EST Microproject Report

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Subject Name : Environment studies.

Academic Year : 2021-2022

Subject code: EST(22447). Semester : Fifth

Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts - Integrated
Methodologies for Assessing Particulate Matter.
Submitted in Dec 2021
by the student.
Sr. Roll Enrollment Seat No
Full name of Student
No No No (Sem- I)
(Sem I)
1 60 Divya Anil Kathare 2017340142

Under the Guidance of

Mr. S.S Doifode.
Three Years Diploma Program in Engineering & Technology of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous)ISO 9001:2008 (ISO/IEC-27001:2013).

TRANSPHORM 243406 ProjectFinalReport


Section Page

ExecutiveSummary 4

SummaryDescriptionofProjectContextandObjectives 5

KeyMessagesandRecommendationsfromTRANSPHORM 9

DescriptionoftheMainS&TResults 12

ReferencesCitedintheText 46

Potential Impact andDisseminationActivities 47

Useanddisseminationofforeground 50

Addressoftheprojectpublicwebsite,contact andprojectbeneficiaries 64

Reportonsocietalimplications 65

1 ExecutiveSummary

Exposure to particulate matter (PM) is a key contributor to adverse health impacts. Quantification
ofhealth impacts resulting from air pollutants such as PM relies on a number of factors
ionsand exposurelevels.

ehealthimpactofairborneparticulatematter(PM)oncityandcontinental scales. In addition to developing
improved emission inventories, measurements of PMand its constituents in European cities have
been undertaken and analysed to determine contributionsto PM2.5from transport and other source
sectors. With the aid of advanced local and European scalemodels combined with the latest health
impact assessment approaches, an integrated approach forestimating population exposure and health
impacts resulting from air pollution from traffic has beendeveloped. Health impacts have been
quantified for different diseases and causes of death
ber (PNC). Outreach activities have included a number of special sessions at major
internationalconferences and a special workshop for stakeholders held in Brussels in May 2014
highlighting keyrecommendationsfrom theprojecton Europeanair

Measurementsof PM2.5andPM10for a number ofEuropeancitieshave

beenusedforsourceapportionment to quantify contributions from transport and other source sectors.
Emission factors forshipping and road traffic have been updated and European wide emission
inventories have beendeveloped. Concentrations of PM species have been predicted for 2005 and
2020 and 2030 withregional scale models (WRF/CMAQ, SILAM, LOTOS-EUROS and EMEP). PM
species and relatedhealth impacts deaths have been predicted for 2008 and 2020 using OSCAR,
CAR-FMI, URBIS,MARS and EPISODEforAthens, Helsinki,London, OsloandRotterdam.

Within cities, PM2.5and PM10levels are particularly sensitive to regional contributions whereas
localmeasures are important near road and for urban background concentrations. EC and PNC are
moresensitive indicators to evaluate the impact of these measures on air quality compared to the
mass-based PM indicators PM2.5and PM10. In order to reduce the levels of PM 2.5and PM10European
widemeasures are required, rather than just local measures, for effective mitigation strategies. For the
caseof autonomous development in particular, the introduction of Euro 5 and 6 between 2008 and
2020willimproveconsiderably theairquality resulting fromtraffic-
itedeffectsonparticulatematterconcentrations on an annual basis.

Land use regression models, to predict concentrations at home addresses, have been extensively
usedfor health risk assessment in ESCAPE. After comparison and assessment of these models
usingmonitoring and modelling data in TRANSPHORM it is recommended that dispersion
modelling, inconjunction with measurements, be used for future health risk assessments, in particular
for thepopulation living near intense road traffic and using transport-relevant indicators such as EC,
PNCandheavymetals like copper from brakewear.

Exposure analysis was used to quantify the effects of population mobility, time-activity, near
. Allowing for the exposure in various indoor and outdoor micro-environments, insteadof only
considering the exposure at residential locations or the population weighted
concentrations,substantiallyimprovestheaccuracyof exposureand healthestimates.
2 SummaryDescriptionofProjectContextandObjectives
The main aim of TRANSPHORM has been to improve the knowledge of transport related
airborneparticulate matter (PM) and its impact on human health and to develop and implement
assessmenttools for scales ranging from city to the whole of Europe. In this regard TRANSPHORM
has fullymet its aim. In order to undertake this project TRANSPHORM has brought together
NSPHORM has developed and implemented an integrated methodology to assess the healthimpacts
of particulate matter (PM) resulting from transport related air pollution covering the
number of advances have been made including enhanced understanding of sources,
improvedemission factors, increased knowledge of particle characteristics and processes, new
targeted airquality and exposure campaigns, improvements in multiscale modelling of particulate
matter andanalysis of mitigation and adaptation strategiesfor policy response.TRANSPHORM builds
uponand cooperate closely with the achievements of key projects in particular ESCAPE,

leadpartners areshown):
SP1: Transport and emission sources (AUTH,
USTUTT)SP2:Airqualityandexposure(FMI, NILU)
SP3: Relationships between transport related PM and Health (UU,
JRC)SP4:Integrated assessmentmethodologyandtool(TNO, UH)

i. Toimproveourunderstandingoftransportsourcesofsize-resolvedandspeciated(primary and
secondary) particulate matter air pollution including non-exhaust, shippingandaviation.
ii. To determine improved emission factors of ultrafine particle number (PNC) and
massfractionsofPM2.5andPM10through new andexistingdatafor keytransportsources;
iii. ToconducttargetedmeasurementcampaignsinRotterdam,HelsinkiandThessalonikiforsourc
eapportionment, exposureassessmentand model evaluation.
iv. Toquantifyairborneparticulatematterinurbanenvironmentsresultingfromroad,shipping,rail
v. Todevelop,improveandintegrateairqualitydispersionandexposuremodelsforurbanandregio
nal scales.
vi. Touselatestconcentration-
vii. Todevelopandimplementanintegratedassessmentmethodologytoinvestigateandanalysethe
wholechainofprocessesforselectedcities andEurope.
viii. Toincorporatemicro-environmentalconcentrations,time-
ix. ToconductintegratedhealthassessmentofanumberofselectedEuropean cities;
x. TodesignandimplementmitigationandadaptationstrategiesforEuropeanandinternationalpol
icyrefinement and development.
xi. ToexploittheresultsofTRANSPHORMthroughglobaldisseminationandinteractionswithEur
opean and international stakeholders.
An Integrated methodology has been developed and implemented for assessing the health impact
ofparticulate matter over Europe and European cities, for current and future years, including the
impactof local and EU-wide transport related scenarios (shown in Figure 1). A key feature of the
integrationmethodology has been the combination and coupling of state of the art local and regional
modelsallowing high resolution prediction of particulate matter and related species for current and
ealth impactson multiple scalesand for multiplepollutant species.

European Exposureassessment -activity and sourceemissions
Cities City scaletools/models
Current,2020, Scenarios& Modellingsystems
2030 measures Concentrations,exposure,HIA

SourceapportionmentEuropeancities Integrated IntegratedHealthImpactAssessment

assessment UpdatedCRF
Cityscale Morbidity,Mortality,DALYs
Regional Currentandfuture

Integratedobservations Europeanscale
Emissions tools/models
Street,urbanBG, Stateoftheartmodels
regional,harbour AQ-CC
Microenvironments Interactions
Existingdata Benchmarking

Figure 1 Integrated methodology to quantify the health impacts of particulate matter on city and

A refined chain of models from emissions to health effects has been developed for both urban
andEuropean scales. Selected health-relevant indicators of pollutant loads responsive to traffic
sourcechanges have been modelled for a first time on this scale for PM 10, PM2.5, elemental carbon
(EC),benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and particle number (PNC). Dispersion models have beenfurther
improvedand developed to predict spatially and temporally resolved concentrations of particle
number forexposure and health applications. The refined modelling systems have been used for
policy analysisin the five participating cities Helsinki, Oslo, London, Rotterdam and Athens and they
are availableforfuturepolicyrelevantwork, collaboration withlocaland national authorities.

from local to European scale and health impact assessment of different PM matricesincluding EC,
BaP and PNC. Several of these results are new in most of the target cities, such as thepredicted
concentrations of elemental carbon (EC), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and PNC. The project hasalso
evaluated quantitatively the contributions of various source categories on these concentrations.The
measured data in cities Helsinki, Oslo, London, Rotterdam and Athens has been used to
validatethemethodologies developed within theproject atan urban scale.

Healthimpactassessmentrequiresinformationonthespatialandtemporalexposureofthepopulation to PM
concentrations. The performance of land-use regression models, often used inepidemiological studies
to estimate exposure, hasbeencompared both toavailablemeasurement data
and againstthe results of detailed dispersionmodellingin collaboration with ESCAPE, a pan-European
research project studying the relation between human health and air pollution. The resultsprovide
new information that will serve to improve exposure assessment, especially as they alsoaddress the
contribution of the main urban particulate matter sources to ambient concentrations andindividualand
population exposures.

Measurement campaigns were directed to investigate transport-related PM emissions near air

strips(Schiphol), a harbor area (Rotterdam) and road traffic. In particular, elevated concentrations of
PNwere found near airstrips while EC and PNC were the most sensitive indicators for harbor and
roadtraffic emissions. Dedicated monitoring campaigns were targeted to PM emissions from sea
andinland shipping, source apportionment of transport-related PM emissions and PM levels in
variousmicro-environments of commuters in urban areas (bicycle, bus and passenger car). In
collaborationwithESCAPE,samplingandanalysis ofPMwere performedin 20studyareasacross Europe.

Sourceapportionmentmodellingstudiesinaselectednumberofcitiesshowthatthelargestcontribution to
PM2.5exposure is from long range transport, not from local sources. The contributionfrom local
transport was highest for exhaust and non-exhaust traffic emissions and in some citiesfrom shipping.
The contribution of transport emissions to the regional background from these citieswas as high as
35%. In some cities, then, the non-local transport contribution was as large, or larger,than the local
transport contribution. This indicates that European wide measures for transport, ratherthanjust
localmeasures,arerequiredforeffective mitigation strategies.

Land use regression models, to predict concentrations at home addresses, have been extensively
usedfor health risk assessment in ESCAPE. After comparison and assessment of these models
usingmonitoring and modelling data in TRANSPHORM it is recommended that dispersion
used further, then changesto themethodologyarerequired.

Exposure analysis was used to quantify the effects of population mobility, time-activity, near
. Allowing for the exposure in various micro-environments (instead of only evaluating,e.g., the
exposure in residential locations or the population weighted concentrations) substantiallyimprovesthe
accuracyofexposureand health estimates.

In TRANSPHORM, the health effects of transport measures and scenarios such as low
emissionzones, electric vehicles and more physical and public transport, were compared to
autonomousdevelopment in 2020. In SP4, the results of the assessment performed in SP1
(emissions), SP2(modelling), SP3 (health impact) and SP5 (transport measures and scenarios) were
presented in anon-
was investigated in SP4. Analysis of a large number of measures applicable on cityandEuropean
scales hasbeen conducted.

Through the use of improved emission factors for shipping and road traffic and the latest
Europeanwide emission inventories concentrations of PM species have been predicted for 2005 and
2020 withfive regional scale models (WRF/CMAQ, SILAM, LOTOS-EUROS and EMEP). Figure 2
shows theavoided Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) based on WRF/CMAQ predictions of
PM2.5overEurope. City scale models (e.g. OSCAR and URBIS) have been used to predict 2008 and
in terms of DALYs and attributable deaths have been calculated for PM 10, PM2.5and EC
forselectedcities andforEurope.
Within cities, PM levels are sensitive to regional contributions and to local measures which
affectnear road and urban background concentrations. The overall analysis has shown that
autonomousdevelopment which relies on technological based emission reductions, such as the
introduction ofEuro 5 and 6, will improve considerably levels of traffic-related levels of PM 2.5in
urban areas acrossEurope between 2008 and 2020. On-top of the autonomous development, further
improvement of airquality by local measures by 2020 will be limited except near roads and the
general impact on urbanbackground.

Figure 3 shows results from the OSCAR air quality assessment system for urban increments
arisingfrom road trafficand other sourcescomparedto regional backgroundaffecting PM2.5levels
atdifferentlocation typesinLondon for 2008.

Figure 3 Urban increment due to traffic and
2005 using PM2.5annual mean concentrationspredicted
othersources and regional contributions to PM2.5at
3 KeyMessagesandRecommendationsfromTRANSPHORM
3.1 Policyorientatedmessagesandrecommendations
(i) Anintegratedapproachisrecommendedforafullchainassessmentandanalysisoftheeffectsofpolicymea
sureson health impacts of particulatematter.

(ii) Processorientated,deterministichighresolutionmodelsshouldbeusedinpreferencetoempiricalmetho
dswherepossibletosupportairqualitypolicydevelopmentandmonitoringincorporating multipollutant
and multiscale capabilities to capture non-linear linkages and responsesof pollutants to emission,
meteorological and climate changes and spatial and temporal variabilitiesfor current and future
timescales. Such advanced approaches are essential as there is considerableseasonal and spatial
variation in particulate matter levels and because climate change effects on airqualityof
Europewillbecome moreimportantasair pollutant emissionsreduce.

(iii) Modelling studieswithinTRANSPHORM are indicating thatapproximately 15% of PM 2.5across

Europe arises from transport sources (monthly data for 2005). In order to control city andregional air
pollution in the future, greater emphasis should be placed on reducing emissions
exhaustsources),agriculturalcontributionsand residential combustionsources.

(iv) While monitoring networks exist across Europe, these measurements are not sufficiently
detailedto help quantify the large range of particulate matter sources. Measurements designed
specifically forprocess and sources apportionment studies are needed to improve the quantification of
transport andother source contributions to particulate matter concentrations within and outside cities.
ping, source apportionment of transport-related PM emissions and PM levels in various micro-
environmentsof commutersinurban areas(bicycle,bus and passenger car).

(v) While preliminary particle number emission inventories exist, their improvement is essential
forreliable predictions within cities and the European region as a whole. There is also a severe lack
ofrepresentative, long-term datasets of urban measurements of particle number concentrations,
whichalong with model predictions, could be used for epidemiological studies, model evaluation and

(vi) Exposure of people living close to roads to particle number concentrations and elemental
carbonwill be more reflective of the strength of the traffic sources than the regulated metrics such as
PM2.5or PM10. In particular, elevated concentrations of PN were found near airstrips while EC and
PNCwere the most sensitive indicators for harbour and road traffic emissions. Near busy roads,
particlenumbershowsthehighest concentrationgradientsofallthe traffic-sensitive metrics.

(vii) Health impact for population groups spending more time near sources such as road
rom particulate matter, account should be taken of how much time people spend near busy
streets(e.g. travelling, shopping, working), sensitivities to different pollutants and patterns of
spatially andtemporallydependentactivities.

(viii) Health impact assessment requires detailed information on the spatial and temporal exposure
ofthe population to airborne particle concentrations. Dispersion models are better suited to
simulategradients across complex cities than empirical approaches such as LUR models which rely
on theavailabilityofextensivemeasurementdatasets.Giventhedeterministicnatureofdispersionmodels,
and metrics arebeingused.

(ix) Health impact of specific components of particulate matter, such as coarse and ultrafine,
This will help to improve the understanding of the relative health impacts calculated
withdifferentmetricsassociated withparticulatematter (e.g.PM10andPM2.5,PNC,ECand metals).

(x) Largest improvements in annual mean particulate matter concentrations across Europe are
likelyto arise from Europe-wide technological changes (e.g. Euro 5 and 6) by 2020 in emissions and
will befullyimplemented acrossEurope.

(xi) Local measures, however, will be more effective for short term episodes (e.g. hotspots caused
byemissions) and for reducing the general urban increment but will have less effect on long term
levelsof particulate matter. In cities, local measures will be particularly important for people
spending timenear roadtraffic.Itis recommended to use specific indicators(insteadof PM2.5and PM10)
such asEC, PNC and Cu (brake wear) to evaluate the effectiveness of these local measures on air
quality incities.

(xii) RegionalbackgroundcontributionstoPM2.5incitiescanbedominant(50-70%)andfurthermore,
reduction of particulate matter requires a multi-pollutant/component response. Measuresto reduce
regional background of PM will be particularly important to reduce the overall burden ofPM in cities
and Europe on the longer term. In order to reduce PM levels in cities a
wideregionalcontributionsandtakingaccountof the

(xiii) As regional contributions of PM2.5can be dominant in cities, further understanding of the roleof
regional background particulate species is needed to improve quantification of the overall
healthimpactsof particulate matter.

3.2 Researchorientatedmessagesandrecommendations
(i) A priority should be given to improvement of regional models to predict particulate matter and

(ii) Further research is needed on how the different components of traffic-related particulate
matterincluding chemical species, non-exhaust versus exhaust pollutants and different size fractions
affectexposureand associatedhealthimpactsof peoplewithincities.

(iii) While some studies exist on source apportionment of particulate matter, specifically
te matter including various fractions and source categories, such as coarse fraction and non-exhaust
within cities, small-scale combustion and the influence of natural sources, such as wild-
landfires,desert dust and seasalt totheregional background.
(iv) Knowledge of particle number is still limited for Europe and further research is needed in
tributions andassociated healtheffectsacross Europe.
(v) Studies to understand the relationship between health impact assessment based on
differentparticulate matter metrics (e.g. PM2.5, PM10, PNC, EC) are needed. This type of knowledge
will helpimprove the scientific underpinning for questions such as which policy-relevant metrics
should beusedin thefutureEuropean Unionair qualityguidelines and limitvalues?

(vi) The usefulness of model ensemble approaches for air quality policy should be assessed
nsand processdeficienciesof anyindividual model.
4 DescriptionoftheMainS&TResults
coordinated byalead andco-lead partner:
SP1: Transport and emission sources (AUTH,
SP3: Relationships between transport related PM and Health (UU,
JRC)SP4:Integrated assessmentmethodologyandtool(TNO,UH)

Thesubprojectscollectivelyaddressed eachoftheobjectivesaslistedbelow.
(i) Toimproveourunderstandingoftransportsourcesofsize-
resolvedandspeciated(primaryandsecondary) particulatematter airpollution includingnon-
exhaust,shippingandaviation (SP1,SP2).
(ii) To determine improved emission factors of ultrafine particle number (PNC) and mass fractions
ofPM2.5and PM10throughnewand existingdataforkeytransport sources(SP1).
(iii) To conduct targeted measurement campaigns in Rotterdam, Helsinki and Thessaloniki for
sourceapportionment,exposureassessmentand model evaluation(SP2).
(iv) Toquantifyairborneparticulatematterinurbanenvironmentsresultingfromroad,shipping,railandavia
(v) Todevelop,improveandintegrateairqualitydispersionandexposuremodelsforurbanandregionalscale
(vi) Touselatestconcentration-response(CRF)toquantifythehealthimpactsofPMforkeyhealthendpoints
(vii) Todevelopandimplementanintegratedassessmentmethodologytoinvestigateandanalysethewholec
hain of processesforselected cities andEurope(SP4, SP5).
(viii) Toincorporatemicro-environmentalconcentrations,time-
(ix) Toconductintegratedhealthassessmentofa numberofselectedEuropeancities(SP4,SP5);
(x) TodesignandimplementmitigationandadaptationstrategiesforEuropeanandinternationalpolicyrefin
ementand development (SP5).
(xi) ToexploittheresultsofTRANSPHORMthroughglobaldisseminationandinteractionswithEuropeana
nd international stakeholders(SP6).

Beforehighlightingthemainresultsfromeachof subprojectsanoverviewisgivenbelow.

The work performed in SP1 has focused on improving emissions factors for PM and PNC.
Collationand parameterisation of traffic activity data have been performed and are being used for
urban scalemodelling in SP2. Measurements of shipping emissions have been completed and these
have led tothe development of new ship emission factors. The work performed in SP1 has culminated
in thedevelopment of baseline European emission inventories for the present (2005) and future years

Initial receptor modelling using PM10and PM2.5datasets from TRANSPHORM andESCAPE on a
large number of Europeancitieshas shown that more detailed campaigns
nerallyrepresentingsituationsinnorthernandsouthern Europe.These campaignswere fundedthroughthe
contingency budgetandwereadditionalto thepreviouslyagreed programmeofwork.
Model developmentworkinSP2hasbeen carried outincluding workon receptor and
ntworkhasresulted inthepeerreviewedpublication ofonesuch methodology.

modification by buildings was developed and evaluated. Furthermore, the model wasintegrated with
a previously developed particle size specific human respiratory tract model (ICRP,1994) for
estimation of accumulated lung deposition by respiratory tract regions and to estimate PMdosesin
thehuman lungsintheFINRISKcohortin Helsinkimetropolitan area.

Work as part of SP3 has included the XRF analysis of filter samples taken in collaboration with
theESCAPE project. Analysis of new data and literature has led to new and revised
concentrationresponsefunctionwhichwill beusedforundertakeHIAofPMatcityandEuropean scales.

Work package 4.3 has led to the development of the Integrated Assessment Tool prototype. The
IATtool has been applied for the city of Rotterdam to demonstrate it capabilities. The HIA
methodologywas fully developed integrated into models. Urban models with HIA capability have
been tested forRotterdam and London and regional models have been applied to predict air quality
for 2005 and2020and 2030forthe whole ofEurope.

The majority of the work undertaken in SP5 has been focused on the development and analysis of
arange of pollution reduction measures and strategies. The main output from SP5 in this
scenariosthatwillberunlaterintheproject.Theprocessofengagementwithstakeholdershasalso been
initiated in SP5.

SP6 progressed including in establishing feedbacks from stakeholders on mitigation measures

beingdeveloped in SP5. A special workshop on Transport related air pollution – science and policy
washeld at the International Conferences on Air Quality, held in Athens, 19-23 March 2012 and 24-
28March 2014 in Garmisch-Partnerkirchen. Newsletters and articles to promote the project have
beenproduced and circulated. TRANSPHORM partners have also made contributions to the EC
review ofEuropean Air Quality policy (2013) and to several partners contributed to the WHO Health
Risks ofAirPollution in Europe(HRAPIE)project report.

4.1 SP1Transportandemissionsources(AUTH,USTUTT)
SP1 focused on improved and new emissions factors of PM 10, PM2.5, ultrafine fraction for
where existing data was uncertain or lacking. The SP included an extensive and detailed
s. The main target was the improvement of our understanding of transport sources of size-resolved
and speciated (primary and secondary) PM air pollution and, consequently, the developmentof an up-
to-date database of transport activities and emissions for the baseline scenario (1990-2030)thatis to
be used asmodel input in SP2 and SP5.

WP1.1Emission factorsforroadtransport (AUTH)

WP1.1 was related with the identification of the relevant parameters that influence road transportPM-
relatedemission.The mainoutcome of thisWP wasa methodology for particulate
matteremissionquantification in relation withtransportactivitysituations.
An analysis of the assessment of the impact of traffic conditions on emissions with emphasis on
PMemissions was conducted. The methodology was based on the collection and analysis of the
existingtraffic data for the participating cities and by implementation of traffic situations and
typologiesdeveloped. A complete database of traffic activity for all case-study cities (Rotterdam,
London, Oslo,Helsinkiand Athens)is now available.

A comprehensive methodology was developed and applied for determining emission factors (EF)
fordifferentvehiclecategoriestaking into accountforall EUcountries.Itincludes:
 FourtypesofEmissions Factors(EF)(highway,ruralandurbanpeak andurbanoffpeak)
 Five vehicle classes of engine capacities available: Passenger cars, Buses, LDVs,
HDVs,MCand mopeds
 EFsforthebasicTRANSPHORMpollutants,thatisPM10,PM2.5,PNC(totalandsolid)and size
distributions, EC and B(a)P along with EFs for gaseous pollutants, various PAHsandmetals

 Analysisofmodelneeds (SP2)intermsofemissionfactorsresuspensionmodeling
 Analysisandcomparisonofexistingresuspensionmodels
 Collectnewliterature/experimental data andcollate dataownedbytheprojectpartners
 OrganizationoftheEMEP/EEAemissionfactorsintoastructure/formattobeusedbyTRANSPHO
 Extension of the database to cover the weak areas identified (studded tyres, weather
 Fillgapsandproduceaqualityindicatorfortheemissionfactorsdelivered

The overall methodology was applied for the quantification of road transport non-exhaust PM-
emissions in terms of EFs for PM 2.5, PM10, various PAHs and metals with the following


WP1.2Emission factorsfornon-roadtransport(IVL)
This work package related to the emission factors for the non-road traffic modes: Shipping,
Variability of emission factors with operation mode of vessel or vehicle and with

Emission factors of particulate matter were determined in terms of mass (PM 2.5, PM10, TSP),
particlenumber (PNC) and chemical compounds elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), metals
andPAHs from shipping. The emission factors were determined for different marine fuels (heavy fuel
oilwith different content of sulphur, marine diesel, marine gasoil, and biofuels), different types
ofmarine engines and different operation modes. Effect of cleaning technologies and overview
ofIMO’s and EU’s legislation concerning international and national maritime shipping and
inlandshipping were included in the study to enable assignment of fuels and engine technologies
when theemissionscenarios arecalculated.
A study of processing of PM in plumes and contribution of gas-phase emissions to PM on plume
onson urbanscale withan Eulerianmodel.

Emissions of both gas-phase species, PM2.5, EC and OC were modelled for Baltic Sea with
STEAM2emission model based on Automatic Identification System. This bottom-up emission
inventory isavailablefor comparisonwithbaselineinventorycalculated in SP1.

Eurostat data on aircraft activity at European airport were used for the determination of arrivals
anddepartures from Amsterdam Airport. Real time-in-mode data for Amsterdam Airport were
receivedfrom NLR. Based on times-in-mode and airport activity data, the First Order Approximation
(FOA)Version 3 as proposed in the IACO Airport Air Quality Guidance manual was used to
calculateemission factors for all species and compounds listed in the IACO Engine Emissions Data
Bank. Theemission factors for the airport machinery were calculated in accordance with the aircraft
emissionsfollowing an approach developed by Cambridge University and MIT. This approached is
based on amin/maxestimation ofground vehicleemissionfactors from Zurichairport.

With regard to emission factors of PM from rail traffic, both exhaust emissions and wear
ed with the EU’s and US EPA’s emission limits. For wear particles only very limited

WP1.3 Emission baseline (TNO)

This WP combines the current information from inventories for the current situation (base year
2005)for all sources and completes the emission inventories for substances and activities where

andLondon. Thecriteriaemployed included:
(i) Thedatasetshavethe necessaryspatialdetailtoallowforlocalair qualitymodelling.
(ii) DatasetsareinlinewithdrivingparametersfortheemissionfactorsidentifiedinWP1.1&WP1.2.
(iii) Thedatasetshavethenecessarytemporaldimensiontoallowfortime-

Dataforallmodeshavebeencollected(i.e.road,rail,air,maritime)andtransportactivityisexpressed in line
with emission factor definitions.For road, data were collected from existing citytraffic counting
systems and government owned city transport models whereas for non-road

A baseline emission inventory for main air pollutants has been created for the years 2005, 2020
and2030. This UNECE-Europe wide inventory covers all relevant anthropogenic emissions. The
existingTNO-MACC inventory for 2005 has been used as the baseline for the non-transport sectors,
and hasbeenfurther extended byincludingBaP and EC emissionsforall sectors.

A full gridded emission inventory for 10 substances (including PM10, PM2.5, EC and BaP) to
themodellers in SP2 is now available. Furthermore, baseline gridded emission inventories have
beencalculatedfor 2020and2030 by applying scaling factors to the 2005gridat the detailed
These include, biogenic organic compounds, biomass burning smoke, wind-blown dustand sea-salt.
Depending on the regions and specific episodes, one or more of these sources could
of thereleased pollutants.

A global inventory of emissions from transport modes has been constructed and complementary
datatocoverallothersourceshavebeencollected.Thistaskfellbackonexistingandon-goingresearchin this
field for transport emissions (e.g., QUANTIFY) and overall anthropogenic emissions (IPCCAR5 and
the RCPs). The global inventories and emission calculations will be applied in the
globalmodellingactivities in SP2.

Emphasis has been put on advancing the spatial detail of emission allocation to allow for
improvedair quality modelling Therefore, transport-related baseline emissions have been allocated to
a 1 by 1kilometre grid using state-of-the science methods for allocating emissions at a continental
scale. Theapproach underwent continuous improvements over the last years and has proved its
potential bybeingusedfortheEuropeanPollutantReleaseandTransferRegister(E-
PRTR).Thetransportactivity determined in previous tasks in this WP, combined with the emission
factors in the earlierWP’s in this SP allow for the construction of an emission baseline. Assessment
of EU
now possible to account for different loads of main and auxiliary engines as well as for theresulting
levels of emissions. This also yielded an improved spatial allocation of in-port emissions tomore than
1900 coastal ports based on Eurostat proxy data. For air transport activity, detailed activityrates
based on flight plan data have been used for 2005 and projected to future years. Emissions havebeen
calculated for the whole Landing-and-take-off (LTO) cycle including not only from aircrafts
atdifferent stages in the cycle (Taxi, Approach, Take-off, Climb-out) but also for ground


i. A higher level of spatial and temporal detail for urban areas has been attempted as
aresult of detailed data inventory for the case cities and application of the city
ii. Increased level of spatial detail compared to the state-of-the-art emission
inventoriesfor EU-wide transport activity has been reached. The emission baseline
with detailedtransport emission grids and speciated PM (EC, BaP, PN) is the main
output of thisSP. It is currently being used in all consequent SP’s: as input for air
quality modelling(SP2), exposure modelling (SP3), relations and integrated
assessment (SP4) and thebaselineformitigation measuresassessment(SP5).

i. A state-of-the-art methodology for the quantification of transport PM exhaust andnon-
exhaustemissions, usingemission factors or profiles.
ii. A major dataset containing PM emissions of transport with different levels of
detailwith respect to spatial distribution. The database was a key input for air quality
andexposuremodels (SP2, SP4 and SP5).
iii. A major dataset with transport activities per mode, and vehicle stocks per age
n SP5.
iv. A newPNCinventoryfor UNECEEuropefor 2005andthe projectionyears
2020and2030.Thenewinventoryfocuses onthecontribution of thetransportsectors.
v. TotalPNemissionsareprojectedto halveinthefuture(Figure4and 5).
vi. Land-
eclinestronglyand willno longer bedominant.
vii. Internationalshippingisthedominantsourcein2005,butisexpectedtodeclineduetotheintro
duction oflow sulphurfuels.
viii. Aviationisrecognizedas asignificantsourceof(semi-volatile)PN.
ix. Although road vehicle PN EFs are better documented, further work is necessary
toaccount for a number of parameters (such as climatic conditions, mean trip
distanceevaporation losses) specific to each country. However, although increased
ed given the evolution of vehicle, fuel and after treatment technology.
roadvehicles(shipping,inparticular)arelimitedand need additional research.

Figure 4 Total particle number emissions Figure5Transportsectortotalparticlenumberemi

for2005,2020 ssions in 2005, 2020 and 2030
and2030bycountrygroup(Seaisinternationalshi excludingInternational shipping. (Aviation =
pping) airportLTO’s upto1000m)

4.2 SP2Airqualityandexposure(FMI,NILU)
resolved information on the contributions from transport related emission sources ofparticulate
matter (PM) with enhanced chemical analysis on the ESCAPE filter samples. Thesemeasurements
have been used to extend the source apportionment studies based on PM data
filter samples. A key objective of SP was to refine and improve the modelling systemscurrently in
use across different spatial and temporal scales, including the treatment of

WP 2.1 Air quality and transport related micro-environment measurements

OC;eightPAH,includingBaP;oxidativepotential;hopanes/steranes;oxy-PAHand levoglucosan.
A monitoring campaign in Rotterdam, was undertaken in September 2010. Emission profiles of
(i.e. XRF analysis) have been established. Also, the aerosol dynamics of size-
resolvedparticlenumbersdown-wind of amotorwaywerestudied.

Extra measurement campaigns were conducted in Rotterdam and Thessaloniki on PM 2.5and

PM10atregional and urban background locations, as well as near transport locations (e.g. road traffic
andharbour area). The 24-h samples collected during two months in October-December 2012 have

have been completed in April 2011 and the Rotterdam campaign in May 2011. PM wasmeasured
during several tracks through these three cities by bus, in a car and by bicycle in order
tomeasureexposureof urban commutersinvarioustransport modes.

Emission measurements of particulate and gas phase species were conducted on-board of sea-
goingvessels. These campaigns were designed to fill gaps in knowledge on the emission factors from
shipengines, in particular EF for engines using the low-sulphur (1% fuel S content) marine fuels
imposedby the IMO legislation and the new EU Fuel Directive and EF for PM compounds BaP and
sationofPMemissionshasbeenperformedinvolvinganumberofnovelanalyticaltechniques in a broad
international collaboration where also researchers outside the TRANSPHORMprojectparticipated.

The data of the monitoring campaigns are available on the TRANSPHORM website. The
monitoringdata collected in the 10 ESCAPE cities (Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen, London, various
cities in theNetherlands, Munich, Paris, Rome, Catalonya and Athens) are presented as an Excel file
on thewebsiteof TRANSPHORM.

WP2 has provided concentration and exposure information (source and compound specific) for
theproject. These measurements and analysis provide a unique database for assessing the health
impactsof particulate matter through ESCAPE cohort studies (SP3) and for source apportionment
studies.Furthermore, themeasurementdatain combination with existing measurement datahave
ngand health impact studies.

WP2.2Sourceapportionmentofparticulatematter (NILU)
Receptor modelling (statistical analysis of PM chemical composition) has been carried out on
theESCAPEmeasurementdatasettoexploreitspotentialforsourceapportionment.Asignificantamount of
effort was put into analysing these data but the results did not generally provide the levelof certainty
required to quantify the individual sources due mainly to long averaging times andlimited number of
samples. It was found that the spatial variability of the samples and the resultingchemical analyses
was not optimal for traditional receptor modelling applications. Only in
in the results be reduced. For this reason additional campaigns specifically designed
forsourceapportionment,wereconducted in Rotterdamand Thessaloniki.

It was found that the regional background (long range transport from outside of the city) was
background ranged from 50 - 90% of the total PM2.5exposure. The highest contribution was for
thecity of Rotterdam whilst the lowest was for Oslo. The contribution of transport to the total
regionalbackground PM2.5concentrations was found to vary from city to city. In general the largest
singlecontributor was shipping (5 - 14%) followed by traffic (3 – 7%). Rail was also found to have a
non-negligible contribution (2 – 3%). In addition to the individual source contributions the
interaction ofthese separate source sectors in the formation of secondary inorganic nitrate aerosols
meant that thetotal transport contribution was larger than the sum of its parts. In total transport was
found tocontributebetween 12–32%of thetotal regionalbackgroundPM2.5atthesefivecities.

Within the cities the local contribution to the total long term PM 2.5exposure was also assessed.
Ingeneral traffic was the dominant transport contributor to the total PM 2.5exposure, ranging from
28%(Oslo) to 3% (Rotterdam). In cities where non-exhaust traffic emissions were explicitly
modelled(e.g. Oslo, London and Helsinki) it was found that up to half of the traffic contribution was
fromnon-exhaust emissions. Shipping was found to be as large a contributor as traffic in both
Athens(15%) and Rotterdam (2%). Other emissions within the cities also contributed significantly,
e.g. 15-20%in OsloandLondon,but theseemissions werenotconsistentlymodelledacross the cities.

Figure 6 Left: Relative source contributions in the TRANSPHORM target cities for PM 2.5for the year 2008,
calculatedusing local dispersion modelling. Source contributions are calculated based on population weighted
concentrations. Notall cities differentiate between regional background and non-transport within the city and not all cities
differentiatebetween exhaust and non-exhaust emissions. Regional background concentrations are derived from a
ofregionalscalemodellingandobservations.Right:Relativeregionalbackground(LRT)contributionoftransportsectorsto the
total regional background concentrationsofPM2.5at sixcitiesinEurope.

In Oslo source apportionment using models was also carried out for PM 10, elemental carbon
(EC),BaP and particle number concentrations (PNC). This assessment provided insight into the
challengesfacing authorities when deciding on mitigation strategies. For example PM 10reductions in
Oslowould be best achievedby reducing the non-exhaust emissions (mostly associatedwith
studdedtyres) whilst EC and PNC would be best reduced by reducing exhaust emissions. BaP and
PM2.5ontheother hand could bereduced byaddressingdomesticheatingemissions.

Comparison was made between the dispersion modelled and receptor modelled source
contributionsat ESCAPE monitoring sites for Oslo. However, the results of the receptor modelling
based onESCAPE datasets have significant uncertainties so no concrete conclusions could be drawn.
With theuse of an optimisation technique, the modelled source contributions for Oslo were assessed
areclosetooptimalbutthatthemodelmaybeoverpredictingthetrafficcontributionto some degree. This
implies that the traffic contribution to PM2.5, in Oslo at least, is an upperestimate.
Though originally intended to provide source specific and spatially distributed dispersion
modelconcentrations for health risk assessments carried out in ESCAPE and in SP3, this was not
ion of dispersion models by comparing them with the ESCAPE monitoring data and bycomparison
with theLand Use Regression (LUR) models developed in ESCAPE. In
tinothers (e.g. Oslo)thiswasnot thecase.

The comparison of modelling approached was extended to assess the uncertainty of both LUR
anddispersion models. The results provide an alternative insight into the LUR methodology,
ssibletoexplain a large part of the correlation found in the ESCAPE LUR models to noise fitting of
non-relevant explanatory variables. As a result the spatial distributions produced by LUR models
andapplied to cohort studies to determine health risks may not be providing suitable concentration
fieldsfor these studies. It is argued that dispersion models, especially in combination with
observations,shouldprovide moremeaningful concentrationmaps forhealth riskassessment studies.

WP 2.3 Improvedairquality modelling of transport relatedpollutiononthe urbanscale(AUTH)

modelling was carried out. A main focus was on the application and further development
ofresuspension emission models available within TRANSPHORM but several other approaches
wereanalysed as well, based on the need for accurate emission data from the transport sector at
differentspatial and temporal scales. Multi-scale approaches involving combinations of different
model types(e.g. nested Eulerian models and sub-grid street level models) were reviewed as a means
n of emission data from transport sectors such as shipping and aviation were considered,mainly
related to the use of GPS and AIS systems. A novel methodology of down-scaling forregional-urban-
street scales and system for High-Resolution Forecast Meteorology and Chemistrywas demonstrated
on an example of Danish Urban Area in the city of Copenhagen (Nuterman et al.,2011).

A model inter-comparison study for the city of Rotterdam was carried out with the participation
CAIR,FMI).SimulationsinthefiveTRANSPHORM core cities were also carried out, based on
approaches that were developed andtested during the Rotterdam intercomparison providing for the
first time comprehensive performancebaselineforsuch urbanair qualitymodels.

In order to study the relevance of aerosol dynamics in the fate of PNC emitted from traffic in
urbanareas, the evolution of the particle size distribution with distance from road was modelled using
themulticomponent sectional aerosol dynamics model MAFOR (Karl et al., 2011). Comparison
withwell-documented aerosol models (MONO32 and AEROFOR) and a comprehensive
observationaldataset on gas phase compounds, aerosol size distribution and chemical composition
have beenconductedto evaluatethemodel (Karl etal., 2011).

PNC was also modelled for Europe on a regional scale using CMAQ 4.7.1 and a comparison of
themodelled data for the Cabauw field has taken place. In line with previous studies the
nucleationmechanism and size distribution of primary particle emission profiles were identified as
the mainareasformodelimprovement.Themodelshowedsomeskillinrepresentingdailyandseasonal
trends in PNC. This result indicates that the representation of particle number specific emissions
andsecondary sources could be a limiting factor in CMAQ’s ability to model PNC, however
moreanalysisis required at sitesacrossEuropeto validate thisfinding.

Several simplified methods have been extensively tested for the core cities of the project. A
simplemethodology developed by AUTH (Moussiopoulos et al., 2012) has been formulated in the
form ofan executable module that can be used for estimating the urban increment concentrations for
manymajor pollutants, which will serve as a tool for quick but reliable impact assessment studies on
has also been developed (Denby et al., 2011) and may be applied as a simplified tool

Within the Framework of the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE),
theintra-urban spatial variation of NO2, PM10, PM2.5and its elemental composition was measured in
20study areas across Europe.LUR models were developed based on these measurements. LUR
modelsfor PM10, PM2.5and PM2.5absorbance have been published (Eeftens, 2012).LUR models
weresuccessfully developed in the majority of the 20 study areas across Europe, for 8 a priori
selectedtrace elements: copper (Cu), iron (Fe), potassium (K), Nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), sulphur
(S), silicon(Si) and zinc (Zn) in both the PM2.5 and PM10 size fractions. Potential predictor
variables for LURmodel development covering a range of potential emission sources were extracted
for all study
f thegeographical inputdatausedcan befoundinEeftenset al (2012).

A direct comparisons between LUR and dispersion modelling (DM) has been made for NO2,
PM10and PM2.5, to gain a better understanding of the differences or agreements between LUR and
DMestimates for use in epidemiological studies (de Hoogh, 2014). In thirteen ESCAPE study areas
wewere able to apply dispersion models; 10 study areas used a Gaussian plume model, whereas 3
studyareas a Eulerian/chemical transport model for estimating dispersion from localized sources.
Wecompared LUR and DM at the residential addresses of the participants of 13 cohorts for NO 2; 7
forPM10and 4 for PM2.5. LUR and dispersion model estimates correlated better for NO2 than for
PM10and PM2.5. DM predict a moderate to large portion of the variation measured across the
ESCAPEmeasurementsites, againmoresoforNO2than for PM10and PM2.5.

WP2.4Regional andglobal scaleairqualitymodelling(DMI)

Several methods for regional downscaling have been investigated within the project. Two cases
wereexamined where enhanced resolution modelling is applied to improve the level of spatial detail,
usingthe EMEP and Enviro-HIRLAM models. In addition three different sub-grid downscaling
methods,intended to improve the exposure assessment at the urban scale for all of Europe, were
considered.These involve the redistribution of concentrations based on fine scale emission data, on
the statisticalcovariance of population and on a parameterised model for determining the urban
increment. TheEMEP model has been run with enhanced resolution of 1/8 x 1/16 degrees latitude –
s have been made for the year 2009. The fine scale model run shows clear improvementsinthelevel of

As a test case for Oslo the regional EMEP 0.2 x 0.2 degrees (~20 km) model output has
beendownscaled for the city of Oslo into a 0.05 x 0.05 degrees grid (~4 km). This downscaling
methodredistributes the EMEP concentrations according to the fine scale emission distribution, based
on abottom up emission inventory for Oslo. Compared to the regional model calculations for Oslo,
PM2.5concentrationsin the most polluted grids areapproximatelydoubled.
ddedpopulationweightedconcentrationusingfinerscaleinformationconcerning the covariance of the
population density, emission data and altitude data. The method isapplied to all of Europe to
determine the population weighted concentrations of PM 10originallycalculated by the EMEP model
with a 50 x 50 km2resolution, effectively attaining a resolution of ~5km. Application of this method
results in an increase of 15% in the total population weightedconcentrationsforall ofEurope.

The third downscaling method by AUTH attempts to define functional relationships between
localmeteorological parameters, city characteristics and urban emissions to derive an ‘urban
increment’.The relationships are determined from measured urban increments at a number of
locations for keycities. The derived functional relationship (parameterisation) can then be used to
estimate the urbanincrement foranyarbitrarylocation.

A baseline simulation (2005) with the DLR global aerosol model EMAC/MADE was performed
byapplying the global emission data set generated within the project. The model run was evaluated
indetail on the basis of observational data. A method to generate boundary condition data for
regionalmodels from the global model output was developed and applied to provide boundary
conditions forthe regional model ensemble base simulation. The boundary condition data comprise
information onthe concentration, size distribution and composition of anthropogenic and natural
particles as well astheconcentration ofparticle precursors.

related pollution were initiated. Studies of changes in climate and its relationship to airquality are
carrying out in several collaborating projects including MEGAPOLI and CITYZEN,PEGASOS and
EnsCLIMA. In particular within the Nordic EnsClima network (lead by SMHI) DMI,FMI and are realising simulations of climate change effects on atmospheric pollution overNorthern
Europe for 2010-2050 (Langner et al., 2012). The aim of TRANSPHORM was not todirectly study
this relationship, but to examine results from these projects on the effects of climatechange on the
policy measures designed for reducing the health effects of transport emissions. As aresearch
outcome, a new version of the online coupled model suitable for climate time-scale long-
termsimulations(EnvClim),isdeveloped;itisundertestingand evaluationatthecurrentstage.

Oneofthemostsignificantexposuremodifiersissizedependentinfiltrationofparticlesfromoutdoor air
indoors. Two extensive population based data sets were used in the model developmentand
evaluation: PM2.5mass concentrations (ULTRA data, Helsinki, Finland) or particle

settling velocities as function of increasing particle size. Both factors lead to
n depends significantly on the ventilation rate, which was accounted for as part of the mass-balance

The infiltration model was integrated with a time-activity model and exposures estimated for
subsequent uptake of particles in the human respiratory tract were estimated. Time-activity data
measurement data from these studies for the model development. The respiratory tractmodel was
adopted from ICRP (1994) and Voutilainen (2004). The developed model is capable ofestimating
both infiltration and respiratory tract uptake of particles by size in number, surface areaandmass

The results of numerical exposure modelling obtained through the use of air quality models and
staticand moving populations as well those obtained using deterministic and probabilistic exposure
modelswere evaluated against ambient monitoring and exposure measurements and ESCAPE results,
wherelanduseregression models havebeenapplied forthesamepurpose.

MoredetailedexposuremodellingwasperformedforthecitiesofLondonandHelsinki,allowingalso for the

movements of the population, and their exposure in various micro-environments. Thepopulation
exposure model EXPAND was substantially refined, and the latest model version wasapplied to
evaluate the micro-environmental and source category – specific exposures in the
HelsinkiMetropolitan Area (Soares et al., 2014). Similar analysis was also performed in case of
environments (instead of only evaluating, e.g., the exposure in residential locations)
substantiallyimprovesthe accuracyofexposureestimates.

The high scientific potential of the developed methods was demonstrated by applying the
target cities and the ESCAPE cohorts located in them. However, as there is noESCAPE cohort in
London and due to the limitations in the availability of geographical location datafrom the cohorts in
Oslo, Rotterdam, and Athens, the calculations were performed only for theESCAPEFINRISKcohort
in Helsinki.

The particle uptakes were estimated in five different regions of the human respiratory tract
(includingextra thoracic, bronchiolar, alveolar), and in five alternative metrics including besides
dosesforthe5700cohort members isprovidedasanelectronicappendixof thereport.

Key resultsfromSP2
i. NewmeasurementsinRotterdamandThessalonikihaveprovideddetailedsourceapportionmen
tof PM.
ii. ThemeasurementcampaignsfromTRANSPHORM,incombinationwithexistingmeasuremen
t data have provided the basis for emission profiles (both chemical and sizedistributed)in
TRANSPHORMmodellingand health impact studies.
iii. Collectivelythesedataprovideanimprovedbasisformodellingandhealthimpactassessment.
iv. Source apportionment studies in cities and for Europe have highlighted the significance
rwithin thesecities, bothlocal and longrange,hasbeen determined.
v. The measurements carried out in WP2.1 provide some of the necessary improvements
inindoor air quality modelling required for the application to direct exposure-response
vi. Studies comparing LUR with dispersion models have shown that LUR models are
notalways optimal as spatial predictors of air quality and methodological improvements
vii. Allowing for theexposure in various micro-environments (instead ofonly evaluating,e.g.,
the exposure in residential locations or the population
weightedconcentrations)substantiallyimprovestheaccuracyof exposureand health
viii. Integrated exposure and human respiratory tract dose estimation tools were developed
forbetter understanding of particle size dependent doses and analysis of their
healthrelevancein human populations.

chemical transport models. The advantages of using a model ensemble, instead of
of model predictions can be readily evaluated, and (iii) the final result is less dependenton possible
deficiencies of any individual model. The model ensemble has been used to evaluateEuropeanair
qualitybothforthe currentyearsandthe future.

Four regional-scale dispersion models have been applied to assess air quality in Europe in 2005.
Aregional model ensemble was constructed based on these model predictions. The objectives of
thisexercise were (i)to conduct a jointevaluationof theTRANSPHORM regional models,
s,(iii)toassessoptimally the presentsituationandbase-casescenario.Five regionalmodels participated:
MATCH) were used for assessing the boundary conditions. Emissions

Twoproceduresweredevelopedforunderstandingbetter,andforallowingfortheunder-predictionof the
PM2.5concentrations by the regional models. A so-called “bias correction” was computed
thatdescribes the difference of predicted and measured concentrations, in terms of European
regions,seasons of the year, and for a whole year. A data assimilation method was also developed
forproviding for the best possible predictions of PM2.5, taking into account both the measured data

4.3 SP3:Relationshipsbetween transportrelatedPMandhealth(UU, JRC)

TheworkplanforSP3ispartlybasedonusingexistingliteratureonhealtheffectsoftransportrelated pollution
as a basis for the health impact assessment, partly on using and enhancing therecently funded large
European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). The first partisself-
evidentandisinprincipleavailabletoallprojects.ThesecondpartisuniquetoTRANSPHORM and is
explained below. The ESCAPE study includes 33 cohorts, subdivided in fourmajorgroups:
(1) birthcohortsonpregnancyoutcomes,allergyandasthma,anddevelopmentaleffects;
(2) cohortsonadultrespiratorydiseaseoutcomes;
(3) cohortsonadultcardiovasculardiseaseoutcomes;
(4) cohorts on cancer incidenceand mortalityoutcomes.
The collaboration represents an investment of well over 100 million Euros in the ongoing
cohortstudies, from a wide range of local, national and international funds. ESCAPE adds assessment
of airpollution exposure to these studies, with an emphasis on spatial contrasts in PM and NOx from
s of NOx only are being conducted in an additional 16 areas. PM measurements arebeing conducted
on 20 different sites in each area to investigate spatial contrasts while NOx ismeasuredat 40 sitesper

Thefundedcontributionfrom TRANSPHORMprovidedthe followingnewinformation:

(1) Analysis of the collected PM10filters for elemental content using XRF to have full data
oncomposition of coarse and fine PM. As ESCAPE samples are taken at roadside as well
asurban and regional background, this will allow differentiation of tailpipe and non-
tailpipeemissions as the tailpipe PM emissions will be almost exclusively in the fine fraction,
and thenon-tailpipelargelyinthecoarsemode. The XRFanalysishasbeencompletedasplanned.
(2) Further chemical and toxicological characterization of PM in a number of ESCAPE
studyareas that are most informative with respect to impacts of PM from the various
(3) Specificallymeasurementofcharacteristic‘markers’fortransportrelatedPMwillbeperformed and
the results used in source apportionment study as proposed in SP2, WP2.2
toisolatethecontribution of thevariousforms oftransport ofinterestto thisstudy.
(4) Estimation of exposure to PM and possibly other pollutants from various transport sectors
forthe cohort members, using the exposure models resulting from the Land Use
(5) Analysis of exposure response functions in participating cohorts, using the specific
newexposuredatageneratedbythe previous steps.

The decision about which areas are ‘most informative’ in ESCAPE have been based first on
howinformative the areas are with respect to the priorities of the current call (road, shipping and
airtransport), and second on availability of cohort data (some ESCAPE study areas have more
gen,Helsinki,London, Rome, Athens and Paris.

Withthenewinformationonexposureresponsefunctionsthatwillbegeneratedintheprevioussteps, the
impacts of transport related PM pollution on health can be assessed. It should be noted thatthe
effectsoflong-termexposure (forwhichwe willhavenew C-Rfunctions) are by far thedominant ones in
terms of public health overall. As explained further in SP4 and 5, TRANSPHORMwill develop
methods forestimating the health impacts (and associated disease burden) of transport-related PM,
understood as the health impacts – irrespective of how far in the future they may occur –attributable
to(changes in) transport emissions in any one selected year. (TRANSPHORM usesespecially
theyears 2020 and 2030.) This will give a methodological basis for assessing the effectsof policies
and measures that involve sustained pollution changes). The WPs are briefly describedhere.

WP3.1 Effects of transport related ambient PM on pregnancy outcomes and childhood

outcomes and with childhood disease and development.A detailed analysis of
basisfor the assessment of the impactof transport related PM on these health outcomes. A choicehas
been made to analyze lung function and respiratory infections. The key results are shown inTables1
and 2.

Table1showsthatmostoftheelementalconcentrationsinPM2.5andPM10werenegativelyassociated with
lung function (expressed as FEV1). Only the relationship with Ni in

Table 2 shows that all elements in PM2.5and PM10were positively associated with pneumonia in
thefirst years of life. The associations with Fe, K and Zn in PM2.5, and of Ni, S and Zn in
PM10reachedstatisticalsignificanceinthe metaanalyses.
These results have been published in the meantime (Eeftens et al., Epidemiology. September
1.doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2014.05.004. [Epub ahead of print]).

Ageneralassessmentof theelementalanalysesresultsfollowsafterthesectiondevotedtoWP3.4.

Table 1: Crude and adjusted associations abetween estimated air pollution levels at the current
analysesexpressedaspercentchangewith95%confidenceintervals,I 2and p-
valueofheterogeneityofeffectestimates betweencohorts.

Exposure Nofcohorts Model2b I2(p-value)

CuPM2.5 5 -0.72 (-3.87,2.43) 71(0.0076)
FePM2.5 5 -0.88 (-2.90,1.15) 62(0.0337)
KPM2.5 3c 0.50(-1.04 ,2.04) 0(0.9448)
NiPM2.5 4d -0.57 (-2.45,1.31) 33(0.2173)
SPM2.5 5 -1.69 (-5.17,1.80) 54(0.0672)
SiPM2.5 5 -1.28 (-4.83,2.26) 53(0.0733)
VPM2.5 4e -1.11 (-3.54,1.31) 14(0.3236)
ZnPM2.5 5 0.00(-1.48 ,1.48) 40(0.1546)

CuPM10 5 -0.33 (-1.32,0.66) 0(0.5982)

FePM10 5 -0.43 (-1.31,0.46) 0(0.8573)
KPM10 5 0.06(-0.54 ,0.66) 0(0.7052)
NiPM10 5 -1.57(-2.74,-0.40) 8(0.3597)
SPM10 5 -2.3(-4.71 ,0.12) 38(0.1682)
SiPM10 5 -0.98 (-3.43,1.47) 44(0.1267)
VPM10 5 -0.15 (-3.62,3.32) 48(0.1037)
ZnPM10 5 -0.6(-1.59 ,0.39) 0(0.4663)

Associations are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ Fe PM2.5,
500ng/m³ Fe PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM10, 1 ng/m³ NIi PM2.5, 2 ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ S PM2.5,
200ng/m³ S PM10, 100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ SIi PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5, 3 ng/m³ V PM10, 10 ng/m³ Zn PM2.5, 20
Model 2: adjusted for recent respiratory infections, non-native ethnicity/nationality, parental education, allergic
mother,allergic father,breastfeeding,maternal smoking during pregnancy,smoking athome,mould/dampness
athome,furrypetsat home.
Table 2: Association between pneumonia (0-2 years) and elemental composition of PM: Results
fromrandom-effects meta-analyses (ORs and 95%-CIs) and I 2(p-value) of test for heterogeneity of
effectestimatesbetween cohortsa

Constituent Nofcohorts Model3b I(p-value)c
CUPM2.5 7 1.55(0.92,2.61) 0.62(0.01)
FEPM2.5 7 1.60(1.08,2.38) 0.62(0.02)
K PM2.5 5d 2.58(1.21,5.51) 0.69(0.01)
NiPM2.5 6e 1.14(0.94,1.37) 0 (0.59)
S PM2.5 7 2.07(0.72,5.94) 0.75(0.00)
SiPM2.5 7 1.93(0.75,5.01) 0.74(0.00)
V PM2.5 6f 2.10(0.69,6.44) 0.49(0.08)
ZnPM2.5 7 1.60(1.33,1.92) 0.04(0.40)

CUPM10 7 1.13(0.89,1.44) 0.24(0.25)

FE PM10 7 1.29(0.95,1.76) 0.53(0.05)
K PM10 7 1.45(0.96,2.19) 0.50(0.06)
Ni PM10 7 1.26(1.01,1.58) 0 (0.95)
S PM10 7 2.15(1.12,4.12) 0.61(0.02)
Si PM10 7 1.74(0.95,3.18) 0.63(0.01)
V PM10 7 1.54(0.84,2.85) 0.28(0.21)
ZnPM10 7 1.62(1.28,2.05) 0.11(0.35)

Information was collected at 12 and 24 months of age for BAMSE, GINIplus, and PIAMA, at 6, 12, 18, and 24
monthsfor LISAplus, at 6 and 15 months for GASPII, at 18 months for INMA, and at 36 months for MAAS (information
beforethree years was not available for this latter cohort). ORs are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu
PM2.5, 20ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ Fe PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ Fe PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM10, 1 ng/m³ NIi
PM2.5, 2ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ S PM2.5, 200 ng/m³ S PM10, 100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³SIi PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5,
3ng/m³V PM10, 10ng/m³ZnPM2.5,20ng/m³ZnPM10
Model 3: Adjusted for sex, region (BAMSE), older siblings, breastfeeding, parental atopy, daycare, smoking
duringpregnancy,environmental tobaccosmokeinhome,parental SES (parental
occupation)gas,moldandintervention(GINIplus,PIAMA, MAAS)
NotavailableforGINI/LISAnorth(Weselcity) norMAAS
Notavailable forGINI/LISAsouth(Munichcity)

WP3.2Effectsoftransportrelatedambient PMonadultrespiratorydisease(STI)
The relationship between transport related ambient PM air pollution and chronic bronchitis,
COPDand the incidence of asthma has been quantified using NO2 and Black Carbon as traffic
markerswithin ESCAPE. It was noted that no clear associations with these markers were found, and
cohortswererelativelysmall compared to cohorts inother work packages.
For the respiratory health outcomes in adults, intense analyses for an assessment of
associationsbetween the markers of air pollution (provided by TRANSPHORM) and respiratory
health in adultshas been completed. This involves respiratory symptoms, lung function, chronic
obstructive lungdiseases (COPD) and asthma. The focus is both on incidence and prevalence.In the
data cleaningand preparation phase, it became evident that the spatial model outputs for the studies
with data onadultrespiratory healthwerenotincludingtheentiresamplesofthe
involvedcohorts,namelyECRHS, EGEA, E3N, NSHD, SALIA and SAPALDIA. This comes with the
challenge of reducedstatistical power and non-convergence of some of the models. Further details
can be found in theDeliverable.

WP3.3Effectsoftransportrelatedambient PMonadultcardiovasculardisease(HMGU)
This WP quantifies the relationship between transport related ambient PM air pollution and
on and incident coronary events. A choice has been made to analyze the incidence
in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 shows generally positive associations between elements in PM2.5 and PM10 on CRP
andfibrinogen. Some of these (Cu in PM2.5 and Fe in PM10 for CRP, and Zn in PM2.5 for
fibrinogen)reachedstatistical significancein themetaanalyses.

Table 4 shows that all elements in PM2.5 and PM10 were positively associated with the incidence

Table 3: Effects of PM components on C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen: Results from random-
effects meta-analyses (percent changes from the outcome mean and 95%-CIs) and I 2(p-value) of
testforheterogeneity of effectestimatesbetween cohorts.

CRP Fibrinogen
Model1b Model1b
N %change I² N %change I²
Exposurea cohorts (95%-CI) (p-valuec) cohorts (95%-CI) (p-valuec)
CuPM2.5 5 6.3 (0.7-12.3) 0 (0.59) 4 0.6(-1.5-2.7) 61(0.1)
FePM2.5 5 3.4(-0.3-7.2) 0 (0.69) 4 0.7(-0.3-1.8) 37 (0.18)
KPM2.5 4 d -3.4(-12.7-6.8) 52 (0.13) 3d -1.1(-2.6-0.5) 0 (0.49)
NiPM2.5 3 e,f 2.4 (-10.9-17.7) 77(0.1) 3e -0.3(-2.6-2.1) 40 (0.23)
SPM2.5 4 f 0.9(-6.1-8.4) 10 (0.34) 4 0.0(-3.0-2.9) 58 (0.34)
SiPM2.5 4f 2.5(-2.2-7.4) 6 (0.45) 4 0.5(-2.0-3.0) 76 (0.01)
VPM2.5 3f,g 2.9(-3.1-9.3) 0 (0.68) 3g -1.8(-4.4-0.9) 0 (0.62)
ZnPM2.5 5 2.1(-2.8-7.2) 7 (0.34) 4 1.2*(0.1-2.4) 8 (0.52)

CuPM10 5 2.7(-1.2-6.7) 0 (0.6) 4 0.4(-1-1.8) 56 (0.15)

FePM10 5 3.6*(0.3-7.1) 0 (0.86) 4 0.2(-1.3-1.6) 68 (0.03)
KPM10 5 3.4(-5.3-13.0) 75 (0.02) 4 0.5(-2.5-3.5) 87 (0.01)
NiPM10 4f 2.0(-5.9-10.5) 28 (0.31) 4 0.6(-4.0-5.2) 84 (0.07)
SPM10 4f 0.3(-6.5-7.7) 12 (0.32) 4 0.0(-2.4-2.5) 44 (0.32)
SiPM10 4f 2.3(-3.4-8.3) 53 (0.18) 4 0.4(-2.3-3.1) 85 (0.01)
VPM10 3f,g 0.8 (-10.1-13.1) 21 (0.31) 3 -0.3(-2.4-1.7) 0 (0.82)
ZnPM10 5 -0.1(-4.5-4.4) 0 (0.51) 4 0.8(-0.4-1.9) 14 (0.31)

Percent changes are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ Fe
PM2.5,500 ng/m³ Fe PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM 10, 1 ng/m³ Ni PM2.5, 2 ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ S PM2.5,
200ng/m³ S PM10, 100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ SIi PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5, 3 ng/m³ V PM10, 10 ng/m³ Zn PM2.5, 20
bleforKORA,*p-value ofpooledeffectestimate<0.05

Baseconfounder modelb

HazardRatio I²
Exposurea Ncohorts
(95%-CI) (p-valuec)
CuPM2.5 10 1.04(0.94-1.16) 5 (0.39)
FePM2.5 10 1.06(0.98-1.15) 16 (0.41)
KPM2.5 9d 1.17(1.04-1.31) 0 (0.51)
NiPM2.5 6e 1.03(0.82-1.29) 21 (0.21)
SPM2.5 10 1.02(0.80-1.28) 0 (0.87)
SiPM2.5 10 1.09(0.87-1.36) 73 (0.08)
VPM2.5 9h 1.21(0.66-2.25) 76 (0.10)
ZnPM2.5 10 1.08(0.92-1.26) 0 (0.59)

CuPM10 10 1.02(0.92-1.14) 47 (0.19)

FePM10 10 1.06(0.94-1.21) 58 (0.08)
KPM10 10 1.06(1.00-1.12) 0 (0.98)
NiPM10 10 1.09(0.94-1.26) 2 (0.42)
SPM10 10 1.18(0.99-1.42) 0 (0.76)
SiPM10 10 1.08(0.94-1.24) 69 (0.58)
VPM10 9f 1.09(0.92-1.29) 0 (0.82)
ZnPM10 10 1.08(0.96-1.21) 3 (0.86)

Hazard ratios are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu PM 2.5, 20 ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ FePM2.5,
500 ng/m³ Fe PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM10, 1 ng/m³ Ni PM2.5, 2 ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ SPM2.5,
200 ng/m³ S PM10, 100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ Si PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5, 3 ng/m³ V PM10, 10 ng/m³
smokingduration, smokingintensityandsocioeconomicarea-level indicators;

WP3.4 Effects of transport related ambient PM on adult mortality and cancer incidence
Thekeyresultsareshownin Tables 5 and 6.

Table 5 shows that in the final model 3 with one exception (Cu in PM 2.5) all elements in
PM2.5andPM10 were positively associated with natural cause mortality. In the meta analyses,
associations withSand Si in PM2.5, and Kand Niin PM10weresignificant.

Table 6 shows that there was no clear pattern in associations between elements in PM 2.5and PM10with
cardiovascular disease mortality. Papers have been accepted (Beelen et al,, EHP 2014)
andpublished,respectively(Wangetal.,EnvironInt. 2014May;66:97-106).
Assessmentofassociationswith elementsinPM2.5andPM10
As the six tables show, there were quite a few significant positive associations between elements
inPM2.5and PM10and health endpoints. It should be noted that the results presented so far are
fromanalyses without adjustment for PM mass. We are still investigating to what extent these
associationswith PM elements are independent of those with PM mass. We should also note that the
results so farare quite variable in the sense that different elements are associated with different health
endpoints. Itis not clear at the moment whether this reflects true underlying biological differences in
centrations. For instance, whereas K is generally seen as a marker for biomass combustion,modeled
K may be a function of other GIS variables such as traffic or population density as
GISdatabasesgenerallyarenot adequatefor pinpointinglocalsourcesofbiomasscombustion.

Table 5: Association between natural cause mortality and elemental composition of PM: Results
fromrandom-effects meta-analyses (HRs and 95%-CIs) and I 2(p-value) of test for heterogeneity of
effectestimatesbetween cohorts(usingmain confoundermodels 1,2 and3) a
Exposure N of Model1b Model2b Model3b I2(p-value)c
CuPM2.5 17 1.10(1.01-1.20) 1.01(0.95-1.08) 0.99(0.92-1.06) 13.4(0.30)
FePM2.5 17 1.12(1.05-1.20) 1.05(0.99-1.11) 1.04(0.98-1.10) 18.9(0.23)
K PM2.5 16d 1.05(0.96-1.13) 1.05(0.97-1.13) 1.07(0.98-1.17) 34.4(0.09)
NiPM2.5 12e 1.13(1.02-1.24) 1.06(0.95-1.17) 1.05(0.96-1.16) 29.7(0.16)
SPM2.5 16f 1.32(1.11-1.57) 1.17(1.08-1.27) 1.15(1.06-1.25) 0 (0.94)
SiPM2.5 15g 1.19(1.05-1.34) 1.10(1.01-1.20) 1.09(1.01-1.18) 19.4(0.24)
V PM2.5 14h 1.23(1.04-1.47) 1.08(0.95-1.22) 1.08(0.93-1.25) 36.6(0.08)
ZnPM2.5 17 1.07(0.98-1.16) 1.04(0.99-1.08) 1.03(0.98-1.09) 27.2(0.14)

CuPM10 17 1.09(1.02-1.17) 1.04(0.97-1.11) 1.03(0.96-1.09) 37.0(0.06)

FePM10 17 1.11(1.05-1.18) 1.06(1.00-1.12) 1.05(0.99-1.11) 33.0(0.09)
KPM10 17 1.06(0.99-1.13) 1.03(1.00-1.06) 1.03(1.00-1.06) 0 (0.68)
NiPM10 16f 1.24(1.06-1.45) 1.10(1.00-1.21) 1.10(1.01-1.21) 29.6(0.13)
SPM10 16f 1.30(1.10-1.53) 1.12(1.01-1.25) 1.12(0.99-1.26) 33.2(0.10)
SiPM10 16f 1.17(1.02-1.34) 1.05(0.97-1.14) 1.04(0.96-1.13) 52.9(0.01)
VPM10 16f 1.09(0.93-1.28) 1.04(0.94-1.14) 1.03(0.94-1.13) 15.2(0.28)
ZnPM10 17 1.09(1.01-1.18) 1.05(1.00-1.11) 1.04(0.98-1.10) 38.6(0.05)

HRs are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ Fe PM2.5, 500 ng/m³Fe
PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM10, 1 ng/m³ NIi PM2.5, 2 ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ S PM2.5, 200 ng/m³ SPM10,
100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ SIi PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5, 3 ng/m³ V PM10, 10 ng/m³ Zn PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Zn PM10bModel
1: adjusted for gender and calendar time; Model 2: adjusted for Model 1 + smoking status, smoking, smokingduration,
environmental tobacco smoke, fruit intake, vegetables intake, alcohol consumption, body mass index,educational level,
occupational exposure, employment status, marital status; and Model 3: adjusted for Model 2 + area-levelsocio-
Table 6: Association between CVD mortality and elemental composition of PM: Results from random-
effects meta-analyses (HRs and 95%-CIs) and I 2(p-value) of test for heterogeneity of effect
estimatesbetweencohorts(using main confounder models 1,2 and3) a
Exposure N of Model1b Model2b Model3b I2(p-value)c
CuPM2.5 16 1.03(0.85-1.25) 0.94(0.79-1.12) 0.87(0.71-1.07) 46.5(0.02)
FePM2.5 16 1.09(0.94-1.26) 1.02(0.89-1.17) 1.00(0.88-1.13) 29.0(0.13)
KPM2.5 15d 0.98(0.94-1.02) 0.98(0.94-1.02) 0.98(0.94-1.02) 0 (0.51)
NiPM2.5 11e 1.04(0.84-1.28) 0.95(0.75-1.20) 0.94(0.76-1.17) 45.4(0.05)
SPM2.5 15f 1.24(0.95-1.62) 1.07(0.94-1.21) 1.05(0.92-1.20) 0 (0.83)
SiPM2.5 14g 1.26(0.97-1.65) 1.19(0.93-1.54) 1.15(0.91-1.46) 53.1(0.01)
VPM2.5 13h 1.14(0.84-1.54) 0.99(0.78-1.26) 0.99(0.79-1.25) 28.1(0.16)
ZnPM2.5 16 1.07(0.89-1.28) 1.05(0.90-1.23) 1.04(0.88-1.22) 56.1(0.003)

CuPM10 16 1.01(0.88-1.16) 0.95(0.82-1.11) 0.93(0.81-1.08) 48.7(0.02)

FePM10 16 1.06(0.94-1.20) 1.00(0.87-1.15) 0.98(0.85-1.12) 49.9(0.01)
KPM10 16 1.03(0.92-1.16) 1.01(0.92-1.10) 1.01(0.90-1.12) 22.7(0.20)
NiPM10 15f 1.12(0.94-1.35) 1.01(0.89-1.15) 1.01(0.88-1.15) 0 (0.68)
SPM10 15f 1.31(1.00-1.73) 1.15(0.90-1.46) 1.13(0.87-1.46) 45.6(0.03)
SiPM10 15f 1.12(0.93-1.35) 1.04(0.89-1.22) 1.02(0.88-1.17) 44.6(0.02)
VPM10 15f 1.04(0.80-1.35) 0.98(0.80-1.19) 0.97(0.80-1.18) 20.8(0.22)
ZnPM10 16 1.08(0.92-1.27) 1.05(0.92-1.20) 1.01(0.87-1.18) 57.8(0.002)

HRs are presented for the following increments: 5 ng/m³ Cu PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Cu PM10, 100 ng/m³ Fe PM2.5, 500 ng/m³Fe
PM10, 50 ng/m³ K PM2.5, 100 ng/m³ K PM10, 1 ng/m³ Ni PM2.5, 2 ng/m³ Ni PM10, 200 ng/m³ S PM2.5, 200 ng/m³ SPM10,
100 ng/m³ Si PM2.5, 500 ng/m³ SIi PM10, 2 ng/m³ V PM2.5, 3 ng/m³ V PM10, 10 ng/m³ Zn PM2.5, 20 ng/m³ Zn PM10bModel
1: adjusted for gender and calendar time; Model 2: adjusted for Model 1 + smoking status, smoking, smokingduration,
environmental tobacco smoke, fruit intake, vegetables intake, alcohol consumption, body mass index,educational level,
occupational exposure, employment status, marital status; and Model 3: adjusted for Model 2 + area-levelsocio-
Not available for SAPALDIA gNot available for SAPALDIA, EPIC-Athens hNot available for KORA,

WP3.5 Methodsforhealthimpactassessmentoftransportrelated PM(IOM)

It was established early in the project that modelling results for the airborne concentrations of traffic-
related air pollutants would be created and provided only for certain calendar years; notably
abaselineyear(notionally2008),andfutureyearssuchas2020,2030.Thisimpliedthattheframework for
health impact assessment would be pinned to those years.Consideration of laggedeffects raised the
question of whether an assessment was for the health effects in a specific year(based on
concentrations in that and preceding years) or for the health effects of on year’s pollution,whenever
they might occur in that and/or subsequent years.It was agreed that the latter was

It was intended that an overall integrated assessment tool would be developed in WP4.1. WP3.5
wasintended to develop components of that overall methodology, in particular, those components
(i)linking concentration and/or exposure and/or internal dose, with risk of mortality, disease, or
otherhealth outcome; and (ii) dealing with background rates of disease or other health effect, across
theEU. In this way WP3.5 was to be a bridge between the rest of SP3, and SP4, feeding
methodologyand concentration-response functions into WP4.1 and so into the work of SP4 and SP5,
of predictingthefuturehealthimpactsofcurrentorfuturetransportemissionsandassociatedPM exposures.

functions (CRFs) for those relationships.These were reviewed under the projects REVIHAAP
andHRAPIE.HRAPIE, in particular, published recommendations for evidence-based CRFs for use
inhealth impact assessments in Europe. The report distinguished core recommendations for CRFs,
forwhich the evidence was considered reliable, and possible additions where the evidence was
lesssecure.In the interests of European harmonization, it was agreed that TRANSPHORM would
adoptthecorerecommendationsofHRAPIE. Thesearedetailed inTable7below.

quantify all-cause mortality (from natural causes) as related to annual concentrations of PM 2.5.
PM, derived from the detailed size-fractionated and speciated modeling of
transportPMplannedwithinTRANSPHORM(SP2),wouldnotbe usedinhealthimpact assessment.

Methods for health impact assessments include the procedures or algorithms by which
calculationsare made.In earlier projects, a distinction had been drawn between estimating (or
predicting) thepollution-related burden of a disease or mortality - how many cases or deaths - in a
The distinction is held important because changes in projected mortality rates or riskshave the side-
effect of changing the populations in subsequent years. While burden calculations canbe based on
standard methods for estimating attributable deaths or cases, impact predictions formortality require
more complicated methods based on life-table calculations for age-specific sub-cohorts. As
modelling results were to be available only for specific year, methods were specifiedthat estimated
the numbers of pollution-related attributable deaths, and predicted the reductions inthose numbers
that would be associated with reduced pollution concentrations. Age-specific deathscould be
converted to life-years using baseline estimates of age-specific life expectancy (or their age-
weightedaverageasashortcut),and economicvaluations applied topthoselife-years.

Case studies using these methods were planned for selected European cities, and for Europe as
awhole.It was decided that those for the cities would assess only mortality effects from
PM2.5,whereas the Europe-wide work, which would utilize the Ecosense system, could include other
CRFs(SP5). Baseline mortality data for 2008 or close years were obtained from city representatives,
whilecountry-specificdatawereobtained fromEU databases.

WP3.5.wasplannedtoincludetwootheraspects.First,workwouldbedonetoestimateinternaldose and, via

internal dose, to estimate risks to health, with a view to incorporating time-
challenging, because to apply results at a European level would be data-intensive, and weanticipate
important gaps in data and evidence, we consider this to be an important step forward.
ensormeasurements,time-activitypatternsoftheexposedpopulation,chemicalandtoxicological analysis
of sampled particles, and internal dose modeling especially with regard to lungdeposition processes.
The resulting internal dose refers not only to the inhaled particles but alsotoxicants such as PAHs
with well-characterized, validated toxicity profiles. Coupling the biokineticsof the inhaled particles
with the toxicity profile of their xenobiotic content, risk estimates by agegroup are derived for long-
term exposure. In addition, the deposition of PM in the human respiratorytract segregated according
to their size distribution was coupled to the oxidative stress potency of therespective PM fractions as
quantified using the reactive oxidative species (ROS) assay. Thus, theactual toxic burden can be
estimated as the integral of oxidative stress potency and the actual amountof PM deposited across the
different HRT regions. This allowed us to derive a new exposure
tract. Considering the importance of oxidative stress as a local, as well as systemic
inflammatorymediator, this new exposure metric should allow as to derive more refined associations
betweenexposure toPM and differenthealth endpoints, which areaffected by oxidative stressresponses
atthe cellular level. In this way, health impact to the population of interest can be reckoned.
Themethodology has been applied in one of the TRANSPHORM city cases, Thessaloniki in

recommendedbytheREVIHAAP/HRAPIEreview process.

Key resultsfromSP3
Tables 1-6 provide significant results of the analyses of the C/R functions. HIA methods
concentrations of PM2.5, elemental carbon and particle number counts for the cities, for abaseline
year taken to be 2008 and for 2020 under selected transport scenarios. Impact
assessmentsweremadeforall-causemortality attributable to the chosen pollutants.Table 8summarises
theresults for PM2.5, from which it is seen that considerable improvements in mortality burden
areachieved under the scenario of measures already agreed (aka ‘Business as Usual’), whereas
theadditionalmeasuresconsideredgive littleaddedbenefit.

The novel methodology incorporating internal dose and personal exposure assessment for
linkingexposureto PMand adversehealth outcomeswasalsodeveloped.
TRANSPHORM 243406 ProjectFinalReport


r, long term
Pollutant Heathoutcome Group3 RR(95%CI)per Range Sourceofbackground SourceofCRF Comments,
metrics 10µg/m3 ofconcen healthdata includingjustificationfor
tr. BGroupclassification
PM2.5,annual Mortality,all A* 1.062 All WHOmortality Meta-analysisof13
mean cause(natural), (1.040 –1.083) database, cohortstudieswith
age30+ resultspublished by
/hfamdb/.Theratesfor Jan3013,Hoeket al
deathsfromallnatural 2013
* ComponentofTotal

For outcome pairs in Group A and B, the expert group has judged that there is sufficient evidence for causality of effects, as reviewed in REVIHAAP. For Group A there
isenough available data enabling reliable quantification of effects. For Group B, there is more uncertainty in the precision of estimates being used for quantification of
theeffects.The effectestimatesin pairsmarkedby*contribute tothe totaleffect(i.e. the effectsareadditive).

Pollutant Heathoutcome Group4 RR(95%CI)per Range Sourceofbackground SourceofCRF Comments
metrics 10µg/m3 ofconcen healthdata
PM2.5daily Hospitaladmissio A* 1.0091 All European APED meta-analysis
mean ns,CVDdiseases (1.0017-1.0166) hospitalmorbidity of4singlecitystudiesand
(includesstroke),a database.http://www.eur 1 multi-citystudy
llages o.who.i

PM2.5daily Hospitaladmissi A* 1.0190 All European APED meta-analysis

mean ons,respiratorydi (0.9982-1.0402) hospitalmorbidity of3 singlecitystudies
seases,allages database.http://www.eur

* ComponentofTotal
**Onlyresidual RADstobeaddedtoTotaleffect,afterthedaysinhospital,workdayslostand dayswith symptomsareaccountedfor
Pollutant Heathoutcome Group5 RR(95%CI)per Range Sourceofbackground SourceofCRF Comments
metrics 10µg/m3 ofconcen healthdata
O3, Mortality, A* 1.0029 >35ppb WHOmortalitydatabas APHENAstudybased APHENAstudybasedonallrangeof
dailymaximum8 all(natural) (1.0014–1.0043) (>70µg/m³) e,http://data.euro.who.i on data from observed ozone
-hourmean causes,allages nt 32Europeancities. concentrations,includinglevelsbelo
/hfamdb/ Coefficients w35ppb.
adjustedfor PM10 in Thereforetheeffectsattheozone
two-pollutantmodel <35ppbarei
O3, Hospitaladmissio A* CVD:1.0089 >35ppb WHO APHENAstudybased APHENAstudybasedonallrangeof
dailymaximum8 ns,CVD(includes (1.0050-1.0127) (>70µg/m³) EuropeanHospitalMorb on data from observed ozone
-hourmean stroke)and Respir.:1.0044 idityDatahttp://data.eur 8Europeancities. concentrations,includinglevelsbelo
respiratorydisease (1.0007-1.0083) Coefficients w35ppb.
s,age65+ / adjustedfor PM10 in Thereforetheeffectsattheozone
hmdb/index.php;ICD9c two-pollutantmodel <35ppbarei
odes:CVD390- gnored.
429, respir: 460-
519(ICD10: I00-I52;
* ComponentofTotal

Pollutant Heathoutcome Group6 RR(95%CI)per Range Sourceofbackground SourceofCRF Comments
metrics 10µg/m3 ofconcen healthdata

For outcome pairs in Group A and B, the expert group has judged that there is sufficient evidence for causality of effects, as reviewed in REVIHAAP. For Group A there
isenough available data enabling reliable quantification of effects. For Group B, there is more uncertainty in the precision of estimates being used for quantification of
theeffects.The effectestimatesinpairsmarkedby*contribute tothe total effect.
For outcome pairs in Group A and B, the expert group has judged that there is sufficient evidence for causality of effects, as reviewed in REVIHAAP. For Group A there
isenough available data enabling reliable quantification of effects. For Group B, there is more uncertainty in the precision of estimates being used for quantification of
theeffects.The effectestimatesinpairsmarked by*contribute tothe total effect.
Pollutant Heathoutcome Group7 RR(95%CI)per Range Sourceofbackground SourceofCRF Comments
metrics 10µg/m3 ofconcen healthdata
NO2dailyma Mortality, A* 1.0027 All WHOmortalitydatabas APHEA2 project
ximum 1- all(natural) (1.0016-1.0038) e,http://data.euro.who.i withdatafrom30Europ
hourmean causes,allages nt eancities. RR adjusted
/hfamdb/.The rates forPM10
fordeaths from all
naturalcauses (ICD-
10chapters I-XVIII,
codesA-R) in each of
s,forthelatest year with
NO224- Hospitaladmissio A* 1.0180 All European APED meta-analysis
hourmean nsduetorespirator (1.0115-1.0245) hospitalmorbidity of15studiespublished
ydiseases,allages database.http://www.e until 2006; coefficientfrom one-
we-do/data-and- pollutantmodel.Estima
evidence/databases/eur terobustto adjustment
opean-hospital- to co-pollutants.
hmdb2 (ICD10:J00-
TRANSPHORM 243406 ProjectFinalReport

Table 8Estimates and predictions of deaths and associated years of life, attributed to
averageannualPM2.5concentrationsmodelledforselectedtransport scenarios.

Attributabledeaths Rotterdam Oslo London Athens Helsinki Prague

2008 487.8 186.2 4,211.6 3,193.8 144.3 1,232.9

2020AgreedMeasures 287.8 171.7 3,139.2 2,654.9 138.6 984.4
Differencefrom2008 200.0 14.4 1,072.4 539.0 5.7 248.5
2020+measure:50%electric 287.0 170.1 3,136.3 2,603.3 136.4 954.7
Differencefrom2020AM 0.8 1.6 3.0 51.6 2.2 29.8
2020+measure:LEZ 287.4 166.0 3,134.3 2,638.1 137.2 967.1
Differencefrom2020AM 0.4 5.7 4.9 16.8 1.3 17.4
2020+measure:10%lesstraffic 287.5 169.0 3,138.3 2,630.0 138.1 975.7
Differencefrom2020AM 0.2 2.8 1.0 24.9 0.4 8.7

Attributablelifeyears Rotterdam Oslo London Athens Helsinki Prague

2008 4,897 1,797 48,245 34,552 1,462 12,884

2020AgreedMeasures 2,889 1,658 35,961 28,721 1,404 10,287
Differencefrom2008 2,008 139 12,284 5,831 58 2,597
2020+measure:50%electric 2,881 1,642 35,927 28,163 1,382 9,976
Differencefrom2020AM 8 16 34 558 22 311
2020+measure:LEZ 2,885 1,603 35,904 28,539 1,390 10,106
Differencefrom2020AM 4 55 56 182 13 182
2020+measure:10%lesstraffic 2,887 1,631 35,949 28,452 1,399 10,196
Differencefrom2020AM 2 27 11 269 4 91

4.4 SP4IntegratedAssessmentMethodology,tooldevelopmentandapplication(TNO,UH)

The main objective of SP4 was the development of the integrated assessment tool (IAT) based
oninput from the other SP’s in particular SP2 (modelling), SP3 (health impact) and SP5
(transportscenarios).Over the duration of the projects the models are sufficiently integrated in stand-
alonesystems and the IAT has developed more into a viewer of data outputs from models and
HIAcalculationsaspartofafull-chain integrated assessmentfortransportpoliciesandmeasures.

The integrated assessment approach has two options covering the full causal chain from
transportactivities, emissions, concentrations and exposure (both external and internal), to effects.
Option 1covereda suite of linked (off-line) state-of-the-art models, systems and processing tools,
whileoption 2 offered a viewer (on-line) with the results of the complex model calculations under
option 1and the possibility to view the health outcome of different transport scenario changes at local
partners, while option 2 is an on-line viewer enabling users to assess the healthimpactof different
transport measuresandscenarios.

In terms of temporal and spatial resolution, theIATprovides information onhealth impact ofscenario
changes on annual basis and a typical spatial resolution at street level (100*100 m), urbanlevel (1km
x1km) and European level (15km x 15km). The IAT has been developed and applied
inthefollowingfour WP’s below.

WP4.1DevelopmentofoverallIAmethodology (AUTH)
The overall concept of the integrated assessment methodology was developed in interaction
withparallel EU projects such as INTARESE and HEIMTSA in which partners of TRANSPHORM
havebeen strongly involved including their leadership. The methodology enables the assessment of
thechange inhealth impacts of the individual PM fractionsconsidered inTRANSPHORM(PM 2.5,PM10,
EC, BaP and PN) for a wide variety of transport policies (European level) and measures (core-
cities).Thehealthimpactsofmeasuresnotonlyrelatedtoresidents,usingexposure-responsefunctions, but
also to commuters using different modes of transport (bus, metro, car and cycling)where the changes
in exposure was the most suitable impact indicator. A special effort has beendevoted to the
generalisation of calculated health impacts of bundles of measures (e.g. more publictransport
combined with more electric cars and increasing parking fees or sulphur-free fuel in
watertransportetc.)to EU-widehealth impacts.

After development of the interface, it was tested for both regional and urban model outputs.
Theviewer enables a user to evaluate the impact of different scenarios and measures based on pre-
processed calculations. Theviewer ison-lineaccessibleviathewebsiteof TRANSPHORM.

WP4.2Uncertaintymethodology (AUTH)
The method for the calculation of uncertainty in the health impacts was developed and
basedtrainingmodule.ThisWPwasalsoresponsibleforanalysing the applicability of the IA viewer. The
key challenge was to bridge the gap between atheoretically well-developed methodology and
practical application of the methodology in integratedassessment. An uncertainty module with
interactive capability was developed and included in theweb-basedtrainingcourse.

The integrated assessment methodology was implemented as an on-line viewer with the results of
theoff-line integrated assessment of the transport scenarios. The scenario provisions have been based
onthe scenario framework developed in SP5, the atmospheric models developed in SP2, including
theupdated emission inventories developed in SP1, the concentration/exposure-response functions
forPM fractions from SP3 and the uncertainty analysis module. The software for the IAT has
undergonecontinualdesignandmodificationresulting inaproto-

The overall IA methodology of TRANSPHORM has been applied to the European region as well
asfivetargetcities(Athens,Helsinki,London,OsloandRotterdam).Arangeofevaluationandanalyses have
been conducted showing the improved performance of models and project
healthimpactsresultingfromPM2.5(seesection belowandSP3 forHIAresults).

The viewer presentsresultsfor the health impact assessmentin Europe and core-cities for therespective
reference years 2005 and 2008, and for the future year 2020 BAU (business-as-usual),2020
BAUplusthreemeasures incore-cites(environmental zoning,electric vehicles
andmorepublictransport/cycling),and2020 BAUplustwentydifferent transportscenarios

Key resultsfromSP4
The key outcome of SP4 was a viewer of the integrated assessment methodology which is
accessibleviatheTRANSPHORMwebsite: The results of the integrated assessment method are illustrated below
inFigure7 withthreeexamplesat differentscales,pollutants,scenarios andyears.

Example2 (b)
(AQmapand assessmentofhealtheffects)

Scale: Core cities, Pollutant: PNC, Scenario: 2020-
LEZ(AQmapandhealtheffects of localscenariosin2020)

Figure7ExamplesoftheinformationthatcanbederivedfromtheIntegratedAssessment Viewer .
The air quality assessment in the five core cities concerned three traffic scenarios in 2020: 1.) low-
emission-zone (“LEZ”), 2.) 50% personal cars (“50% electric”) and 3.) more physical and
publictransport resulting in 10% less traffic on urban roads (“10%-all”). The impact on air quality
wasmodelledin2020andcomparedtotheautonomousdevelopmentin2020andagainsttheairqualityin the
reference year 2008. The results are presented in Figure 8 for the air quality indicators
PM10,PM2.5,EC, Bap and PNCin Athens.

weighted average in 2020 and in2020 for
three traffic scenarios: “10%-all”,“50%-
electric” and “LEZ” compared to

Figure 8 illustrates that the concentrations of PM 10and PM2.5are expected to improve by 10%
and20%, respectively in the period 2008 to 2020 due to the autonomous development. This is
ndifferentsectorssuchasshipping,energy production, heating, road traffic and husbandry. For BaP, no
much improvement is expectedbut in contrast for EC and PN, the air quality is expected to improve
by more than 50% and 20%,respectively. The latter is mainly the result of the introduction of more
stricter emission standardsEuro-5 and 6 by road traffic. Concentrations of PM10and PM2.5are more
dominated by large-scaleemissions, while BaP is also controlled by other sources than road traffic
such as energy productionand heating. Consequently, (local) traffic measures are hardly effective to
reduce the concentration ofthese pollutants. EC and PN are more controlled by exhaust emissions
from road traffic. The resultsin Figure 8 relate to Athens but the results in the other core cities were
similar. In Figure 9, the effectoflocal measuresin thefive cities isshownforEC.

eof ECinfivecorecitiesin2008,2020 and the
impact oflocal traffic scenariosonECin2020.
Figure 9 illustrates that the autonomous development in particular the introduction of Euro 5 and
6between2008and2020willimprove considerably the airquality resulting fromtraffic-
relatedcombustion emissions in urban areas across Europe. On-top of the autonomous development,
furtherimprovement of air quality by local measures on an annual basis by 2020 will only have a
shows the population weighted average in the five core cities. The population weighted average
isdominated by the urban background and therefore do not reflect properly the air quality for
peopleliving near intense roadtraffic which is in the range of 5 to 10% of the urban population.
InTRANSPHORM, the impact of measures was also evaluated separately for this part of the
over 10 000 vehicles per 24-h. From the research in TRANSPHORM, it was concluded that
theexposure is 2 to 3 times higher compared to the average urban population for traffic-related
PM.Local measures are more effective to reduce the exposure in particular for this part of the
functionstoevaluatethehealthimpactofthesemeasuresforthisspecificpartoftheurbanpopulation. The
lessons learned from the air quality assessment in the core cities are summarized asfollows:
 The introduction of Euro-5 and 6 for road traffic will improve in particular EC and
near road traffic;
 There remains a high spatial variability of air quality between cities in the north and south
ofEurope and also within cities with 2 to 3 higher exposure to traffic-related PM near
 The concentrations of EC and PN are in particular sensitive indicators for traffic-
relatedscenariosand measurescompared to PM10, PM2.5and BaP;

It is recommended to further investigate emission, dispersion and exposure of traffic-related PM

inparticular of ultrafine particles from exhaust and heavy metals from wear with emphasis on
peoplelivingnearroad trafficandforcommuterin traffic-related micro-environments.

4.5 SP5:Mitigationandadaptationstrategiesandmeasures(USTUTT,NILU)
TRANSPHORMhasdevelopedandappliedamethodology toanalyseandassesspoliciesandmeasures to
reduce concentrations and health impacts of airborne particles. As part of this process, aconsultation
exercise was implemented to obtain feedback from stakeholders such as city authoritiesand transport
policy makers about possible policies and measures. Health relevant transport
scalingofeffectsofimplementingmeasuresto theEuropean scale.

A list of technical and non-technical mitigation measures for road transport and off-road
transportwere identified in consultation with stakeholders especially from cities. Contacts with
Rotterdam,Oslo and Helsinki authorities resulted in the definition of a set of measures for pilot
exercises withinTRANSPHORM.

A typology of mitigation measures and policies has been developed and formed the basis for
analysiswith complex model and urban air quality systems. The typology starts with the respective
transportmode (road, inland waterways, maritime and air). For the typology, a distinction is made in
differentcity sizes - > 50 000 inhabitants, > 100 000 inhabitants and > 500 000 inhabitants and in
bythemeasures:emissionfactors,vehiclestockorvehiclemileage.Finally,inthetypology,sideeffects on
othersectorsarenoted (e.g. the generation ofadditional electricity).

The effectiveness of measures were tested an evaluated in the core cities and after up-scaling to
anEU-wide level. The city-level parameters of measures have been identified with respect to the
spatialdimension (city location and size, other regional measures being implemented) as well as a
timedimension (applicable in 2020 and 2030). A comprehensive city-level database including all
relevantparameters for the considered urban morphological zones (about 900 zones across Europe)
wasrefined in this period. A tool to determine the effects of measures for cities as well as
theeffectsofapplying a single transport measure all over Europe but is able to assess the effects of
combinedimplementationof interactingmeasures.

WP 5.3 Assessment of transport measures, generation of strategies and

By carrying out a cost-effectiveness analysis of the benefits of isolated measures it was possible
toaddress questions about the ranking of single measures for the years 2020 and 2030. By doing so,
itwas possible to assess whether the realisation of an option would, in general, be a worthwhile
pursuitfrom a societal perspective. The analysis yielded a ranking of measures based on their avoided
healthimpacts for2020 and 2030.
As there are about two dozen measures evaluated for two future years it was not possible to
performan analysis of each single measure using full atmospheric dispersion models. Instead a state-
of-science assessment several substantial improvements have been incorporated into the
(1) The incorporation of new, more fine-grained source-receptor matrices (SRMs) that
werederived from the most recent version of the EMEP model. The SRMs act as a
parameterisedversion of the atmospheric model and represent a well-established trade-off
between smalllosses in accuracy (due to linearization) for marginal changes in emissions and
a huge gain incomputing-timedueto thesimplified formulization.
(2) AnenhancedrepresentationofgenerallyhigherPMandNO2concentrationlevelsinurbanisedareasb
yevaluatingand updatingtheurbanincrement(UI) model.
(3) Incorporationofnewconcentration-
responsefunctions(CRFs)asrecentfindingsoftheREVIHAAP/HRAPIE projects that became
available early 2014. This affects especially thesubstantial but previously neglected health
impacts due to exposure to ambient NO2(forwhichalso an urban increment had to be
Incorporating these improvements into the model has, without any doubt, brought several
crucialimprovements to the overall assessment approach. These improvements in turn led to more
reliablerecommendationsfor decision-makers on theselection ofpolicymeasures.

Based on the integrated assessment methodology an assessment of the combined effect of

affect the transport sector, and thus are likely to overlap or interfere. Due to thethorough analysis and
model development these interferences could be identified and appropriatelyaccounted for in the
assessment of strategies, i.e. when determining and evaluating bundles of policymeasures. To assess
the health effects due to concentration changes of simple pathway pollutants,impact functions,
consisting of the concentration-response function, the background rate of diseasewithin the
population and the fraction of the population exposed, are applied. Resulting values for
thedifferenthealthendpointscould thenbe calculatedusing age-stratifiedpopulation data alongwith the
concentrationdelta.Foraggregationorcomparisonoftheseresults,thevaluesderivedintheprevious step,
given incases oryears of life lost (YOLL), have to beconverted into a commonmetric, the disability-
adjusted life years (DALYs). It combines information on both quality andquantity of life and
indicates the number of healthy life years lost. To achieve this, morbidity isweighted for the severity
of the disorder and the duration of the disease, mortality with years of lifelost. Thus, thismetric
includes both effects.However, DALYs should be used to estimate

By estimating the investment costs and monetized benefits of measures, it was possible to
determinetwostrategiesfor2020whereeachcanbeconsideredoptimaldependingonthecriterion applied:
(1) The “effectiveness” scenario was determined by evaluating the avoided health impacts
butleavingcosts out of theequation.
(2) The “efficiency” scenario is the results of a selection of measures by balancing benefits
ts, subsidies, utilityand time losses).
The scenarios derived by utilizing the source-receptor relationships were then used as input for
theatmosphericmodels for a moredetailed analysisand inter-comparison ofresults.

Policy recommendations have been derived based on the analysis undertaken in this work
package.Based on the common approach of selecting the policy measures that maximize the
discounted netbenefit for society, bundles of measures have been identified for the years 2020 and
2030 using themethodology that was applied in scenario (2). For all measures the specific activity
data of each cityand each region has been determined. Also side-effects on non-transport sectors are
covered as far asreasonable in the analysis. Such effects include for instance changes in electricity
demand due tomore utilisation of electric cars, metros/railcars or the supply of shore-side electricity
for ships atberth,aswellaschangesinagriculturalactivitylevelsin thecaseof bio-fuelusage.

In general, it is suggested to promote bicycle usage in cities as it will have the most effect
onemission reduction and the resulting positive health benefits due to exposure to lower levels
options should be considered in cities to reduce fuel consumption of cars by optimizingtraffic flows.
For future bus fleets more environmental-friendly powertrains can show a reasonablepotential in
reducing emissions as well. Promotion of low-emission vehicles is recommended
ingeneral,especially if the tighter emission limits of Euro7 are met asthe reduction in emissionsyields
substantial health impact reductions. While speed limits on rural roads and motorways
mightyieldbenefitsintermsof reducedemissions,they donotoutweighthe substantialtime
lossesexperiencedby theoperatorsofacar.Whilethepromotionofbio-fuelcausesnegativehealthimpacts in
regions were agricultural activities are increased due to fuel production, the negativeimpacts are out-
weighed by thepotential ofclimate change mitigation. A similareffect of
reduction of air traffic via kerosene tax or shifting traffic to rail-bound vehicles. Also, tighterlimits
for inland and sea-going vessel turned out to be efficient, and the reduction potential is evenhigher if
power for ships at berth is generated shore-based at the ports rather than relying on
theinternalauxiliarycombustion engines.

From a perspective of a social planner that aims towards maximization of welfare, the cost-
efficientscenarios should be considered recommendations. However, we felt the need of assessing
also themosteffectivemeasuresthathavenotturnedouttobecost-
transport activities. For instance, it was not possible to assess the costs of improved tyres and brake-
wearalongwithoptimisedpavingofroads.Thereductioninparticleemission,however,issignificant and
will reduce adverse health effects. While measures can be effective in reducing airquality impacts as
in the case of EU-wide harmonized speed limits on rural roads and motorways,often time and utility
losses are out-weighing the benefits of emission reduction and render theinefficient.

Key resultsfromSP5
Finalkey resultsofSP5are thescenariosdevelopedfor theyears2020and2030.A thoroughanalysis of
policy measures has been conducted that comprise both technical measures (e.g. Euro 7)and non-
technical measures, the latter showing big potential by aiming for behavioural changes asenhanced
use of bicycles and/or public transport systems. The assessment was carried out by aninnovative up-
scaling approach toevaluate EU-wide effects of city-level andregional transportmeasures. Analysis of
policy measures has shown that avoided health impacts can be properlyassessedat a high level of
detail and thecost-efficiencyof policyoptions can bedetermined.

Even though the focus of the project is on health impacts due to exposure to particulate matter,
itturned out than the assessment should not only consider the avoided health impacts but also
accountfor climate change related co-benefits. This is key to evaluate all benefits of a measure when
they arecompared to its costs (i.e. private cost and subsidies, as well as utility losses and time losses),
as theyarelikelytorenderameasurecost-efficientevenwhenhealthbenefitsalonedonotoutweighcosts.A
good example are measure that deal with air traffic. As emission causing health damages areemitted
almost completely at heights below 1000 meters (i.e. during landing, taxiing and take-
tanttoaccountforrelevantup-streamemissions,especiallywhenshiftsinmodaltransportare induced. For
instance, emissions from power generation cannot be ignored when urban transportshiftsfrom
individualcartraffic tometro/tram or electricvehiclesofcar-pooling.

Apart from the specific evaluation of the scenarios described and recommended, a great advance
matter and nitrogen oxides has been achieved. A tool was developed that for the first timeallows for
accounting for the assessment of concurrent implementation of potentially interferingtransport
measures. Due to the advances in the REVIHAAP/HRAPIE projects it was possible toincorporate
state-of-science findings derived from epidemiological studies and use them to
enhancetheassessmentofavoided healthimpacts due to policyimplementation.

5 References Cited in theText,Sub-gridvariabilityanditsimpactonEuropeanwideairqualityexposureassessment,Atmos.Environ., 45,4220-
gicalstudies,Environ. International,[accepted forpublication]
esultsofthe ESCAPE project,Environ. Sci. Technol.,46,11195-11205,Anewflexiblemulticomponentmodelforthestudyofaerosoldynamicsinthemarineboundarylayer. TellusB,63,
1001-1025,Amulti-modelstudyofimpactsofclimatechangeonsurfaceozoneinEurope,Atmos.Chem.Phys., 12,10423-
Moussiopoulos et. al. (2012) An approach for determining urban concentration increments, Int. J. of Environ. Pollut.,
50,376-385‐downstream processingchaintestcases-
RequirementsreportondownscalingofEuropeanAQ forecaststostreetlevel usingadeterministicapproach,
JournaloftheAir&Waste ManagementAssociation, 64 (5),509-518,Refinementofamodelforevaluatingthepopulationexposureinanurbanarea,Geosci.ModelDev., 7(5), 1855-

gs,Scand. J. WorkEnviron. Health,30suppl2:73–79

6 PotentialImpactandDisseminationActivities
6.1 PotentialImpact
RTDactivitieswillresideare also indicated):

i. Enhanced understanding of processes affecting the transport of PM from the source

toreceptorand henceleadingto health impact(whole project).
ii. Improved and new emissions factors of PM10, PM2.5 and PNC (SP1) for sources such
asshipping,aviation and road trafficincludingnon-exhaust.
iii. NewmeasurementsofsizefractionatedPMinthreemajorEuropeancities(SP2)including near
the largest European harbour in Rotterdam, a major European airport(Schiphol),micro-
iv. Improved physical and chemical (primary and secondary) characterisation of PM,
sourceapportionment and improved dispersion (city to regional to global scales) and
exposuremodels (SP2).
v. Improvementandcombinationofstate-of-the-
artmodelsforadvancedanalysisandsimplifiedversions foroperational efficiency(SP2).
vi. Improvedunderstandingofexposureandhealthimpactsandinparticular,newrelationships
linking long-term exposure to size-resolved and speciated PM with
keyhealthoutcomes(SP2, 3).
vii. Development,evaluationandapplicationofanintegratedsystemforhealthimpactassessmentof
particulatematter(SP3, 4)forcities and Europe.
viii. Application of integrated assessment tools in a number of cities across Europe
(e.g.Rotterdam,Helsinki,Thessaloniki, Oslo,Londonand others)(SP5).
ix. DevelopmentofpolicyoptionsformitigationandadaptationmeasuresoncitytoEuropeanscales
withrecommendationsforpolicyformulationand response(SP5).

i. Improvedknowledgebasefortheimpactoftransportemissions onhealth.
SP1hasledtoimprovedtransport(traffic,shipping,aviationandrail)emissionfactorsandinventories for
size fractionated PM including PM10, PM2.5 and ultrafine number (PNC). Improvedair quality
models from SP2 have been combined and coupled with exposure models and evaluatedwith new
and existing PM measurements.The latest concentration-response functions have beenusedwithmodel
outputs from SP2 to quantifythehealth impact ofPMfractions.

ii. Supportforfurtherdevelopment ofpoliciesforemission reduction

TRANSPHORM will continue to provide support to the EU for developing policies for reducing
airpollution and for establishing emission reduction targets. With use of the integrated assessment
tool(from SP4), policy makers and other stakeholders have new state of theart approachesto
examinetheimpact of future changestoPMemissions under different policyregimes.

iii. Supportforurban planningin a wider policyandhealth context

SP5 has analysed the impacts of local urban planning measures aimed at reducing PM air
pollutionand hence its health impact in cities. It has employed results from SP2 and SP4 using
integratedassessmenttools andhasformulated potentialmeasureoptions forEuropean cities.

iv. Establishmentofemission reductiontargetsforshippingandaviation

TRANSPHORM tools can be employed to examine the most effective reduction targets on
EuropeanPM levels and assess the health impact of such changes (part of SP5). This type of analysis
willsupport the development of policies for reduction of air pollution and for establishment of
emissionreductiontargets forshippingaswell asaviation.

v. SupportforEuropean airpollutionpolicies
TRANSPHORM will continue to support the European air quality policy process including
theThematic Strategy on Air Pollution (TSAP). The integrated approaches of TRANSPHORM
areparticularly usefulfor examining the most effectiveand efficient options for Europe on short
andlong term scales. Policy makers have the confidence that TRANSPHORM approach is based on
partners have already contributed to the2013 review of the Air Quality Policy for Europeandto
theWHOprojecton Health Risksof AirPollution inEurope(HRAPIE).

6.2 ExploitationandDisseminationofResults
This task was implemented in the second phase of the project and identified any
potentialforexploitation of the outcomes especially in relation to policy and user needs.
for users. Opportunities within and outside Europe were identified regarding
scussions havebeen heldto promotethe TRANSPHORMapproach with:

DEFRA, UK Government - presentation and discussion on the TRANSPHORM approach to HIA

Cyprus local authority - local air quality assessment using TRANSPHORM approaches
(AUTH)Helsinki Metropolitan Authority - application of local scale models to Helsinki for HIA
(FMI)Rotterdamlocalauthority- application oflocalscale modelsto RotterdamforHIA(TNO)

An important part of this task was to oversee the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), access right
andpre-existing know-how affecting the partners. Each partner had kept their own IPR and pre-
existingknowledge. Almost all of the knowledge from TRANSPHORM has been disseminated
openly andespeciallythroughhighqualitypeer-

(i) Projectwebportal
beingusedtoinformthepartners,thescientificcommunity,stakeholdersandthegeneralpublicabout the
project progress, while the restricted pages serve the information flow among the partners(project
templates, progress reports, work plans, links to project data). All meeting discussion notesfrom SP’s
were uploaded on the website pages. A knowledge meta-database was created to aidmanagement of
information flow. In addition a separate database as part of SP1 was created mainlyfor the purposes
of providing the latest emission factors relating to particulate matter and other airpollutants.This
emissionsdatabaserepresents stateoftheart in thefield.

(ii) Conferenceworkshopsandjournalpublications
A workshop on Transport related air pollution – Science for Policy was organised in
collaborationwith the International conference on Air Quality, 19-23 March 2012, Athens and 24-28
March 2014,Garmisch-
Partenkirchen( Ranjeet S
Sokhi (UH-CAIR), Jaakko Kukkonen (FMI), Dick van den Hout (TNO) and DrLeonor Tarrason
(NILU).There were approximately 100 people who attended each of the session.The attendance for
the whole conference was nearly 300. Table A2 summarise other disseminationactivitiesand the
papers that haveresulted from theproject.

(iii) Publicitythroughnewsletters
Procedures for production of the project newsletters have been established. As per the
project website. Some of the recommendations from TRANSPHORM have also been
circulatedglobally through the WHO newsletter.In order to achieve a wider network of the public, a
Facebookpagehas also been setup.

(iv) ScienceandPolicyStakeholderForum
ScienceandPolicy Stakeholder(SPS)ForumwasheldattheInternationalConferenceonAirQuality, 19-23
March 2012, Athens. A second phase of contacting potential users culminated in
theSpecialSessionfor StakeholdersheldinBrusselson6May 2014.Theaudienceofnearly 60participants
consisted of policy makers, industrial representatives, NGOs relating to the transportsector,cities
andresearchbodiesand officersfrom theEuropeanCommission.

A questionnaire to receive feedback on suggested policy related measures for analysis in SP5
wassent to the Forum members. The outputs of the questionnaire served as a guide for the selection
ofmeasuresto control PMlevels in citiesand on aEuropean scale (part ofSP5).

(v) Involvementofusersin theworkprogramme

City authority experts are already involved on local transport, air quality measures and policy as
partof the first phase of the project, especially with regard to measurementsin the target cities
ofRotterdam, Helsinki and Thessaloniki (SP2). During the second phase the prototype of the
integratedassessment tool was presented at meetings. City authority users were also present at the
SpecialSessionheld forStakeholders,6 May2014.

(vi) Widerinvolvementofstakeholders
An open session was held at the last two Air Quality conferences, 19-23 March 2012, Athens and 24-
28 March 2014, Garmisch- Partenkirchen to disseminate the outcomes of the project and to
seekfeedback. A wed basedplatform has been setup for users to show an interestin the
project.Approximately90registrations havebeenreceived.
7 Useanddisseminationofforeground
(i) GeneralpublicationofprojectoutcomesthroughorganisationsuchasWHO,websiteandnewsletters.
(ii) Continualpublicationofthescientificresultsthrough highqualityjournals.
(iii) Continuedinteractionwithstakeholderstoreceivefeedbackancommentsonprioritymeasuresto
reduce the impact ofairborne PM resulting from transport and other sources. These includeNGO’s
and environmental consultants, industry, scientific community, local and regional authorityofficers,
DGTren, DGResearch and DGEnvironment.
(iv) Highlighting outputs and results from TRANSPHORM via international meetings,
(v) Generalpublicorientatedsocialmediadisseminationviafacebook

Tables A1 and A2 show the list of journal papers and dissemination activities respectively. It
shouldbe noted that the list of journal articles resulting from the project continues to grow as more
papersare submitted for publication. As the project is primarily R&D in nature no patents or
commerciallysensitive outputs were expected. We viewpeer-review, andopen dissemination where
possible, asthe best way to demonstrate the added-value and positive impact of the project on the
EuropeanUnion and elsewhere and helping to strengthen the credibility of European science on the
TRANSPHORM 243406 ProjectFinalReport


Number,dateor Placeofpub Yearofpubl Relevantpa Permanentidentifiers8( rovidedtoth
NO. Title Mainauthor iodicalorthe Publisher
frequency lication ication ges ifavailable) ispublicatio
Inter- Hänninen,O. InternationalJo 40(1-3) Inderscience UK 2010 248-266 DOI:10.1504/IJEP.2010.03089
comparisonofpredictedpopulationexposu urnaloftheEnvir 7
1 redistributionsduringfourselectedepisode onmentandPoll
sinHelsinkiandevaluationagainstmeasur ution
Evaluationofamultipleregressionmodelf Vlachogianni,A. ScienceoftheTo Volume409,Is Elsevier Published 2011 1559–1571 no
ortheforecastingoftheconcentrationsofN talEnvironmen sue8 on-line cience/article/pii/S004896971
OxandPM10inAthensandHelsinki t 1000064

Intercomparisonofairqualitydatausingpri Voukantsis,Dimitri ScienceoftheTo Volume409,Is Elsevier Published 2011 1266–1276 no

ncipalcomponentanalysis,andforecasting s talEnvironmen sue7 on-line cience/article/pii/S004896971
ofPM10andPM2.5concentrationsusingar t 1000052

Evaluationofaroaddustsuspensionmodel Kauhaniemi,M. AtmosphericEn 45 Elsevier Published 2011 3646-3654 no

forpredictingtheconcentrationsofPM10i vironment on-line m/atmospheric-
nastreetcanyon environment/

BlackCarbonasanAdditionalIndicatoroft Janssen,N.A.H EnvironmentalH 12(119) PublicHealthServ 2011 1691-1699 DOI:10.1289/ehp.1003369 yes

heAdverseHealthEffectsofAirborneParti ealthPerspective ices,USDeptofHe
5 clesComparedwithPM10andPM2.5 s althandHumanSe

Apermanentidentifiershouldbeapersistentlinktothepublishedversion fulltextifopen accessorabstractifarticleispayperview)ortothefinalmanuscriptaccepted forpublication (linktoarticleinrepository).
Open Access is defined as free of charge access for anyone via Internet. Please answer "yes" if the open access to the publication is already established and also if the embargo period for
openaccessis not yet over but you intendtoestablishopenaccessafterwards.

Evaluationofsource- Baklanov, AtmosphericPo Vol.2(4), TUNCAP Published 2011 400-408 DOI:10.5094/APR.2011.0 yes
receptorrelationshipforatmosphericpollut Alexander llutionResearc on-line 45;
antsusingapproachesoftrajectorymodelli h
ng,cluster,probabilityfieldsanalysesanda Volume2/issue4/APR-11-
djointequations 045.pdf

In- Paur,H-R. Journalof 42(10) Elsevier Netherlands 2011 668-692 DOI:

vitrocellexposurestudiesfortheassessme AerosolS 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2011.06.005
ntofnanoparticletoxicityinthelung- cience
AEuropeanopenaccesschemicalweatherf Balk,Taru AtmosphericEn Volume45,Is Elsevier Published 2011 6917–6922 yes
8 orecastingportal vironment sue38 on-line cience/article/pii/S135223101
SeasonalpatternsofoutdoorPMinfiltratio Hänninen,O. AirQuality,Atm 4(3-4) Springer Germany 2011 221-233
nintoindoorenvironments:reviewandmet osphereandHeal ontent/k26h4563110m373g/ful
9 a- th ltext.pdf
Editorial:Focusonexposuretoairpollution Hänninen,O. AirQuality,Atm 4(3-4) Springer Germany 2011 159-160 DOI:10.1007/s11869-011-
10 andrelatedhealthimpacts osphereandHeal 0137-4
Onvariationaldataassimilationforestim Vira,J. AtmosphericEn 46 Elsevier Published 2012 318–328 no
atingthemodelinitialconditionsandemis vironment on-line cience/article/pii/S135223101
11 sionfluxesforshort- 1010296

Microscopiccharacterizationofindividual Popovicheva,O. JournalofEnviron Issue12, RoyalSocietyof UK 2012 3101–3110 no

12 particlesfrommulticomponentshipexhaus mentalMonitori 2012 Chemistry 30338h
t ng
Areviewofoperational,regional- Kukkonen,J. AtmosphericCh 12 EuropeanGeosci Published 2012 1-87 http://www.atmos-chem- yes
13 scale,chemicalweatherforecastingmodel emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line
sinEurope cs 2012.html
TheEnvironmentalImpactofMegacities. Baklanov,A. InternationalIn Feb-12 ResearchMedia Published 2012 12-14 ISSN2041-4552; yes
novationEnvir online http://www.research-
DirectandInverseProblemsinaVariational PenenkoV. PureandandAp Vol.169,No3 Springer Published 2012 447-465 DOI:10.1007/s00024-011- no
Conceptof plied online 0380-5
EnvironmentalModelling Geophysics
NewDirections:UnderstandingInteractio Alapaty,K. AtmosphericEn 49 Elsevier Published 2012 419–421 no
16 nsofAirQualityandClimateChangeatRegi vironment online cience/article/pii/S135223101
onalScales 1012684
Extensionofanassessmentmodelofshiptra Jalkanen,Juk AtmosphericCh 12 EuropeanGeosci Published 2012 2641–2659 http://www.atmos-chem- yes
fficexhaustemissionsforparticulatematter ka-Pekka emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line
andcarbonmonoxide cs 2641-2012.pdf

Dispersionofparticlenumbersandeleme Keuken,M.P. AtmosphericEn 54 Elsevier 2012 320-327 no

ntalcarbonfromroadtraffic,aharbourand vironment m/atmospheric-
anairstripintheNetherlands environment/

TrendsinprimaryNO2andexhaustPMemi Keuken,M.P. AtmosphericEn 53 Elsevier 2012 313-319 no

ssionsfromroadtrafficfortheperiod2000- vironment m/atmospheric-
19 2020andimplications forairquality environment/

UrbanClimateScience,Planning,Policyan Ruth,M.andA.Bakl UrbanClimate 26(1) Elsevier Published 2012 1-3

dInvestmentChallenges anov online m.2012.10.001
Amulti- Langner,J. AtmosphericCh 12 EuropeanGeosci Published 2012 10423- http://www.atmos-chem- yes
21 modelstudyofimpactsofclimatechangeon emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line 10440
surfaceozoneinEurope cs 12-10423-2012.pdf
Elementalcarbonasanindicatorfortheimp Keuken,M.P. AtmosphericEn 61 Elsevier 2012 1-8 no
22 actoftrafficmeasuresonairqualityandhea vironment m/atmospheric-
lth. environment/
Real- Zhang,Yang AtmosphericEn 60 Elsevier Published 2012 656-676 no
23 timeairqualityforecasting,partI:History, vironment online cience/article/pii/S135223101
techniques,andcurrentstatus. 2005900
Real- Zhang,Yang AtmosphericEn 60 Elsevier Published 2012 632-655 no
timeairqualityforecasting,partII:Stateoft vironment online cience/article/pii/S135223101
hescience,currentresearchneeds,andfutu 2001562
The evolution of shipping emissionsand Johansson,L. AtmosphericCh 13 EuropeanGeosci Published 2013 11375- http://www.atmos-chem- yes
25 the costs of regulation emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line 11389
changesinthenorthernEUarea cs 13-11375-2013.pdf
Theglobalimpactofthetransportsectorson Righi,M. AtmosphericCh 13 EuropeanGeosci Published 2013 9939–9970 http://www.atmos-chem- yes
26 atmosphericaerosol:simulationsforyear2 emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line
000emissions cs 9939-2013.html
Physicalandchemicalcharacterisationof Moldanová,J. AtmosphericM SpecialissueMe Copernicusp Germany 2013 3577-3596 www.atmos-meas- yes
PMemissionsfromtwoshipsoperatingin easurementTec asurements of ublications
27 EuropeanEmissionControlAreas hniques shipemissions,

A Comprehensive Inventory of Jalkanen,Juk Ambio Volume43, Springer Netherlands 2013 311-324 no
theShip Traffic Exhaust Emissions ka-Pekka Issue3 penurl.asp?
intheBalticSeafrom2006to2009 genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/
Source contributions to PM2.5 Keuken,M.P. AtmosphericEn 71 Elsevier 2013 26-35 no
29 andPM10 at an urban background vironment m/atmospheric-
andastreetlocation environment/
AnhourlyPM10diagnosismodelfortheB González- Environmentalsci Volume20,I Springer Published 2013 4469-4483 no
ilbaometropolitanareausingalinearregre Aparicio,I. enceandpollutio ssue7 online 10.1007%2Fs11356-012-
ssionmethodology nresearch 1353-7

Urbanboundarylayeranalysisinthecomp González- Theoreticala 113 Springer Published 2013 511-527 no

31 lexcoastalterrainofBilbaousingEnviro- Aparicio,I. nd online 10.1007%2Fs00704-012-
HIRLAM AppliedClim 0808-6
Urbanizationinfluenceonmeteorological Mazeikis, Baltica 26(1) Vilnus Published 2013 51-56 yes
32 parametersofairpollution:Vilniuscasestu Adomas online n/Failai/Baltica_26_1_/Baltica
dy _26_1_D-51-56.pdf
Aerosol- Hänninen,O. Journalof 66 Elsevier Netherlands 2013 111-122
basedmodellingofinfiltrationofambient AerosolS osci.2013.08.004
33 PM2.5andevaluationagainstpopulation cience DOI:
- 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2013.08.004
Indooraerosols:Frompersonalexposureto Morawska,L. IndoorAir 23(6) WILEY Denmark 2013 462-487 DOI:10.1111/ina.12044
Refinementofamodelforevaluatingthep Soares,J. GeoscientificMo Volume7, CopernicusPubli Published 2014 1855-1872 www.geosci-model- yes
opulationexposureinanurbanarea delDevelopment Number5 cations on-line
Comparisonofthepredictionsoftworoadd Kauhaniemi,M. AtmosphericCh 14 EuropeanGeosci Published 2014 4263-4301 http://www.atmos-chem- yes
ustemissionmodelswiththemeasurement emistryandPhysi encesUnion on-line phys-
sofamobilevan cs
37 Refinementofamodelfor Soares,J. Geoscientific 7 Copernicus Germany 2014 2335-2375 DOI:10.5194/gmdd-7-2335- yes
evaluatingthepopulationexposureinanur ModelDevelopm 2014
banarea ent
Onlinecoupledregionalmeteorologyche Baklanov,A. AtmosphericCh 14 EuropeanGeosci Published 2014 317-398 www.atmos-chem- yes
mistrymodelsinEurope:currentstatusan emistryandPhysi encesUnion online
dprospects cs

Comparisonofthepredictionsoftworoadd Kauhaniemi,M. AtmosphericCh 14 EuropeanGeosci Published 2014 9155-9169 http://www.atmos-chem- yes

39 ustemissionmodelswiththemeasurement emistryandPhysi encesUnion online
sofamobilevan cs 9155-2014.html
Modelcalculationsoftheeffectsofpresen Jonson,J.E. AtmosphericCh 14(15) EuropeanGeosci Germany 2014 21943- http://www.atmos-chem-
tandfutureemissionsofairpollutantsfro emistryandPhysi encesUnion 21974 phys-
mshippingintheBalticSeaandtheNorthS cs
Environmental burden of disease Hänninen,O. EnvironmentalH 122(5) NIEHS USA 2014 439-446 yes
41 inEurope: Assessing nine risk ealthPerspective 54/
factorsinsixcountries s
Long- Wang,Meng EnvironmentInt Volume66 Elsevier Published 2014 97–106 no
TermExposuretoElementalConstituentso ernational on-line cience/article/pii/S016041201
fParticulateMatterandCardiovascularMo 4000385
PM2.5concentrationsinLondonfor2008- Singh,Vikas JournaloftheAir Volume64, Taylor Published 2014 509-518 no
A &WasteManage Issue5 &Franci on-line 2247.2013.848244
modelinganalysisofcontributionsfromroa mentAssociati s
dtraffic on
Indooraerosolmodellingforassessmento Hussein,T. AtmosphericEn InPress Elsevier Netherlands 2014 InPress DOI:
44 fexposureandinhaleddose vironment 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.07.0
Analysisof Meteorology- Kong,X. AtmosphericEn InPress Elsevier Published 2014 InPress DOI:
ChemistryInteractionsDuringAirPollutio vironment online 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.0
nEpisodesUsingOnlineCoupledModels 20
Impact of inland shipping emissionson Keuken,M.P. AtmosphericEn 95 Elsevier 2014 1-9 no
46 elemental carbon vironment cience/article/pii/S135223101
concentrationsnearwaterwaysintheNethe 4004543
Microenvironmentparticlemeasurements Vouitsis,I. UrbanClimate InPress Elsevier Published 2014 InPress no
inThessaloniki, on-line cience/article/pii/S22120
Greece 95514000261
ConfrontingHealthEffectsofParticulateM Fantke,P. TheInternatio InPress Springer Germany 2014 InPress
atterinLifeCycleImpactAssessment nalJournalofLif
48 eCycleAssess

Typeofacti Typeofaudi Sizeofau Countriesad

NO. Mainleader Title Date/Period Place
vities10 ence11 dience dressed

1 Oralpresentationtos HGMU Personalexposuretoultrafineparticlesindifferent 29Aug-03 InternationalAerosolConference, Scientificcommun 100-500 International

cientificevent microenvironments Sept2010 Helsinki,Finland ity
2 Oralpresentationtos THL SimulationofPersonalPNCExposuresandAnaly 29Aug-03 InternationalAerosolConference, Scientificcommun 100-500 International
cientificevent sisoftheKeyExposureDeterminants Sept2010 Helsinki,Finland ity

3 Collaborations/Wo FMI Refinementandapplicationofemissions,dispersi 2011–2014 Helsinki,Finland Scientificcommunity Finland,UK

rkshops on,andpopulationexposuremodelsintheHelsinki ,Policymakers
4 Thesis IVL Particle Emissions from Shipping: a focuson March2011 GothenburgUniversity,Sweden ScientificCommu Sweden
elemental, mass and number nity
5 Poster IVL Parameterisationofshipplumesinregionalandgl 03-08April EuropeanGeosciencesUnion(EGU ScientificCommu 10000 International
obalmodels 2011 )GeneralAssembly,Vienna,Austri nity
6 Newsletter,Flyers IVL IVLSwedishnewsletter– 29April2011 Sweden Industry,Civils Sweden
Focusstudyonparticlesfromshipping ociety
7 Articlepublishedint ,IVL AttminskaNOXochpartiklar August2011 Sjöbefälen,journalofSwedishMari Industry Sweden
hepopularpress neOfficersAssociation

8 Poster THL SolvingApparentParticleDensityfromHelsinki 04-09Sept EuropeanAerosolConference,Manch Scientificcommun 80-400 Europe

ULTRA2Data 2011 ester,UK ity
9 Poster ,THL FromOutdoorParticleConcentrationto 04-09Sept EuropeanAerosolConference, Scientific 80-400 Europe

thesis,interviews, films, TVclips,posters, Other.
theHealthImpactofAerosolParticles– 2011 Manchester,UK community
10 Poster THL CorrectionofurbanPM2.5apparentdensitywithp 09-11Sept NordicSocietyforAerosolResearch(N Scientificcommun 50-100 NordicCo
otentialimpactsoffractalaerosolintheAitkenmod 2011 OSA),AerosolSymposium,Tampere,F ity untries
e inland
11 Poster THL Impactofparticledensityoninfiltrationandlung 09-11Sept NordicSocietyforAerosolResearch(N Scientificcommun 50-100 NordicCo
deposition 2011 OSA),AerosolSymposium,Tampere,F ity untries
12 Newsletter,Flyers IVL IVLnewsletterSwedish- 11Dec2011 Sweden Industry,Civils Sweden
Newreportonshippingemissionfactors ociety
13 Newsletter,Flyers IVL IVLnewsletterEnglish- Issue5,Dec Sweden Industry,Civils International
Newreportonshippingemissionfactors ember201 ociety
14 Oralpresentationtos THL Particlesizedependenceofinfiltrationandconse 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International
cientificevent quencesforlungdeposition 2012 uality- ity
15 Poster THL UptakefractionsofPMmassbetweendaysofdiffer 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International
entaerosolsizedistributions 2012 uality- ity
16 Oral presentationto TNO Methodologyforintegratedassessmentofthehe 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific althimpactoftraffic-relatedparticulatematter 2012 uality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplication,Athens,Gre
17 Oral presentationto USTUTT Integratedhealthimpactassessmentoftransportp 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific olicies–firstresults 2012 uality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplication,Athens,Gre
18 Oral presentationto NILU ModellingPNCfromkerbsidetourbanscale 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific 2012 uality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplication,Athens,Gre
19 Oral presentationto UH Sensitivityofaerosolstoclimatechangeandimpli 19-23March 8thInternational Conference Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific cationsforregionalairqualityoverEurope 2012 onAirQuality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplication,Athens,Gre
20 Oral presentationto NILU ModellingPNCfromkerbsidetourbanscale 19-23March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific 2012 uality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplications,Athens,Gr
21 Oralpresentationtos AUTH Urbanmicroenvironment 20March 8thInternationalConferenceonAirQ ScientificCommu International
cientificevent measurementsinThessaloniki 2012 uality- nity,CivilSociety,
ScienceandApplication,Athens,Gre Media
22 Poster IOM HealthImpactAssessmentoftraffic- 15-17April HealthEffectsInstituteAnnualConf Scientificcommun International
relatedairpollutioneffectsincities:theTRANSP 2012 erence,Boston,Massachusetts,US ity
HORMproject A
23 Poster THL Buildingasaparticlesizedependentexposureand 19-20April WorkplaceandIndoorAerosolsConfer Scientificcommun 50-100 NordicCo
dosemodifier 2012 ence,LundUniversity,Sweden ity untries

24 Oralpresentationtos IVL FormationofsecondaryPMfromshipemissions 23-24May ConferenceofGothenburgAtmosp ScientificCommu ~100 Sweden

cientificevent 2012 heric nity
25 Oral presentationto USTUTT AnewEuropeaninventoryoftransport- 25-28June 3rdInternationalConferenceonTransp Scientificcommun 50-100 International
scientific relatedemissionsfortheyears2005,2020and20 2012 ort,AtmosphereandClimate(TAC- ity
event,Publication 30 3),PrienamChiemsee,Germany

26 Oralpresentationtos IVL Emissionsofprimaryandsecondarypmfromshi 25-28June 3rdInternationalConferenceonTransp ScientificCom ~100 International

cientificevent pping 2012 ort,Atmosphere,andClimate(TAC- munity,Industry
3),PrienamChiemsee,Germany ,Policymakers

27 Publication IVL PrimaryandsecondaryPMfromshipping,Exten 25-28June Proceedingsofthe3rdInternationalCon ScientificCom International

dedabstractTACIII 2012 ferenceonTransport,Atmosphere,and munity,Industry
Climate (TAC- ,Policymakers

28 Poster IVL Thermo- 02-07Sept EuropeanAerosolConference,Grenad ScientificCommu ~1000 International

chemicalpropertiesoffleetshipemissionaeroso 2012 a,Spain nity
ls:relationtocomposition andstructure
29 Oralpresentationtos IVL MeasurementsofemissionfactorsofPMandBCfr 12Sept2012 ShippingSymposium, Industry,Policymaker ~50 Scandinavianc
cientificevent omshipping–researchneeded Lund,Sweden s,ScientificCommuni ountries
30 Oralpresentationtos IVL Workshoponemissionsrelatedtoshipping 29-30Oct JoinedMACC-II,ACCENT- ScientificCommu ~40 International
cientificevent 2012 Plus,ACCESSandPEGASOS nity
31 Oralpresentationtos Met.No Finescalecalculationsofpresentandfutureeffects 26-27Nov 19thInternationalTransportandAirPo ScientificCom International
cientificevent ofdifferentmodesoftransportonairqualityinEuro 2012 llutionConference,Thessaloniki,Gre munity,Industry
pe ece ,Policymakers

32 Oralpresentation IVL FormationofsecondaryPMfromship 26-27Nov 19thInternationalTransportand Scientific International

toscientificevent emissions 2012 AirPollutionConference,Thessalo Community,In
niki,Greece dustry,Policyma
33 Oralpresentationtos AUTH TransportEmissionsandtheirImpactonAirQualit 26-27Nov 19thInternationalTransportandAirPo ScientificCom International
cientificevent yinAthens:ACaseStudyintheFrameworkofTRA 2012 llutionConference,Thessaloniki,Gre munity,Industry
NSPHORM ece ,Policymakers

34 Newletter,Flyers UH TRANSPHORM– December2 WhoNewletter2012 Scientificcom International

anintegratedassessmentofthehealthimpactsoftra 012 munity,Industr
nsportrelatedairpollution y,Civilsociety,P

35 PresentationandDi UH PerformanceofCMAQoverEuropeandUSEforP 2013–2014 TelephoneConference Scientificcommun 5 Europe,

scussion M2.5 ity USA
36 WorkshopandPres UH HEI/EUhealthimpactsofparticulatematter 30-31Jan Brussels,Belgium Scientificcom 100 Europe
entation 2013 munity,Industr

37 Oralpresentationtos DLR Globalmodelsimulationsoftheimpactofthetrans 07-12April European Scientificcommun 1000 International

cientificevent portsectorsonatmosphericaerosolandclimate. 2013 GeosciencesUnion(EGU)General ity
38 Oralpresentationtos IOM HealthImpactAssessmentoflong- 15April2013 ScientificMeeting,UniversityofSouth Scientificcommun UK
cientificevent termexposuretoparticulateairpollution:method ampton,UK ity
39 Oralpresentationtos IVL SeminaronblackcarbonfortheSwedishCleanAi 24April2013 SwedishCleanAirSociety,Stoc Policymakers,a ~50 Sweden
cientificevent rSociety kholm,Sweden uthorities,scie
40 Oralpresentationtos THL Counterfactualbehaviourofultrafineparticlesini 19-23August ConferenceofISEE,ISES,andISIAQ Scientificcommun 100-800 International
cientificevent nfiltrationandlungdepositionprocesses 2013 ,Basel,Switzerland ity

41 Oralpresentationtos IOM HealthImpactAssessmentoflong- 19-23August ConferenceofISEE,ISES,andISIAQ Scientificcommun International

cientificevent termexposuretoparticulateairpollution:method 2013 ,Basel,Switzerland ity
42 Poster THL Particlesizedependenceofrespiratorytractuptak 19-23August ConferenceofISEE,ISES,andISIAQ Scientificcommun 100-800 International
einapopulationcohort 2013 ,Basel,Switzerland ity
43 Poster IVL PhysicalandchemicalcharacterisationofPMemi 01-06Sept EuropeanAerosolConference,Prague, ScientificCommu ~1000 International
ssionsfromin-operationshipengines 2013 CzechRepublic nity

44 Oralpresentationtos THL UptakeofPM2.5massbyrespiratorytractregion 01-06Sept EuropeanAerosolConference,Prague, Scientificcommun 80-400 International

cientificevent andparticlesize:HypotheticalestimatesfortheF 2013 CzechRepublic ity

45 Oralpresentationtos DLR Globalmodelsimulationsoftheimpactoftranspor 01-06Sept EuropeanAerosolConference2013,Pr Scientificcommun 1000 International

cientificevent tsectorsemissionsonatmosphericaerosolandcli 2013 ague,CzechRepublic ity
46 Oralpresentationtos Met.No Modelcalculationsoftheeffectsofpresentandfut 17-20Sept ACCENT-PlusSymposium Scientificcommun International
cientificevent ureemissionsofairpollutantsfromshippinginthe 2013 ity

47 Workshop DLR Theglobalimpactofthetransportsectorsonatmos 23-27Sept 12thAeroComWorkshop,Hambur Scientificcommun 100 International

phericaerosolandclimate. 2013 g,Germany ity
48 Oral presentationto USTUTT Assessmentofpoliciestoreducegreenhousegase 28Sep-1Oct 17thInternationalSymposiumonEn Scientificcommun 50-100 EU27+2,
scientific missionsandairpollutioninMediterraneanEUco 2013 vironmentalPollutionanditsImpacto ity withspecialfocu
event,Publication untries nLifeintheMediterraneanRegion(M sonMediterrane
ESAEP),Istanbul,Turkey anRegion

49 Poster IVL PhysicalandchemicalcharacterisationofPMemi 30-31Jan NOSAaerosolsymposium,Stockh ScientificCommu ~150 Nordicco

ssionsfromin-operationshipengines 2014 olm,Sweden nity untries

50 Oralpresentationtos IOM HealthImpactAssessmentoflong- 20-24March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun International

cientificevent termexposuretoparticulateairpollution:method 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
ologicalandpracticalissues Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

51 Oralpresentationtos NILU Modellingthesourcecontributionofparticulatem 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

cientificevent atterinOslo:Comparisonbetweenmodelsandobs 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
ervations Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

52 Oralpresentationtos NILU Land use regression modelling for 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
cientificevent airquality exposure: A step in the 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
wrongdirection Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

53 Oralpresentationtosc THL Modellingexposureandlungdepositionofparti 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International

ientificevent, cle-boundpolycyclicaromatic 2014 uality-Scienceand ity
Publication hydrocarbons(PAHs) Application,Garmisch-
54 Poster,Publ THL Uncertaintiesinhealthimpactestimatesduetoexp 24-28March 9thInternational Conference Scientificcommun 100-300 International
ication osureandrespiratorytractdepositionprocesses 2014 onAirQuality- ity
55 Oral presentationto THL Outdoorairdominatesburdenofdiseasefromind 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International
scientific oorexposures 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

56 Oral presentationto THL Thecomparisonofcostsofpoliciesaimedatredu 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International

scientific cingairqualityinducedhealthrisks,healthbenefi 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication tsandperceivedvaluesinFinland Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

57 Oral presentationto FMI Animprovedmodelforevaluatingtheurbanpopul 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 100-300 International

scientific ationexposure 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

58 Oral presentationto TNO Impactofemissionsfrominlandsshippingonair 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific qualityandhealthintheNetherlands 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

59 Oral presentationto FMI Can the predictions of road dust 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific emissionmodels be directly compared with on- 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication sitemobilemeasurements? Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

60 Oral presentationto FMI Evaluationofthepresentandfutureairqualityin 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific EuropebasedonTRANSPHORMmulti- 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication modelensemble Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

61 Oral presentationto IOM Healthimpactassessmentoflong- 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific termexposuretoparticulateairpollutionwithinT 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication RANSPHORM. Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany
62 Oral presentationto TNO Europeanparticlenumberemissionsfor2005,202 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific 0and2030withspecialemphasisonthetransportse 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication ctor Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany
63 Oral presentationto Met.No Calculations of present and future effectsof 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific different transport modes on air 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication qualityandhumanhealthinEurope Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

64 Oral presentationto FMI Modellingofparticulatematterconcentrationsi 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific ntheHelsinkimetropolitanareain2008and2010 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

65 Oral presentationto AUTH Refinementandevaluationofastatisticalapproac 24-28March 9thInternational Conference Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific hfordeterminingconcentrationincrementsinurba 2014 onAirQuality- ity
event,Publication nareas ScienceandApplication,
66 Oral presentationto TNO Intercomparisonofurbanscaleairqualitymodels 24-28March 9thInternational Conference Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific 2014 onAirQuality- ity
event,Publication ScienceandApplication,
67 Oral presentationto UH Contributionofemissionsourcestoconcentration 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International
scientific soffineparticulatematter(pm2.5)inEurope 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

68 Oral presentationto UH Urbanandtrafficcontributionstopm2.5inLond 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific on 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

69 Oral presentationto AUTH Roadsideandurbanbackgroundmeasurementsof 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific ultrafineparticlesinThessaloniki,Greece– 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication 7yearslater Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

70 Oral presentationto USTUTT Integratedassessmentofpoliciesforreducingheal 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific thimpactsofairpollutioncausedbytransportinEu 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication rope Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

71 Oral presentationto UH Airborneparticulatematterandassociatedhealt 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 200 International

scientific himpacts:newdevelopmentsandimplicationsf 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, ity
event,Publication orEUROPE Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany

72 Poster,Publ HMGU Residentiallong- 24-28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ Scientificcommun 300 International

ication termexposuretoparticulatemattercomponentsan 2014 uality-Scienceand ity
cardiovasculardiseaseendpointsinadults Application,Garmisch-
73 Presentation UH Transportrelatedairpollutionandhealthimpacts 28March DEFRA,London Policymakers 10 UK,Europe
74 Poster,Publ AUTH MicroandMacromodellingofcoldstartemissions 28March 9thInternationalConferenceonAirQ ScientificCommu International
ication fromroadtraffic:AcasestudyinAthens 2014 uality-ScienceandApplication, nity,CivilSociety,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany Media

75 Poster AUTH Quantificationofroadtransportparticulatematt 15April2014 TransportResearchArena,Paris,Fr ScientificCom Europe

erusingdetailedtechnologyemissionfactors ance munity,Industry

76 Poster AUTH Quantificationofnon- 15April2014 TransportResearchArena,Paris,Fr ScientificCom Europe

exhaustroadtransportPMemissions ance munity,Industry

77 Poster AUTH COPERTMicro:atooltocalculatethevehicleemis 17April2014 TransportResearchArena,Paris,Fr ScientificCom Europe

sionsinurbanareas ance munity,Industry

78 Oralpresentationtos J.Moldanová,I Methodologiesforemissioninventoriesforshi 28-29April FAIRMODE ScientificCommu ~80 International

cientificevent VL pping 2014 technicalmeeting,Kjeller,Norway nity
79 Oralpresentationtos BrianMiller,I HealthImpactAssessmentinTRANSPHORM:ci 06May2014 TRANSPHORMStakeholdersMe Scientificcom 60 Europe
cientificevent OM tycasestudies eting,Brussels,Belgium munity,Industr
80 Organisationofw UH TRANSPHORMworkshopforstakeholders,qu 06May2014 TRANSPHORMStakeholdersMe Scientificcom 60 Europe
orkshop antifyinghealthimpactsofparticulatematterove eting,Brussels,Belgium munity,Industr
rEurope- y,Civilsociety,P
newapproaches,implicationsandrecommendat olicymakers
81 Workshop TNO Healthimpactassessmentoftransport- 16-17June Rotterdam,Netherlands Scientificcommunity 40 Netherlands
relatedmeasuresinurbanareas 2014 ,Policymakers

82 Presentation FMI Selectedpolicy- 19-20August AnnualConferenceoftheAirPoll Scientificco 200 Finland,

relevantresultsfromtheTRANSPHORMproje 2014 ution mmunity,Indu Europe
ct PreventionAssociation,Lappeen stry,Civil
Finland society,Policym
83 Oralpresentationtos IOM MethodologiesforHealthImpactAssessmentofL 24-28August InternationalSocietyforEnvironme Scientificcommun International
cientificevent ong-TermExposuretoParticulateAirPollution 2014 ntalEpidemiologyAnnual ity
84 Presentation NILU Emissionfactorscalingforsimplehealthimpacta 04Sept2014 Oslocitycouncil Policymakers 4 Norway
TRANSPHORM 243406 ProjectFinalReport

8 Address of the project public website, contact and project


Director of the Centre for Atmospheric and Instrumentation Research
(CAIR)UniversityofHertfordshireCollege Lane, Hatfield,AL10 9AB,UK
Tel:+44 (0)1707 284520 Fax:+44 (0)1707 284208

Part.No. ParticipantName Shortname Country
1.(Coord.) UniversityofHertfordshire UH UK
NederlandseOrganisatieVoorToegepast The
2.(Co-coord) TNO
NatuurwetenschappelijkOnderzoek Netherlands
3.(Co-coord) UniversiteitUtrecht UU
4. NorskInstituttForLuftforskning NILU Norway
5. IlmatieteenLaitos FMI Finland
6. DLR Germany
7. Transport&MobilityLeuvenNv TML Belgium
8. AristotelioPanepistimioThessalonikis AUTH Greece
9. JRC International
10. InstituteOfOccupationalMedicine IOM UK
11. IvlSvenskaMiljoeinstitutetAb IVL Sweden
12. TerveydenJaHyvinvoinninLaitos THL Finland
13 MeteorologiskInstitutt Norway
14. Forschungszentrum Fuer Gesundheit HMGU Germany
UndUmwelt Gmbh
15. KI Sweden
16. DanmarksMeteorologiskeInstitut DMI Denmark
ImperialCollegeof Science,TechnologyAnd
17. IC UK
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
18. STI Switzerland
19. CPST Lithuania
20. UniversitaetStuttgart USTUTT Germany
URM-Útvar rozvojehl.městaPrahy Czech
21. URM

9 Reportonsocietalimplications
Replies to the following questions will assist the Commission to obtain statistics and indicators
onsocietal and socio-economic issues addressed by projects. The questions are arranged in a number
ofkey themes. As well as producing certain statistics, the replies will also help identify those
projectsthat have shown a realengagement with wider societal issues, and thereby identify
interestingapproaches to these issues and best practices. The replies for individual projects will not
be madepublic.

A GeneralInformation(completedautomaticallywhenGrantAgreementnumberisentered.
GrantAgreementNumber: 243406
TitleofProject: Transportrelatedairpollutionandhealthimpacts

NameandTitleofCoordinator: ProfessorRanjeetSSokhi
B Ethics

1. DidyourprojectundergoanEthicsReview(and/orScreening)?

 IfYes:haveyoudescribedtheprogressofcompliancewiththerelevantEthicsReview/ScreeningRequi
rementsinthe frameoftheperiodic/final projectreports?
hePeriod/FinalProjectReportsundertheSection3.2.2'WorkProgressand Achievements'

2. Pleaseindicatewhetheryourprojectinvolvedanyof thefollowingissues(tickbox) :

 Didtheprojectinvolvechildren? No
 Didtheprojectinvolvepatients? No
 Didtheprojectinvolvepersonsnotabletogiveconsent? No
 Didtheprojectinvolveadulthealthyvolunteers? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumangenetic material? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumanbiologicalsamples? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumandatacollection? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumanEmbryos? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumanFoetalTissue/Cells? No
 DidtheprojectinvolveHumanEmbryonicStemCells(hESCs)? No
 DidtheprojectonhumanEmbryonicStemCellsinvolvecellsinculture? No
 DidtheprojectonhumanEmbryonicStemCellsinvolvethederivationofcellsfromEmbryos? No
 Didtheprojectinvolveprocessingofgeneticinformationorpersonaldata(,sexuallifestyle,ethnici No
ty,politicalopinion,religiousorphilosophical conviction)?
 Didtheprojectinvolvetrackingthelocationorobservationofpeople? No
 Didtheprojectinvolveresearchonanimals? No
 Werethoseanimalstransgenic smalllaboratoryanimals? No
 Werethoseanimalstransgenic farmanimals? No
 Werethoseanimalsclonedfarmanimals? No
 Werethoseanimals non-humanprimates? No
 Didtheprojectinvolvetheuseoflocalresources(genetic,animal,plantetc)? No
 Wastheprojectofbenefitto localcommunity(capacitybuilding,accesstohealthcare,educationetc)? No

 Researchhavingdirect militaryuse No
 Researchhavingthepotential forterroristabuse No
C WorkforceStatistics

ked on theproject(on a headcount basis).
TypeofPosition NumberofWomen NumberofMen
ScientificCoordinator 0 3
Workpackageleaders 10 23
Experiencedresearchers(i.e.PhDholders) 27 50
PhDStudents 10 12
Other 24 36

4. 7

uited specifically forthis project?
Ofwhich,indicatethenumber ofmen: 7

D GenderAspects
5. DidyoucarryoutspecificGenderEqualityActionsundertheproject? Yes

6. Whichof thefollowingactionsdid youcarryoutandhow effectivewerethey?

Not at Veryeff
alleffect ective
 Designandimplementanequalopportunitypolicy 
 Settargetstoachievea genderbalanceinthe workforce 
 Organiseconferencesand workshopsongender 
 Actionstoimprovework-life balance 
 Other: Equalopportunitieswasimplementedlocallyaccordingtoagreedprinciples

7. Was there a gender dimension associated with the research content – i.e. wherever people
werethe focus of the research as, for example, consumers, users, patients or in trials, was the issue of
 Yes-please specify
 No – X
E SynergieswithScienceEducation
8. Didyourproject
 Yes-please specify
 No – X
9. Didtheprojectgenerateanyscienceeducation
 Yes-pleasespecify –X Websitean dtrainingmaterial

 No
F Interdisciplinarity
10. Whichdisciplines(seelistbelow)areinvolvedinyourproject?
 Maindiscipline12:1.4
 Associateddiscipline12:1.1  Associateddiscipline12:3.3

G EngagingwithCivilsocietyandpolicymakers
11a Didyourprojectengagewithsocietal  Yes– X
actorsbeyondtheresearchcommunity?(if'No',gotoQuestion14)  No

11bIf yes, did you engage with citizens (citizens' panels / juries) or organised civil
society(NGOs,patients' groupsetc.)?
 No
 Yes-indeterminingwhatresearchshouldbeperformed–X
 Yes-inimplementingtheresearch–X
 Yes,incommunicating/disseminating/usingtheresultsoftheproject–X
 Yes
11c In doing so, did your project involve actors whose role is mainly  No – X
toorganise the dialogue with citizens and organised civil society
12.Did you engage with government / public bodies or policy makers (including

 No
 Yes-inframingtheresearchagenda– X
 Yes-inimplementingtheresearchagenda
 Yes,incommunicating/disseminating/usingtheresultsoftheproject–X

13a Willtheprojectgenerateoutputs(expertiseorscientificadvice)whichcould
 Yes–asaprimaryobjective(pleaseindicateareasbelow- multipleanswerspossible)–X
 Yes–asasecondaryobjective(pleaseindicateareasbelow-multipleanswerpossible)
 No
13bIf Yes,inwhichfields?
AgricultureAudiovisual EnergyEnlargeme Human
and MediaBudget ntEnterpriseEnvir rightsInformation
Competition onment – SocietyInstitutional
ConsumersC XExternal affairsInternalMark
ultureCusto RelationsExternal et
ms Trade Justice,freedomandsecurity
Development Economic Fisheries and Maritime Public Health –
andMonetaryAffairsEducati AffairsFood Safety XRegionalPolicy–X
on,Training,Youth Foreign and Security ResearchandInnovation–X
EmploymentandSocialAffairs PolicyFraud SpaceTaxation
Humanitarianaid Transport–X

 Local/regionallevels – Yes
 Nationallevel –Yes
 Europeanlevel–Yes
 Internationallevel –Yes(partly)

H Useanddissemination
14. 48(butincreasing)

Tohow manyof theseisopenaccess13provided? 17
Howmanyofthesearepublishedinopenaccessjournals? 17
Howmanyofthesearepublishedinopenrepositories? 17
Tohow manyof theseisopenaccessnotprovided? 20
no fundsavailabletopublishinanopenaccessjournal
lackoftimeand resources
lackofinformationon openaccess
15. How manynewpatentapplications(‘priorityfilings’)havebeenmade? N/A
("Technologically unique": multiple applications for the same invention in
differentjurisdictionsshouldbecountedasjustone application ofgrant).

16. Indicate how many of the following Trademark N/A

Registereddesign N/A
mber ineachbox).

17. How manyspin-off N/A


18.Please indicate whether your project has a potential impact on employment, in

 Increaseinemployment,or  Insmall&medium-sizedenterprises
 Safeguardemployment,or  Inlargecompanies
 Decreaseinemployment,  Noneoftheabove/ notrelevantto theproject
 Difficulttoestimate/notpossibletoquantify–X
19.For your project partnership please estimate the employment Indicatefigure:
FullTimeEquivalent(FTE=onepersonworking fulltime forayear) jobs:



I MediaandCommunicationto thegeneralpublic

 Yes– X  No
21. As part of the project, have any beneficiaries received professional media /
communicationtraining/ adviceto improvecommunicationwith the general public?
 Yes– X  No
22 Whichofthefollowinghavebeenusedtocommunicateinformation
aboutyourprojecttothegeneral public, orhaveresulted fromyourproject?
 PressRelease  Coverageinspecialistpress–X
 Mediabriefing  Coverageingeneral(non-specialist)press
 TVcoverage/report  Coverageinnationalpress
 Radiocoverage/report  Coverageininternationalpress –X
 Brochures/posters/flyers – X  Websiteforthegeneralpublic/internet–X
 DVD/Film/Multimedia  Event targeting general public (festival,
conference,exhibition,science café)– X

23 Inwhichlanguagesaretheinformation productsforthegeneralpublicproduced?
 Languageofthecoordinator  English– X
 Otherlanguage(s)

SurveysonResearchand Experimental Development, OECD2002):


1.1 Mathematics and computer sciences [mathematics and other allied fields: computer sciences and other
1.2 Physical sciences(astronomyandspacesciences,physicsandotheralliedsubjects)
1.3 Chemicalsciences(chemistry,otheralliedsubjects)
1.4 Earthandrelatedenvironmentalsciences(geology,geophysics,mineralogy,physicalgeographyandothergeosci
ences, meteorology and other atmospheric sciences including climatic research,
oceanography,vulcanology,palaeoecology, otheralliedsciences)
1.5 Biologicalsciences(biology,botany,bacteriology,microbiology,zoology,entomology,genetics,biochemistry,biop
hysics,otherallied sciences, excludingclinicalandveterinarysciences)

2.1 Civilengineering(architectureengineering,buildingscienceandengineering,constructionengineering,muni
cipalandstructuralengineeringandother alliedsubjects)
2.2 Electrical engineering, electronics [electrical engineering, electronics, communication engineering and
systems,computer engineering(hardware only)andotherallied subjects]
ering,andtheirspecialisedsubdivisions;forestproducts;appliedsciencessuchas geodesy,industrial
allurgy,mining,textiletechnologyandother appliedsubjects)

3.1 Basicmedicine(anatomy,cytology,physiology,genetics,pharmacy,pharmacology,toxicology,immunologyand
immunohaematology,clinical chemistry,clinicalmicrobiology,pathology)
3.2 Clinicalmedicine(anaesthesiology,paediatrics,obstetricsandgynaecology,internalmedicine,surgery,denti
3.3 Healthsciences(publichealthservices, socialmedicine,hygiene,nursing,epidemiology)

4.1 Agriculture,forestry,fisheriesandalliedsciences(agronomy,animalhusbandry,fisheries,forestry,horticulture,other
4.2 Veterinarymedicine

5.1 Psychology
5.2 Economics
5.3 Educationalsciences(educationandtrainingandotheralliedsubjects)
5.4 Other social sciences [anthropology (social and cultural) and ethnology, demography, geography
(human,economic and social), town and country planning, management, law, linguistics, political sciences,
sociology,organisation and methods, miscellaneous social sciences and interdisciplinary , methodological
and historicalS1T activities relating to subjects in this group. Physical anthropology, physical geography
andpsychophysiologyshouldnormallybe classifiedwiththenatural sciences].

6.1 History(history,prehistoryandhistory,togetherwithauxiliaryhistoricaldisciplinessuchasarchaeology,numis
matics,palaeography, genealogy, etc.)
6.2 Languagesandliterature(ancientandmodern)
6.3 Otherhumanities[philosophy(includingthehistoryofscienceandtechnology)arts,
historyofart,artcriticism,painting, sculpture, musicology, dramatic art excluding artistic "research" of any kind,
religion, theology, otherfields and subjects pertaining to the humanities, methodological, historical and other
S1T activities relating tothesubjectsinthisgroup]

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