11B Exam Practice: Suggested Calculation: F F

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11B Exam practice

1 A
2 C
3 D
4 D
𝐿 1
5 (a) Use of OR F 
4𝜋𝑑 2 𝑑2
= 0.43
Suggested calculation:
F= 2
𝐹𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑑 2𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎ 1.5 × 1011 𝑚 2
F= = =[ ] = 0.43
𝐹𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑑 2𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑠 2.3 ×1011 𝑚
(b) Observation that (radiation) flux is approximately half that on the Earth OR Earth has
approximately double the (radiation) flux of Mars
Comment that makes reference to energy/intensity/number of photons
OR comparison with polar or deep sea regions on the Earth
OR reference to a thinner atmosphere (allowing a greater fraction of photons get through to
6 QWC (quality of written communication) – work must be clear and organised in a logical manner using
technical wording where appropriate; including:
The star is viewed from two positions at 6-month intervals OR the star is viewed from opposite ends of its
orbit diameter about the Sun
The (change in) angular position of the star relative to fixed/distant stars is measured
The diameter/radius of the Earth’s orbit about the Sun must be known and trigonometry is used (to
calculate the distance to the star)
(Marks may be obtained with the aid of a suitably annotated diagram, e.g. as below:

Standard candle:
Flux / brightness / intensity of standard candle is measured
Luminosity of standard candle is known
Inverse square law is used (to calculate distance to standard candle)

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7 (a) (i) A = red giants OR giants
B = main sequence
C = white dwarfs OR dwarfs

S → A correctly marked (straight line or curve starting at S going near A)

A → C correctly marked (straight line or curve from near A, near to C but can go beyond C)
(b) We determine the star’s
 temperature T (from Wien’s law)
 luminosity L (from the H–R diagram)
 (then) r is calculated using (Stefan’s law) L = 4πr2σT 4 OR L = AσT 4
8 (a) Calculate gradient of line
Identify gradient with H0 OR use of v = H0d for a point on the line
Use of t =
t = 4.5 × 1017 s
Alternative method:
Pair of d, v values read from the line
Values chosen from the upper end of the line
Use of t =
t = 4.5 × 1017 s (±0.3 × 1017 s)
(t = 1.4 × 1010 yr (±0.1 × 1010 yr))
Suggested calculation:
(11 000 – 0) × 103 𝑚 𝑠 −1
H0 = gradient
(50 – 0) × 1023 𝑚
= 2.2 × 10−18 s−1
1 1
t= = −18 = 4.5 × 1017 s
𝐻0 2.2 × 10 𝑠 −1
(b) QWC (quality of written communication) – work must be clear and organised in a logical manner
using technical wording where appropriate; including:
Measure wavelength of light (from the galaxy)
Compare it to the wavelength for a source on the Earth
Reference to spectral line OR line spectrum
Reference to Doppler effect / shift OR red shift
v is found from:
fractional change in wavelength equals ratio of speed of source to speed of light
𝛥𝜆 𝑣
OR reference to = with terms defined
𝜆 𝑐
OR reference to z = with terms defined
(c) QWC (quality of written communication) – work must be clear and organised in a logical manner

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may have been altered from the original
using technical wording where appropriate; including:
Any three from:
(Due to the) difficulty in making accurate measurements of distances to galaxies
Hubble constant has a large uncertainty
OR age = may not be valid as gravity is changing the expansion rate
Because of the existence of dark matter
Values of the (average) density/mass of the Universe have a large uncertainty
(Hence) measurements of the critical density of the Universe have a large uncertainty
Dark energy may mean we don’t understand gravity as well as we thought we did (so it’s hard to
predict how gravity will determine the ultimate fate)
9 (a) (i) σ = 3.54 × 10–8 (W m–2 K–4) to 2–3 sf
Suggested calculation:
23.5 𝑊 –8
σ= –5 2 (2400 4 = 3.54 × 10 (W m–2 K–4)
2 × 10 𝑚 × 𝐾)
(ii) Add 3 percentage uncertainties
%U = 23(%)
Suggested calculation:
%U = 2% + 5% + 4 × 4% = 23%
(iii) Uses value in (i) to calculate % Difference = 38(%)
Suggested calculation:
(5.67 − 3.54) × 100%
%D = = 38%
(iv) %D > %U so the result is not reliable (use values from (ii) and (iii))
The % difference is not explained by the % uncertainty in the readings
(so the result is not reliable)
(b) (i) Find value for intercept (on ln L axis)
Divide anti-log of this value by A
(ii) The temperature of the bulb is (very) much greater than room temperature.

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may have been altered from the original

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