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Sudan University of Science and Technology

College of Graduate Studies

DC Motor Speed Control Using Fuzzy Logic and

Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller

‫التحكم في سرعة محرك تيار مستمر باستخدام المنطق الغامض والمتحكم التناسبي‬
‫التكاملي التفاضلي‬

Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of
Computer and Network Engineering

Alfatih Yassin Awad Babiker

Dr. Mohammed Alnour Abdalla

March 2019

‫قال تعالى‪:‬‬
‫يز ْال َح ِكي ُم)‪.‬‬ ‫ّللاُ أَنَّهُ الَ إِلَـهَ إِالَّ ُه َو َو ْال َمالَئِ َكةُ َوأ ُ ْولُواْ ْال ِع ْل ِم قَآئِ َما ً بِ ْال ِقس ِ‬
‫ْط الَ إِلَـهَ إِالَّ ُه َو ْالعَ ِز ُ‬ ‫ش ِهدَ ه‬
‫( َ‬

‫صدق هللا العظيم‬

‫سورة آل عمران اآلية (‪)18‬‬


To My Beloved Mother and Father


First and Foremost, I have to thank my research supervisor Dr. Mohammed

Alnour Abdallah. Without his assistance and dedicated involvement in every step
throughout the process, this research would have never been accomplished. I would like to
thank you very much for your support and understanding.


DC Motors are widely used in industries for various purposes. Many

situations demand changes in the speed of the DC Motor, and this makes
necessity to develop a method to effectively control the speed of DC motor.
There are conventional and digital controller types, Proportional Integral (PI),
Proportional Derivative (PD), Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and
Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The Fuzzy Logic Controller is used to improve
the performance of each controller (PI, PD and PID) used to control speed of
the DC motor. In this project PI, PD and PID (with and without Fuzzy Logic
Controller) was modelled and simulated in MATLAB SIMULINK
environment to control speed of the DC Motor. Aforementioned Controllers
were analyzed and evaluated on four terms overshoot, rise time, steady state
error and settling time, the purpose of the evaluation to find the best
performance to control the speed of DC motor. As a result of this, the Fuzzy
PID is the best controller because its improved performance when compared
with others controllers.


‫تستخدم محركات التيار المستمر على نطاق واسع في الصناعات ألغراض متعددة‪ .‬تتطلب‬
‫العديد من الحاالت التغير في سرعة محرك التيار المستمر‪ ،‬وهذا يتطلب ضرورة إليجاد طريقة للتحكم‬
‫الفعال في سرعة محرك التيار المستمر‪ .‬حيث أن هناك أنواع من أجهزة التحكم التقليدية والرقمية مثل‬
‫المتحكم التناسبي التكاملي )‪ ،(PI‬التناسبي التفاضلي )‪ ،(PD‬التناسبي التكاملي التفاضلي )‪(PID‬‬
‫ومتحكم المنطق الغامض )‪ .(FLC‬متحكم المنطق الغامض تستخدم في تحسين األداء لكل من المتحكم‬
‫التناسبي التكاملي‪ ،‬التناسبي التفاضلي و التناسبي التكاملي التفاضلي للتحكم في سرعة محرك التيار‬
‫المستمر‪ .‬وفي هذا المشروع تم استخدام كل من طرق التحكم السابقة لتحسين أداء التحكم في سرعة‬
‫محرك التيار المستمر‪ .‬في هذا المشروع تم تصميم نموذج ‪ PD ،PI‬و‪( PID‬مع وبدون متحكم‬
‫المنطقي غامض) ومحاكاته في بيئة ‪ MATLAB SIMULINK‬للتحكم في سرعة التيار المستمر‪.‬‬
‫وبعد تحليل وتقييم المتحكمات في أربعة خصائص هي التجاوز األقصى‪ ،‬وزمن الصعود‪ ،‬خطأ الحالة‬
‫المستقرة وزمن السكون بغرض الحصول على أفضل أداء‪ .‬وكنتيجة لذلك‪ ،‬فإن المتحكم التفاضلي‬
‫التكاملي التناسبي الغامض )‪ )FPID‬هو أفضل متحكم بسبب تحسن األداء مقارنة بالمتحكمات األخرى‪.‬‬

List of Contents

Title Page

‫اآلية‬ I

Dedication II

Acknowledgment III

Abstract IV

‫المستخلص‬ V

List of Contents VI

List of Figures X

List of Tables XIII

List of Abbreviations XIV


1.1 Preface. 2

1.2 Problem Statement. 4

1.3 Objectives. 4

1.4 Methodology. 5

1.5 Thesis Layout. 5


2.1 Introduction. 8

2.2 Electrical Motors. 8

2.3 DC Motor Operation. 11

2.4 Control Theory. 11

2.5 Speed Control Method of DC Motor. 11

2.5.1 Field Resistance Control Method. 12

2.5.2 Armature Voltage Control Method. 12

2.5.3 Armature Resistance Control Method. 12

2.5.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). 12

2.6 Conventional controller 13

2.6.1 PI Controller. 13

2.6.2 PD Controller. 14

2.6.3 PID Controller. 15

2.7 PID Controller Theory. 15

2.8 Fuzzy Logic Theory. 19

2.9 Related Work. 22


3.1 Introduction. 27

3.2 DC Motor Model. 27

3.3 Conventional Controller Modelling. 30

3.3.1 PI Controller. 30

3.3.2 PD Controller. 30

3.3.3 PID Controller. 31

3.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller Modelling. 31

3.4.1 Fuzzy PI Controller. 33

3.4.2 Fuzzy PD Controller. 35

3.4.3 Fuzzy PID Controller. 37


4.1 Introduction. 42

4.2 System without controller. 42

4.3 Control System using PI and PD controller. 43

4.4 Control System using PID controller. 44

4.5 Control System using fuzzy PI and fuzzy PD controller. 45

4.6 Control System using Fuzzy PID controller. 46


5.1 Conclusion. 49

5.2 Recommendations. 49


List of Figures

Figure Name Page

Figure 2.1 Brushed DC Motor 9

Figure 2.2 Brushless DC Motor (synchronous) 10

Figure 2.3 Stepper DC Motor (synchronous) 10

Figure 2.4 The Closed Loop Control System 11

Figure 2.5 shows the block diagram of PI controller. 14

Figure 2.6 lock Diagram of PD controller. 14

Figure 2.7 Block Diagram of PID controller 15

Figure 2.8 Block Diagram of Fuzzy Logic System 20

Figure 3.1 Schematic representation of the considered DC motor. 27

Figure 3.2 DC motor block diagram. 29

Figure 3.3 Dc motor without controller 30

Figure 3.4 DC Motor speed control using PI Controller. 30

Figure 3.5 DC Motor speed control using PD Controller. 31

Figure 3.6 DC Motor speed control using PID Controller. 31

Figure 3.7 speed control error (e). 32

Figure 3.8 Change in error (ce). 33

Figure 3.9 Simulink Model of Fuzzy PI Controller 33

Figure 3.10 Simulink Model of fuzzy PI Model subsystem 33

Figure 3.11 the degree of membership of change kp 34

Figure 3.12 the degree of membership of change ki 34

Figure 3.13 Simulink model of fuzzy PD controller 35

Figure 3.14 the degree of membership of change kp 35

Figure 3.15 the degree of membership of change kd 36

Figure 3.16 Simulink Model of fuzzy PD Model subsystem 36

Figure 3.17 Simulink Model of Fuzzy PID Controller 37

Figure 3.18 Simulink Model of fuzzy PID subsystem 37

Figure 3.19 the degree of membership of change kp 38

Figure 3.20 the degree of membership of change ki 38

Figure 3.21 the degree of membership of change kd 39

Figure 3.22 The rule viewer of Fuzzy PID. 40

Figure 4.1 Step Response for the System without Controller 42

Figure 4.2 Step Response for the System using PD Controller 43

Figure 4.3 Step Response for the System using PI Controller 43

Figure 4.4 Step Response for the System using PID Controller 44

Figure 4.5 Comparison between PI, PD and PID 45

Figure 4.6 Step Response for the System using FPD Controller 45

Figure 4.7 Step Response for the System using FPI Controller 46

Figure 4.8 Step Response for the System using FPID Controller 46

Figure 4.9 Comparison between FPI, FPD and FPID 47

List of Tables

Number Table Name Page

Table 2-1 Effects of increasing a (PID) parameter independently. 19

Table 2-2 Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method. 19

Table 3-1 DC Motor Parameters Values. 28

Table 3-2 The rules applied in PI controller for Kp. 34

Table 3-3 The rules applied in PI controller for Ki. 35

Table 3-4 The rules applied in PD controller for Kp. 36

Table 3-5 The rules applied in PD controller for Kd. 36

Table 3-6 The rules applied in PID controller for Kp. 39

Table 3-7 The rules applied in PID controller for Ki. 39

Table 3-8 The rules applied in PID controller for Kd. 40

Table 4-1 Comparison Between the Step Response for each 45

Controller (PI, PD, PID).

Table 4-2 Comparison Between the Output Responses for 47

Controller (FPI, FPD and FPID).

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
AC Alternating Current

Ce Change in Error

DC Direct Current

E Error

FLC Fuzzy Logic Controller

FPD Fuzzy Proportional Derivation

FPI Fuzzy Proportional Integral

FPID Fuzzy Proportional Derivation Integral

GA Genetic Algorithm

Kd Differential Term

Ki Integral Term

Kp Proportional Term

PD Proportional Derivation

PI Proportional Integral

PID Proportional Derivation Integral

PWM Pulse Width Modulation


Chapter One Introduction



1.1 Preface

The development and applications of power electronics in industry

has directly increased the use of Direct Current (DC) machine, because
they have many good characteristics, high start torque characteristic, high
response performance, easier to be linear control [1]. Nowadays, their uses
are not limited to the car application (electrics vehicle), but also find
applications in weak power using battery system (motor of toy) and for the
electric traction in the multi-machine systems. The speed of DC motor can
be adjusted or controlled easily to a great extend to provide easy
controllability and high performance [2].

Mostly, the feedback control loop is indispensable for the desired

and better performance of the system. However, this feedback system has
slow response. For the fast-dynamic response of the system, many control
strategies have been deployed in various feedback control systems. The
vital role of controls in a drive system include precise and quick tracking
for reference speed with minimum overshoot or undershoot and having
little or eliminated steady state error[3].

To achieve optimal efficiency of induction motors, several control

techniques have been developed to control the induction motor such as
scalar control, vector or field-oriented control, direct torque control. Scalar
control is one of the first control techniques of induction motors. In this
method the ratio of both the amplitude and frequency of the supply voltage
is kept constant in order to maintain a constant air gap flux and hence
provide maximum torque. Scalar control drives are easy to implement but
Chapter One Introduction

does not yield satisfactory results for high performance applications

because of inherent coupling effects between torque and flux give sluggish
response and system is easily prone to instability. This problem can be
solved by field-oriented control or direct torque control. In most of
industrial drive control applications, the standard method to control
induction motor is based on the field oriented or vector control principle in
order to achieve the best dynamic behavior. In this method the decoupling
between the flux and torque allows the induction motor to be controlled in
a similar method to that in the control of separately exited dc motors.
Therefore, it can be used for high performance applications [4].

There are many techniques used to control DC motor, for example

proportional integral derivation (PID) and Fuzzy Logic controller (FLC).
Today most famous and most frequently used type of controller in industry
is PID controller, but PID controllers don’t offer satisfactory results when
adaptive algorithm is required. The PID controller can be reduced the rise
time since the proportional controller has effect on this. It can also
eliminate the steady-state error by using the integral controller and lastly it
can increase the stability of the system by using the derivative control [5].

Fuzzy Logic Controller offers some solutions. Basic advantages of

Fuzzy Logic Controller, it does not require knowing complete
mathematical model of system. Popularity of FLC is explained with fact
that it puts clear and simple implementation of human thinking into
controlling algorithm. Fuzzy controllers are robust regarding dynamic
changes and have wide stability range. FLC only based on approximate and
linguistic information [6].

Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) save many advantages, it is very

easy to comprehend because the concept behind the control is very simple.

Chapter One Introduction

Fuzzy control possesses the intuition like a human which gives it the
strength to adapt to the difficulties in the control and work well even with
noisy input.

Finally, it does not consist of complex mathematical analysis, hence

very easily designed and easy calculation. Extensively existing toolboxes
and dedicated integrated circuits [7].

1.2 Problem Statement

DC motors are most widely used in industries. DC Motors speed

may be changed, this sudden change is unacceptable in such systems,
because this change lead to great harms in performance. Therefore, there is
need for more efficient and reliable DC Motor controller for current and
future applications.

1.3 Objectives

The main objectives of this research are to:

1. Modelling the DC motor for speed control purposes.

2. Design and simulate a conventional PID controller that can be used
to control speed of the DC motor using MATLAB.
3. Design and simulate a Fuzzy-Logic PID controller that can be used
to control speed of the DC motor using MATLAB.
4. Analyze and compare the performance of the DC motor (minimum
overshoot, rise time, steady state error and settling time) using PID
and Fuzzy Logic Controllers.

Chapter One Introduction

1.4 Methodology

This project evaluates the performance of two techniques used in DC

motor control. In this project, based mathematical model controllers (PI,
PD and PID) and Fuzzy Logic controller (FLC) as non-mathematical model
(FPI, FPD and FPID), will simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The
system performance of simulate on is evaluated in terms of Rising Time,
Overshoot, Settling Time and Steady State Error.

The system (plant) under control is a continuous-time system. The

‘heart’ of the controller is a digital computer. The system in this project is
DC motor which controlled by based mathematical model controllers. Then
FL controllers will be used to control motor to improve step response
parameters. These parameters are Rising Time, Overshoot, Steady State
Error and Settling time.

1.5 Thesis Layout

This research consists of five chapters.

Chapter One introduce the project, problem statement, solution and

objectives of the project. The last section summarizes the methodology of
the project.

Chapter Two introduces the concept of DC motor techniques. Also,

it introduces the concept of PID and FL controllers and previous studies.

Chapter Three includes an overview of the simulation tools used in

the research and the simulation process.

Chapter Four summarizes the results obtained after a whole

simulation process and discussing it.

Chapter One Introduction

Chapter Five outlines the main conclusions and gives

recommendations for future work.


Chapter Two Literature Review



2.1 Introduction

A direct current (DC) motor is an electrical machine which converts

direct current (DC) electrical power into mechanical power. DC motors
have been used in almost every aspect of our daily life like in toys, fans,
automobile drives. Small DC motors are used in toys, tools and appliances.
Larger DC motors are used in electrical automobiles, propulsion systems
and elevators. Industrially a good performing DC motor is required of high-
speed controllability, steady and transient state stability and good Torque-
Speed characteristics.

The speed of a DC motor is very easily controlled compared to AC

motors. The making of highly controlled motors is critical for Industrial
purposes. For a satisfactory operation, a DC motor must have an excellent
speed tracking and regulation of load. DC motors are easily constructed
when compared to the AC motors which are bulky. DC motors are very
economical when the requirement of horse power is high [1].

2.2 Electrical Motors

There are two main types of electrical motors. There are direct
current or DC and alternating current or AC motors. The reference of DC
or AC refers to how the electrical current is transferred through and from
the motor. Both types of motors have different functions and uses. DC
motors come in two general types. They can have brushes or be brushless
(synchronous motor). Then, AC motors come in two different types which

Chapter Two Literature Review

are they can be single phase and three phases. In this project only, DC
motors was covered.

There are several types of DC motor that commonly used in the

industry such as brushed DC motor and the synchronous DC motor. The
brushed DC motor generates torque directly from DC power supplied to the
motor by using internal commutation, stationary permanent magnets, and
rotating electrical magnets. Advantages of a brushed DC motor include low
initial cost, high reliability, and simple control of motor speed. Although
that, the brushed DC motor need maintenance regularly by replacing the
brushes and springs which carry the electric current, as well as cleaning or
replacing the commutated. These components are necessary for transferring
electrical power from outside the motor to the spinning wire windings of
the rotor inside the motor. The Figure 2.1 below shows the brushed DC
motor [2].

Figure2.1: Brushed DC Motor.

The second type of DC motors is synchronous, there are two types of

synchronous DC motor which are the brushless DC motor and the stepper
motor. Both require external commutation to generate torque. The motor is
lockup if driven by DC power. Brushless DC motor use a rotating
permanent magnet in the rotor and stationary electrical magnets on the

Chapter Two Literature Review

motor housing. Brushless motor consists a controller that used to converts

from DC to AC. This design is simpler than brushed motor because it
eliminates the complication of transferring power from outside the motor to
the spinning rotor. This type of motor needs no maintenance and more
efficient compared to the brushed motor that discussed. Figure 2.2 shows
that the brushless DC motor using three poles to operates [2].

Figure2.2: Brushless DC Motor (synchronous).

The second type of synchronous motors is stepper motor which is the

electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps.
The motor’s position can be controlled precisely without any feedback
mechanism. Stepper motors are similar to switched reluctance motors
which are very large stepping motors with a reduced pole count, and
generally are closed loop commutated. Figure 2.3 shows the operation of
the stepper motor [2].

Figure2.3: Stepper DC Motor (synchronous).

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.3 DC Motor Operation

The DC motor operation is depending on supply and the flux which

result from the supply, first the motor is excited by a separate supply to the
field which creates a flux in the field. The supply for armature sets up a
current in the armature and also a flux in the rotor. The interaction between
these two fluxes creates a torque which starts to rotate the rotor. The field
current is independent of the armature current. Thus, this motor can be
controlled without disturbing the filed flux using the armature control [1].

2.4 Control Theory

Control theory is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and

mathematics that deals with the behavior of dynamical systems. The
desired output of a system is called the reference. When one or more output
variables of a system need to follow a certain reference over time, a
controller manipulates the inputs to a system to obtain the desired effect on
the output of the system. Figure 2.4 shows the closed loop control system

Figure 2.4: The Closed Loop Control System [3].

2.5 Speed Control Method of DC Motor

The speed of DC motor can be varied by controlling the field flux,

the armature resistance or the terminal voltage that applied to the armature
circuit (armature voltage). The three most common speed control methods
Chapter Two Literature Review

are field resistance control, armature voltage control, and armature

resistance control.

2.5.1 Field Resistance Control Method

In the field resistance control method, a series resistance is inserted

in the shunt-field circuit of the motor in order to change the flux by
controlling the field current. It is theoretically expected that an increase in
the field resistance will result in an increase in the load speed of the motor
and in the slope of torque speed curve [2].

2.5.2 Armature Voltage Control Method

In the armature voltage control method, the voltage applied to the

armature circuit, is varied without changing the voltage applied to the field
circuit of the motor. Therefore, the motor must be separately excited to use
armature voltage control. When the armature voltage is increased, the no-
load speed of the motor increases while the slope of torque speed curve
remains unchanged since the flux is kept constant [2].

2.5.3 Armature Resistance Control Method

The armature resistance control is the less commonly used method

for speed control in which an external resistance is inserted in series with
the armature circuit. An increase in the armature resistance results in a
significant increase in the slope of the torque speed characteristic of the
motor while the no-load speed remains constant [2].

2.5.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Pulse-width modulation (PWM), is a modulation technique that

conforms the width of the pulse, formally the pulse duration, based on
modulator signal information. Although this modulation technique can be

Chapter Two Literature Review

used to encode information for transmission, its main use is to allow the
control of the power supplied to electrical devices, especially to inertial
loads such as motors. The average value of voltage (and current) fed to the
load is controlled by turning the switch between supply and load on and off
at a fast pace. The longer the switch is on compared to the off periods, the
higher the power supplied to the load is. The PWM switching frequency
has to be much faster than what would affect the load, which is to say the
device that uses the power. Typically switching have to be done several
times a minute in an electric stove, 120 Hz in a lamp dimmer, from few
kilohertz (kHz) to tens of kHz for a motor drive and well into the tens or
hundreds of kHz in audio amplifiers and computer power supplies. The
term duty cycle describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval
or 'period' of time. A low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the
power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100%
being fully on [2].

2.6 Conventional controller

Conventional controllers were used widely in industry due to their

simplicity and ease of implementation, furthermore it has given reasonable
response in numerous applications. The most famous conventional
feedback controller is PID controller.

2.6.1 PI Controller

P-I controller is mainly used to eliminate the steady state error

resulting from P controller. However, in terms of the speed of the response
and overall stability of the system, it has a negative impact. This controller
is mostly used in areas where speed of the system is not an issue. Since P-I
controller has no ability to predict the future errors of the system it cannot

Chapter Two Literature Review

decrease the rise time and eliminate the oscillations. If applied, any amount
of I guarantees set point overshoot [8].

Figure 2.5 shows the block diagram of PI controller.

2.6.2 PD Controller

The aim of using P-D controller is to increase the stability of the

system by improving control since it has an ability to predict the future
error of the system response. In order to avoid effects of the sudden change
in the value of the error signal, the derivative is taken from the output
response of the system variable instead of the error signal. Therefore, D
mode is designed to be proportional to the change of the output variable to
prevent the sudden changes occurring in the control output resulting from
sudden changes in the error signal. In addition, D directly amplifies process
noise therefore D-only control is not used [8].

Figure 2.6: lock Diagram of PD controller.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.6.3 PID Controller

A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a

generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in
industrial control systems a PID is the most commonly used feedback
controller. A PID controller calculates an error value as the difference
between a measured process variable and a desired setpoint. The controller
attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs. In
the absence of knowledge of the underlying process, PID controllers are the
best controllers. However, for best performance, the PID parameters used
in the calculation must be tuned according to the nature of the system,
while the design is generic, the parameters depend on the specific system.
Figure 2.7 shows the block diagram of PID controller [5].

Figure 2.7: Block Diagram of PID controller.

2.7 PID Controller Theory

The PID controller is probably the most-used feedback control

design. PID is an acronym for Proportional-Integral-Derivative, referring to
the three terms operating on the error signal to produce a control signal. If
u(t) is the control signal sent to the system, y(t) is the measured output and
r(t) is the desired output, and tracking error:

Chapter Two Literature Review

𝑒(𝑡) = 𝑟(𝑡) − 𝑦(𝑡) (2.1)

a PID controller has the general form:

𝑢(𝑡) = 𝑘𝑝 𝑒(𝑡) + 𝑘𝑖 ʃ𝑒(𝑡) + 𝑘𝑑 𝑒(𝑡) (2.2)

The desired closed loop dynamics is obtained by adjusting the three

parameters kp , Ki and kd often iteratively by tuning and without specific
knowledge of a plant model [4].

The proportional term Kp (sometimes called gain) makes a change

to the output that is proportional to the current error value. The proportional
response can be adjusted by multiplying the error by a constant Kp, called
the proportional gain. Larger values typically mean faster response since
the larger the error, the larger the Proportional term compensation. An
excessively large proportional gain will lead to process instability and
oscillation [2][4].

Integral term Ki the contribution from the integral term (sometimes

called reset) is proportional to both the magnitude of the error and the
duration of the error. Summing the instantaneous error over time
(integrating the error) gives the accumulated offset that should have been
corrected previously. The accumulated error is then multiplied by the
integral gain and added to the controller output. The magnitude of the
contribution of the integral term to the overall control action is determined
by the integral gain, 𝑘𝑖 . Larger values imply steady state errors are
eliminated more quickly. The trade-off is larger overshoot: any negative
error integrated during transient response must be integrated away by
positive error before we reach steady state [2][4].

Chapter Two Literature Review

Derivative term Kd the rate of change of the process error is

calculated by determining the slope of the error over time (i.e., its first
derivative with respect to time) and multiplying this rate of change by the
derivative gain k d . The magnitude of the contribution of the derivative
term (sometimes called rate) to the overall control action is termed the
derivative gain, k d . Larger values decrease overshoot, but slows down
transient response and may lead to bad performance due to signal noise
amplification in the differentiation of the error [2][4].

PID Tuning a control loop is the adjustment of its control

parameters (gain/proportional band, integral gain/reset, derivative
gain/rate) to the optimum values for the desired control response. Good
performance (bounded oscillation) is a basic requirement, but beyond that,
different systems have different behavior, different applications have
different requirements, and some desiderata conflict. Further, some
processes have a degree of non-linearity and so parameters that work well
at full-load conditions don't work when the process is starting up from no-
load; this can be corrected by gain scheduling (using different parameters
in different operating regions). PID controllers often provide acceptable
control even in the absence of tuning, but performance can generally be
improved by careful tuning, and performance may be unacceptable with
poor tuning [4].

PID tuning is a difficult problem, even though there are only three
parameters and in principle is simple to describe, because it must satisfy
complex criteria within the limitations of PID control. There are several
methods for tuning a PID loop. The most effective methods generally
involve the development of some form of process model, then choosing P,
I, and D based on the dynamic model parameters. Manual tuning methods
can be relatively inefficient, particularly if the loops have response times

Chapter Two Literature Review

on the order of minutes or longer. The choice of method will depend

largely on whether or not the loop can be taken "offline" for tuning, and the
response time of the system. If the system can be taken offline, the best
tuning method often involves subjecting he system to a step change in
input, measuring the output as a function of time, and using this response to
determine the control parameters [4].

Manual Tuning is if the system must remain online, one tuning

method is to first set Ki and Kd values to zero. Increase the Kp until the
output of the loop oscillates, then the Kp should be set to approximately
half of that value for a quarter amplitude decay type response. Then
increase Ki until any offset is correct in sufficient time for the process.
However, too much Ki will cause problem. Finally, increase Kd, if
required, until the loop is acceptably quick to reach its reference after a
load disturbance. However, too much Kd will cause excessive response and
overshoot. A fast PID loop tuning usually overshoots slightly to reach the
setpoint more quickly; however, some systems cannot accept overshoot, in
which case an overdamped closed-loop system is required, which will
require a Kp setting significantly less than half that of the Kp setting
causing oscillation. Table 2-1 explain the Effects of increasing a parameter
independently [4].

Ziegler-Nichols Tuning is another tuning method formally known

as the Ziegler–Nichols method, introduced by John G. Ziegler and
Nathaniel B. Nichols. As in the method above, the Ki and Kd gains are first
set to zero. The P gain is increased until it reaches the ultimate gain, Ku, at
which the output of the loop starts to oscillate. Ku and the oscillation
period Pu are used to set the gains as shown in table 2-2 [5].

Chapter Two Literature Review

Table 2-1: Effects of increasing a (PID) parameter independently [4].

Parameter Rise Time Overshoot Settling Steady State

Time Error

Kp Decrease Increase Small Change Decrease

Ki Decrease Increase Increase Decrease


Kd Minor Minor Minor No effect in

Decrease Decrease Decrease Theory

Table 2-2: Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method [5].

Control Type Kp Ki Kd

P 0.5 Ku - -

PI 0.45 Ku 1.2 Kp/ku -

PID 0.6 ku 2Kp/ku 0.6Kpku/8

2.8 Fuzzy Logic Theory

The Fuzzy theory was first put forward by L.A. Zadeh in 1965. He
felt that the classical theory concentrates much on precision rather than
easy and efficient controlling mechanism. Unlike classical sets, the Fuzzy
sets have a certain degree of membership for each element.

Fuzzy sets depend on certain rules. The rule base is the most
important requirement for the fuzzy logic. The rule base generally consists
of various cases of If-Then rules. First the fuzzy sets and the membership
functions are declared. Then the If-Then rules for the membership
functions are decided for the particular control. The output is controlled by
these rules on input. A typical If-Then rule consists of two parts. They are
Antecedent and Consequence or Conclusion. The If statement is the

Chapter Two Literature Review

Antecedent and the Then statement is the Consequence {If - (Antecedent)

& Then - (Consequence)} [1].

One of the main features of fuzzy logic is its ability to operate with
vague or ambiguous concepts typical of qualitative reasoning, based on a
mathematical support quantitative conclusion can be drawn from a set of
observations and qualitative rules. Fuzzy logic control is the application of
fuzzy inference process automation. A typical fuzzy controller infers the
consequent of more or less large simple rules, this process of reasoning can
be performed in parallel, yielding the result with a simple logical sum. This
parallel processing capability allows even relatively complex controllers to
perform the fuzzy inference in a minimum computation time.

In a fuzzy logic system, the inference mechanism decides what rules

to apply for the corresponding inputs by matching the fuzzified inputs to
the premises of the rules in the rule base. The inference mechanism
provides a fuzzy set that indicates the certainty that the plant input should
take the various values. The defuzzification is used to convert the fuzzy set
produced by the inference mechanism into a crisp output to be used by the
plant. The most important specifications of fuzzy logic control method are
their fuzzy logical ability in the quality perception of system dynamics and
the application of these quality ideas simultaneously for control system. A
simple block diagram of a fuzzy logic system is shown in Figure 2.8 [2].

Figure2.8: Block Diagram of Fuzzy Logic System.

Chapter Two Literature Review

Fuzzy Input: the inputs are most often hard or crisp measurement
from some measuring equipment is converted into fuzzification block.

Fuzzification: the fuzzification block performs the following tasks:

1. Measures the value of input variables.

2. Performs a scale mapping that transfers the range of values of
input variables into the corresponding universes of discourse.
3. Performs the function of fuzzification, which converts input data
into suitable linguistic values that may be viewed as labels of
fuzzy sets [4].

Knowledge Based / Rule Based: the collection of rules is called a

rule base. The rules are in “If Then” format and formally the If side is
called the conditions and the Then side is called the conclusion. The
computer is able to execute the rules and compute a control signal
depending on the measured inputs error (e) and change in error (ce). In a
rule-based controller the control strategy is stored in a more or less natural
language. A rule base controller is easy to understand and easy to maintain
for a non-specialist end user and an equivalent controller could be
implemented using conventional techniques [4].

Fuzzy Rule Inference: fuzzy inference is of two methods. They are

Mamdani and Sugeno. Mamdani’s methods of the Fuzzy interface is the
most commonly used method. It was among the first control systems built
using fuzzy set theory. It was first put forward by Ebrahim Mamdani as an
attempt to control a steam engine and boiler combination by synthesizing a
set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operators.
This inference method expects the output variable to be fuzzy sets. It is
possible and also efficient to use a single spike in the output as membership
function rather than a distributed fuzzy set. This is known as singleton

Chapter Two Literature Review

output membership function. It enhances the Defuzzification process

because it greatly simplifies the computation required by the more general
Mamdani method which finds the centroid of the two-dimensional
function. But in the Sugeno type of inference can be used to model any
inference system in which the output membership function is either linear
or constant [1].

Defuzzification: is when all the actions that have been activated are
combined and converted into a single non-fuzzy output signal which is the
control signal of the system. The output levels are depending on the rules
that the systems have and the positions depending on the non-linearities
existing to the systems. To achieve the result, develop the control curve of
the system representing the I/O relation of the systems and based on the
information, define the output degree of the membership function with the
aim to minimize the effect of the non-linearity [4].

Fuzzy Output: is output gain that can be tuned and also become as
an integrator. The output crisp value can be calculated by the center of
gravity or the weighted average [4].

2.9 Related Work

This section introduces the some of related and previous studied and
works in this topic then it shows the final results of their work. Firstly,
Purushotam Kumar, Prabhakar Kumar Prabhat, Mithun Kumar, Dr. S.D.
Choudhary controlled DC motor speed with PID controller and first system
is checked without controller on loaded and unloaded condition then add
PID controller and system is tuned using its existing tuning methods. After
its system is further tuned in order to get desired value with less steady
state error.

Chapter Two Literature Review

They use Fuzzy controller to improve the motor speed control, they
found that the Fuzzy controller provides better control strategies than other
controllers. They used MATLAB\SIMULINK to simulate the required

Moreover, A. Fatah presented a hybrid PID-Fuzzy control system for

the speed control of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor. The
proposed method incorporates fuzzy logic and conventional controllers
with utilization of vector control technique. This method combines the
advantages of fuzzy logic controller and conventional controllers to
improve the speed response of the induction motor. The design of fuzzy
system consists of 9 fuzzy variables and 49 IF-THEN rules that define the
behavior of the system. The FLC observes the loop error signal and
correspondingly control the PID input error signal so that the actual speed
signal matches the reference speed signal with reduced rise time, settling
time, and peak over shoot. Implementation and simulation results using
MATLAB/SIMULINK of various hybrid system controllers such as (PI-,
PD-, and PID fuzzy) are compared along with conventional PI controller in
terms of several performance measurements such as rise time, maximum
percent overshoot, settling time, and steady state error at various load
conditions. The results verified the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid
speed controller under different operating conditions and demonstrated
improvements in performance in speed tracking and system’s stability [7].

KHAIRUL in [8], aimed to control speed of the DC Series Wound

Motor. Four controllers (P, PI, PID and Fuzzy controller) were used in this
project. Initially all the controllers are developed by using MATLAB
Simulink model. In this project, PID, PI, and P controller are developed
and tuned in order to get faster step response and the Fuzzy Logic
Controller (FLC) is design based on the membership function and the rule

Chapter Two Literature Review

base. Finally, The FLC is the best controller according to the final result of
this project.

According to A.M.B. YUSOF, PID controller and FL controller were

compared by simulating in MATLAB/SIMULINK in terms of Rise time,
Settling Time, Percent Overshoot and Integral Absolute error. Fuzzy Logic
was used to tune each parameter of the proportional, integral and derivative
(Kp, Ki, Kd) gains of the PID controller. The FLC had two inputs. One is
the motor speed error between the reference and actual speed and the
second is changed in speed error (rate of change error). The output of the
FLC i.e. The parameter of PID controller are used to control the speed of
the DC motor. Finally the FUZZY-PID controller had tuned by trial and
error and performance parameters are Rise time, Settling Time, Percent
Overshoot and Integral Absolute error [4].

Finally, in [2] the performance of a selected DC motor controlled by

a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller and Fuzzy Logic
Controller were investigated. An overshoot speed was observed with an
accompanied settling time thereby confirming the behavior of a PID
controller and Fuzzy Logic Controller. It was therefore a matter of
necessity to tune the Fuzzy Logic Controller in order to obtain the desired
performance. On the other hand, a Fuzzy Logic Controller was applied to
the DC motor was investigated. With the application of appropriate expert
rules, there was minimum overshoot and the settling time is within the
desired value. With the Fuzzy Logic Controller, manual tuning was
eliminated and intelligent tuning takes the center stage with satisfactory
performance. The speed control of the DC motor was performed using
PID and FLC in MATLAB environment. The results showed that the FLC
approach had minimum overshoot, minimum transient and steady state

Chapter Two Literature Review

error, which showed more effectiveness and efficiency of FLC than

conventional PID controller.

In this project the PID controller and Fuzzy logic controller will be
simulated in MATLAB environment to control of DC motor speed. Then
many techniques will be compared in terms overshoot, settling Time,
Stelling time and steady state error.



Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation



3.1 Introduction

This chapter will start with the method and alternatives that have
been used from the beginning until the end of this project. Beginning from
mathematical modelling of DC motor until the PD, PI, and PID controller
have been designed. In the last part, FPD, FPI, FPID were designed to
control DC motor speed. MATLAB environment used to simulate the
previous controllers, then compare in terms of overshoot, settling time, rise
time and steady state error.

3.2 DC Motor Model

Figure 3.1 shows Schematic representation of the considered DC

motor. The rotor and the shaft are assumed to be rigid [6].

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of the considered DC motor.

For this project, the following values for the physical parameters of
the DC motor have been used in this project [9].

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Table 3-1: DC Motor Parameters Values [12].

Parameter Value

Armature resistance (Ra) 5Ω

Armature inductance (La) 0.2 H

Electromagnetic torque constant (Kt) 0.5

Back electromotive force constant (Kb) 1.25 Nm/A

Moment of inertia of the rotor (J) 0.1 kg.m2

Damping friction of the mechanical system (B) 0.008 Nms

The motor torque, T, is related to the armature current, i, by a

constant factor K:

𝑇 = 𝐾𝑡 𝐼𝑎 (3.1)

The back electromotive force (EMF), Vb, is related to the angular

velocity by:

𝑉𝑏 = 𝐾𝑏 𝜔 (3.2)

From Figure 3.1, the following equations based on the Newton’s

Law combined with the Kirchhoff’s Law can be written as:

𝐽 + 𝐵𝜔 = 𝑇 (3.3)

𝐿𝑎 + R 𝑎 𝐼𝑎 = 𝑉𝑖 − 𝑉𝑏 (3.4)

Using the Laplace transform, equations (3.3) and (3.4) can be written as:

𝐽𝑠𝜔(𝑠) + 𝐵𝜔(𝑠) = 𝑇(𝑠) (3.5)

𝐿𝑎 𝑠𝐼𝑎 (s) + R 𝑎 𝐼𝑎 (𝑠) = 𝑉𝑖 (s) − 𝑉𝑏 (𝑠) (3.6)

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

where (s) denotes the Laplace operator. substitute (3.6) in (3.5) to obtain:

𝑉𝑖 (s)−𝑉𝑏 (𝑠)
𝐽𝑠𝜔(𝑠) + 𝐵𝜔(𝑠) = 𝐾𝑡 𝐼𝑎 (𝑠) = 𝐾𝑡 [ ] (3.7)
𝐿𝑎 𝑠+R𝑎

From equation (3.7), the transfer function from the input voltage,
V(s), to the output angle,𝜃 , directly follows:

𝑉𝑖 (s)−𝑉𝑏 (𝑠)
𝜔(𝑠) = 𝐾𝑡 (3.8)
(𝐿𝑎 𝑠+R𝑎 )(𝐽𝑠+𝐵)

From the block diagram in Figure 3.2, after applying feedback for
the internal block, it is easy to see that the transfer function from the input
voltage, V(s), to the angular velocity, 𝜔, is:

𝜔(𝑠) 𝐾𝑡
= (𝐿 (3.9)
𝑉(𝑠) 𝑎 𝑠+𝑅𝑎 )(𝐽𝑠+𝐵)+𝐾𝑡 𝐾𝑏

The final transfer function of the DC motor is going to be as


𝜔(𝑠) 𝐾𝑡
= 2 (3.10)
𝑉(𝑠) 𝐽𝐿𝑎 𝑠 +(𝐽𝑅𝑎 +𝐵𝐿𝑎 )𝑠+(𝐵𝑅𝑎 +𝐾𝑡 𝐾𝑏 )

Figure 3.2: DC Motor Block Diagram.

After substitution of system parameters that are shown in table 3-1,

the dc motor transfer function is given by the following equation.

𝑮(𝒔) = (3.11)
𝒔𝟐 +𝟐𝟓.𝟎𝟖𝒔+𝟑𝟑.𝟐𝟓

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

This system is second order over-damped system with un-damped

natural frequency of 5.7663 rad/s, damping ratio of 2.1747 and two poles -
1.4044, -23.6756. figure 3.3 shows model with parameters. All simulation
results of different controllers will be shown in chapter four.

Figure 3.3: DC Motor without Controller.

3.3 Conventional Controller Modelling

3.3.1 PI Controller

Firstly, DC motor was modelled and simulated using PI controller

(as shown in figure3.4) to control speed. PI controller is tuned using
Zeigler-Nicholas Tuning method with tuning values are Kp= 3.359 and Ki=

Figure 3.4: DC Motor speed control using PI Controller.

3.3.2 PD Controller

As shown in figure 3.5, DC motor was modelled and simulated using

PD controller to control speed. PD was tuned by Zeigler-Nicholas Tuning
method with tuning values are Kp= 104.6 and Kd= 1.978.

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Figure 3.5: DC Motor speed control using PD Controller.

3.3.3 PID Controller

PID controller is mainly to adjust an appropriate proportional gain

(KP), integral gain (KI), and differential gain (KD) to achieve the optimal
control performance. Ziegler- Nichols is a type of continuous cycling
method for controller tuning, kp is increased from small value till the point
at which the system goes too unstable.

The gain at which system starts oscillating is noted as the ultimate

gain (Ku) and period of oscillations is the ultimate time period (Pu), these
two parameters are used to find the loop-tuning constants of the PID
controller using Zeighler-Nicholas method for tuning. PID controller
system figure 3.6 shows the Simulink model for PID controller and tuning
values are Kp= 1.895, Ki= 4.717 and Kd= -0.0067.

Figure 3.6: Simulink Model for System using PID controller.

3.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller Modelling

Fuzzy logic is express by means of the human language. Based on

fuzzy logic, a fuzzy controller converts a linguistic control strategy into
Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

automatic control strategy, and fuzzy rules are constructed by expert

experience or knowledge database.

The error e(t) and the change of error ce(t) of the angular velocity is
the variable inputs of the fuzzy logic controller. The control voltage u(t) is
the variable output of the fuzzy logic controller.

𝑒(𝑡) = 𝑟(𝑡) − 𝑢(𝑡) (3.12)

𝑐𝑒(𝑡) = 𝑒(𝑡) − 𝑒(𝑡 − 1) (3.13)

Fuzzy controller is used to improve the performance of PI, PD and

PID controllers. The universe of discourse of fuzzy variable sets including
speed control error (e), change of error (ce) are defined as :NL means
negative large, NS means negative small, ZE means zero, PS means
positive small, PL means positive large, and kp (the change of kp), ki (the
change of ki) and kd (the change of kd) are defined as :PVS means positive
very small, PS means positive small, PMS means positive medium small,
PM means positive medium, PML means positive medium large, PL means
positive large, PVL means positive very large.

Figure 3.7 and figure 3.8 shows the input values (error and change of error)
which applied in all controllers when using fuzzy controller.

Figure 3.7: speed control error (e).

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Figure 3.8: change speed error (ce).

3.4.1 Fuzzy PI Controller

Figure 3.9 shows the Simulink models which is used to simulate

Fuzzy PI controller. In Fuzzy PI controller, Fuzzy controller used for
tuning PI controller, there are two output control signals (Kp and Ki) as
shown in figure 3.9 and 3.10. The rules applied described in tables 3-2 ,3-3.

Figure 3.9: Simulink Model of Fuzzy PI Controller.

Figure 3.10 shows the PI controller subsystem which used in Fuzzy

PI controller.

Figure 3.10: Simulink Model of Fuzzy PI Controller subsystem.

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Figure 3.11: the degree of membership of change kp.

Figure 3.12: the degree of membership of change Ki.

Table 3-2: The rules applied in PI controller for Kp.







Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Table 3-3: The rules applied in PI controller for Ki.







3.4.2 Fuzzy PD Controller

Figure 3.13 shows the Simulink models which is used to simulate

Fuzzy PD controller. In Fuzzy PD controller, Fuzzy controller used for
tuning PD controller, there are two output control signals (Kp and Kd) as
shown in figure 3.14 and 3.15. The rules applied described in tables 3-4
(for Kp) and 3-5 (for Kd).

Figure 3.13: Simulink Model of Fuzzy PD Controller.

Figure 3.14: the degree of membership of change kp.

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Figure 3.15: the degree of membership of change Kd.

Figure 3.16: Simulink Model of Fuzzy PD Controller subsystem.

Table 3-4: The rules applied in PD controller for Kp.







Table 3-5: The rules applied in PD controller for Kd.







Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

3.4.3 Fuzzy PID Controller

The structure of the fuzzy auto tuning PID controller designed for
control speed of dc motor is shown in figure 3.17. its inputs are control
error (e) and the change of control error (ce). the fuzzy auto tuner block
adjusts the parameter of the incremental PID controller, and the
incremental PID controller calculates the control output.

Figure 3.17: Simulink Model of Fuzzy PID Controller.

Figure 3.18: Simulink Model of fuzzy PID subsystem.

The fuzzy auto-tuning of PID controller is to find the fuzzy logic

relationship between three parameters of PID with error (e) and change of
error (ce), calculate (e)and (ce)in cycle in the operation of control system
and adjust (kp),(ki) and (kd) on-line according to the fuzzy logic control
principle .

In this way, the fuzzy tuner can satisfy the different requirements of
PID controller parameters with different (e) and (ce), and make the
controlled object possess good dynamic and static performance. when
tuning, the fuzzy tuner should adjust the value of (kp), (ki) and (kd) in the

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

PID controller comprehensively taking into consideration of all control

specifications including system response speed, overshoot, steady-state
control error etc.

The role of proportional control action is to speed up the control

response of controlled system, and to improve control accuracy. the
integral control action is taken to eliminate the steady state control error,
and the role of differential control action is to improve the dynamic
property of control system.

Set the membership function of fuzzy variables, the degree of

membership of change kp (kp) is shown in Figure (3.19), the degree of
membership of change Ki (Ki) is shown in Figure (3.20), the degree of
membership of change kd (kd) is shown in Figure (3.21).

Figure 3.19: the degree of membership of change kp.

Figure 3.20: the degree of membership of change Ki.

Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Figure 3.21: the degree of membership of change kd.

The fuzzy tuning rule sets of (kp), (ki) and (kd) are designed as
illustrated in table 3-6, 3-7 and 3-8.

Table 3-6: The rules applied in PID controller for Kp.







Table 3-7: The rules applied in PID controller for Ki.







Chapter Three System Modeling And Simulation

Table 3-8: The rules applied in PID controller for Kd.







For example, the rules applied in Fuzz PID as show in figure 3.22, if
e is equal to zero (NL) and change of error equal to zero (NL), then kp
equal to 26.4 (PVL), ki equal to 30 (PM) and kd equal to 5.27 (PVS).

Figure 3.22: The rule viewer of Fuzzy PID.



Chapter Four Results and Discussion



4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the simulation results are presented. PD, PI, PID,
FPD, FPI and Fuzzy PID are evaluated in terms of overshoot(Mp), rise
time (Tr), settling time (Ts) and steady state error. The previous parameters
can be calculated as following:

𝑀𝑝 = 𝑒 −(𝜎/𝜔𝑑)𝜋 (4.1)

𝜋−tan−1 𝑑
𝑇𝑟 = (4.2)

𝑇𝑠 = (4.3)

4.2 System without Controller

According to figure 4.1, the system was simulated without using any
controller. In this case the step response does not reach the desired value,
rise time is too high and the steady state error is very high.

Figure 4.1: Step Response for the System without Controller.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.3 Control System using PD & PI controller

Figure 4.2 shows the response of PD controller. In PD controller the

step response rise time is very low, minimum over shoot. But there is
steady state error.

Figure 4.2: Step Response for the System using PD Controller.

Figure 4.3 shows the step response of PI controller. In PI controller

the step response rise time is very low, minimum steady state error. But
there is high overshoot (just over 10%).

Figure 4.3: Step Response for the System using PI Controller.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.4 Control System using PID controller

According to figure 4.4, in this system, PID was simulated. In this

case the step response reaches the desired value, rise time is suitable and
the steady state error is very low as show in table 4.1. But in PID controller
overshoot occurred.

Figure 4.4: Step Response for the System using PID Controller.

In figure 4.5 shows the comparisons between PI, PD and PID

controller. PD has minimum overshoot, minimum rise time, minimum
settling time but there is steady state error (it did not reach the desired
value). PI controller has overshoot, rise time and settling time more than
PD controller, but the steady state error was minimized. In PID controller
more rise time occurred, overshoot was decreased, settling time was
increased but the system approximately has not steady state error. Table 4.1
shows the comparison between PD, PI and PID.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

Table 4-1: Comparison Between the Step Response for each Controller (PI, PD, PID).

Parameter PI PD PID

Overshoot (%) 12 8 9

Rise Time (sec) 0.8 0.033 0.9

Steady State Error 0 0.035 0

Settling Time (msec) 2.8 0.14 3.03

Figure 4.5: Comparison between PI, PD and PID.

4.5 Control System using Fuzzy PD and Fuzzy PI controller

Figure 4.6 shows the response of fuzzy PD controller. In fuzzy PD

controller the step response rise time is increased, over shoot decreased
according to PD controller. But there is steady state error.

Figure 4.6: Step Response for the System using FPD Controller.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

Figure 4.7 shows the step response of fuzzy PI controller. In fuzzy PI

controller the step response rise time is very low, minimum steady state
error. But there is high overshoot (over 40%).

Figure 4.7: Step Response for the System using FPI Controller.

4.6 Control System using Fuzzy PID controller

According to figure 4.8, in this system, fuzzy used for PID

parameters tuning. In this case the response reaches the desired value, no
steady state error, minimize the overshoot and rise time. Table 4.2 shows
the response parameters for each controller.

Figure 4.8: Step Response for the System using FPID Controller.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

Figure 4.9 shows the error response (decrease through time) when
FPID controller is used.

Figure 4.9: Comparison between FPI, FPD and FPID.

Table 4-2: Comparison Between the Output Responses for Controller (FPI, FPD and FPID).

Parameter FPI FPD Fuzzy PID

Overshoot (%) 44.20 0 0

Rise Time (sec) 0.0625 0.22 0.575

Steady State Error 0.002 0.01 0

Settling Time 0.375 0.43 1.5


From the simulation results it is concluded that, compared with the

conventional PID controller, Fuzzy controller and self-tuning PID
controller. Fuzzy-PID controller has a better performance in both transient
and steady state response. The self-tuning Fuzzy-PID has better dynamic
response curve, short response time, smaller overshoot, less peak
amplitude, minimum settling time, small steady state error, high steady
precision compared to the conventional PID controller and Fuzzy


Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

In this project designed a DC motor whose speed can be controlled

using mathematical model controllers (PD, PI and PID). The proportional,
integral and derivate (Kp, Ki, Kd) gains of the mathematical model
controllers are adjusted according to fuzzy logic. First, the fuzzy logic
controllers were designed according to fuzzy rules so that the systems are
fundamentally robust.

There are rules for self-tuning of each parameter of mathematical

model controllers. The FLC has two inputs. One is the motor speed error
between the reference and actual speed and the second is change in speed
error (speed error derivative). Secondly, the output of the FLC i.e. the
parameters of PID controller are used to control the speed of DC Motor.

Comparison between the mathematical model controllers and the

fuzzy logic controller was done on the basis of the simulation result
obtained by MATLAB. The simulation results demonstrate that the
designed FL controller realize a good dynamic behavior of the DC motor, a
perfect speed tracking with less rise time and minimum overshoot,
minimum steady state error, with less settling time and give better
performance compared to conventional mathematical model controllers.

Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendations

5.2 Recommendations

1. This technique can be extended to other types of motors such as

AC motor.

2. The parameters of PID controller can also be tuned by using

genetic algorithm (GA).

3. Intelligent based fuzzy logic controller is better than fuzzy logic

controller because of simulation of human intelligence.


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[2]G. A. B. A. A. Sadiq, E. C. Anene, H. B. Mamman, "A Fuzzy-Based Speed

Control Of Dc Motor Using Combined Armature Voltage And Field
Current," 2013.

[3]M. R. K. A. A. K. U. Ghazali, "Speed Control Of Dc Motor Under Varying

Load Using Pid Controller," 2015.

[4]A. Fatah, "Design And Analysis Of Speed Control Using Hybrid Pid-Fuzzy
Controller For Induction Motors," 2015.

[5]N. I. B. P. Jabo, "Speed Control Of Dc Motor Using Pid Controller

Implementation With Visual Basic," 2008.

[6]J. N. Rai, "Speed Control Of Dc Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Technique,"


[7]T. Y. R. Krishna, "Speed Control Of Separately Excited Dc Motor Using

Fuzzy Logic Controller," 2015.

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