Activity: 1 - Not Measuring Up

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Activity 1 – Not Measuring Up

1. How does our society view the following people?
 Homeless/reside in squatter areas
 Our society view these people as unsuccessful and those that didn't receive proper education.

 Spinster/unmarried
 These are people who are too focused on themselves, selfish, and can't offer enough time to other

 Friends of the outcasts

 People tend to view them as weird and have no choice, so they settled for less.

 Ex-convict
 People tend to view them as bad, and that they probably won't change. They'll repeat the thing
that made them go to jail.

 Unable to finish school

 People tend to view them as poor, or as lots of people tend to think, they made a family in an early

 Labourer or factory worker

 People tend to view them as those who didn't finish their studies, so they had to find a way to get
jobs, even if it meant it only has a low income.

 Have different accent when speaking

 They came from a different country.

 "Promdi" (from the province)

 Poor people, because, as we all know, people from the province have difficulty in finding proper

1. Is there anyone you know, in the history of humankind, who can be identified with all the people mentioned
above in one way or another? With his identification with them, what do you think Jesus was teaching about the
real worth of human persons?
The real worth of human persons is not seen physically, but emotionally and spiritually. One example is the
story of Lazarus and the Rich Man. You have all the things you could have, but are you rich spiritually
speaking? The rich man had all the things he had, but still didn't get the chance to go to heaven.STOn the
1 Quarter | 1
other hand, Lazarus, who didn't have everythjng, had a chance to go to heaven because he was rich,
spiritually speaking.
Activity2 – read and reflect
1. Read 1 Jn 1:8-10 and Mt 18: 21-35. What do these passages say about our acknowledgement of our sins and God's

"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we
make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. "

2. Discuss in class how repentance is absolutely necessary for our welfare.

Repentance is necessary because in the way we live, and in the way we think, sincere repentance creates a
transition. Many who claim they repent, but do not yield "fruits worthy of repentance" are misleading themselves.

Activity3 – I am significant
Relate the Comic strips to the Christian concept of human dignity.

Christian Concept of Human Dignity

Something that cannot be taken away is human dignity. Every individual has
dignity, is deserving of great respect and must be free from slavery. It means being
accepted and appreciated for what you are, what you trust, and how you live your
life. For the human soul, dignity is one of the most essential things.

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Activity4 – Read, Write and Reflect
1. How important is it to value human dignity according to Christian faith? Enumerate practical benefits of seeing
human dignity in terms of human persons' relation with God.
 People are only expected to do tasks like being successful in education, having mates, living a
happier life, and maybe even make a difference in the world with respect.

 Having dignity includes being treated with respect and properly treating people.

2. Cite stories about Christians whose lives are testimonies of how faith enabled them to experience a. conversion
a. "new person'" (ongoing creation)
b. When “good student and obedient son” Christopher Yuan turned his back on his family and embraced drugs,
homosexuality, promiscuity, and rebellion, his mother Angela (who was struggling through a failing marriage) decided to
kill herself. But a priest gave her a pamphlet describing God’s love — something Angela had never heard before.
Something that changed her life completely.

c. authentic freedom (redemption)

d. Rosaria’s story is unusual in that it is one of the few in which a “prodigal” had “everything to lose and nothing to gain” by
turning to God. Yet she did it anyway. And indeed, the first few months (perhaps years) after Rosaria chose to believe and
trust in God, she lost everything — her job, her friends, her students and colleagues’ respect, her partner, and her (old,
comfortable) life

e. courage and persistence to pursue what is right (sanctification)

f. Unlike most of the people on this list, Nabeel was not a prodigal in any outward way. The son of
loving devout Muslim parents, Nabeel Qureshi was clean-cut, well-educated, kind, respectful, and
quite happy with his life. But then Nabeel met David Wood, a staunch Christian who had once
spent time in jail for attempting to kill his father, and who came to know the love of God through
the challenge of a fellow inmate.

Activity5 – The Good Samaritan

1. Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10: 25-37)

2. Make catchy statement/s, which can be used as a caption for a poster or car sticker, like the one stated by Martin Luther
King, Jr., to capture the meaning of the parable.

“The first question that the priest asked the Levite was: "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to
me? “But the Good Samaritan reversed the question: fI do not stop to help this man, what will happen to
him?" -Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Be nice to people... maybe it'll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love
anyway. We rise by lifting others.”

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Activity6 – Panatang Makabayan
Study the Philippine Pledge of Allegiance that we recite every day in school. Discuss how this reflects our relation with
our society.

Panatang Makabayan

Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas,

tahanan ng akinglahi;
kinukupkopako at tinutulungang
magingmalakas, masipag at marangal.
Dahil mahal ko ang Pilipinas,
diringgin ko ang payo
ng akingmagulang,
susundin ko ang tuntunin ng paaralan,

tutuparin ko ang tungkulin

ng mamamayangmakabayan:
naglilingkod, nag-aaral at nagdarasal
Iaalay ko ang akingbuhay,
pangarap, pagsisikap

This poem was made for Filipinos to Appreciate the wonders of being Filipino. This reflects how we love our country.
Schools made students recite this every morning during their flag ceremony.
It's dependent upon us to go about as the "Panatang Makabayan" offers us to: serving unselfishly and remaining
consistent with a guarantee, in any event, when it's unbelievably troublesome and regularly upsetting.

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Activity7 – Cause and effect
Explain this diagram. Define each problem and explain how one leads to another.

Materialism consumerism discrimination

Crimes poverty marginalization

Materialism is a behaviour that many people has. They tend to worship material things instead of those that you cannot
see. One example is things you buy in the market. This leads to consumerism. This is a behaviour that makes you
consume or buy things excessively. Discrimination happens when several groups of people judge someone's gender,
behaviour, religion, or skin colour. Discrimination leads to marginalization. This is treating someone unfair to the other
person. They tend to marginalize people with no power to defend themselves such as senior citizens. With
marginalization going on, there is a huge chance of poverty to start. With unequal treatment, they probably won't be
able to pay people equally. This leads to crimes. If you haven't got enough resources to get through the daily basis, then
you might need to resort to crimes such as stealing.

Activity8 – Representing human dignity

Look for a picture that you think best represents the inviolability of human dignity as explained by Christian faith.
Paste it in the paper. Below picture, write a one-liner caption about the picture.

"Dignity is the only thing people can't take away from you. "

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Activity9 – God Loves me
1. When do you feel that God loves you? How is your feeling grounded on a firm personal faith conviction?

Whenever I feel that God loves me, it's like for a split-second, all my problems are gone. A huge burden has just
been lifted from my back. I feel relieved. My faith grows stronger every time I feel like he's there for me-- which is 24/7--.
Even in the toughest times, I never lost faith in Him.

2. Write a letter to God expressing either your gratitude for His love for you or your request for the grace to let you
feel more His love for you.

Dear God,
It's me again. Just want to say thank you for staying by my side when no one was. You were always enough.
More than enough, even. I'm sorry I always took you for granted theses past few months. I promise I'll make it
up to you. But for now, I request the grace from you. Thank you, always.


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