Sociology MCqs
Sociology MCqs
Sociology MCqs
The most important status a person occupies, the one that most defines a person's
social identity and general social position.
A. Ascribed status B. Master status
C. Norms D. Rituals
C. Laws D. Traditions
65. _ _ _ _ _ are general abstract moral principles defining what Is right or wrong.
A. Values B. Folkways
C. Sanctions D. Rules
C. Conformity D. Approval
C. Cultural D. Conventional
C. Social D. Personal
C. Situations D. Norms
71 . The degree to which people are tied to a social group Is called social _ __
A. Integration B. Interaction
C. Contact D. We-feeling
C. Reward D. Punishment
C. Contact D. We-feeling
C. Legal D. Positive
A. Study B. Sociology
C. Companion D. Science
A. Ascribed B. Achieved
C. General D. Social
C. Customs D. Manners
C. Xenocentrism D. Pluralism
C. Explicit 0 . Mass
83. Name the culturally based tendency to value other cultures more highly than one's
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural relativism
C. Acculturation 0. Xenocentrlsm
84. The strain that exists between two correlated parts of culture that change at unequal
rates of speed is termed as _ _ _ __
A. Mental strain B. social deviance
C. Xenocentrism 0 . Racism
86. Name the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society.
A. Acculturation B. Diffusion
C. Evolution D. Asslmllation
C. Institution 0 . Society
89. "Role is the sum total of the culture patterns associated with a particular
Who defined so?
A. Ogburn B. Merton
C. Cooley D. Linton
90. _ _ _ _ _ sociology focuses upon large-scale and long-term social processes
of organizations, institutions, and broad social patterns.
A. General B. Micro
C. Classical D. Macro
91 . _ __ __ status requires special qualities.
A. Achieved B. Social
C. Integration D. Diffusion
C. Material D. Utilitarian
95. _ _ __ is a larger group to which any individual belongs.
A. State B. Society
C. Crowd D. Category
96. Cultural _ _ ___ are nothing but larger clusters of traits organized about
nuclear point of reference.
A. Complex B. Patterns
C. Elements D. Traits
40. A
41. C
42. B
43. B
44. A
45. C
46. C
47. A
48. B
49. A
50. B
51. D
52. C
53. B
54. B
55. B
56. A
57. A
58. C
59. B
60. B
61. C
62. D
63. C
64. B
65. A
66. C
67. A
68. B
69. C
70. B
7 I. A
72. D
73. C
74. B
75. B
76. C
77. A
78. C
79. B
80. A
81. B
82. B
83. D
84. C
85. B
86. D
87. A
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