Diagrams of The: Portal Hall

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diagrams of the

Portal Hall

The Maltese Cross & the Pentagram

The Cross of Four Triangles called the Maltese Cross, is a Symbol of the Four Elements in balanced disposition. It is
here given in the colors of the King scale and it is assigned to the Four Sepheroth of the Halls of the First Order. It
is the Cross which heads the Praemonstrator’s Wand who represents the Fourth Sepherah Chesed. Four is also the
Number of Jupiter whose Path unites Chesed to Netzach. This Cross is therefore a fit emblem for a Philosophus of the
Grade of 4=7.
The Three Directions from Ain into Matter

Nya rTk

The Point

In this diagram are presented the Circle, the Point, the Line, the Cross, the Square and the Cube. For the Circle is the
Abyss, the Nothingness, the AIN. The point is Kether. Now the Point has no dimension, but in moving, it traces the
Line. This gives the first number—Unity—yet therein lies duality unmanifest, for two Points mark its ends. 
The movement of the line makes the Plane or Square thus: The motion of the Point at square angles to its first
direction and intersecting it makes the Cross. So therefore are the Square and the Cross but one Symbol, deriving
from the Circle and the Point.
Diagram of Malkuth
Root of T Path
Symbol of Malkuth M of O T v k l m
400 + 6 + 20 + 30 + 40

Root of S Path Root of q Path

N of O P of O

O of O
496= 1
2 x 248
4 x 124 6=1+2+3
8 x 62 =Sum of its parts
16 x 31
31 10=1+2+3+4
=Sum of its parts
496=Sum of its
compound parts 4 Numbers

Here is shown the Occult Symbol of Malkuth, the Tenth Sepherah. It is in Four parts, corresponding to the Maltese
Cross. They are Fire of Earth, Water of Earth, Air of Earth, and Earth of Earth, as indicated by the Symbol. They
correspond to the Four Halls of the First Order, which in one sense, never leaves Malkuth, being the Halls of the Four
Lowest Sepheroth of Malkuth in Assiah. Upon them is surcharged a white Hexagram in a Circle.
The 6 and 4 make 10, the number of Malkuth on the Tree. The Hexagram is also the sign of the Macrocosm— of
Tiphareth, and of the Six Upper Sephiroth, wherefore here it is white— Spirit impacting and vivifying Matter. Six are
the mid points of the planes bounding a cube, which derives from the square, and from the Cross if the Center point
moves thus (indicating third direction). Malkuth must then be equated and refined by the 6 impacting the 4: and the
link between 6 and 4 is the number of the Pentagram. In these numbers and figures are hid many revelations.

Certain Latin Words Analyzed
Vista Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies
Occultam Lapidem Veram Mediainam
V, I, T, R, I, O, L, U, M,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
V i t r i o l
S u l p h u r
M e r c u r y

Subtilis Aqua Lux Terra

Fiat Lux
Flatus Ignis Aqua Terra



This Tablet shows the symbolic manner in which certain names have been used by our ancient brethren. You will note
that the initials of this sentence make the Latin word Vitriolum, Sulphuric acid. Furthermore, the word Vitriol, Sulphur,
and Mercury each consist of seven letters answering to the alchemic powers of the seven Planets.
The initials of the following sentence in Latin, the subtle fluid, the Light of the Earth, make the word S.A.L.T. salt,
and further, the four words of the sentence answer to the four Elements: Subtilis, Air; Aqua, Water; Lux, Fire; and
Terra, Earth. And the four words united yield 20 letters, that is, the product of four, the number of the Elements,
multiplied by Five, the number of the Pentagram.
The words Fiat Lux, meaning “Let there be Light,” consist of 7 letters. The letters of Fiat form the initials of Flatis,
Air; Aqua, Water; Ignus, Fire; and Terra, Earth. Which four names again yield 20 letters as in the previous case.
And the word Lux is formed from the angles of the Cross, LVX.
The Seven Palaces of Holiness

MySdq Sdq lkyh

Tvkz lkyh hbha lkyh


Nvxr lkyh


hgvn lkyh MymS Mxi lkyh


rypsh hnbl lkyh


These are the Seven Palaces of Holiness of the Briatic World. The first is the Palace of the Holy of Holies answering to
Kether, Chokmah and Binah, and the Divine Name EL.
The second is the Palace of Love, answering to Chesed and the Divine Name MATZPATZ (Mem, Tzaddi, Peh,
Tzaddi), which is a Temurah of Tetragrammaton.
The third is the Palace of Merit, answering to Geburah, and the Divine Name YEHEVID (Yod, Heh, Vau, Daleth).
The fourth is the Palace of Benevolence, answering to Tiphareth and TETRAGRAMMATON.
The fifth is the Palace of the Substance of Heaven, answering to Netzach and ELOHIM.
The sixth is the Palace of Severity answering to Hod and MATZPATZ.
The seventh is the Palace of Crystal Whiteness answering to Yesod and Malkuth, and the Divine Name YAH and
But the synthesis of these Holy Names is to be found in the word TAKLITH which is Perfection.
The Image of Apophis or Typhon

Behold the image of Apophis or Typhon: The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
Turning and turning in the widening gyre When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
The ceremony of innocence is drowned; Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst The darkness drops again; but now I know
Are full of passionate intensity. That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
Surely some revelation is at hand; And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Surely the Second Coming is at hand. Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The Image of Pan
Behold the Image of Pan.
Into my loneliness comes—
The sound of a flute in dim groves
that haunt the uttermost hills.
Even from the brave river they reach
to the edge of the wilderness.
And I behold Pan.
The snows are eternal, above, above—
And their perfume smokes upwards
into the nostrils of the stars.
But what have I to do with these?
To me only the distant flute, the abiding vision of Pan.
On all sides Pan to the eye, to the ear;
The perfume of Pan pervading,
the taste of him utterly filling my mouth,
so that the tongue breaks forth
into a weird and monstrous speech.
The embrace of him intense on every center
of pain and pleasure.
The sixth interior sense aflame with the inmost self of Him,
Myself flung down the precipice of being
Even to the abyss, annihilation.
An end to loneliness, as to all.
Pan! Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan!

The Lamen of the Hiereus

In guardianship and not in enmity, have I barred your venturing, O Philosophus. Now may it be revealed unto you
that in my Lamen of Office is hidden the Key which you seek. For the Triangle in the Circle is the high symbol of
the Holy Triad, and the first Three Sepheroth, and of Binah wherein is the Sphere of Saturn, Ruler of the Path Tau.
Therefore do I wear it, and therefore, when you entered the Hall of the Neophytes in the 0=0 Rite, when first the
hood-wink was raised, you beheld before you the Sword that barred and the Symbol which overcometh the barrier. The
Lamen in its more special attribution to the Hiereus, has the following meanings. In the circle are the Four Sephiroth,
Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. The first three are the angles of the Triangle inscribed within, while the sides are
the Paths of Nun, Ayin and Peh, respectively. The center is the Letter Samekh, and the 25th Path. While the Wheel
revolves, the hub is still. Seek ever then the center, look from without to within. Behold the Key to your Path.


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