Environmental Science

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University of Mumbai

Class: T.E. Branch: Computer Semester: V

Subject: Environment Studies( Abbreviated as EVS)
Periods per Week Lecture 02
(each 60 min) Practical --
Tutorial 01
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory 02 50
Practical and Oral --
Oral --- --
Term Work --- 25
Total 02 75

Objectives: Objective of this course is to create environmental awareness, of

variety of environmental concerns.
Module Contents Hours
1 The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, scope and importance 01
Need for public awareness
2 Natural resources
Renewable and non renewable resources
Natural resources & associated problem
a. Forest resources: Use and over exploitation,
deforestation, case studies.
Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on
forests and tribal people.
b. Water resources: Use and over utilization of surface
and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water,
dams- benefits and problems.
c. Mineral resources: use and exploitation, environmental
effect of extracting and using mineral resources, case
studies. 04
d. Food resources: World food problems overgrazing,
effect of modern agriculture, fertilizer pesticide
problems, water logging, salinity, case studies
e. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable
and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources, case studies.
f. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation,
man included land slide, soil erosion and
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

3  Ecosystem
 Concept of an ecosystem
 Procedures, consumers and decomposers
 Energy flow in the ecosystem
 Ecological succession
 Flood chains, food webs and ecological pyramids
 Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure
and function of the following ecosystem
 Forest ecosystem
 Grassland ecosystem
 Desert ecosystem
 Aquatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers,
oceans, estuaries)
4 Biodiversity and its conservation
 Introduction definition: genetic species and ecosystem
 Bio geographical classification of India
 Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use,
social, ethical, aesthetic and option values
 Bio diversity at global, national, local levels
 India as a mega diversity nation
 Hot spots of bio diversity
 Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, poaching of wild
life, man wildlife conflicts
 Endangered and endemic specific of India
 Conversation of biodiversity : In situ and ex situ
5 Environmental Pollution Definition
 Causes, effects and control measures of
a) Air Pollution
b) Water Pollution
c) Soil Pollution
d) Marine Pollution
e) Noise Pollution
f) Thermal Pollution
g) Nuclear Hazards 04
 Solid waste management: Causes, effect and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes
 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
 Pollution case studies
 Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and
land slides

6 Social issues and environment

 From unsustainable to sustainable development
 Urban problems related to energy
 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
 Re- settlement and rehabilitation of people: its
problems and concerns , case studies
 Environmental ethics: issues and possible solution
 Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust, case
 Wasteland reclamation
 Consumerism and waste products
 Environment protection act
 Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act
 Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act
 Wildlife protection act
 Forest conservation act
 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental
 Public awareness

7 Human population and the environment

 Population growth, variation among nations
 Population explosion family welfare program
 Environment and human health
 Human rights
 Value education
 Women and child welfare
 Role of information technology in environment and
human health
 Case studies

8 Understanding Existence and the co existence

Interrelation and cyclicity between material order, bio order,
animal order and human order
Understanding the human conduct: relationship in family,
justice in relationship, relationship of human with nature,
human behavior, human values, nature and morality
Understanding the human society
Dimensions of human endeavor and objectives,
interrelationship in society, mutual fulfillment and cyclicity in

Theory Examination:

1. Question paper will be comprising of total 7 questions, each of 10 marks.

2. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
3. Question number 1 will be compulsory and covering the all modules.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (e.g.- suppose Q.2 has part
(a) from, module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than
module 3.)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to
number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.

Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum Five projects (PROJECTS SHALL BE
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows,

Laboratory work (Tutorial/Project and Journal) : 15 marks.

Test (at least one) : 10 marks.

The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory

performance of laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.

Recommended Books:

1. Jagdish Krishnawamy , R J Ranjit Daniels, “ Environmental Studies”,

Wiley India Private Ltd. New Delhi
2. Anindita Basak, Environmental Studies, Pearson
3. Deeksha Dave , “Textbook of Environmental Studies”, Cengage learning,
4. Benny Joseph” Environmental Studies”Tata McGRAW HILL
5. D. L. Manjunath, Environmental Studies, Pearson
6. R.Rajgopalan, Environmental Studies, Oxford
7. Erach Bharucha, Textbook of Environmental Studies , Universities
Press/Orient BlackSwan.

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