Control of Thickness of PEDOT Electrodeposits On GlassITO
Control of Thickness of PEDOT Electrodeposits On GlassITO
Control of Thickness of PEDOT Electrodeposits On GlassITO
Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99
New Processes and Materials Based on Electrochemical Concepts at the Microscopic Level
Symposium, MicroEchem 2013
Poly-ethylendioxythiophene (PEDOT) was electropolymerized from the monomer EDOT in acetonitrile (ACN) containing
Bu4N+ClO4-, BF4- or PF6- ions as supporting electrolyte. The electrode used was transparent electrodes (Glass/ITO) in order to
generate the anode of an organic solar cell (OSC). Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic electropolymerization techniques were
used to make the conducting polymer deposits (E-PEDOT), which were obtained as a thin film onto the ITO surface. It was
possible to control the thickness of the electrodeposited films in the range of 15 to 200 nm measured by AFM. With the thinner
films (until 100 nm), it was observed that its absorbance at 700 nm was linearly dependent with their thickness and it was
possible to obtain an equation that was used to measure the films thickness of future experiments. The E-PEDOT films were
successfully used for constructing OSC’s and the efficiency values found were equivalent or slightly superior to those found with
the classical PEDOT:PSS anode.
© 2014
© 2014TheTheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica
Keywords: Organic Solar Cell; Electrodeposits; PEDOT; Electropolymerization; Hole transport layer
1876-6196 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica
Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99 93
1. Introduction
The discovery of conductive polymers in 1977 by Shirakawa, MacDiarmid y Heeger1 was the beginning of a new
era of technologically important polymers, whose enormous quantity of applications make them win the Nobel Prize
in 2000. Among the important applications can be highlighted the organic solar cells (OSC’s). These devices are
quite new in the photovoltaic arena and have reached until now over 10% of efficiency in less than 15 years of
existence.2 The main advantage of OSC’s vs. the inorganic (Si) solar cells is their cost, which is lower, and the much
simpler preparation conditions to make them.3 The inner structure of the OSC’s contains a glass substrate, a
transparent electrode generally Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) working as anode, a layer of 40-60 nm of conducting
polymer polyethylendioxythiophene (PEDOT) serving as hole transport layer, an active layer which is a mixture of
an electron donating and an electron acceptor compound and finally the circuit is closed with a metal layer serving
as cathode (Figure 1). Several mixtures of donating-acceptor systems have been proposed; one of them which was
used in this work is the poly-[2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethylhexyloxy)-p-phenylen-vinylene] (MEH:PPV) and 1-(3-
methoxycarbonyl)-propyl-1-phenyl-[6,6]-methane-fullerene PCBM).4
Classical method for deposit the thin layer of PEDOT is spin casting from the aqueous PEDOT:PSS suspension,
and electrochemical methods have been underestimated to make these films in the OPVC’s field. Electrochemistry
can be used efficiently to generate conducting polymers directly from the corresponding monomer.5 The
polymerization mechanism follows an oxidative pathway where the cation-radical intermediates dimerize to obtain
the oligomers and polymers that are deposited on the electrode used for the oxidation process. The quantity of
conducting polymer deposited on the electrode can be easily controlled with the parameters that are used in the
electrochemical experiment. Particularly for PEDOT is well known that electropolymerized films (E-PEDOT) have
high conductivity, but there are few reports of using in OPVC’s these films of PEDOT obtained by means of an
electrochemical technique.6 Thus, our interest was to use two electrochemical techniques (Potentiodynamic or cyclic
voltammetry and Potentiostatic or chronoamperommetry) in different electrolyte solutions to obtain Glass/ITO/E-
PEDOT films and to construct OPVC’s with this anode composition.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Glass/ITO electrodes were acquired with KINTEC Company and they have a resistivity of 10 ohm/m2, polished
grade, (25x10x1.1 mm). EDOT (PM = 142.15 g/mol, d = 1.334 g/cm3), anhydrous acetonitrile (ACN, 99.8 %
purity), PEDOT:PSS (conductive grade, dispersion in H2O 1.3 % w/w), MEH-PPV (Mn = 70000 ̢ 100000 g/mol,
mp > 300°C) and the Wood’s metal (Eutectic alloy 50 % Bi, 26.7 % Pb, 13.3 % Sn y 10 % Cd, grains, mp ~ 75°C)
were bought to ALDRICH Co. Electrolyte salts of tetrabutylamonium perchlorate (TBAP, , ı 99 %, PM = 341.92
g/mol), hexafluorofosfate (TBAF, ı 99 %, PM = 387.43 g/mol) and tetrafluoroborate (TBAB, puriss, PM = 329.28
94 Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99
g/mol) were FLUKA. PCBM (ı 99.5 %, PM = 910.9 g/mol) was from SES Research. No further purification was
carried out.
ITO electrodes were cleaned before its use initially with cotton and an aqueous solution of Triton X-100 (1:100),
followed by 10 min of consecutive ultrasonic baths in solutions of Triton X-100 (1:100), deionized water, ethanol,
EDTA 1 mM (pH = 13), and finally deionized water. The electrodes were dried at room temperature. The
electrodeposit solution (10 ml) consisted in EDOT 5 mM and TBAP (P), TBAF (F) o TBAB (B) 0.1 M. The solution
was deoxygenated by a gentle bubbling of N2 (INFRA, 99.999 %) during 10 minutes. The solution was prepared
directly in a 3 electrodes electrochemical cell fitted with WE: ITO (area 1.5 x 1.0 cm), CE: Pt foil (area § 1.6 x 1.6
cm), parallel each other with a distance of 1.5 cm and RE: Ag°/AgNO3 (AgNO3 0.01 M/ TBAP 0.1 M en ACN, 0.47
V vs NHE). All the experiments were carried out under N2 atmosphere (Figure 2).
Fig. 2. Electrochemical cell used for the PEDOT electrodeposits. WE: Working electrode; CE: Counter electrode; RE: Reference electrode.
The potential during electrodeposits was controlled using a BAS100W potentiostat using chronoamperommetry
(CA) or cyclic voltammetry (CV). Once the electro-polymerization occurred, the electrode was rinsed with clean
ACN, dried with N2 and were kept in hermetic vials until its use. PEDOT electrodes obtained by CV where used in
the oxidized state, applying a potential pulse of 1.31 V vs Ag/Ag+ during 30 s in clean electrolyte.
value is an average of this points. The AFM images were analyzed with the WinSPM 407 program and processed
with WinSPM Data Processing 2.12 program.7
The EDOT showed an oxidation signal with the same characteristics in the three electrolytes used in ACN,
tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (P), hexafluorofosfate (F) o tetrafluoroborate (B) 0.1 M (Figure 3). The peak
potential of the oxidation is located at 1.38 V, in the second cycle can be clearly observed an increase of the baseline
current indicative that the conducting polymer is growing. With this information the E-PEDOT films were generated
on the ITO electrodes.
Fig. 3. a) Electrochemical window and oxidation signal of EDOT 5 mM with in ACN, TBAP (P) 0.1 M, v = 100 mV/s, WE: ITO, CE: Pt, RE:
Ag/Ag+. b) Potentiodynamic electrodeposit (Ei=-1.4, Ef= 1.31 V, v = 100 mV/s) of PEDOT on ITO electrodes. EDOT 5 mM with in ACN,
TBAP (P) 0.1 M, WE: ITO, CE: Pt, RE: Ag/Ag+
The potentiodynamic polymerization using cyclic voltammetry experiments (Figure 3b) shows the classical
growth of the base line with the number of cycles, as well as the nucleation loop generally observed during the
conducting polymers electrodeposition in the first cycle. In this technique the thickness control parameter are the
number of cycles, the scan rate and the inversion potential value (Ef). For comparison purposes, it was selected the
96 Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99
same anodic potential value for potentiodynamic and potentiostatic PEDOT deposition experiments and the scan
rate was fixed at v=100 mV/s in all the experiments. The sole parameter that was changed to modify the thickness
was the number of cycles; higher is the number of cycles the thickness of E-PEDOT films increased. In the
potentiostatic growth, the chronoamperogram in TBAP (CA-P) shows a very fast polymerization characterized by a
fast growth of the current in the first second and later the current drops due to the diffusion controlled process
(Figure 4). As voltage pulse time increased the current drop is larger indicating that the electrode interface ran out of
starting material, thus limiting the speed of polymer growth. In this technique during the whole experiment there is
polymerization, because the electrode is positive polarized; the thickness control parameters are the time of pulse
and the chosen oxidation potential.
Fig. 4. Potentiostatic (1.31 V) electrodeposits of PEDOT on ITO electrodes. EDOT 5 mM with in ACN, TBAP 0.1 M (P), WE: ITO, CE: Pt, RE:
The obtained films were analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry in the oxidized state (Figure 5a). Films obtained
by chronoamperommetry using different potential pulse time are already charged at the desired level but those
obtained by cyclic voltammetry required a pulse of potential of 1.31 V during 30 s to be analyzed in the desired
oxidized state. The E-PEDOT films showed a sky blue color for the thinner films and a deep blue color for the
thicker ones (right to the UV-Vis spectra in figure 5). In the oxidized state, UV-Vis PEDOT spectra depicts very low
absorbance in the region of 300-500 nm, but at higher wave lengths the absorbance increase considerably, showing a
shoulder with maxima in 700 nm. This value was selected to read the E-PEDOT absorbance value. The first
proposal was to find a correlation between the films thickness and the absorbance value. In order to explore this
idea, the thickness analysis was carried out by AFM and was correlated with the absorbance obtained for each film.
The AFM showed clearly the polymer step and from the transversal section analysis (red line in figure 5b), it was
determined the thickness average of the electrodeposited film.
Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99 97
Fig. 5. a) UV-vis spectra of E-PEDOT/ClO4í deposits on ITO electrodes potentiostatically obtained at 1.31 V vs Ag°/AgNO3 using the different
pulse time. In the right side can be seen the color of the obtained films. The vertical dashed line indicates the length wave (700 nm) used for
reading the absorbance value of the films. b) AFM micrography obtained in tapping mode showing the polymer step and the morphology analysis
of a E- PEDOT/ClO4í deposit on ITO electrode obtained by chronoamperommetry at 1.31 V vs Ag°/AgNO3, and 20 s of time pulse.
Figure 6 shows the correlation between absorbance and thickness, where is observed to follow a linear trend at
thickness values until 100 nm. The experiments were repeated three times and the confidence bars of these
experiments are shown in the figure. It can be concluded that the production of thinner films is much more
reproducible than thicker films. The inset curve depicts only the linear region, the linear regression analysis of these
points gave the following equation, ܣ ൌ െͲǤͲͲͳͳ ͲǤͲͲ͵ͳܮ that let us rapidly correlate in the future
experiments, the thickness value of the E-PEDOT film by means of the simple absorbance determination of the
electrodeposited conducting polymer on ITO.
Fig. 6. Correlation between E-PEDOT films absorbance read at 700 nm and the thickness determined by AFM.
98 Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99
This equation showed to be applicable to all the electrolytes used (TBAP, TBAF o TBAB 0.1 M) in anhydrous
ACN. The thickness and the absorbance were not modified by the anion that is being used to dope the polymer film
in the oxidized state. This control was taken for the films obtained by chronoamperommetry (CA) and Cyclic
Voltammetry (CV) (Table 1).
Table 1. Comparison of the theroretical (equation1) and experimental thickness with different electrolytes
CA-P 4 s 0.150 49 ± 4 51 ± 3
CA-F 5 s 0.149 49 ± 4 54 ± 4
CV-P 8 s 0.161 52 ± 4 53 ± 2
CV-F 4 s 0.167 54 ± 4 51 ± 4
The layer of PEDOT in OSC’s must have a thickness between 40-60 nm, values which are inside the linear
region of our calibration curve and correlates with absorbance values of 0.1 to 0.2. Generally this layer is generated
through the spin coating of an aqueous dispersion of the polymer. In order to solubilize it, the polyelectrolyte
polystyrensulfonate (PSS) is used as counterion. The water remain, the phase separation of the PEDOT and PSS and
finally the strong acidic character of the PSS generate serious drawbacks that decrease the efficiency of the OSC’s.9-
Therefore, electrochemical deposition of E-PEDOT from a neutral and non-aqueous system can be an important
improvement in this field. The E-PEDOT deposits were optimized to obtain the best efficiency with an OSC with
ITO/E-PEDOT/MEH-PPV/PCBM/Woods metal architecture. These OSC’s generate J-V curve depicted in Figure 7.
It is observed that the E-PEDOT (CA 0.5mM) generates more voltage that the equivalent cell constructed with
PEDOT:PSS therefore the efficiency of the cell increased. The values of the operational parameters of the cells are
shown in table 2.
Fig. 7. J-V curve for the OSC’s constructed with different anodes using ITO/E-PEDOT/MEH-PPV/PCBM/Woods metal architecture
Alex U. Palma-Cando et al. / Procedia Chemistry 12 (2014) 92 – 99 99
0.45 0.90 0.31 0.13
CA 0.5 mM
4. Conclusions
The PEDOT was electrochemically deposited on the glass/ITO electrodes controlling adequately the film
thickness. The relationship between absorbance and thickness follows a linear trend only for thickness values until
100 nm. The E-PEDOT films were successfully used for constructing OSC’s and the efficiency values found were
equivalent or slightly superior to those found with the classical PEDOT:PSS anode.
The authors acknowledge funding through CONACYT project 179356 and CONACyT-SENER project 153094.
It is also recognized the technical support from Ing. Mario Monroy, Ing. Citlalli Martinez and M.Sc. Melina Tapia.
AUPC is grateful to SRE Mexico and CONACYT for the economic support during his M.Sc. studies.
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