BICSI 005-2016 Electronic Safety and Security

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ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS)

System Design and Implementation
Best Practices

Committee Approval: April 2016

First Published: May 2016
BICSI International Standards

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ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices


PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... xi
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Categories of Criteria..................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 2
3 Required Standards and Documents ............................................................................ 3
4 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Units of Measurement ............................ 5
4.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Units of Measurement .................................................................................................................................. 10

5 Telecommunications Infrastructure ............................................................................ 11

5.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Topology ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.2.1 Star Topology ........................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.2 Non-Star Topologies................................................................................................................................. 11
5.3 Spaces ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.3.1 Equipment Rooms .................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.2 Telecommunications Rooms and Telecommunications Enclosures ......................................................... 14
5.4 Cabling .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.1 Backbone Cabling..................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.2 Horizontal Cabling ................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.3 Horizontal Connection Point (HCP) ......................................................................................................... 19
5.4.4 Power over Ethernet (PoE) ....................................................................................................................... 20
5.5 Cabling Pathways ......................................................................................................................................... 21
5.5.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 21
5.5.2 Enclosures, Pull Boxes and Splice Boxes ................................................................................................. 21
5.5.3 ESS Pathway Redundancy........................................................................................................................ 21
5.5.4 ESS Pathways between Telecommunications Spaces within a Building.................................................. 21
5.5.5 ESS Campus Pathways Between Buildings.............................................................................................. 22
5.5.6 ESS Pathways Serving Equipment Outlets ............................................................................................... 22
5.5.7 ESS Pathway Separation from Power and EMI Sources .......................................................................... 22
5.5.8 ESS Pathway Bonding and Grounding ..................................................................................................... 23
5.5.9 Special Pathways and Spaces Considerations........................................................................................... 23
5.5.10 Secure Areas ............................................................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Telecommunications Outlet and Connectors ............................................................................................. 24
5.6.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 24
5.6.2 Facility Connections by Modified Permanent Link Method .................................................................... 25
5.7 Cabling Installation Requirements ............................................................................................................. 26
5.7.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.7.2 Bonding and Grounding Considerations................................................................................................... 26
5.7.3 Transmission Performance Field Testing ................................................................................................. 26

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5.8 Administration and Documentation............................................................................................................ 28

5.8.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 28
5.8.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 28
5.9 ESS Device Mounting Heights ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.9.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 28
5.9.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 29
5.10 Infrastructure for Wireless Transmission .................................................................................................. 29
5.10.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 29
5.10.2 Additional Information ............................................................................................................................. 29
5.11 Coverage Area Planning and Density ......................................................................................................... 29
5.11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 29
5.11.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 29

6 Intrusion Detection Systems ....................................................................................... 31

6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
6.2 Developing an IDS ........................................................................................................................................ 31
6.2.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 31
6.2.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 System Connectivity ..................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.1 Wired Devices........................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.2 Wireless Devices....................................................................................................................................... 32
6.4 Sensors ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 32
6.4.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5 Notification .................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 32
6.5.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5.3 Additional Information ............................................................................................................................. 33
6.6 Control Panel ................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.6.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 33
6.6.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 33
6.7 Keypads and Annunciators .......................................................................................................................... 34
6.7.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 34
6.7.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 34
6.8 Initiating Devices .......................................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.2 Motion Sensors ......................................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.3 Window Sensors ....................................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.4 Door Status Sensors .................................................................................................................................. 35
6.8.5 Perimeter Sensors ..................................................................................................................................... 35
6.9 Optional Integrated Equipment .................................................................................................................. 35
6.9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 35
6.9.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 35

7 Video Surveillance ....................................................................................................... 37

7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
7.2 Generation and Conformance with Use Cases ........................................................................................... 37
7.2.1 Scene Characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 37
7.2.2 Observation as a Primary VSS Function ................................................................................................... 38
7.2.3 Forensic Review as a Primary VSS Function ........................................................................................... 38
7.2.4 Recognition as a Primary VSS Function ................................................................................................... 39
7.2.5 Additional VSS Functions ........................................................................................................................ 39

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

7.3 Device Groups and Interoperability ........................................................................................................... 40

7.3.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 40
7.4 Device Categories ......................................................................................................................................... 40
7.4.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 40
7.5 Use Cases ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
7.5.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 41
7.6 Open Network Video Interface Forum Conformance .............................................................................. 41
7.6.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 41
7.7 Deployment Process ..................................................................................................................................... 41
7.7.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 41
7.7.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................... 42
7.8 Authentication of Network Video Cameras for Improved ESS Network Security ................................ 43
7.8.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 43

8 Access Control Systems.............................................................................................. 45

8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
8.2 System Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 45
8.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 45
8.2.2 Central Equipment Processing (Level 1) .................................................................................................. 45
8.2.3 Computer Hardware and Software ........................................................................................................... 45
8.2.4 Server........................................................................................................................................................ 45
8.2.5 Software .................................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.6 Backup ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.7 Event Recording ....................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.8 Backup Power ........................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.9 Access Control Workstation ..................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.10 Badging System ........................................................................................................................................ 47
8.2.11 Visitor Management ................................................................................................................................. 47
8.3 Controllers for Intelligent Field Processing (Level 2) ............................................................................... 47
8.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 47
8.3.2 Controller Configurations ......................................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Peripheral Devices (Level 3) ........................................................................................................................ 48
8.4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 48
8.4.2 Relays ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
8.4.3 Power Distribution .................................................................................................................................... 48
8.4.4 Readers ..................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.4.5 Request to Exit Devices ............................................................................................................................ 49
8.4.6 Door Contacts ........................................................................................................................................... 49
8.4.7 Electrified Door Hardware ....................................................................................................................... 49
8.4.8 Fail-Secure/Fail-Safe/Fail Latched ........................................................................................................... 49
8.4.9 Power to Locks ......................................................................................................................................... 50
8.5 Credentials (Level 4) .................................................................................................................................... 51
8.5.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 51
8.5.2 Web-Enabled Access Control ................................................................................................................... 51
8.5.3 IP Card Readers ........................................................................................................................................ 51
8.5.4 IP Controllers............................................................................................................................................ 51
8.5.5 Communications ....................................................................................................................................... 51
8.5.6 Analog Communications .......................................................................................................................... 52
8.5.7 TCP/IP or Network Communications ....................................................................................................... 52

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9 Fire Alarm Systems ..................................................................................................... 53

9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 53
9.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 53
9.1.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 54
9.2 Regulatory ..................................................................................................................................................... 54
9.2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 54
9.3 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 54
9.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 54
9.3.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 54
9.3.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 55
9.4 Fire Alarm Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 55
9.4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 55
9.4.2 Control Panel ............................................................................................................................................ 55
9.4.3 Detection/Initiation ................................................................................................................................... 56
9.4.4 Notification Appliances ............................................................................................................................ 56
9.5 Communications Systems ............................................................................................................................ 57
9.5.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 57
9.5.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 57
9.5.3 Recommendations. .................................................................................................................................... 57
9.6 Pathways........................................................................................................................................................ 58
9.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 58
9.6.2 Class N ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
9.6.3 Class N Cabling ........................................................................................................................................ 60
9.7 Circuits .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
9.7.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 60
9.7.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 61
9.7.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 61
9.8 Monitoring and Supervision ........................................................................................................................ 61
9.8.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 61
9.8.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 62
9.8.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 62
9.9 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Implementation .............................................................................................. 62
9.9.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.9.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 62
9.9.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 62
9.10 Class N Operations and Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 62
9.10.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.10.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 62
9.10.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 62
9.11 As-Built Drawings and Related Documentation ........................................................................................ 62
9.11.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.11.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 62
9.11.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 62

10 Integrated Systems ...................................................................................................... 63

10.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
10.2 ESS Integrated Services, Design and Integration ...................................................................................... 63
10.2.1 Public Network Services ........................................................................................................................... 63
10.2.2 Design and Selection of Components ....................................................................................................... 64
10.2.3 ESS Integration ......................................................................................................................................... 64

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

10.3 ESS Components .......................................................................................................................................... 64

10.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 64
10.3.2 Intrusion Detection System....................................................................................................................... 64
10.3.3 Access Control System ............................................................................................................................. 65
10.3.4 Video Surveillance System ....................................................................................................................... 65
10.3.5 Physical Security Information Management System ................................................................................ 65
10.3.6 Sensor-Based System ............................................................................................................................... 65
10.3.7 Building Automation System ................................................................................................................... 65
10.3.8 Location System ....................................................................................................................................... 65
10.3.9 Global Positioning System ....................................................................................................................... 67
10.3.10 Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) with other ESS systems .................................................. 67
10.3.11 Software .................................................................................................................................................... 68
10.4 System Configuration and Expandability .................................................................................................. 69
10.4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 69
10.4.2 Input/Output Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 69
10.4.3 Maps and Icons ......................................................................................................................................... 69
10.4.4 System Response Times ........................................................................................................................... 70
10.4.5 System Expansion Capability ................................................................................................................... 70
10.5 ESS Integration Process ............................................................................................................................... 70
10.5.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 70
10.5.2 Integration Process Team Members ......................................................................................................... 70
10.5.3 Integration Process ................................................................................................................................... 71

11 Risk Management and Risk Assessment.................................................................... 75

11.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 75
11.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 75
11.3 Additional Information ................................................................................................................................ 75

12 Commissioning ............................................................................................................ 77
12.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
12.2 Documentation .............................................................................................................................................. 77
12.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 77
12.2.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 77
12.3 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
12.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 78
12.3.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 78
12.3.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................... 78
12.4 Labeling Components .................................................................................................................................. 78
12.4.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 78
12.4.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................... 78
12.5 Testing ........................................................................................................................................................... 78
12.5.1 Acceptance Testing Plan........................................................................................................................... 78
12.5.2 System Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 78
12.5.3 Acceptance Testing................................................................................................................................... 79
12.5.4 Retesting Equipment and Systems ............................................................................................................ 80
12.5.5 Warranty Periods ...................................................................................................................................... 80
12.6 Additional Commissioning Tasks ............................................................................................................... 80
12.7 Training ......................................................................................................................................................... 81

Appendix A Cabling Pathways (Normative) ...................................................................... 83

A.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 83
A.2 Types of Cabling Pathways ......................................................................................................................... 83
A.3 General Installation Practices ..................................................................................................................... 91

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Appendix B Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) Design Fundamentals (Informative) .. 92

B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 93
B.2 Elements ........................................................................................................................................................ 93
B.3 Types of Projects........................................................................................................................................... 94
B.4 Current and Future Trends in Safety and Security................................................................................... 94
B.5 Electronic Safety and Security System Development Basics..................................................................... 95

Appendix C Wireless Transmission (Informative) ............................................................ 97

C.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 97
C.2 Radio Frequency Transmission ................................................................................................................... 97
C.3 Free Space Optics ......................................................................................................................................... 97
C.4 Licensed Microwave Radio Transmission .................................................................................................. 98
C.5 Frequency Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 98

Appendix D Cloud Computing (Informative)..................................................................... 99

D.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 99
D.2 Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 99
D.3 Infrastructure Management of Cloud Services ........................................................................................ 101
D.4 Selecting an Infrastructure Management Model ..................................................................................... 102
D.5 Cloud Deployment Models ......................................................................................................................... 103
D.6 Delivering Secure Services ......................................................................................................................... 103
D.7 Trends .......................................................................................................................................................... 104

Appendix E System Training (Informative) ..................................................................... 105

E.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 105
E.2 Sessions ........................................................................................................................................................ 105
E.3 Position or Task Training .......................................................................................................................... 105
E.4 Training Schedules ..................................................................................................................................... 107

Appendix F ESS Operations and Maintenance (Informative) ........................................ 109

F.1 Operation Best Practices ............................................................................................................................ 109
F.2 Maintenance Plan Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 110
F.3 Service Contracts ........................................................................................................................................ 110

Appendix G Related Documents (Informative) ............................................................... 113

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices


Section 5 Telecommunications Infrastructure

Figure 5-1 Hierarchical Star Topology ........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5-2 Examples of Non-star Topologies ................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5-3 Optical Fiber Cabling With Media Converters ............................................................................. 18
Figure 5-4 Configuration Examples for Using Hybrid Copper/Optical Fiber Cable to Connect an ESS
Device ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 5-5 Example of a Horizontal Connection Point Within a Star Topology ............................................ 20
Figure 5-6 Example Locations of User-Administered and Facility Connection Telecommunications Outlets .. 25
Figure 5-7 Examples of Facility Connections Using a Modified Permanent Link ......................................... 25
Figure 5-8 Configuration 1: Single Connector Modified Permanent Link Set Up for a Modified
Permanent Link Without a Consolidation Point ............................................................................ 27
Figure 5-9 Configuration 2: Single Connector Modified Permanent Link Set Up for a Modified
Permanent Link With a Consolidation Point ................................................................................. 28

Section 8 Access Control Systems

Figure 8-1 Form A, B and C Relays ............................................................................................................... 48

Section 9 Fire Alarm Systems

Figure 9-1 Basic Fire Alarm System............................................................................................................... 53

Section 10 Integrated Systems

Figure 10-1 Sample Physical Security Information Management System........................................................ 66


Section 5 Telecommunications Infrastructure

Table 5-1 Recommended Cross-Connect Color Codes For Use at Cabling Distributors .............................. 13
Table 5-2 Media Selection Criteria................................................................................................................ 16
Table 5-3 Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Frequency Range of Interest and Associated Applications ........ 17
Table 5-4 Typical Coverage Area for Each ESS Link ................................................................................... 30

Section 6 Intrusion Detection Systems

Table 6-1 Detection Sensor Technology and Application ............................................................................. 32

Appendix A Cabling Pathways (Normative)

Table A-1 Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Bend Radius and Pulling Tension Requirements ....................... 84
Table A-2 Optical Fiber Cabling Bend Radius and Pulling Tension Requirements....................................... 85
Table A-3 Maximum Allowable Cabling Stacking Height in Cabling Pathways .......................................... 85

Appendix F ESS Operations and Maintenance (Informative)

Table F-1 Emergency Response Category Matrix ....................................................................................... 112

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices


Revision History

May 5, 2013 First publication of this standard, titled ANSI/BICSI 005-2013, Electronic Safety and Security
(ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

May 11, 2016 Revision of ANSI/BICSI 005-2013 published as ANSI/BICSI 005-2016, Electronic Safety and
Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Major revisions include:

• Complete revision of Section 9, including section title change to Fire Alarm Systems
• Addition of Section 12, Commissioning
• Addition of Appendix D, Cloud Computing
• Addition of Appendix E, System Training
• Addition of Appendix F, ESS Operations and Maintenance

Minor revisions include:

• Addition of content for automated infrastructure management (AIM)
• Addition of content for physical security of cabling infrastructure
• General content updates and editorial corrections

Document Format (Usability Features)

This standard has the following usability features as aids to the user:
• Additions and changes, other than those for editorial purposes, are indicated with a vertical rule within the
left page margin.
• Deletions of one or more paragraphs are indicated with a bullet (•) between the content that remains

Translation Notice

This standard may have one or more translations available for the convenience of its readers. As translated text may
contain inconsistencies when compared to the original text, if differences between the translation and the published
English version exist, the English text shall be used as the official and authoritative version.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

1 Introduction
1.1 General
This standard is written in the context that a comprehensive safety and security strategy for a specific project or
property has been developed. The interconnections of these electronic safety and security (ESS) systems are facilitated
once the client requirements have been determined by parties responsible for the development of those requirements.
The designed or recommended system takes into account the environmental constraints in which the electronic safety
and security infrastructure will be installed and operated. This includes consideration of the appropriate safeguards
that may be necessary due to:
• Layout of a particular area
• Environment
• Topology
• Climate
• Current and future types of equipment to be supported
• Type of cabling
• Functionality of the network
• Pathways or spaces over which the cabling will be installed
1.2 Purpose
This standard is written for use in the design and implementation of the structured cabling systems used within
electronic safety and security systems. This standard provides a reference of common technology and design practices,
and is not intended to be used by architects and engineers as their sole reference or as a step-by-step design guide.
This standard may also be used to determine design requirements in conjunction with the system owner, occupant, or
safety and security consultant.
This standard is intended primarily for, but not limited to:
• ESS system owners and operators
• ESS system consultants and project managers
• Architects
• Authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ)
• Engineers
• ESS system installers
1.3 Categories of Criteria
Two categories of criteria are specified - mandatory and advisory.
• Mandatory criteria generally apply to protection, performance, administration, and compatibility; they
specify the absolute minimum acceptable requirements.
• Advisory or desirable criteria are presented when their attainment will enhance the general performance of
the ESS system infrastructure in all its contemplated applications.
Mandatory requirements are designated by the word shall; advisory recommendations are designated by the words
should, may, or desirable, which are used interchangeably in this standard. When possible, recommendations and
requirements were separated to aid in clarity.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

2 Scope
This standard applies to the electronic safety and security systems that are provided by a physical security
professional. Electronic devices and systems include, but are not limited to:
• Safety systems
• Physical access control
• Video surveillance
• Intrusion detection systems
• Integrated systems
The performance specifications for the electronic safety and security systems are not offered in this standard unless it
relates to the structured cabling systems. For example, desired frame rates and image quality for video surveillance
systems impact the bandwidth of the signal and therefore impact the type of cabling selected. This standard will not
describe the selection of the frame rates and the video quality but will describe bandwidth and cabling considerations
for video content.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

3 Required Standards and Documents

The following standards and documents contain provisions that constitute requirements listed within this standard.
Unless otherwise indicated, all standards and documents listed are the latest published version prior to the initial
publication of this standard. Parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying a more recent version, as applicable.
Where equivalent local codes and standards exist, requirements from these local specifications shall apply. Where
reference is made to a requirement that exceeds minimum code requirements, the specification requirement shall take
precedence over any apparent conflict with applicable codes.

• ANSI/NECA/BICSI 607, Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding Planning and Installation Methods
for Commercial Buildings
• ANSI/BICSI 006, Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Design and Implementation Best Practices

British Standards Institution (BSI)

• BS 6701, Telecommunications equipment and telecommunications cabling. Specification for installation,
operation and maintenance
• BS 7671, Requirements for Electrical Installations. IET Wiring Regulations

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

• EN 50173-1, Information technology – Generic cabling systems – General requirements
• EN 50174-2, Information technology – Cabling installation – Part 2: Installation planning and practices
inside buildings

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

• IEEE 802.3, IEEE Standard for Ethernet

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

• IEC 60364-4-43, Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-43: Protection for safety – Protection against
• IEC 60364-5-52, Electrical installations of buildings – Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – Wiring systems
• IEC 60849, Sound systems for emergency purposes

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

• ISO 12233, Photography – Electronic still-picture cameras – Resolution measurements
• ISO 14524, Photography – Electronic still-picture cameras – Methods for measuring opto-electronic
conversion functions (OECFs)
• ISO/IEC 11801-1, Generic cabling for customer premises – Part 1: General requirements
• ISO/IEC 14763-2, Information technology – Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling –
Part 2: Planning and installation
• ISO/IEC 18598, Information technology – Automated infrastructure management (AIM) systems –
Requirements, data exchange and applications
• ISO/IEC 30129, Information Technology – Telecommunications bonding networks for buildings and other

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

• NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®
• NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF)

• ONVIF Core Specification, version 2.2

Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA)

• ANSI/TIA 526-7-A, Measurement of Optical Power Loss of Installed Single-Mode Fiber Cable Plant,
Adoption of IEC 61280-4-2 edition 2: Fibre-Optic Communications Subsystem Test Procedures – Part 4-2:
Installed Cable Plant – Single-Mode Attenuation and Optical Return Loss Measurement
• ANSI/TIA-526-14-C, Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant; IEC
61280-4-1 Edition 2, Fibre-Optic Communications Subsystem Test Procedure – Part 4-1: Installed Cable
Plant – Multimode Attenuation Measurement
• ANSI/TIA-568.0-D, Generic Telecommunications Cabling for Customer Premises
• ANSI/TIA-568.1-D, Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard
• ANSI/TIA-568-C.2, Balanced Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cabling and Components Standard
• ANSI/TIA-568-C.3, Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard
• ANSI/TIA-569-D, Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
• ANSI/TIA-606-B, Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure
• ANSI/TIA-607-C, Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises
• ANSI/TIA-758-B, Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard
• ANSI/TIA-862-B, Structured Cabling Infrastructure Standard For Intelligent Building Systems
• ANSI/TIA-1005-A, Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Industrial Premises
• ANSI/TIA-1152-A, Requirements for Field Test Instruments and Measurements for Balanced Twisted-Pair
• ANSI/TIA-5017, Telecommunications Physical Network Security Standard

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

4 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Units of Measurement

For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, and units of measurement apply.
4.1 Definitions
annunciator A device that provides information on the state or condition of components,
devices or systems(s). In addition to status, the device may display specific
status information (e.g., trouble, alarm).
backbone (1) A facility (e.g., pathway, cable, conductors ) between any of the following
spaces: telecommunications rooms (TRs), common TRs, floor-serving terminals,
entrance facilities, equipment rooms, and common equipment rooms (CER).
(2) In a data center, a facility (e.g., pathway, cable, conductors) between any of
the following spaces: entrance rooms or spaces, main distribution areas,
intermediate distribution areas , horizontal distribution areas , and TRs.
backbone cabling See backbone.
balun An impedance matching transformer used for coupling two electrical circuit
elements, where one is balanced (balanced twisted-pair) and the other is
unbalanced (coaxial cabling).
campus (1) The buildings and grounds having legal contiguous interconnection (e.g.,
college, university, industrial park, military installation). (2) A premises
containing one or more buildings.
color temperature Characterization of a light source in terms of the temperature of a theoretical
blackbody radiator that would have a color (spectral energy density) that most
closely resembles that of the illuminating source.
component Any part or subassembly of devices used in the construction of a system (e.g.,
video surveillance system).
compression The process of encoding or modifying data files from its original form to a file
of a smaller size.
credential An item or object that allows the possessor to enter, exit or access an identified
space, object or asset.
cross-connect A facility enabling the termination of cabling elements and their interconnection
or cross-connection.
device A general term given to the components of a system which perform one or more
functions (e.g., detection, measurement, observation), but do not provide system
management or complex control functionality. Within an individual ESS
discipline (e.g., fire alarm), the term device may be further defined to represent a
specific functionality or expected behavior.
digital multimedia content Materials or files that include a combination of text, audio, still images,
animation, video, or interactive content forms that are stored as a series of
discrete values within an electronic device.
direct attach See modified permanent link.
display A device that shows images, text, or other content by converting analog or
digital signals into visible form.
download The process of receiving data at a specific electronic device from another digital
source (e.g., computer, network-enabled system, local or remote server).
egress A point or means of exit from a building, property, or location.
encoder A device that converts data into a form suitable for transmission over a specified

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

equipment cord A length of cable with connectors on both ends used to join active equipment
directly to other active equipment or the cabling infrastructure.
equipment room An environmentally controlled centralized space for telecommunications and
(telecommunications) data processing equipment with supporting communications connectivity
fail-latched A property of a locking device that upon the loss of power, the device will latch
or remain latched but does not necessarily restrict movement or access from the
secured side.
fail-safe A property of a locking device that upon the loss of power, the device will
automatically unlock (open) or remain unlocked (open).
fail-secure A property of a device that upon the loss of power, the device will automatically
lock (close) or remain locked (closed).
field of view ’The extent of the observable location or area that is seen at any given moment
from a defined point. For ESS devices, the field of view is typically described as
an angle on a specified plane (e.g., vertical, horizontal) or as a cone within
encompasses two or more planes for which a detector or device will perform its
observation function(s). For cameras, the field of view may also be known as the
angle of view.
fire detection The means of detecting the occurrence of heat, smoke or other particles or
products of combustion.
fire suppression The products, materials, and methods used to control and extinguish an active
forensic review A property of video surveillance equipment, which denotes that the equipment
has been optimized to provide high resolution recordings of scene content or
digital multimedia content (DMC) captured by the video camera or encoding
horizontal cabling (1) The cabling between and including the telecommunications outlet and
connector and the horizontal cross-connect. (2) The cabling between and
including the building automation system outlet or the first mechanical
termination of the horizontal connection point and the horizontal cross-connect.
(3) Within a data center, horizontal cabling is the cabling from the horizontal
cross-connect (in the main distribution area or horizontal distribution area) to the
outlet in the equipment distribution area or zone distribution area.
horizontal connection point A location for connections between horizontal cables that extend from building
pathways and horizontal cables that extends to building automation systems
(BAS) devices and equipment.
horizontal cross-connect A cross-connect of horizontal cabling to other cabling (e.g., backbone cabling,
active equipment).
hybrid cable An assembly of two or more cables, of the same or differing types of media,
categories designation, etc., covered by one overall sheath.
interconnection (1) A connection scheme that employs connecting hardware for the direct
connection of a cable to another cable without a patch cord or jumper. (2) A type
of connection in which single port equipment connections (e.g., 4-pair and
optical fiber connectors) attach to horizontal or backbone cabling by means of
patch cords or jumpers.
interoperability The ability of two or more systems to communicate and exchange data, while
allowing any of the participating systems to use the exchanged information.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

jumper An assembly of twisted-pair conductors or balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber,

or coaxial cable used to join telecommunications circuits and links at a cross-
connect or between patch panels. Jumpers may have connectors at neither, one,
or both ends of the assembly.
keypad A data input device consisting of a limited number of keys, each with nominated
Listed Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization
that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), that maintains
periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic
evaluation of services, and whose listing states either that the equipment,
material or services meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found
suitable for use in a specified manner.
luminance A measure of the brightness of a point on a surface that is radiating or reflecting
media (telecommunications) Wire, cable, or conductors used for telecommunications.
media converter A device that converts from one type of media to another. Typically referring to
a hardware device that connects different transmission media (i.e., from
balanced twisted-pair to coax or from balanced twisted-pair to optical fiber).
metadata Data embedded within or associated with a file that describes information about
or related to the file or directory. This may include but is not limited to color,
size, trajectory and the locations where the content is stored, dates, times,
application specific information, and permissions.
modified permanent link The horizontal cabling on the remote device end directly attaching (or
connecting) to the device through a connectorized cable or hard-wired
termination, eliminating the need for a telecommunications outlet and equipment
cord for the device.
modular plug The insert (“male”) element of a telecommunications connector that may be
keyed or unkeyed, typically has six or eight contact positions, of which not all
the positions need to be equipped with contacts. A modular plug is named for the
number of position and contacts it has (e.g., 8P8C for 8 positions, 8 contacts).
NOTE 1 : The receptacle that a modular plug is inserted into is named a modular
NOTE 2: Some specific configurations of a modular plug may be termed as a
registered jack or RJ##. An example is a RJ45, which is equivalent to an 8P8C
observation A function in video surveillance systems that may be optimized to provide
continuous viewing of scene content captured by the video camera or encoding
device and displayed on local or remote monitors, or on remote display devices
like smart-phones, tablets, or laptop computers.
panel An electrical device consisting of an enclosure, box or surface that may contain
switches, dials, displays or meters for controlling or monitoring other electrical
patch cord A jumper with connectors on both ends used to join telecommunications
circuits/links, for example between two patch panels.
patch panel A connecting hardware system that facilitates cable termination and cabling
administration using patch cords.
pathway A facility for the placement of telecommunications cable.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

pixel In digital imaging, a single point in a bitmap image, or the smallest addressable
screen element in a display device. It is the smallest unit of a picture that can be
represented or controlled.
proprietary A characteristic of a technique, technology, or device which is owned and
controlled by a company or other party and is thereby only usable or adaptable
as allowed by that party and not deemed to achieve interoperability.
raceway An enclosed channel of metal or nonmetallic materials designed expressly for
holding wires or cables. Raceways include, but are not limited to: rigid metal
conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, intermediate metal
conduit, liquid tight flexible conduit, flexible metallic tubing, flexible metal
conduit, electrical nonmetallic tubing, electrical metallic tubing, underfloor
raceways, cellular, cellular concrete floor raceways, cellular metal floor
raceways, surface raceways, wireways, and busways.
NOTE: Cable tray is not considered a type of raceway.
recognition In ESS systems, a function used to capture and record imagery that may include,
but not be limited to, vehicle license plate recognition, facial recognition, smoke
and fire detection, object recognition, pattern recognition, cross-line detection,
object temporal characteristics, color recognition and trajectory.
recording media Any device or component to which digital multimedia content (DMC) is written,
stored and can be retrieved.
single connector modified A test procedure for a Category 5e/Class D or higher modified permanent link
permanent link plug-ended configuration where the fixed length of cabling is punched down at
the near end patch panel and an eight position modular plug is attached at the
device far end. The test equipment utilizes a test equipment cord on the near end
attached to a permanent link adapter and is directly attached to a channel adapter
at the far end. A consolidation point may optionally be located between the near
and far ends.
soft space In architectural spaces, virtual spaces adjacent to actual spaces that permit
expansion of an actual space into the virtual space if required at a later date (e.g.,
expansion of a telecommunications room). Examples of architectural spaces by
this definition include: storage spaces, conference rooms, unassigned coverage
areas, or other spaces not located within the life safety egress path to allow for
future expansion.
space (telecommunications) An area whose primary function is to house the installation and termination of
telecommunications equipment and cable (e.g., equipment room,
telecommunications room, entrance facility).
telecommunications Any transmission, emission, and reception of information (e.g., signs, signals,
writings, images, sounds) by cable, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic
telecommunications The receptacle and insertion elements which provide a means of aligning,
connector attaching and achieving continuity between the conductors and optical fibers
used within telecommunication and ICT applications.
telecommunications outlet An assembly of which consists of a faceplate, body, housing, or supporting
bracket, and one or more receptacles or jacks of a telecommunication connector.
telecommunications room A telecommunications space that differs from equipment rooms and entrance
facilities in that this space is generally considered a floor-serving or tenant-
serving (as opposed to building- or campus-serving) space that provides a
connection point between backbone and horizontal cabling.
termination The physical connection of a conductor to connecting hardware.
topology The physical or logical arrangement of a system.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

uninterruptible power supply A system that provides a continuous supply of power to a load, utilizing stored
energy when the normal source of energy is not available or is of unacceptable
quality. A UPS will provide power until the stored energy of the system has been
depleted, or when the acceptable quality of either an alternative source of power
(e.g., generator) or the normal source of power becomes available.
use case A list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role and a system, to
achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or an external system.
varistor An electronic component used to protect circuits against excessive transient
voltages by incorporating them into the circuit in such a way that, when
triggered, they will shunt the current created by the high voltage away from the
sensitive components. Also known as a voltage dependent resistor.
video monitor A type of display for the viewing of live and recorded video. A video monitor
may also be known as a digital panel.

4.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviations and acronyms, other than in common usage, are defined below.
AC alternating current LAN local area network
ACS access control system NAC notification appliance circuit
AFF above finished floor NC normally closed
AHJ authority having jurisdiction NO normally open
AIM automated infrastructure management NRTL nationally recognized testing laboratory
AWG American wire gauge PDS protected distribution system
BAS building automation system PIR passive infrared
BIM building information modeling PLC programmable logic circuit
BMS building management system PoE power over Ethernet
CCTV closed circuit television POTS plain old telephone service
CRI color rendition index PSE power sourcing equipment
DAS distributed antenna system PSIM physical security information management
DC direct current PTP point-to-point
DMC digital multimedia content PTZ pan, tilt, zoom
EMI electromagnetic interference QoS quality of service
EMT electrical metallic tubing RAID redundant array of independent disks
ER equipment room REX request to exit
ESS electronic safety and security RF radio frequency
FOV field of view RFID radio frequency identification
GPS global positioning system SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
GUI graphical user interface TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet
HCP horizontal connection point protocol
HDTV high definition television TE telecommunications enclosure
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning TR telecommunications room
ICS integrated control system UPS uninterruptible power supply
ICT information communication and USB universal serial bus
technology UTP unshielded balanced twisted-pair
IDS intrusion detection system VSS video surveillance system
IP Internet protocol WAN wide area network

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

4.3 Units of Measurement

The units of measurement used in this standard are metric. Approximate conversions from metric to U.S. customary
units are provided in parentheses; e.g., 100 millimeters (4 inches).
Units of measurement used in this standard are defined below:

Ah ampere-hour
dB decibel
dBA ambient decibel adjusted for frequency
fps frames per second
ft foot
ft2 square foot
GHz gigahertz
Hz hertz
in inch
km kilometer
lbf pound force
m meter
m2 square meter
Mb/s megabit per second
MHz megahertz
mi mile
mm millimeter
N newton
nm nanometer
ppf pixels per foot
ppm pixels per meter
VAC volt alternate current
VDC volt direct current
W watt

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

5 Telecommunications Infrastructure
5.1 Overview
ESS systems may either share the collective set of cabling system components, cabling pathways, and related
telecommunications spaces with a traditional voice/data information and communications technology (ICT) network
or use a dedicated ESS network operating in parallel with the traditional voice/data information ICT network.
Regardless of the way that these systems are deployed, telecommunications cabling infrastructure standards and
telecommunications cabling installation best practices should be observed.
This section addresses the best practices for the design and installation of a telecommunications cabling infrastructure
for ESS devices to support a wide range of applications.
The basic elements of the telecommunications infrastructure are the following:
• Topology
• Equipment room (ER)
• Telecommunications room (TR)
• Telecommunications enclosure (TE)
• Backbone cabling
• Horizontal cabling
• Cabling pathways
• Telecommunications outlets and connectors
• Coverage areas
The diversity of ESS services currently available, coupled with the continual addition of new services, means that
there may be cases where limitations to desired performance may occur. When applying specific applications to these
telecommunications cabling systems, the user is cautioned to consult existing codes, regulations, application
standards, equipment manufacturer requirements, and system and service suppliers for applicability, limitations, and
ancillary requirements.

5.2 Topology
5.2.1 Star Topology Requirements Campus Distributor
(Main Cross-Connect)
The topology for horizontal and backbone cabling
shall be configured as a star (horizontal) or
hierarchical star (backbone). See Figure 5-1 for an
example of a hierarchical star topology. Recommendations Building Distributor
Horizontal cabling topology should be planned to (Intermediate Cross-Connect)
allow the deployment of numerous ESS services
within the ICT network. Services and their associated
devices include, but are not limited to: Floor Distributor
(Horizontal Cross-Connect)
• Surveillance and security cameras
• Access control devices Telecommunications
• Intrusion detection sensors and notification Outlet / Connector

• Fire alarm control panels, sensors, and Figure 5-1
annunciators Hierarchical Star Topology
• Other specialty applications (e.g., asset
management, mass notification)
5.2.2 Non-Star Topologies Overview
Non-star based topologies may be used in order to accommodate other ICT services and associated cabling
infrastructure. For example, ancillary systems cabling from a master control panel to a remote device. Examples of
non-star topologies that are commonly used are shown in Figure 5-2.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Ring Topology
Bus Topology Tree Topology
(shows secondary cable)

Figure 5-2
Examples of Non-star Topologies

5.3 Spaces
5.3.1 Equipment Rooms Overview
Equipment rooms (ERs) provide connections between ESS equipment and backbone cabling via the campus
distributor (main cross-connect) and house electronic equipment to support devices in the building served. Equipment
rooms are considered to be distinct from telecommunications rooms because of the nature or complexity of the
equipment they contain.
ERs usually house a campus distributor (main cross-connect) or building distributor (intermediate cross-connect). An
ER may also house the floor distributor (horizontal cross-connection) intended to connect coverage areas served by
the ER. An ER may also serve as the interface point for access or service provider facilities. Equipment Room Size and Provisioning Requirements
The design and provisioning of the equipment room shall be in accordance with applicable standards (e.g., TIA-569-D,
ISO/IEC 14763-2). The ER shall be able to contain telecommunications equipment, cable terminations, and associated
cross-connect cabling.
An ER shall be sized and provisioned (e.g., power, lighting, backboards, pathways) to accommodate enough space for
all planned equipment, offering suitable access to the equipment for maintenance and administration, including
planned growth based on a five to ten year plan.
ERs shall be climate controlled to help assure proper operation of ESS equipment. This will require the designer to
provide the following information to personnel responsible for the engineering or operation of the applicable
mechanical systems (e.g. HVAC) supporting the ER, in order to ensure proper operation:
• ESS equipment power and heat loads
• ESS equipment manufacturer/vendor specified operating temperature and humidity ranges and limits
Where dedicated ESS equipment rooms are required, ESS equipment rooms shall be planned to accommodate future
expansion on a minimum of one side of the room. Rooms shall be located adjacent to flexible space, also known as
soft space (e.g., storage spaces, conference rooms, unassigned coverage areas or other spaces not located within the
life safety egress path) to allow for future expansion.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Where ESS equipment is required to share space within an ER or other telecommunications space with components of
other building systems, the installation of the ESS equipment and support systems shall:
• Be dedicated to the telecommunications function and related support facilities. Equipment not related to the
support of the distributor room (e.g., water pipes, HVAC ductwork, pneumatic tubing) shall not be installed
in, pass through, or enter the ER space.
• Comply with the requirements of applicable codes and standards (e.g., NFPA 70) for working space around
electrical service equipment.
• Be sized appropriately to accommodate future planned and unplanned adds, moves and changes as the
project and client requirements demand.
• Be separated from the other equipment in the ER (e.g., on a separate wall or in a separate equipment rack or
cabinet). If ESS equipment shares wall space or equipment rack or cabinet space, ESS equipment shall be
clearly labeled as ESS equipment.
• Be designed to incorporate security measures to restrict unauthorized access to the space (e.g., card reader
access). Recommendations
The ER is the recommended space to install the centralized ESS equipment for the building.
The ER should be located as close as practicable to the center of the area served.
Additional space and pathway sizing should be incorporated into the design to accommodate the ESS cabling systems.
Refer to the BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual for examples of ER designs.
When multiple ERs are located on the same floor, they should be interconnected by a minimum of one metric
designator 78 (trade size 3) conduit or equivalent pathway.
The ER should not be shared with electrical installations other than those for telecommunications use. Cross-connect
connecting hardware (e.g., patch panels, connecting blocks) intended for use with ESS equipment that is cross-
connected to the backbone connecting hardware should be readily and uniquely identifiable (e.g. use of a different
color than those used for voice and data interconnections or cross-connections).
Each cross-connect jumper or patch cable should be clearly labeled to identify the ESS equipment it serves. The
recommended color codes for cross-connect fields are shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Recommended Cross-Connect Color Codes For Use at Cabling Distributors
Pantone Color
Color Examples of Services for the Corresponding Colors
Orange 150C Public network demarcation point of access provider service
Green 353C Connections to user side of public network demarcation point
Common equipment such as private branch exchange and local area networks (LANs), network
Purple 264C
switches, network servers, network routers and related data equipment
Terminations of building backbone cabling, first level campus or building backbone emanates
White N/A from the campus distributor (main cross-connect) connecting to a building distributor
(intermediate cross-connect) or floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect)
Terminations of building backbone cabling, second level building backbone emanates from the
Gray 422C building distributor (intermediate cross-connect) connecting to a campus distributor (main cross-
connect) in one direction and an floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect) in the other direction
Terminations of campus backbone cabling, second level campus backbone emanates from the
Brown 465C building distributor (intermediate cross-connect) connecting to a campus distributor (main cross-
connect) in one direction and an floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect) in the other direction
Terminations of horizontal cabling, from the floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect)
Blue 291C connecting to an optional consolidation point and the work area/coverage area serving
telecommunications outlets
Yellow 101C Terminations of cabling serving alarms, security, or energy management systems
NOTE: Industry practice and the AHJ in some areas reserves red for life safety alarm systems
Red N/A
(e.g. fire detection and alarm systems)
Note: Color codes are aligned with standard TIA-606-B, Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

5.3.2 Telecommunications Rooms and Telecommunications Enclosures Overview
Telecommunications rooms (TRs) and telecommunications enclosures (TEs) provide connections between backbone
cabling and horizontal cabling via the floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect) and houses electronic equipment to
support devices in the area served. TRs and TEs are typically environmentally controlled centralized spaces for
telecommunications equipment that usually houses a floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect). The TR is typically
intended to serve the occupants of a floor in a building. Multiple TRs may be deployed in large buildings or multi-
tenant buildings. TEs are typically intended to serve a portion of a floor in a building. Size and Provisioning Requirements
A TR is a common access point for cabling subsystems and building pathways. The TR shall be sized to contain
telecommunications equipment, cable terminations, and associated cross-connect cabling.
TRs and TEs shall be sized and provisioned (e.g., power, lighting, backboards, pathways) to accommodate enough
space for all planned equipment, offering suitable access to the equipment for maintenance and administration,
including planned growth based on a five to ten year plan. The TR or TE shall be located as close as practicable to the
center of the area served.
The design and provisioning of the telecommunications room or telecommunications enclosure shall be in accordance
to applicable standards (e.g., TIA-569-D, ISO/IEC 14763-2). Where ESS equipment is required to share space within
a TR, TE or other telecommunications space with components of other building systems, the installation of the ESS
equipment and support systems shall:
• Be dedicated to the telecommunications function and related support facilities. Equipment not related to the
support of the distributor room (e.g., water pipes, HVAC ductwork, pneumatic tubing) shall not be installed
in, pass through, or enter the TR or TE spaces.
• Comply with the requirements of applicable codes and standards (e.g., NFPA 70) for working space around
electrical service equipment.
• Be sized appropriately to accommodate adds, moves and changes as the project and client requirements
• Be separated from the other equipment in the TR or TE (i.e., on a separate wall or in a separate equipment
rack or cabinet. If ESS equipment shares wall space or equipment rack or cabinet space, ESS equipment shall
be clearly labeled as ESS equipment.
• Be designed to incorporate security measures to restrict unauthorized access to the space (e.g., card reader
The temperature and humidity of the TRs and TEs shall meet ASHRAE Class B environmental guidelines at a
minimum. This may require the provision of climate control if active equipment is located within the TR or TE.
Enclosures installed outdoors shall be selected to meet or exceed the environmental conditions for the particular
region. Enclosure design and selection shall accommodate the environmental ranges of the ESS equipment to be
installed. Recommendations
The size of the TR should accommodate at least 50% more space than a TR intended to serve only voice and data
networking applications. Increasing the scale of the TR space allows for a parallel network and future device
connections to the network.
Where dedicated ESS telecommunications rooms or telecommunications enclosures are required, ESS equipment
rooms should be planned to accommodate future expansion. Rooms should be located to allow for future expansion.
Additional space and pathway sizing should be incorporated into the design to accommodate the ESS cabling systems.
Refer to the BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual for example TR and TE designs.
The TR should be located on the same floor as the area served. When multiple TRs or TEs are located on the same
floor, they should be interconnected by a minimum of one metric designator 78 (trade size 3) conduit or equivalent
The TR or TE should not be shared with electrical installations other than those for telecommunications use.
Cross-connect connecting hardware (e.g., patch panels, connecting blocks) intended for use with ESS equipment that
is cross-connected to the backbone connecting hardware should be readily and uniquely identifiable (e.g. use of a
different color than those used for voice and data interconnections or cross-connections).

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Each cross-connect jumper or patch cable should be clearly labeled to identify the ESS equipment it serves. The
recommended color codes for cross-connect fields are shown in Table 5-1.
All TRs should have access to two horizontal cabling pathways on a minimum of two walls.
5.4 Cabling
5.4.1 Backbone Cabling Overview
Backbone cabling facilitates interconnections between the telecommunications rooms or telecommunications
enclosures, equipment rooms, and entrance facilities, whether for one building or a campus. The life span of the
backbone is dependent on the service requirement level of the facility and ensuing changes of the telecommunications
equipment and applications. Recognized Backbone Cabling Requirements
Backbone cabling installed within a building shall follow the requirements specified in applicable standards (e.g.,
TIA-568-D series, ISO/IEC 11801-1). The following media types are recognized for use in the backbone cabling
• 4-pair 100-ohm balanced twisted-pair cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.2, ISO/IEC 11801-1) Category 5e/Class D or
higher. It is recommended to use Category 6/Class E or higher cabling in new installations.
• Multi-pair 100-ohm balanced twisted-pair cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.2, ISO/IEC 11801-1) Category 3/Class C
or higher.
• Multimode optical fiber cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.3, ISO/IEC 11801-1) 50 micron OM3 minimum. 50 micron
OM4 is recommended.
• Singlemode optical fiber cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.3, ISO/IEC 11801-1) OS1 or OS2 singlemode cabling.
Backbone cabling installed outdoors in a campus environment shall follow the requirements specified in applicable
standards (e.g., TIA-758-B, ISO/IEC 11801-1). Recommendations
Backbone cabling design should accommodate a variety of systems that may be deployed using these media. For
example, the use of singlemode optical fiber backbone cabling may be an optimal solution when deploying both a 10
Gigabit Ethernet system for a data (e.g., voice, video) network as well as Ethernet switches for an ESS system.
For each installed ESS service (e.g., security, access control, fire-life-safety):
• Separate backbone cabling for each ESS service should be provided.
• Backbone cabling for each service should be placed in a separate pathway.
• Redundant backbone cabling (as applicable) should be placed in a physically diverse pathway.
While ESS services may share the same backbone as the data and voice network, the applicable AHJ may have
requirements restricting or prohibiting this practice.
Designs for backbone cabling should accommodate projected system and application expansion, as well as increases
in utilization and bandwidth capacity for a life cycle of at least ten years past the commissioning date.
It may be necessary to use more than one medium in the backbone cabling, depending on distance and application.
Refer to the BICSI Outside Plant Design Reference Manual for additional recommendations and information for
campus environments.
5.4.2 Horizontal Cabling Overview
The horizontal cabling is the portion of the telecommunications cabling system that extends from the mechanical
termination in the telecommunications outlet to the horizontal cross-connect in the TR or TE.
Horizontal cabling includes:
• Horizontal cable
• Mechanical terminations,
• Equipment cords, patch cords, or optical fiber jumpers
• Consolidation points (optional)

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Recognized Horizontal Cabling Introduction
Horizontal cabling selection is typically based on device location, distance from the serving TR or TE, anticipated
lifetime of building occupancy and device required transmission performance characteristics. The distance that an ESS
signal may be run is determined by the:
• Signal strength at the source,
• Required signal strength at the receiving end, and
• Signal loss over the distance of the cable run. Requirements
Horizontal cabling installed in a premise shall follow all applicable standards requirements and recommendations
(e.g., TIA-568-D series, ISO/IEC 11801-1). The following media types are recognized for use in the horizontal
cabling infrastructure:
• 4-pair 100-ohm balanced twisted-pair cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.2, ISO/IEC 11801-1) Category 5e/Class D or
higher. It is recommended to use Category 6/Class E or higher cabling in new installations.
• Multimode optical fiber cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.3, ISO/IEC 11801-1) 50 micron OM3 minimum. 50 micron
OM4 is recommended.
• Singlemode optical fiber cabling (e.g., TIA-568-C.3, ISO/IEC 11801-1) OS1 or OS2 singlemode cabling.
Horizontal cabling installed outdoors in a campus environment, shall follow the standards requirements and
recommendations as defined in applicable standards (e.g., TIA-758-B, ISO/IEC 11801-1). Recommendations
Horizontal cabling should be designed to accommodate future equipment needs, which includes moving from
proprietary analog-based systems to IP-based systems.
Table 5-2 provides a guideline for media selection, based on criteria from various cabling standards (e.g., TIA-568.0-
D, ISO/IEC 11801-1):
Refer to the BICSI Outside Plant Design Reference Manual for additional recommendations and information for
horizontal cabling to be installed outdoors.

Table 5-2 Media Selection Criteria

IP-enabled ESS Recommended Minimum
Maximum Distance Bandwidth Power Source1
Device Media
Analog <= 100 m (328 ft) 1-100 MHz Local or PoE Category 5e/Class D
Local or powered
Analog2 > 100 m (328 ft) 1-250 MHz Category 6/Class E
IP <= 100 m (328 ft) 1-250 MHz Local or PoE Category 6/Class E
IP <= 100 m (328 ft) 1-500 MHz Local or PoE Category 6A/Class EA
IP <= 100 m (328 ft) 1-600 MHz Local or PoE Category 7/Class F
IP <= 100 m (328 ft) 1-1000 MHz Local or PoE Category 7A/Class FA
Local or PoE with
IP <= 2000 m (6,500 ft) 2000 MHz•km (OM3) Multimode Optical Fiber4
media converters
Local or PoE with
IP <= 2000 m (6,500 ft) 4700 MHz•km (OM4) Multimode Optical Fiber4
media converters
Local or PoE with Singlemode Optical Fiber
IP <= 5000 m (16,400 ft) Not Applicable
media converters (e.g., OS1, OS2)
1. This table does not include all power sources, such as PoE+ (e.g., IEEE 802.3at-2009).
2. Analog cameras at distances further than 100 m (328 ft) shall not be used as future IP devices, due to Ethernet distance limitation restrictions
(e.g., TIA-568.1-D).
3. Powered baluns are subject to voltage loss.
4. Type of multimode optical fiber cable used may be affected by final design and system requirements (See Section 5.4).

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Balanced Twisted-pair Cabling Use Guidelines Recommendations
Balanced twisted-pair cabling is preferred for distances of 100 meters (328 ft) or less. Table 5-3 offers a list of
balanced twisted-pair cabling categories/classes, their frequency range of interest, and associated applications.
When installing balanced twisted-pair cabling, it is recommended to install Category 6/Class E or higher for powering
higher current PoE or PoE Plus devices.

Table 5-3 Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Frequency Range of Interest and Associated Applications
Category / Frequency Range
Associated Applications Notes/Standards
Class of Cabling of Interest
Category 3 / IEEE transmission protocols Multipair cabling and 4-pair cabling, shielded and
1-16 MHz
Class C up to 10BASE-T Ethernet unshielded. Not recommended for new installations.
Category 5e / IEEE transmission protocols Multipair cabling and 4-pair cabling, shielded and
1-100 MHz
Class D up to 1000BASE-T Ethernet unshielded. Not recommended for new installations.
Category 6 / IEEE transmission protocols Most commonly installed cabling. 4-pair cabling,
1-250 MHz
Class E up to 1000BASE-T Ethernet shielded and unshielded.1
Category 6A / IEEE transmission protocols Augmented Category 6, 4-pair cabling, shielded and
1-500 MHz
Class EA up to 10GBASE-T Ethernet unshielded.1
4-pair shielded cabling, overall braid screen with
Category 7 / IEEE transmission protocols individually foil shielded twisted-pairs (S/FTP). Also
1-600 MHz
Class F up to 10GBASE-T Ethernet available in 4-pair shielded cabling, overall foil shield
with individually foil shielded twisted-pairs (F/FTP).2
IEEE transmission protocols
4-pair shielded cabling, overall braid screen with
up to 10GBASE-T Ethernet.
Category 7A / individually foil shielded twisted-pairs (S/FTP). Also
1-1000 MHz Features bandwidth to support
Class FA available in 4-pair shielded cabling, overall foil shield
high definition broadband
with individually foil shielded twisted-pairs (F/FTP).2
1. Referenced by multiple standards (e.g., TIA-568-C.2, ISO/IEC 11801-1)
2. Referenced by multiple standards (e.g., EN 50173-1, ISO/IEC 11801-1) Optical Fiber Cabling Use Guidelines Overview
Optical fiber cabling offers the ability to transmit data over greater distances than either coaxial or balanced twisted-
pair cabling. Additionally, optical fiber cabling is widely used for outdoor applications due to its inherent immunity to
lightning and other transient electromagnetic phenomena. Media Converter Application Notes Overview
Media converters will need to be installed between the end device and optical fiber cabling if the device is not
equipped with an optical fiber transceiver. Figure 5-3 provides an example of the use of media converters for
connecting optical fiber cabling links with balanced twisted-pair equipment cords.
Factors in determining which optical fiber cable to use for a given application are:
• The type of active equipment
• The distance between the two points to be served
• Applicable bandwidth (data rates) requirements
The application may also affect which electronics and passive equipment are available or required to be used.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Hybrid Cabling Overview
A hybrid cable is a cable that contains two or more different transmission media within a common cable sheath or
jacket. Examples of differing transmission media within a common sheath include:
• Different types of balanced twisted-pair cable (e.g., Category 5e and 6A)
• Different multimode classes of optical fiber (e.g., OM3 and OM4)
• A balanced twisted-pair cable and a coaxial cable
• Differing styles of optical fiber cable (e.g., tight buffered and ribbon)
• Optical fiber cable and balanced twisted-pair cable
• Optical fiber cable and copper conductors (stranded or solid core conductor used for electrical power

Media Converters
Switch ESS Device
(in TR)

Optical Fiber Cable

Balanced Balanced
Twisted-Pair Twisted-Pair
Cable Cable

Figure 5-3
Optical Fiber Cabling With Media Converters Configuration Introduction
Three common configurations for using a copper/optical fiber hybrid cable to connect an ESS device are shown in
Figure 5-4. These are presented to provide an example of the concept, as requirements from the site, end-user, or AHJ
may affect the final acceptability and configuration of components.
Power is supplied to the copper conductors through either a powered media converter or a separate power sourcing
equipment (PSE). At the far end of the cable, a passive media converter converts the signals from the optical fiber
cable to a balanced twisted-pair cable. Requirements
Use of hybrid cables and the method of sheath sharing shall conform to the requirements of local codes, regulations
and the AHJ. Recommendations
The supplied voltage to ESS equipment should be within the manufacturers recommended range. Copper conductors
for power should be sized to the load of the ESS equipment, accounting for voltage loss due to the overall length of
the conductors.
NOTE: Increasing the size of the conductors is a method to overcome voltage loss due to the length of the conductors.
Classes of cables for remote-control, signaling, and power-limited cabling may be defined in codes and standards
(e.g., NFPA 70). Coaxial Cabling Recommendations
While coaxial cabling has been and may be used for analog video systems, it is not recommended for new
installations. When installing IP cameras that utilize a coaxial-based cabling system, media converters, or baluns
should be used to convert the signal for transmission over a recognized cabling media. Physical Security Recommendations
For additional physical layer security for horizontal cabling, see standards such as TIA 5017.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Media Converter

Interconnect/ ESS Device

Patch Panel

Balanced Twisted-Pair
Twisted-Pair Cable

Media Converter
Patch Panel ESS Device

Power Sourcing
Equipment Balanced
Hybrid Cable
Copper Conductors for Power
Optical Fiber for IP-based Transmissions

Interconnect/ ESS Device

Patch Panel

Power Sourcing
Media Converter

Figure 5-4
Configuration Examples for Using Hybrid Copper/Optical Fiber Cable to Connect an ESS Device

5.4.3 Horizontal Connection Point (HCP) Introduction
An HCP allows coverage area connections to be reconfigured. See Figure 5-5. Requirements
No more than one HCP shall be placed in a single cabling subsystem (e.g., horizontal link). Each cable extending from
the HCP shall be terminated directly to an ESS device or to an equipment outlet. Cross-connections are allowed in the
HCP. When cross-connections are used at the HCP, an equipment outlet shall not be installed as part of the horizontal
cabling subsystem. This requirement ensures that the horizontal cabling channel contains no more than four (4)
HCPs shall be located in fully accessible, permanent locations such as building columns and permanent walls. HCPs
shall not be located in any obstructed area, and shall not be installed in furniture systems unless that unit of furniture is
permanently secured to the building structure. In all cases the use of HCPs in plenum spaces used for environmental
air shall conform to applicable building codes.
HCPs shall be administered in the same manner as telecommunications cabling, connecting hardware, pathways, and
spaces as specified in applicable standards (e.g., TIA-606-B, ISO/IEC 14763-2).

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Coverage Area ESS Device

Horizontal Cables

ESS Device

Coverage Areas

Floor Distributor Optional Horizontal ESS Device

(Horizontal Cross Connection Point (HCP)

ESS Device

Figure 5-5
Example of a Horizontal Connection Point Within a Star Topology Recommendations
HCP design, including location, should be developed in accordance with the security plan of the building.
The HCP should be readily accessible and its location visibly marked allowing for ease of routine maintenance and
reconfiguration. For balanced twisted-pair cabling, in order to reduce the effect of multiple connections in close
proximity on near end crosstalk (NEXT) loss and return loss, the HCP should be located at least 15 m (50 ft) from the
distributor located in the TR or TE.
The use of suspended ceiling space or access floor space for HCPs may be acceptable, provided that the space is
accessible without moving building fixtures, and it is reasonable to assume such space will continue to be in an open
space such as a corridor or hallway.
When an equipment outlet is used, the HCP is optional. In this case, from an architectural perspective, the HCP is to
ESS or BAS cabling what the consolidation point is to commercial building cabling (e.g., TIA-568.1-D).
The functions of a consolidation point and an HCP can be combined within the same zone box. The number of links
served by an HCP should be limited to twelve (12). HCP design will depend on the number of coverage areas served.
NOTE: Spare capacity for future expansion should be considered when determining the size of the HCP.
5.4.4 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Introduction
PoE is a technology that integrates transmitting DC power with data using a structured cabling infrastructure.
NOTE: When optical fiber cabling is used, the power cannot transmit over the fiber itself, rather the signal is transmitted
over the optical fiber. At some point, the transmission medium is converted to balanced twisted-pair using media converters
where power may then be injected into the available copper medium.
IEEE 802.3 defines both the standard PoE power sources to be used with Ethernet standard-based products, as well as
the Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE +) specification which provides capabilities up to 25.5 W. IEEE 802.3bt DTE
Power via MDI over 4-Pair will deliver at least 49W is an approved project objective and is expected to be an
approved standard in April 2017. HDBaseT, a standard for delivery of uncompressed high definition video, audio,
control and power developed by the HDBaseT alliance provides up to 100W of power.
CAUTION: Not all remote powering equipment complies with IEEE 802.3 or HDBase-T standards. Non-compliant
equipment providing higher than standardized power levels may increase cable temperatures. Overheating the cable
beyond its temperature rating may affect the ability of the cable to transmit data. Requirements
PoE cabling implementations shall conform to the requirements of local codes, regulations and the AHJ, both for the
premises and the application being served.
A minimum of one dedicated horizontal cabling link shall be provided for each distinct ESS service.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Recommendations
PoE provides power up to 15.4 W on the switch or midspan side, which translates to a maximum power consumption
of 12.9 W on the device/camera side – making it suitable for most fixed indoor cameras. PoE+ can power a wide
range of powered devices (e.g., PTZ cameras, wireless access points and newer emerging applications) over existing
Category 5e/Class D and higher performing cabling.
Cable bundle size for PoE depends on the power level, cable type (e.g., conductor size, construction), and the
installation condition (e.g., air, plastic conduit, EMT conduit). See TIA TSB-184-A for further details.
5.5 Cabling Pathways
5.5.1 Requirements
All applicable codes, standards (e.g., TIA 568.1-D, TIA 569-D, ISO/IEC 14763-2) and requirements of the AHJ shall
be met. Appendix A of this standard provides a summary of many of the general requirements for specific types of
pathways and is considered a normative part of this standard. Additional requirements specific to pathways for ESS
applications are presented in the following sections.
NOTE: Appendix A also contains recommendations and additional information for pathways, which may be treated as
optional or non-binding.
Each pathway shall be evaluated for risk prior to selecting the means and methods for installing pathway systems.
5.5.2 Enclosures, Pull Boxes and Splice Boxes Requirements
The following requirements apply to the design of ESS enclosures, pull boxes and splice boxes:
• Pull boxes and splice boxes shall be sized in accordance with applicable codes, standards and regulations.
• Covers for pull boxes larger than 0.5 m2 (5 ft2) shall be hinged.
• Pull boxes and splice boxes shall not be labeled indicating that they contain ESS cabling or equipment.
• If locking boxes are required during maintenance, a key control plan shall be provided prior to installation.
• Consider providing mechanical tamper switches for enclosures and fittings with covers in high security areas.
• Enclosures exposed to weather shall be corrosion resistant and meet applicable site specifications for
resistance to moisture and dust entry.
NOTE: See standards, such as NEMA 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) and IEC
60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code), for more information concerning moisture and dust
ingress ratings of enclosures.
• Penetrations of enclosures shall maintain and not reduce the designated enclosure rating (i.e. IP or NEMA
• Outdoor enclosure penetrations shall be sealed with a sealant approved by the cable manufacturer to prevent
moisture from entering.
5.5.3 ESS Pathway Redundancy Introduction
Properly implemented ESS systems help to assure the protection of people and property. Redundant ESS pathway
designs offer some accommodation in case of catastrophic failures that may occur along the route of one of the ESS
pathways. Recommendations
When diverse ESS pathways are developed, they should be separated from each other by sufficient distance to ensure
that they are not vulnerable to a single outage event. Wherever possible, they should not pass through the same
telecommunications space containing ESS infrastructure.
5.5.4 ESS Pathways between Telecommunications Spaces within a Building Introduction
ESS pathways between telecommunications spaces may be intended for single-tenant occupancy or multi-tenant
occupancy floors in buildings. In some multi-tenant occupancy floor environments, an individual tenant’s ESS
infrastructure requirements may exceed the load and fill capacity of multi-tenant common use pathways or spaces of a
floor in a building. A tenant may want to keep their cabling physically separate from the common pathways and
spaces used by other tenants in the multi-tenant building. This is sometimes referred to as “bypassing” in multi-tenant
buildings. When this type of separation occurs, there is a resulting reduction in the multi-tenant building’s common
pathways and spaces. As the quantity of bypassing tenants increases, so too does the need for a building’s common

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

pathways and spaces to decrease. Without careful management, tenant bypass can effectively exhaust a multi-tenant
building’s fixed and limited pathways and spaces. Requirements
The placement, number, and size of sleeves, slots or conduits to be used shall be determined in conjunction with ICT
personnel. Recommendations
When multiple telecommunications spaces are located on the same floor, they should be interconnected by a minimum
of one metric designator 78 (trade size 3) conduit or equivalent pathway. These recommendations apply to single-
tenant occupancy and multi-tenant occupancy floors in buildings.
5.5.5 ESS Campus Pathways Between Buildings Requirements
ESS campus pathways shall meet the requirements of applicable codes and standards. Where a conduit containing
ESS cabling is to be placed to a device exposed to the weather, care shall be taken to prevent the ingress of moisture,
dirt or other objectionable materials. Care shall also be taken to ensure that moisture will not collect in low points,
which may freeze in some climates and damage the ESS cabling. Nonmetallic conduit shall be UV resistant and
marked accordingly.
NOTE: Refer to the BICSI Outside Plant Design Reference Manual for recommendations and information.
5.5.6 ESS Pathways Serving Equipment Outlets Introduction
Cabling system performance is sensitive to the arrangement of slack cable behind the equipment outlet. The following
requirements and recommendations offer cautionary guidance for the design and installation of cabling infrastructure
associated with ESS pathways. Requirements
Sufficient space shall be provided so that cable bend radius requirements are not violated in equipment outlet
termination spaces. See Tables A1 and A2, located in Appendix A, for cabling bend radius requirements. Recommendations
The location, mounting, and strain relief of the equipment outlet should allow pathway covers and trim to be removed
without disturbing the cable termination. Equipment outlets should be mounted in such a way that they do not reduce
the required pathway cabling capacity.
5.5.7 ESS Pathway Separation from Power and EMI Sources Introduction
Co-installation of telecommunications cabling and power cabling is governed by applicable electrical codes for safety.
Consult with the AHJ for local compliance. Requirements
The separation guidelines offered by applicable codes, standards and regulations and enforced by the AHJ shall be
followed. Several examples of applicable codes and standards that offer separation guidelines include:
• BS 6701, Telecommunications equipment and telecommunications cabling. Specification for installation,
operation and maintenance
• BS 7671, Requirements for Electrical Installations. IET Wiring Regulations
• EN 50174-2, Information technology – Cabling installation – Part 2: Installation planning and practices
inside buildings
• IEC 60364-5-52, Electrical installations of buildings – Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – Wiring systems
• ISO/IEC 11801-1, Generic cabling for customer premises – Part 1: General requirements
• NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®
• ANSI/TIA-569-D, Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
• ANSI/TIA-1005-A, Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Industrial Premises

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

5.5.8 ESS Pathway Bonding and Grounding Requirements
Pathways utilized for ESS cabling shall meet all bonding and grounding requirements of applicable codes, the AHJ,
and applicable standards (e.g., TIA-607-C, NECA/BICSI-607, IEC 60364-4-43, ISO/IEC 30129).
5.5.9 Special Pathways and Spaces Considerations Requirements
The AHJ shall be consulted before designing systems within areas which have additional requirements due to codes,
environmental factors, intended use, or other factors not listed here. Typical areas with additional requirements
• Seismic requirements – Codes, regulations and the AHJ may have specific operational parameters that
designs must address and may require or prohibit the use of specific installation methods.
• Hazardous (Classified) environments – Depending on the classification of the environment, additional
measures, such as conduit seal or explosion proof apparatus may be required. Review of codes, regulations
and AHJ requirements shall be accomplished to satisfy local requirements.
• Existing conditions – Surface mounted raceway, other types of compliant cabling pathways or other
accommodations required when installing ESS cabling in existing structures with limited or no existing
cabling pathways.
• Healthcare facilities – Compliance with codes, standards and regulations (e.g., NFPA 99, Americans with
Disabilities Act) pertaining to healthcare facilities, patient and information privacy, and public access is
• Corrosion/corrosive environments – All metallic cabling pathways (e.g., conduits, hangers and supports)
shall contain corrosion protection or be resistant to corrosion when used in pathways installed in corrosive
• Wet and damp locations – When metallic cabling pathways are installed in outdoor and indoor locations that
may be considered to be wet or damp, appropriate cabling and metallic cabling pathway types shall be
selected for use in these environments. Recommendations
Additional special pathways and spaces considerations include:
• Environmental
– EMI – Electromagnetic interference can disrupt signaling. Shielded cabling or metallic pathways may
reduce the effects of EMI.
• Architectural
– Space – New construction pathways should be coordinated with other trades in new construction.
Building information modeling (BIM) models should be used for this purpose.
– Existing conditions – Surface mounted raceway, other compliant cabling pathways or other
accommodations that are used when installing ESS cabling in existing structures with limited or no
existing cabling pathways.
• Building Function
– Security / Sensitive information – Physical protection of ESS pathways and spaces should be considered
to deter or prevent the ESS systems from being accessed or compromised by unauthorized personnel.
– Places of assembly – In theaters, carnivals and fairs, due to the presence of large groups of people, AHJ
may have design or installation method restrictions so that systems do not jeopardize the safety of
– Agricultural buildings – Special considerations for bonding and grounding may be necessary to protect
animals from stray voltages.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

5.5.10 Secure Areas Overview
Governments, military organizations, and other entities with critical facilities (e.g., data centers, healthcare,
emergency services) handle sensitive and classified material over secure networks, which are located in areas most
commonly referred to as secure areas.
Occasionally, telecommunications cabling for secured areas needs to be routed outside of the secured area. (e.g.,
backbone connection between two physically separated secured areas).
While there are different types of pathways that may be used, allowed pathways for secure area applications are
collectively known as protected distribution systems (PDSs). PDSs protect sensitive cabling from unauthorized access
outside of secure areas by enclosing the cabling in a sealed raceway or conduit system. Requirements
Where not otherwise specified, cabling containing sensitive or classified information outside of a secure area shall be
placed in metallic conduit per applicable standards (e.g., TIA-5017). Recommendations
Facilities with defined secure areas will typically have their own set of guidelines for PDS construction. The designer
should check with the organization requiring the system for their particular guidelines.
PDSs should be located in common areas where they can be inspected on a regular basis, for unauthorized access.
Routing a PDS through a locked or seldom used area is not recommended. See TIA-5017 for other measures that can
be taken to improve the physical network security of telecommunications cabling infrastructure.
Within secure areas, the following recommendations are applicable for the design and selection of ESS enclosures,
pull boxes and splice boxes:
• Enclosures made from metal or similar materials that provide high strength, durability and tamper resistance
should be used.
• Where permitted by the AHJ and where damage or degradation to the interior wiring/cabling and components
will not occur as a result, “tack” or temporarily weld enclosures and fitting covers that are not needed for
maintenance access.
• Use mechanical tamper switches for enclosures and fittings with covers.
• It may be necessary to consider the use of mechanical (key or combination) or electrical (keypad or card)
locksets on enclosures containing equipment in “high security” areas.
• High security access points should be alarmed, monitored by remote cameras, or both.
5.6 Telecommunications Outlet and Connectors
5.6.1 Overview
Telecommunications outlet and connectors provide the ability to easily connect equipment (e.g., computer, phone,
security camera, wireless access point) to the telecommunications cabling system. The most prevalent example is the
wall mounted connector (receptacle) in which a cable is inserted. Within ESS applications, telecommunications
outlets may be located in a wider variety of areas and spaces, to support cameras, sensors, readers, and other related
ESS devices.
The use of telecommunications outlets can be defined into the following two categories:
• User administered
• Non-user administered, also known as a facility connection
A user-administered connection is designed primarily in an office environment where the end device is administered
by the user (e.g., computer, telephone). In comparison, once an ESS device is installed, it becomes part of the facility
and is relatively permanent. Figure 5-6 illustrates typical locations of user-administered and facility connections.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Facility Connection Telecommunications Outlets

User-Administered Telecommunications Outlets

Figure 5-6
Example Locations of User-Administered and Facility Connection Telecommunications Outlets

5.6.2 Facility Connections by Modified Permanent Link Method Overview
In these IP applications that extend outside the voice and data scope, there are circumstances that do not allow a jack-
to-outlet scenario on the device end. Standards for these applications recognize these circumstances and allow the
elimination of a workstation outlet and equipment cord at the device end. See Figure 5-7 for examples of facility
connections using a modified permanent link. Requirements
Facility connections shall be tested and meet the requirements of applicable standards (e.g., TIA-568-D Series, TIA-
862-B, ISO/IEC 11801-1, ISO/IEC 14763-2) as well as Section 5.7 of this standard.

Horizontal Connection
Point (HCP)
Coverage Area
Horizontal Cable Area Cable
ESS Device

Horizontal Cross Device Termination

Connect (HC) Equipment Cord Not

Coverage Area

Horizontal Cable
ESS Device

Figure 5-7
Examples of Facility Connections Using a Modified Permanent Link

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Recommendations
The modified permanent link method is acceptable in the following scenarios:
• In plenum spaces where the outlet or equipment cord are not plenum rated
• Where there is no room for a workstation outlet or equipment cord assembly
• Where it is not safe or secure for an exposed outlet or equipment cord assembly to be installed
• When the customer deems it is not aesthetically pleasing with the design of the facility
• When the ESS cable is enclosed in conduit and the conduit system is directly attached to the ESS equipment
(e.g., IP outdoor camera)
• Where acceptable to the AHJ
• Where its use will not result in mechanical failure of the cable (e.g., repeated motion of a PTZ camera)
5.7 Cabling Installation Requirements
5.7.1 Overview
This section applies to the installation of all forms of recognized cable and connecting hardware including:
• Optical fiber cabling
• Balanced twisted-pair cabling
• Coaxial cabling Requirements
Cabling installation shall conform to applicable standards (e.g., TIA-568-D Series, ISO/IEC 11801-1). Recommendations
Cabling installation should conform to global best practices (e.g., BICSI Information Technology Systems Installation
Methods Manual).
5.7.2 Bonding and Grounding Considerations Requirements
Bonding and grounding shall meet the requirements and practices of the AHJ. In addition, the building
telecommunications bonding and grounding system shall conform to applicable standards (e.g., TIA-607-C,
NECA/BICSI 607, ISO/IEC 30129) requirements. Adherence to cable manufacturers’ bonding and grounding
requirements shall be followed when installing shielded cabling systems.
5.7.3 Transmission Performance Field Testing Introduction
Field testing of installed cabling is typically conducted after balanced twisted-pair and optical fiber cabling links are
installed. These cabling links may be pre-terminated or field terminated. Requirements
All installed cabling (e.g., balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber, coaxial cabling), shall be measured with the appropriate
field-test instrument, in accordance with applicable standards. All installed cabling shall meet the field-test measurement
requirements of applicable standards (e.g., TIA 526-7-A, TIA-526-14-C, TIA-568-C.2, ISO/IEC 14763-2).
Field test instruments used to test installed balanced twisted-pair cabling shall meet the requirements of TIA-1152-A
or equivalent standards. Recommendations
In a modified permanent link connection utilizing Category 5e/Class D or higher cabling, a single connector modified
permanent link configuration should be measured.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Field Test Configurations Recommendations
The following field test configurations are recommended for Category 5e/Class D and higher cabling for a single
connector modified permanent link (Reference UL File E349672, Project 11CA44391). Following are the two field
test configuration models.

Configuration 1 – Single connector modified permanent link set up for a modified permanent link without
consolidation point
A fixed length of horizontal cabling terminated to a randomly selected port of the near end patch panel and an eight
position modular plug on the work area/device far end. The field-test instrument shall be fitted with the permanent
link adapter on the near end and a channel adapter on the work area plug far end. (See Figure 5-8)

Configuration 2 – Single connector modified permanent link set up for a modified permanent link with consolidation
A fixed length of horizontal cabling terminated to a randomly selected port of the near end patch panel with an
optional consolidation point connector in close proximity to an eight position modular plug on the work area/device
far end. The field-test instrument shall be fitted with the permanent link adapter on the near end and a channel adapter
on the work area plug far end. (See Figure 5-9)

Horizontal Cabling

90 meters

Test Equipment Cord

Figure 5-8
Configuration 1: Single Connector Modified Permanent Link Set Up for a Modified Permanent Link Without
a Consolidation Point

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Consolidation Point or Transition Point

(mated jack and plug)
Horizontal Cabling CP
or TP

90 meters

Test Equipment Cord

Figure 5-9
Configuration 2: Single Connector Modified Permanent Link Set Up for a Modified Permanent Link With a
Consolidation Point

5.8 Administration and Documentation

5.8.1 Requirements
ESS administration shall comply with applicable administration standards (e.g., TIA-606-B, ISO/IEC 14763-2,
ISO/IEC 18598).
All applicable documentation, including accurate drawings, applicable to the work performed shall be provided by the
installer upon work completion.
5.8.2 Recommendations
The use of automated infrastructure management systems should be considered for those portions of the network
• Patch panel ports
• Patch cords
• Horizontal cabling
• Coverage area connectivity (outlet and equipment cords, if installed)
• Backbone cabling
5.9 ESS Device Mounting Heights
5.9.1 Requirements
Mounting heights shall conform to applicable codes and standards as applied by the AHJ. The following criteria shall
• Special accommodations provided for the occupants of the facility shall be incorporated into the
specifications and installations of device mounting heights.
• Codes and regulations (e.g. ADA) may determine minimum and maximum mounting heights.
Installation of ESS device boxes shall be coordinated with other devices trades (e.g., electrical, mechanical) including

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

5.9.2 Recommendations
Codes may only provide minimum and maximum mounting height. When mounting heights are not specified,
convenience of users should be considered when determining mounting height including users with disabilities.
Typical mounting heights:
• Fire alarm pull station – Not less than 1.1 m (3.5 ft) and not more than 1.2 m (4 ft) above finished floor
• Fire alarm horn/strobe – Not less than 2 m (6.5 ft) and not greater than 2.4 m (8 ft) AFF.
Exception: where low ceiling heights do not permit mounting at a minimum of 2 m (6.5 ft), visible appliances should
be mounted.
• Intercom – 1.2 m (4 ft) AFF
• Nurse call stations – 1.2 m (4 ft) AFF
• Buzzers or bells – 2 m (6.5 ft) AFF or 150 mm (6 in) below ceiling
• Clocks – 2.4 m (8 ft) AFF or 150 mm (6 in) below ceiling
• Access control card/badge reader – 1 m (3.3 ft) AFF
Clients may provide specifications for mounting heights that differ from the typical examples offered above.
5.10 Infrastructure for Wireless Transmission
5.10.1 Requirements
Cabling infrastructure used for wireless transmission within ESS devices shall conform to all requirements of Section 5.
Any distributed antenna system (DAS) used within ESS application shall conform to BICSI 006. DASs shall also
conform to the requirements of the AHJ, codes, and standards for the particular application (e.g., emergency mass
notification, public responder) being served.
5.10.2 Additional Information
Appendix C provides additional information on wireless transmission methods.
5.11 Coverage Area Planning and Density
5.11.1 Introduction
The coverage area refers to the space served by one ESS device.
5.11.2 Recommendations
Each ESS application required for the building project (e.g., security camera, card reader) should be considered in
determining the density of coverage areas and devices. ESS devices may have overlapping coverage areas. For
example, multiple ESS devices may serve the same building space.
For planning purposes, a sufficient number of cabling links should be provided for ESS over the average floor space.
For example, in an office space, a minimum of one cabling link should be provided per 25 m2 (270 ft2) of floor space.
Each cabling link may serve multiple coverage areas.
If the quantity of ESS coverage areas is unknown, use Table 5-4 to estimate the quantity of cabling links
recommended for serving that space. Coverage areas may be served by:
• Centralized equipment located in spaces containing one or multiple distributors
• Distributed equipment located in spaces containing one or multiple distributors
• Local equipment located in the coverage area

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Table 5-4 Typical Coverage Area for Each ESS Link

Coverage Area
Usage of Floor Space Additional Considerations
m2 (ft2)
In an open office environment, coverage area sizes will typically be greater than in
Office 25 (270)
a dedicated office space.
Indoor Parking 50 (538 ) Identify fire, security, carbon monoxide and HVAC requirements1 .
Security requirements may increase the coverage area density (e.g., CCTV, alarm,
Retail 25 (270)
Coverage area size may vary according to manufacturing processes, environment
Factory 50 (538 )
and building design.
Coverage area requirements may vary if ESS applications have centralized control
Hotel 25 (270)
(e.g., HVAC, fire alarm safety system, access).
Classroom 25 (270) Coverage area requirements may be centralized for security and access controls.
Coverage area density is averaged to compensate for a variety of environments
Hospital 25 (270) (e.g., patient rooms, labs, emergency room and operating room) – Plan for the
unique ESS requirements for each area type.
Determine location of air handlers, chillers, boilers, pumps, fans, compressors, etc.
Mechanical Room 5 (53)
Air handlers will typically have a higher concentration of ESS devices.
Note 1: May also require voice connections for security.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

6 Intrusion Detection Systems

6.1 Overview
An intrusion detection system (IDS) detects unauthorized entry into a protected area. Its methodology of operation is
to detect an intrusion and provide some form of notification that a breach has occurred in the area under protection.
An IDS is an integration of the following components and devices:
• Field devices consisting of a system keypad(s), detection sensors, and annunciators
• Processor controllers
• Notification panels and console(s)
• Power source
Typically, an IDS panel will monitor door and window contacts to annunciate an alarm upon an unauthorized opening.
These systems can be expanded to include motion detection, glass break sensors, and even video motion detection and
recording. In addition, the system can be connected to smoke detectors, water leak sensors, and a variety of other
monitoring devices to allow integration with a building management system (BMS).
An IDS may include software applications that monitor network or system activities for malicious activities or policy
violations. Additionally, an IDS may produce reports to a management station.
6.2 Developing an IDS
6.2.1 Requirements
The primary requirements when developing an IDS are as follows:
• An IDS shall be used to identify a security breach of unauthorized entry for the exterior building perimeter,
interior building security boundaries, and exterior site perimeter.
• Use of detection sensors, devices that monitor and detect forced and unauthorized entry into a protected area.
• Use of processor controllers, systems that receive and process outputs from connected sensors and use
predefined parameters to generate alerts based on the information received from each sensor.
• Use of a notification console, a device that monitors events and system alerts that operators can use to make
informed decisions as to the operational status of the entire IDS.
• Use of power source, low-voltage transformers and backup batteries.
6.2.2 Recommendations
The primary recommendations when developing an IDS are as follows:
• IDS panels should be monitored from a central monitoring station to provide enhanced security.
• IDS should be tied into a local alerting system and into a police station or a private security station.
• IDS should be capable of alerting homeowners and business owners via pager, telephone, or Internet.
6.3 System Connectivity
6.3.1 Wired Devices Overview
The following is the typical required cabling for an addressable device system:
• Panel to keypad: 4-conductor stranded 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG)
• Panel to addressable devices: 1-pair twisted 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG)
• Panel to powered device: 1-pair 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG)
• Conventional device to addressable module: 1-pair 0.326 mm2 (22 AWG)
The following is the typical required cabling for a conventional device system:
• Panel to keypad: 4-conductor non-twisted 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG)
• Panel to device: 2-conductor 0.326 mm2 (22 AWG)
• Communication bus: 4-conductor 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG)
• Panel to powered device: 2-conductor 0.823 mm2 (18 AWG) Requirements
Any telecommunications or ICT cabling required for an IDS shall be of a type listed in Section 5.4.

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6.3.2 Wireless Devices Overview
Wireless systems are utilized where it is difficult to install wire. These systems tend to be favored more in the
residential market because of increased difficulty in installing wire in finished homes. The devices commonly utilized
in a wireless system use replaceable batteries that may last between six months and two years. Requirements
The use of wireless devices in an IDS shall meet AHJ requirements.
6.4 Sensors
6.4.1 Introduction
IDS detection sensors operate on the principle of sensing or detecting changes that occur to the operational conditions
specified at the area under protection.
6.4.2 Recommendations
If detection sensors are used, they should be used to monitor:
• Perimeters – doors, windows, fences, and walls
• Area of space – office spaces, hallways, cabinets, and lobbies
• Points of interest – safes, paintings, and expensive artifacts
Detection sensors should be deployed considering the technology utilized and the basis of activation (see Table 6-1).

Table 6-1 Detection Sensor Technology and Application

Technology Basis of Activation Application
Audio Sound Interior areas, vaults, and other low sound level areas
Capacitance Proximity Exterior areas
Electromechanical Breaking of electrical circuit Interior and exterior areas
Glass break Vibration/audio Windows
Infrared Movement Interior and any areas where the temperature remains fairly constant
Interfaces Dry contact Fire detection and alarm, HVAC, refrigeration, surveillance
Microwave Movement Interior and exterior areas
Photoelectric Interrupting light beams Interior and exterior areas with line of sight from transmitter to receiver
Pressure Weight Interior and exterior areas
Sonic/ultrasonic Movement Interior areas

6.5 Notification
6.5.1 Requirements
Notification devices, such as keypads, audible devices (e.g., speakers, sirens, bells), strobe lights, video monitors,
relays, recording devices and power line carriers, shall be used as part of an IDS. A combination of more than one
type of notification device in a given IDS is possible and permitted by this standard.
When active devices are used, power shall be provided to these devices. When connected to the building’s structured
cabling system, cable length limits shall be observed (See Section 5.4).
6.5.2 Recommendations
An IDS should be monitored by an off-site facility or monitoring station to indicate alarms, or off-normal conditions
so that necessary actions or responses will not be delayed. Communications to a remote site can be accomplished in
many different ways.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

6.5.3 Additional Information

An IDS can use the following means of communicating with a central reporting station:
• Telephony (e.g., landline or POTS)
• Internet protocol (IP) technology
• Cellular telephony
• Wireless communication
When utilizing wireless, an IDS can transmit:
• Status signals from edge devices
• System trouble, supervisory responses, or alarms back to a monitoring station
• User data from a system keypad
An IDS, when utilizing wireless technology, can be used in place of most wired devices, including:
• Glass break detectors
• Recessed window contacts
• Short-range passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors
• Surface mount door contacts
• System key fobs and system keypads
6.6 Control Panel
6.6.1 Requirements
The control panel or controller shall be designed to analyze the various outputs from the detection sensors as well as
monitor their own internal circuitry for abnormal operation of its internal devices.
Power limitations of the control panel shall be observed in order to not overload a power output or the entire power
panel. The total current draw for an output shall never exceed its rated value. If either the maximum value of an output
or the total panel will be exceeded, an external power supply shall be added to the system to power the additional load.
The battery backup shall be correctly sized for the necessary runtime of the panel without external power. The control
panel battery shall not be oversized. Battery sizing shall be determined by applying the following formula.

B = Ts × Is + Ta × Ia (6-1)

B = Battery size (ampere-hour, Ah)
Ts = Required battery run time (hour, h) during Standby
Is = Current draw (ampere, A) during Standby
Ta = Required battery run time (hour, h) during Alarm
Ia = Current draw (ampere, A) during Alarm

6.6.2 Recommendations
When a standard battery backup size for a given total value determined (by applying formula 1) is not available,
battery size should be sized up (this information is usually available in the manufacturer’s literature). When a required
battery runtime is necessary while the panel is in alarm condition, additional calculations should be performed.
Standby runtime is generally a requirement of fire alarm systems (See Section 9).
Control panels should be installed in a secure area with limited or restricted access. Access to the control panels is
usually only needed by installation or service personnel.

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6.7 Keypads and Annunciators

6.7.1 Requirements
An IDS shall have keypads and annunciators in order to provide a means for the users and installers to input
commands to the control panel as well as provide information to users, installers and managers.
6.7.2 Recommendations
Keypads and annunciators can be found in three different styles such as hard button, numeric keypad, and touch
screen. The specification of such devices is out of the scope of this standard.
6.8 Initiating Devices
6.8.1 Overview
Initiating devices are used in an IDS to send input signals to the panel such as a breach or a change in state of the
device. These devices are either passive and do not require external power (2-wire) or active and require external
power (4-wire).
6.8.2 Motion Sensors Recommendations
An IDS should have motion sensors used to detect motion in a room or area.
Motion sensors should be correctly placed in order to allow proper coverage of a given area. Power as recommended
by the manufacturer, should be provided to motion sensors.
NOTE: For information about sensors, types and coverage capacity, refer to the manufacturer’s literature)
Motion sensors should not be pointed toward heat registers or items hanging from the ceiling to reduce false alarm
events. Additional Information
Motion sensors usually rely on three types of technology: PIR, ultrasonic, and microwave. The specification of such
devices is out of the scope of this standard.
6.8.3 Window Sensors Introduction
Window sensors are available in a variety of styles and use different methods to detect breaches. Some styles are
acoustical (also referred as to glass break detectors), sensitive to vibration and mount directly to the window or the
window frame, magnetic switches, and customized window security screens. Recommendations
When appropriate, an IDS should have window sensors in order to detect breaches. The specification of window
sensors is outside the scope of this standard. A wide variety of styles of window sensors should be considered as part
of an IDS. Combinations of multiple sensor styles are allowed. The following styles may be considered:
• Glass break sensors
• Shock sensors
• Magnetic switches
• Security screens Additional Information
A 7.5 m to 9 m (25 ft to 30 ft) radius is common for glass break sensors. Some units only detect a radius no larger than
3 m (10 ft). For accurate information about sensor operation, refer to its manufacturer’s literature.
Many shock sensors are standalone active devices that have an internal processor, require power, and have contacts
for signaling alarms to the control panel. Other types of shock sensors send signals to a remote processor that powers
the units, interprets the signals, and passes alarms on the control panel. Refer to the manufacturer’s installation
instructions for further information.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

6.8.4 Door Status Sensors Introduction
Door status sensors (wired) are generally passive and composed of dry contacts that can be activated by an external
magnet, plunger or roller ball that is integrated into the sensor. Recommendations
An IDS should have door status sensors used to report status on each door or latch that can offer access to a controlled
area, space or property.
6.8.5 Perimeter Sensors Introduction
Perimeter sensors are used to provide intrusion detection notification for the outer edge of an area or property. These
sensors are intended to provide notification when unauthorized entry is gained onto the property. Types of perimeter
sensors include:
• Outer motion sensors
• Photoelectric beam sensors
• Fence sensors
• Seismic sensors
• Radar sensors
The following technologies are deployed in the manufacturing of perimeter sensors:
• Passive magnetic field sensor
• Electric field sensor
• Microphonic sensor
• Optical fiber cable sensor
• Radar sensors
Pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) cameras can be deployed as perimeter sensors, due to their ability to locate a target. Recommendations
An IDS should have perimeter sensors to provide intrusion detection notification.
Outdoor motion sensors generally are mounted on the exterior of a building and have a detection range of 9 m to 15 m
(30 ft to 50 ft). When connected to the building’s structured cabling, cable limits should be observed (See Section 5.4).
Photoelectric beam sensors (transmitter and receiver) may need external power and should be wired for power when
used. When connected to the building’s structured cabling, cable length limits should be observed (See Section 5.4).
6.9 Optional Integrated Equipment
6.9.1 Introduction
An IDS usually operates as a stand-alone system, but most systems allow other systems to be incorporated into the
control panel with expansion modules that are already built into the system.
The following systems can be incorporated into an IDS:
• Access control (See Section 8)
• Fire detection and alarm (See Section 9)
6.9.2 Requirements
Addition of any fire alarm device to an IDS can change the classification of the system from IDS to fire alarm. Ensure
compliance with all applicable fire alarm codes and standards.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

7 Video Surveillance
7.1 Overview
Video surveillance is the extension of human vision to areas requiring surveillance. Discussions regarding surveillance
system deployment, integration, monitoring, and convergence often lead to the determination of functional needs.
Some primary applications of this technology include:
• Observation
• Investigation and forensic review
• Recognition of objects (e.g., human faces, license plates)
• Prosecution
• Loss prevention and deterrence
• Intrusion detection and perimeter monitoring
• Access control
• Operations management and resource allocation
• Safety
• Security
This section applies to video surveillance systems deployed for use cases listed in the following text, but may also be
applicable to other uses not cited.
When planning video surveillance systems, like all ESS systems, device performance in unanticipated conditions and
potential interdependencies with other external devices, systems, and infrastructure should be included, as elements to
be addressed for achieving the highest level of fault tolerance possible.
7.2 Generation and Conformance with Use Cases
7.2.1 Scene Characteristics Introduction
The video surveillance system (VSS) use case is defined by the scene characteristics and the specification of the VSS
function(s). Requirements Scene
The scene shall be identified to include one or more areas of interest or scene content.
The VSS shall present a scene of interest to a user in sufficient detail to make a decision or perform a task based on
recognition of what is happening in the scene. For example, an end user may wish to be able to read the characters in a
license plate, or determine the identities of individuals at a local convenience store while performing surveillance.
The VSS shall be designed to accomplish one or more specific tasks regarding a scene. The primary functions of the
VSS shall be identified as one of the following:
• Observation
• Forensic review
• Recognition
The VSS scene content criteria shall incorporate resolution, object size, speed, trajectory, scene lighting level, and
required refresh rate. Resolution
Resolution, as required by the VSS primary function, and shall be measured in pixels per meter (ppm) or pixels per
foot (ppf). The pixels per meter or foot calculation shall be derived for both horizontal and vertical pixels and is equal
to the imager’s pixel dimensions divided by the corresponding field of view linear dimension (meter or feet).
The use of video cameras and encoding technology with built-in pixel counting shall be considered as an enhancement
to the design process, measurement and verification of pixels on target.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Object Size

The size of the object(s) in the scene content, in conjunction with the VSS’s primary function, shall be used in the
design of the VSS.
For all objects occupying 25% or less of the field of view, high definition television (HDTV) video cameras shall be
required. Object Speed and Direction
HDTV video cameras shall be required in video surveillance systems where the moving object(s) of interest occupy
10% or less of the field of view.
The imager orientation shall match the direction of movement (e.g., 16:9 horizontal, 9:16 vertical). Lighting Levels
The scene environment and the scene’s light sources shall be used in evaluating the lighting of the VSS scene.
Lighting levels shall be measured using resolution targets and reflected light. Display Refresh Rate
Refresh or display rate in frames (images) per second (fps) for the VSS function shall be matched for the display size.
The refresh rate for the VSS function shall be matched to the percentage that the object(s) of interest occupy within
the field of view, together with the object’s speed and trajectory.
NOTE: Mobile devices with smaller display resolution utilize a lower minimum refresh rate for the VSS function; larger
displays utilize a higher refresh rate. Testing
Qualified personnel shall verify the performance of the video camera or encoding device in production of suitable
images for observation, forensic review or recognition functions.
Testing shall include site testing with actual test objects or test charts developed upon applicable standards and
documents (e.g., ISO 12233, ISO 14524, HDTV test charts). Recommendations
The ability for the video camera or encoding device to render images that match the VSS primary function should be
The use of video cameras and encoding technology with built-in pixel counting can enhance the design process,
measurement, and verification of pixels on target.
Smaller objects require higher resolution image capture. Video cameras with image capture characteristics complying
with image quality standards are recommended, such as HDTV.
For subjects traveling at speeds of 40mph and occupying greater than 10% of the viewing area, use of both MJPEG
and h.264 compression encoding is recommended. For recording subjects exceeding the same relative speed on board
a moving craft or vehicle, also use dual encoding.
7.2.2 Observation as a Primary VSS Function Requirements
Video surveillance systems designed for the observation function shall be optimized to provide continuous viewing of
scene content captured by the video camera or encoding device, and displayed on local or remote monitors, or on
remote display devices (e.g., smart-phones, tablets, laptop computers).
The minimum resolution as measured in ppm (ppf) shall be 65 ppm (20 ppf) to achieve a VSS observation function
using imaging standards like HDTV. Non standardized cameras shall pass the lighting level and resolution target test
7.2.3 Forensic Review as a Primary VSS Function Requirements
Video surveillance systems designed for the forensic review function shall be optimized to provide high resolution
recording of scene content or digital multimedia content (DMC) captured by the video camera or encoding device.
The DMC shall have resolution high enough to permit general identification of scene content or object(s) of interest,
identification of object colors, specific identification of an object’s characteristics, the time, and location of the objects
in the DMC.
The minimum resolution shall be 131 ppm (40 ppf) using imaging standards like HDTV to achieve a VSS forensic
review function. Non standardized cameras shall pass the lighting level and resolution target test process.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

7.2.4 Recognition as a Primary VSS Function Requirements
Video surveillance systems designed for the recognition function shall be dependent on the specific recognition
function required for the use case. Recognition functions shall include but not be limited to:
• Vehicle license plate recognition
• Facial recognition
• Face location
• Smoke and fire detection
• Object recognition
• Pattern recognition
• Cross-line detection
• Object temporal characteristics
• Color recognition
• Trajectory
Qualified personnel shall verify the performance of the video camera or encoding device, together with the
recognition application to produce suitable data through site testing with actual test objects.
The minimum resolution as measured in pixels per linear distance shall be 262 ppm (80 ppf) using imaging standards
like HDTV to achieve a VSS recognition function. Non standardized cameras shall pass the lighting level and
resolution target test process.
Designs shall consider visual verification of image quality using normative resolution and visual acuity tools available
where possible. In the case of public safety, homeland security, port security, critical infrastructure, video surveillance
used for remote healthcare and all video surveillance applications used by first responders, designs shall incorporate
any applicable codes, standards and regulations that offer global best practices.
NOTE: Additional guidance on achieving video quality is offered from a variety of resources (e.g., Handbook of Video
Quality in Public Safety and Security, as administered by the US Dept. of Homeland Security and Public Safety
Communications Research).
Designs and component selection shall accommodate the following minimum image quality requirements to optimize
recognition and identification:
• Video format
• Audio format
• Metadata format
• Multiplex and transport protocol
• Data security and integrity
7.2.5 Additional VSS Functions Requirements
In addition to the primary VSS functions, additional functions shall be identified as required:
• Prosecution
The VSS shall incorporate recording of the object’s time, location, and specific characteristics, considering
the resolution minimum as forensic review function.
• Loss prevention and deterrence
The designer shall employ the use of public view monitors where possible, displaying entry activity and in
prominent public view. Inactive camera shells or “dummy” cameras shall not be used.
• Intrusion detection and perimeter monitoring
• Access control identity
• Operations management and resource allocation
• Safety
• Security (object left behind)

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7.3 Device Groups and Interoperability

7.3.1 Requirements
The designer shall identify the devices necessary to achieve the VSS use case and accommodate the user’s total cost
of ownership requirements. The devices required for a given use case shall vary and be dependent on the geographic
dispersion, number of video cameras, or encoders and specialized DMC or video content management.
7.4 Device Categories
7.4.1 Requirements
Device categories shall include, but not be limited to:
• DMC source
– Video cameras
– Encoders
• VSS physical infrastructure
– Ethernet cable
– Power over Ethernet
– Power sourcing equipment
– Wireless infrastructure
– Media converters
• VSS logical infrastructure
– Ethernet switches
– Routers
– Firewalls
• VSS control and analysis devices and applications
– Video analytics algorithms and processing
– Intelligent video search applications
– Video synopsis applications
– Positionable video camera control
– Camera selection control
– Video source to display control
• VSS video management devices and applications
– Digital video recorder
– Network video recorder
– Video recording server
– Video management system application
– Physical security information management application
– Digital data management,
– Cloud-based video software-as-a-service
• DMC storage
– Local storage within digital video recorders and network video recorders,
– Network attached storage,
– Cloud-based video infrastructure-as-a-service
• DMC display
– Flat panel video monitors and walls
– Mobile devices
– Tablets and laptop computers
All VSS devices shall support network time protocol. Foreign systems interfacing to the VSS require network time
protocol support and periodic audit of total system time synchronization.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

7.5 Use Cases

7.5.1 Requirements
For all use cases, designs shall include a:
• DMC source
• VSS physical infrastructure
• VSS logical infrastructure
• VSS video management
• DMC storage
For a use case requiring greater than five (5) sites and low or non-existent VSS control and analysis, the VSS video
management shall be a network video recorder, video management system application or combined cloud-based video
management and storage application/service.
For the use case where the jurisdiction requirements require DMC to not be stored on-site due to theft concerns, the
design shall specify a combined cloud-based video management and storage application/service.
For a use case requiring less than five (5) sites and medium to high VSS control and analysis, the VSS video
management shall be a video management system application, physical security information management system or
digital data management system.
Designs shall specify DMC storage to accommodate user compliance requirements. Facilities processing personally
identifiable information (e.g., business transactions, government issued ID number, credit/banking account numbers)
or conforming to the Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) and Statement on Auditing Standards
70 (SAS70) for physical and logical security shall require a minimum of ninety (90) days DMC retention, unless
otherwise directed by those standards or AHJ.
If the system requires remote viewing or if the solution is using managed or hosted video, qualified personnel shall
verify that the end user’s connectivity (upstream bandwidth) can support these requirements. Mobile devices require
lower resolution and network attached storage can accept a HDTV stream while a lower resolution stream is sent to
the remote user or the managed video service.
7.6 Open Network Video Interface Forum Conformance
7.6.1 Requirements
All VSS devices shall conform to an interoperability test as specified by the design. Where possible, devices
conforming to the Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) shall be used, as long as the VSS device
manufacturer can provide proof of the specification conformance test document. Devices used that are not ONVIF
conformant shall demonstrate interoperability via a manufacturer’s application program interface (API), whose
support for that API have been in place via an established partner program greater than five years and documented
interoperability testing performed.
7.7 Deployment Process
7.7.1 Requirements
Designs shall incorporate information from a video site survey, identify camera functions, and accommodate multiple
VSS functions as applicable.
Qualified personnel shall assess the lighting conditions, measure the reflected light at the facility during various times
of day and recommend DMC sources capable of rendering usable images with the available illumination and
satisfying the primary VSS function. The ESS designer shall also assess the DMC source device compatibility with
the color temperature of the reflected light and color rendition index (CRI) of the illumination for compatibility. Use
of illumination with as high a CRI is recommended.
Infrared illumination shall be used in the 850 nm wavelength where possible. Network cameras capable of rendering
images illuminated by either 850 nm or 950 nm covert infrared illuminations to maintain maximum VSS flexibility
shall be used.

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VSS devices that utilize PoE shall be provisioned, powered and connected to cabling that conforms to IEEE 802.3. All
PSE shall deliver the power on request from a compatible VSS powered device and maintain operation supervised by
an external management system. Critical failures, such as PSE device failure, shall be monitored by the owner or end
user’s information management, information technology or systems solutions staff. PoE and high power PoE
designations for powered devices and PSEs shall be considered manufacturer specific and not used where devices
compliant with IEEE 802.3 are available. Deployments at higher power levels than these standards shall be
accompanied with an analysis of cabling, cabling installation, supporting cabling accessories, local compliance, and
dedicated data cabling, negating any temperature concerns and guaranteeing safe and consistent operation.
Qualified personnel (e.g., ESS designer) shall:
• Assess the existing or proposed infrastructure / system architecture / network topology / protocol support and
determine the impact on the VSS.
• Recommend specific physical infrastructure improvements as part of the current design or separate project,
capital project, or periodic expansion to accommodate the requirements of the VSS.
• Provide guidance for infrastructure lifecycle management, or the continuous assessment of the facility’s
transmission system to maintain compatibility with the VSS bandwidth, user access, infrastructure-delivered
power, and scalability requirements.
• Consider systems external to the VSS to manage power and connectivity where possible.
These systems shall be known as infrastructure management systems and shall provide intelligent patching
and provision services, using the network to aggregate power usage reporting. The infrastructure
management system shall be necessary for systems expected to exceed 20% expansion.
• Specify the resolution and image refresh rate for network cameras, according to the use case requirement.
• Provide the necessary data to make use of a user’s existing network:
– Estimate bandwidth using approved manufacturer tools and verify with average site conditions with
scene motion.
– Get individual values.
– Prepare bandwidth use and overlay on network device map.
NOTE: Verify expected protocol compliance and performance with user’s network or IT professional (make sure
bandwidth needs and protocol requirements match infrastructure).
• Verify users are satisfied with the workstations’ intended use and expected performance.
• Verify server performance and modify VSS as required.
• Finalize the equipment list with merging components into assemblies by function / purpose.
• Create a matrix of VSS uses and stakeholder responsibilities containing:
– The person and group responsible
– How the responsible group is informed
– Identification of input and support to group responsible
• Make use of virtual local area networks (VLANs) and quality of service (QoS) as much as possible to ensure
minimal impact on shared infrastructure (See Section 5).
• Dedicated infrastructure shall only be used when the ESS designer has shown the shared infrastructure is
over capacity or over-utilized for the use case and the safety management program, security management
program or risk assessment requires same.
• Use these documents and define who is responsible for developing a commissioning statement.
7.7.2 Recommendations
Where illumination is unavailable or poor quality images are rendered by the DMC source, designs should consider
using infrared illumination, HDTV devices capable of supporting low light conditions. Network-based thermal
imaging cameras of the uncooled sensor type, capable of multiple palette rendering, verifying compatibility with the
VSS primary function, should be considered.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

7.8 Authentication of Network Video Cameras for Improved ESS Network Security
7.8.1 Requirements
The non-person entity shall be a network camera capable of streaming DMC. The DMC shall also be known as digital
video content, network video content or digital multimedia evidence. Each of these formats are capable of
incorporating digital data representing audio content, video content, metadata information, location-based information,
relevant IP addresses, recording time, and system time attached to a digital file.
Where applicable by user requirements, the DMC source shall be a network camera incorporating embedded memory,
SD or MicroSD card media. The network camera shall be capable of running a cryptographic algorithm authenticating
the network camera, DMC source originating from the network camera and the DMC user that consumes, stores or
displays the DMC in accordance with an identity, credential, and access management (ICAM) policy. This ICAM
policy shall incorporate a trustworthy process for assigning attributes to a digital identity (DMC source) and to
connect that identity to an individual (DMC user) via a trusted framework.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

8 Access Control Systems

8.1 Overview
Access control refers to the practice of controlling access to a property, building, or select space within a facility for
authorized persons only. Currently, a wide variety of mechanical and electronic hardware devices are used to protect
or prevent unauthorized access to important items or to restrict access to protected areas and valuable information.
These devices vary from traditional physical keys and locks to elaborate electronic access systems capable of
recognizing the biographical and biometric data of system users prior to granting access to secure spaces.
8.2 System Structure
8.2.1 Overview
The minimum of required components for an ACS include a computer, a control panel, and a peripheral device
connected to the control panel. An ACS may be more complex, having multiple control panels and peripheral devices,
and may use additional components, such as credentials.
The components of ACS may be classified into the following levels:
• Level 1 – Central equipment processing, recording, software, and database
• Level 2 – Controllers for intelligent field processing (e.g., data gathering panel)
• Level 3 – Peripheral devices (e.g., card reader, lock, door position switch)
• Level 4 – Credentials (e.g., cards, fobs, biometrics, personal identification numbers [PINs], passwords)
8.2.2 Central Equipment Processing (Level 1) Overview
The host computer or server runs the access control software, manages the system parameters, maintains the system
database, and controls all communication with the control panels. The host computer receives all event and alarm
transactions from the control panels. It then saves them into separate history files that may be used to run reports by
specific criteria. The host computer may provide a GUI to simplify various tasks an operator would need to
accomplish within the ACS.
For instance, multiple screens in most access control software are object oriented, allowing operators to use the point-
and-click method to highlight a text box and type the data, disable an input point, or control an output device. A
graphical map of the campus or a detailed CAD drawing of a building may display on a monitor to indicate an alarm
location, or a window may display a live video (when integrated with a VSS) of the person pushing the intercom
button to request entry into the lobby.
8.2.3 Computer Hardware and Software Recommendations
Computer hardware used within an ACS should exceed the manufacturer’s minimum requirements for processor
speed, memory, and drive size. If the computer will be used for the badging station, the size and type may depend on
the space required by the video capture cards.
The size and type of monitor used with the ACS may depend on the location and purpose. In certain high-
sensitivity/security environments, redundant computer hardware may be required to ensure system availability and
8.2.4 Server Overview
Typically, an ACS database resides on a server. The ACS server(s) may be in a number of locations, depending on the
application. It may be collocated with IT servers in a computer room or be a stand-alone computer in an office. The
server commonly runs a number of applications (e.g., badging software, card entry software) that are part of the card
access system.
A large server typically runs the database only. Certain applications may require the use of dedicated or multiple
The server communicates with ACS components through various media. Some examples are:
• Hardwired or wireless connections to the card reader panels and other devices
• IP communications through a network to either the card reader panels or remote workstations
• Telephone modem connection to off-campus reader panels

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8.2.5 Software Overview
An ACS may use proprietary software, which can limit its interoperability with other systems. Additionally, there may
be licensing requirements based on the number of devices or credential holders expected to use the ACS.
8.2.6 Backup Overview
Backup specifications for the ACS are determined by the length of time the information is intended to be made
available and the amount of data that is intended to be stored. The manufacturer may determine the drive size once the
amount of data required has been established. The ACS server provides long-term secure storage as needed.
8.2.7 Event Recording Recommendations
A means to record and store events in the system should be provided. If the event is on the ACS, the initial events
should be written to the local hard drive. If the event or alarm has a surveillance camera associated with it, the image
should be recorded.
The types of events to be recorded or monitored are part of the initial planning stages of the ACS and may include:
• Door forced open alarm
• Invalid badge read
• Card/badge passback attempts
• Duress alarm
• Fire alarm
• Infant alarm
Once the event is recorded, a means to provide long-term storage and retrieval should be provided. The length of time
that recordings are to be archived may be governed by AHJ guidelines.
8.2.8 Backup Power Recommendations
The ACS power supply should have a backup. All computers should be provided with an UPS that can provide the
required length of operation. The minimum time recommended for an orderly shutdown and saving of all data with a
software/hardware connection to the ACS computers should be fifteen minutes.
The card reader panels should have some type of battery backup for the electronics, and where possible, the doors
controlled by the reader panel. A four-hour backup should be provided for door operation. Depending on the
application and applicable codes, the AHJ may provide requirements for the reader panel back-up.
NOTE: AHJs may require that a door fail-safe when the batteries fail.
If emergency power is available, it may be advantageous to connect the ACS to this source as well as to the UPS.
In addition to backup power recommendations, the ESS designer may request dedicated access control branch circuits
for the primary power source for ACS equipment.
8.2.9 Access Control Workstation Recommendations
The ACS workstation is primarily used for entering system data through some type of GUI into the ACS access
software. The workstation also may be shared for badging functions and visitor management uses. The workstation’s
location should accommodate the intended uses (e.g., visitor management software installation requires locating the
workstation near the facility’s entry point).
The workstation communicates with the access control server over a network, hard wire, or modem connection.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

8.2.10 Badging System Recommendations
The badging station may be located in the security or the human resources office. If photographic images are included
as part of the badging system, they may be captured by:
• Video capture card located in the workstation. (The card is connected to the camera)
• USB connection made directly to the digital camera
• Removable media drive that reads images taken from the camera. (This item may be helpful if the camera
must be taken to the individual for the picture)
8.2.11 Visitor Management Recommendations
Visitor management systems may offer benefits beyond security, such as:
• Electronic visitor registration may be quicker and more reliable
• Preprinted badges enhance a professional image for the company
• Improved visitor services (e.g., wayfinding)
• Enhanced confidentiality
• Enhanced emergency response because a visitor's presence is traceable
By combining employee and visitor ACS, a facility can comprehensively provide access to and monitor the movement
of both groups. The ACS may be integrated with video surveillance to capture images of people entering, exiting, and
moving around a facility. This also may help prevent the loss of physical assets. Another benefit is that a number of
facilities can be managed from a central location.
8.3 Controllers for Intelligent Field Processing (Level 2)
8.3.1 Overview
A system controller provides multiple purposes and benefits as a critical element in an ACS. System terminology
varies and the following terms are often used interchangeably:
• Control panel
• Field access control panel
• Access control controller
• Access control field controller
• Data gathering panel
• Intelligent field panel
The access controller’s primary purpose includes providing:
• A consolidation point where independent peripheral devices are connected.
• Power for level 3 connected peripheral devices.
• A redundant means of decision-making in the event that communication is lost between the access control
server and the system controller.
8.3.2 Controller Configurations Overview
Controller configurations vary by manufacturer and have no standard appearance, or dimensions. However, the
following two controller configurations are typically used:
Configuration 1
All of the electronics and terminations are enclosed in a single cabinet. This design traditionally consists of a large
backplane or motherboard where daughter boards or function cards are connected as required.
Configuration 2
Multiple enclosures are used and are electrically connected in a ring or star topology. Each enclosure contains
electronics that are dedicated to perform a single or selected multiple functions. One of the controllers functions as the
master node in this configuration and is equipped with the communication ports.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

8.4 Peripheral Devices (Level 3)

8.4.1 Overview
Peripheral devices may be sensor equipment that monitors certain conditions (e.g., temperature) and reports the status
back to the control panel. Peripheral devices also may be output devices that control passage through entryways or
bells indicating shift change.
Peripherals in ACS are generally classified as being in one of the following categories:
• Readers
• Request-to-exit devices
• Door contacts
• Electrified door hardware
8.4.2 Relays Overview
Relays have sets of contacts that are described as closed (allowing electrical current flow) or open (not allowing
current flow). Switch contact variations are normally described by the number of poles and throws it contains. The
number of poles defines the number of separate contacts for a switch position. The number of throws is the number of
switch positions available.
Within ESS applications, specific relay configurations and
functions may be known as:
• Form A relay (normally open relay) – a single pole,
single throw relay that remains open until it is energized
• Form B relay (normally closed relay) – a single pole,
single throw relay that remains closed until it is energized
Form A Relay
• Form C relay – a single pole, double throw relay
NOTE: A “Form A/B/C relay” may also be known as a
“Form A/B/C contact”.
Figure 8-1 provides an illustration of these three types of relays.
Control devices consist of lock output and relays for auxiliary
inputs and outputs. Relays are typically used for auxiliary inputs Form B Relay
and outputs to the ACS. The reason for relays is that the current
required by the load is too much for the control device.
A relay may be used to open a gate upon instructions from the
controller after the card reader or keypad inputs have been
verified. An example of output would be the return of elevators to
the ground floor of a high-rise building after the fire department
personnel activates this function using the key in the ground floor Form C Relay
Inputs to the control device may be either normally open (NO) or Indicates energized or
normally closed (NC). The door is locked when the default door secondary position
relay output is de-energized. The door relay output is energized to
unlock the door. A default shunt time is assigned to the door Figure 8-1
position (approximately 25 seconds), a time is assigned to the Form A, B and C Relays
egress device (normally 0 seconds), and a default pulse time is
assigned to the lock (approximately 10 seconds).
8.4.3 Power Distribution Recommendations
Peripheral devices are typically powered by either 12 VDC or 24 VAC power supplies. Voltage drop should be
considered when determining the distance from the device to the power source. Once the voltage drop is considered,
the appropriate gauged wire size should be specified to ensure adequate voltage reaches the device.
Connecting the device to multi-fused 12–24 VDC/VAC power supply centralizes the power sources for multiple devices
and accessories. This is in lieu of having AC outlets installed near each device. Voltage drop and wire size
calculations should be considered for each individual device back to the multifused power supply.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

The AC power input, the power transformer, and all fused power outputs should be enclosed in one lockable enclosure
with tamper switches monitored by the alarm monitoring system. It is recommended that all outputs be individually
fused. If a device or accessory is individually AC powered, more UPS circuits may be needed than when using a
multi-fused power supply. A multi-fused power supply also simplifies placing a UPS circuit by having only one
source for the multiple devices or accessories.
8.4.4 Readers Requirements
Readers shall be placed and installed in accordance to codes and the AHJ, in addition to any requirements pertaining
to the accessibility or interaction by a person (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act).
8.4.5 Request to Exit Devices Overview
A request to exit (REX, or also known as RX, RTE, or RQE) device is a device installed on the secure side of the door
that allows egress without triggering an alarm. In most ACS, if the door opens from either side without a valid
credential presented to the reader or REX, an alarm is activated. When activated, the REX device sends an REX signal
to the ACS, communicating an authorized exit through the door. Requirements
A REX may be used to unlock a door from the egress side to exit an area, which is commonly performed using
magnetic locks. When an REX device is used for this purpose, its installation and use shall conform to applicable
codes and the AHJ.
8.4.6 Door Contacts Overview
Magnetic door contacts are often used for monitoring an open or closed door. The door contact consists of two
parts - a reed switch and an actuator magnet. The actuator magnet’s pull on the reed switch causes the contacts to
close. The reed switch part of the door contact is generally installed in or on the doorframe near the latch side of the
door. The magnet is generally installed in or on the door near the latch side of the door.
8.4.7 Electrified Door Hardware Overview
Electrified door release hardware is a generic term for electromechanical locking hardware that is released upon an
approval signal. This signal may originate from various sources, such as a simple remote button or the ACS software. Requirements
Electrified door hardware shall meet all applicable codes and requirements of the AHJ.
8.4.8 Fail-Secure/Fail-Safe/Fail Latched Fail Secure Overview
Fail-secure hardware goes to a locked state when power is removed from the hardware. It is sometimes referred to as
power unlocked. Power is applied to unlock this type of device. This type of hardware is normally specified for
security purposes as a device failure leaves the door secured. Requirements
If a fail-secure device is kept unlocked for long periods of time, the device shall be rated for continuous duty. Recommendations
Employing an inline power conditioner to minimize DC voltage surges also is recommended to extend the life of the
device. Fail Safe Overview
Fail-safe hardware fails in the unlocked position when power is removed. It is sometimes referred to as power locked.
Power is removed to unlock this type of device. This type of device is normally used in emergency situations when the
door must fail unlocked for life safety egress.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Recommendations
Certain door release devices require power to lock (e.g., magnetic locks). When door release devices requiring power
to lock are used solely for security purposes and there are no life safety issues, backup power is recommended. Fail-Latched Requirements
A related term to “fail-secure” is “fail-latched”. Fire-rated door release devices shall be rated fail-secure to avoid
unlatched egress doors. Doors that are fire rated and part of a fire separation (e.g., stairwell doors) shall remain latched
even though they are unlocked. Fail-Secure and Fail-Safe REXs Overview
The installation and setup of REX devices that require power have to be carefully planned and performed. If the REX
is set to the fail-secure configuration and power is lost, the REX will not change state, bypass the alarm, or open the
door. If the REX is set to the fail-safe configuration and power is lost, the REX changes state, bypasses the alarm, and
releases the door. Requirements
The following items shall be verified when using fail-secure or fail-safe REXs:
• Does the PIR, door release button, or panic button unlock the door when activated?
• Does the door lock automatically on closure?
• Does the ACS detect that the door is open and display this condition?
• Does a local audible alarm sound when the door is opened?
• If required, is video coverage of the door adequate?
• Is an alarm generated if the door is open longer than the preset time?
• Is the fail-safe configuration for proper operation feasible?
• Does the door release when power is lost?
8.4.9 Power to Locks Requirements
Power supplies shall be sized to provide adequate power for the connected devices and have a source of primary
power at their location. Recommendations
Having battery backup to allow uninterrupted operation for a selected period of time in the event of loss of primary
power is desirable.
Certain types of release hardware require specific power supplies because of the initial power inrush necessary to
activate the device. This power may be significantly different from the power necessary to keep the device seated in a
normal operation.
NOTE: This type of power inrush is most commonly seen with electrified exit or panic hardware.
Considerations for selecting voltage should include the following:
• Manufacturer recommendations
• Distance between the power supply and the devices should be calculated to ensure that there is an allowable
level of voltage drop at the device. This level varies with the gauge of the wire run between the device and
the power supply.
• If distance from the power supply causes the voltage drop to be too high, a separate circuit should be
installed. It is not recommended to share the electrical circuits in the room.
• Available power should exceed the sum of the power consumed by the devices by at least 10 percent.
• Power for the door release hardware should be separate from the power for any other electronics.
A metal-oxide varistor (MOV) meeting the ratings for the voltage application should be used across electronic lock
inputs at the door to mitigate the possibility of a reverse current presented by the lock causing damage to the controller
or the lock’s power supply.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

8.5 Credentials (Level 4)

8.5.1 Overview
A credential is an item or object that possession or knowledge of can be used to provide authorized persons access to a
secure space.
Types of credentials include:
• Passwords
• PINs
• Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags
• Access Cards (e.g., smart card, Wiegand effect, magnetic stripe
• Biometic information (e.g., fingerprint, iris scan, facial recognition)
8.5.2 Web-Enabled Access Control Overview
Web-enabled access control is a type of access control platform that utilizes an Internet browser exclusively to
perform administrative tasks. These tasks can range from basic credential creation or updates to system-wide
8.5.3 IP Card Readers Overview
IP ready card readers are devices that have all the connections for the lock, REX device, and door position sensor for
an access door. All that is required for connectivity is a balanced twisted-pair cabling connection from the campus
distributor (main cross-connect), or floor distributor (horizontal cross-connect) and one local power connection to the
card reader. Each reader has a built-in web server that allows the device to contain an IP address, web interface
program, and a small database of card holders.
IP ready card readers also accept PoE, which eliminates the need for a separate power cable. While PoE is an option,
most major metropolitan areas require that lock power drop when the fire alarm detects an alarm condition.
8.5.4 IP Controllers Overview
IP controllers are mounted on the secure side of the door, allowing for both “fail-secure” and “fail-safe” locks to be
utilized. Like IP card readers, they have a small web server installed. However, IP controllers contain all the
connections necessary for one or two doors.
8.5.5 Communications Serial Communications Overview
In a hardwired copper system configuration, the host computer communicates to the control panels through one of its
serial or communications ports using the TIA-232-F communication protocol. A TIA-232-F to EIA/TIA-485-A
converter may be used to convert the TIA-232-F signal to a EIA/TIA-485-A signal. The converter must be located
within 15 m (50 ft) of the host computer. This conversion to EIA/TIA-485-A may be preferred because of a distance
limitation on the communication between the devices using TIA-232-F.
The TIA-232-F standard supports 20 kb/s to approximately 15 m (50 ft) as compared to the EIA/TIA-485-A standard
that supports 1 Mb/s to 35 Mb/s over a range of 90 m (295 ft) to 300 m (1000 ft) and beyond.
This first control panel also can communicate to other control panels through the TIA-485-A protocol by looping a
connection from one controller to another in a daisy-chain fashion or in a star configuration, whereby the first
controller is the common communication point between all other controllers and the host computer. Optical Fiber for Extended Distances Overview
In an optical fiber configuration, the host computer communicates to the control panels through fiber converters. They
also are known as optical-to-electronic (O-to-E or O/E) and electronic-to-optical (E-to-O or E/O) converters.
Fiber converters are used when a great distance separates the host computer and the control panel and telephone lines
are not available or convenient. One fiber converter (E-to-O) is connected to the host computer, and another fiber
converter (O-to-E) is connected to the control panel.

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8.5.6 Analog Communications Overview
In an analog configuration, the host computer communicates to the control panels through modems connected to
analog telephone lines. Modems are used when a great distance separates the host computer and the control panel, and
a conventional wiring installation would be cost prohibitive. A modem is connected to the host computer, and another
modem is connected to the control panel. These modems must have access to an analog telephone line.
Depending on the access control manufacturer, several control panels may be connected downstream from the control
panel with the modem. When configured in this way, any time a downstream control panel communicates to the host,
the information is relayed up the chain from a control panel to a control panel until it reaches the head of the line. The
last control panel will dial the host computer to communicate on behalf of the initiating control panel.
To limit the number of telephone calls made by the control panels, they may be programmed only to communicate
with the host computer a few times per day or when there is an alarm condition to report. In this instance, the control
panel will hold information (e.g., valid access transactions, other noncritical events) until its scheduled
communication time.
A control panel also can be programmed to dial the host computer and download its information before its memory
gets too full. The user can program a memory threshold in the control panel. When the memory fills to a
predetermined capacity, the application sends a request to dial the host computer to download its information.
8.5.7 TCP/IP or Network Communications Overview
Many control panels have, or connect to, interface cards to communicate with an IP network, usually utilizing
Ethernet protocols. Each control panel is given a unique IP address. Control panels and other network devices on the
network use this IP address to identify one another for communication.
Depending on the access control manufacturer, several control panels may be connected downstream from the
network control panel through a direct hardwired connection. In this configuration, when a downstream control panel
needs to communicate to the host, the information is relayed up the chain from a control panel to a control panel until
it reaches the head of the line. The last control panel communicates over the network to the host computer on behalf of
the initiating control panel.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

9 Fire Alarm Systems

9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Overview
This section covers classes of fire alarm systems. Included in this section is information on detection and initiation
devices, notification devices, pathways, circuits, monitoring, supervision and other systems connected to the fire alarm
systems. In order to better understand a basic fire alarm system, a drawing is provided below.

Notification devices – speakers, strobes, bells, etc.

Constant power

Control Panel

Secondary power


Detection and initiation devices – heat detectors,

smoke detectors, pull stations, etc.

Figure 9-1
Basic Fire Alarm System

Basics of every fire alarm system include the following:

• Incoming power source
• Secondary Power
• Control panel
• Detection and initiation devices
• Notification devices
Each of these components will be explained in more detail throughout this section.
Fire alarm systems are typically designed by professional fire engineers and designers with experience in national,
state, and local code requirements related to designing and integrating such systems.

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Equipment manufacturers conduct installation seminars on fire alarm systems products to ensure that all equipment is
installed properly and within code requirements. Continuing education related to changes in products, codes, and
regulations helps to assure fire alarm systems professionals to maintain proficiency in design and installation skills.
Classes of fire alarm systems; whether wired, wireless, or IP-based, generally fall into one of three types. These types
• Protected Premises - This system is a closed protected system, meaning the entire system is contained to the
entire campus or single building. This is protected by a single fire and detection alarm system and is under
common ownership and use.
• Supervising Station - This system embellishes on a protected premises system and is continuously monitored
by a central monitoring company for any abnormal events. The central monitoring company is responsible
for dispatching, reporting, or similar functions due to events initiated by the protected premises system.
• Household Fire – This system is typically a residence with sleeping occupancies.
Fire alarm systems contain components that initiate a fire alarm condition by either manual operation, or automatic
operation through the detection of smoke, heat or both. The systems activate notification appliances to alert the
occupants of a building to safely evacuate the area when a fire condition is detected.
Fire suppression systems and their related initiation devices help to ensure active suppression of a fire condition.
These supervisory devices monitor such items as the open and closed position of valves and the pressures and flow
within a fire suppression system, as well as, indicate trouble conditions that would contribute to the system’s inability
to perform as designed. Their functions include notification of personnel for the maintenance of a component or a
break in a circuit.
9.1.2 Recommendations
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content in this document, it is recommended that designers
/installers of fire alarm systems should check with appropriate fire services professionals and AHJs while considering
national, state and local codes to ensure compliance with all applicable codes and standards.
Installers should be trained in the latest codes and standards and certified under professional development programs
(e.g., National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies [NICET]). This type of certification is vital to
the proper installation of the fire alarm system.
9.2 Regulatory
9.2.1 Overview
The fire alarm industry is governed by many codes and standards. The primary standard of this type that applies
within the United States (U.S.) is the NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code which is published by the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). NFPA 70: National Electrical Code is the U.S. electrical code which is
followed by electrical and communications contractors. Additional codes that are coming into play within the fire
alarm market are the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Fire Code (IFC). Each of these codes is
updated on a cyclical basis and it is important to keep up to date on these codes and standards. State and local codes
vary by jurisdiction and it is important to understand and fully comply with these codes as well.
9.3 Risk Assessment
9.3.1 Overview
When preparing a fire alarm system, a risk assessment is typically conducted prior to the design to fully encapsulate
the site specific needs. Some primary considerations include:
• Observation of ignition sources
• Recognition of fuel loads
• Fire containment
• Operational management and resource allocation
9.3.2 Requirements
As with all fire safety issues, a formal risk assessment is required to define the design criteria for fire safety
applications. This risk assessment shall be based on the Emergency Response Plan for each specific site.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

9.3.3 Recommendations
Determining the primary function of the fire alarm system is the first and most critical step in the system design
process. A proper system design should be established to match the needs of the user, comply with national, state, and
local codes and standards, and the approval of the AHJ.
9.4 Fire Alarm Systems
9.4.1 Introduction
The main elements of a basic fire alarm system include the control panel, detection/initiation devices, notification
devices, and battery backup. Each of these main elements are covered in further detail below in this section. Requirements
Fire alarm systems are required in many premises environments (e.g., commercial building, healthcare facilities,
educational facilities, etc.) and can be either wired, wireless or IP based and range from very basic to extremely
9.4.2 Control Panel Overview
Typically, all fire alarm devices are connected to a control panel. The control panel may contain the power supplies
(normal and backup) required to operate the system and the control logic to cause the appropriate system actions. The
panel can also contain auxiliary relays for interfacing with other building systems, as well as, communication devices
for notifying off‐premises personnel of system conditions.
Fire alarm control panels can be interfaced with various auxiliary building components (e.g., environmental air
handling equipment, smoke dampers, elevators, fire‐rated doors). The proper operation of these components is
essential to the integrity of a building’s fire alarm system.
Fire alarm systems can be configured with a single, central control unit or with distributed control units as the size of
the facility dictates. Some control panels support an additional type of circuit for network communications. These
circuits are used to interconnect multiple control panels to form a distributed fire alarm network.
Fire alarm control panels report three types of system conditions:
• Alarm – Indication that a manual pull station, a detector, or some other alarm‐initiating device has been
• Supervisory – Indication that a device being monitored by the fire alarm system (e.g., fire sprinkling control
valve) has been changed in a way that affects building occupant safety.
• Trouble – Indication that a fire alarm system circuit has been interrupted or that a device has failed, been
removed, or requires maintenance.
Control units are capable of two‐way communications via analog and digital configurations. They receive, process,
and make decisions based on detection device data. Depending on the programming, the control units transmit
commands to alarm and control devices. Control units are usually microprocessor‐based and require software to
process data and make output selections based on programming.
Control units monitor (supervise) the integrity of the following circuits:
• Initiating device circuits – These circuits connect devices (e.g., manual pull stations, heat detectors, smoke
detectors, fire sprinkling system water flow switches) to the central control panel. These circuits are used to
transmit alarm conditions from the alarm‐initiating devices to the central control panel.
• Notification appliance circuits – These circuits connect audible and visual alarm‐indicating devices to the
central control panel. These circuits are used by the central control panel to provide notification of alarm
conditions to building occupants.
• Signaling line circuits – These circuits connect the central control panel to monitoring equipment at locations
remote from the premises. These circuits are used to notify agencies responsible for responding to alarm and
trouble conditions. Requirements
All panels shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) for the purpose for which it
is intended.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Recommendations
Utilize experienced professional fire alarm system designers, such as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or NICET
certified professional. Refer to applicable codes (e.g., NFPA 72) for specific requirements of a fire alarm control
9.4.3 Detection/Initiation Overview
Detection and initiation devices are used to provide early warning of a fire hazard in a building or occupancy. These
devices can be single units or be multi-criteria devices. System initiating devices utilized in fire alarm systems include
the following:
• Smoke detection
• Heat detection
• Flame detection
• Fire‐gas detection
• Human detection (e.g., fire alarm pull station)
• Water flow detection
• Supervisory switches (e.g., tamper, pressure)
• Manual alarm stations Requirements
Detection and initiation devices shall be tested and listed by a NRTL for the application. Recommendations
Utilize experienced professional fire alarm system designers, such as a P.E. or NICET certified professional. Refer to
applicable codes (e.g., NFPA 72) for specific requirements of these devices.
9.4.4 Notification Appliances Introduction
Fire alarm notification and signaling appliances protect lives by automatically warning occupants of a fire or related
emergency condition, and signaling the need to evacuate the building or area. To achieve its intended purpose, fire
alarm notification appliances need to function in a way that ensures the signal is correctly perceived and interpreted by
building occupants.
Notification appliances used for fire alarm signaling are almost exclusively designed to operate on low voltage
circuits. They are designed this way to continue to function normally on battery backup power in the event of a loss of
primary power source from the fire alarm system.
The most commonly utilized notification appliances for fire alarm signaling are audible, visible, or combination
audible and visible appliances. Notification appliances are manufactured in a wide variety of appearances, designs,
and configurations, but are generally classified in the following categories:
• Audible appliances – bells, chimes, horns, speakers
• Visible appliances – strobes, digital signage
• Audible and visible appliances – chime/strobes, horn/strobes, speaker/strobes Audibility/Intelligibility for Notification Appliances Overview
Historically, the only requirement for notification appliances has been to meet audible criteria to notify building
occupants of a fire emergency (e.g., sound from a horn). Over time, the fire alarm systems have evolved to include
voice commands as a feature of the notification appliance. With the addition of voice commands, systems are now
designed to be not just audible, but intelligible. Please note in the new 2016 Edition of NFPA 72, non-listed speakers
can be used when a fire alarm speaker does not meet intelligibility requirements.
Many fire codes and standards now state that voice messages be intelligible, however they do not expressly define
required levels of intelligibility. ISO 7240-16 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 16: Sound system control and
indicating equipment introduces the concept of a common intelligibility scale to assist engineers in designing
intelligible systems. An additional source of information on intelligibility is the latest edition of the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA) SB-50, Emergency Communications Audio Intelligibility Applications Guide.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Requirements
Public mode signaling shall achieve output levels of at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level or 5 dB
above the maximum ambient sound level, whichever is greater, lasting at least 60 seconds in duration.
Systems shall be designed based on actual measurements of ambient sound conditions and be intelligible.
Occupancies that involve sleeping arrangements require notification appliances that comply with a 520 Hz tone alarm
to notify occupants of an alarm condition. Recommendations
Utilize experienced professional fire alarm system designers, such as a P.E. or NICET certified professional. In
designing an emergency voice system, an experienced professional in sound system design is recommended. Visibility of Notification Appliances Overview
Codes and standards have taken a prescriptive approach in describing visible requirements, which makes design of
visible notification appliances a straightforward procedure. Even with these prescriptive requirements, a designer is
expected to be cautious when designing these systems due to the various interior design schemes (e.g. furniture
placement, high utilization of modular furniture systems, etc.). Requirements
Fire alarm systems designers and installers shall refer to applicable documents for guidance related to codes and
standards compliance (e.g., NFPA 72 has explicit guidelines on placement and functionality of visible notification
Devices shall be tested and Listed by a NRTL for the application. Recommendations
A visible notification appliance is considered by codes to project its luminance outward evenly in all directions.
Therefore, a wall‐mounted appliance with a coverage pattern that extends an equal distance on either side of the
device is recommended.
9.5 Communications Systems
9.5.1 Overview
With the convergence of building technology systems, fire alarm systems are being integrated with communications
systems. Whether it is a paging system or an integrated emergency communications system, many codes (e.g., NFPA
72) now offer provisions to incorporate and interface a fire alarm system with these other building technology
Please note if the paging or emergency communications system is not interfaced to the fire alarm system, code
requirements (e.g., NFPA 72) may not apply; however, system designers can use codes as a guideline when designing
these systems. Codes are not designed to prohibit new technologies from being used, rather they are implemented for
life safety purposes.
9.5.2 Requirements
When designing any emergency communications system, a risk analysis is required. The risk analysis is based on the
emergency response plan which is site specific. The AHJ shall approve the final system design.
Paging or emergency communications systems used for fire alarm notification shall meet the requirements of
applicable fire alarm regulations and codes (e.g., NFPA 72) in addition to those of the paging or emergency
communications system
9.5.3 Recommendations.
Designers should consult with the AHJ when introducing new technologies to show they meet or exceed code
If fire alarm speakers do not meet intelligibility requirements, other speakers may be used. However, it is
recommended to have supervision of the speakers. As many of these systems can be quite complex, it is recommended
to get the AHJ involved during the beginning design phases of the project.

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There are several guidelines that have been published to help in the design of these emergency communications
systems. These include the following:
• Partner Alliance for Safer Schools PASS Safety and Security Guidelines for K-12 Schools
• NEMA SB-40 Communications Systems For Life-Safety in Schools
NOTE: PASS is a volunteer alliance among the Security Industry Association (SIA), the National Systems
Contractors Association (NSCA) and other industry professionals. The PASS K-12 team was formed for a singular
purpose—to provide school administrators, school boards, public safety and security professionals with guidelines
for a tiered approach to securing schools. These guidelines are the first of their kind in the education industry.

9.6 Pathways
9.6.1 Introduction
Codes may classify fire alarm systems signal pathways into various classes based on a number of criteria. The
following requirements and recommendations are based on content from the NFPA 72 code.
NFPA 72 defines various pathways as any circuit, conductor, optical fiber, radio carrier or other means connecting
two or more locations. Based on their performance, pathway designations fall into one of the following
• Class A – includes a redundant pathway, and operational capability continues past a single open. A single
open fault and any other conditions that affect the intended operation result in an annunciation of a trouble
signal. A single ground fault does not affect operational capability but will also be annunciated as a trouble
signal. These pathways are commonly used for notification and signaling line circuits.
• Class B – does not include a redundant path, and operational capability stops at a single open. Conditions
that affect the intended operation result in an annunciation of a trouble signal. A single ground fault does not
affect operational capability but will also be annunciated as a trouble signal. These pathways are also
commonly used for notification and signaling line circuits.
• Class C – includes one or more pathways, and operational capability is verified via end-to-end
communications, but the integrity of individual paths is not monitored. A loss of end-to-end communication
is annunciated as a trouble signal. These pathways are typically used with addressable devices and
• Class D – has a fail-safe operation where no fault is annunciated, but the operation is performed in the event
of a pathway failure. An example of use for these pathways would be to a magnetic door holder.
• Class E – not monitored for integrity. These pathways are normally used for supplemental equipment only.
• Class N – includes two or more pathways where operational capability of the primary pathway and a
redundant pathway to each device are verified through end-to-end communications. (Exception: When only
one device is served, only one pathway is used). A loss of intended communications between
endpoints are annunciated as a trouble signal. A single open, ground, short, or combination of faults
on one pathway do affect any other pathway. Conditions that affect the operation of the primary
pathway(s) and redundant pathway(s) are annunciated as a trouble signal when the system’s minimal
operational requirements cannot be met. Primary and redundant pathways are not permitted to share
traffic over the same physical segment.
• Class X – includes a redundant pathway, and operational capability continues past a single open, a single
short circuit, a ground fault and a combination open fault and ground fault. All result in the annunciation of
a trouble signal. Any other condition that affects the intended operation of the path is also annunciated
as a trouble signal. These pathways are typically used for signaling line circuits. There is one exception:
requirements for ground faults do not apply to non-conductive pathways (e.g., wireless, optical fiber).
9.6.2 Class N Introduction
With the emergence of building technology systems convergence, Class N was added to the 2016 edition of NFPA 72.
Class N impacts the installation of structured cabling infrastructure systems when it is used in conjunction with a fire
alarm system; therefore, this document will address this particular class of cabling in greater detail than the other
classes previously listed.
NFPA 72 defines the requirements for Class N, but does not define the technology or techniques required to
comply with those requirements.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Redundant Pathways Requirements
Redundant pathways are required between network switches; however, on a section of Class N pathway that
services or controls only one endpoint device, a redundant pathway is not required. While one redundant
pathway is required, additional redundant pathways are allowed, but not required.
Note that all equipment on a Shared Fire Alarm Network shall be listed for fire alarm purpose, unless the
equipment meets the conditions outlined for shared signaling line circuits With applicable fire alarm codes (e.g.,
NFPA 72).
Normally, a Class N endpoint device encompasses only one device or appliance and a redundant pathway is not
required. If an endpoint services more than one device or appliance, it is required to have a redundant pathway
(e.g. an amplifier servicing several speakers). Redundant pathways are not required within the same enclosure or
raceway within 6 m (20 ft) in the same room. Supervision Requirements
Network infrastructure equipment that makes up a Class N network is not defined as Class N devices by NFPA 72.
They are considered transport equipment (e.g., switches, routers, hubs) and do not require the specific
supervision required for Class N devices.
General supervision is required as they are part of the supervised pathways that service the Class N devices
themselves. Secondary Power Requirements
Secondary power requirements for Class N apply to all network transport equipment used for life safety and Class
N devices. All secondary power sources shall comply with the 2016 edition of NFPA 72, Section 10.6.7,
Secondary Power Supply. Shared Pathways Overview
Class N pathways utilize network transport devices and NFPA 72 defines levels for shared pathways. Networks are
designated as a shared pathway level of 0, 1, 2, or 3 based on their performance. These pathway levels are
defined as follows:
• Level 0 – Does not segregate or prioritize life safety data from non-life safety data.
• Level 1 – Life safety data is not segregated, but is prioritized over non-life safety data.
• Level 2 – Life safety data is segregated from all non-life safety data.
• Level 3 – Dedicated equipment for life safety systems.
An example of a Level 0 shared pathway is an unmanaged network. Using Quality of Service or other means, life
safety data can be prioritized to meet Level 1 shared pathway. Life safety data can be segregated on a virtual LAN
or other means to meet Level 2 shared pathway. By using dedicated equipment for the life safety system, Level 3
shared pathway is achieved.
Although Class N pathways are generally required to be Shared Pathway Level 3, based on the risk analysis and
approval of the AHJ, they can also be Level 1 or 2. The general public is not to have access to Class N pathways.
Other considerations for Class N pathways are physical separation of redundant pathways and pathway
survivability levels. Class N does not require physical separation of redundant pathways, but local codes, design
specification or the AHJ may require it.
A single endpoint device that services an entire zone or area where failure would render that area incapable of
initiating input signals or receiving output signals shall not be allowed unless approved by the AHJ. Quality of Service (QoS) Requirements
The fire alarm system shall provide a high level of QoS to ensure proper operation of life safety systems. Recommendations
QoS settings should be set to the highest level in the electronic equipment within the IT network utilizing Class N.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Testing of Circuits Overview
When a circuit is used for a Fire Alarm system, testing requirements vary based on the type of conductivity whether
balanced twisted-pair or optical fiber cabling. The required initial field testing for each of the following suitable media
types is as follows. Requirements
Requirements for balanced twisted-pair cabling include;
• Wire map (e.g., continuity, pairing)
• Length
• Insertion loss
• NEXT loss
• ACR-F (formerly called ELFEXT)
• Propagation delay and delay skew
• Return loss
• Power sum near-end crosstalk (PSNEXT) loss
• PSACR-F (formerly called PSELFEXT)
Requirements for optical fiber cabling include;
• Attenuation
• Optical Bandwidth
• Length
• Polarity Recommendations
Clearly label patch panel termination and patch cords utilized in equipment rooms.
Provide three (3) copies of documentation/As-built drawings.
Provide three (3) copies of test reports:
• One copy of report to be shared with Owner
• One copy of report to be stored in Fire Alarm Panel
• One copy of report to be stored in the Main Equipment Room
9.6.3 Class N Cabling Requirements
Redundancy and Survivability shall meet applicable fire code requirements and/or as required by the AHJ.
Cable media shall meet the requirements as listed in Section 5.4. Recommendations
When using Class N for a life safety system, it is recommended to use red colored patch cables. This distinction
provides an identifying factor to the importance of the system and helps to prevent the unintentional disruption of
9.7 Circuits
9.7.1 Overview
There are three different classifications of circuits. These include the following:
• Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs)
• Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs)
• Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs)
Each of these classes is based on their performance capabilities under abnormal (fault) conditions. While each of these
circuits are defined based on this criteria, the pathways associated with each of these circuits is as follows:
• IDCs – Class A, B or N
• SLCs – Class A, B, N or X
• NACs – Class A, B, N or X

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

9.7.2 Requirements
Based on an evaluation of performance capabilities under abnormal conditions, the governing laws, codes, standards
and a site-specific engineering analysis, determines the class of circuit to be used. The designed system shall comply
with national, state, and local codes and standards.
Devices shall be tested and listed by a NRTL for the application.
9.7.3 Recommendations
Experienced professional fire alarm system designers, such as a P.E. or NICET certified professionals, experienced
with national, state, and local regulations and requirements of the AHJ, should be consulted to help assure compliance
with applicable regulations and requirements.
9.8 Monitoring and Supervision
9.8.1 Overview
Fire detection and alarm system circuits are typically designed to be continuously monitored (supervised) to ensure a
system’s integrity. This supervision feature helps facility owners maintain systems in an operable condition and
ensures the systems will provide the life safety functions for which they are installed.
In zoned systems, supervision is typically accomplished by current sensing. The central control panel supplies
(sources) a small current that continually circulates through the system’s circuit. The interruption of the circuit (e.g.,
removal of a detector or manual station) will cause current flow to change. The control panel, sensing a change in
current, will initiate a trouble signal to indicate a problem has occurred with the system.
In addressable systems, supervision is accomplished by electronic polling of individual devices. In response to a
query, each device reports its status to the central control panel.
Fire detection and alarm systems may be required to monitor or control auxiliary building components that are not
part of the system. Examples of such components include:
• Fire and smoke dampers in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) ductwork
• Door closers (kickers) for doors in fire‐rated partitions
• Flow devices on fire sprinkling equipment
An IP based system is inherently monitored and supervised in that the system is constantly checking end-to-end
A monitoring or control module is used to interface these auxiliary components with the central control panel. Circuits
that connect monitoring and control modules to the fire detection and alarm system control panel are supervised in the
same manner as are detectors and manual pull stations. However, the interface circuit between a monitoring or control
module and the auxiliary building component being controlled is usually unsupervised. These unsupervised circuits
have the potential to be a weak link in the overall system of supervision.
Monitoring/supervision of the various classes of fire alarm systems include:
• Protected premises system
This type of system can be locally or remotely monitored by the client or maintenance personnel but is not a
supervised station class of system.
• Supervising station system
This system is continuously monitored by a central monitoring company for any abnormal events.
• Household fire alarm system
Residential occupancies that contain fire-warning equipment provide a reliable means to notify the occupants
of the presence of a fire and the need to egress to a safe location.
Remote Monitoring may be provided by:
• IP-enabled fire alarm system
• Network‐based monitoring
• Digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT)
• Supervising station system
• Central station service

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

9.8.2 Requirements
Designed system shall comply with national, state and local codes and standards.
Monitoring for integrity between enclosures containing control equipment located within 6 m (20 ft) of each other
where the conductors are installed in conduit or equivalently protected against mechanical injury is NOT required.
9.8.3 Recommendations
Experienced professional fire alarm system designers or engineers experienced with local regulations and
requirements of the AHJ should be consulted to help assure compliance with applicable regulations and requirements.
9.9 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Implementation
9.9.1 Overview
Fire alarm equipment and devices designed to function on Class N may be powered from PoE.
9.9.2 Requirements
PoE devices shall comply with Section 5.4.4.
9.9.3 Recommendations
Refer to section 5.4.4 for a list of recommendations.
9.10 Class N Operations and Maintenance
9.10.1 Overview
Scheduled maintenance and abnormal operations shall be logged and reported in accordance with the 2016 edition of
NFPA 72.
9.10.2 Requirements
Refer to the 2016 edition of NFPA 72.
9.10.3 Recommendations
Experienced professional fire alarm system designers or engineers experienced with local regulations and
requirements of the AHJ should be consulted to help assure compliance with applicable regulations and requirements.
9.11 As-Built Drawings and Related Documentation
9.11.1 Overview
As-built drawings and related documents are important to the overall success and acceptance of the project. Refer to
the AHJ and governing laws to make sure you have all of the required documentation to complete the project.
9.11.2 Requirements
Accurate as-built drawings shall be provided by the installer showing the actual installation when the work is
complete. The drawings shall reflect the pathways utilized. The as-built drawings shall contain a copy of all
manufacturer’s data sheets, system software, and device database. The as-built drawings shall also include battery
calculations and NAC calculations.
9.11.3 Recommendations
Installers and designers should always follow project documents, manufacturer's recommendations and applicable
codes and regulations. As-built drawings should utilize a set of industry recognized symbols or project specific
symbols (e.g., NFPA 170).

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

10 Integrated Systems
10.1 Overview
This section includes concepts, systems, and processes related to the integration of ESS systems. Integration of ESS
systems allows various systems to share information, command, and control with a range of other systems, including:
• Data networks
• Building automation
• Fire-life-safety
• Energy and lighting management
• Automated infrastructure management (AIM) systems
Integrated ESS systems are deployed in many environments, including:
• Cities
• Facilities
• Campuses
• Vehicles
• People
These integrated systems can utilize common infrastructure, input, output, or data networks for information
transmission, including both wired and wireless information technology systems.
Integrating various IP based systems across multiple sites have been observed to provide the following benefits:
• Number of servers and storage requirements lowered
• Reduction in false alarms in video surveillance areas
• Risk mitigation by expediting maintenance and repair
• Time required investigating security incidents reduced
• Reduction in maintenance, monitoring and control costs
• Virtualization and emergence of new solutions
• Simplified user training
NOTE: A site's specific conditions may affect the ability to meet these values.

10.2 ESS Integrated Services, Design and Integration

10.2.1 Public Network Services Introduction
Public network services are often referred to as the public switched telephone network (PSTN). This is the global
network of circuit-switched telephone networks available to the general public. The PSTN consists of telephone lines
delivering user services via some combination of infrastructure. This infrastructure includes optical fiber cabling,
microwave transmission, cellular networks, communications satellites, and undersea telephone cabling, all of which is
interconnected by switching centers (e.g., telephone company central office locations), thus allowing any telephony
device (e.g., fixed line, mobile phone) in the world to communicate with any other such device.
The technical operation of the PSTN utilizes standards created by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
These standards allow different networks in different countries to interconnect seamlessly. Industry standards provide
for a global numbering system to assign telephone numbers. The interconnected networks and the global numbering
system make it possible for any telephony device to connect to any other telephony device in the world. Requirements
The integrated systems shall utilize one or more of the following types of networks for their information transmission:
• Public switched telephone network (PSTN)
• Personal area network
• Metropolitan area network
• Cellular wireless (e.g., TDMA, CDMA, GSM)
• Mesh wireless—licensed and unlicensed frequencies
• Point-to-point (PTP) wireless—licensed and unlicensed frequencies

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

10.2.2 Design and Selection of Components Requirements
The functional requirements provide the criteria for the design and selection of components. The criterion is
categorized based on performance, operational and functional considerations and codes and standards. The criterion
shall include:
• Codes and standards
• Quality
• Capacity
• Performance
10.2.3 ESS Integration Requirements
ESS integration shall integrate ESS systems using network protocols. The control systems of an integrated solution
shall employ:
• Web servers
• Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
• Database technologies
• Software components (e.g., intelligent agents)
• Similar decision support and active response systems
Integration of systems with fire, life or safety systems may cause the integrated system to be classified as a fire, life or
safety system. Integrated systems shall meet all requirements of all applicable codes and AHJs.
10.3 ESS Components
10.3.1 Overview
This section details the ESS components and the networks, systems, and software involved in the integration of ESS
systems. In addition to ESS components, there are other systems found at various sites that can be integrated into the
ESS system.
10.3.2 Intrusion Detection System Overview
IDS may include physical intrusion of premises for the purpose of monitoring and reducing threats to persons and
property, as well as network-based IDS. Hardware- and software-based systems are specifically designed to monitor
and control or mitigate malicious network attacks for the purpose of protecting the intellectual property and any
integrated system used for monitoring, reporting on, and controlling a facility.
The following devices may serve as physical intrusion sensors:
• Contact closures (switch), including:
– Magnetic
– Pressure
– Mechanical
• Motion sensors, including:
– Microwave
– Photoelectric
– Laser
– Ultrasonic
– Proximity
The types of network IDS sensors include hardware and software devices connected to a LAN or WAN typically
using TCP/IP. These systems are designed to monitor ports and network activity for specific malicious signatures.
Once detected, the system may reset a TCP or user datagram protocol session, flag and disallow any future sessions
originating from a suspected IP address, or report an alarm to a file server or a central management GUI without user

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

10.3.3 Access Control System Recommendations
ACS systems may include:
• Card access control for buildings
• Emergency exit controls
• RFID for inventory and asset tracking
• Time and attendance
• Industrial and manufacturing systems
Many ACSs and IDSs already provide enterprise-level solutions that integrate these systems. The ACS is provided
with inputs so that the sensors can be monitored for trouble and alarm conditions.
10.3.4 Video Surveillance System Recommendations
Video surveillance systems may include:
• Remote video
• Advanced integrated surveillance systems
• Distributed integrated active remote multi-camera networks
• Database-integrated object recognition systems
• Binary change detection
• Active head tracking and face cataloging
• Video content analysis systems
Surveillance systems fall into the general categories of hardware control, analog matrix, digital video matrix, digital
video management, and software as a service.
10.3.5 Physical Security Information Management System Overview
Physical security information management (PSIM) is a product that integrates systems from various security system
manufacturers and allows the integration of security into a single unified situation management platform. Figure 10-1
provides an example of a PSIM.
The digital video management system manages video content, while the PSIM system combines video management
for security and surveillance applications with situation (incident and event) management. The PSIM system actually
can act as a gateway to multiple systems and set up interface, interoperability, and event collection. Requirements
Designs shall utilize the PSIM system as a user interface when multiple systems at a facility exist and require
interoperability with a surveillance system.
10.3.6 Sensor-Based System Overview
ESS sensor-based systems incorporate the use of various analog and digital devices that respond to physical changes
or outside influences. This response may be in the form of generating an electrical signal, a change in state of an open
or closed contact, or the fluctuation of resistance, capacitance, or current between two or more conductors.
10.3.7 Building Automation System Overview
Refer to applicable standards (e.g., TIA-862-B) for specific information about BAS systems.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Figure 10-1
Sample Physical Security Information Management System

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

10.3.8 Location System Recommendations
Location systems may be grouped by technology or method of deployment.
Automotive engineers work to reduce the number of collisions by introducing advanced safety systems that sense
impending danger.
Systems being developed combine sensor technology with x-by-wire systems that use electronics to control braking,
steering, and suspension and vehicle control systems that may sense the proximity of a pedestrian or animal. This
combination introduces the opportunity to create automatic collision avoidance systems that will greatly increase the
safety of our roadways. Some systems are already integrated into aircraft cockpits.
10.3.9 Global Positioning System Overview
Location systems such as a global positioning system (GPS) provide two kinds of information:
• Physical
• Symbolic
A GPS provides physical positions. A physical position may be augmented to provide corresponding symbolic
information with additional information, infrastructure, or both. GPS uses space satellites as reference points for Earth
locations. Distances are measured from the three satellites used in triangulation calculations. The exact locations are
pinpointed using these calculations.
GPS tracking works on the following principles:
• The basis of GPS, which is triangulation from satellites.
• To triangulate, a GPS receiver measures distance using the travel time of radio signals.
• To measure signal travel time, GPS needs very accurate timing, which it achieves by applying special
• Along with distance, the location of the satellites needs to be determined. Requirements
Designs incorporating a GPS shall allow for correction to compensate for any delays the signal experiences as it
travels through the atmosphere.
For proper communications, a robust, continuously connected wireless national data network is required. As an
alternative communications link, a satellite network is required for areas where a ground-based wireless signal is
10.3.10 Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) with other ESS systems Recommendations
AIM should be considered as an additional means to enhance the security of ESS in a building. The following list of
automated administration functions and features may be integrated into other ESS systems.
• Detect changes to patch cord connectivity
Unauthorized changes to the patch cord connectivity should be detected and reported to the appropriate
authority in real time. Real time event notification may be sent to the network manager using a variety of
methods (e.g. email, text messaging, and SNMP traps). It is also useful to forward such events to network
monitoring applications to enable a consolidated view of all activities on the network. For example an
integrated system that incorporates inputs from multiple security systems is shown in Figure 10-1.
• Port status information
All ports on the network including network equipment, switches, patch panels and telecommunication outlets
should be monitored in real time for the purpose of detecting unexpected or unauthorized activities. Any port
usage changes should be communicated to the network manager using variety of methods (e.g., email, text
messaging, and SNMP traps.)
• Device alarms
The AIM system should be capable of detecting and reporting device connection or device disconnection and
identify the associated location. This information can be used to establish whether this is an authorized
connection or disconnection in order to ensure that the security of the network is not compromised.

List continues on next page

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

• Security camera integration

The AIM system should be capable of being integrated with security cameras, to activate these during
unauthorized events and provide access to recorded content.
• Communication with other systems
The AIM system should be able to communicate or exchange data with and consolidate information from
other systems and databases. The information available to an authorized network manager should also be
made available to an authorized program that needs AIM information.
• Emergency call origination location
The AIM system should have the capability to be queried and report the location of a connected device based
on a port and outlet connection. This location information may be utilized to enhance the ability of the
voice/emergency response system to identify the originating location of a call.
• Secure communications and operation
The AIM systems should protect itself from unauthorized access by using secure access to AIM components.
This may include one or more of the following methods: log in security credentials at AIM access points,
locked rooms/cabinets, access control systems for rooms/cabinets that contain AIM equipment, security
10.3.11 Software Overview
The functionality and reliability of an integrated system relies heavily on the system management software and
underlying system software. The selection of the system and software is a critical step in purchasing and
implementing a project.
The software poses the biggest risk to most integrators due to the lack of in-house capabilities to make modifications
to the software beyond the standard configuration. An additional concern is the lack of access to the source code
required for vendors to make changes to commercial off-the-shelf software platforms, or integrators to make changes
to proprietary software platforms
The development of an integrated system at the vendor level is often based on the current version of the database and
operating system software available. The change from one operating system to another is a major undertaking by a
vendor and of strategic importance in the marketplace.
There is often a tradeoff between delivering a system on the latest software platform and fielding a robust or reliable
system. Some vendors offer choices in the database and operating software, and there are tradeoffs with any choice.
Similar to any technology-based product, significant problems may be encountered on systems deployed with recently
released operating system platforms. Databases Overview
The selection of database software is typically based on availability from the hardware vendor or compatibility with
existing systems, between integrated systems, or with client databases. Selections can be based on personal preference
or experience of the integrator, client, or AHJ. Control and Monitoring Overview
Many vendors offer control or monitoring software in the form of an enterprise solution. This allows the control and
monitoring of multiple ESS server systems from a central location. Some vendors provide management software to
facilitate the integration, control, and monitoring of individual systems. Other systems facilitate the integration of
traditional ESS systems with fire detection, building management, and human resources.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Scalability, Resiliency, and Reliability Introduction
The ultimate goal in selecting a software platform is to meet not only the current system needs but also the needs of
the system in the future. This is particularly true of an installation for a new client or a client in a new facility.
Systems are often expanded during the installation phase or just after when the client begins to understand the system
capabilities. Expansion plans for the facility and the procurement of additional facilities play a role in determining the
long-term system requirements.
The procurement of additional facilities or the installation of systems in additional existing facilities may warrant an
enterprise approach to facilitate single point monitoring and control.
The anticipated number of devices and users will be a deciding factor in the selection as well.
The criticality of the system operation and assets protected also determines the software selection. The need for a fail-
safe system often requires the use of servers with robust storage solutions such as redundant array of independent
disks (RAID) systems. The implementation of these scenarios now or in the future will have a significant impact on
the selection of a software platform. Recommendations
The system should have the capability of being scaled to meet the current and future needs of the client.
10.4 System Configuration and Expandability
10.4.1 Overview
Planning for expandability can be incorporated into the design process. Input and output points will be identified in
the design, but additional inputs and outputs are required during the installation phase to accommodate additional
sensors, functions, and modifications to the original design.
An error, such as not providing adequate motion detection or an unaccounted tamper switch, can be costly if the
hardware and software do not have room for expansion.
The addition of an inexpensive tamper switch may ultimately cost thousands of dollars to add an additional field
device, power supply, or ESS infrastructure to support the new hardware.
10.4.2 Input/Output Matrix Introduction
The completion of an input/output matrix is a vital step in determining system expansion requirements for larger
complex systems. Requirements
The matrix shall be configured for a specific system and needs to contain the following basic information:
• Input or output type and number
• Processor or field panel number
• Card reader type and number
• Zone number (input/output grouping)
• If an input or output is active 24 hours a day
10.4.3 Maps and Icons Introduction
Maps and icons should be coordinated with the AHJ and end user to enhance the ability of the operator to monitor the
system. The maps should be configured to provide an overview of the system and allow the operator to select or drill
down into the submaps. Each alarm or event that needs a map display will need to be evaluated to determine the
lowest level map to effectively display the location.
The display of a detailed map of a particular floor of a building may not suffice on a site with multiple buildings with
similar layouts. The site map, or a portion thereof, may be the lowest level map to show the location of an event or
alarm. The operator can then select the icon to display the detailed map.
The icon should readily display the status of an event or alarm and should change as the state of the associated device
Another effective tool is to assign one icon per zone, area, or building on a site in a way that the site map provides an
overall view of the status of the system. The operator can view one map to determine the status of a large area, while
the submaps are only accessed to view particular devices.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Recommendations
The maps should be configured such that any additions to the system are readily incorporated.
The AHJ can provide input as to future plans, but the system maps should be configured to match the expansion
capability of the system hardware as installed. The addition of event or alarm icons to the maps may necessitate a
reconfiguration of the mapping system.
10.4.4 System Response Times Requirements
The response times shall be calculated for peak use times. Distributed processing reduces the response times
significantly. Recommendations
The system response times should be calculated because they are an effective tool in determining the need for lighter
system loading on a distributed system. The goal of system response times is to determine the processing and
reporting times for alarms or system requests.
10.4.5 System Expansion Capability Overview
The expansion capability of the system hardware is based on the as-built and future expansion capability. The as-built
capability is the number of available physical connections, including:
• Inputs
• Outputs
• Card readers
The future capability is how much the system can be physically expanded by adding hardware.
The physical layout impacts the system expansion.
10.5 ESS Integration Process
10.5.1 Overview
In order to properly define and integrate multiple systems, operational and functional requirements are necessary.
These requirements are the framework for the integrated system. They will be the basis against which all system
expectations and testing will be measured.
Defining how the system is intended to behave is the most important step in the integration process. How each
individual system is put together will impact the ability to make the systems work together. Each system will have to
meet applicable standards and codes in addition to how the end user wants the system to function as a whole.
Before the design process begins, general requirements for how the final system configuration will function are
expected to be defined. These general requirements can range from very simple to very complex.
10.5.2 Integration Process Team Members Introduction
In order to properly define the process and generate the proper documentation to integrate various ESS systems, a
team of knowledgeable persons and project stakeholders needs to be established. Recommendations
Project stakeholders should include:
• ESS designer
• Operations personnel
• Information technology (IT) personnel
• Key facilities personnel
• Security personnel
• End users
• Financial stakeholders

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

10.5.3 Integration Process Step 1: Develop a Requirements Traceability Matrix Requirements
There shall be a discovery period with all of the integration process team members. The team members shall
determine which systems are to be integrated and define the functional requirements.
The requirements traceability matrix is a document that defines the requirements and provides traceability between the
approved requirements, design specifications, project scope and written direction regarding the project. The document
is typically in a spreadsheet format. The columns shall be organized into two areas: requirements definition and
Traceability Matrix Definition Elements/Columns Requirements
The following items shall be used as column headings in a traceability matrix:
• ID – This is a unique ID number that is used to identify the traceability item in the matrix.
• Associated ID – This column is optional. This provides an additional ID to link other matrix or spreadsheet
• Requirement Source – This column identifies the requirements origin. This can be a project scope, design
guide, client interviews, or other applicable sources.
• Functional Requirement – This column shall contain a description of the functional requirement.
• Status – This column shall be populated with the current status of the functional requirement. This can be a
yes or no field or a percentage of completion that parallels the project submission levels of effort.
• Design Document – This column contains the project document where the requirement is captured. This can
be drawings, specifications or a report.
• Interface Required – This is a yes or no column. Not all requirements need an interface as requirements can
be as simple as a design direction.
• Systems Interfaced – This column identifies the system or systems that are interfaced.
Implementation Elements/Columns Requirements
The following items shall be used as column headings in a traceability matrix:
• Technical Specification – This column shall provide a description of the technical specifications linked to the
functional requirements.
• System Component – This column shall provide a description of the system components linked to the
functional requirements.
• Software – This column shall provide a description of the software linked to the functional requirements.
• Functional Requirement Location – This column shall identify the location in the functional requirements
document where the requirement has been implemented.
• Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Matrix Document – If used, this column shall provide a
description of the document linked to the functional requirement. This is only used when linked to a separate
QA/QC document.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Step 2: Develop an Integration Plan Requirements
An integration plan is required to properly define the process. This written functional description shall define the
expectations of the system and describe in detail the requirements of the integrated system versus the individual
The integration plan shall contain the following:
• Title Page – The title page should contain the following information:
– The company for which the integration plan was developed
– Contract number or document tracking number
– Date that the document was formally approved
– The organization responsible for preparing the document
– Revision version and date issued
• Purpose of the Document – The integration plan provides a brief statement describing the overall purpose of
the document. It is the plan for integrating the components and sub-systems of the project prior to
• Scope of the Integration Project – This section gives a brief description of the planned project and the
purpose of the system to be built. Special emphasis is placed on the project’s deployment complexities and
This section may be lifted from earlier documents. It is important only to people [stakeholders] who will be
introduced to the project for the first time by this document.
• Integration Strategy – This section provides an overview of what the high level plan is for integration and,
most importantly, why the integration plan is structured the way it is. The Integration Plan is subject to
several constraints, sometimes constraints that conflict with one another. It is part of the larger process of
build, integrate, verify, and deploy, all of which shall be synchronized to support the same project strategy.
For even a moderately complex project, the integration strategy, based on a clear and concise statement of the
project’s goals and objectives, is described at a high, but all-inclusive, level. It may also be necessary to
describe the analysis of alternative strategies to make it clear why this particular strategy was selected.
The following section describes the integration process. It identifies what components are integrated at each step and
gives a general idea of what threads of the operational requirements are covered. It ties the plan to the previously
identified goals and objectives so the stakeholders can understand the rationale for each integration step. This section
also defines the schedule for all the integration efforts.
• Integration – Define and explain each step in the integration process. The intent is to identify all the needed
participants and to describe their responsibilities.
Each of the integration steps should identify:
– The location of the activities.
– The project-developed equipment and software products to be integrated. Initially this is just a high level
list but eventually the list shall be exact and complete, showing part numbers and quantity.
– Any support equipment needed for this integration step, such as:
o Special software
o Test hardware
o Software stubs
o Drivers to simulate yet-to-be-integrated software components
o External systems
NOTE: The same support equipment is most likely needed for the verification phase.
– All integration activities that need to be performed after installation, including integration with on-site
systems and external systems at other sites.
– A description of the verification activities that occur after integration.
– The responsible parties for each activity in the integration step.
– The schedule for each activity.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Step 3: Develop a Testing and Commissioning Plan Requirements
All systems shall be verified that the installed components are integrated and functioning as set out in the design. The
following is a list of all documents used to develop a testing and commissioning plan. This almost always includes the
integration plan and the requirements documents. Other reference documents, such as descriptions of external
systems, standards, a concept of operations, and manuals will need to be included.
The testing and commissioning section of the plan provides details on how the testing is accomplished. In addition the
plan defines:
• Who does the testing
• When and where it is to be done
• The responsibilities of each participant before, during, and after each test
• The hardware and software to be used
• The documents to be prepared as a record of the testing activity
• How testing failures are identified and corrected.
The following information shall be included in this section:
• A description of the participating organizations and personnel and identification of their roles and
responsibilities. This may include for example, a test conductor, test recorder, operators, or engineering support.
• Identification of the location of the testing effort including the place or places where the testing progress shall
be observed.
• The hardware and software configuration for all of the test cases, including: hardware and software under test
and any supporting test equipment, software, or external systems. Several configurations may be necessary.
• Identification of the documents to be prepared to support the testing, including: verification procedures, a
verification report, and descriptions of special test equipment and software.
• Details on the actual conduct of the testing, including:
– Notification of participants
– Emphasis on the management role of the test conductor
– Procedures for approving last minute changes to the procedures
– The processes for handling a test failure, including: recording of critical information, determination of
whether to stop the testing, restart, or skip a procedure, resolution of the cause of a failure, and
determination of the retesting activities necessary as a result of the failure. Test Cases Requirements
Identify the specific tests or groupings of tests to be performed. These tests and performance criteria are identified in
the Requirements Documents. There may be several individual requirements that are defined and they can be verified
in one test case.
They shall be related and combined into a specific set of test procedure actions. Recommendations
Each test case should contain at least the following information:
• A description name and a reference number
• A complete list of the requirements to be verified. For ease of tracing of requirements into the verification
plan and other documents, the requirements are given numbers. They can be accurately and conveniently
referenced without repeating all the words of the requirement.
• A description of the objective of the test case, usually taken from the wording of the requirements, to aid in
the understanding of the scope of the test case.
• Any data to be recorded or noted during the test, such as expected results of a test step. Other data, such as a
recording of a digital message sent to an external system, may be required to verify the performance of the
• A statement of the pass/fail criteria. Often, this is just a statement that the system operates per the
• A description of the test configuration. That is a list of the hardware and software items needed for the test
and how they should be connected. Often, the same configuration is used for several tests.
• A list of any other important assumptions and constraints necessary for conduct of the test case.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016 Verification Introduction
There are steps to set up each verification configuration, including, but not limited to:
• Tuning of the hardware
• Configuring and starting the software
• Starting the special test software
• Set-up steps at each external system to be used
There are steps to be taken by the ESS designer for each verification case. Each step includes:
• Operator action to be taken
• Expected results
• Pass / fail entry space
The ESS designer records whether or not the expected result occurred. If the expected results are not
observed, then the procedures for dealing with failures are contained in the Testing and Verification Plan.
• A trace of each verification step from a verification case in the applicable verification plan and a trace from a
requirement in the applicable requirements document. Recommendations
If possible, acceptable limitations should be documented. These documents should be dated and treated as a living
document. As parties on the project change, the functional description can be used to introduce new members to the
project. Once an initial functional description is filed, a method for changing the document should be devised and
Once the general system description has been developed, the engineering and design process for the integrated system
should begin. If the system is not a legacy system, all of the subset systems should be designed with the overall
integration in mind.
Each system can be designed independently and may account for additional recommendations for integration prior to
design completion. As these systems are built, any inherent flaws or newly exposed issues can be investigated and
changes can be implemented to the functional description, if necessary.
Obtain references of operational systems that meet the same system requirements (or similar requirements) and
request the ability to contact the end user. Discuss the limitations of any item that may impact the system
functionality. An existing process will not necessarily work when trying to implement an integrated system with new
The architectural design should be reviewed and evaluated for spacing requirements, control room layouts, and access
points. The design of the individual systems also should be in accordance with the need to integrate them together.
Panel locations and network connections become important when trying to eliminate cabling or cross-system
connection points.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

11 Risk Management and Risk Assessment

11.1 Introduction
This section is intended to provide guidance when performing a risk assessment.
A security survey or analysis should be completed during the preplanning and planning stages of construction, then
annually upon occupancy. The following are items typically identified during a security survey:
• The identification of assets
• The identification of natural, technological and human threats
• The probability of risk
• The past and future losses of the complex or building
• The potential impact of losses and risk
• Possible countermeasures
• Cost/benefit analysis of proposed countermeasures
11.2 Requirements
The designer shall identify the risk management policy.
• If a risk assessment has been completed, the designer shall utilize this document as a guide to identify the
assets that are to be protected.
• If the risk assessment has not been completed, the designer shall thoroughly assess the assets to be protected,
environment, and any potential risks that exist or could develop.
The designer shall analyze architectural and operational security. The impact of protection shall be compared with the
impact of loss. The designer and integrator shall consider existing systems and ensure compatibility with any new
The designer shall detail the conditions that the installer is likely to encounter.
The designer shall compile the identified threats and risks to the assets and provide appropriate mitigation techniques
or strategies.
11.3 Additional Information
There are various types of assets. Examples include:
• People – Tenants, customers, employees, contractors, guests, and in some instances, even trespassers
• Property – Real and personal property of monetary value
• Operations – Patents, processes, reputation, and goodwill
• Information – Proprietary data, trade secrets, and business plans
There are various types of threats and risks:
• Threat is an indication of an event or the intent to do harm or damage.
• Risk is a vulnerability to or potential for loss from a threat or event.
There are four types of mitigation strategies: physical, electronic, operational and logical
• Physical – Physical countermeasures include doors, gates, fencing, landscaping, lighting, glazing,
infrastructure, vehicular standoffs and protection, locking mechanisms, and air intake, separation,
partitioning, and distribution. The concept of crime prevention through environmental design also falls within
the realm of physical security countermeasures.
• Electronic – Electronic countermeasures include card readers, cameras, electrified locking mechanisms,
sensors, and other electronic devices.
• Operational – Operational security countermeasures include, guard post requirements, patrols, training,
policies and procedures, and emergency preparedness and contingency factors.
• Logical – Countermeasures include, application and software vulnerability testing, source code analysis,
application of patches and updates, and user training. This component is typically a specialized area under
information security.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

12 Commissioning
12.1 Overview
Commissioning is often one of the most neglected aspects of system installation. A system that is properly tested and
commissioned will provide the ESS designer, installer, and client with a system that functions correctly, meets the
client’s requirements, and can help foster a continuing professional business relationship between the ESS designer
and client for future work.
Commissioning an ESS system should clearly identify real and potential issues with the physical security systems and
the affiliated subsystems during all phases of the project.
Commissioning verifies that the ESS systems operate consistent with the contract and specification documents and
must include:
• Operation and maintenance documentation.
• Cleaning.
• Labeling devices, cabling, and equipment.
• Testing, adjusting, and settings.
• Training for client personnel.
12.2 Documentation
12.2.1 Overview
Clients and contractors alike often overlook the importance of this commissioning documentation, which is critical for
the successful operation and maintenance of the installed system.
12.2.2 Requirements
Documentation must be produced to support each phase of the commissioning process, including the preliminary
testing and calibration plan. The plan must include each device in the system (e.g., access control devices, door
position switches, intrusion detection points, video cameras, intercoms). The plan must be based on the
manufacturer’s standard written commissioning procedures and include the manufacturer’s standard field checkout
sheets as part of the final project documentation.
In addition to testing each device, the commissioning technician shall also test all system bonding and grounding,
copper cabling, and optical fiber cabling. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
The operation and maintenance manuals must include detailed installation, operating, troubleshooting, and
maintenance procedures. Security contractors should not simply submit manufacturers’ user manuals as the required
documentation. It is important that security contractors also prepare site-specific instructions for routine and
emergency operations and maintenance.
The operation and maintenance manuals also should contain complete warranty information, including the client’s
responsibilities for maintaining the warranty in full force. Warranty cards or other documents that are required to be
returned to the manufacturer must be completed by the security contractors and mailed back with copies provided in
the final documentation given to the client. The manufacturers of each system component must be listed along with
contact details and part numbers, including any custom manufactured components.
Additionally, any certifications provided by the manufacturer that indicate compliance with any regulatory
requirements, codes, or standards shall be included in the operation and maintenance manuals. Record Drawings
Record drawings setting out as-built conditions of the systems must be included in the manuals. As-built drawings are
shop drawings and consolidated information from the marked up set showing the final as-built conditions. These
drawings are to be used and kept current throughout the life of the system.
Record drawings should contain the manufacturer and model number of each component as well as its location and
orientation, raceway, and cable tray locations and sizes. The record drawings must also include the identification of
each component and cable termination that corresponds with the cable labeling and component nameplates.
Equipment loading schedules, clearly identifying terminations and spare capacity, are also a critical part of accurate
record drawings that are invaluable in the maintenance and future moves, adds, and changes (MACs) to the system.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

12.3 Cleaning
12.3.1 Overview
A major task in commissioning security systems is the cleaning and removal of dust, dirt, and temporary covers.
12.3.2 Requirements
All devices and enclosures, including those used in outdoor applications, must be inspected to ensure that the finish
has not been damaged during the installation. The cleanliness of the system must be maintained by the security
contractor until the date of completion and final acceptance by the client for all of the work.
12.3.3 Recommendations
All foreign debris should be removed from the equipment and enclosures. The cleanliness of outdoor mounted video
surveillance camera domes is extremely important and should be regularly maintained.
12.4 Labeling Components
Labeling the equipment and cables is a vital part of ESS system commissioning. Labeling will support the relationship
between components and as-built or record drawings and prove their value in future repair, troubleshooting, or MACs
of an ESS system.
12.4.1 Requirements
Components require labeling with identification numbers or letters that accurately correspond to the drawings. Cables
must be marked with machine-printed permanent labels at each end. Cables and terminations should be marked in
accordance with applicable standards (e.g., TIA-606-B, ISO/IEC 14763-2).
Labels and identification plates affixed to rack- or wall-mounted ESS equipment shall be located so that they are
easily read. Electrical circuits feeding ESS equipment must be clearly identified at electrical receptacles, junction
boxes, and distribution panels.
12.4.2 Recommendations
Enclosures and other large components typically should have engraved plastic or metal identification plates.
12.5 Testing
12.5.1 Acceptance Testing Plan
The acceptance testing plan will be used by the client during the final acceptance test as part of the turnover
documentation. Requirements
Testing documentation must include full details of all commissioning tests as well as factory testing reports provided
by the manufacturer with the equipment.
The plan needs to include checklists and procedures with specific areas for recording and documenting all tests and
inspections and a summary statement and signature block at the end of the plan. Recommendations
Clear acceptance testing guidelines should be provided in the construction specification documents. The guidelines
must define the performance requirements for the ESS system.
The test plan forms and checklists should list any deficiencies and fully document the test results of each acceptance
test performed. The client should also document all observed tests and create a punch list of deficiencies that need to
be corrected and retested.
12.5.2 System Testing General
Testing occurs in the stages described in the following sections, with each section having additional requirements or
recommendations. Testing Requirements
Equipment must be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and whenever damage is suspected.
Calibration certification must be kept on record and copies for each tester provided in turnover documents.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices Testing Recommendations

Test equipment should be of an accuracy required to test system performance within the tolerances specified by the
construction and manufacturer’s documents. Generally, the accuracy of any sensor should be at least twice that of the
device being tested. Preinstallation Testing Overview
Preinstallation tests may reveal components that have been damaged in shipment and need to be replaced. Some
subsystems may have components that have been pretested prior to installation. Examples of such subsystems are
operable vehicle barriers, gates, and other major subsystems. Recommendations
Components (e.g., video cameras) also should be run through a quick functional test prior to installation. Systems that
require calibration or adjustment can be serviced in the shop instead of in the field. Preliminary Testing and Calibration Requirements
Each alarm point shall be tested. For example, for intrusion detection and video camera call-up and recording:
• Video cameras shall be tested for resolution, light sensitivity, focus, and where applicable, pan, tilt, and zoom
(PTZ) control.
• The graphical user interface system response shall be tested for functionality.
• Intercom systems shall be tested for proper operation as well as sound quality. This is followed by a burn-in
period. Recommendations
ESS systems and subsystems should be thoroughly tested and all adjustments and calibrations completed prior to the
start of final acceptance testing. This includes the testing of each individual device or component for proper operation
and system response. Some examples are testing each access control device for door prop alarms, forced door alarms,
and valid and invalid card reads. Burn-in Period Recommendations
Prior to scheduling the final acceptance test, the commissioning technician should power up and operate each of the
systems during a burn-in period. During this burn-in period, each system should be powered and operate for an entire
day. A burn-in period could be 2–14 consecutive days or based on client requirements. Any faults, errors, and
noncompliance issues should be corrected prior to beginning the final acceptance testing. The acceptance test should
be performed after the successful completion of the burn-in period. Any components that are replaced also should be
subject to a burn-in period.
12.5.3 Acceptance Testing Overview
All points, (e.g., access control points, intrusion detection points, video cameras, intercom systems) require testing and
observation to ensure that they operate as required in the construction documents. Requirements
Acceptance testing is to be complete and test documentation approved by the client prior to the project completion.
In order to account for all lighting conditions, video cameras must be examined during the day and at night. Recommendations
Acceptance testing should be performed after the completion of a successful and complete system burn-in period. As
with preliminary testing, acceptance testing should include testing individual devices for proper operation and proper
system responses.
Acceptance testing may also include a “defeat the system” test to demonstrate that there are no potential shortcomings
within the hardware and software system that would compromise the integrity of the system under normal operating

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

12.5.4 Retesting Equipment and Systems

The commissioning technician will need to correct any deficiencies identified by the client. Upon completion of all
corrections, the equipment shall be retested to demonstrate proper operation, integration, and performance. The
security contractor should provide all the labor and materials required for any necessary retesting. Verification of
proper system operation and performance should be completed during the preliminary testing stage to avoid retesting.
The construction documents should identify that the security contractor is responsible for the client’s costs to
supervise and observe any retesting of failed system components.
12.5.5 Warranty Periods
Installation companies should be aware that equipment warranty periods are an opportunity to make required
adjustments to systems and components. Additionally, operation and maintenance manuals, as well as the as-built
drawings, should be updated to reflect any modifications made during the warranty period.
A final warranty walk-through should be undertaken in the last quarter of the warranty period to correct any
deficiencies and make required adjustments to the system.
12.6 Additional Commissioning Tasks
The ESS hardware and software installation must be inspected both visually and electrically. The items most
commonly subject to verification during commissioning ensure that:
• The system has been installed in accordance with the specifications and drawings and follows the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Record drawings are completed and provided to the architect and engineer for use during testing.
• All test reports are given to the architect and engineer for review.
• Headend equipment and intermediate ESS equipment are installed as indicated in the project documents. If
this was a direct sell to the end user without documentation, at a minimum, lockable cabinets should be
installed within communications equipment rooms (ERs). They must be kept separate from the other devices
housed in the ER.
• All cabinets are clean inside.
• System software licenses have been provided for the specified number of equipment and personnel.
• ESS equipment matrix has been developed, and all information has been properly programmed.
• Directories for each panel, listing the card reader interface slot locations, names, and utilized channels, are
• All low-voltage security cables are installed in conduit, boxes, and locked enclosures when required and meet
all applicable codes.
• All enclosures, panels, and field equipment are properly labeled.
• All cable and termination points are properly labeled. Tag numbers on record drawings also should be
• All hardware is properly installed and meets the manufacturer requirements for installation.
• All power supplies are hardwired. Plugs should not be used unless indicated in the drawings or
Additional tasks related to system verification include:
• Checking all electrical circuits of the various devices for proper wiring polarity, grounding (earthing), and
activation. An ESS designer should ensure that proper battery backup is installed to provide operation for a
specified period of time during power outages. Test the system with a simulated power failure to verify
operation of power backup and establish that all fail-safe criteria are being met.
• Verifying that each access point meets all of the programmed requirements for that location, that the system
logs the event, that the door is unlocked, or that the unlocking is disapproved and alarm is reported. This
verification is performed using the access control matrix and cards from each access class. The same
procedure should be performed with the keypads using both valid and duress codes.
• Simulating alarm conditions and verifying that all doors function properly. An ESS designer should verify
that all door open/closed status conditions are properly represented in the system.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

• Verifying that surveillance cameras are properly positioned to capture the required event video information.
An ESS designer should ensure that the recordings are time and date coded and saved in a digital video
recorder with sufficient data storage capability, in a secure location, and connected to a backup power supply.
• Verifying that all of the electrical (e.g., door locks, request to exit) and mechanical hardware (e.g., crash
hardware) at all of the access points function in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications. An ESS
designer should verify that low-voltage cables are not exposed and that all equipment is installed in lockable
cabinets. All card readers and keypads should be tamper proofed.
• Systems (e.g., IDS) might perform differently under various weather conditions; therefore, they should be
tested to the fullest extent possible under all conditions.
A “defeat the system” test may be required by a client to verify system hardware and software integrity prior to
acceptance of the system.
If any failures in the electrical or mechanical operation of the ESS system are noted, a retest must be scheduled. A
corrective action plan must be established, and a retest should be performed with passing results and added to the
documented file.
During the system’s operation, all event logs should be regularly analyzed, and repeat events should be decreased or
eliminated. The security system performance should be retested periodically to ensure that all functions comply with
the original specifications.
12.7 Training
Typically, the system training is the responsibility of the system’s integrator or installation contractor. The goal of the
following information is to provide a holistic view of an ESS project and explain how an ESS design may affect the
system’s operation.
For more information on training, see Appendix E.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix A Cabling Pathways (Normative)

This appendix is normative and is considered part of this standard.

A.1 Overview
This section describes the telecommunications cabling pathways and related telecommunications spaces necessary to
support ESS systems. ESS is one of several subsets of systems covered by the term “telecommunications”. While the
scope of this standard is limited to the telecommunications cabling, pathways, and spaces associated with ESS
systems, this standard significantly influences the design of other building services, such as electrical power. This
standard also provides minimum requirements for the size of telecommunications spaces in support of ESS systems.
When designing and installing cabling pathways, it is important to ensure that the route is verified to drawings and
specifications prior to actually installing the cabling pathway support structures.
Cabling pathway system design and implementation involves the cabling pathway (e.g., cable tray, conduits, ducts,
open spaces using non-continuous supports [J-hooks]) and the locations of related telecommunications spaces (e.g., an
ER that provides access to cable and connecting hardware, ESS equipment and their interconnection or cross-
connection to ESS cabling systems). Cabling pathway components are expected to accommodate all standards-
compliant cabling and the potential need for change during the life cycle of the cabling system and building.
This standard offers a number of pathway design alternatives for ESS pathways and spaces. Qualified ESS systems
designers are responsible to select the appropriate ESS pathway infrastructure system design based upon the ESS
applications to be supported.
The backbone cabling pathways are those portions of the telecommunications cabling pathway system that permits the
placement of backbone cabling between the building entrance location and all additional telecommunications spaces
within the building (e.g., equipment room, telecommunications room, telecommunications enclosure). The horizontal
cabling pathways are the portions of the telecommunications cabling pathway system that permits the placement of
horizontal cabling between the horizontal cross-connect (floor distributor) typically located in the TR and potentially
passing through the optional HCPs and terminating at equipment outlets located in a coverage area.
Designers and installers are expected to ensure that the cabling pathways and spaces:
• Allow for the accommodation of change over the facility’s life cycle with the goal of reducing long-term
maintenance and operational costs.
• Consist of standards-based methodologies and components.
• Meet or exceed applicable codes, standards, regulations, and complies with AHJ rulings.
Cabling pathways may include:
• Continuous cabling pathways (e.g., conduit, cable tray, surface raceway) used for containment of
telecommunications cabling.
• Non-continuous cabling pathways (e.g., J-hooks) through which cabling is placed between physical support
or containment components.
A.2 Types of Cabling Pathways
A.2.1 Introduction
There are many types of cabling pathways. While this standard is not intended to define a list of approved cabling
pathway types, this standard does address the use of cabling pathways specifically for the purpose of distribution of
ESS cabling. These cabling pathways may be used exclusively throughout a project or in combination with any
number of additional cabling pathways. The following is a list of cabling pathways, which includes:
• Cable tray (e.g., solid bottom, ladder, mesh, center spine, etc)
• Non-continuous pathways (e.g., J-hooks)
• Conduit (e.g., metallic, non-metallic)
• Surface raceway (e.g., metallic, non-metallic)
• Duct (e.g., wall duct, floor duct, trench duct, cellular floor)
• Access floor (also referred to as raised floor, computer room floor)
• In-floor systems such as floor boxes, poke throughs (e.g., concealed access, flush access, surface access)
• Catenary (e.g., cable suspended from its end points used to attach cabling)

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This appendix does not restrict nor endorse any particular type of metallic or non-metallic cabling pathway products
or systems. For any questions related to specific cabling pathway types or applications that may not be approved for
use, consult with the AHJ.
A.2.1.1 Requirements
Except where otherwise specified, all cabling pathways shall adhere to the specifications of relevant cabling and
containment standards (e.g., TIA-569-D, CENELEC EN 50174-2, ISO/IEC 14763-2).
All of the following general cabling pathway requirements shall be met:
• ESS pathway types, sizes, and configurations shall accommodate the initial installation of ESS cabling and
related bend radius requirements, with an allowance for 100% growth.
• ESS pathways shall not be located in elevator shafts or other locations that may require specialized
tradespersons to permit access to the ESS pathways.
• ESS pathway specifications shall accommodate the applicable seismic zone requirements in accordance with
the AHJ.
• Where premises cabling is intended to be used, building ESS pathways shall be installed in “dry” locations.
• Where outside plant (e.g., campus) or indoor/outdoor cabling is intended to be used, building ESS pathways
shall be suitable for use in the type of environment (e.g., damp, dry, wet) in which they are installed. See
applicable codes, standards or regulations (e.g., NFPA 70 Article 100) for definitions of damp, dry and wet
• Firestop assemblies, where required, shall be maintained when penetrated by cables, wires, and ESS
pathways. See the specifications of relevant cabling pathways and containment standards (e.g., TIA-569-D,
CENELEC EN 50174-2, ISO/IEC 14763-2) for additional guidance.
Regardless of the type of cabling pathway(s) that are selected for a given project, the telecommunications cabling
bend radius and pulling tension requirements shall be met. See Table A-1 below for balanced twisted-pair cabling
bend radius and pulling tension requirements. See Table A-2 below for optical fiber cabling bend radius and pulling
tension requirements.
Cable manufacturers bend radius and pulling tension requirements may vary from Table A-1 and Table A-2. Where
bend radius and tension requirements vary, values used should be the most conservative (i.e., largest applicable bend
radius, smallest tensile load).
The maximum depth of telecommunications cabling (e.g., balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber) installed in cabling
pathways shall not exceed 150 mm (6 in) for a solid bottomed cable tray pathway regardless of the depth of the cable
tray pathway.
For cabling pathway systems that are not solid bottomed, the maximum depth of installed cabling shall be determined
by the spot loading and pressure it exerts on the support points of the pathway system. See Table A-3 for maximum
allowable cabling stacking height in cabling pathways.

Table A-1 Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Bend Radius and Pulling Tension Requirements
Required Minimum Inside Required Minimum Inside Recommended Maximum
Cabling/Cord Types Bend Radius Under No Load Bend Radius Under Load Tensile Load Under Load
(No Stress) (Stress) (Stress)
4-pair, balanced twisted-pair One times the cord cable One times the cord cable Follow manufacturer
patch/equipment cord outside diameter outside diameter specifications
4-pair, balanced twisted-pair Four times the cable’s outside
See Note 1 110 N (25 lbf)
cables diameter
Multipair balanced twisted- Follow manufacturer Follow manufacturer Follow manufacturer
pair cables specifications specifications specifications
Note 1: Consult the applicable cabling standard(s) applicable at the site, as well as manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific cable.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Table A-2 Optical Fiber Cabling Bend Radius and Pulling Tension Requirements
Minimum Bend Radius While Minimum Bend Radius While
Cable Type and Installation Maximum Tensile Load
Subjected to Maximum Tensile Subjected to No Tensile Load
Details During Installation
Load (During Installation) (After Installation)
Inside plant horizontal cable
220 N (50 lbf) 50 mm (2 in) 25 mm (1 in)
with 2 or 4 fibers
Inside plant cable with more 20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
Per manufacturer
than 4 fibers diameter diameter
Indoor/outdoor cable with up 20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
1335 N (300 lbf)
to 12 fibers diameter diameter
Indoor/outdoor cable with 20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
2670 N (600 lbf)
more than 12 fibers diameter diameter
20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
Outside plant cable 2670 N (600 lbf)
diameter diameter
Drop cable installed by 20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
1335 N (300 lbf)
pulling diameter diameter
Drop cable directly buried, 20 times the cable outside 10 times the cable outside
440 N (100 lbf)
trenched or blown into ducts diameter diameter

Table A-3 Maximum Allowable Cabling Stacking Height in Cabling Pathways

Distance between points of support Maximum stacking height in cable pathways
0 mm (0 in) 150 mm (6.0 in)
100 mm (4 in) 140 mm (5.5 in)
150 mm (6 in) 135 mm (5.4 in)
250 mm (10 in) 130 mm (5.0 in)
500 mm (20 in) 110 mm (4.4 in)
750 mm (30 in) 100 mm (4 in)
1000 mm (40 in) 90 mm (3.5 in)
1500 mm (60 in) 75 mm (3 in)
L = Distance between points of support rounded to the nearest 50 mm (2 in)
H = 150 mm / (1 + L × 0.0007 mm), H = maximum stacking height (in mm) rounded to the nearest 5 mm, or
H = 6 in / (1 + L × .00003 in), H = maximum stacking height (in in) rounded to the nearest 0.1 in

A.2.2 Cable Tray Pathways

A.2.2.1 Introduction
Cable trays are generally described as structures with pre-fabricated components for supporting and routing cables or
conductors that are pulled or laid in place after the pathway has been installed as a complete system.
There are many types of cable tray pathways, typically constructed of steel or aluminum. There are a variety of
methods available to securely attach cable trays to the building structure. While this appendix is not intended to define
a list of approved cable tray pathway types, this appendix does address the use of cable tray pathways specifically for
the purpose of distribution of ESS cabling. These cable tray pathways may be used exclusively throughout a project or
in combination with any number of additional cabling pathways. Following is a list of cable tray pathway types:
• Solid bottom cable tray provided with or without a cover of various dimensions
• Ladder style cable tray of various types and dimensions (e.g., bar stock, tubular)
• Mesh style cable tray of various types and dimensions
• Center spine cable tray with singular rail design or multiple rail design of various dimensions
• Additional types or styles of tray not described in this appendix

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A.2.2.2 Requirements
When cable tray is installed and attached to any building structure, it shall be supported at intervals specified by the
manufacturer. These support intervals may depend on the load the cable tray is designed and manufactured to support.
Cable trays of all types shall be bonded per the AHJ requirements whether the cable tray is used for electrical power
wiring, telecommunications cabling (includes ESS cabling) or both.
Cable tray fill ratio shall not exceed 50%. The maximum fill depth of any cable tray shall be 150 mm (6 in).
Cable trays installed above equipment rack and cabinet heights, shall protrude straight into the telecommunications
space (e.g., ER, TR), without a bend, at a height that is in accordance with the customary practices of the location
where the installation takes place. For example, it is customary in many parts of the United States to place the cable
tray system at least 2.4 m (8 ft) AFF.
A.2.2.3 Recommendations
Cable tray pathways addressed here may be located below or above the ceiling or within an access floor system in
either plenum or non-plenum applications.
Cable tray pathways should provide fixed or movable dividers to separate ESS cabling from electrical cabling.
Movable dividers are more advantageous than fixed dividers because they can dynamically accommodate change over
the lifecycle of the building.
A.2.3 Non-continuous Pathways
A.2.3.1 Introduction
Non-continuous pathways (e.g., J-hooks) provide a base that is wide enough to distribute the cable bundles weight to
prevent damage. They may be constructed of metal, plastic, or fabrics and have various configurations for use in
different environments. Sizes are available to support a variety of cable bundle sizes.
A.2.3.2 Requirements
Non-continuous pathway devices shall not be spaced more than 1.5 m (5 ft) apart, on centers.
These non-continuous pathway devices shall not be attached to the ceiling grid support system or any other support
system that is not exclusively provided for the purpose of fastening the non-continuous pathway devices.
Non-continuous pathway devices shall be securely attached to the building structure or to support structures directly
attached to building structure. Specifications concerning the weight carrying capacity of the attachment device and the
support system may be subject to plan review by the AHJ. Designers and installers shall be prepared to demonstrate
compliance with applicable codes and regulations to satisfy the AHJ that the system is capable of supporting the
calculated weight at the maximum fill of the system.
Inaccessible ceiling areas, such as lock-in type ceiling tiles, drywall or plaster ceilings, shall not be used as
distribution pathways. Ceiling tiles shall be of the removable or lay-in type. In the event that the ESS pathway
transverses inaccessible areas, a permanent pathway shall be installed as a part of the building construction that is
sized to accommodate the maximum possible number of telecommunications cables anticipated to pass through such
Cabling shall not be laid directly on the ceiling tile or ceiling rails or in any support structure or support system that is
not specifically and exclusively designed for the purpose of supporting telecommunications cabling.
A clear vertical space of at least 75 mm (3 in) shall be provided between the non-continuous pathway devices and the
ceiling tiles and ceiling grids.
A.2.3.3 Recommendations
Areas above ceilings may be used as ESS pathways for telecommunications cables as well as spaces for connecting
hardware where allowed by the AHJ.
Non-continuous pathways (J-hooks) should be installed on a spacing of 1 m (3 ft) to 1.5 m (5 ft) centers, additional
supports may be required. Non-continuous pathways (J-hooks) should be capable of providing the following features:
• Individual color-coding to distinguish between types of services supported (e.g., ESS cameras, ESS access
control, fire-life-safety wiring).
• Capability of stacking in series and mounting in back-to-back configurations in various environments (e.g.,
threaded rod, I-beam, side of wire basket tray, wall, ceiling, floor).
• Option for a wire/cable retention device to help contain wires/cables within the device.
• Rounded edges to help avoid damage to wires/cables placed or pulled through device.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

A.2.4 Conduit Pathways

A.2.4.1 Introduction
A conduit system may be used for horizontal or backbone cabling distribution. In horizontal cabling distribution, these
conduit systems consist of conduits installed from the applicable telecommunications space (e.g., ER, TR) to the
telecommunications outlets or coverage area outlets in the floors, ceilings, walls, columns, or furniture in a building.
In backbone cabling distribution, these conduit systems consist of conduits installed from one applicable
telecommunications space (e.g., ER, TR) to another applicable telecommunications space (e.g., entrance facility, TE).
Codes, standards and regulations recognize for use, many types of metallic and non-metallic conduit. Consult local
AHJ and related guidelines for compliance with applicable codes, standards and regulations.
Conduit systems are comprised of sections of ducting (typically circular in shape) with varied accessory items. One
such conduit accessory item is a conduit body. A conduit body is a fitting available in several styles and
configurations. Two common styles of conduit bodies are the ‘C’, or straight inline fitting, and the ‘LB’, or 90-degree
bend with removable cover. Conduit bodies may provide a convenient and compact change in direction for electrical
wiring. However, they should not be used to change direction for telecommunications cables as they are likely to
compromise minimum bend radius requirements.
A.2.4.2 Requirements
Conduit as a horizontal cabling pathway system for ESS cabling shall be specified and provided when:
• It is required by applicable code as enforced by the AHJ.
• Special mechanical protection is required and not satisfied by other pathway types.
The maximum length of non-flexible conduit between pull points shall not exceed 30 m (100 ft).
A maximum of two 90-degree bends shall be placed in any conduit segment between pull points. A third bend shall be
acceptable in a conduit segment if one of the following is present:
• The conduit segment does not exceed 10 m (33 ft).
• The conduit fill ratio is derated by 15% for the third bend.
• One of the bends is located within 300 mm (12 in) of the cable feed end. (This exception only applies to
placing operations where cable is pushed around the first bend).
Conduits shall be installed in such a manner as to remove sharp edges and have insulated bushings installed where
applicable (e.g., metallic conduit).
Conduits shall be installed with synthetic, mildew resistant pull string or pull rope that has a tensile rating of no less
than 320 N (72 lbf). A swivel pulling eye shall be connected to the pull string or pull rope which is attached to the
cable to prevent twisting forces on the cable. The pulling tension shall not exceed the cable manufacturer’s
Although it is not recommended to be used, if flexible metal conduit is used, the maximum length of any segment
shall not exceed 6 m (20 ft). The flexible metal conduit diameter shall be increased by one trade size relative to the
size of the corresponding non-flexible metal conduit if it is selected in place of a non-flexible conduit pathway. The
trade size of the flexible metal conduit shall be based on applicable fill percentages according to the AHJ. This
flexible metal conduit de-rating is intended to accommodate potential cable abrasion caused by the movement of the
flexible metal conduit during installation.
If an armored cable assembly is provided prewired inside of the flexible metal conduit, the 6 m (20 ft) rule need not be
applied in such cases. The reason for this is that integrated cable/pathway designs eliminate or sufficiently diminish
the wire/cable abrasion attributes of a flexible metal conduit.
Conduits protruding through the floor in the telecommunications space shall be terminated at a height above the floor
surface that is sufficient to protect cabling and firestop materials from liquid spills.
A.2.4.3 Recommendations
In-floor conduit systems are especially inflexible when installed in concrete. In-floor conduit systems should be
considered only when all other means are unacceptable.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit should not be used inside commercial buildings unless placed in a cavity that is to
be filled with concrete. Refer to the AHJ for permitted conduit materials.
Flexible metal conduit (e.g., metal flex conduit) is not recommended for use with telecommunications cabling.
Flexible conduit should only be used in situations where it is the only alternative, as it is prone to creep or shift during
cable installation and increases the likelihood of cable sheath damage.

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Factory-manufactured metallic conduit bends instead of field-manufactured metallic conduit bends are recommended
when conduit installation applies. There are two disadvantages of field-manufactured metallic conduit bends:
• Specialized equipment is used to accomplish the required angle of bend.
• Field-manufactured bends typically result in an elliptically shaped cross-section, rather than being completely
round like factory-manufactured metallic conduit bends.
In the event a field-manufactured metallic conduit bend becomes elliptical, it should be replaced or de-rated to the
next smaller trade size conduit for cable fill calculation purposes.
If conduit bodies are used, a telecommunications style conduit body with a smooth internal bend radius for preventing
cable damage should be used in place of the electrical style conduit bodies.
Cable pulling tensions may be reduced by using lubricants. Care should be practiced in lubricant selection, taking into
consideration compatibility with cable jacket composition, safety, lubricity, adherence, stability, and drying speed.
A.2.5 Surface-mounted Pathways (Perimeter Raceways)
A.2.5.1 Introduction
Perimeter raceways are surface-mounted pathways, often installed at baseboard, chair-rail, or ceiling height, that may
contain power and equipment outlets. Surface raceway systems may be used as a distribution system within and
between rooms and may extend from building pathways to furniture pathways to connect furniture partitions or
furniture systems. Surface mounted raceway passing between rooms or penetrating walls are expected to conform to
the requirements of the AHJ in terms of fire and acoustical ratings.
This type of raceway is available in metallic and non-metallic materials and in many sizes and configurations. This
raceway is typically available in two sections - a base and a cover. The base is installed on the floor, wall, or ceiling
surface using fasteners. The cabling is installed and then the cover is installed over the top of the cabling. Typically,
the cover is held in place by snapping it over the base. Some surface raceways include bend radius control to ensure
compliance with minimum bend radius requirements of telecommunications cabling.
Secure raceway systems are also available. There are generally two types of secure raceway systems:
• Physically secure
– Covers slide onto the base(s) at access points consisting of lockable surface boxes; the covers cannot be
removed without access to the boxes.
– Covers may be secured to the base with fasteners employing a “safety screw” type head requiring special
tooling to tighten or remove.
• Electronically secure
– Tamper detection software and hardware are used to identify a potential security breech.
A.2.5.2 Requirements
When outlets of any type are provided as part of a perimeter raceway system, the outlet height shall comply with the
requirements of the applicable codes, standards, and regulations (e.g., ADA).
Electrical style surface raceway corners (e.g., inside corners, outside corners) shall not be used with
telecommunications cabling (e.g., balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber) due to potential cable bend radius violations
that may be caused by the use of electrical style surface raceway corners.
Telecommunications style surface raceway corners (e.g., inside corners, outside corners) shall be used with
telecommunications cabling (e.g., balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber). Such systems provide smooth rounded corners
to accommodate the bend radius requirements of such telecommunications cabling.
Surface raceway systems consist of bases, covers, associated fittings, and accessories. Fittings (e.g., coupler, corner,
end cap, adapter, device box) shall be used to connect, change direction, or terminate a surface raceway. Accessories
shall provide the means of mounting specific or generic devices (e.g., service area outlet, conduit connection) either
internal or external to the raceway system.
Surface raceway systems shall be configured as either single-channel or multi-channel systems. Single-channel
systems shall be designed and used for either telecommunications cabling or power cabling. Multi-channel systems
shall contain divider wall(s), either pre-configured or modular.
For planning perimeter pathways, the maximum pathway fill shall be 40%. Pathway (raceway) fill is calculated by
dividing the summation of the cross-sectional area of all cables by the most restrictive cross-sectional area of the
raceway system (typically located at 90 degree corner sections). This fill capacity does not consider the additional
constrictions caused by service area outlets.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Single lengths of metallic surface mounted raceway sections shall be bonded and grounded in accordance with
applicable codes, standards and regulations (e.g., NFPA 70) as well any additional requirements of the local AHJ. In
addition, adjacent sections shall be contiguously bonded to one another as a function of product design or with
external bonding conductors.
A.2.6 Duct Raceway Pathways
A.2.6.1 Overview
Duct raceway pathways may include wall duct, underfloor duct, trench duct, cellular floor and other types of duct
raceway pathways not listed here.
Wall duct is a flush, in-wall raceway system designed to support electrical and communications cabling infrastructure.
Its primary advantage over conduit is its cabling lay-in features. Wall duct offers continuous covers so cables can be
installed, and later accessed and changed, by simply removing the covers.
Underfloor duct systems include a network of metal raceways embedded in concrete, which facilitates the distribution
of horizontal cabling (e.g., between TRs or TEs and work areas).Trench duct is a flush, in-floor raceway system
designed to support electrical and communications cabling infrastructure. It is commonly used as a feeder for the cells
of a cellular steel floor system, a feeder for the distribution ducts of an underfloor duct system and a flush self-
contained raceway system for computer room areas, laboratories, and medical imaging facilities.
Cellular floor systems are generally utilized for in-floor raceway design in elevated steel framed construction. The
cellular floor structural members support the concrete floor slab, with the cells becoming the distribution raceways.
Cellular floor systems are typically fed from the floor serving TR by trench headers, which have removable steel
cover plates at the top of slab elevation. Preset inserts and afterset inserts are the two methods used for work area
activation. Cellular floor systems may also be used for slab-on-grade applications to maintain the large feed and
distribution areas typical of elevated floor design.
A.2.7 Access Floor Raceway Pathways
A.2.7.1 Introduction
Access floor systems consist of modular floor panels supported by pedestals, an assembly of pedestals and stringers,
or an integral pedestal and floor panel. Access floor systems are typically used in telecommunications spaces such as
the computer room area within a data center. Access floor pathways may include systems referred to as raised floors
or computer room floors and other types of access floor pathways not listed here.
A.2.7.2 Requirements
Minimum clearance between the top of the cabling pathway system and the bottom of the access floor tile in cabling
pathways under an access floor shall be 75 mm (3 in).
When used in a telecommunications space (e.g., ER, TR), the minimum finished floor height shall not be less than 150
mm (6 in) above the slab.
A.2.7.3 Recommendations
The minimum finished height of access flooring is a variable that may depend on the selected access flooring
manufacturers’ range of products, the use of the access floor system and the access floor system location.
When access flooring is used in:
• General office areas, the finished floor should be 200 mm (8 in) high or higher. This height is necessary to
provide sufficient space for cable trays and other means of cable management.
• A computer or control room environment where the plenum is used for heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning (HVAC), the finished floor height should be 300 mm (12 in) or greater.
Regardless of the height of the finished floor, a minimum of 50 mm (2 in) of free space should exist between the top
of the cable tray side rails and the underside of the stringers. If cable trays with covers or raceways are used, the free
space above the tray should allow for easy removal of covers.
For cable management, the following methods of containment for main runs should be considered:
• Dedicated routes
• Enclosed raceway distribution
• Zone distribution
• Cable trays
• Cable matting

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NOTE: Applicable codes, standards, regulations, and AHJs should be consulted for compliance with flame spread and
smoke index properties of cables used in cabling pathway systems.
Connecting hardware or telecommunications equipment should not be placed in the access floor space. The only
allowable exception is for connecting hardware as part of a consolidation point or HCP.
The space under an access floor may be used as an air-handling plenum for distributing conditioned air throughout the
room or, in some cases, the entire office area. Compliance with AHJ should be anticipated.
If the space under an access floor is not used as an air-handling plenum, most codes allow certain types of
telecommunications cables to be used without special enclosure requirements. This is also true for an above-ceiling
interstitial space that is not used for air handling.
Proper placement of cable trays and telecommunications cabling in the space under an access floor is essential to
ensure that adequate airflow is maintained. The underfloor air space should not be blocked by cable bundles thereby
causing air dams.
In office areas, code requirements may be different for telecommunications spaces (e.g., ERs or TRs) where special
fire suppression systems may be installed.
Whenever possible, the floor plan should be designed so that the telecommunications space (e.g., ER or TR) is
adjacent to the access floor area that it will serve. Threaded sleeves or conduit or equivalent should connect the
telecommunications space to the access floor area.
If the telecommunications space and the access floor area it serves are not adjacent, other connection methods should
be considered. The interconnecting pathways should adequately serve the access floor area.
The manufacturer’s guidelines should be consulted to ensure compatibility between access floor components and
service fittings. Firestop integrity should be maintained in all rated building structures that are penetrated by cabling
or pathways.
All metal parts of an access floor should be bonded to ground. For bonding and grounding, follow the access floor
manufacturer’s guidelines and all applicable building and electrical codes and standards.
A.2.8 In-floor System Pathways
A.2.8.1 Introduction
In-floor system pathways may include product categories referred to as floor boxes or poke throughs offering
concealed access, flush access or surface access. In-floor systems pathways may also include systems not listed here.
A.2.8.2 Requirements
For planning in-floor system pathways, the maximum pathway fill shall be 40%.
A.2.8.3 Recommendations
The manufacturer’s guidelines should be consulted to ensure compatibility between in-floor system components and
service fittings. Firestop integrity should be maintained in all rated building structures that are penetrated by cabling
or pathways.
A.2.9 Catenary Pathways
A.2.9.1 Overview
Catenary pathways are generally defined as metallic or non-metallic cables suspended from its end points used for the
purpose of attaching cabling.
A.2.10 Utility Columns (Power Poles)
A.2.10.1 Overview
Utility columns provide pathways for wires and cables extending from the ceiling to the service area.
A.2.10.2 Requirements
When utility columns are used, the main ceiling rails shall be rigidly installed and braced to overcome movement,
both vertical and horizontal.
A.2.10.3 Recommendations
Utility columns should be attached to and supported by main ceiling support channels. They should not be attached to
the transverse or short length channels unless they are also rigidly secured to the main support channel.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

A.3 General Installation Practices

A.3.1 Requirements
The following requirements offer cautionary guidance for the design and installation of cabling infrastructure
associated with ESS pathways.
• All cabling pathways shall be securely supported.
• Consider seismic requirements when designing support systems.
• Cable ties shall not be used to support cables.
• Installer shall fill penetrations of non-fire rated assemblies with noncombustible materials.
• Exposed raceways shall be installed parallel or perpendicular to building structure (e.g., walls, ceilings).
• Sleeves shall be installed when penetrating walls where future upgrades are anticipated.
• Installer shall restore walls, floors, and ceilings to fire, smoke and acoustical rating prior to penetration using
approved materials and methods.
• Installation of ESS device boxes, enclosures and pull boxes shall be coordinated with other trades (e.g.,
electrical, mechanical) including drywall.
A.3.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations offer cautionary guidance for the design and installation of cabling infrastructure
associated with ESS pathways:
• Use as few bends as possible between pulling points,
• Clean raceway prior to pulling conductors, if contaminated,
• When using fasteners, consider the weight of material, weather conditions, vibration and operation forces,
• Select tamper proof hardware (e.g., bolts, screws, etc) where applicable, and
• Designers and installers should be aware of the locally applicable installation practices for the chosen
pathway in accordance with the AHJ. The BICSI Information Technology Systems Installation Methods
Manual may be used to acquire guidance.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix B Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) Design

Fundamentals (Informative)
This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

B.1 Introduction
The ability to use and integrate the various practices, methodologies, and devices constitutes the practice of safety and
security design. Many elements of design are unique to the protection of life and property, and others are
The ESS designer should have a firm grasp of the fundamentals and be able to incorporate aspects of the trades
brought into the ESS design by other professionals. Depending on the expertise or knowledge of the ESS designer,
additional support may not be necessary. The physical and electronic safety and security should work as a
comprehensive package. The ESS designer should understand how they influence each other to have a successful
B.2 Elements
B.2.1 Access Control
Access control is important for overall personal safety and the protection of physical and intellectual property. Access
control devices can include entry point locks, integrated electronic devices controlling a single door or room, or a
complex system of interconnected electronic devices controlling a zone, building, or campus. ESS designs can be
affected by each individual’s location and the level of security desired.
B.2.2 Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection is often viewed as part of the access control system because most door controls for access control
can alarm when the door is left open or opened without a valid card read. However, it is a stand-alone system that
should be evaluated to its own standards and levels of due diligence.
These systems use everything from simple switches to complex devices that detect motion, heat, glass breaking, or
other nonstandard occurrences in the area to detect the presence of persons in secure zones. Intrusion detection
systems can generate simple local or paging alarms or can be integrated with other systems to provide more active
responses (e.g., turning on cameras or lighting).
B.2.3 Surveillance
Video surveillance is a widely used technology within ESS systems. Video surveillance involves the use of cameras
for watching or controlling assets. It is the process of image:
• Capturing
• Transmitting
• Processing
• Viewing
• Recording
This technology requires knowledge of cameras and their placement, as well as knowledge of image transmission and
recording principles.
B.2.4 Fire Detection and Alarm
Fire detection and alarm involves the early detection and notification of life safety threats. Fire detection and alarm
requires that the ESS designer have a thorough knowledge of specific codes, statutes, and the requirements of the
applicable AHJ.

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B.2.5 Integrated Systems

Integrated systems cover concepts, systems, and processes related to the convergence of ESS systems or their
integration with other building systems. Through integration, ESS systems begin to interact with other building
systems. Integrated ESS systems are deployed in a wide variety of environments, including:
• Facilities
• Campuses
• Vehicles
• Persons
B.2.6 Special Systems
With the convergence of systems to the network, the addition of specialty systems such as nurse call, RFID tracking,
intercom, and mustering will sometimes fall under the responsibilities of the ESS designer.
B.2.7 Network Security
As more systems migrate to the network, the issues of protecting those systems should be addressed. Isolation can
provide protection but at the cost of remote access. Remote access to a network allows the possibility of outside
interference and harm. Firewalls, encryption, virtual private networks (VPNs), and other methods of protection are
B.3 Types of Projects
An ESS project may be a new construction or a retrofit for an existing facility. Types of designs facing the ESS
designer may include:
• Original design
• Retrofit of an existing plan
• Upgrade or replacement of an existing system
To successfully complete a project, the ESS designer should be able to interact with building owners, tenants,
architects, engineers, and security professionals. The ESS designer also may need to consult end users and other
B.4 Current and Future Trends in Safety and Security
Several areas in safety and security design are affected by rapid growth in technology, including:
• Information technology
• Physical security
• Integration of access control and BAS
• Surveillance
B.4.1 Information Technology
Most of the systems today have migrated to the use of the network for communications protocol between the servers
and control panels. Some are hybrid systems where there are limited gateways to the network and the devices
communicate through older protocols for the subsystem communication. The ESS designer should understand the
system communication methods, the required infrastructure particular to the specific system installed, and how
network outages will impact system functionality. The ESS designer should understand the impact of the project on
the client’s IT networks. The impact may be financial, operational, and physical (e.g., switch ports, bandwidth,
cabling). The ESS designer also should have a reasonable understanding of network terminology, architecture, and
function. Coordination with the client’s IT department is important for ensuring the success of any safety or security
project that has an impact on the IT network.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

B.4.2 Physical Security

Physical security involves measures that deter, detect, delay, mitigate, or notify any attempt to injure, damage, modify,
or remove an asset or person. This includes damage by accident, fire, environmental elements, crime, vandalism, and
industrial espionage. It can be a simple device or multiple layers of electronic measures.
Strong security measures also come at a cost, and there can be no perfect security. It is up to a security designer to
balance security features and a tolerable amount of personnel access against available resources as well as the risk to
assets that are to be protected.
Depending on the situation, consulting with architects, engineers, and hardware designers may be necessary for
physical security considerations. This reference manual will describe, in detail, situations and hardware types for
general building applications being governed by conventional codes. In some special situations (e.g., military,
correctional facilities, hospitals), codes commonly used for commercial buildings may not apply.
B.4.3 Integration of Access Control and Building Automation Systems
The client often will require multiple levels of access within a space, and personnel may require access to a number of
different areas, rooms, or spaces. Access levels may change over time, and may impact or be impacted by other
building systems. When an ACS is integrated with one or more BASs, the design goals require a more holistic
Observing the client’s space and surrounding areas has always been a major aspect of access control as part of the
security system. Understanding how the electronic access control system integrates with the BAS and subsystems in
the surrounding areas is becoming a major factor in the design of electronic access control system s.
B.4.4 Surveillance
Surveillance systems record activities in the client’s targeted areas for local or remote review.
Modern camera systems may be:
• Digital
• Analog
• Digital/analog hybrids
• IP cameras
Many factors will affect the selection, including:
• Court admissibility
• Network impact
• Available space within buildings to house equipment
B.5 Electronic Safety and Security System Development Basics
Safety and security system design is developed in a layered approach. The personnel involved change in each layer
and the guidelines and standards also change in each layer. There are physical and electronic safety and security
measures to consider when developing the complete system design.
The electronic safety and security system may consist of several different and independent systems providing an
integrated package residing on the same infrastructure as other systems. This allows for increased functionality and
reduced costs. While almost all systems connect to a TCP/IP network at some point, many of them have system
components that have their own wiring and infrastructure standards. These should be identified and developed
The ESS infrastructure should be evaluated for the type of cabling, bandwidth requirements, redundancy, reliability,
and other relevant needs. For example, video surveillance systems have bandwidth requirements at the camera, video
streamer, server(s), and viewing station(s). Different system address video compression, video format, fail over
requirements, and viewing in different manners and yet all of these systems use the same ESS infrastructure. Design
and implementation of the ESS system infrastructure can greatly impact the functionality of the ESS system and any
other system that shares that infrastructure.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix C Wireless Transmission (Informative)

This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

C.1 Overview
Wireless transmission can aid in meeting the needs for rapid deployment of ESS systems and devices, such as
intrusion detection systems and surveillance cameras. These technologies can be limited to line of sight applications,
requiring careful site surveys to determine potential signal obstructions.
A formal risk assessment and security master program will identify the appropriate deployment of wireless
technologies. Security master plans may not allow the use of wireless technologies due to the critical nature of the
transmitted data.
Wireless frequencies are used for specific applications. Some examples of wireless technologies are:
• 900 MHz and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technologies for outdoor multipoint
• 2.4 GHz for in-building wireless
• Above 40 GHz for short-haul, high-speed PTP communications
Three primary types of wireless technologies are used for transmitting video signals:
• Radio frequency
• Free space optics
• Microwave
C.2 Radio Frequency Transmission
C.2.1 Introduction
RF transmission typically uses low-power unlicensed radio transmitters and receivers to convey the surveillance
signal and typically operates in the 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz band.
Unlicensed wireless network equipment has less power output than licensed equipment. The 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz
frequency bands are used for wireless deployments for the unlicensed spectrum. Although the spectrum range below
2.4 GHz has unlicensed space available, these frequencies are used primarily by amateur radio operators, 900 MHz
wireless Internet service providers, and SCADA communications. The unlicensed frequencies above 5 GHz are used
primarily in short-range, high-speed, PTP communications at ranges of 1.6 km (1 mi) or less.
Among the unlicensed spectrum, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are the most popular for wireless PTP and point-to-multipoint
data networks. The frequency 2.4 GHz is primarily an indoor standard for multipoint, and 5 GHz is primarily for
outdoor PTP and high-speed multipoint. There are 5.3 GHz technologies available for both PTP and multipoint links,
as well as for indoor applications.
C.3 Free Space Optics
C.3.1 Introduction
Free space optics utilize many of the same principles for transmitting video signals that an optical fiber cabling system
does. However, the media is open space rather than a strand of optical glass. A light source is modulated with the
surveillance images and projected through a lens to a receiver some distance away. The light source is then gathered
by another lens and focused on a photosensitive cell for demodulation. The primary drawback is the failure of the link
to operate in environmental extremes (e.g., heavy rain and fog).
These systems are typically utilized for disaster recovery and to provide redundancy to an existing system.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

C.4 Licensed Microwave Radio Transmission

C.4.1 Overview
Licensed microwave radio transmission is a reliable means for wireless transmission of surveillance signals. The
system operates on a protected frequency assigned by the government agency that required the issuance of a license
and is less susceptible to interference from other RF sources.
The licensed spectrum, up to 3.5 GHz, is used primarily for multipoint applications.
They offer speeds up to 10 Mb/s per subscriber and are not commonly used in private telecommunications
applications. PTP licensed wireless networks are found in the 6 GHz to 40 GHz ranges and can offer speeds of 10
Mb/s to 1 Gb/s. The 6 GHz and 11 GHz frequencies are used primarily for public safety applications. The 18 GHz and
above frequencies are used primarily in the private sector for PTP applications.
C.5 Frequency Selection
C.5.1 Introduction
Determination of specific frequency utilization depends on many variables. In multipoint licensed applications, the
choice of frequency is less important, as set frequencies are available for carrier grade systems and applications.
Selection of a particular frequency is more of an issue with outdoor point-to-multipoint and PTP wireless design. Only
after identifying the following items can the exact frequency be chosen:
• Overall environment
• Existing RF
• Bandwidth considerations
• Distance or coverage area
Licensed systems are a good choice when the proposed system requires a high rate of reliability (e.g., video
surveillance). Licensed frequencies assure that the system will be clear of and protected from interference. Unlicensed
frequencies are a good choice when budgets do not allow for licensed technology, antenna size is an issue, or licensed
frequencies are not available for a given area. The carrier grade multipoint frequencies are used in most areas
worldwide but are available to buy from other carriers holding the licenses. The PTP licensed frequencies are
available and are classified by the government agencies for use in many areas. It is important to understand the license
process and government agencies’ rules regarding these frequencies before designing a system.
When dealing with licensed frequencies, certain parameters apply, including:
• Transmitter power
• Minimum antenna size
• Coverage area
These factors play into the overall design possibilities. Government agencies have rules for certain areas of the
country that may further limit the minimum antenna size, beam width, and output power. There also are protected
zones in the country where further restrictions apply for the use of certain frequencies. Unlicensed frequencies can
have drawbacks. They are not protected from interference and have less output radio power than licensed frequencies.
In many cases, they are less secure because the equipment is widely available and less expensive. Careful
consideration should be given when selecting unlicensed frequencies. Proper selection of equipment and technology
coupled with the configuration of the frequency channel and proper application of the systems security features can
make unlicensed wireless technology as secure as a licensed system.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix D Cloud Computing (Informative)

This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

D.1 Overview
The term cloud computing is used to describe all types of Internet-based resources and services, including storage.
While the concept of cloud computing originated in the 1950s, it was not until the early 2000s when high-capacity
networks, low-cost computers and storage devices, and the growth of the Internet provided the catalyst for the
widespread adoption of hardware virtualization and service-oriented architecture.
The main enabling technology for cloud computing is server virtualization. Server virtualization is the process of
running multiple operating systems (OS) simultaneously in a single server. Virtualization software is used to share the
physical resources of the server among the virtual environments. Instead of operating several servers at a light load,
their OS can be installed virtually in a single server (referred to as server consolidation). As long as the consolidated
server has adequate physical resources (e.g., processing capacity, memory), the migration from physical to virtual is
transparent to users.
Cloud computing provides flexibility in how certain functions of an ESS system may be provided by removing the
need for specific site infrastructure, equipment, and support.
D.2 Services
Within cloud computing, a specific function is generally called a service. The type of service may vary, and some may
not have an easily recognizable connection to cloud computing. However, a generally accepted nomenclature has
evolved to impart some clarity where services provided by the cloud function are expressed as X as a service (XaaS).
While X may represent anything, X also may be replaced by the first letter or combination of letters of the
specific service provided, including:
• S (software).
• I (infrastructure).
• P (platform).
• DC (data center).
• SEC (security).
The most established service of cloud computing is software as a service (SaaS), which can be deployed generally
across all systems or specific to a particular system.
D.2.1 Software as a Service (SaaS)
Within SaaS, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud, and users or equipment access this
software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application
runs, which eliminates the need to install and run the application on the user’s own computers and simplifies
maintenance and support.
The ESS designer has a growing diversity of SaaS solutions where security and safety applications and data may be
delivered through the cloud.
D.2.2 Physical Access Control as a Service
Physical access control as a service can offer transaction data of users entering or exiting a facility. It also makes
available card, biometric data, and visitor management services in the case of managed access control systems (ACS).
The emergence of the mobile device credential will continue to become a consideration by large card populations as a
way to reduce costs.
The following are examples where door entries recorded and managed by the ACS are useful cloud-based services:
• The user has external doors that are unlocked or unsupervised and pose a risk to the facility.
• Video clips of anyone entering a door within a specific timeframe can be captured and stored off-site.
• Other problem areas can be monitored easily without the major investment required by digital video
recorders (DVRs).

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D.2.3 Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS)

Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) delivers a solution that provides observation, forensic review, and recognition
functions to users through desktop or mobile platforms.
A managed VSaaS adds services that use video data verify an alarm, safety, and environmental conditions.
Areas where VSaaS may be applicable include:
• Loss prevention
– Can be positioned as a redundant level of security to augment an existing surveillance system especially
in high-value areas
• Retail, fast-food, and convenience stores
– Snapshot of business in store and drive-thru
– Verification of deliveries and operational hours
– Protection of cash and assets
– Recorded video in the camera internal storage, on local network-attached storage, and in the cloud, so
there is no DVR to steal or confiscate in the event of a crime
• Data centers and areas of sensitive data storage
– Server maintenance video audit trail
– Record of who is accessing restricted areas
• Guard force automation
– Remote monitoring leads to better labor distribution
– End user can watch and spot-check security forces in action from anywhere
– Quick deployment of video solution for temporary monitoring during events
• Property management
– Use VSaaS to monitor a campus of multiple buildings and enable a centralized guard force, reducing
– Use visitor management as a service (VMaaS) to speed up visitor and contractor entries
D.2.4 Visitor Management as a Service (VMaaS)
VMaaS is often incorporated in ACS service provider offerings and includes services specific to improving facility
entry by contractors and temporary employees. VMaaS was one of the first security- and safety-related functions
deployed in cloud computing.
VMaaS typically works by having visitors requesting entry to a facility accessing a web-based portal where they enter
data (e.g., driver’s license or identification number, vehicle license plate identification) that may be physically verified
when they enter a facility. The cloud-based VMaaS application then exchanges data with the on-site physical ACS,
visitor enrollment kiosk, portal, or identification enrollment center.
D.2.5 Voice over Internet Protocol as a Service
Voice over Internet protocol (IP) as a service is a relatively new offering for communications and telephony solutions
with a small number of terminals (handsets). This can include door intercoms, maintenance intercoms, and intercoms
that connect computer and security control rooms.
D.2.6 Mass Notification as a Service/Emergency Messaging
Nonvoice mass notification as a service or emergency messaging has been a popular cloud-based offering for higher
education campuses. A user can enroll a mobile device through an application and enhanced facility; weather,
emergency, and other information is pushed to the handheld mobile or other device. Non-voice emergency
communications as a service also requires mobile device enrollment but makes available additional enhancements that
may be used together with video surveillance for improved situation awareness.
Emergency communications systems that incorporate handheld mobile devices for personal emergency messaging and
monitoring personal status may communicate to either public or private cloud environments. These systems are now
able to link directly to centralized video surveillance systems (VSS) to pull up and activate cameras and video feeds
closest to the personal or other emergency. Pictures sent to this service from a mobile device may be an invaluable
tool, often used with VSS. Security and law enforcement professionals can have more opportunities to place persons
of interest at a crime scene or event.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

D.2.7 Physical Security Information Management

Physical security information management in the cloud and central station automation in the cloud are related services
and invaluable tools for the ESS designer. These systems offer an aggregation point for intrusion detection, digital
media content, ACS, and environmental and safety data for high situation awareness. Video verification of alarm
events is an important function offered by central station automation in the cloud. It is a requirement by numerous
authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) and public safety answering points to dispatch first responders to an incident
scene or event.
D.3 Infrastructure Management of Cloud Services
Infrastructure management of cloud services may range from the user performing full management on-site to the
utilization of numerous service providers with minimal user involvement. There are typically three types of managed
• Self-managed
• Hosted
• Managed
D.3.1 Self-Managed Services
In this environment, the user has complete control of all aspects of storage and network infrastructure and maintains
data on-site for higher security. In this case, the user trades cost for the flexibility to match specific hardware to each
application. Since many security and safety solutions are becoming less dependent on a specific manufacturer for
storage, computing, and network platforms, this selection is typically specified by the user’s information technology
D.3.2 Hosted Services
A provider of hosted services delivers a combination of traditional IT functions (e.g., infrastructure, applications
[SaaS], monitoring, storage) over the Internet or other wide area networks.
This approach enables customers to consolidate and outsource storage, computing, infrastructure, and security and
safety applications to the service provider, which may lead to lower personnel costs to manage the solution and
respond to demand and scheduled maintenance and unforeseen events, including the following:
• Capitalization and depreciation of the costs associated with storage, computing, infrastructure, and security
and safety applications
• Recurring facility costs, including environmental monitoring, loss prevention, electricity, and heating,
ventilation, and air-conditioning
• Continual and periodic assessment to determine storage, computing, and space limitations as demand grows
and shrinks
Hosted services typically have higher scalability, elasticity, and agility compared with self-managing services.
However, every service provider is unique, and the services offered, performance, and service level agreements
(SLAs) vary greatly.
D.3.3 Managed Services
A managed service provider (MSP) manages and assumes responsibility for providing a defined set of services to its
clients either proactively or as the MSP (not the client) determines that services are needed. Sometimes, MSPs are
contracted to manage multiple staffing vendors and to measure their effectiveness in filling positions according to a
customer’s standards and requirements. In effect, the MSP serves as a neutral party that offers the customer a
complete workforce solution while ensuring efficient operation and leveraging multiple staffing companies to obtain
competitive rates.
An MSP for security designs offers a security and safety solution that minimizes staff requirements of the user that
consumes the services. For example, in the case of information security, managed security services are network
security services, response staff, and help desk support outsourced to a service provider. Such a provider delivers a
fully outsourced solution and protects information assets while reducing or eliminating workload on internal data
security staff.
As with hosted system providers, MSPs vary greatly in the services offered, performance, and SLAs.

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D.3.3.1 Managed Service Example - Physical Access Control Systems

In the case of managed physical ACS, the typical services provided could include the following:
• Electronic physical ACS database management, including add, delete, or modify employee, tenant, student,
or visitor data
• Monitoring of ACS controllers and readers
• Remote activation, lockdown, or release of secured openings
• ACS card management and replacement
• Storage and reports of all ACS transactions for incident review, monitoring, and compliance audits
D.3.3.2 Managed Service Example - Video Surveillance Systems (VSS)
Managed VSaaS can be classified by the basic functions provided by the video management systems: observation,
forensic review, and recognition. In all cases, personnel other than the user’s staff perform the work. Some of the
services delivered with a managed VSaaS include the following:
• Continuous and event-based monitoring of specific video sources (observation function)
• Review of DMC associated with intrusion, safety, or environmental alarms (forensic review and video
verification of an alarm condition)
• Monitoring of specific video sources like cameras equipped with specialized video analytics like
perimeter/crossline detection or activity/motion detection (recognition function)
• Acquisition, decoding, and storage of alphanumeric information, such as license plate data, for access control
or potential event review (recognition function)
• Monitoring the health, status, storage, and available resources of the network cameras and power over
Ethernet devices connected to the network or Internet
D.4 Selecting an Infrastructure Management Model
When selecting an infrastructure model, items that the ESS designer needs to consider are the:
• Amount of personnel the user has and the level of involvement the user desires in managing the security and
safety solution.
• Service provider’s SLA for data backup, recovery services, performance, system availability, and security.
• Ability of the service provider’s infrastructure to access and move information.
• Type, amount, and additional requirements of private and confidential data and the provider’s capability of
handling that information.
• Compliance with corporate governance and specifications, the AHJ, and any applicable codes and standards
specific to the user. For example, two standards often required for retail transactions are the Statement on
Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16, Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization, and the
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
• End user’s current and projected requirements for a service’s ability to expand as well as meet changes in the
user’s needs.
• Locations where the security or safety solution will be deployed.
• Quantities of security or safety devices to be utilized.
• Availability of Internet connectivity or connectivity via private network.
• Locations and operational requirements for accessing video, security, and safety device data for remote
viewing, mobile intelligence, and situation awareness.
• Amount of customization required of the service provider’s solution for the user’s specific needs.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

D.5 Cloud Deployment Models

In addition to how services are managed, the location or deployment of services also needs to be considered. Unlike a
physical deployment where equipment is located in a particular location serving a specific user, virtualization and
cloud deployment may have locate services anywhere from one server specific to the user to multiple servers in
multiple locations supporting multiple users.
D.5.1 Private
Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third
party and hosted internally or externally. This model gives companies a high level of control over the use of cloud
resources while bringing in the internal and external expertise needed to establish and operate the environment.
Private clouds are deployed where the requirement to provide a high level of trusted and controlled services are
D.5.2 Public
A public cloud provides services over a network that is open for public use. Technically, there may be little or no
difference between public and private cloud architecture. However, security considerations may be substantially
different for services (e.g., applications, storage) that are made available by a service provider for a public audience
and when communication is effected over a nontrusted network. Most public clouds offer access only via the Internet.
D.5.3 Community
Community cloud models share infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community with common
concerns (e.g., security, compliance, jurisdiction). A community cloud may be managed internally or by a third party
and hosted internally or externally. A common example of a community cloud is a government-funded education
system that uses one of its campuses to function as the computing hub for the other campuses within the system.
D.5.4 Hybrid
Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more cloud deployment models that remain distinct entities but are bound
together. A hybrid cloud may allow one to extend either the capacity or the capability of a cloud service by
aggregation, integration, or customization with another cloud service. An example of a hybrid cloud application is an
organization may store sensitive client data in house on a private cloud application but interconnect that application to
a billing application provided on a public cloud as a software service.
Hybrid clouds may offer a higher level of fault tolerance combined with locally immediate usability without
dependency on Internet connectivity. However, hybrid cloud architecture typically requires both on-premises
resources and off-site (remote) server-based cloud infrastructure.
D.6 Delivering Secure Services
Both physical security and IT professionals place great importance on cyber security. For example, network VSS
consist of edge devices like network cameras and encoders that produce video content and metadata, control, analysis,
media search and content management, storage, and display components. Physical and logical infrastructure provide
connectivity between categories and also conform to industry standards. This ensures that a user or device cannot
make a full network connection until they are properly authenticated.
If the IP video device is publicly accessible, the network security risks become more prevalent. Some of the risks can
include compromised video integrity through manipulation of the video images or the breach of information systems
to which the VSaaS is connected. Other risks include denial of service as the IP video camera will only support a
finite number of users directly. There is also the risk of taking control of the device itself and redirecting the video
stream elsewhere, leading to unauthorized access and possible destruction of stored video data within the camera. For
this reason, many manufacturers have adopted the use of IEEE 802.1X, Port-Based Network Access Control, to better
manage video streaming and accessibility of the recording and monitoring devices that exist on a corporate network.
The ESS designer is cautioned, however, to model all systems that utilize authentication protocols to ensure the
required performance level.

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Current evolving capabilities that further extend the security framework of the network infrastructure components to
the VSS include creating a trust model or high-assurance identity and access control framework that uses a security
technique known as public key infrastructure (PKI) to implement cryptographic requirements for authenticating
nonperson entities (NPEs) such as cameras or other DMC sources. Through PKI, video is encrypted during
transmission over fixed and wireless networks as well as stored in mobile, network attached, or cloud-hosted storage
Authenticating NPEs in accordance with certificate and credentialing management standards is under development
and will permit these devices to attain high trust levels and deliver DMC to users on public or private networks.
The validation of trusted network devices also makes bandwidth management easier and is a logical companion to
network management systems.
D.7 Trends
Big data are data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to process by traditional applications. The capture,
management, and analysis of data go beyond typical structured data, which can be queried by relational database
management systems. Big data have come from advances in mobile devices and other sources of DMC-like network
cameras. Users are collecting and keeping much more data than they did a decade ago.
Big data are characterized by volume, variety, and velocity:
• Volume is the amount of data.
• Variety refers to the wide-ranging types of data.
• Velocity refers to the speed of data processing or the required retrieval of archived information.
With big data volume varying from megabytes to exabytes, depending on the variety, the ESS
designer can furnish educated estimates of storage solution requirements.
However, data velocity is more challenging to model as security and safety professionals may have changing data
retention policies and forensic investigation requirements. This alone would require the assurance of cloud computing
scalability; however, even newer big data classifications have emerged:
• Validity—Are the security and safety data correlated as valid with similar sites?
• Veracity—Is the veracity of the data apparent, or are the analysis results meaningful for the security or safety
• Volatility—Is the data volatile, or are there rules, requirements, expiration, and repeated processing
This advanced analysis is often best provided as a service because security and safety data may unpredictably grow or
shrink in size and require the scalability and agility of the cloud. Big data as a service offers users that produce large
amounts of security and safety data the opportunity to make their data more meaningful to the users by using metadata
and cloud-based solutions that can search effectively through this tagged data, avoiding the need to utilize on-site

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix E System Training (Informative)

This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

E.1 Overview
An ESS system is a valuable part of the overall security solution. Many other systems depend on proper utilization
and operation of the ESS system. Therefore, the users should know how to use the entire system properly.
Most ESS system software packages are currently designed around the different roles and job requirements of end
users. For instance, some workstation software is written exclusively for the occasional operator who may have the
responsibility to occasionally add a user and monitor the alarms that come into the system.
In some cases, software is written exclusively for the administrator who owns the system and is responsible for its
operation and all of the integrated systems. A group of users is responsible for maintaining the system. Their work
with the software is limited, but they need to be familiar with the hardware. Each group would receive the most value
from training that is focused on their everyday tasks.
Manufacturers offer many choices for user training. Because each software application is unique, each training course
should be customized to the user’s unique needs. This customization should go beyond the content to include class
location options. The classes may be held either on the installed system at the end user’s location or on test or
demonstration equipment at the manufacturer’s location.
If the end user has 50 or more users for training, a train-the-trainer program may be more cost effective. This person
would get the training, the certificate, and the handout materials from the manufacturer to conduct classes on location.
An ESS designer should check with the manufacturer to learn if a train-the-trainer program is offered.
E.2 Sessions
At least two separate instruction sessions should be provided for training the client’s operating staff.
The first session is conducted during acceptance testing to provide the initial training needed to operate and maintain
the system. The first training session should include:
• General familiarization and operating instructions for each specialty system.
• Routine maintenance procedures.
• User level programming of software and systems.
Instruction on complicated systems and components should be provided by factory-trained technicians.
The second training session should be conducted after the final acceptance to fill in gaps and answer questions that
develop once the staff has become familiar with the system. Each training session should provide all the necessary
training materials, including:
• An overview of the implementation and commissioning program.
• A description of how the training is to be conducted.
• The date, time, and location of the training.
• The names and company affiliations of instructors.
• A summary of the content.
• Recommended reference material.
The training sessions should be recorded and archived for repeat training and reference for additional staff. Training
should be required as part of the construction documents and included in the project cost.
E.3 Position or Task Training
The ESS system users may be divided by different roles or job requirements, such as:
• System administrators.
• System operators.
• Managers.
• IT staff.
• Maintenance personnel.

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E.3.1 System Administrators

This training generally focuses on the personnel responsible for the system’s initial setup and programming. This class
teaches the system administrators how to use all the system functions.
These functions may include:
• System parameter programming.
• Operator permissions.
• Naming conventions for controllers and doors.
• Credential holder profile.
• Access level assignment.
• Identification badge design and production.
• Alarm implementation.
• Report retrieval.
• System backup.
• Database archiving.
E.3.2 System Operators
This training course generally focuses on the occasional users or the personnel responsible for day-to-day operations.
This class teaches the system operator to monitor the various functions, including:
• Credential holder profile.
• Access level assignment.
• Identification badge design and production.
• Events—alarm notifications or credential transactions.
• Valid or invalid access monitoring.
• Alarm response.
• Alarm clearance.
• Reports.
• Manual door opening and closing.
E.3.3 Managers
This training course generally focuses on personnel who are overseers of the system administrators. The manager
would need to know how to delete a user or change the operator or password.
This class also teaches:
• Login basics.
• System parameter programming.
• Operator permissions.
• Credential holder profile.
• Access level assignment.
• Reports.
E.3.4 Information Technology (IT) Staff
This training course generally focuses on IT department personnel who need to know how ESS systems connect to the
LAN or wide area network. The bandwidth and other items, including data requirements, are discussed as well as:
• Network topologies.
• Communication to each control panel.
• Encryption strategies and capabilities.
E.3.5 Maintenance Personnel
This training course generally focuses on how the system works and covers:
• Hardware troubleshooting.
• System topology.
• Networking basics.
• Diagnostics.
• Simple programming.
• Device configurations.
• Software troubleshooting.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

E.4 Training Schedules

Scheduling the training is almost as important as the training content. If the training is scheduled too far in advance,
the attendees may forget the content because they would not have the opportunity to practice on the system and
reinforce the knowledge gained during the class. Last-minute training also should be avoided.
The preferred point in the timeline to do system training is one to two weeks before the ESS system is commissioned
and turned over to the customer. The training should be performed on a working system. The training equipment or
the installed system can be used in the training.
There is an advantage to training on a live system. Many decisions pertaining to the names and descriptions of
door/readers could be determined during training to ensure that they make sense to the customer. Simultaneously
implemented programming and training reduces the number of hours needed for initial programming and may reduce
the number of labor hours charged to the customer. This works best with smaller systems (e.g., 32 readers or less).
Too many control panels and readers may not allow a sufficient time to complete all of the programming during a
training session.
If the training courses focus on role-based training, the order of the courses should be carefully considered. The
administrator screens should be programmed before the operator screens to facilitate the programming flow. Cross
training between the various roles is recommended.

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Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix F ESS Operations and Maintenance (Informative)

This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

F.1 Operation Best Practices

The following best practices should be addressed in system operation:
• Provide a document that describes and categorizes the systems installed and how they would impact the
organization if they were to fail.
• Review in-house staff capabilities, and determine the level of support they could provide in the general
operation and maintenance of the systems.
• Document installed devices, including device locations, maintenance schedule, and any operational
conditions that may adversely affect or enhance the performance of the installed devices and systems.
• Document software and device firmware version.
• Document network configuration and device settings (e.g., Internet protocol [IP] address and login details)
for access and troubleshooting.
• Document cable runs, splice boxes, and device termination points.
• For new installations, ensure that the information in the service arrangement matrix forms part of the bid
package requirements and will be a part of the deliverables on the as-built drawings.
• Develop an operational testing schedule based on in-house criteria; testing can be daily, weekly, monthly, or
annually. Testing should be an integral part of the organization’s security and emergency management plan.
• Document and log system failures as well as abnormalities that can be used as a means of identifying trends
that can be mitigated if properly diagnosed.
• Develop good documentation and recording policies that can be conducted with ease and simplicity.
• Develop a maintenance and repair policy that addresses spare parts and other critical devices within each
subsystem with a clear understanding and agreement as to who carries the stocking cost of the spare parts
required for a prompt response to a service request.
• If there are service contracts, determine the level of support that will be required of the security contractor
(e.g., response time, equipment replacement) as well as permissible system downtime conditions and limits
as outlined in the organization’s security plan.
• If service is performed in-house, the responsibilities of management are to ensure that the service department
is properly staffed and supplied with the spares needed to get the system running in the time period laid out
in the security policy.
• Work with other groups (e.g., IT, electrical, facilities, HR department) to coordinate operation and
maintenance efforts that are common to or affect the security system.
• Develop a set of key system parameters that set bench marks and operational standards that must be
maintained for a system to be regarded as functioning and operational.
• Develop a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that must be achieved to adequately maintain the security
posture of the organization.

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F.2 Maintenance Plan Recommendations

The following should be addressed in the creation of a system maintenance plan:
• Identify the maintenance requirements of each system, and ensure that they are conducted as required.
• Develop a detailed checklist that tracks maintenance activities as they occur as well as the results of these
ongoing checks.
• Develop a preventative maintenance program for sensitive systems, devices, or certain restricted areas that
may contain sensitive or valuable assets.
• Develop effective maintenance contracts that serve both the security contractor and the client.
• Develop an ROI that outlines how a nonperforming system may impact the viability of the organization as
well as an ROI that details cost savings that occur when the system is able to operate at optimal efficiency.
• Utilize crime statistics and other intelligence data to justify maintenance and sustainment efforts to
management, demonstrating any correlation that might exist that links the available statistics and intelligence
• Perform a risk analysis that focuses on the organization’s potential exposure and how best to mitigate these
exposures with the existing systems. If additional capabilities are required, consult with the security
contractor on enhancements that can be done to the existing system with a minimal capital outlay.
• Develop educational material that can be distributed to the users of the systems that outlines the benefits of a
functioning system but also highlights the potential risks that may result from a malfunctioning, poorly
maintained, or improperly used system. This information should be presented in a way that relates to how,
when, and where users interface with the systems as well as under what conditions this interfacing occurs.
• Manage the records of people who have left the organization or of those whose entry privileges have been
changed or expired. Track, audit, and control individually issued items (e.g., access identification cards) that
if lost or stolen could provide unauthorized access to the premises or compromise the integrity of the security
system. This task requires close collaboration with the HR department to ensure that the cardholder database
reflects the true identity and access privileges of only authorized employees.
• Ensure that the time stamp for the ESS system is perfectly synchronized with the video surveillance system
so that facility entry and exit times are aligned with recorded video clips.
• Develop procedures to ensure that archive video is stored as required by either company policies or legal
F.3 Service Contracts
F.3.1 Overview
Most newly installed ESS systems typically are guaranteed or warranted by the security contractor on the reliable
operation of the system and components for at least one year from the date the system was accepted for use by the
client. Therefore, it is important that this date is properly documented so that a service contract can be in place when
the warranty period expires.
The security contractor chosen for maintaining the system per the service contract should be an experienced supplier
certified by the manufacturer whose systems are installed through the facility or through the enterprise for
organizations with networked-based systems dispersed across large geographic areas.
A security contractor selected for the ESS system should be staffed and equipped to provide the level of response
required to deliver prompt and efficient service on short notice. Essential facilities requiring a minimum downtime of
any portion of their security systems will require security contractors that offer 24/7 service.
Depending on the type of facility, an in-house maintenance and support team may be considered. The organization
may establish an integrated ESS maintenance and support team as part of their facilities group. Because of constant
changes in technology and pressure to reduce labor hours, a return on investment (ROI) should be calculated to justify
such a path. An option pursued by some large organizations is to have their security contractor provide dedicated
maintenance and support to their facility—their sole responsibility is to service and maintain the systems at the
client’s facility. The advantage of this arrangement is quick resolution to most service problems while maintenance
can be done on a more flexible basis. The disadvantage of this arrangement is an increase in cost that may not be
aligned with actual hours worked.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

F.3.2 Recommendations
A service contract for the ESS system should clearly define the terms and conditions between the organization and the
security contractor. Using written agreements that specify the scope of work eliminates misunderstandings and
The service contract should include the:
• Work to be performed and the frequency of said performance (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly).
• Price of the contract for the standard service and cost for additional services that are not part of the standard
contract (e.g., after-hours or weekend response).
• Terms on which the contract can be terminated by either party.
Although different contractors may be servicing different components of the systems at the same facility, the
following information should be included as an integral part of all ESS service contracts:
• Facilities to be covered.
• Normal working hours and days on which service work can be performed without impacting the
organization’s business.
• Labor rate per hour and associated materials and parts required for normal serving of the systems to be
• Type of response expected (e.g., callback, physical presence on-site) and time frame required once a service
call is placed to the security contractor’s business.
• Method of communicating with the security contractor, including calls occurring outside the security
contractor’s normal hours of operation.
• Categories of system or device failure matched to an emergency condition. The response time may then be
calculated based on the level of the emergency condition that occurs (see Section F.3.3).
• Detailed list of all the systems and related devices to be serviced under the proposed contract, including:
– Power supplies.
– Detection devices and their specific location within the facility (e.g., motion detectors, glass break
detectors, pull stations, smoke detectors).
– Field and data-gathering panels.
– Servers, workstations, printers, network devices, and related peripheral devices.
– Surveillance cameras, listing types (fixed or PTZ, IP or analog), housings, domes, recording devices,
camera controllers, and display monitors.
– Uninterruptible power supply and related power conditioning and surge protection devices.
– Electronic door locking devices, listing types (e.g., strike, magnetic lock, electrified mortise handset,
shear lock).
– Communication devices (e.g., emergency telephones, two-way intercoms, one-way paging systems).
– Audible and other emergency display devices.
To better manage the security contractor’s response once a service call has been reported, the organization should
formulate the following into its service contract:
• Define the work rules that exist at each facility to be serviced, including those related to parking, building
access, means of communicating with local management regarding problems identified, and proposed course
of action to restore system to operational condition.
• Develop a method in which management can authorize work to be performed that is not part of the normal
service contract; the approval process should be streamlined to expedite authorization and minimize
downtime of the system.
• Establish sign-in and sign-out procedures that clearly document the process that is followed in the completion
of all service calls.
• List all safety rules that must be adhered to by service personnel while conducting their duties within the
• List work area cleanup, storage of materials, and lockout and tagout procedures.
• Clearly define a list of spare parts that shall be maintained and immediately available for emergency
installation in the event of a system or device failure.

List continues on next page

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• Identify who is responsible for carrying and maintaining the list of spare parts deemed critical to maintain
system operation; who carries this responsibility could impact the contract price and response time.
• Define the access level that will be granted to service personnel, especially in sensitive areas of the facility
where an escort may be required for nonemployees.
• Define the procedures for the security contractor’s workers seeking access to perform required or requested
service. Failure to have a coherent policy could delay the response time if allowing access to service
personnel is ambiguous or unclear.
F.3.3 Emergency Response Category
The content of the emergency response category matrix in Table F-1 should be viewed as a guide for organizations
developing their own criteria for classification levels of failures.

Table F-1 Emergency Response Category Matrix

Emergency Level
Device/System Failure Effects on Facility Security Posture
Level 1 Server, recording system, site perimeter Failure of these devices will severely degrade the
controllers and field panels, and fire alarm facility’s security operation. Prompt response is
detectors and controllers. required.
Level 2 Access control device failure at vehicle entrance, These types of failures will reduce the facility’s
main lobby, or entrance to sensitive areas; security but can be enhanced by substituting labor
perimeter IDS sensor failure. hours.
Level 3 Loss of network connectivity at the security Depending upon the system design, this could
device. also be classified as a level 1 failure.
Loss of network connectivity from an IP-based
surveillance system could result in loss of control
and video images. The ESS system and IDS
continue to operate with their activities logged in
the controller’s internal memories by a schedule
dump to the server once network connectivity is
Level 4 Software-related issues, resulting in increased Result may be an increase in cost of labor hours
manual command and control of a system. and overall decrease in the efficiency of the
security staff.

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Appendix G Related Documents (Informative)

This appendix is not part of the requirements of this standard, but it is included to provide additional information
related to this standard.

The following standards and documents are related to, or have been referenced within recommendations of this
standard, and provide additional information which may be of use to the reader.

Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

• ANSI/ASA S3.2-2009, Method for Measuring the Intelligibility of Speech over Communication Systems
• ANSI/ASA S3.41-1990 (R2008), Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

• ANSI S3.41, Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

• ASME A17.1-2007, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators

ASIS International
• Protection of Assets Manual

• Information Technology Systems Installation Methods Manual, 6th edition
• Outside Plant Design Reference Manual, 5th edition
• Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, 13th edition

Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association

• ANSI/BHMA A156.31-2001, American National Standard for Electric Strikes and Frame Mounted

Constructions Specifications Institute (CSI)

• The Project Resource Manual: CSI Manual of Practice, 5th edition

Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA)

• ECA/EIA 310-E, Cabinets, Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

• EN 50174-3, Information Technology—Generic Cabling Systems— Part 3: Industrial Premises
• EN 50174-4, Information Technology—Generic Cabling Systems— Part 4: Residential Premises
• EN 50174-5, Information Technology—Generic Cabling Systems— Part 5: Data Centres

• FM P7825a (2005), Approval Guide Fire Protection

ANSI/BICSI 005-2016

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

• IEEE 802.1X, Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-Port-Based Network Access Control
• IEEE 802.3bt, Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for DTE
Power via MDI over 4-Pair
• IEEE 1100 (The IEEE Emerald Book), Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic
• ANSI/IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
• IEEE C62.41.1, IEEE Guide on the Surges Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power
• IEEE C62.41.2, IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and
Less) AC Power Circuits

International Code Council

• International Fire Code®

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

• IEC 60268-16, Sound system equipment – Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech
transmission index 3rd ed.
• IEC 60849, Sound systems for emergency purposes, 2nd ed.
• IEC 61280-4-1 edition 2.0, Fibre-optic communication subsystem test procedures – Part 4-1: Installed cable
plant – Multimode attenuation measurement

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

• ISO 7240-16, Fire detection and alarm systems – Part 16: Sound system control and indicating equipment
• ISO/IEC 15693-1, Identification cards – Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards – Vicinity Cards – Part 1:
Physical characteristics
• ISO/IEC TR 18046, Information technology – Automatic identification and data capture techniques – Radio
frequency identification device performance test methods
• ISO/IEC TR 18047-3, Information technology – Radio frequency identification device conformance test
methods – Part 3: Test methods for air interface communications at 13,56 MHz

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

• NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code
• NFPA 3, Recommended Practice on Commissioning and Integrated Testing of Fire Protection and Life
Safety Systems
• NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm Code
• NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening
• NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
• NFPA 92A, Standard for Smoke-Control Systems Utilizing Barriers and Pressure Differences
• NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code
• NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code®
• NFPA 170, Fire Safety Symbols
• NFPA 241, Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations
• NFPA 720, Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment
• NFPA 730, Guide for Premises Security
• NFPA 731, Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premise Security Systems

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices

Security Industry Association (SIA)

• SIA AC-03, Access Control Badging Guideline
• SIA DC-02, Digital Communications Technical Report – Generic Overview of Security Industry
Communicator Formats
• SIA DC-03, DCS SIA Format Standard
• ANSI/SIA DC-09, SIA DCS - Internet Protocol Event Reporting
• ANSI/SIA OSIPS-DVI, Open, Systems Integration and Performance Standards – Digital Video Interface
Data Model
• SIA TVAC-01, TVAC - CCTV to Access Control Standard

Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA)

• TIA TSB-184-A, Guidelines for Supporting Power Delivery Over Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling
• ANSI/TIA -598-D, Optical Fiber Cable Color Coding

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL):

• UL 217, Standard for Single- and Multiple-Station Smoke Alarm
• UL 228, Door Closers-Holders, With or Without Integral Smoke Detectors
• UL 268, Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems
• UL 268A, Smoke Detectors for Duct Application
• UL 464, Standard for Audible Signal Appliances
• UL 521, Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
• UL 639, Standard for Safety for Intrusion-Detection Units
• UL 827, Standard for Central-Station Alarm Services
• UL 864, Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems
• UL 1034, Burglary-Resistant Electric Locking Mechanisms
• UL 1480, Standard for Safety Speakers for Fire Alarm, Emergency, and Commercial and Professional Use
• UL 1638, Visual Signaling Appliances - Private Mode Emergency and General Utility Signaling
• UL 1971, Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired
• UL 2017, Standard for Safety for General-Purpose Signaling Devices and Systems
• UL 2572, Standard for Mass Notification Systems
• UL File E349672, Project 11CA44391: Validated test procedures for Category 5e/Class D and higher
cabling for a Single Connector Modified Permanent Link for Direct Attach with and without a consolidation

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

• 47 CFR 15 Radio Frequency Devices
• 47 CFR 90 Private Land Mobile Radio Services

Other Standards and Documents

• Americans with Disabilities Act, United States Department of Justice
• Handbook of Video Quality in Public Safety and Security, United States Department of Homeland Security
and Public Safety Communications Research
• Federal Rules of Evidence, Public Law 93-595, United States Congress
• In-Car Video Camera Systems Performance Specifications: Digital Video Systems Module – Version 14,
Digital Video Systems Minimum Performance Specifications Document, International Association of Chiefs
of Police
• NIJ CR-xxxx.00, Law Enforcement Vehicular Digital Multimedia Evidence Recording Systems Certification
Program Requirements, National Institute of Justice, United States Department of Justice
• Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), PCI Security Standards Council
• Defining Video Quality Requirements: A Guide for Public Safety, Volume 1.0, VQIPS (Video Quality in
Public Safety Working Group), Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Interoperability and
Compatibility partnership with the Public Safety Communications Research program

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