Agile Task Order Example

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Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

Note: All sections of this RFQ will be incorporated into the contract except the
Statement of Objectives, Instructions, and Evaluation Factors.

1. Definitions
for software development that is characterized by incremental and iterative processes where releases are
produced in close collaboration with the customer. This process improves investment manageability,
lowers risk of project failure, shortens the time to realize value, and allows agencies to better adapt to
changing needs.

CONTRACTING OFFICER (CO) - The Government official responsible for the execution and
administration of contracts on behalf of the Government.

CONTRACTING OFFICER’S REPRESENTATIVE (COR ) - An individual designated by the

Contracting Officer to act as his/her representative to assist in managing the contract. The authorities and
limitations of a COR appointment are contained in the written letter of appointment.

DAY – A calendar day unless stated otherwise. If a deliverable is due on a weekend or holiday, the
deliverable shall be considered due the next business day.

QUARTER – A quarter will be defined as the first of January through the end of March, first of April
through the end of June, first of July through the end of September, and first of October through the end
of December.

BUSINESS DAY – Any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, a Federal holiday or other day on which the
Federal Government by law or executive order is closed. Note: This includes any weather-related office
closures if the place of performance is in a Federal Building.

MINIMUM FUNCTIONALITY – The minimum capabilities a product should have to meet the
Government’s objectives.

AGILE ENVIRONMENT – A team-based setting for IT product development where the Agile
development methodology is used.

ITERATION/SPRINT/RELEASE CYCLE – Divisions of time within the Agile development framework.

Each iteration is small in scale (i.e., encompasses a single or a few function(s) within a multistep process).
Multiple iterations form releases. For more information, see the TechFAR at

MILESTONES/EPICS – A necessary step in a process. In this document, used to refer to components of a

given project.

STORY POINT – A measurement of work and effort. Story points are used in an Agile development
environment to demonstrate how much work was achieved in a given sprint or iteration. For more

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

information, see the TechFAR at


THROUGHPUT – The amount of material or items passing through a system or process; in this
document, refers to the work activity of a product development team.

2. Services and Prices

1.1 Brief Description of Services

Services required under this Task Order are to assist the AGENCY with the design and
implementation of three products:

 Product # 1
 Product # 2
 Data Analytics

1.2 Type of Contract

Task Order against GSA Alliant Small Business (SB) GWAC – Firm Fixed Price

This requirement will be solicited under the following North American Industrial Classification
System (NAICS) Code: 541512, Computer Systems Design Services, $27.5M. This Task Order
will be made in accordance with FAR 16.505 which governs orders placed under Indefinite
Delivery contracts as detailed in the GSA GWAC Ordering guide.

1.3 Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) Format

The Offeror shall submit their proposed CLIN structure in a manner that represents agile
software development methodology in which iterations are priced.

BASE PERIOD: 6 months

CLIN of Iteration
0001, _______Weeks
FFP- Completion - The Contractor shall provide services for the Government in
accordance with the Performance Work Statement (PWS)
Price Per Iteration $XXXXX

Other Direct Costs TBD

Period of Performance: 6 months

Firm Fixed Price (Completion): $XXXXX

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

Award Term Incentive: 6 months

Length of Iteration _______Weeks

CLIN 0002, FFP- Completion - The Contractor shall provide services for the Government in
accordance with the Performance Work Statement (PWS)
Price Per Iteration $XXXXX

Other Direct Costs TBD

Period of Performance: 6 months

Firm Fixed Price (Completion): $XXXXX

Award Term 02/Option Term: 6 months

Length of Iteration _______Weeks

CLIN 1001, FFP- Completion - The Contractor shall provide services for the Government in
accordance with the Performance Work Statement (PWS)
Price Per Iteration $XXXXX

Other Direct Costs TBD

Period of Performance: 6 months

Firm Fixed Price (Completion): $XXXXX

Award Term 03/Option Term: 6 months

Length of Iteration _______Weeks

CLIN 1002, FFP- Completion - The Contractor shall provide services for the Government in
Price Per Iteration
accordance $XXXXX
with the Performance Work Statement (PWS)

Other Direct Costs TBD

Period of Performance: 6 months

Firm Fixed Price (Completion): $XXXXX

1.4 Payment Schedule

The contractor shall be paid upon the completion of each iteration upon its acceptance and
verification by the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). Invoices shall be submitted at

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

the end of each iteration in accordance with the delivery schedule as established in the
Performance Work Statement.

1.5 Award Term Incentive

This Task Order shall be Firm Fixed Price/Award Term Incentive. The purpose of the Award
Term Incentive is to incentivize superior performance and delivery by offering an additional
period of performance. Following the base period, the Government will offer one (1) Award
Term Incentive and two (2) additional options pending availability of funds.

1.5.1 Award Term Incentive

An Award Term Incentive of six (6) months following the initial base period of six (6)
months is authorized under this Task Order. In order to be eligible for this Award Term
Incentive, the Contractor must receive an overall “Excellent” performance rating in the base

This Award Term Incentive may only be awarded for an overall “Excellent” performance
rating based on metrics that are determined to be in the best interest of the Government.

The Government will appoint an Award Term Determining Official (ATDO) who will
provide the official performance review and approval for an Award Term Incentive Option
to be exercised. The ATDO in conjunction with the Contracting Officer will make the
Government’s unilateral decision as to the exclusion of any portion of the performance
period from the decision on whether or not to award the Award Term Incentive. Award
Term Incentive Plan

As part of their Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP), Offerors should propose an
Award Term Incentive Plan that explains how the Contracting Officer and the ATDO will
determine whether or not the contractor’s performance is “Excellent.” This proposal should
include the criteria the Contracting Officer and the ATDO should consider and what the
definition of “Excellent” should be under these criteria.

Acceptance of this Award Term Incentive Plan is at the Government’s sole discretion. The
Contracting Officer will notify the contractor within two (2) weeks of award whether or not
the Award Term Incentive Plan has been accepted. If it is rejected, the Government will
replace the proposed Award Term Incentive Plan with a new version. This new Award
Term Incentive Plan will be unilaterally determined by the Government.

1.5.2 Options

In the event an Award Term Incentive is not earned following the base period, the
Government has the right to determine whether to extend services by exercising up to three
(3) 6-month option periods, and/or a Continuity of Service Clause for transition, and/or an
Extension of Services Clause based upon the need at the time.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

If an Award Term Incentive is earned following the base period, the Government has the
right to determine whether to extend services after the Award Term Incentive by exercising
up to two (2) 6-month option periods, and/or a Continuity of Service Clause for transition,
and/or an Extension of Services Clause based upon the need at the time.

The options are contingent on continued Government requirements and funding availability
for the work identified within scope of this Task Order. The options will be priced based on
the accepted price per iteration as proposed, however, the Government reserves the right to
renegotiate these options and modify the Task Order prior to awarding the option(s).
Options must adhere to the proposed Agile methodology and processes as awarded in the
initial Task Order unless an exception is provided by the Contracting Officer prior to award.

2. Statement of Objectives
2.1 Background

One of AGENCY’s primary missions is to (fill in)

The software applications that underpin AGENCY’s PRODUCT and Data Analytics systems
are outdated. Therefore, the user experience with these products no longer meets the
expectations or needs of the Agency. Additionally, the hardware that underpins the current
PRODUCT and Data Analytics is obsolete. The current applications are built primarily in
XXXXX, and interact with several disparate databases (primarily XXXXX, hosted primarily on
outdated hardware operated by AGENCY in its own facility. These applications are difficult to
change and provide a poor user experience. Additionally, each application currently functions

2.1.1 General Current Structure

The AGENCY network is a Microsoft based environment, primarily hosted on-site, with the
Small Business Search Current Structure.


2.2 Objectives

Note: The Statement of Objectives will be removed at time of award and replaced with the
Offeror’s Performance Work Statement. All listed objectives and requirements shall be included
as part of the Offeror’s Performance Work Statement.

2.2.1 Overview

The objective of this Task Order is to acquire IT services in order to modernize

AGENCY’s technology stack, products; and create a Data Analytics tool to enhance
reporting capabilities agency-wide. AGENCY is seeking a contractor with agile software

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

development practices, experience with modern web application frameworks, experience

with migrating legacy applications and databases to modern infrastructure, and user
experience/visual design capabilities. The AGENCY intends for this project to be
completed by working in short development iterations of several weeks, each of which will
typically result in the delivery of functioning software that can be tested with internal and
external users.

The success of these products will be based on ease of use, end user acceptance and
adoption, the implementation of industry best practices, and rapid time to market for all
development efforts. In order to accomplish this, these services shall be provided via agile
software development processes that achieve results through continuous capability
enhancement, prompt response to emerging needs, demonstrated reliability, and optimized
performance with resource utilization minimized.

Iterations should progressively develop non-proprietary, modern, well-designed web

applications that will gradually replace AGENCY’s legacy applications, allowing
AGENCY to decommission its existing systems as features and capabilities are replaced by
this new application.

In order to meet this objective, the contractor shall:

 Develop and implement a new web application for XXXXXX that meets the needs of
XXXXX users applying for certifications and AGENCY employees and managers
that must process these certifications.
 Develop and implement a new PRODUCT that better meets the needs of users.
 Build data analytics capability which allows AGENCY to easily measure business
metrics related to its digital services across contracting and non-contracting
programs, and instrument AGENCY’s digital services to ensure they capture the
metrics required to access each product’s success.
 Develop, test, and deploy these new AGENCY IT systems pertaining to PRODUCT
1, PRODUCT 2, and Data Analytics in a modern technology stack. Core parts of this
new stack will include: a modern, industry-standard open source web application
development framework; a modern, open source relational database; and hosting on
virtual machines in a cloud environment provided by an infrastructure-as-a-service
 Execute an implementation strategy that supports incremental business function and
process migration with intermediate deliverables shipped on short timelines.
Deprecate old databases and web applications as features are migrated, capturing
both maintenance and financial cost savings.
 Execute a data migration from old databases into the new infrastructure. This
migration must ensure data integrity and a seamless transition from the old systems
to the new system.
 Maintain a tracking tool and metrics to monitor progress against the Agile
Development Management Plan (ADMP).

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 Ensure products are compliant with federal Section 508 requirements and AGENCY
IT security requirements, as described in the Appendix. For Section 508 compliance,
the Contractor shall indicate for each line item in the schedule whether each product
or service is compliant or noncompliant with the accessibility standards at 36 CFR §
1194. Further, the proposal must indicate where full details of compliance can be
found (e.g., vendor’s website or other exact location).
 Cultivate a positive, trusting, and cooperative working relationship with the
Government and other vendors that support AGENCY.
 Ensure that AGENCY maintains ownership of and has ready access to all source
code, tests, documentation, deployment scripts, designs, user research
documentation, and all other materials related to developing and deploying these
 Leverage technology capabilities to meet customer needs with timely and seamless
access to the cloud-based infrastructure, business applications, and data. This
includes staying abreast of new feature offerings and new and innovative ways to
provide technology value to agency customers, including, but not limited to, open
sourcing the applications, or the development of APIs.
 Maintain a dialogue between the service provider and all project stakeholders, rather
than trying to comprehensively specify requirements up-front. This focus will be
assisted by working through short, tightly scoped product iterations in which working
software is delivered to users regularly, and adjustments are made based on feedback
gleaned from these iterations.
 Lead and collaborate with the COR, workgroups, and stakeholders in requirements
sessions in order to develop recommendations and approaches, to be approved by the
Government to satisfy the objectives and purposes of this Task Order. Results of
these sessions will generate the Product Road Map, Epics, and User Stories, business
logic and rules, functionality, and system documentation.

The work to satisfy this SOO has been broken down into several Project Themes which will
ultimately make up the Product Road Map. These projects are not necessarily sequential; in
fact, as described below, many can move in parallel once the initial steps within Project 1
have been completed.

The Initial Product Backlog (See Appendix) provides a detailed breakdown of the desired
functionality as identified at this time. The Initial Product Backlog is not a binding
document, but rather a representative sample of the functionality that is anticipated will be
required to be delivered under this Task Order. The specific user stories will be identified
through the agile development process as proposed in the Performance Work Statement
(PWS). The Initial Product Backlog provides some guidance on specific objectives that
should be included in each project.

The PWS should provide a detailed process for working with the Product Manager and End
Users to capture, prioritize, and work-off the Product Backlog. The prioritization effort may
include working backlog items across multiple projects concurrently based on the teams
capacity and end user priorities.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

2.2.2 Deliverables

Deliverables under this Task Order are defined as the completion and acceptance according
to the “Definition of Done” of the iterations completed, which are based on the contractor’s
Agile Software Development methodology. This methodology defines the repeatable
process of providing development and deployment services in small iterations lasting two to
five weeks which results in the delivery of design, usable software, data, or product, which
have little to no inherent defects. Each iteration shall be defined in the Performance Work
Statement but should document how planning, requirement analysis (user story building),
design, coding, testing, quality assurance, and documentation will all meet the contractor’s
“Definition of Done”.

Each deliverable shall incorporate AGENCY IT requirements as detailed in the Appendix

of this document and the United States Digital Service Playbook standards
( and be compliant with Section 508.

Functional Requirements, translated into Epics and User Stories that will be used to
populate the Product Backlog may include, but are not limited to:

 Initial application design and implementation

 System configuration to support business processes
 Integration for input and output methods
 Workflow design and implementation
 Overall collaboration of applications
 Enhancements, patches, and updates to applications, data, or cloud systems
 Data import of records collected from legacy systems
 Automated testing
 Training of end users on the systems

2.2.3 Stakeholders

Stakeholders for this project include, but are not limited to, the AGENCY’s Deputy Chief
of Staff, the AGENCY’s Digital Service team, relevant personnel in the AGENCY’s Office
of Government Contracting and Business Development, the Contracting Officer’s
Representative (COR) and the Contracting Officer.

2.2.4 Agile Development Management Plan (ADMP) and Key Personnel

Offerors shall propose an Agile Development Management Plan (ADMP) which

demonstrates how the Offeror intends to manage, develop, implement, and maintain the
requirements described in this SOO and the RFQ. The plan shall include, at a minimum:

 Contact information for all senior leaders and an organizational chart showing the
Offeror’s organizational hierarchy and reporting structure, with specific designation
of individuals as Key Personnel;

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 Management resources;
 Technical resources and skill sets required to develop, implement, and maintain the
proposed solution; and
 Details on the management of the Offeror’s team that will be on-site.

The ADMP and the listing of Key Personnel shall become part of the Task Order upon

2.2.5 Kick-Off Meeting/Post-Award Conference

The AGENCY Deputy Chief of Staff, relevant personnel from the AGENCY’s Office of
Government Contracting and Business Development, Contracting Officer, and COR shall
hold a Kick-Off meeting/Post-Award Conference in Washington, DC with contractor’s
team and other relevant Government staff to review and clarify the project’s objectives,
expectations from the Government, and address any questions the Contractor may have.

The Contractor shall provide and collaborate with the COR on an agenda for this meeting.
Discussion topics shall include, but not be limited to: introduction of the Contractor and
Government Staff; understanding of the specific tasks and subtasks; project management
expectations; agreement on meeting schedules; and agreement on initial delivery dates.

The Kick-Off meeting/Post-Award Conference will take place within 10 days from award
and will be scheduled by the Contracting Officer.

2.2.6 System Documentation and Training

The Contractor shall:

 Provide all system documentation and training to AGENCY staff (in-person, video,
and via webinar).
 Develop and provide effective training materials of all deliverables, including, but
not limited to, “train the trainer” documentation.
 Conduct “train the trainer” sessions for AGENCY staff.
 Consult with the COR to determine what is appropriate, effective, and essential for

2.2.7 Transition

The Contractor shall:

Provide a Transition Plan and account for Transition Activities as described in Section 4.2.

3. Contract Requirements

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

3.1 Key Personnel

The following requirements related to personnel must be met:

a) If awarded this Task Order, the Contractor shall assign to perform this Task Order those
persons whose résumés are submitted with its proposal and who are identified in the
Contractor’s proposal as Key Personnel. Not all contractor employees assigned to perform
this Task Order will be Key Personnel.
b) If an individual proposed as Key Personnel becomes unavailable during the course of the
source selection process, the Offeror will notify the Contracting Officer immediately and
provide a substitute and their résumé. The proposal of any Key Personnel not currently
employed by the Offeror shall be accompanied by letters of intent signed by the proposed
Key Personnel indicating their intent to be employed by the Offeror if the Offeror is
awarded a Task Order under this RFQ.
c) The Contractor agrees that during the first six (6) months of Task Order performance, no
Key Personnel substitutions will be made unless necessitated by an individual’s sudden
illness, death, or termination of employment. In any of these events, the Contractor shall
promptly notify the Contracting Officer and provide the information required by paragraph
(e) below on the proposed replacement for Government approval. No substitutions of Key
Personnel shall be made except in accordance with this provision.
d) After the initial six-month period of performance, the Contractor must obtain Government
approval of any substitution of Key Personnel prior to removing the approved Key
Personnel from performance. All proposed substitutions/additions must be submitted, in
writing, to the Contracting Officer at least 30 days (60 days if security clearances are
involved) in advance of the proposed substitution and provide the information required by
paragraph (e) below.
e) All requests for substitutions/additions of Key Personnel must include a detailed
explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitution or addition, a
complete résumé for the proposed substitute or addition including skills, experience,
education, training, and security level. As determined by the Contracting Officer, all
proposed substitutes/additions must have qualifications that meet or exceed the
qualifications of the person to be replaced.
f) The Contracting Officer or his/her authorized representatives will evaluate the request(s)
for substitutions/additions of Key Personnel and the Contracting Officer will notify the
Contractor, in writing, of approval or disapproval. Disapproval of the proposed
individual(s) shall not provide grounds for nonperformance by the Contractor or form the
basis of any claim for monies, delivery schedule extension, or any other equitable
g) The personnel set forth below as proposed by the Contractor for this Task Order, or
identified in the Contractor’s proposals as Key Personnel, shall comprise the list of Key
Personnel required to perform under this Task Order. The list may be modified in
accordance with the above, to substitute or add personnel:

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

Labor Category Key Personnel Name

h) At a minimum, a Project Manager must be identified and designated as Key Personnel.

There may be more than one Project Manager. The Project Manager will be a direct liaison
to AGENCY’s Office of Government Contracting and Business Development. The Project
Manager must be a senior staff member and is responsible for the supervision and
management of the Contractor’s personnel, technical assistance, and interface and
compliance with instructions from AGENCY’s COR. Desired skills/experience for the
Project Manager include:
a) Experience in technical leadership.
b) Ability to rapidly prioritize competing requirements.
c) Ability to understand and simplify customer requirements.
d) Ability to communicate end user feedback to technical and design leads.
e) Computer Science or Engineering degree or equivalent work experience.
f) Strong communication skills.
g) Proven knowledge of industry standards.
h) Proven knowledge of managing Agile Software Development efforts.

3.2 Transition Plan

3.2.1 Transition Plan

The Contractor shall:

1) Ensure and agree that all deliverables, products, licenses, designs, data, documentation,
tests, user research notes, source code, configuration settings and files, and materials
developed throughout this Task Order will be the property of the AGENCY
2) 30 days prior to Task Order base period conclusion, provide a Transition Plan for all
deliverables, products, and materials. Should options be exercised, the Transition Plan
will be updated 30 days prior to the end of each option period.
3) Coordinate with the COR and potentially another vendor, and implement the Transition
Plan according to the COR’s direction.
4) Provide assistance to the COR and potentially another vendor to stand-up and ensure
the applications, systems, databases, platform, and environments are tested and fully
5) Ensure the transition plan includes a detailed inventory of all files, materials, etc. that
will be submitted along with detailed instructions to seamlessly set up the websites,
applications, databases, systems, platform, etc. At that time, all files, materials, boxes,
etc. shall be clearly labeled, packaged, and indexed according to the inventory.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

3.2.2 Transition Activities

The Contractor shall:

1) During the transition to the Government and/or a new contractor, the Contractor shall
perform all necessary transition activities, including, but not limited to, continued full
services to AGENCY and other customers; participation, at discretion of COR in five
or more meetings with the Government or new contractor to effect a smooth transition
and provide detailed information on the operation of all deliverables; training of new
personnel (contractor or Government) during transition period, in all system operation
and maintenance functions; appropriate close-out of outstanding technical and related
2) Final report should include list of accomplishments, documentation, and customized
code developed for AGENCY. Should the Contractor be terminated prior to the end of
the scheduled base period, the Contractor shall transfer all project materials to the COR
within two weeks of the COR’s request.

3.3 Controlled Facilities and Information Systems Security

The contractor must adhere to the IT security requirements described in the Appendix, including
all security requirements related to deliverables under this Task Order.

3.4 Section 508 Accessibility Standards Notice (September 2009)

All deliverables (including, but not limited to, electronic and information technology (EIT))
procured through this Task Order must meet the applicable accessibility standards at 36 CFR §
1194, U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) under
the authority of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendment of 1998, unless an agency
exception to this requirement exists. 36 CFR § 1194, U.S. Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) is viewable at The
Contractor shall indicate for each line item in the schedule whether each product or service is
compliant or noncompliant with the accessibility standards at 36 CFR § 1194. Further, the
proposal must indicate where full details of compliance can be found (e.g., vendor’s website or
other exact location).

3.5 Non-Disclosure Policies

The work to be performed by and the data released to the Contractor’s personnel shall be treated
as sensitive and confidential in nature and is not to be discussed with or released to anyone
except AGENCY employees assigned to work with the Contractor and other Contractor
personnel working on the Task Order.

The Contractor is responsible for requiring all of its employees working under this Task Order,
who have access to privileged information under this Task Order, to execute all Certifications

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

required by the AGENCY. The AGENCY, as it deems appropriate, may require additional
certifications be completed by the contractor at any time during Task Order performance.

3.6 Potential Organizational Conflicts of Interest

Offerors shall provide a signed statement which describes concisely all relevant facts
concerning any past, present, or planned interest (financial, contractual, organizational, or
otherwise) relating to the work to be performed under the proposed contract or task order and
bearing on whether the Offeror has a possible organizational or personnel conflict of interest
with respect to:

1) Being able to render impartial, technically sound, and objective assistance or advice,
2) Being given an unfair competitive advantage.

The Offeror may also provide relevant facts that show how its organizational structure and/or
management systems limit its knowledge of possible organizational conflicts of interest relating
to other divisions or sections of the organization and how that structure or system would avoid
or mitigate such organizational conflict.

No task order award shall be made until any potential conflict of interest has been neutralized
or mitigated to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer. The vendor will notify the
Contracting Officer in writing as soon as any conflict of interest is identified and will propose
steps for mitigating the conflict.

Refusal to provide the requested information or the willful misrepresentation of any relevant
information by an Offeror shall disqualify the Offeror from further consideration for award of a
task order under this solicitation.

If the Contracting Officer determines that a potential conflict can be avoided, effectively
mitigated, or otherwise resolved through the inclusion of a special contract clause, the terms of
the clause will be subject to negotiation.

3.7 Contractor Use of Commercial Computer Software, Including Open Source


Open source software is often licensed under terms that require a user to make user’s
modifications to the open source software or any software that the user combines with the open
source software freely available in source code form pursuant to distribution obligations in the
license. In cases where the Contractor proposes to use the open source software while
performing under this Task Order, regardless of whether the open source software is delivered,
the Contractor shall not create, or purport to create, any Government distribution obligation
with respect to Government computer software deliverables. Prior to using any commercial
computer software, including open source software which is considered commercial computer
software, the Contractor shall evaluate each license for commercial computer software, and
confirm that each of the following requirements is satisfied:

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1) A license for a particular commercial computer software shall be compatible with all
licenses for other commercial computer software that are or will be linked to, adapted
to, integrated, combined or merged with the particular commercial computer
software, including when the particular commercial computer software and the other
commercial computer software are used with another computer program
2) A license for commercial computer software shall not impose a future Government
obligation that is foreseeable by the Contractor
3) A license for commercial computer software shall not be terminated by the
Contractor’s use of the commercial computer software in performing under the
4) Contractor’s cost to comply with this requirement presents no additional costs to the

If, as a result of the Contractor’s evaluation, the Contractor satisfies all of the requirements in
the paragraphs above, then the Contractor shall provide a written summary report of the above
findings to the Contracting Officer stating that the Contractor has evaluated the commercial
computer software use and the commercial computer software license, and made each
determination required in the paragraphs above. The Contractor shall request permission from
the Contracting Officer to use the proposed commercial computer software. This notification
shall include all information regarding the identification and proposed use(s) of the commercial
computer software.

If the Contractor is unable to satisfy all of the requirements in the paragraphs above for a
particular commercial computer software license, then the Contractor may not use the
commercial computer software covered by the particular license without prior written approval
of the Contracting Officer. If the Contractor wants to use the commercial computer software for
which the requirements in the paragraphs above within this section are not satisfied, the
Contractor shall request approval to use the otherwise prohibited subject commercial computer
software from the Contracting Officer by providing written notification addressing the

1) The name and version number of the software;

2) The name of applicable license(s);
3) A brief description of the technical use and implementing approach
4) A “yes/no” indication as to whether the Contractor has made, or will make, any
modifications to the source code;
5) The software website; and
6) An identification of the reason(s) that the Contractor was unable to make the
determination in the paragraphs above.

4. Post Award Instructions

4.1 Invoicing

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

The Contractor shall bill for the ongoing operations as per the payment schedule documented in
PWS and the corresponding cost proposal as associated with specific deliverables.

The AGENCY will reject all nonconforming invoices.

The Contracting Officer, working with the COR, is responsible for determining minimum
requirements for the information to be provided on the invoice. For information on what
constitutes a valid invoice, refer to FAR 32.905. The minimum information includes:

• Date of Invoice
• Contract #
• Requisition #
• Billing Company name/address - as stated in the award (if this changes in at any time during the period of performance, notify the Contracting
Officer to process a modification).
• Must include a “Remit to” address (which is complete) as stated in the award. If this
changes in at any time during the period of performance, notify the
Contracting Officer to process a modification.
• Period of performance/services
• Amount Billed for specified work accomplished
• Total Contract value
• Cumulative Billed
• Contract Line item number (CLIN) being billed, for each milestone achieved and list of
deliverables as identified in the PWS
• Narrative of performance sufficient to justify the invoice
• Explanation of incentives/disincentives
• Point of Contact for invoicing issues and phone number

Invoices shall be mailed to the email address indicated in block 18a on the SF 1449 of the award

The invoice will contain a statement signed by a responsible official of the Contractor
substantially similar if not identical to the following:

“I certify that the items above have been delivered in accordance with the Task Order,
and that all charges are true, correct, and have not been previously billed.”

4.2 Funding

Funding for performance will be allocated and obligated for each exercised Contract Line Item

5. Inspection and Acceptance

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

5.1 Overview

The contractor shall ensure proper control and coordination of all deliverables to ensure they are
on time. Unless otherwise stated, the Government will review deliverables and notify the
contractor of acceptance or non-acceptance within 5 business days. Representatives of the
contractor shall meet with the COR and other members of the Government as necessary to
review status of deliverables.

5.2 Notice Regarding Late Delivery

The Contractor shall notify the COR, or other authorized representative designated in each Task
Order, as soon as it becomes apparent to the Contractor that a scheduled delivery will be late.
The Contractor shall include in the notification the rationale for late delivery, the expected date
for the delivery, and the project impact of the late delivery. Such notification in no way limits
any Government contractual rights or remedies, including, but not limited to, termination.

5.3 Default Acceptance

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any deliverable requiring acceptance by the Government shall
be deemed to be accepted by the Government if no written notice of non-conformity has been
received by the Contractor within the acceptance period as outlined in Section 6.1.

6. Deliveries and Performance

6.1 Period of Performance

The Period of Performance for this Task Order shall be a base period of 6 months, with one (1)
6-month Award Term Incentive. Two (2) additional 6-month Award Term Options will be
included for a total potential period of performance of up to two (2) years as described in
Section 2.5.

6.2 Place of Performance

Offerors shall propose the number and composition of on-site (at AGENCY HQ in Washington,
DC) and off-site personnel teams as it relates to their proposed solution.

Any off-site development and test environments need to be compliant with AGENCY and
federal security guidelines as detailed in the Appendix.

6.3 Packaging and Marking of Deliverables

All information and deliverables shall be delivered electronically to the COR, unless otherwise
instructed, and shall be marked as follows:

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

1) Name and Address of Contractor;

2) Task Order Number;
3) Description of item contained therein; and
4) Consignee’s name and address.

7. Contracting Officer
7.1 Contracting Officer’s Authority

The Contracting Officer is the only individual who can legally commit or obligate the
Government for the expenditure of public funds. The technical administration of this Task
Order shall not be construed to authorize the revision of the terms and conditions of this Task
Order. Only the Contracting Officer can authorize any such revision in writing. The Contracting
Officer shall promptly countermand any action that exceeds the authority of the COR.

7.2 Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) Authority

The Contracting Officer may designate additional technical personnel to serve in monitoring the
work under this Task Order. The COR will coordinate and manage the activities under the Task

8. Special Contract Requirements

8.1 Title to Materials Shall Vest in the Government

All hardware, software, materials, products, licenses, source code, data, and information
produced and/or furnished to the Government under this Task Order shall become the property
of and remain with the Government upon delivery and acceptance by the Government. This
shall include but not be limited to the following: plans, systems analysis, design specifications,
drawings, completed programs and documentation thereof, reports and listings, all tapes, disk
files, and other items pertaining to the work and services to be performed pursuant to the Task
Order. The Government shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare
derivative works, and distribute copies to the public of such hardware, software, materials,
products, licenses, source code, data, and information in any manner and for any purpose, and to
have or permit others to do so, without compensation to or approval from the Contractor.

All hardware, software, materials, products, licenses, source code, data, and information
produced or acquired with Task Order funds, or under the Contractor’s control as Government
Furnished Property or Materials, shall be turned over to the Government (or a new contractor,
as applicable) in good condition. All data and supporting documentation shall be submitted or
furnished to the Government, including the website, application, data files, analytic data files
(with associated instructions and codebook listing and defining all variables), and public use
data files with associated documentation. Analytic files (where source files are reduced in

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

volume and tailored to specific analyses), data analytic programs and results produced under
auspices of this project shall be property of the Government. All information and materials
including data developed under this Task Order are the property of the Government and shall be
delivered as part of the transition and turnover at the end of the Task Order.

8.2 Limited Use of Data

Performance of this Task Order may require the contractor to access and use data and
information proprietary to the Government, which is of such a nature that its dissemination or
use, other than in performance of this Task Order, would be adverse to the interests of the

The Contractor and/or contractor personnel shall not divulge or release data or information
developed or obtained in performance of this Task Order until made public by the Government,
except to authorized Government personnel or upon written approval by the Contracting
Officer. The Contractor shall not use, disclose, or reproduce data identified as proprietary, other
than as required in the performance of this Task Order. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of
any data independently acquired by the contractor without such limitations or prohibit an
agreement at no cost to the Government between the Contractor and the data owner which
provides for greater rights to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall release all required deliverables and data or other works developed under
this Task Order solely in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Task Order. All data
collected and remaining in the custody of the Contractor at the close of this Task Order that
permits identification of an individual or entity described in the data, or an individual supplying
it, must be delivered to the COR or destroyed, in accordance with the terms of the Transition
Plan. No copies or parts of data, derivative files (encrypted and/or individually identifiable) may
be kept by the contractor.

8.3 Notice of Size Re-representation at the Task Order Level

Offers are solicited only from Alliant Small Business GWAC prime contractors that qualify as
small, in accordance with the size standard that corresponds to the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to this Task Order, as of the date that they submit
their Stage Two proposals. An Offeror must be small as of the date that it submits its proposal
for Stage Two and its size status does not relate back to its size recertification under the Alliant
Small Business GWAC that was required under FAR 52.219-28. For a joint venture that
qualified as small for the Alliant SB GWAC due to each of its members individually qualifying
as small at that time, each of those members of the joint venture must recertify its size at the
time the joint venture submits its Stage Two proposal.

An Offeror shall represent its small business size status by validating or updating all of its
representations in the Representations and Certifications section of the System for Award
Management (SAM) and other data in SAM, as necessary, to ensure that these representations
reflect the Offeror’s current size status.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

Any Offeror that fails to recertify its small business size status at the time of Stage Two
proposal submission will be ineligible for Stage Three and will be ineligible for award.

Offerors who misrepresent their small business size status are subject to the penalties contained
in 13 C.F.R. 121.108.

8.4 Order of Precedence

In the event of an inconsistency between the Special Contract Requirements and the FAR
clauses provisions in the RFQ or the Task Order, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving
precedence in the following order:
1. Special Contract Requirements (Section 9 of the RFQ)
2. FAR Clauses contained in Section 10 of the RFQ

9. Contract Clauses

Enter as appropriate

10. Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors

10.1 General

This solicitation will follow a three-stage down-select approach. The instructions for each stage
are described below.

Offerors shall furnish the information required by this solicitation. Offerors are expected to
examine this entire solicitation document. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s own risk.

10.1.1 Best Value Evaluation

The Government will award a Task Order resulting from this solicitation to the
responsible Offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous
to the Government, price and other factors considered. The Offeror’s proposal will be
evaluated on a Best Value Source Selection of the Offeror’s response to the factors listed
in Section 13 of this RFQ. Non-price factors are significantly more important when
compared to price.

10.1.2 Discussions/Communications

The Contracting Officer anticipates awarding a Task Order without entering into
discussion with Offerors, however, the Contracting Officer reserves the right to engage in
discussions if warranted.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

The Government may also have communications with Offerors before establishing a
competitive range.

10.1.3 Options

The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all
options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that
an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of
options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s).

10.1.4 Notice of Award

A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the

successful Offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a
binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer’s specified
expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not
there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received
before award.

10.1.5 Point of Contact/Questions

Prospective offerors may request an explanation or interpretation of the solicitation via
email to the Contracting Officer at. If sending questions via email, prospective offerors
are requested to include the solicitation number and RFQ title in the subject line of the
email and the company’s full name and address in the body of the email.

10.1.6 Changes to Solicitation

Notification of any changes to the RFQ (amendments) shall be made within the
solicitation and circulated by email by the Contracting Officer.

10.2 Stage One (Completed)

Stage One closed on XXXXX and no further opt-in will be considered. Stage One required the
submission of a formal “opt-in” to the solicitation. Industry Partners were required to inform the
CO of their affirmative interest in the competition by 11:59pm EST on XXXXXXX, by sending
an email to or they would not be included in any subsequent solicitation activities. Alliant SB
contractors were notified that a non-response in the affirmative would constitute an opt-out.

Those Alliant SB contractors who have indicated interest (opted-in) during Stage One received
a copy of the full RFQ and may submit proposals in Stage Two.

10.3 Industry Day

AGENCY invites Offerors who opted-in during Stage One to attend an Industry Day which will
be held as follows:

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

The purpose of this industry day is to provide industry insight into the solicitation and provide
answers to questions. A maximum of two (2) representatives from each Alliant SB contractor
holder that expressed interest in the solicitation during Stage One will be permitted to attend the
industry day.

10.4 Stage Two Instructions

10.4.1 Stage Two—Submittal of Proposals

Stage Two will require the submission of the following:

1. Technical Concept Paper (Not to exceed 8 pages)

2. Past Performance/Relevant Prior Experience (Not to exceed 10 pages)
3. Price Submission (No format)

10.4.2 Stage Two—Delivery of Proposals

All documents must be submitted electronically as PDF documents and meet the
following specifications:

 8.5 x 11 inches maximum paper size

 Times New Roman Font
 Font size 12 (except for tables, figures and graphics as all text is legible)
 Single-Spaced
 1 inch margins on all sides
 Include page numbers
 Cover page must reference Solicitation Number

Offerors are cautioned that if any part of their offer exceeds page limitations, the
Government may evaluate only through the permitted number of pages. Pages beyond
that limit may not be evaluated. Note: Cover page and Table of Contents will not be
included in any page limitations.

Only e-mail submissions will be accepted. A facsimile proposal or proposal received

through the mail will not be accepted. Please include the following subject line for the

Late proposals will not be considered. AGENCY cannot be held responsible for errors,
including technological, or delays in the submission of proposals.

10.4.3 Stage Two—Proposal Preparation

Stage Two proposals shall consist of two separate volumes individually titled and
numbered as stated below.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

Volume No. Volume Title

I Technical Concept Paper;
Past Performance/Relevant Prior Experience
II Price Submission; and
Recertification of Small Business Size

There is no specific format/template required for Part II – Price Submission, as long

pricing is expressed in firm fixed price per iteration. See Section 13.3.3 Factor 3 – Price
Submission for additional details. Also see Section 9.3 for instructions on submission of
the recertification of small business size.

Each of the parts must be complete in itself so evaluation of each part may be conducted
independently, and so the technical part may be evaluated strictly on its own merit.

10.4.4 Stage Two Selections

The Government will evaluate the Stage Two submissions and select the Offerors most
likely to submit the highest value solutions, in accordance with FAR 16.505(b)(1)(v)(A)
(5)(ii). Those Offerors considered the most likely to submit the highest value solutions
will be notified of their selection for participation in Stage Three.

10.5 Stage Three Instructions

10.5.1 Stage Three—Submittal of Proposals

Those offerors selected for participation in Stage Three will be required to submit the

1. Performance Work Statement (PWS), including IT Security and 508 Compliance (Not
to exceed 30 pages)
2. Agile Development Management Plan (ADMP) (Not to exceed 20 pages)
3. Proposed Quality Assurance Management Plan (QASP) (No Limitation)
4. Price Proposal (No Limitation)

10.5.2 Stage Three—Delivery of Proposals

Proposals for Stage Three are due at 11:59pm EST on the date that is two (2) weeks after
the Government provides notice of the offerors selected for participation in Stage Three.

All documents must be submitted electronically as PDF documents and meet the
following specifications:

 8.5 x 11 inches maximum paper size

 Times New Roman Font
 Font size 12
 Single-Spaced

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 1 inch margins on all sides

 Include page numbers
 Cover page must reference Solicitation Number

Offerors are cautioned that if any part of their offer exceeds page limitations, the
Government may evaluate only through the permitted number of pages. Pages beyond
that limit may not be evaluated. Note: Cover page and Table of Contents will not be
included in any page limitations.

Only e-mail submissions will be accepted. A facsimile proposal or proposal received

through the mail will not be accepted. Please include the following subject line for the
email: Please note that AGENCY email has a 5 MB size limit. Submissions may need to
be broken into multiple parts.

Late proposals will not be considered. AGENCY cannot be held responsible for errors,
including technological, or delays in the submission of proposals.

10.5.3 Stage Three—Proposal Preparation

Stage Three proposals shall consist of two separate volumes individually titled and
numbered as stated below.

Volume No. Volume Title

I Technical Submission
II Price Submission

There is no specific format/template required for Part II – Price Submission, as long as

pricing is expressed in firm fixed price per iteration. See Section 13.4.5 Factor 5 – Price
Submission for additional details.

Each of the parts must be complete in itself so evaluation of each part may be conducted
independently, and so the technical part may be evaluated strictly on its own merit.

10.5.4 Stage Three – Oral Presentations

Each Offeror in Stage Three will provide an Oral Presentation, which will be evaluated.
The Oral Presentations will be scheduled to occur in the week after Stage Three
submissions are due.

Reference Attachment 2 for additional information about the Scenario and User Stories
for the Oral Presentations.

11. Evaluation Factors

11.1 General

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

AGENCY will conduct two evaluations. The first evaluation will evaluate Stage Two
submissions to determine which Offerors will be permitted to submit proposals in Stage Three.
The second evaluation will evaluate Stage Three submissions. All information provided in any
stage may be used to make the best value determination in Stage Three.

The Government may make award based on initial offers received in Stage Three, without
discussion of such offers. Quotes shall set forth full, accurate, and complete information as
required by this solicitation package (including Appendices and Attachments). The penalty for
making false statements in quotes is prescribed in 18 USC. 1001. Discussions may be utilized if
it is in the best interest of the Government as determined by the Contracting Officer.

11.2 Technical Capability Evaluation Criteria

The Offeror’s technical qualifications shall be used to determine whether the Offeror has the
requisite experience and expertise to perform various types of work as outlined in the Statement
of Objectives. The rating definitions provided below will be used for the evaluation of each
Technical Evaluation Factor and sub-factor and to assign each proposal with an overall rating.
This applies to both stages of the evaluation.
 Outstanding (O) – Significantly exceeds most or all solicitation requirements for this factor
or sub-factor or overall. Response exceeds an “Excellent” rating. The risk of unsuccessful
contract performance is extremely low. Contains no Deficiencies, Significant Weaknesses,
or Weaknesses.
 Excellent (E) – Fully meets all solicitation minimum requirements and exceeds many of the
solicitation requirements for this factor or sub-factor or overall OR exceeds a small number
of the minimum requirements but to a significant degree or in a valuable way for this factor
or sub-factor overall. Response exceeds an “Acceptable” rating. The risk of unsuccessful
contract performance is very low. Contains no Deficiencies or Significant Weaknesses.
 Acceptable (A) – Fully meets all solicitation minimum requirements for this factor or sub-
factor or overall. Areas where the proposal exceeds the minimum solicitation requirements,
if any, are of little or no value to the Government. The risk of unsuccessful contract
performance is low. Contains no Deficiencies.
 Marginal (M) – Does not meet all solicitation requirements for this factor or sub-factor or
overall. The proposal indicates a superficial or vague understanding of the program goals
and the methods, resources, schedules, and/or other aspects essential to contract
performance. Response is below an “Acceptable” rating. The risk of unsuccessful contract
performance is moderate.
 Unacceptable (U) – Technical proposal has many or significant deficiencies and/or
substantial omissions for a factor or sub-factor or overall AND/OR the proposal
demonstrates a lack of understanding of the program goals, methods, resources, schedules,
and/or other aspects essential to contract performance. Response is below a “Marginal”
rating. The risk of unsuccessful contract performance is high.

The terms below are used in the ratings:

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 “Deficiency” is a material failure of a quote to meet a government requirement or a

combination of significant weaknesses in a quote that increases the risk of unsuccessful
contract performance to an unacceptable level.
 “Weakness” means a flaw in the quote that increases the risk of unsuccessful contract
 “Significant weakness” is a flaw that appreciably increases the risk of unsuccessful contract
 “Strength” means the quote exceeds a Government requirement that appreciably decreases
the risk of unsuccessful contract performance.
 “Reasonableness”, in terms of price, occurs if in its nature and amount, it does not exceed
that which would be incurred by a prudent person in the conduct of competitive businesses.
 “Completeness/Accuracy” is when the Offeror’s quote is in compliance with the price
volume instructions in the solicitation.

11.3 Stage Two Evaluation Factors

11.3.1 Factor 1 – Technical Approach Concept Paper

The Technical Approach Concept Paper should demonstrate the Offeror’s ability and
expertise to deliver a solution that meets the established needs and purpose of the
solicitation. Offeror’s proposed solution should align with the goals stated in the
Statement of Objectives. Within the Technical Approach Concept Paper, the Offeror
should demonstrate its:

1) Technical capability to perform the work, including how coordination with

stakeholders will be accomplished.
2) Understanding of and ability to meet the technical requirements expressed in the
3) Overall approach and what, if anything, it would need from the Government to
ensure success as well as identifying any barriers that would reduce or delay success.
4) Conceptual approach for the transition to a modern technology stack.
5) Knowledge and experience with Agile implementation, including but not limited to
the following:
a. Management of an Agile software development methodology;
b. User Story management, sizing, and estimation method;
c. Techniques for release planning;
d. Plans for engaging end users;
e. Methods for capturing and applying lessons learned, testing processes,
reasons behind the composition of their Agile teams;
f. Rationale behind the proposed development talent and project oversight (tied
to Product Vision);
g. How they will make resources available within schedule and budget
constraints; and
h. Approach to configuration management.

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

This factor will be evaluated based on the above, to determine the extent to which the
Offeror’s proposed approach will ensure successful implementation of the stated
objectives. This factor will assess the Offeror’s overall approach to the project and what,
if anything, it would need from the Government to ensure success as well as identifying
any barriers that would reduce or delay success.

11.3.2 Factor 2 – Past Performance/Prior Experience

Offerors shall submit information for not more than five (5) distinct projects completed
within the last 3 years that are similar in scope and complexity to this requirement which
clearly demonstrate an understanding of and ability to meet the technical requirements
expressed in this solicitation. In evaluation of past performance, the Contracting Officer
can consider other sources beyond what is provided.

Within the five permitted references, only three are allowed to be submitted for

Preference may be given to Offerors who submit at least one example of past experience
with agile software development.

This factor assesses the Offeror’s experience performing work that is similar to the work
to be performed under this Task Order. Consideration will be given to what aspects of an
Offeror’s contract history provide the most confidence that the Offeror will satisfy the
requirements described in this RFQ. This factor considers the quality of the Offeror’s
performance on current or completed contracts and evaluates the Government’s level of
confidence that the Offeror will be able to successfully accomplish this effort. The
following points will be considered in assessing the Offeror’s ability to perform the Task
Order successfully (confidence rating):

 Technical past performance: quality of product, analytical capability and

capability to employ sound engineering practices; in particular, prior experience
with projects where the Offeror was responsible for the following activities
which are considered most relevant to success on this project:
o Built custom software application development using a modern, industry
standard web application framework and relational databases
o Designed and implemented a user interface for a web application using
visual design and user experience best practices, as described in the Digital
Services Playbook (
o Deployed web applications in virtualized hosting infrastructure where
resources can be provisioned on demand, in real time
o Completed a migration from legacy applications and databases to new
applications and databases, the end result of which was the old system was
deprecated and eventually removed from service
o Used an agile software development process to deliver incremental results

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 Management past performance: adherence to schedule and responsiveness to the

customer, and communication between the customer and the Offeror

Offerors shall provide Project Summaries for each effort referenced. Offerors are
encouraged to submit any information they consider relevant in demonstrating their
ability to perform the proposed effort, including but not limited to how referenced
performance is relevant to this RFQ’s requirements, illustrates the company’s
capabilities, and shows the company’s ability to ensure quality and mitigate schedule and
other risks.

This factor will be evaluated by the Government to determine confidence in the ability of
the Offeror and the Offeror team members (e.g., Subcontractors) to perform this effort
and to fully satisfy the technical, management, and other contractual requirements based
on their record of past performance and prior experience on contracts of similar nature,
requirements, size, and complexity using the criteria listed above.

11.3.3 Factor 3 – Price Submission

The price submission shall include the following:

 Firm Fixed Price per iteration

Price will be evaluated to determine whether the firm, fixed price proposed is reasonable.
This determination will be based on the review of the Technical Concept Paper in
comparison to the total proposed price per iteration. Pricing for Stage Two of this effort is
required to be of a unit of measure that is equivalent to the proposed iteration cycle as
proposed in the Technical Concept Paper. The technical solution for sizing, iteration
time, estimation process, and throughput must correlate to the proposed pricing.

11.4 Stage Three Evaluation Factors

11.4.1 Factor 1 – Performance Work Statement (PWS)

Offerors shall provide a Performance Work Statement (PWS) in response to the

Statement of Objectives and this RFQ. The deliverables under this PWS are to have
functionality scheduled for an available release without defects.

The PWS shall clearly illustrate the process through which Agile Development of
software in small iterations lasting two to five weeks generally results in the delivery of
usable software as described in Section 3.2.2 Deliverables. The Offeror must propose a
“Definition of Done” that will apply to all User Stories and demonstrates the validation
necessary to complete an iteration.

The PWS shall describe how user stories are to be sized, how estimation and
determination of sizes shall be accomplished, and how these will correlate to iterations
and throughput. Additionally, the PWS should provide a detailed process for working
with the Product Manager and End Users to capture user stories, prioritize, and work-off

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

the product backlog. The prioritization effort may include working backlog items across
multiple projects concurrently based on team capacity and end user priorities.

The Offeror shall demonstrate in its PWS how the applications, databases, and other
products it will produce will meet all requirements for compliance with Section 508 and
AGENCY’s IT Security Requirements (see Appendix).

Assumptions, Conditions, or Exceptions – Technical submissions shall include all (if

any) technical assumptions, conditions, or exceptions related to any of the requirements
or terms and conditions of the Statement of Objectives. If not noted in this section of
Offeror’s quote, it will be assumed that there are no assumptions, conditions, or
exceptions for award, and that the Offeror agrees to comply with all of the terms and
conditions set forth in this RFQ. It is not the responsibility of the Government to seek out
and identify technical assumptions, conditions, or exceptions buried within the Offeror’s
submission. The Government reserves the right to reject any quote that includes any
technical assumptions, conditions, or exceptions that impact or affect the Government’s
objectives or requirements.

The Government will evaluate the feasibility of the proposed PWS to meet the Objectives
of the Agency.

11.4.2 Factor 2 – Agile Development Management Plan (ADMP)

The Offeror shall submit an Agile Development Management Plan (ADMP) to support
the Offeror’s proposed approach to agile software development and management of the
technical process, scoping and envisioning for the projects, descriptions of resources,
management team structure, team makeup, reporting process, financial process, schedule,
risk management approach, cost-efficiency opportunities, and prioritization of work. As
part of the ADMP, the Offeror shall document the management of the User Story
Determination Process for determining the complexity of developing, estimating,
integrating, and/or delivering Technical Services from the Initial Product Backlog (see
Appendix). This process shall utilize the Offeror’s specified methodology to assist the
Government in managing the Product Backlog. The plan should be linked to the PWS
and should describe the necessary activities to support the agile process. The ADMP shall
be in a contractor-specified format.

Offerors shall propose an ADMP which correlates how the stated objectives align with
the timeframe for implementation and the Offeror’s proposed agile methodology.

The Offeror shall provide a notional release schedule which maps the proposed iteration
cycle to the calendar Period of Performance. This release schedule shall include relevant
governance process checkpoints such as Technical Reviews and Iteration Releases, as
well as agile methodology functions such as Iteration Planning, Iteration Reviews, and

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

The Government will evaluate the proposed ADMP to determine if it demonstrates an

understanding of the complexity of the effort and how the stated objective aligns with the
objectives and timeframe for implementation and the Offeror’s proposed Agile
methodology including where and how testing, training, security, cut over planning, etc.
will be included.

11.4.3 Factor 3 – Proposed Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)

Offerors shall describe a proposed Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and
Performance Measurement approach, including how proposed performance standards
will be monitored, evaluated, and reported. The purpose of the notional QASP is to
provide evaluators with an understanding of how measures and metrics will be applied
based on the proposed technical solution. The QASP should include an Award Term
Incentive Plan as explained in Section 2.5.2.

The Government will evaluate the rationale for the proposed performance standards and
performance measurement methodology and assess whether the total solution will ensure
that the performance standards are met.

11.4.4 Factor 4 – Oral Presentation

The goal of the oral presentation will be for the Offeror to walk the Government through
their proposed solution. It is the opportunity to determine how team dynamics will work
as the Offeror is required to utilize a scenario to demonstrate how the proposed Agile
Software Development Methodology will function if the Task Order is awarded.

The Government will schedule oral presentations by drawing lots among those Offerors
selected for inclusion in Stage Three. The Government will advise Offerors of the date
and time for the presentation of their Oral Presentation. The presentations will be

The Oral Presentation will be evaluated to determine the Offeror’s capability and
suitability to perform the work required in the Statement of Objectives. Through the walk
through of the scenario, the oral presentation will be assessed to determine if the overall
solution is feasible, will result in a quality product, and will meet the objectives for
digital strategy implementation.

See Attachment 2 for additional information about the Scenario and User Stories for the
Oral Presentations.

11.4.5 Factor 5 – Price Submission

Offerors shall submit a price quote, which shall include the following:

 Firm Fixed Price per iteration

 Firm Fixed Price by CLIN

Systems Modernization RFQ – SAMPLE DOCUMENT

 Supporting documentation
 Assumptions, conditions, and exceptions related to price

Supporting documentation - The price quote shall provide supporting documentation to

support the pricing proposed. This shall demonstrate the correlation between the
proposed technical solution in the PWS and the pricing submitted. The supporting
documentation shall also include a Basis of Estimate (BOE) which aligns to how the
pricing methodology is applied within each iteration. The BOE should include, but is not
limited to, such things as:

 Number of Teams proposed

 Size of Agile Teams
 Labor categories used to comprise Team
 User Story sizing

Price assumptions, conditions, or exceptions – Submit all (if any) price assumptions,
conditions, or exceptions related to any of the terms and conditions of the Statement of
Objectives. If not noted in this section of the Offeror’s quote, it will be assumed that the
Offeror proposes no price assumptions, conditions, or exceptions for award, and agrees to
comply with all of the terms and conditions set forth in this RFQ. It is not the
responsibility of the Government to seek out and identify price assumptions, conditions,
or exceptions buried within the Offeror’s quote. The Government reserves the right to
reject any quote that includes any price assumptions, conditions, or exceptions that
impact or affect the Government’s objectives or requirements.

Price will be evaluated to determine whether the firm, fixed price proposed is reasonable.
This determination will be based on the review of the technical solution in comparison to
the total proposed price and the backup documentation submitted. Pricing for Stage Three
of this effort is required to be of a unit of measure that is equivalent to the proposed
iteration cycle as proposed in the Performance Work Statement. The technical solution
for sizing, iteration time, and throughput must correlate to the proposed pricing.

11.5 Basis for Award

Award will be made to that responsible Offeror whose Stage Three proposal contains the
combination of those factors offering the best overall value to the Government utilizing a
tradeoff process. This will be determined by comparing differences in technical capability with
differences in price to the Government. In making this comparison, the Government is more
concerned with obtaining superior technical merit. However, the Government will not make an
award at a significantly higher Price to the Government to achieve slightly superior technical
merit. The Government reserves the right to make an award to other than the lowest priced
Offeror or to the Offeror with a higher technical score if the Contracting Officer determines that
to do so would result in the best value to the Government.


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