Relationship Between Balance Performance and Leg Muscle Strength in Elite and Non-Elite Junior Speed Skaters

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Original Article J. Phys. Ther. Sci.

18: 149–154, 2006

Relationship between Balance Performance
and Leg Muscle Strength in Elite and
Non-Elite Junior Speed Skaters


1)Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Shinshu University :3-1-1 Asahi,
Matsumoto, Nagano 390-8621, Japan. TEL +81 263-37-2413 FAX +81 263-37-2413
2)Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
3)Department of Functional Polymer Science, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology,

Shinshu University

Abstract. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between balance performance
during one-leg and two-leg standing and leg muscular strength in junior speed skaters, and to formulate one
indicator for on-land training. There were a total of 48 subjects comprising 22 junior elite and 26 junior
non-elite speed skaters. The method involved analyzing the unit trajectory length (LNG/TIME), the peak
value for center of gravity fluctuations (RMS) and the area where fluctuations in the center of gravity are
concentrated (SD-A) in keeping one-leg and two-leg standing; and measuring the maximum isometric
muscular strength for knee extension with a leg muscular strength measurement device, and thereby
calculating a weight-bearing index (WBI). As far as the characteristics for the center of gravity were
concerned, significantly lower values in the elite group compared with the non-elite group were exhibited
for the peak center of gravity fluctuations (RMS) and the area in which fluctuations in the center of gravity
were concentrated (SD-A). However, no significant differences were observed in the unit trajectory length
(LNG/TIME). In addition, no significant differences between the groups were observed when the right leg
was kept standing. The elite group exhibited significantly higher values in the weight-bearing index (WBI)
compared with the non-elite group for both legs. With regards to the differences between the left and right
leg WBI, the elite group exhibited significantly higher values for the left leg than the right leg, but no
significant difference was observed between left and right in the non-elite group. Based on this, it is
suggested that there is a need to carry out qualitative training for improving the ability to keep the left leg
standing in a posture simulating skating, and to carry out quantitative training for increasing the muscle
strength of knee extensors, in order to improve the competitiveness of junior speed skaters.
Key words: Speed skating, One-leg standing, Stabilometry

(This article was submitted Apr. 13, 2006, and was accepted Jun. 8, 2006)

INTRODUCTION characteristic of distance events in speed skating

The harmonization of the element of physical It has been reported, as an index of the element of
strength and the element of technique according has physical strength, that a significant correlation has
been strongly emphasized as a competitive been found between the maximum anaerobic ability
150 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 18, No. 2, 2006

and muscular strength for knee extension and thin blades attached on ice, which has a low friction
competitive results in short distance events1–3). It coefficient, is thought to be a major technical
has also been reported that there is a significant characteristic that affects physical balance during
correlation between the maximum oxygen intake, starting motion, straight skating and curve skating.
which is the index of the maximum aerobic ability, Improving a skater’s ability to control dynamic
and competitive results in long distance events4). In posture may be a particularly important element for
addition, when it comes to specific physical junior skaters, who are going through a period of
strength training methods, the fact that high altitude growth when various physical functions are
training and low oxygen training5–7) are effective at improving.
not only improving aerobic ability but also Accordingly, it is necessary to examine indices of
anaerobic ability, has attracted attention. Moreover, on-land training the goal of which is to improve the
there are also reports that in specific on-ice training competitiveness of junior speed skaters in terms of
methods 8) for distance, the element of physical technique. The purpose of this study was to
strength which affects competitive results differs investigate the relationship between the
depending on the skating distance. characteristics of balance during one-leg and two-
As far as the element of technique is concerned, leg standing and leg muscular strength in elite and
the Japan Skating Federation’s Uniform Coaching non-elite junior speed skaters.
System Project Group has advocated the importance
of improving the orientation of the slant of the METHODS
blades and acceleration in curve skating in both
short distance and long distance events, and also Subjects
weight transfer between the left and right legs in The subjects in the elite group were the 22 (10
straight skating and initial instantaneous force at the males, 12 females) speed skaters from the special
initial skating speed based on the number of pitches elite junior athletes (n = 12) and elite junior athletes
at the start of short distance events9). (n = 10) publicly announced by the Japan Skating
Previous studies on such technical characteristics Federation (2004–2005) 16) , and 26 athletes (15
has suggested, in the case of previous work on short males, 11 females) from 4 high schools in Nagano
distance events, that the posture of the upper body, and Hokkaido prefectures. The ages of the athletes
the skating motion of the legs and technique in using in the elite group were 16 to 18 years old (17.0 ± 0.6
the blades are the crucial elements at the start, during years), and the ages of the athletes in the non-elite
straight skating and during curve skating10–12). In group were 15 to 18 years old (16.4 ± 0.7 years).
addition, based on the results of 3-dimensional Their average years of experience were 10.7 years
motion analysis on the starting motion of world- in the elite group and 10.0 years in the non-elite
class athletes, it has been reported that the key group. A detailed breakdown and subject
features are: the starting position of such athletes is characteristics are given in Table 1.
linear and the open angle is small, and that the When the study was undertaken, the details of the
lateral displacement of the center of gravity study was explained to all subjects, and their
trajectory is small13–15). consent to participate in the study was obtained.
As shown above, studies about the physical Subjects were allowed to withdraw from the study
strength element and technical element whose at any time, without any penalty.
purpose is to improve competitiveness in speed
skaters have been reported from various aspects. Procedure
However, at present it is not possible to find any Among all skating motions, this study’s purpose
previous work on the ability to control the balance was to analyze the ability to control a posture like
of the body under unstable conditions in which the the skating posture during straight skating, and
body is balanced on blades that are merely 1 mm analysis of the balance performance during one-leg
[thick] and are attached to the bottom of skating (such as maintaining a posture when the skater is
boots. It is possible that this factor also constitutes made aware that this is during skating, and the
a major element in terms of skating technique. skater is propelling himself or herself with only
However, the ability to control dynamic posture one-leg) and two-leg standing (commonly used as a
under the unstable conditions of skating boots with balance test) was done by measuring as indices the

Table 1. Subject Characteristics (mean ± SD)

Elite group Non-elite group
Males Females Males Females
Number 10 12 15 11
Age (year) 17.3 ± 0.7 16.7 ± 0.6 16.6 ± 0.8 16.5 ± 0.5
No. of years experience (year) 10.7 ± 2.7 10.6 ± 2.6 9.6 ± 2.1 10.5 ± 1.8
Height (cm) 169.7 ± 3.3 160.1 ± 4.8 170.4 ± 4.6 158.4 ± 6.4
Weight (kg) 63.2 ± 5.1 57.4 ± 3.6 64.0 ± 5.4 55.4 ± 3.5

fluctuations in the center of gravity on a body weight (in kg).

stabilometer. In addition, the maximum isometric
muscular strength for knee extension for both legs Data Analysis
were measured as the leg muscular strength, and the A comparative examination was done by
relationship between the characteristics of the analyzing the various parameters for the
fluctuations in the center of gravity and the fluctuations in the center of gravity and the
maximum isometric muscular strength for knee differences of the mean values in muscular strength
extension was analyzed. between the elite and non-elite speed skaters for
1) Fluctuations in the center of gravity knee extension by the Mann-Whitney U-test. In
Measurements were made twice with a addition, the correlations between the various
stabilometer (SG-1, Anima KK, Tokyo, JAPAN) parameters for the fluctuations in the center of
for both the left and right legs for balance gravity and the maximum isometric muscular
performance during one-leg and two-leg standing. strength for knee extension were analyzed with
The fluctuations in the center of gravity over 10 Spearman’s correlation coefficient for the elite and
seconds in a two-leg standing posture (ST), a one- non-elite speed skaters. For the statistical analysis,
leg standing posture with the knees extended (OLS) the level of significance of the test was set at 5%.
and a one-leg standing in skating posture with the Analyse were performed by SPSS (version 11.0J for
knees bent (basic posture of straight skating) Windows, SPSS, Inc.).
(OLSS). For the OLSS, a posture that the athletes
felt was closest to their own skating posture was RESULTS
adopted. The observation points were set at 2
meters ahead and a height of 1.5 meters from the Differences between groups: Fluctuations in the
floor for both ST and OLS, and at 2 meters ahead center of gravity
and a height of 0.5 meters from the floor for OLSS. With respect to fluctuations in the center of
The analysis items were the unit trajectory length gravity, the values for RMS and SD-A in the left leg
(LNG/TIME), the effective value for center of OLSS exhibited significantly lower values in the
gravity fluctuations (RMS) and the area where elite group than in the non-elite group (p<0.05)
fluctuations in the center of gravity are concentrated (Tables 2 and 3), but no significant differences was
(SD-A). observed in LNG/TIME (Table 4). Moreover, no
2) Leg muscular strength significant differences were observed between the
For the measurement of the leg muscular two groups in ST, OLS and OLSS.
strength, the maximum isometric muscular strength
for knee extension in a seated position, which was Differences between groups: Leg muscular strength
set at a 90 degree flexion angle at the hip and knee With respect to the two groups, the elite group
joints was measured twice for both the left and right exhibited significantly higher WBI values than the
legs, with an isometric muscular strength non-elite group for both legs (right leg: p<0.05; left
measurement device (GT-30, OG Giken, Tokyo, leg: p<0.01). With respect to the difference
JAPAN). The analysis item was the weight-bearing between the left and right legs, the left leg exhibited
index (WBI), which was calculated by dividing the significantly higher WBI values than the right leg in
mean value of the leg muscle strength (in kg) by the the elite group (p<0.05), whereas no significant
152 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 18, No. 2, 2006

Table 2. Center of Gravity Fluctuations: Peak value (RMS; mm)

ST rt OLS lt OLS rt OLSS lt OLSS
Elite 5.6 ± 1.5 8.6 ± 2.5 8.9 ± 1.9 8.3 ± 1.9 7.2 ± 1.3
Non-elite 6.1 ± 1.6 8.2 ± 1.7 9.6 ± 3.1 8.3 ± 1.6 8.2 ± 1.4
*p <0.05

Table 3. Center of Gravity Fluctuations: Area of Concentration (SD-A; mm2)

ST rt OLS lt OLS rt OLSS lt OLSS
Elite 63.9 ± 40.0 143.4 ± 87.1 146.3 ± 53.8 138.2 ± 63.2 103.6 ± 37.9
Non-elite 67.1 ± 43.9 132.8 ± 52.6 170.3 ± 80.4 135.5 ± 48.9 134.4 ± 44.9
*p <0.05

Table 4. Center of Gravity Fluctuations: Trajectory Length (LNG/TIME; mm)

ST rt OLS lt OLS rt OLSS lt OLSS
Elite 14.7 ± 3.8 36.8 ± 9.8 38.1 ± 13.2 42.6 ± 9.5 41.5 ± 9.1
Non-elite 15.9 ± 4.2 37.3 ± 8.1 39.8 ± 10.2 43.9 ± 7.1 44.7 ± 9.0

difference was observed between the left and right Table 5. Leg Muscle Strength; Weight-Bearing Index (WBI)
legs in the non-elite group (Table 5). Rt leg Lt leg
Correlation between characteristics of fluctuations Elite 0.73 ± 0.1 0.83 ± 0.1
in the center of gravity and WBI * **
Non elite 0.62 ± 0.2 0.67 ± 0.2
In all postures, ST, OLS and OLSS, for the left *p <0.05, **p <0.01
and right legs, no significant correlations were
found in either the elite or non-elite groups between
for knee extension was significantly higher in the
DISCUSSION elite speed skaters than in the non-elite group.
However, no correlation was observed between the
In this study we analyzed the relationships characteristics of fluctuations in the center of
between the characteristics of fluctuations in the gravity and the weight-bearing index. It is possible
center of gravity in one-leg standing, which that not only the leg muscular strength (weight-
simulated a straight skating posture, and the bearing index) is important, but also that the ability
maximum isometric muscular strength for knee to control physical posture balance that is adapted to
extension, by employing as subjects the athletes in competitive characteristics is crucial when it comes
an elite group and a non-elite group based on the to competitive results.
2004–2005 publicly announced list of junior speed In one 400 meter circuit around a speed skating
skaters by the Japan Skating Federation. The results rink, straight skating accounts for approximately
demonstrate that the effective value for center of 56% and curve skating for approximately 44% of
gravity fluctuations and the area where fluctuations skating in a double track, and the skaters usually
in the center of gravity are concentrated left leg, repeat their skating only in a counterclockwise
one-leg standing with the knees bent, which is a direction. In straight skating, skaters skate with a
simulated skating position, were significantly diagonal spiral motion, and the center of gravity
smaller for the elite group than for the non-elite changes by passing from one skate supporting leg to
group. In addition, the isometric muscular strength the other. In curve skating, however, the skater

inclines his or her body to the left in a state opposed that the effects can be anticipated by carrying out
to centrifugal force, and ends up skating in a state in balance training prior to strength training in the
which the body’s center of gravity is placed more on characteristics for each distance. This suggests that
the inside of the curve than the skate supporting leg. a useful method for on-land training to improve the
Therefore, given the fact that skaters are skating by competitiveness of junior speed skaters would be to
repeated cross motion of the legs in a state in which introduce static balance training to increase the
the bodyÅfs center of gravity is placed on the left ability to maintain static one-leg standing of the left
side, we believe that the weight-bearing properties leg in a posture that simulates skating. It is possible
of the left leg are a much more important element that this training would be more effective when it is
that those of the right leg. The present results combined with muscle strength training. As far as
suggest that there is a possibility that the weight- the strengthening of muscular strength is concerned,
bearing properties of the left leg during curve the importance of muscular strength has been
skating are greatly reflected in competitive strength reported in previous research about the relationship
since the weight-bearing index in the elite group between leg muscular strength and competitive
exhibited significantly higher values in the left leg. results1, 2), and this is a necessary and indispensable
In previous work on one-leg squatting, there have factor in raising competitive skills. However,
been reports that the muscular action of the gluteus Murata 22) has reported that the relationship of
maximus muscle and the quadriceps muscle is high feeling in the soles of the feet and the grasping force
during squatting17). It has also been reported that of the feet has a greater effect on the fluctuations in
the muscular activity is particularly high in the the center of gravity for maintaining standing on
quadriceps muscle without any effect on the flexion one foot than the chief muscles of the legs such as
and extension speed 18) , and that the muscular the quadriceps muscle, and this suggests that there
activity becomes larger as the flexion angle at the is also a need to continue to improve the feeling in
knee joint becomes larger 19, 20) . In skating, a the soles of the feet and the grasping force of the
forward leaning posture is adopted in order to feet as well in order to improve competitiveness.
reduce air resistance, and knee extension strength However, one has to consider not only the skater’s
may be a necessary and indispensable muscular abilities in terms of physical strength and skating
strength characteristic for maintaining the skating technique, but also other factors such as the
posture. This suggests that carrying out training to equipment23) like skating boots and blades have a
reinforce the maximum isometric muscular strength great effect on actual competitive results in speed
for knee extension and increase the weight-bearing skating. Since it may be possible that sensory-
index would be effective for improving competitive motor coordination as represented by the ability to
results. control posture during actual skating motion, or the
From the characteristics of the fluctuations in the ankle strategy during balance24), also affects the
center of gravity, the fact that no significant ability to maintain a one-leg standing posture on the
correlation was observed between RMS, SD-A and left foot, their relationship must also be examined.
LNG/TIME, and WBI, and that RMS and SD-A By analyzing these relationships, we believe that we
exhibited significantly lower values only in the left have made it possible to better understand the
leg OLSS in the elite group, left leg OLSS may be a importance of not only dynamic training but also
major factor in curve skating wherein the body’s static training as methods of training to improve
center of gravity is usually moved to the left side competitiveness.
and supported. Hence, there may be a need to
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