Module 1 (1) Assessment For Learning
Module 1 (1) Assessment For Learning
Module 1 (1) Assessment For Learning
Process Questions:
1. For you, what is authentic assessment?
2. What do you think is the difference between authentic assessment and traditional
Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessment evaluates the students' collective skills and abilities to perform
and demonstrate the tasks in real-world situation for them to determine how much they have
learned with meaningful application. It involves performance tests and portfolio assessment.
Performance test is a measure which often makes use of manipulative materials to develop
students' skills and abilities. In other words, in authentic assessment, the student is exposed to
the real-world situation to perform his tasks with the best of his skills and abilities.
Criterion-referenced measure is used to assess the performance of the student in
authentic assessment. It is more on psychomotor domain.
6. Authentic Assessment does not encourage rote learning and passive taking of test;
instead, students are required to demonstrate analytical skills, ability to integrate what
they learn, creativity, and ability to work in group, skills in oral and written
communications. In brief, authentic assessment values not only the finished products
which are the learning outcomes, but also the process of learning.
7. Authentic Assessment changes the role of students as passive test takers into
become active and involve participants in assessment activities that emphasize what
they are capable of doing instead test to measure students’ skills or retained facts has
come under scrutiny because of the limitation encountered in determining the
students’ capability to utilized their knowledge and skills in work and professional
Distinctions Between Authentic Assessment and Traditional Assessment
2. Determining the criteria and standards of outcomes performance and the acceptable
evidence that may be presented as proof of outcomes’ attainment.
3. Implementation of the supporting activities that will facilitate the attainment of the desired
student learning outcomes.
4. Measuring the extent at which the student is attaining the desired learning outcomes.
5. Interpreting the assessment results and evaluating whether they indicate attainment of
the desired outcomes and utilizing them for continuous improvement.
Phase 1 - Identify learner
Phase 3 - Implement
Phase 4 - Implement supporting learning
assessment strategies experiences and
instructional activities.
1. In your own opinion, which is better, authentic assessment or traditional assessment? Why
Support your answer.
3. Give five (5) examples of authentic assessment that can be used in your field of specialization.
B. Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast Authentic assessment and
Traditional assessment. Exactly use five (5) key points)
In this module, you have learned the definition of authentic assessment, its nature and
characteristics, the distinctions between traditional and authentic assessments, some of their
examples and the phases in conducting authentic assessment. You have to remember that
authentic assessment will provide a more meaningful learning to the students, which will lead to
a longer retention of acquired skills and knowledge. You have to make sure that this
assessment must be in lined with the performance standard and must be provided ahead of
time. Rubrics must also be provided in order to let the students look into the things that they
need to do in doing the assessment and to always keep them on track. Keep your pace up and
whenever possible, consult the teacher in times of difficulty. The journey is still long and I hope
that you will always be on track.