Iso - Iec - TS - 22237-5 - 2018 Anglais - V1

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Information technology — Data
centre facilities and infrastructures

Part 5:
Telecommunications cabling
Technologie de l’information — Installation et infrastructures de
centres de traitement de données —
Partie 5: Infrastructure du câblage dédié télécommunications
Contents Page

Foreword...................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Scope................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................. 3
4 Conformance.................................................................................................................................................. 4
5 Telecommunications cabling within the data centre........................................................................ 4
5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1.1 The importance of telecommunications cabling within data centre spaces.............4
5.1.2 Cabling implementation................................................................................................................. 5
5.1.3 Point-to-point cabling..................................................................................................................... 5
5.1.4 Fixed cabling....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Information technology and network telecommunications cabling in the computer
room space............................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.2.2 Generic cabling for data centre information technology equipment...........................8
5.2.3 Generic cabling for office network information technology equipment.....................9
5.2.4 Generic cabling for monitoring and control...........................................................................9
5.2.5 Application-specific fixed cabling............................................................................................ 10
5.3 Structured cabling for other data centre spaces and application-specific structured
cabling.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.3.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3.2 Application-specific cabling using a fixed infrastructure...............................................10
6 Availability design principles for telecommunications cabling infrastructure.....................11
7 Availability classification for telecommunications cabling infrastructure.............................11
7.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.2 Telecommunications cabling for the computer room......................................................................12
7.2.1 Cabling for Availability Class 1................................................................................................. 12
7.2.2 Cabling for Availability Class 2................................................................................................. 13
7.2.3 Cabling for Availability Class 3................................................................................................. 14
7.2.4 Cabling for Availability Class 4................................................................................................. 15
7.3 Telecommunications cabling for offices................................................................................................. 16
7.4 Telecommunications cabling for monitoring and control..............................................................16
8 Pathways and pathway systems for telecommunications cabling..............................................16
8.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.2 Pathways............................................................................................................................................................. 17
8.2.1 External service pathways.......................................................................................................... 17
8.2.2 Data centre pathways................................................................................................................... 17
8.3 Pathway systems.............................................................................................................................................. 18
8.3.1 Requirements for data centre pathway systems...............................................................18
8.3.2 Access floor tile openings............................................................................................................ 18
8.3.3 Cable management systems....................................................................................................... 18
9 Cabinets and racks for the computer room space........................................................................... 19
9.1 General requirements.................................................................................................................................... 19
9.2 Requirements for dimensions.................................................................................................................... 19
9.3 Recommendations........................................................................................................................................... 19
10 Documentation and quality plan.......................................................................................................... 20
10.1 Requirements for documentation............................................................................................................. 20
10.2 Recommendations for documentation................................................................................................... 20
10.3 Requirements for the quality plan............................................................................................................ 20
11 Management and operation of the telecommunications cabling infrastructure...................20
11.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 20
11.2 Automated infrastructure management systems...............................................................................20
11.3 Fibre optic cabling........................................................................................................................................... 20
Annex A (normative) Cabling design concepts.............................................................................................. 21
Annex B (informative) Energy efficiency considerations for the telecommunications cabling
infrastructure............................................................................................................................................. 29
Bibliography............................................................................................................................................................. 30
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 39, Sustainability for and by Information Technology.
A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC TS 22237 series can be found on the ISO website.
The unrestricted access to internet-based information demanded by the information society has led to
an exponential growth of both internet traffic and the volume of stored/retrieved data. Data centres
are housing and supporting the information technology and network telecommunications equipment
for data processing, data storage and data transport. They are required both by network operators
(delivering those services to customer premises) and by enterprises within those customer premises.
Data centres need to provide modular, scalable and flexible facilities and infrastructures to easily
accommodate the rapidly changing requirements of the market. In addition, energy consumption of
data centres has become critical both from an environmental point of view (reduction of carbon
footprint) and with respect to economical considerations (cost of energy) for the data centre operator.
The implementation of data centres varies in terms of:
a) purpose (enterprise, co-location, co-hosting or network operator facilities);
b) security level;
c) physical size;
d) accommodation (mobile, temporary and permanent constructions).
The needs of data centres also vary in terms of availability of service, the provision of security and
the objectives for energy efficiency. These needs and objectives influence the design of data centres
in terms of building construction, power distribution, environmental control and physical security.
Effective management and operational information is required to monitor achievement of the defined
needs and objectives.
The ISO/IEC TS 22237 series specifies requirements and recommendations to support the various
parties involved in the design, planning, procurement, integration, installation, operation and
maintenance of facilities and infrastructures within data centres. These parties include:
1) owners, facility managers, ICT managers, project managers, main contractors;
2) architects, building designers and builders, system and installation designers;
3) facility and infrastructure integrators, suppliers of equipment;
4) installers, maintainers.
At the time of publication of this document, the ISO/IEC TS 22237 series will comprise the following
ISO/IEC TS 22237-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 1:
General concepts
ISO/IEC TS 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2:
Building construction
ISO/IEC TS 22237-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3: Power
ISO/IEC TS 22237-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4:
Environmental control
ISO/IEC TS 22237-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 5:
Telecommunications cabling infrastructure
ISO/IEC TS 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 6:
Security systems
ISO/IEC TS 22237-7, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 7:
Management and operational information
The inter-relationship of the specifications within the ISO/IEC TS 22237 series is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the ISO/IEC TS 22237 series of documents

ISO/IEC TS 22237-2 to ISO/IEC TS 22237-6 specify requirements and recommendations for particular
facilities and infrastructures to support the relevant classification for “availability”, “security” and
“energy efficiency enablement” selected from ISO/IEC TS 22237-1.
This document addresses the specific requirements for the telecommunications cabling infrastructure
in data centres used for the purpose of IT networking and building services (in accordance with the
requirements of ISO/IEC TS 22237-1).
ISO/IEC TS 22237-7 addresses the operational and management information (in accordance with the
requirements of ISO/IEC TS 22237-1.
This document is intended for use by and collaboration between architects, building designers and
builders, system and installation designers.
The ISO/IEC TS 22237 series does not address the selection of information technology and network
telecommunications equipment, software and associated configuration issues.

Information technology — Data centre facilities and

infrastructures —
Part 5:
Telecommunications cabling infrastructure

1 Scope
This document addresses the wide range of telecommunications cabling infrastructures within data
centres based upon the criteria and classifications for “availability” within ISO/IEC TS 22237-1.
This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the following:
a) information technology and network telecommunications cabling (e.g. SAN and LAN);
b) general information technology cabling to support the operation of the data centre;
c) telecommunications cabling to monitor and control, as appropriate, power distribution,
environmental control and physical security of the data centre;
d) other building automation cabling;
e) pathways, spaces and enclosures for the telecommunications cabling infrastructures.
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document
and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document may
be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 11801-1, Information technology — Generic cabling systems — Part 1: General
requirements ISO/IEC 11801-2, Information technology — Generic cabling systems — Part 2: Office
premises ISO/IEC 11801-5, Information technology — Generic cabling systems — Part 5: Data
ISO/IEC 11801-6, Information technology — Generic cabling systems — Part 6: Distributed building
ISO/IEC 14763-2, Information technology — Implementation and operation of customer premises
cabling — Part 2: Planning and installation
ISO/IEC TS 22237-1:2018, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 1:
General concepts
ISO/IEC TS 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2:
Building construction
ISO/IEC TS 22237-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4:
Environmental control
ISO/IEC TS 22237-7, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 7:
Management and operational information

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC TS 22237-1 and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
application-specific cabling
structured cabling with a configuration and performance which is considered to provide a specific
benefit for a single, or limited number of applications, as compared to generic cabling
central patching location
passive cross-connect to connect different functional elements of a data centre
Note 1 to entry: A central patching location can be located in the main distribution area and/or the intermediate
distribution area and is therefore a special configuration of an MD and/or an ID.

method of connecting a patch panel port to another patch panel port by the use of a patch cord or jumper
data centre information technology equipment
equipment in the computer room space of a data centre that transports and/or stores and/or processes
fixed cabling
cabling subsystem between closures which has either a peer-to-peer or hierarchical structure and
which enables the installation of cross-connects or interconnects at those closures
generic cabling
structured telecommunications cabling system, capable of supporting a wide range of applications
Note 1 to entry: Application-specific hardware is not a part of generic cabling.

Note 2 to entry: Generic cabling can be installed without prior knowledge of the required applications.

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, 3.1.46 — modified: Notes 1 and 2 to entry added]

method of connecting a patch panel port to an equipment port by the use of equipment cords
office network information technology equipment
equipment in data centre spaces that transports and/or stores and/or processes information
point-to-point connection
direct connection of two pieces of IT equipment using a dedicated cable rather than a generic cabling
structured cabling
telecommunications cabling comprising fixed cables between points of distribution at which equipment
or other fixed cables may be connected
telecommunications provider
either an access provider or a service provider
zone patching location
passive cross-connect to connect different function elements of a data centre zone
Note 1 to entry: A zone patching location can be located in the zone distribution area and is therefore a special
configuration of a ZD.

3.2 Abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the abbreviated terms given in ISO/IEC TS 22237-1 and the following
abbreviated terms apply.

BEF Building Entrance Facility

BD Building Distributor

C Connection

CD Campus Distributor

CP Consolidation Point

CPL Central Patching Location

ENI External Network Interface

EO Equipment Outlet

EoR End of Row

EQP Transmission Equipment

FD Floor Distributor

ID Intermediate Distributor

LDP Local Distribution Point

MD Main Distributor

Mo Middle of Row
SCP Service Concentration Point

SD Service Distributor
SO Service Outlet

TE Terminal Equipment

TO Telecommunications
To Top of Rack
ZD Zone Distributor

ZPL Zone Patching Location

4 Conformance
For a data centre to conform to this document:
a) the cabling design shall meet the requirements of Clause 5;
b) the cabling design for the selected Availability Class shall be in accordance with Clause 7;
c) the design and specifications of pathways and spaces shall be in accordance with Clauses 8 and 9;
d) the information technology cabling to support the operation of the data centre shall be in
accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-2, except where 7.3 allows an alternative approach;
e) the information technology cabling to support the IT networking function of the data centre shall
be in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-5, except where 7.2 allows an alternative approach;
f) telecommunications cabling for monitoring and/or control of power distribution, environmental
control and physical security shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-6, except where 7.4 allows
an alternative approach;
g) installation specification, quality assurance, installation planning and practice of cabling shall be
in accordance with ISO/IEC 14763-2 and Clauses 8 and 9;
h) national and local regulations, including safety, shall be met.

5 Telecommunications cabling within the data centre

5.1 General

5.1.1 The importance of telecommunications cabling within data centre spaces

The telecommunications cabling within the data centre serves to support the following:
a) data centre information technology and network telecommunications;
b) monitoring and controlling of other data centre infrastructures;
c) building management and automation.
The design and planning of cabling infrastructures should be undertaken at an early stage of the data
centre design or refurbishment and should be integrated with the design and planning of:
1) electrical power;
2) environmental control systems;
3) security systems;
4) lighting systems.
This clause defines the requirements and recommendations for the performance, design criteria and
architectures for the different cabling types in a data centre.
The importance of the information technology and network telecommunications cabling infrastructure
is similar to that of other infrastructures such as environmental control, power distribution and
security. As with other utilities, interruptions to service can have a serious impact. Poor quality of
service due to lack of planning, use of inappropriate components, incorrect installation, poor
administration or inadequate support can threaten an organization's effectiveness.

5.1.2 Cabling implementation

The cabling infrastructures in a data centre shall be appropriate to provide networking and
telecommunications capabilities in and between dedicated data centre spaces.
For the purposes of this document, two types of cabling are considered for data centre spaces:
a) point-to-point;
b) fixed cabling implemented using structured cabling including the generic cabling solutions of the
ISO/IEC 11801 series. The closures may be grouped and accommodated in cabinets, frames or
racks which act as cabling presentation facilities. The cabling presentation facilities allow
interconnection or cross-connections between fixed cabling or between fixed cabling and IT
equipment in close proximity.

5.1.3 Point-to-point cabling General
The point-to-point connection method uses discrete cords (typically factory-produced) that directly
connect the active equipment. Each cord connects a single port of one device to a single port of
another device.
Although point-to-point cabling seems to be the simplest and most cost effective method of providing
connections, for several reasons this cabling type should only be used for connections within the
same or two adjacent cabinets, frames or racks. Point-to-point cabling is often not reusable as the data
centre evolves and equipment types and locations change and may have a limited life time expectation.
Continuous changes to the required interconnections increase both the planning and the operational
resources required for each change (see Figure 2 and Figure 3) and increases the risk of interfering
with other infrastructures — including those for environmental control. Restrictions on the use of point-to-point cabling

Where this document allows point-to-point cabling, it should only be used subject to the following
a) the mechanical performance of cords or cables used for point-to-point connections shall meet the
requirements of the installation environment (e.g. pathway systems);
b) connectors on cords shall be protected against damage during installation, disconnection or
c) point-to-point connections shall only be used where the replacement of the cord following damage
to either connector can be performed without disruption to the data centre operation;
d) cords shall be managed so as to avoid mechanical damage and/or accidental disconnection to
adjacent connections during insertion or removal;
e) cords shall be labelled at both ends to show their origin and destination in accordance with the
level 3 administration requirements of ISO/IEC 14763-2;
f) the impact of point to point connections on the fire load of cabling shall be assessed and mitigation
provided if necessary;
g) cords providing point-to-point connections shall not be located where they restrict cooling airflow
towards active equipment.

Figure 2 — Impact of growth in an unstructured point-to-point cabling infrastructure

Figure 3 — Example of point-to-point cabling

5.1.4 Fixed cabling

A structured cabling system approach, illustrated in Figure 4, shows the equipment ports presented at
remote central patching locations (CPLs). Server-to-storage connections are made using short, easily
managed, cords within the CPL. The use of distributed zone patching locations (ZPL), connected to the
CPLs with fixed cables provides additional flexibility for managing changes.
Figure 4 shows how a fixed cabling implementation isolates the change activity to the defined areas.
New equipment is connected to a CPL or ZPL without impacting active systems so no scheduled
downtime is required. The equipment can then be connected to the active systems during the scheduled
downtime by simply reconfiguring the cords at the CPL or ZPL. If a change causes a problem, it is only
necessary to reconnect the cords into their pre-change configuration. The structured approach enables
more accurate predictions of the time required to implement system changes and recovery resulting in
easier, faster changes that introduce less risk and enable improved overall system operation.
Fixed cables may have a greater minimum bending radius than cords and this shall be considered in
pathway and pathway system design and planning.

Figure 4 — Structured cabling infrastructure: setup and growth

5.2 Information technology and network telecommunications cabling in the

computer room space

5.2.1 General
The cabling infrastructures in a data centre shall be appropriate to provide networking and
telecommunications capabilities in and between many of the dedicated data centres spaces. The cabling
infrastructure described in this clause is that between and within the cabinets, frames and racks which
constitute the computer room space and may take one of, or a combination of, the following forms:
a) point-to-point;
b) fixed:
1) generic — structured cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-5 for IT and network
2) generic — structured cabling in accordance to ISO/IEC 11801-2 for IT and network
3) generic — structured cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-6 for monitoring and control;
4) application specific cabling.
The chosen infrastructure strategy shall take into account the need to support existing and future
networking and storage applications and significant amounts of change.

5.2.2 Generic cabling for data centre information technology equipment

Generic cabling infrastructure designs in accordance with the ISO/IEC 11801 series are based upon
a defined cabling model and support the development of high data rate applications. ISO/IEC 11801-
5 defines generic cabling to provide multiple services and to connect large quantities of equipment
within the limited space of data centre premises, and shall be used together with ISO/IEC 11801-1.
Information technology cabling to support the operation of the data centre shall be in accordance with
ISO/IEC 11801-5.
Figure 5 shows the cabling subsystem architecture of ISO/IEC 11801-5.

Figure 5 — Data centre cabling subsystems according to ISO/IEC 11801-5

Generic cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-5 uses pre-defined pathways and spaces that are
specifically intended to support changing demands and provides:
a) scalability via a modular design;
b) a greater level of flexibility with equipment moves, adds and changes;
c) a level of consistency with generic cabling design methodology for other services such as power
supply distribution and environmental control;
d) the support for a wide range of applications in the data centre.
Generic cabling systems are intended to avoid the impact of the uncontrolled use of point-to-point
cables described in by using fixed cables within defined cable pathways between panels (patch
panel) at designated patching locations. This greatly simplifies cabling modifications by managing
changes at
the patching locations rather than disconnecting, moving and reconnecting discrete cables under the
floor or in ceiling spaces.

5.2.3 Generic cabling for office network information technology equipment

Information technology cabling to support the operation of the data centre shall be in accordance with
ISO/IEC 11801-2.
Figure 6 shows the cabling subsystem architecture of ISO/IEC 11801-2.

Figure 6 — Office cabling subsystems according to ISO/IEC 11801-2

5.2.4 Generic cabling for monitoring and control

ISO/IEC 11801-6 specifies generic cabling that supports a wide range of communication services within
premises. It reflects the increasing use of generic cabling in support of non-user specific services,
including the monitoring and control of data centre infrastructures. Many of these services require the
use of remote powered devices and include:
a) energy management as described in ISO/IEC TS 22237-3, e.g. lighting, power distribution, incoming
utility metering;
b) environmental control as described in ISO/IEC TS 22237-4, e.g. temperature, humidity;
c) personnel management as described in ISO/IEC TS 22237-6, e.g. access control, cameras, motion/
proximity detectors, time and attendance monitoring.
Cabling for these purposes shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-6.
Figure 7 shows the cabling subsystem architecture of ISO/IEC 11801-6.
Figure 7 — Building service cabling subsystem according to ISO/IEC 11801-6

5.2.5 Application-specific fixed cabling

In cases where data centre owners agree to the use of application-specific cabling because of
advantages compared with generic cabling, those application-specific cabling systems shall have a fixed
and structured infrastructure approach in accordance with the cabling subsystem architecture of
ISO/ IEC 11801-5 (see Figure 5).

5.3 Structured cabling for other data centre spaces and application-specific
structured cabling

5.3.1 General
The cabling infrastructures in a data centre shall be appropriate to provide networking and
telecommunications capabilities in and between many of the dedicated data centres spaces. The cabling
infrastructure between and within the data centre spaces other than the computer room space shall
take one or more of the following forms:
a) generic — structured cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-2 for IT and network
telecommunications (see 5.2.3);
b) generic — structured cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-6 for monitoring and control
(see 5.2.4);
c) application specific (see 5.3.2).

5.3.2 Application-specific cabling using a fixed infrastructure

In cases where data centre owners agree to the use of application-specific cabling because of
advantages compared with generic cabling, those application-specific cabling systems shall have a fixed
and structured infrastructure approach in accordance with the cabling subsystem architecture of
ISO/ IEC 11801-2 (see Figure 6).
6 Availability design principles for telecommunications cabling infrastructure
ISO/IEC TS 22237-1:2018, Annex A, gives guidance about design principles for availability. This
document uses the principles of:
a) redundancy;
b) maintainability;
c) scalability/future proofness;
d) simplicity.
as a basis for the design of:
1) the telecommunications cabling itself;
2) the telecommunications architecture;
3) associated pathways and spaces.
in order to achieve the desired Availability Class for the telecommunications infrastructure as
in Clause 6.
Redundancy within the networks of the data centre shall be implemented by means of the active
equipment without the need for manual interaction. All redundancy implementations within the cabling
(e.g. multi-path routeing; Classes 3 and 4) are in support of that provided by active equipment.

7 Availability classification for telecommunications cabling infrastructure

7.1 General
This clause classifies the architecture and the redundancy concept of all telecommunications cabling
infrastructures as it relates to the chosen overall Availability Class for facilities and infrastructures of
the data centre according to ISO/IEC TS 22237-1.
Table 1 defines the minimum requirements for all telecommunications cabling types in the different
data centre spaces to achieve the chosen overall Availability Class of the data centre as defined by ISO/
IEC TS 22237-1. All defined Availability Classes for the different cabling types and spaces shall be met in
order to achieve the chosen overall data centre Availability Class for facilities and infrastructures.

Table 1 — Telecommunication cabling Availability Classes per space architecture and overall
data centre Availability Class for facilities and infrastructures
Data Cabling Overall data Overall data Overall data Overall data
centre type centre facilities centre facilities centre facilities centre facilities
space and infrastruc- and infrastruc- and infrastruc- and infrastruc-
ture — ture — ture — ture —
Availabili- ty Availabili- ty Availabili- ty Availabili- ty
Compute Inter- Class
7.2.11 Class
7.2.22 Class
7.2.33 Class
r room cabine
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class
space ts
Intra- 7.2.1 7.2.1 7.2.1 4
Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 Class
Adjace 7.2.1 7.2.1 7.2.1 1
Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 Class
Monitori 7.4 7.4 7.4 1
ng and
Table 1 (continued)
Data Cabling Overall data Overall data Overall data Overall data
centre type centre facilities centre facilities centre facilities centre facilities
space and infrastruc- and infrastruc- and infrastruc- and infrastruc-
ture — ture — ture — ture —
Availabili- ty Availabili- ty Availabili- ty Availabili- ty
Office style Class
7.3 1 Class
7.3 2 Class
7.3 3 Class
7.3 4
Control Office style 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3
room cabling
space Monitori 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
ng and
Other Control
Office Style 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3
spaces Monitori 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
ng and
7.2 Telecommunications cabling for the computer room

7.2.1 Cabling for Availability Class 1

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure for Availability Class 1 uses either a point-to-point
connection (i.e. equipment cords) for the transmission channel (see Figure 8) or a fixed cabling
infrastructure (see Figure 9) in a single-path configuration as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 8 — Telecommunication cabling Class 1 using direct attached cords

Figure 9 — Transmission channels (interconnect and cross-connect)

The point-to-point connections shall use pre-terminated cords and shall be restricted to local
connections within the same cabinet or between adjacent cabinets, frames and racks.

Figure 10 — ENI redundancy for Class 1 and 2

7.2.2 Cabling for Availability Class 2

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure for Availability Class 2 shall use a fixed cabling
infrastructure (e.g. according to ISO/IEC 11801-5 or application-specific) in cabling subsystems defined
in ISO/IEC 11801-5 for the transmission channel design (see Figure 9) with a single-path architecture
with redundancy on the ENI as shown in Figure 10. The pathways for the telecommunications providers
shall be designed according to Clause 8.
Furthermore, the following design criteria shall be met:
a) the design shall be flexible and scalable to allow quick moves, adds and changes by using central
and local patching/cross connect locations in MD, ID and ZD as shown in Figure 11;
b) the patching/cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks used in MD and/or ID (CPL) and ZD (ZPL)
shall offer rear cable management and side patch cord management. The design and selection of
cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks shall take into consideration the maximum planned cabling
capacity and required density inside the cabinets/frames/racks with the objective of minimising
the disruption of airflow to active equipment. One possible and preferred way of achieving this
functionality is to increase the width of the cabinets/frames/racks to offer more space for cable
and patch cords which simplifies operations for moves, adds and changes.
c) where it is intended to create channels from more than a single subsystem via cross-connects
in distributors, the selection of media and component performance shall take into account the
impact of the number of connections within, and the total length of, the channels in relation to the
applications which are intended to be supported.
ISO/IEC TS 22237-5:2018(E)

Figure 11 — Managing moves, adds and changes

7.2.3 Cabling for Availability Class 3

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure for Availability Class 3 shall use a fixed cabling
infrastructure (e.g. according to ISO/IEC 11801-5 or application-specific) in cabling subsystems
defined in ISO/IEC 11801-5 for the transmission channel design (see Figure 9) with a multi-path
redundancy configuration using diverse physical pathways as shown in Figure 12. The pathways for
the telecommunications providers shall be designed according to Clause 8.

Figure 12 — Redundant multipath telecommunication cabling Class 3

Furthermore, the following design criteria shall be met:
a) the design shall be flexible and scalable to allow quick moves, adds and changes by using central
and local patching/cross connect locations in MD, ID and ZD as shown in Figure 11;
b) the patching/cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks used in MD and/or ID (CPL) and ZD (ZPL)
shall offer rear cable management and side patch cord management. The design and selection of
cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks shall take into consideration the maximum planned cabling
capacity and required density inside the cabinets/frames/racks with the objective of minimising
the disruption of airflow to active equipment. The patch cord management inside the cabinets/
frames/racks shall provide bend radius control. Additionally, the cabinet/frame/rack shall offer
easy accessible and bend radius controlled slack storage for patch cords. One possible and
preferred way of achieving this functionality is to increase the width of the cabinets/frames/racks
to offer more space for cable and patch cords which simplifies operations for moves, adds and
c) where it is intended to create channels from more than a single subsystem via cross-connects
in distributors, the selection of media and component performance shall take into account the
impact of the number of connections within, and the total length of, the channels in relation to the
applications which are intended to be supported;
d) the cabling shall be routed within the data centre on appropriate pathway systems providing bend
radius control (using additional fittings if not provided by the pathway system itself) and slack
storage plus sufficient space for future expansions.
The use of pre-terminated cabling shall be considered for this class where:
1) on-site termination of cabling is impractical (e.g. field terminable connectors are not available);
2) operational constraints dictate that the time taken to install cabling shall be minimised (e.g.
cabling needs to be in use as quickly as possible);
3) security concerns dictate that the presence in the data centre of third-party labour is minimised.

7.2.4 Cabling for Availability Class 4

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure for Availability Class 4 shall use a fixed cabling
infrastructure (e.g. according to ISO/IEC 11801-5 or application-specific) in cabling subsystems defined
in ISO/IEC 11801-5 for the transmission channel design (see Figure 9) with a multi-path redundancy
configuration using diverse physical pathways and redundant distribution areas as shown in Figure 13.
The pathways for the telecommunications providers shall be designed according to Clause 8.

Figure 13 — Redundant multipath telecommunication cabling Class 4

Furthermore, the following design criteria shall be met:
a) the design shall be flexible and scalable to allow quick moves, adds and changes by using central
and local patching/cross connect locations in MD, ID and ZD as shown in Figure 11;
b) the patching/cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks used in MD and/or ID (CPL) and ZD (ZPL)
shall offer rear cable management and side patch cord management. The design and selection of
cross-connect cabinets/frames/racks shall take into consideration the maximum planned cabling
capacity and required density inside the cabinets/frames/racks with the objective of minimising
the disruption of airflow to active equipment. The patch cord management inside the cabinets/
frames/racks shall provide bend radius control. Additionally, the cabinet/frame/rack shall offer
easy accessible and bend radius controlled slack storage for patch cords. One possible and
preferred way of achieving this functionality is to increase the width of the cabinets/frames/racks
to offer more space for cable and patch cords which simplifies operations for moves, adds and
c) where it is intended to create channels from more than a single subsystem via cross-connects
in distributors, the selection of media and component performance shall take into account the
impact of the number of connections within, and the total length of, the channels in relation to the
applications which are intended to be supported;
d) the cabling shall be routed within the data centre on appropriate pathway systems providing bend
radius control (using additional fittings if not provided by the pathway system itself) and slack
storage plus sufficient space for future expansions.
The use of pre-terminated cabling shall be considered for this class where:
1) on-site termination of cabling is impractical (e.g. field terminable connectors are not available);
2) operational constraints dictate that the time taken to install cabling shall be minimised (e.g.
cabling needs to be in use as quickly as possible);
3) security concerns dictate that the presence in the data centre of third-party labour is minimised.

7.3 Telecommunications cabling for offices

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure shall use a fixed cabling infrastructure (i.e. according to
ISO/IEC 11801-2 or application-specific) in cabling subsystems in a single-path architecture. Any
required redundancy should be provided on backbone level.

7.4 Telecommunications cabling for monitoring and control

A telecommunications cabling infrastructure shall use a fixed cabling infrastructure (i.e. according to
ISO/IEC 11801-6 or application-specific) in cabling subsystems in a single-path architecture.
Any required redundancy should be provided by the number of SOs provided throughout the data
centre spaces.

8 Pathways and pathway systems for telecommunications cabling

8.1 General
Careful planning of telecommunications cabling routes, containment and enclosures is required to
minimize adverse impact on efficient performance of air conditioning systems (see Clause 10).
The design requirements of this clause shall be implemented using the general and data centre specific
requirements of ISO/IEC 14763-2.
It should be noted that ISO/IEC 14763-2 also contains recommendations which may assist in the design
of a data centre telecommunications cabling infrastructure in accordance with this document.
8.2 Pathways

8.2.1 External service pathways Requirements
The Availability Class for the entire set of facilities and infrastructures of the data centre gives guidance
to determine the need for:
a) multiple service providers;
b) multiple service provider premises (i.e. operator sites or central offices);
c) diverse pathways from each of the service provider premises;
d) multiple BEFs;
e) multiple entrance rooms.
Clause 7 shall be used to determine and design the redundancy concept for the provisioning of external
telecommunication services. Consideration shall be given to providing protection against failure in one
or more parts of the cabling infrastructure by implementing:
1) multiple external network interfaces;
2) connections between external network interfaces;
3) multiple connections between external network interfaces and main and intermediate and zone
distributors (MDs, IDs and ZDs);
4) multiple pathways between external network interfaces and main and intermediate and zone
distributors (MDs, IDs and ZDs). Recommendations


8.2.2 Data centre pathways Requirements

The design of pathways shall be coordinated with the designers of other services.
The requirements of ISO/IEC TS 22237-2 for data centre pathways shall be applied.
The Availability Class for the entire set of facilities and infrastructures of the data centre gives guidance
to determine the need for:
a) multiple computer rooms and other spaces served by the computer room cabling;
b) hierarchical redundant distribution areas within the computer room(s);
c) segregation between redundant areas using different fire protection zones (fire compartmentation);
d) independent pathways for each redundant area.
The selected Availability Class for the cabling in the computer room space (Table 1) shall be used to
determine and design the data centre pathways. Consideration shall be given to providing protection
against failure in one or more parts of the cabling infrastructure by implementing:
1) multiple MDs;
2) multiple IDs;
3) multiple ZDs;
4) multiple pathways between the MDs;
5) multiple pathways between the IDs;
6) multiple pathways between the ZDs;
7) multiple pathways between each MD and IDs;
8) multiple pathways between each MD and ZDs;
9) multiple pathways between each ID and ZDs. General recommendations

Overhead telecommunications cabling may improve cooling efficiency and is recommended where
ceiling heights permit because it can substantially reduce airflow losses due to airflow obstruction and
turbulence caused by under floor cabling and cabling pathways.

8.3 Pathway systems

8.3.1 Requirements for data centre pathway systems

The design of pathway systems shall take into account the security requirements applicable to the data
intended to be transmitted over the cabling (see ISO/IEC TS 22237-6).
Pathway systems shall not be located under piping systems except for piping system used for cooling
and fire extinguishing systems. This requirement also applies in other data centre spaces.

8.3.2 Access floor tile openings

The requirements of ISO/IEC TS 22237-2 for access floor systems shall be applied.

8.3.3 Cable management systems General Requirements

In addition to the requirements of ISO/IEC 14763-2, particular attention is drawn to the following:
a) pathway systems shall have sufficient capacity to cater for the defined maximum capacity level;
b) pathways systems shall have slack storage capabilities;
c) pathways systems shall have bend radius control;
d) pathway systems which do not provide continuous support (e.g. mesh, basket, hooks etc.) shall only
be considered for non-vertical pathways where:
— the cable to be accommodated is suitable for non-continuous support;
— a list of acceptable combinations of pathway systems and cables shall be provided to the
operator of the data centre;
— mitigation is applied e.g. cable mat.
The design of pathway systems shall take into account the security requirements applicable to the data
intended to be transmitted over the cabling (see ISO/IEC TS 22237-6). Recommendations
A list of acceptable combinations of pathway systems and cables should be provided to the operator of
the data centre. Requirements for under-floor systems

The requirements of ISO/IEC TS 22237-2 for access floor systems shall be applied.

9 Cabinets and racks for the computer room space

9.1 General requirements

Cabinets and racks shall be selected to:
a) provide a growth path for future technologies and data centre capacity demands;
b) provide adequate cable management and bend radius functionality;
c) provide and support adequate ventilation and cooling for the equipment it will house (see ISO/
IEC TS 22237-4).
Cabinets, racks and frames shall be provided with cable and cord management fittings.

9.2 Requirements for dimensions

The minimum width of the cabinets/racks used for CPL and ZPL shall be 0,8 m with a preference for a
larger width (see Clause 7).
The minimum width of the cabinets/racks used for equipment shall cope with the current and future
cable management requirements. A width of 0,8 m is recommended.
The minimum depth of the cabinets/racks used for equipment shall cope with the current and future
equipment dimensions. A depth of 1,2 m is recommended.
Cabinets and racks shall not be located under piping systems (both for reasons of breakage or
aggregation of condensation), except piping systems used for cooling and fire extinguishing systems.
This requirement also applies to other data centre spaces. Blanking panels should be installed in unused
cabinet positions in order to avoid mixing of hot and cold air.

9.3 Recommendations
The following cable management methods should be considered:
a) for low density systems, there should be one rack unit of horizontal cable management for each
rack unit of termination points;
b) for high density applications, horizontal cable management systems that require rack units should
be replaced with cable management without rack unit usage;
c) the capacity of the vertical cable management within cabinets should be twice the cross-sectional
area of the cables to be installed when the cabinets/racks are at full capacity;
d) cabinets may require additional depth or width to provide adequate vertical cable management.
10 Documentation and quality plan

10.1 Requirements for documentation

The documentation of the installation shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 14763-2.

10.2 Recommendations for documentation

The identifier scheme for cabinets, frames and racks should use a grid coordinate system based on the
access floor grid.
In cases where no access floor exists, a grid should be created by aisles and cabinets, frames and racks.
The identifier scheme should also identify the rack until location of the termination points/closures; see
ISO/IEC TR 14763-2-1 for an example of one such scheme.

10.3 Requirements for the quality plan

The quality plan of the installation shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 14763-2. Additional
requirements for the quality plan are under consideration.

11 Management and operation of the telecommunications cabling infrastructure

11.1 General
See ISO/IEC TS 22237-7.

11.2 Automated infrastructure management systems

Automated infrastructure management (AIM) systems offering real time documentation and efficient
management of the physical layer should be considered for availability and operational purposes.
Ideally, the functionality of these systems should be integrated into existing or planned data centre
management tools offering an overall infrastructure management.

11.3 Fibre optic cabling

In order to maintain optical fibre connection performance and in order to prevent optical fibre end-
face damage to both the cabling and equipment, optical fibre end-faces shall be inspected for loose
contamination which shall be removed prior to any connection being established. Inspection equipment
is specified in IEC 61300-3-35 and cleaning procedures, where necessary, are specified in IEC/TR
Annex A

Cabling design concepts

A.1 General
This annex presents design concepts for different equipment row configurations according to the
Availability Classes 1 to 4 for telecommunications cabling.
Figure A.1 shows the keys used in Figures A.2 to A.9.
NOTE Interfaces are normally accommodated in patch panels.

Figure A.1 — Symbols of network elements

Figures A.3 to A.9 show EOs of ISO/IEC 11801-5 but the interfaces may also be interfaces to application-
specific cabling.

A.2 Class 1 cabling concept

Figure A.2 illustrates a Class 1 cabling implementation using point-to-point cabling.
Figure A.2 — Example of a Class 1 cabling implementation

A.3 Class 2 cabling concepts

A.3.1 End of row and middle of row concepts
The end of row (EoR) and middle of row (MoR) networking concepts shall be implemented with Class 2
cabling according to Figure 9 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
These two concepts are the preferred concepts for server zones because future applications like
40GBase-T will be specified for EoR/MoR configuration.
A Class 2 cabling does not provide for redundancy.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.3 and Figure A.4 illustrate the EoR and MoR concepts.
Figure A.3 — Example for Class 2 EoR cabling implementation

Figure A.4 — Example for Class 2 MoR cabling implementation

A.3.2 Top of rack concept
The top of rack (ToR) networking concept shall be implemented with Class 2 cabling according to
Figure 9 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
A Class 2 cabling does not provide for redundancy.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.5 illustrates the ToR concept.

Figure A.5 — Example for Class 2 ToR cabling implementation

A.4 Class 3 cabling concepts

A.4.1 End of row and middle of row concepts
Redundant end of row (EoR) and middle of row (MoR) networking concepts shall be implemented with
Class 3 cabling according to Figure 12 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
These two concepts are the preferred concepts for server zones because future applications like
40GBase-T will be specified for EoR/MoR configuration.
A Class 3 cabling provides redundancy with multiple pathways.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.6 illustrates the EoR concept. An MoR implementation is identical to the EoR implementation,
except that the ZPL (i.e. the ZD of ISO/IEC 11801-5) is located in the middle of the row.
Figure A.6 — Example for Class 3 EoR cabling implementation

A.4.2 Top of rack concept

Redundant top of rack (ToR) networking concept shall be implemented with Class 3 cabling according
to Figure 12 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
A Class 3 cabling provides redundancy with multiple pathways.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.7 illustrates the ToR concept.
ISO/IEC TS 22237-5:2018(E)

Figure A.7 — Example for Class 3 ToR cabling implementation

A.5 Class 4 cabling concepts

A.5.1 End of row and middle of row concepts
Redundant end of row (EoR) and middle of row (MoR) networking concepts shall be implemented with
Class 4 cabling according to Figure 13 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
These two concepts are the preferred concepts for server zones because future applications like
40GBase-T will be specified for EoR/MoR configuration.
A Class 4 cabling provides redundancy with multiple pathways and redundant distribution areas.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.8 illustrates the EoR concept. An MoR implementation is identical to the EoR implementation,
except that the ZPLs (i.e. the ZD of ISO/IEC 11801-5) are located in the middle of the row.
Figure A.8 — Example for Class 4 EoR cabling implementation

A.5.2 Top of rack concept

Redundant top of rack (ToR) networking concept shall be implemented with Class 4 cabling according
to Figure 13 and a CPL/ZPL configuration according to Figure 11.
A Class 4 cabling provides redundancy with multiple pathways.
For power budget reasons the SAN concept is a collapsed backbone.
Figure A.9 illustrates the ToR concept.
Figure A.9 — Example for Class 4 ToR cabling implementation
Annex B

Energy efficiency considerations for the telecommunications

cabling infrastructure

Contribution to energy efficiency by the telecommunications infrastructure in a data centre can be

achieved by:
a) effective planning and installation of telecommunications cabling routes, containment and
enclosures to minimize adverse impact on efficient performance of air conditioning systems;
b) overhead distribution topology where cabling is placed away from cooling systems will improve air
circulation and improve the energy efficiency of cooling systems;
c) more efficient utilization of pathways and cable managers, which support higher density of
equipment in racks and cabinets, as well as reduced pathway size can be achieved by using cables
with smaller overall diameters;
d) use of optical fibre cabling and associated equipment will reduce the energy consumption per port
and is especially recommended for backbone connections where the potential use of PoE (Power
over Ethernet) is limited;
e) high performance cabling could enable lower complexity transmission equipment for future
projects aimed specifically to improve energy efficiency. Transmission equipment designers should
be consulted on parameters that will offer the greatest potential benefit for reducing power (e.g.
lower signal loss and reflection, reduced and less variable impedance and improved internal and
external noise immunity). In addition, 10GBASE-T, operating in short reach mode, can reduce
power consumption by approximately 20 % per port when deployed over short length (30 m or
less) Class EA or higher cabling channels. In general, cabling topologies that reduce the cabling
length will reduce material usage as well as improve energy efficiency when used with equipment
that implements power back-off with reduced length.
More detailed information regarding energy efficiency considerations for data centre information
technology and telecommunications infrastructure are provided in ISO/IEC TR 30133 1).

1) Under development. Stage at publication: ISO/IEC PDTR 30133.


[1] ISO/IEC TS 22237-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3:
Power distribution
[2] ISO/IEC TS 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 6:
Security systems
[3] IEC 61300-3-35, Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and
measurement procedures — Part 3-35: Examinations and measurements — Fibre optic connector
endface visual and automated inspection
[4] IEC/TR 62627-01, Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Part 01: Fibre
optic connector cleaning methods
[5] ISO/IEC TR 14763-2-1, Information technology — Implementation and operation of customer
premises cabling — Part 2-1: Planning and installation — Identifiers within administration systems
[6] ISO/IEC TR 30133, Information technology — Data Centres — Guidelines for resource efficient
data centres

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