Course Title: Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: Credit Units:2 Course Code: ESCM114 Course Level-UG
Course Title: Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: Credit Units:2 Course Code: ESCM114 Course Level-UG
Course Title: Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: Credit Units:2 Course Code: ESCM114 Course Level-UG
Credit Units:2
To give students an understanding of how science and the scientific method work to address environmental problems. The student will become familiar with the
Earth’s major systems (ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles), how they function and how they are affected by human activity (population growth, air, water and
soil pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, solid waste disposal). Students will learn about the interaction of human society (urban sprawl, energy
use/generation, resource consumption and economics) with the Earth’s systems.
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: - Scope Of Environmental Studies And Natural Resource Management
Introduction, definition and importance of environmental studies, need for public awareness, sensitisation and participation, Types of
natural resources, natural resource conservation,
Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, Land resources: soil erosion and desertification.
Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests
and tribal people.
Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and 20
Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.
Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, Food resources effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies.
Energy resources: Growing energy needs, Energy resources renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Energy resources use of
alternate energy sources, case studies.
Role of individual in conservation of natural resources
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Module V: Social issues, Human Population, and its Impact on the Environment
Social Issues and the Environment
Environment From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
Urban problems related to energy
Water conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management
Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and concerns.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust.
Wasteland reclamation.
Consumerism and waste products.
Environment Protection Act. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act Wildlife
Protection Act Forest Conservation Act Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. Public awareness.
Human Population and the Environment
Population growth, variation among nations.
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme.
Environment and human health.
Human Rights. Value Education. HIV/AIDS.
Women and Child Welfare.
Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Case Studies.
Define the Demonstrate an Utilize the Explain the Determine and Compile and
interconnection integrative knowledge structure and explain the critically examine
and approach to and explain composition of importance of the roles and
interdisciplinary environmental the effects of different types of various responsibilities of
nature of issues with a human ecosystems and Environmental human population
environmental focus on activities on bio-geochemical Laws in conservation of
studies sustainability natural cycle environment
Graduate attributes resources
4. Information &
Technology Skills
5. Critical Thinking &
Problem-Solving Abilities
6. Communication Skills
10. Multicultural
Understanding & Global
11. Integrity and Ethics
Studying and exploring the various national and international organization working for environment.
Exploring the scope of environmental knowledge in addressing the common problems of environmental like creating awareness.
Doing surveys to find out the environmental issues in the nearby areas
Defining the environmental problems and studying the case studies, movements and environmentalist associated with it.
Weightage (%) 30 5 05 60
Assessment of Practical/ Examination Scheme:
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination
Components (Drop down Lab performance Lab records Viva ATTN. Viva Practical Total
Weightage (%) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Home Assignment
Report writing
based on case
Surveys and
Text & References:
Kaushik & Kaushik , “principal of environmental studies”
Asthana and Asthana, A textbook of Environmental Studies.
Kaushik and Kaushik, Fundamentals of Environmental Studies.
Gauba Dhawan and Bisht Environmental Studies, Challenges & Solutions A quick Compendium.
Somvanshi and Dhupper, Fundamentals of Environmental Studies.
Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad – 380 013, India, (R)
Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (R)
Other material
Virtual Labs