An Evolutionary System Development Approach in A Pervasive Computing Environment
An Evolutionary System Development Approach in A Pervasive Computing Environment
An Evolutionary System Development Approach in A Pervasive Computing Environment
Abstract [3], but making them effectively invisible to the user [2].
Pervasive computing names the third wave in computing.
Mark Weiser described a hypothetical world in which
humans and computers were seamlessly united in a
seminal article a decade ago; he called this vision
Ubiquitous Computing [5, 6] (which now is also called
Pervasive Computing). After that, technology has
advanced along many dimensions, especially in hardware
progress and wireless communication technologies. A
number of leading technological organisations are
exploring Pervasive Computing. But it is far from
Weiser’s vision become reality. Pervasive Computing will
be the future. Pervasive computing will be a fertile source
of challenging research problems in computer systems for
many years to come. But until today, there is less attention
to the system evolution in pervasive computing
environment. This paper discusses the current
development of Pervasive Computing and technical
Figure 1. Major Trend in Computing [3]
challenges in deploying Pervasive Computing systems.
First, a model for evolution of pervasive Information
Pervasive computing is fundamentally characterised by
technology infrastructure of pervasive information is
the connection of things in the world with computation.
presented which shows how the existing technologies
Pervasive computing just might help to free the minds
solutions available can be used to develop a pervasive
from unnecessary work, and connect people to the
information infrastructure. Then a generic architecture of
fundamental challenge that humans have always had: to
pervasive computing system is given. Based these, an
understand the patterns in the universe and ourselves with
evolutionary system design approach is suggested.
them. Weiser heralded a future of ubiquitous and invisible
computing in a now often referenced article in Scientific
American in which he stated: “The most profound
1. Introduction technologies are those that disappear. They weave
themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are
The concept of pervasive computing emerged in the indistinguishable from it.” [5] When articulated, this was a
early 1990s by Mark Weiser. Pervasive computing is the vision too far ahead of its time -- the hardware technology
method of enhancing computer use by making many needed to achieve it simply did not exist.
computers available throughout the physical environment A pervasive computing system should be pervasive,
embedded, nomadic, adaptable, powerful, yet efficient,
[1] H. Yang and M. Ward, Successful Evolution of Software
Systems, Artech House, Boston, USA & London, UK, ISBN:
1580533493, January, 2003.
[2] M. Weiser, "Some Computer Science Problems in
Ubiquitous Computing," Communications of the ACM, July
[3] M. Weiser, “Ubiquitous Computing”, IEEE Computer,
October, 1993.
[4] J. P. Sousa and D. Garlan, “Aura: An Architectural
Framework for User Mobilityin Ubiquitous Computing
Environments”, Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP