Indian Diet For Weight Loss in 7 Days 3
Indian Diet For Weight Loss in 7 Days 3
Indian Diet For Weight Loss in 7 Days 3
1. Introduction 2
2. Why Weight Loss is Important 3
3. Lose Weight the Healthy Way 3
4. Indian Diet Plan 4
5. Recommended Indian Diet Tips for Weight Loss 6
6. Expert recommended Indian Diet Plan for
Weight Loss in 4 Weeks 9
7. Indian diet plan for weight loss in 4 week 13
Week 1: Weight Loss Diet 13
Week 2: Weight Loss Diet 14
Week 3: Weight Loss Diet 15
Week 4: Weight Loss Diet 16
8. How not to gain all the weight back that you lose 17
9. Weight loss Tips based on the Diet Chart 18
10. Weight loss Tips for Women 19
11. Effective Tips to Reduce belly fat 20
12. 7 Quick Tips to Reduce Belly Fat 20
13. Our Dietician Recommended Diet Plan 24
14. Important Natural Weight loss Tips at Home 25
Conclusion 26
1. Introduction
This eBook is for people who need to lose weight in a healthy way
and would like learn some interesting and achievable tips. The
information in this book is intended as a guide.
This book will help you get more information on how you can have
a good Indian Diet but still lose weight in a healthy way.
We are giving you here the Indian diet chart plan for weight loss
which will help you lose weight in 4 weeks. The tips shared here
are the natural tips for shedding excess fat in a manageable way.
The tips shared ensure you lose weight by eating more and eating
right foods.
This book bring you evidence-based diet chart plan for Indians to
lose weight naturally.
2. Why Weight Loss is Important
Excess weight is never good for your overall health. So weight
management should become an important part of your lifestyle.
Try to cut down your calories by 500 calories per day. For example,
cut down on one soda (about 150 calories), a small bag of regular
potato chips (about 150 calories) and one chocolate bar (about
250 calories).
for at least 30 minutes on most days of
the week. You will be more likely to keep
weight off if you make lifelong lifestyle
Because let’s face it, although we think Indian meals are healthy
there are a lot of loopholes. Therefore, instead of following a diet
that is not suitable for you, try one that goes hand in hand with
your eating habits.
We will give you insights on what is keeping you fat, the ratio
of exercise and diet control you need to have. Plus an expert
recommended month long weight loss diet chart plan for Indians.
5. Recommended Indian Diet Tips for
Weight Loss
Weight loss is not so difficult and by following the below weight
loss diet tips, one can lose weight at ease. The key is to follow the
tips diligently. Here some points to keep in mind:
so that whenever your hunger pangs strike, you eat something
healthy instead of the stored pastries or the pizza leftovers.
This can help you have fewer alcoholic drinks too. To survive
dehydration due to alcohols, keep yourself hydrated throughout
the day and even in between your drinks.
taken in moderation.
While excess sugar may affect blood sugar levels, excess salt
may cause water retention and these contribute to weight gain.
6. Expert recommended Indian Diet
Plan for Weight Loss in 4 Weeks
Week 1: Weight Loss Diet
Early morning: 1 fruit of your choice + 3 - 4 mixed seeds such as
watermelon, flax, sesame, melon to name a few.
Week 2: Weight Loss Diet
Early morning: 10 ml wheatgrass juice + 5 to 6
almonds and walnuts
Week 3: Weight Loss Diet
Early morning: 10 Spirulina or green leafy veggie juice + 1 fruit of
your choice
Week 4: Weight Loss Diet
Early morning: 10 ml Amla juice +3-4 walnuts and almonds mix.
Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss
in 4 Weeks by Truweight
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
8. How not to gain all the weight
back that you lost
Have you been losing muscle weight instead of fat weight? Or do
you even understand the difference between these both weight
types? Check out the video below to know more
9. Weight Loss Tips Based
On The Diet Chart
Superfoods are help in quick and healthy
weight loss. They are nothing but regular
foods that have concentrated nutrients. They could be millets,
seeds, certain grass varieties or even fibre-rich foods. Consume
them in measured amounts every day and see your weight
Ensure all your meals have a protein source. If any meal is lacking
in it, throw in an egg or dal preparation. Whey protein shake helps
in meeting your protein recommendations. Read why we choose
whey protein as a snack in detail here.
Never at any point during the diet, starve yourself. There are
evidence that starvation, in fact, leads to overeating. Remember,
short-term thinking is not going to yield results. Hence, always
focus on clean, healthy eating as suggested to lose weight.
10. Weight Loss Tips For Women
The way women lose weight is different from the way a man
does. Many feminine health issues impact weight loss efforts
for women. Hormonal issues like PCOS, hypothyroidism lead to
weight gain. Also women are more to prone to stress, which leads
to weight gain.
11. Effective Tips to Reduce Belly Fat
Tips to reduce belly fat is probably one of the most popular
Google searches and why not, the increased fat content around
the waistline is a big deal.
Being one of the fat countries in the world, we see people with
overweight and bigger tummies. However, the cruciality remains
that even people who are weighing normal weight thinking about
how to reduce belly fat!
In fact, there are reports stating that belly fat, also known as
central obesity, can have a higher mortality rate.
2) Have Small Meals - Not just reducing belly fat, eating small
meals help in overall weight loss too. It accelerates the metabolic
role by controlling overeating. This nowhere means you have to
skip meals or starve. Eat timely but lower the quantities.
3) Eat more of Viscous Fiber – Viscous fibers are the soluble fibers
that help in weight loss by keeping the stomach full for a long
time. These fibers also help to reduce belly fat. These viscous
fibers, forms a gel-like substance in your body that has the ability
to slow down the process of your stomach releasing the digested
food into your gut. This works great to reduce belly fat.
7) Take 8 Hrs of Beauty Sleep – If you want to reduce tummy fat,
follow a proper sleep schedule. Along with a diet plan to reduce
belly fat, sleep is also very important. Studies have shown that
fat accumulates around the waistline due to sleep irregularities.
13. Our Dietician Recommended Diet Plan
14. Important Natural
Weight Loss Tips At Home
We generally misunderstand that weight loss is effectively
achieved by going to the gym, exercising outside or practising
weight loss clinics or centres.
But Weight loss begins at home. And that is why it is very important
to know the tips for weight loss naturally.
1. Include Asparagus
2. Eat Cabbage
3. Eat more of Whole Grains
4. Follow Weight Training
5. Drink Green Tea
6. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits at Home
7. Divide Your Meals
8. Chew Your Food Properly
9. Say No to soft drinks and Diet Colas
More :
Conclusion :
Weight loss is not as tough as it seems. With healthy eating
habits you can achieve to weight goals easily. Choosing the right
food items is very important when you are trying to lose weight.
With superfoods and Truweight’s 4 Weeks Indian Diet chart, you
eat healthy and tasty meals, you don’t have to starve yourself
and improve your metabolism to an overall healthy weight loss.
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