Special Industrial Burners and Combustion Equipment

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Special Industrial Burners

and Combustion Equipment








ELCO extends its technical and based on a long and well proven
commercial proposal thanks to the tradition of excellence in combustion
recent acquisition of the BCE company engineering for the main industrial
– Burners and Combustion Equipment applications. The production covers
by Ariston Thermo Group. burners for any type of gaseous and
Since 1987 ELCO designs, liquid fuel engineered to comply with
manufactures and provides specific specific client’s technical requirements
services for energy transformation in and emissions levels.
the industrial sector.
The company will insure a competent
The Company is manufacturing a and adequate technical assistance
wide range of industrial burners, to any client everywhere for the
combustion systems, air heaters and installation, commissioning, start-up
thermal oxidizers for the energy and and maintenance of the equipment
petrochemical markets. It has been supplied.
developing combustion expertise
starting since the 70’s years and is
producing burners for almost any
combustion process; the design is


We shaped our capabilities and health and safety risk, protects the
strengths so we can provide environment and the health and safety
comprehensive technical and business of employees, customers, contractors,
solutions. Through our core strengths and the public, while fully complying
– Value Creation, Expertise, Innovation with applicable laws and regulations.
and Operational Excellence, delivering
a new era of technology vision enabling
our customers to increase output and
improve efficiency while preserving the

Our employees will fully integrate

Environmental Health and Safety
excellence into business and
operations planning and decision
making to achieve superior health and
safety performance.
The company will manage its
operations in accordance with our
Environmental Health & Safety, in a
manner that controls occupational


ELCO supplies burners, components

and services to all major boiler
manufacturers and complete
combustion systems to all major
industrial clients for :

■■ Steam generation
■■ Power generation
■■ Refineries
■■ Chemical plants
■■ Petro-chemical industry
■■ Industries

The company are provided to meet the

maximum standards of combustion
efficiency and the maximum degree
of reliability under the most severe
operating conditions.

Steam Generators Heat Recovery Steam Generators

A water tube boiler is a type of boiler A heat recovery steam generator

in which water circulates in tubes or HRSG is an energy recovery heat
heated externally by the fire. Fuel is exchanger that recovers heat from a
burned inside the furnace, creating hot hot gas stream, usually coming from
gas which heats water in the steam- gas turbine or engines. It produces
generating tubes. steam that can be used in a process
The heated water then rises into the (cogeneration) or used to drive a steam
steam drum. Here, saturated steam turbine (combined cycle).
is drawn off the top of the drum. In HRSGs consist of four major
some services (power generation), the components: the economizer,
steam will reenter the furnace through evaporator, superheater and water
a superheater to become superheated. preheater. The different components
Superheated steam is a dry gas and are put together to meet the operating
therefore used to drive turbines to requirements of the unit.
produce electric energy by generator. Modular HRSGs can be categorized by
a number of ways such as direction
A fire-tube boiler is a type of boiler of exhaust gases flow or number of
in which hot gases from a fire pass pressure levels.
through one or more tubes running
through a sealed container of water. The HRSGs systems could be of two
The heat of the gases is transferred type: one, where gas turbine is coupled
through the walls of the tubes by directly to the steam generator and
thermal conduction, heating the water the major components are disposed
and ultimately creating steam. in line: superheater, evaporator and
Such boilers are usually used where economizer (one pressure level); this is
are not requested high power and the typical application of our burners
sometimes are preferred to water “DB” type, which are installed inside
tube boiler thanks to their simpler the duct that connects gas turbine and
configuration. steam generator. The other type is a
classic steam generator: the exhaust
Steam boilers are the typical gas coming from gas turbine reaches
applications of our “M”, “DM” and “DT” the burners, which are installed on
burners type which are designed and boiler front wall. This is the typical
offered according to the emission application of our burners “M” or “DM”
levels required and fuels to be burn. type, adapted for such application.
In both cases the burner are suitable
to work either with hot flue gas stream
or fresh air.


Waste to Energy Systems Depending from incinerator’s

characteristics and Client’s request we
Waste-to-energy (WTE) is the process are able to design such combustion
of generating energy in the form system complete with all ancillaries
of electricity and/or heat from the equipment (combustion air fan, oil
incineration of waste. WTE is a form of & gas skids and so on) and control
energy recovery. Most WTE processes system. Usually, for the above
produce electricity and/or heat directly application, we use “M” or “DM” burners
through combustion. type.

Incineration, the combustion of Heaters and Furnaces

organic material such as waste
with energy recovery, is the most In the industrial world are present a
common WTE implementation. The huge range of industrial heaters and
combustion of waste may produce process furnaces, which are necessary
many pollutants that must be treated in various processes related to
and reduced before the stack, to avoid refineries, gaseous and liquid streams
environmental contamination. treatment or to metallurgical industry.

In such systems is necessary to have a We are capable to supply some of its

combustion system properly designed: products suitable for applications like
the role of the burner (or burners) air heaters, gas heaters, blast furnaces,
is to heat up the furnace and the water bath heaters or glycol reboiler,
combustion chamber during the start- kiln processes, refinery processes as
up phases until a temperature suitable cracking or reforming, and particular
for the introduction of waste and the burners for sulphur, installed on
maintenance of the flame stability sulphuric acid production plants.
by the same. Once the combustion
chamber has reached the correct
working temperature, the burner
is moved in stand-by position and
protected from the flame and flue acid
gas generated by waste combustion.
The burner will return in firing position
only if the temperature in combustion
chamber reaches the limits imposed by
law, or to shut-down the incinerator.


ELCO is close to its Customers and, Training of local personnel

for this reason, is important for us to Our engineers will transfer their
give all the necessary support, efficient knowledge, thanks to a long
and quick, whenever is necessary. Our experience, to Client’s employees, for a
service team personnel have a lot of correct maintenance and management
experience in field application and of the combustion system.
work closely with our technical offices
in order to provide the best solution Evaluation and Revamping
at your problems. We could provide a Our company has the capabilities to
lot of services from consulting, presale evaluate your combustion system
and after sale. and all the equipment installed
to support the process i.e. valve
Start-up and Commissioning and instrumentation train, burner
Assistance management system, combustion air
Working closely to power plant distribution, control system and so on
manufacturer we are usually called in order to provide technical service to
to start-up our combustion system, upgrade your system. A written relation
and tuning our burners into the best with technical solutions, which enable
configuration, which give to Client the our Client to choose the best way to
best performance in terms of emission act, basing on its needs and financial
levels and combustion efficiency. possibilities, usually follows such



The company can provide support even for CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies; the CFD can be
applied to many situations and applications and we usually provide such service to study the combustion
air and flue gas mixing in application with FGR (Flue Gas Recirculation), to study the air distribution inside
the burner and the flame shape and distribution, and to study the exhaust gas distribution to the burners
coming from gas turbine in Heat Recovery Steam Generators in order to optimize the distribution, the
emissions levels and to prevent backfires on the burners.


The company can provide a technical,

competent and adequate support for
revamping and retrofitting activities, in
particular concerning the replacement
of an old and obsolete combustion
system with a new one in order to
increase the safety, the performances
and reach low emissions levels
according to the local regulation
and to optimize the combustion and
increase the efficiency of the system.
A really good interaction between our
commercial and technical departments
permits us to follow the client from the
first evaluation activities and feasibility
studies till the supply, erection,
commissioning and training of local
ELCO has performed many of these
activities in Italy, but we also have some
references in the middle east, in the
northern Africa, and in central America.
DT 14
DM 16
M 18
DB 20
Special 24
High Energy / Tension Ignitors 26
BMS 28
Assembled Oil & Gas Skids 30

Steam Power Refineries

generation generation

Chemical Petro- Manufacturing

plants chemical industries

ULNOx type burners

ELCO Ultra Low NOx “DT” type burners are designed

to satisfy the most stringent restrictions on pollutant
emissions on fuel gas firing, with or without Flue Gas
Recirculation (FGR) while providing high combustion
efficiency and reliability with all kinds of gaseous fuels.
Thermal NOx reduction is achieved by separating both
the combustion air and the fuel gas in “primary” and
“secondary” flows which ensures a “staged” combustion
with less “hot spots” where NOx formation would be
Typical applications of these type burners includes forced
or balance draft boilers as well as any kind of refinery or
industrial furnace, thermal oxidizers and process heaters.

Two air registers control combustion air flow. Each register

is consisting of an axially moving drum controlling primary
/ secondary air rations. Strong combustion air vorticity is
achieved by means of primary and secondary air swirlers whose
position is set during the start – up and commissioning phases
to provide the proper air turbulence which ensures optimal
mixing with the gas.
In order to provide very low NOx emissions, the fuel gas is
distributed in a wide volume to provide high combustion
efficiency while reducing overall flame intensity. Most of the fuel
gas is injected through a fuel gas distribution plenum equipped
with a set of lances.

Each lance is provide with a “multi jets” nozzle which injects

the fuel gas outside the refractory throat. The nozzles can
be rotated without halting burner operation to optimise gas
distribution, achieving low emissions and combustion efficiency.
An additional central gas lance is fed with a small portion of the
fuel gas, ensuring very high flame stability over very wide burner
firing ranges


CASSINO (Italy) 1 steam boiler revamping, 2 burners 10,7 MW each

KIYIKÖY (Turkey) 10 water bath heaters, 1 burner each heater, 10 MW each burner
PORTO MARGHERA (Italy) 2 steam boilers, 2 burners each boiler, 31 MW each burner
ASHALIM (Israel) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 52 MW each
MILAZZO (Italy) 1 steam boiler revamping, 2 burners 50 MW each
TOLMEZZO (Italy) 1 steam boiler revamping, 2 burners 27 MW each
TORVISCOSA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 29 MW each
BOLGIANO (Italy) 3 steam boilers, 1 burner each boiler, 37 MW each burner
VAL D’AGRI (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 57 MW each
REGGIO EMILIA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 20 MW each
SINGAPORE 1 hot oil heater, 1 burner 11,7 MW
ROTTERDAM (The Netherlands) 1 hot oil heater, 1 burner 11,7 MW

■■ Burner designed to meet Client’s specific requirements

■■ Highly reliable and efficient as demonstrated by a large number of installed units
■■ Primary and secondary air registers to control the distribution of combustion air inside the burner
(manual or automatic)
■■ Primary and secondary air swirlers to ensure air vorticity and distribution
■■ Fuel gas distributed through a plenum with adjustable nozzles and a central gas lance for flame stability
■■ Capable of burning different kinds of gaseous fuels at the same time
■■ Can be operated either with fresh or pre - heated combustion air
■■ High flame stability over a wide turn - down range
■■ Can be operated with Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) to further reduce pollutants emissions


■■ Firing rate up to 70 MW
■■ Flame dimensions (*) adjustable
■■ Materials carbon steel
stainless steel
■■ Combustion air up to 550 °C
■■ Turndown 8:1
■■ Pressure drop 200 - 250 mm wg

(*) Flame dimensions vary with firing rate


Natural gas firing w/o flue gas recirculation

■■ NOx 65-90 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 30 mg/Nm3 or lower

Natural gas firing with flue gas recirculation

■■ NOx 40-50 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 30 mg/Nm3 or lower

(*) ref. to 3% O2 dry flues, combustion air @

ambient temperature; the emissions could be
different depending of application and must be
evaluate Job by Job


■■ Burner with fuel gas equipment (central gas lance, fuel gas distributor and stainless steel nozzles)
■■ Refractory throat design for manufacturing by Client
■■ Air wind box (alternatively we can provide the lay - out drawings for manufacturing by Client)
■■ Combustion air isolating and balancing dampers (multi - burners application)
■■ Pilot igniter (High energy, high tension, premixed or non-premixed type with ionization rod)
■■ Flame detection system
■■ Burner management system (BMS)
■■ Piping and instrumentations trains

Low NOx type burners

“DM” type burners are equipped with two air registers

suitable for any kind of liquid and/or gaseous fuel with
the possibility to fire one or more fuels at the same time.
Combustion air is divided into “primary” and “secondary”
flows resulting in stratified combustion. This solution
allow a general reduction of combustion temperature
and therefore lowers thermal NOx generation.
They are provided with a series of gas lances made
from stainless steel which can be adjusted during the
operation. These lances injected the larger part of fuel
gas; a small quantity is injected through a central gas gun
to ensure the flame stability.
When is requested a mixed gas/oil applications, a liquid
atomizer replaces the central gas gun.

Air vorticity is generated and guaranteed by the vanes which

formed each air register. The position of such vanes is set
during the start - up phases and is important to control
the flame intensity and shape which are different from one
combustion chamber to another or from one fuel to another.
Fuel gas is distributed through an external plenum and a series
on gas lances each of which is provided with a skew faced “multi
jets” nozzle which can be adjusted and rotated to optimise gas
distribution without halting burner operation.

“DM” type burners are designed to meet low NOx requirements

while providing high combustion efficiency and extreme
Typical applications of these type burners includes forced or
balance draft boilers as well as any kind of refinery or industrial
furnace, thermal oxidizers and process heaters.


WARRI REFINERY (Nigeria) 1 steam boiler, 4 burners 26 MW each

BERINGEN (Belgium) 1 WTE boiler, 2 burners 32 MW each
BASRAH REFINERY (Iraq) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 51 MW each
LORDEGAN (Iran) 3 steam boiler, 2 burners each burner, 43 MW each burner
MILAZZO (Italy) 1 post combustion revamping, 3 burners 19,7 MW each
ADRA OILFIELD (Iraq) 6 steam boilers, 1 burner each boiler, 34 MW each burner
ANZOATEGUI (Venezuela) 3 steam boilers, 4 burners each boiler, 33 MW each burner
SUZZARA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 18,3 MW each
TOBOLSK (Russia) 4 steam boilers, 3 burners each boiler, 33 MW each burner
JEBEL ALI (U.A.E.) 2 steam boiler, 8 burners 38 MW each

■■ Highly customisable: each burner is designed to meet Client’s specific requirements

■■ Reliable and efficient as demonstrated by a large number of installations worldwide
■■ Double air registers to control the vorticity and distribution of combustion air inside the burner (manual
or automatic)
■■ Fuel gas distributed through a plenum with adjustable nozzles and a central gas lance or liquid fuel
■■ Capable of burning one or more fuels (gaseous or liquid) at the same time
■■ Can be operated either with ambient temperature or pre – heated combustion air
■■ Can be operated with flue gas recirculation for emissions reduction
■■ High flame stability over a wide turndown range


■■ Firing rate up to 80 MW
■■ Flame dimensions(*) adjustable
■■ Materials carbon steel
stainless steel
■■ Combustion air up to 550 °C
■■ Turndown 8:1
■■ Pressure drop 150 - 200 mm wg

(*) Flame dimensions vary with firing rate


Natural gas firing

■■ NOx 140 - 150 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 30 mg/Nm3

Heavy fuel oil firing (N content 0,2 % by weight)

■■ NOx 400 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 100 mg/Nm3
■■ Particulate 50 mg/Nm3

(*) ref. to 3% O2 dry flues, combustion air @

ambient temperature without FGR; the emissions
could be different depending of application and
must be evaluate Job by Job


■■ Burner with fuel gas equipment (central gas lance, fuel gas distributor and stainless steel nozzles)
■■ Refractory throat design for manufacturing by Client
■■ Air wind box (alternatively we can provide the lay - out drawings for manufacturing by Client)
■■ Combustion air isolating and balancing dampers (multi - burners application)
■■ Pilot igniter (High energy, high tension, premixed or non-premixed type with ionization rod)
■■ Flame detection system
■■ Burner management system (BMS)
■■ Piping and instrumentations trains

Low NOx type burners

“M” type burners are equipped with one air register

suitable for any kind of liquid and/or gaseous fuel with
the possibility to fire one or more fuels at the same
time. These are our classic burners and we have a large
number of references around the world.
They are provided with a series of gas lances made
from stainless steel which can be adjusted during the
operation. These lances injected the whole or larger part
of fuel gas with the possibility to install a central gas lance
which injected the remainder part. This solution ensure a
better flame stability.
Combustion air reaches burner throat thanks to air
register which can be manual or automatic.
When is requested a mixed gas/oil applications, a liquid
atomizer replaces the central gas gun.

Air vorticity is generated and guaranteed by the vanes which

formed the air register. The position of such vanes is set during
the start - up phases and is important to control the flame
intensity and shape which are different from one combustion
chamber to another or from one fuel to another.
Fuel gas is distributed through an external plenum and a series
of gas lances each of which is provided with a skew faced “multi
jets” nozzle which can be adjusted and rotated to optimise gas
distribution without halting burner operation.
“MPJE” type burners are designed to meet classic emissions
requirements and reach the compromise between cost and
performance while providing high combustion efficiency and
extreme versatility.
Typical applications of these type burners includes forced or
balance draft boilers as well as any kind of refinery or industrial
furnace, thermal oxidizers and process heaters.


ASSIUT (Egypt) 2 steam boilers, 2 burners each boiler, 23 MW each burner

POINT LISAS (Trinidad & Tobago) 2 steam boiler revamping, 4 burners each boiler, 17,5 MW each burner
COLOMBO (Sri Lanka) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners, 12,7 MW each burner
(Egypt) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 22,8 MW each
MARY WELAYATY (Turkmenistan) 3 steam boilers, 2 burners each boiler, 28 MW each burner
TERNI (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 29 MW each
S. VITTORE DEL LAZIO (Italy) 2 steam boilers, 2 burners each boiler, 21,7 MW each burner
VILLORBA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners 35 MW each burner
ROMA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 1 burner 46 MW

■■ Highly customisable: each burner is designed to meet Client’s specific requirements

■■ Reliable and efficient as demonstrated by a large number of installations worldwide
■■ Single air register to control the vorticity and distribution of combustion air inside the burner (manual or
■■ Fuel gas distributed through a plenum with adjustable nozzles and a central gas lance or liquid fuel
■■ Capable of burning one or more fuels at the same time
■■ Can be operated either with ambient temperature or pre – heated combustion air
■■ Can be operated with flue gas recirculation for emissions reduction
■■ High flame stability over a wide turndown range


■■ Firing rate up to 80 MW
■■ Flame dimensions(*) adjustable
■■ Materials carbon steel
stainless steel
■■ Combustion air up to 550 °C
■■ Turndown 8:1
■■ Pressure drop 150 - 200 mm wg

(*) Flame dimensions vary with firing rate


Natural gas firing

■■ NOx 160 - 170 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 30 mg/Nm3

Heavy fuel oil firing (N content 0,2 % by weight)

■■ NOx 400 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 100 mg/Nm3
■■ Particulate 50 mg/Nm3

(*) ref. to 3% O2 dry flues, combustion air @

ambient temperature without FGR; the emissions
could be different depending of application and
must be evaluate Job by Job


■■ Burner complete with single air register and fuel equipment (central gas lance / liquid fuel atomizer, fuel
gas distributor and stainless steel nozzles)
■■ Refractory throat (set of preformed refractory bricks made from 42 - 44% Al2O3)
■■ Air wind box (alternatively we can provide the lay - out drawings for manufacturing by Client)
■■ Combustion air isolating and balancing dampers (multi - burners application)
■■ Pilot igniter (High energy, high tension, premixed or non-premixed type with ionization rod)
■■ Flame detection system
■■ Burner management system (BMS)
■■ Piping and instrumentations trains

Duct burners

“DB” type burners are designed to work inside Heat

Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to increase the
thermal energy content in flue gas from gas turbine.
Duct burners are usually used in combined cycle and
they can work either with fresh air (when gas turbine
is turned off) or exhaust gas. For this reason they are
made from stainless steel in order to resist to the high
temperature inside the duct (up to 500 °C).
Critical conditions at the gas turbine discharge (gas
flow rate, temperature, stream vorticity and duct lay
- out) often require a CFD study to provide the best
solution and guarantee the best performance in terms
of operating, maintenance and expected life of the
combustion system.

Duct burners are generally provided in several rows depending

of the thermal power required and the general duct
Each row is completely filled by stainless steel baffles which
have a modular design that ensure the mixing between
gaseous fuel and flue gas or fresh air; such baffles are fixed on
gas distributor by screwed nozzles also made from stainless
Fuel gas is injected through a fuel gas distribution tube
equipped with a set of the above mentioned nozzles. Each
“multi jets” nozzle injects the fuel gas inside the combustion
Each distributor is supported by a carbon steel front plate
which is flanged to the duct wall. The front plate has also the
support for flame scanner and pilot igniter.
This system guarantee a wide turndown range (10 : 1 for each
row) and low pollutants production.


DIECIMO (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 21 MW

DIECIMO (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 28 MW
OMEGNA (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 3 rows, 9 MW
SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 16 MW
COATZACOALCOS (Mexico) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 12 rows, 185 MW
BOLGIANO (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 30 MW
ALBA (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 23 MW
CORINTH REFINERY (Greece) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 3 rows, 9 MW
CARTIERE LUCCHESI (Poland) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 2 rows, 5,3 MW
CARTIERA PIERETTI (Italy) 1 heat recovery steam generator, 1 burner, 4 rows, 25 MW

■■ Burner designed to meet Client’s specific requirements

■■ Highly reliable and efficient
■■ Fuel gas is distributed through an internal pipe which support the baffles and the screwed nozzles
■■ Capable of burning different kinds of gaseous fuels
■■ Can be operated either with fresh air or GT exhaust gas
■■ High flame stability over a wide turn - down range


■■ Firing rate up to 3,5 MW/m

■■ Flame dimensions (*)
■■ Materials carbon steel
stainless steel
■■ Combustion air up to 550 °C
■■ Turndown 10:1
■■ Pressure drop 10 mm wg

(*) Flame dimensions vary with firing rate


Natural gas firing in fresh air with FGR

■■ NOx 110 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 110 mg/Nm3

Natural gas firing with gas turbine exhaust

■■ NOx - mg/Nm3
■■ CO - mg/Nm3
Post firing emissions are depending from the
conditions at gas turbine discharge

(*) ref. to 15% O2 dry flues, fresh combustion air

@ ambient temperature; the emissions could be
different depending of application and must be
evaluate Job by Job


■■ Burner with fuel gas equipment (peephole, baffles and stainless steel nozzles)
■■ Frontal plate with flanged connections to HRSG and to fuel gas distributor
■■ Pilot igniter (High energy, high tension, premixed or non-premixed type with ionization rod)
■■ Flame detection system
■■ CFD study
■■ Local control panel
■■ Burner management system (BMS)
■■ Piping and instrumentations trains


Burners type “VRGO” are typically equipped with a series

of gas lance and one central gas lance. If designed to
burn heavy fuel oil or diesel oil, the central gas lance is
replaced with fuel oil/diesel atomizer.
The “VRGO” burners are designed to reach high efficiency
combustion level and can be supplied as part of new
combustion systems as well as revamping of existing

The typical supply is completed with combustion air wind box

and combustion air isolating and balancing damper. In “VRGO”
burner the air vorticity is guaranteed by a swirler made from
stainless steel installed near the burner throat on an apposite
The simple and compact design enable the use of these
burners in a wide range of application and in particular they are
largely use in small systems as heaters or preheaters or where
is necessary a series of burners like in furnaces.


SAZEH-JAHANPARS (Iran) 1 Incinerator, 12 burners 16 MW each

MODUGNO (Italy) 1 Biomass furnace, 2 burners 20 MW each
ONESTY REFINERY (Romania) 3 Furnaces, 14 burners each furnace, 3,7 MW each
QASR GAS DEV (Egypt) 1 Bath heater, 6 burners 2,7 MW each
MASSAFRA (Italy) 1 Biomass furnace, 2 burners 11,3 MW each
PARAFFINE SARDE SARROCH (Italy) 1 Diathermic oil heater, 1 burner 2,4 MW
PORTO MARGHERA (Italy) 1 Diathermic oil heater, 3 burners 2,8 MW each

■■ Highly customisable: each burner is designed to meet Client’s specific requirements

■■ Reliable and efficient as demonstrated by a large number of installations worldwide
■■ One central swirler to control combustion air distribution and vorticity
■■ Fuel gas distributed through a plenum with adjustable nozzles and a central gas lance
■■ Capable of burning one or more fuels at the same time
■■ Can be operated either with ambient temperature or pre – heated combustion air high flame stability
over a wide turndown range


■■ Firing rate up to 25 MW
■■ Flame dimensions(*) adjustable
■■ Materials carbon steel
stainless steel
■■ Combustion air up to 400 °C
■■ Turndown 5:1
■■ Pressure drop 50 - 100 mm H2O

(*) Flame dimensions vary with firing rate


Natural gas firing

■■ NOx 200 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 50 mg/Nm3

Heavy fuel oil firing (N content 0,2 % by weight)

■■ NOx 400 mg/Nm3
■■ CO 100 mg/Nm3
■■ Particulate 50 mg/Nm3

(*) ref. to 3% O2 dry flues, combustion air @

ambient temperature


■■ Burner complete with fuel equipment Refractory throat

■■ Air wind box complete with multi louver combustion air damper for air isolating and balancing
■■ Central gas lance/Liquid fuel atomizer
■■ Fuel gas distributor and stainless steel nozzles
■■ Pilot igniter
■■ Flame detection system
■■ Burner management system (BMS)
■■ Fuel gas/oil/atomizing steam or air valve and instrumentation trains



These kind of burners are suitable to operate
in metallurgical processes where the operating
temperatures are very high. In fact, our blast furnace
burners are usually made from Inconel/Hastelloy,
materials suitable to resist to severe working conditions.
These burners are usually equipped with a central pilot
igniter operating with natural gas or rich gas, which
ensures a correct combustion of the gaseous stream
fired by burner. Burners are fed by a low LHV gas coming
from process (Coke Oven Gas or similar) and, when not in
operation, they are cooled by a nitrogen stream.
No air register is installed in such burners; the burner is
provided complete with a central swirler to guarantee a
minimum combustion air vorticity.
We could also provide the supply of complete fuel gas
skids and control system.


ELCO “KS” type burners are generally used in processes where
are not required particular performance like restricted emission
levels or high thermal power demand. Such processes could be
air or gas heaters, incinerator or biomass boiler where they are
used for start-up and heat-up of generator.
These burners are not provide with air wind box; combustion
air comes from a distributor duct which is flanged directly to
burner. There isn’t an air register but only a diffuser for air
ELCO can also supply burners for “KILN” processes: these
burners have similar design to “KS” burners but they can be
adapted to KILN furnaces conditions. According to the system in
object, KILN burners could have one, two or three combustion
air distributor suitable for fresh or pre-heated combustion air.
They are usually supplied complete with refractory throat and, if
required, with isolated wind box.
KS and KILN burners can operate either with gas or fuel oil/
diesel oil.


RAVENNA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 3 burners with tail gas external scroll
ANGUL (India) 1 Blast Furnace, Hot Stoves pilot burners
PORTO MARGHERA (Italy) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners with off gas external scroll
BHILAI (India) 1 Blast Furnace, Hot Stoves and Top Ignitor Pilot Burner
BHUSHAN (India) 1 Blast Furnace, Hot Stoves and Top Ignitor Pilot Burner
SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (Italy) 1 biomass incinerator, 2 start-up burners
(Italy) 1 FB Biofuel boiler for incinerator, 2 start-up burners
DEGUSSA AG (Germany) 1 steam boiler, 2 burners with off gas external scroll
ASSEMINI (Italy) 1 Sulphur Furnace, 2 sulphur burners
SCARLINO (Italy) 1 Sulphur Furnace, 2 sulphur burners
Some industrial processes produce synthesis and
recovery gaseous streams which have, as main
characteristics, high temperatures, low pressures and,
most important, very low calorific values.
ELCO can design and supply burners suitable to burn
such gaseous streams, to recover the energy that
otherwise would be lost. These burners are supplied with
external gas scroll, through which the gaseous stream is
injected inside combustion chamber. Each burner is also
supplied complete with gas lances and central gas gun,
which are necessary to heat up the system before syngas
Sometimes, when the calorific value is very low, the
central gas gun or a continuous pilot is kept operational.
If there is the presence of two syngas streams which
have very different characteristics in terms of volume
and operating conditions, we could provide burners with
double external gas scroll.

Sulphur is one of raw materials used in sulphuric acid
production plant or in plant where sulphur is necessary
to generate other chemical products (for example
aluminum fluoride). In these processes, the sulphur
is burned inside a refractory furnace to produce its
ELCO can supply this kind of burner complete with tip
and plug for mechanical atomization of sulphur. For this
reason is important that sulphur reaches the burner at
high temperature and pressure and at liquid state. To
guarantee the correct combustion conditions, the burner
is traced by steam to maintain the temperature and
avoid solidification.
Normally we supply also a natural gas/oil burner, which is
necessary to heat-up the furnace and reach the correct
operating conditions. Once reached the conditions, the
burner’s central body is replaced by sulphur burner to
initialize the process

High Energy /
Tension Ignitors
ELCO produces a wide range of industrial electric ignitors
suitable for the light up of large industrial burners.
The most powerful ignitors are based on high - energy
systems developed over decades of experience in
applications requiring safe and reliable operation, such
as power generation plants and steam generating
The High Energy ignition systems ensure a number
of robust intermittent sparks realised by the energy
accumulated by a capacitor, providing more powerful
ignition capacity than high tension arc electrodes.
The HE series of ELCO ignitors includes gas electric
ignitors, light oil electric ignitors, without or with
premixed air, suitable for continuous operation, as well
as the direct spark ignitor for light up of heavy oil.
Usually the igniters are an integral part of the supply of
burners or combustion systems but we can also provide
the single pilot igniter as a part of new combustion
system as well as revamping of existing systems.

The ignitors can be supplied with in-built flame scanners or

ionisation flame rods, with automatic retraction drivers and
with power supply units for installation in any environment and
hazardous area.
High Energy Electric Ignitor has been capable to withstanding to
every temperature which could be present inside wind box and
which can be up to 350 °C, and the discharge head itself must
withstand to the very high radiation temperature close to the
burner flame. The ELCO unit is suitable for a maximum surface
temperature of 750 °C at the discharge head.
The ignitor consists of three main parts, namely: Control Box,
in which the power for the discharge is generated High Voltage
Armoured Cable, used to carry this power to the ignitor itself
The Special Ignitor End, at which the discharge occurs across a
semi conductor gap
We can provide ignitors for a wide range of application and for
any kind of industrial process as industrial boilers for steam/
power generation which burners where installed on boilers
front wall or at boilers corners (tangential combustion), refinery
or industrial furnace, thermal oxidizers and process heaters
and so on.


(Abu Dhabi) 3 units, mod. HE 168 A

FENICE MIRAFIORI (Italy) 2 units, mod. HE 568 premixed type
(Turkey) 48 units, mod. Special for coal steam boiler
(Iran) 10 units, mod. HT 468

■■ Materials carbon steel, stainless steel

■■ Fuel natural gas, refinery gas, LPG, propane, diesel oil
■■ Combustion air up to 550 °C
■■ Premixing air instrument/service air @ ambient temperature
■■ Gas pressure 0,4 - 0,5 barg
■■ Premixing air pressure 0,4 - 0,5 barg
■■ Liquid fuel pressure 8 barg (min)
■■ Electrical construction IP 65, Eexd IIB, Eexd IIC


Any pilot igniter could be support flame detection if required. Here below are listed our igniter models:

■■ HE 168 Is designed for intermittent use and is suitable for flame detection if required. It’s normally
used in the large part of our installation and where no particular characteristics are
■■ HE 568 As for HE 168 this pilot is designed for intermittent use, it can accept flame detection and
we can provide either explosion proof execution or a system suitable for safe area; the
principal difference is that such system is premixed type which is important to guarantee
the flame stability in some cases.
■■ Special We also provide a wide range of special ignitors different from our typical supply designed
basing on Client’s specific requirements or for particular uses and plants where are
required dimensions, materials or operating mode different from the above mentioned
■■ HT 468 If required we could also provide High Tension Ignitor which is self—aspirated type and
therefore premixed type. The ignition power is provided by an electrical arc between
electrodes (there is only transformer inside the Control Box supplied).


■■ Pilot igniter (High energy, high tension, premixed or non-premixed type with ionization rod)
■■ Control box for safe or hazardous area complete with flame amplifier where required
■■ High voltage armored cable
■■ Flexible hoses for fuel gas / fuel oil to pilot igniter, premixing air where is required, cooling air
■■ Flame detection system
■■ Piping and instrumentations trains

Burner Management System

ELCO can provide complete solutions for the safe

and efficient start - up, operation and shut - down of
complete combustion systems for Water tube boilers,
Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), Waste to
energy incinerators, Waste liquid and gaseous streams
incinerators and many other industrial applications.
The typical Burner Management and Control System
is consisting of two separated units as per NFPA 85
“Boilers and Combustion Systems Hazards Code - Last
Edition” requirements. Upon Client’s requirement simpler
systems designed are also available.
ELCO engineers develop all the engineering lay - out
drawings, electrical schemes and software in house.
The BMS ensure that burners start - up, shut - down
and operation take place under safe and controlled
conditions, acquiring signals from in field instrumentation
and performing all trips related to safety.

ELCO can also provide the Control system which is also

connected to field instrumentation and provides the
continuous modulation of the burner firing rate, according to
the requirements of Client’s process. A SCADA - Basic graphic
interface is provided with the control system to ensure that
Client’s personnel can easily operate and oversee the plant.
All the systems are designed to be linked in a control network
using all main standard communication protocols (ModBus,
Profibus, TCP/IP, etc.).
ELCO continued support ensures competent and adequate
technical assistance to any Client everywhere in the world,
following installation, commissioning, and start - up of the
combustion system, and providing maintenance and spare
parts to maximize the system’s lifetime.


BERINGEN (Belgium) Waste to energy system - Siemens S7-300 F

MONDIAL CARTA (Italy) Heat Recovery Steam Generator - Siemens S7-412 H/F
MIRAFIORI (Italy) Revamping of Idrotermici Steam Boiler - Hima H51q-HS
MELFI (Italy) Revamping of Macchi Steam Boiler - Hima H51q-HS
BOLGIANO (Italy) Heat Recovery Steam Generator - Siemens S7-400 H/F
MILAZZO (Italy) Revamping of Idrotermici Steam Boiler - Hima H51q-HRS
PONTECCHIO MARCONI (Italy) Waste incinerator - Hima H41q-HS
TOBOLSK (Russia) Steam Boiler - Siemens S7-414 H/F
SAN VITTORE DEL LAZIO (Italy) Solid Waste Incinerator - Siemens S7-315 F

The BMS engineered by ELCO are able to control and

manage various combustion systems, with one or multi
burners boiler which operate with one or multi fuels
at the same time. The systems are usually based on
Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC) complete with all
necessary hardware and I/O modules, buttons and lamps
for operator interface and visualization of alarms/trips
from cabinet front.
We could provide as well to special systems based on
timers and relays for particular application.
The BMS is designed according to the Client’s specific
requirements for Fail Safe PLC with single or redundant
CPUs and power supply units. System architecture allows
maximum modularity and ease of maintenance.
Each BMS is supplied completely configured, cabled and
wired to terminal strips in a free standing cabinet and
tested (with Client witnessing if required) at our workshop
by means of an I/O simulator.
All main PLC brands can be provided. In particular we
usually supply:
■■ Siemens
■■ Allen Bradley


■■ Burner Management System completely assembled and tested at our workshop with issue of internal
test certificate (if required, test could be witnessed)
■■ BMS detailed lay-out drawing
■■ BMS electrical schemes and I/O lists
■■ Local panel (usually one for each burner) with push buttons and lamps wired and tested
■■ Operating and maintenance manuals

Assembled Oil &

Gas Skids
ELCO is able to provide engineering and/or complete
supply of mechanically, electrically and pneumatically
assembled skids. Typically we supply skids for heavy fuel
oil/diesel oil and fuel gas feeding line to burners.
Each skid is normally designed according to the relevant
Code & Standards for such equipment, i.e. ASME, PED,
API, TEMA, ATEX and so on.
Fuel oil heating and pumping unit are necessary where
fuel oil combustion is required. In such combustion
system, fuel oil must reach the burners with a correct
temperature (to reduce the viscosity) and correct
pressure (to guarantee a stable atomization). This is what
fuel oil skids are made for. Depending on combustion
system power and relative design criteria (pressure
limits, overdesign, available stream, redundant logics), we
supply every items necessary to the correct operating of
the system which skid is connected to.

Main items that take place on fuel oil skid can be inlet
and outlet strainers, pumps with coupled electric
motors, heat exchangers which could be electrical
or feeding by medium or low pressure steam, fuel oil
control and recirculation valve, steam control valve
(if any), valves and instrumentation train for local/
remote control and management, junction box cabled
and wired, compressed instrument air distribution for
pneumatic valves. Moreover is important to maintain in
temperature the fuel oil line, in particular when the unit
is not in operating, to avoid occlusions by cold oil and to
guarantee the prompt availability when necessary; this
could be made by electric tracing or steam tracing (with
low pressure steam) around the piping and components.
We could provide equally to diesel oil skid supply, basing
on the same Standard and Codes and design criteria.
Such systems are simpler than previous because diesel
oil is easy to treat; in fact the heating line is not necessary
(electric or made by steam) as well as tracing and
therefore the equipment installed are less than the other,
if compared to the same power required.


ANGUL (India) 1 top ignitor skid, 3 hot stoves skids - Coke oven gas
MINA AL AHMADI (Kuwait) 1 heavy fuel oil pumping and heating unit - Heavy fuel oil
S. VITTORE DEL LAZIO (Italy) 2 main skids, 2 burner local skids - Natural gas
CAPANNORI (Italy) 1 main skid, 4 duct burner local skids - Natural gas
VILLORBA (Italy) 1 main skid, 2 burner local skids - Natural gas
(Qatar) 1 main pressure reduction station - Natural gas

As described for heavy fuel oil and diesel oil, ELCO is also able to provide engineering and/or complete
supply of local and general fuel gas skids for any type of gas (natural gas, hydrogen, coke oven gas, nitrogen,
oxygen, and so on).
The skid is supplied mechanically, electrically and pneumatically assembled and we could provide also a
local control panel if necessary and if requested by type of application.
Feeding units to burner/s are typically complete with relevant instrumentation, manual and pneumatic
valves, flow meter and control valve which regulates fuel flow rate basing on thermal power required from
combustion process, both for gas and oil.
Regarding fuel gas skids we could also supply pressure reduction station which are necessary when fuel gas
is provided at high pressure in front of fuel gas skid operating pressure (typically 3 barg).
ELCO can also supply, before the final assembly, several test on piping i.e. pressure test, welding test (WPS/
PQR, LP, PMI), painting test and issue to Client the relative certificates.


■■ Fuel gas/Heavy fuel oil/Diesel oil completely assembled with mechanical, electrical and pneumatic
connection, wired and tested where requested, complete with all the relevant items which guarantee
the correct and safe operating of the system
■■ Detailed drawing of the whole system
■■ Design of each item of skid
■■ Electrical connection, schemes and logics (if any)
■■ Tests and procedures with relative certificate made on Code & Standards basis or on Client’s request (if
■■ Assembly and maintenance manuals

296 MW
4 x DT 25” (4 x 30 MW)
4 x DT 32” (2 x 38 MW)
2 x DT 20” (2 x 12 MW)

Turin, Italy

300 MW
6 x DT 37” (6 x 50 MW)

Brescia, Italy

160 MW
2 x DT 36” (2 x 50 MW)
3 x DM 40” (3 x 20 MW)

Milazzo, Italy
160 MW
2 x M 38x36”” (2 x 80 MW)

Assuan, Egypt

33 MW
1 x DB 33 (1 x 33 MW)

Bolgiano, Italy

110 MW
2 x DT 23” (2 x 20 MW)
2 x DT 21” (2 x 21 MW)
1 x DT 28” (1 x 28 MW)

Reggio Emilia, Italy

All over the world, Ariston The Group now has a
Thermo is synonymous with leadership position in the
comfort, energy efficiency and global thermic comfort market
respect for the environment, for domestic, commercial and
thanks to its high efficiency industrial spaces.
products, its plants in
compliance with the most
advanced production standards
and excellent pre- and after-
sales customer support

7.000 79
document and reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, any product datas or characteristics
All rights reserved | ELCO declines all responsibility for any printing mistakes or any content transcription in the present
Version 0.0 | 02/2019
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Tel. +31 088 69 573 11
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Tel. +33 01 60 13 64 64
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Tel. +86 21 6039 8691
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