 1. Using damping—layer damping and constrained
thereby increasing the noise produced. As fans are cru- layer damping;
cial systems, noise seems to be a necessary by-product. 2. Proper installation of fans;
Additionally, dealing with fan noise has brought us several 3. Lining ductworks with foam or fiberglass;
advancements in technology. 4. Changing fan speed controllers to reduce speed for
axial or centrifugal flow fans;
5. Using silencers to pneumatic exhausts;
Origin of fan noise
6. Fitting quiet, high-efficiency pneumatic nozzles in
Audible noise can originate from several sources. For place of regular ones;
instance, turbulence caused by the blades of a rotating fan 7. Using vibration isolation pads under fan
can give rise to aerodynamic noise. Increasing the rota- installations;
tional speed of a cooling fan can increase the frequency 8. Using flexible seals to reduce the open gap area of
and magnitude of the noise generated proportionately. openings;
Vibrations can cause mechanical noise from unbalanced 9. Using quieter timing belts and chains with differ-
rotating elements, or from the bearings of the fan. Noise ent tooth profiles;
can reach intolerable or destructive levels through ampli- 10. Using general-duty motors in place of speed con-
fication if its frequency matches some resonant frequency trolled electric motors.
of the enclosure. Although the motor of a fan may also
contribute to the overall noise, in general, it contributes According to Sound Reduction Systems,1 damping is
only a small part to the total noise generated by the cool- usually of two types. The first is layer damping, where the
ing system. layer of bitumastic damping material is stuck on to a sur-
Noise generated by several components is inherent in face. The other is constrained layer damping, involving the
the design of the fan. Most of them are almost beyond the construction of a laminate, which is more rugged.
control of the enclosure designer. Efforts for significantly Fans are at their quietest when operating at peak effi-
reducing the noise levels may result in reducing the effec- ciency. Bends and dampers close to the fan are common
tiveness of a fan, rendering it useless. noise-reduction features. Simple methods such as using
Nevertheless, enclosure designers must pay attention to 2–3 duct diameters of straight duct between any feature
some details for minimizing noise: that is disturbing the flow and the fan itself can cut down
the noise by up to 12 dB.
•• Move the fan farther away from obstacles in front Ductwork is the opening for the fan in walls and enclo-
and behind the fan, if they exist. sures, and typically extraction, ventilation, and cooling sys-
•• Generally, obstacles on the intake side of the fan tems use them. Simply lining the last bend in the ductwork
increase the noise level more than those on its with fiberglass or foam may be enough to achieve a 10–20 dB
exhaust side. reduction in airborne noise from the duct. Constructing a
•• Reduce the revolutions per min of the fan, although lined right-angled bend or an absorbent to fit on the opening
this may also lower the airflow. may also produce the same effect. Multi-purpose acoustic
•• Mount the fan on the interior of the enclosure rather barriers used for ceiling voids or within partition walls can
than on its exterior. reduce room-to-room noise by as much as 46 dB.
12 Noise & Vibration Worldwide 49(1)

Axial or centrifugal flow fans are known to produce needed and the tailoring necessary for noise suppression
less noise simply by changing their speed controller sys- treatment that will provide considerable cost savings.
tems, pulley sizes, and or resetting dampers. Fitting silenc- For large fans producing considerable amount of noise in
ers on pneumatic exhausts reduces noise by as much as industries such as power, steel, cement, and more, Industrial
30 dB. Replacing normal pneumatic nozzles with quiet, Noise & Vibration Centre3 has several solutions. They pre-
high-efficiency units can cut down fan noise from coolers, fer not to use attenuators, silencers, acoustic enclosures, or
dryers, and blowers by about 10 dB. reduce the efficiency of the industrial fans for the purpose.
Vibration isolation pads, usually made of rubber or The alternative technologies they have developed reduce
bonded cork, are very useful for reducing vibration and the noise, but without the associated loss in efficiency, but
noise pollution. Machine feet, pumps, and mezzanine by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint.
installations typically use them to improve the sound- According to Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre,3 noise
insulation performance of timber floors. Users can simply from fans is the sum of the pressure fluctuations gener-
replace conventional carpet underlay with vibration isola- ated by turbulence in the air shed by the blades. They have
tion pads or place them under most floor finishes. developed a range of aerodynamic inserts that fit inside the
Using flexible seals to reduce the openings of machine fan casing and smooth the flow. This reduces the pressure
guards can be useful in reducing noise. The flexibility of fluctuations—and hence the noise—at source without intro-
such seals allows forming them easily around penetrations ducing any backpressure often associated with silencers.
or contours. This not only reduces the noise traveling down the intake
Replacing noisy chain drives with quieter timing belts and exhaust ductwork but also noise traveling that passing
using different tooth profiles can limit noise. For instance, through the fan casing, which may not only eliminate the
a chevron tooth pattern can cut noise by nearly 20 dB. need for silencers but also the need for acoustic enclosures.
Electric motors with speed control that drive fans and They call this the Quiet Fan Technology (QFT)—industrial
pumps produce more noise than general-duty motors. fan noise reduction without silencers.
Phasing then into the system over a period helps reducing
the overall noise produced.
Reducing automotive fan noise
There is an increasing requirement for reducing auto-
Industrial fan noise reduction motive radiator cooling fan noise. According to Atsushi
Reducing fan noise in the industry involves something Suzuki et al.,4 it is necessary to reduce the system’s blade
more than the simple methods outlined above. In the passing frequency (BPF), a periodical noise unpleasant
industry, one encounters much higher levels of noise, inca- to the ear, in addition to an overall noise reduction. Their
pable of effective reduction by common methods such as technique consists of a computational fluid dynamics
the use of acoustic enclosures, sound barriers, silencers, or (CFD) and sound wave propagation analysis prior to trial.
screens. For instance, Advanced Noise Solutions2 had to They optimize the geometric parameters influencing the
design an advanced noise-canceling solution for reducing BPF noise by applying quality engineering for evaluating
the noise from dust extractor fans. the effect of noise reduction.
According to Advanced Noise Solutions,2 attenuating Manufacturers usually integrate the fan components
silencers perform poorly at low frequencies. As industrial into a compact module such as a condenser radiator fan
fans and blowers mainly produce a loud low-frequency module (CRFM). According to Atsushi Suzuki et al.,4 it is
drone or hum, attenuating silencers are usually not effec- necessary to predict and reduce the BPF noise from the
tive. Moreover, the human ear is especially sensitive to CRFM, which they claim originates from the following:
drones, hums, and whines, and therefore, such noise is a
common cause of nuisance. Advanced fan noise-canceling 1. Spatial transfer of pressure distribution generated
methods are useful at all frequencies and effectively reduce on the blade surface by the fan rotation.
low-frequency droning, humming, and high-frequency 2. Time fluctuation of pressure distributions on the
whining from fans by about 20–30 dB. blade surface by non-uniform velocity distribu-
Companies often incur wasteful expenditure when tions upstream of the fan.
choosing random ineffective solutions for reducing fan 3. Time fluctuation of pressure distributions on the
noise, or when applying noise-reduction measures to all blade surface by the potential interaction with
the equipment when treating only one item at much lower engine components downstream of the fan.
cost would have sufficed. According to Advanced Noise
Solutions,2 it is necessary to carry out a diagnostic noise For application to the noise reduction, Atsushi Suzuki
survey first and establish the fan, blower, machine, or equip- et al.4 have developed a prediction technique using the
ment precisely as the main noise source without any doubt. unsteady CFD results for the BPF noise generated from
This method also fixes the amount of sound reduction the CRFM fan. They obtained effective data on the CRFM
Reducing noise from fans 13

shroud casing by a minimization study using the Taguchi Using quieter fans
method on the BPF noise derived from the BPF noise pre-
diction technique. Instead of trying to add material to reduce the noise gener-
ated by fans, there have been several attempts to develop
fans that generate lower amounts of noise when operating
Reducing fan noise in grow rooms and fans that do not have any blades—for instance, bladeless
An indoor grow room has noise generated by exhausts, fans from Dyson, as mentioned by the WIRED UK Blog.6
extracting tube vents, air pumps, and other electric compo- According to the WIRED UK Blog,6 as blades moving
nents, which may be an inconvenient nuisance. According through air generate the maximum amount of noise from
to the RQS Blog,5 silencing the grow room is easy, and a fan, the simple process of having no blades should stop
accomplishing this may not be expensive if the user follows any noise from being generated. In fact, Dyson claims its
their tips. Some techniques they suggest are as follows: bladeless fans are 75% quieter than regular fans. They
generate the airflow via a motor and impeller embedded
•• Suspend fan in an enclosure. within the base of the device. The air pushes up through
•• Put pump on vibration absorption rubber mat. the circular head, where it exits out from slits.
•• Use insulated ducting. By smoothing the area and improving the airflow, Dyson
•• Soundproof the room. was able to reduce the stress on the motor, so the fan was
•• Add a muffler to the exhaust duct. able to produce the same amount of air with half the energy
it used before. According to the WIRED UK Blog,6 Dyson
According to the RQS Blog,5 noise from vibrating fans also built a Helmholtz cavity for placing the motor and the
usually travels through the ground, ceilings, and walls. impeller. This allowed them to tune the cavity to trap most
Isolating the fans from any surface by mounting them of the noise generated from the fan and make it quieter.
in enclosures such as within a simple wooden box helps
reduce this conducted transfer. Conclusion
Placing water pumps on the floor, a shelf, or a table Although noise is unavoidable when fans are used, this
usually amplifies the vibrations and transmits the noise can be reduced largely by following simple rules. On the
beyond the grow room. RQS Blog5 suggests placing high- industrial scale, it is more effective to employ noise-cance-
density rubber foam between the ground and the pump ling methods. Using more efficient fans or bladeless fans
reduces this transmission drastically. may be more welcome in specific cases.
Rigid metallic ducting usually causes severe vibration
and noise. RQS Blog5 suggests using ducting containing References
fiberglass insulation, as this offers a superb compromise
1. Sound Reduction Systems. Top-ten noise reduction meth-
and vastly reduces the noise created by air movements. ods,
Simultaneously, as more bends and turns in the ducting top-ten-noise-reduction-methods/
increase vibrations, it helps to minimize the bends when 2. Advanced Noise Solutions Ltd. Industrial noise control,
planning ducting for the grow room.
Soundproofing the grow room can be accomplished with- noise.html
out resorting to a major structural rework. RQS Blog5 sug- 3. Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre. Industrial fan noise
gests simple options such as hanging several heavy vinyl reduction: low frequency—tones—hums, http://www.invc.
curtains, which can effectively block noise and vibrations. If com/noise/noise-control/fan-noise-reduction/
the grow room is still in the planning stages, RQS Blog5 sug- 4. Suzuki A, Tominaga T, Eguchi T, et al. Study of fan noise
reduction for automotive radiator cooling fans. Tech Rev
gest considering laying soundproofing underlay on the floor.
2006; 43(3),
The main exhaust duct from the grow room can be the
biggest source of noise. RQS Blog5 suggests combating 5. Royal Queen Seeds (RQS). Tips for silencing your grow
this by adding a muffler to the exhaust duct. They recom- room. In: RQS Blog, 27 May 2016, https://www.royalqueen-
mend building this muffler from commonly available parts
such as mainly a large plastic trash bin with a lid and some 6. WIRED UK. How Dyson made its bladeless fan 75 per
fiberglass insulation. The process is very simple and it cent quieter. In: WIRED, 16 April 2014, http://www.wired.
takes very little time to build one.

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