Journal of Periodontology - 2018 - Schwarz - Peri Implantitis

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Received: 6 June 2016 Revised: 14 September 2017 Accepted: 24 September 2017

DOI: 10.1002/JPER.16-0350


Frank Schwarz1 ∗ Jan Derks2 ∗ Alberto Monje3,4 Hom-Lay Wang4

1 Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology, Carolinum, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

2 Department of Periodontology, Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

3 Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, ZMK School of Dentistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

4 Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Univ. Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz, Department of Abstract
Oral Surgery and Implantology, Carolinum, Objectives: This narrative review provides an evidence-based overview on peri-
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frank-
implantitis for the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and
furt, 60596 Frankfurt, Germany.
Email: Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions.
∗ Frank Schwarz and Jan Derks equally con-
Methods: A literature review was conducted addressing the following topics: 1)
tributed to the manuscript and are considered
joint first authors. definition of peri-implantitis; 2) conversion from peri-implant mucositis to peri-
The proceedings of the workshop were implantitis, 3) onset and pattern of disease progression, 4) characteristics of peri-
jointly and simultaneously published in the implantitis, 5) risk factors/indicators for peri-implantitis, and 6) progressive crestal
Journal of Periodontology and Journal of
Clinical Periodontology.
bone loss in the absence of soft tissue inflammation.


1) Peri-implantitis is a pathological condition occurring in tissues around dental

implants, characterized by inflammation in the peri-implant connective tissue and
progressive loss of supporting bone.
2) The histopathologic and clinical conditions leading to the conversion from peri-
implant mucositis to peri-implantitis are not completely understood.
3) The onset of peri-implantitis may occur early during follow-up and the disease
progresses in a non-linear and accelerating pattern.
4a) Peri-implantitis sites exhibit clinical signs of inflammation and increased probing
depths compared to baseline measurements.
4b) At the histologic level, compared to periodontitis sites, peri-implantitis sites often
have larger inflammatory lesions.
4c) Surgical entry at peri-implantitis sites often reveals a circumferential pattern of
bone loss.
5a) There is strong evidence that there is an increased risk of developing peri-
implantitis in patients who have a history of chronic periodontitis, poor plaque
control skills, and no regular maintenance care after implant therapy. Data
identifying “smoking” and “diabetes” as potential risk factors/indicators for peri-
implantitis are inconclusive.

© 2018 American Academy of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology

J Periodontol. 2018;89(Suppl 1):S267–S290. S267


5b) There is some limited evidence linking peri-implantitis to other factors such as:
post-restorative presence of submucosal cement, lack of peri-implant keratinized
mucosa and positioning of implants that make it difficult to perform oral hygiene
and maintenance.
6) Evidence suggests that progressive crestal bone loss around implants in the
absence of clinical signs of soft tissue inflammation is a rare event.

diagnosis, implantology, peri-implantitis, systematic reviews and evidence-based medicine

I N T RO D U C T I O N in the peri-implant mucosa and progressive loss of support-

ing bone.1,4
Biological complications affecting osseointegrated implants
In the clinical setting, soft tissue inflammation is detected
are a topic of major interest in contemporary dentistry. Such
by probing (bleeding on probing, BOP), while progressive
complications mainly refer to inflammatory conditions associ-
bone loss is identified on radiographs. Studies on peri-
ated with a bacterial challenge.1–3 Two clinical varieties may
implantitis require case definitions and threshold values to
be distinguished: peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
distinguish 1) health from disease and 2) mucositis from peri-
While the presence of an inflammatory lesion is a feature both
implantitis. It should be noted that, while case definitions for
conditions have in common, only the latter form presents with
peri-implantitis vary considerably between studies,5 the defi-
loss of supporting bone.4 It is anticipated that mucositis pre-
nition of the disease remains.
cedes peri-implantitis.3
This review addresses the following topics: 1) definition of
peri-implantitis; 2) conversion from peri-implant mucositis to
peri-implantitis, 3) onset and pattern of disease progression,
Conversion from peri-implant mucositis to
4) characteristics of peri-implantitis, 5) risk factors/indicators
for peri-implantitis, and 6) progressive crestal bone loss in the Mirroring the progression of gingivitis to periodontitis, peri-
absence of soft tissue inflammation. implant mucositis is assumed to precede peri-implantitis.3
Currently, features or conditions characterizing the conver-
sion from peri-implant mucositis to peri-implantitis have not
METHODS been identified.
The peri-implant soft tissue reactions to plaque formation
Search strategy and data extraction have been extensively evaluated in both animal6–13 and human
studies.14–16 Thus, plaque formation consistently resulted in
An electronic and manual search was conducted for each
an inflammation of the peri-implant soft tissues,14–16 associ-
of the addressed topics. The PubMed database of the US
ated with clinical signs of inflammation, such as redness and
National Library of Medicine, the Excerpta Medica database
(Embase) by Elsevier, and the Web of Knowledge of Thom-
Zitzmann et al. (2002) examined human biopsies after a
son Reuters were screened for relevant articles (i.e. experi-
plaque formation period of 21 days.13 The histologic analy-
mental studies in animals and humans/ observational studies,
sis revealed the establishment of a B and T cell-dominated
randomized/ controlled clinical studies, systematic reviews/
inflammatory cell infiltrate (ICT) in the soft tissue lateral to
meta-analyses, consensus reports). Data from identified and
the barrier epithelium, occupying an area of approximately
relevant publications were extracted and, if indicated, pre-
0.14 mm2,16
sented in evidence tables. Overall findings were summarized
Similar findings were made in animal studies, present-
in a narrative manner.
ing with a varying apical extension of the inflammatory
lesion.7,9,10,12 At most of the implant sites investigated, the
lesion was located lateral to the barrier epithelium and sep-
OBSERVAT IO N S A N D D I SC U SSI ON arated from the crestal bone by a zone of healthy con-
nective tissue. However, at some sites in one study, the
Current definition of peri-implantitis subepithelial connective tissue was infiltrated with inflam-
Peri-implantitis is a pathological condition occurring in tis- matory cells (i.e. CD68 positive cells), thus decreasing the
sues around dental implants, characterized by inflammation zone of healthy connective tissue above the peri-implant

bone.7 At 16 weeks of plaque formation, the distance Clinical studies on onset and progression of
between the apical extension of the ICT and the crestal bone peri-implantitis
varied between 1.0 and 1.9 mm. At only one implant site did Prospective studies evaluating onset and progression of nat-
the ICT reach the crestal bone.7 The exact histopathologic urally occurring peri-implantitis could not be identified and
mechanisms resulting in apical extension of the ICT and asso- are for obvious ethical reasons not feasible. However, retro-
ciated crestal bone loss have yet to be determined. spective observational studies employing multilevel growth
Clinically, the conversion from mucositis to peri- curve models provided statistical estimates on onset and pat-
implantitis was evaluated in one retrospective observa- tern of peri-implantitis associated bone loss.24,25 Fransson
tional study including 80 patients initially suffering from et al. evaluated 182 patients with a total of 419 implants
peri-implant mucositis.17 Over 5 years, the incidence of (machined/turned surfaces, no bone grafting procedures, fixed
peri-implantitis was lower in subjects enrolled in a regular restorations) that presented with progressive bone loss.25 For
maintenance program (18%) than among patients without these implants, bone levels were assessed using intra-oral
regular maintenance care (43%). In the “maintained” group, radiographs obtained between the 1-year examination and a
“BOP+ at >50% of all implant sites” (OR 37) and “probing follow-up period of 5 to 23 years (mean: 11.1 years). The
depth (PD) ≥4 mm at >5% of sites” (OR 20) were associ- average bone loss was 1.7 mm and cumulative percentages of
ated with peri-implantitis. In the “not maintained” group, implants with bone loss ≥1 mm, ≥2 mm, or ≥3 mm were 68%,
the associated factors were PD (OR 26) and the presence 32% and 10%, respectively. A multilevel growth curve model
of periodontitis (OR 11). In the entire patient group, the revealed that the pattern of bone loss was non-linear, acceler-
conversion to peri-implantitis was correlated with BOP (OR ating and demonstrating an increased variance over time that
18) and PD scores (OR 16), the lack of regular maintenance was attributed to subject heterogeneity. This was confirmed
therapy (OR 6), as well as the presence of periodontitis in a retrospective analysis by Derks et al.24 Results indicated
(OR 9). that the onset of peri-implantitis may occur early, as the major-
The histopathologic and clinical conditions leading to the ity of implants demonstrated first signs of bone loss (>0.5
conversion from peri-implant mucositis to peri-implantitis are mm) already after the second (52%) and third year (66%) in
not completely understood. function.24 At the subject level, these calculations amounted
to 70% and 81%, respectively.
When evaluating the above studies, it must be kept in mind
that the onset of peri-implantitis was estimated on the basis
Onset and pattern of disease progression of radiographic bone loss alone, not considering other clini-
Progression of experimentally induced cal parameters.24,25 Nevertheless, these analyses suggest that
peri-implantitis peri-implantitis may commence early during follow-up and
The so-called “ligature model” is often used to study exper- that the progression of peri-implantitis appears to be faster
imental peri-implantitis in animals.18,19 The protocol com- than what is observed in periodontitis.26–28
prises a phase of active tissue breakdown around osseointe- The concept of a potentially early onset of peri-
grated implants, including plaque formation and placement implantitis is further supported by findings from stud-
of ligatures in a submucosal position.20 The ligature breaks ies evaluating peri-implant conditions already after
the mucosal seal to the implant and promotes submucosal comparatively short follow-up periods (≤2 years). A
bacterial biofilm formation. The ensuing inflammatory lesion cross-sectional analysis of 238 patients with a total of
initiates tissue destruction, including bone loss. Also after 512 implants revealed that peri-implantitis (case defi-
the removal of the ligatures and under continuous plaque nition: BOP+ and changes in radiographic bone level
formation, progression of disease may occur.22 This model compared to baseline) was frequently noted in all implant
thus mimics naturally occurring peri-implantitis. When com- age groups investigated.29 At the implant level, its frequency
pared to experimentally induced periodontitis, lesions asso- amounted to n = 18 at 1 to 12 months of follow-up, n = 34
ciated with experimental peri-implantitis demonstrate larger at 12 to 48 months and n = 12 at >48 months, respectively.
inflammatory cell infiltrates and more rapid and pronounced For the diagnosis of peri-implant mucositis, the number of
bone loss.21 After a period of several weeks of plaque for- affected implants in respective age groups was n = 25, n =
mation subsequent to ligature removal, spontanoues progres- 157 and n = 32, respectively. Becker et al. recently studied
sion of peri-implantitis was associated with severe inflam- the incidence of biological complications at zirconia implants
mation and tissue destruction.22 Disease progression was over a 2-year period in 52 patients.30 BOP values significantly
influenced by implant surface characteristics with more pro- increased from 21% at baseline (i.e. 10 to 12 weeks after
nounced breakdown at implants with modified than with non- implant placement) to 38% and 64% at 6 and 12 months,
modified surfaces.21,23 respectively. Based on the given case definition (BOP+ and

changes in the radiographic bone level compared to baseline), infection.48,49 It should be emphasized that the submucosal
18 patients were diagnosed with initial peri-implantitis microbiota of peri-implantitis lesions have not been exten-
between 12 and 24 months.30 sively studied using culture-independent techniques. Thus, the
microbial picture associated with peri-implantitis should be
regarded as incomplete.
Characteristics of peri-implantitis
Most recent systematic reviews have focused on the
Histopathologic characteristics correlations between various cytokines (i.e. proinflamma-
of naturally occurring peri-implantitis tory/ anti-inflammatory/ osteoclastogenesis-related) and
The histopathologic features of naturally occurring peri- chemokines measured in the peri-implant crevicular fluid
implantitis lesions have been extensively assessed in human (PICF) and the clinical condition at implant sites.50,51
biopsy materials.31–39 Most of the included studies focused on the assessment
When compared with peri-implant mucositis, the lesions of IL-1𝛽 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-𝛼). Based
at peri-implantitis sites (case definition: BOP+, suppuration, on a meta-analysis,50 the release of IL-1𝛽 was reported to
radiographic bone loss) harbored more neutrophil granulo- be significantly increased at mucositis and peri-implantitis
cytes and larger “proportions of B cells (CD19+)”.35 Similar sites, when compared with healthy implant sites. How-
to periodontitis, the lesions at peri-implantitis sites were also ever, no significant difference in IL-1𝛽 levels was noted
dominated by plasma cells and lymphocytes,33,34,36 but char- between peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis sites.
acterized by larger proportions of polymorphonuclear leuko- Peri-implantitis sites were also associated with a significant
cytes and macrophages.31,38 Recently, it was also shown that increase in TNF-𝛼 levels over healthy implant sites.50 In
the size of peri-implantitis lesions (case definition: interprox- contrast, the majority of included studies failed to identify
imal implant sites with BOP+ and PD ≥7 mm) was more any significant differences in the levels of either IL-4, IL-10,
than twice as large as that noted at periodontitis sites (3.5 or osteoclastogenesis-related (RANKL) cytokines between
mm2 vs. 1.5 mm2 ).39 Moreover, peri-implantitis lesions were healthy and peri-implantitis sites.51 Accordingly, the system-
characterized by larger area proportions, numbers and den- atic reviews indicated that the assessment of proinflammatory
sities of plasma cells, macrophages and neutrophils, as well cytokines (mainly IL-1𝛽) in the PICF might be of beneficial
as a higher density of vascular structures outside and lat- value to differentiate between peri-implant health and disease,
eral to the cell infiltrate.39 Another study using immunohis- but inappropriate to determine the onset of peri-implantitis.
tochemical analysis of harvested soft tissue biopsies showed
that IL-1𝛼 was a dominant osteoclast activating cytokine
Clinical characteristics of naturally occurring
at peri-implantitis sites.37 It must be emphasized that the
above analyses of human peri-implant tissue biopsies did, for
ethical reasons, not include the osseous component of the Clinical signs of inflammation including redness, edema,
sites. mucosal enlargement, BOP+ with or without suppuration
along with increases in PD and radiographic bone loss are
commonly used in case definitions for peri-implantitis.31,33–39
Microbiologic and immunologic characteristics Implant sites diagnosed with peri-implantitis commonly
of naturally occurring peri-implantitis show increased PD. In a study evaluating 588 patients with
Using conventional DNA probe and cultural analyses, com- 2,277 implants after a function time of 9 years, PD ≥6 mm
mon periodontopathogenic bacteria have been isolated at was recorded at 59% of all implants presenting with moder-
both healthy and diseased implant sites,40 and the distribu- ate/severe peri-implantitis (case definition: BOP+ and bone
tion of the detected species did not markedly differ by clin- loss >2 mm).52 Out of the implants classified as healthy (case
ical implant status (i.e. healthy, peri-implant mucositis, peri- definition: BOP-) or diagnosed with mucositis (case defini-
implantitis).41 However, when compared with healthy implant tion: BOP+ but no bone loss >0.5 mm), 3% and 16% showed
sites alone, peri-implantitis was associated with higher counts PD ≥6 mm, respectively. It was also noted that the frequency
of 19 bacterial species, including Porphyromonas gingivalis of implants demonstrating PD ≥6 mm increased with increas-
and Tannerella forsythia.42 Moreover, observational stud- ing severity of peri-implantitis.
ies have indicated that peri-implantitis was more frequently In a cross-sectional analysis, Schwarz et al. evaluated a
linked with opportunistic pathogens such as Pseudomonas total of 238 patients (n = 512 implants) after a median func-
aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus),43,44 fun- tion time of 23 months (1 to 80 months).29 At peri-implant
gal organisms (e.g. Candida albicans, Candida boidinii, Peni- mucositis sites (case definition: BOP+ on at least one aspect
cillum spp., Rhadotorula laryngis, Paelicomyces spp.),43,45,46 of the implant), the frequency of BOP scores mainly ranged
and viruses (i.e. human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr between 33% and 50%, while the peak was 67% at peri-
virus),47 thus pointing to a rather complex and heterogenous implantitis sites (case definition: BOP+ and/or suppuration

and changes in the radiographic bone level compared to base- commonly progress circumferentially around the affected
line). Diseased implant sites were associated with higher fre- implants.
quencies of 4 to 6 mm PD than implants with a healthy peri- Studies reporting on clinical characteristics of implants
implant mucosa, with an equal distribution between mucosi- diagnosed with peri-implantitis are summarized in Table 1.
tis and peri-implantitis sites. PD values of ≥7 mm were only
observed at one implant diagnosed with peri-implantitis.29
Periapical peri-implantitis
In this context, it must be realized that the determination
of what constitutes a physiological PD at implant sites is dif- Apart from peri-implant infections at sites with deepened
ficult. A recent analysis described a high degree of variation probing depths, a number of case series also reported on the
in the vertical mucosal thickness measured at healthy implant occurrence of periapical peri-implantitis lesions. The affected
sites, ranging from 1.6 to 7.0 mm (i.e. mucosal margin to the implants were commonly characterized by a periapical radio-
crestal bone level).53 One cross-sectional analysis also evalu- graphic radiolucency with or without concomitant clinical
ated and compared the horizontal mucosal thickness (hMT) at signs of inflammation, such as redness, edema, fistula and/ or
healthy and diseased implant sites. Median hMT were signif- abscess formation.60–72 These clinical and radiographic signs
icantly increased at diseased-, when compared with healthy of inflammation were noted between 2 to 8 weeks68,71 and
implant sites (1.1 mm), but were similar at mucositis and up to 4 years65 after implant placement. The majority of the
peri-implantitis sites (i.e. 1.7 vs. 1.6 mm), respectively. In all studies reported a direct correlation between retrograde peri-
groups investigated, these values did not markedly differ by implantitis and the existence of periapical endodontic lesions
implant location (i.e., upper/lower jaws) or position (i.e., ante- at adjacent teeth.61–63,65,67,68,70,72
rior/posterior sites).54
Several consensus statements pointed towards suppura- Oral-mucosal lesions mimicking peri-implantitis
tion as a common finding at sites diagnosed with peri- Case reports have described a variety of oral-mucosal lesions
implantitis.1,4 One study examined 197 implants in 97 patients at dental implants that may mimic peri-implant diseases. Such
demonstrating progressive bone loss on radiographs.55,56 The lesions include primary malignant tumors (i.e. oral squamous
authors compared these implants with 285 implants in the cell carcinoma)73–76 or metastases77 as well as giant cell and
same patients not exhibiting bone loss. It was observed that, pyogenic granuloma.78–86
while 94% of the implants presenting with bone loss also were While these pathologic conditions share several clinical
positive for BOP, suppuration on probing was identified at features with peri-implant diseases, they reveal distinct dif-
19%. Only 5% of implant sites without bone loss showed sup- ferences to a nonspecific inflammation at the histopathologic
puration. level.86
Clinical studies also reported on the configuration of
peri-implantitis defects.57–59 In 79% of all sites investi-
gated, naturally occurring peri-implantitis lesions featured a Risk factors/indicators for peri-implantitis
combined supra- (Class II) and intrabony (Class I) defect Interventional studies of longitudinal design are required to
configuration.58 The intrabony component most frequently identify true risk factors for a disease. Observational studies,
(55%) exhibited circumferential bone loss with maintenance cross-sectional or retrospective in nature, may only describe
of the buccal and lingual contours of the supporting crestal risk indicators.
bone (i.e. Class Ie). This was followed by buccal dehiscence- In the following text, potential risk factors/indicators with
type defects revealing a semicircular defect to the middle of substantial evidence are addressed in dedicated sections,
the implant body (i.e. Class Ib) (16%), and buccal dehiscence- while factors with limited evidence are summarized under
type defects with circular bone resorption in the presence “Areas of future research”.
(i.e. Class Ic) (13%), or absence (i.e. Class Id) (10%) of the
lingual bone plate. The lowest frequency was noted for iso-
lated buccal dehiscence-type defects (i.e. Class Ia) (5%).58 History of periodontitis
Similar intraoperative findings were also reported by Serino Periodontitis is a common disease. Its severe form ranks 6th
et al.57 The majority (66%) of the implants investigated (n among the most prevalent disorders.87 In a recent survey
= 59) exhibited a uniform bone loss at all four aspects.57 carried out in the United States, Eke et al. reported that
The remaining peri-implantitis defects mainly featured a more roughly 50% of the adult population (aged ≥30 years) pre-
advanced bone loss at the buccal site. These data were sented with periodontitis.88 In individuals aged ≥65 years,
recently confirmed in a cross-sectional analysis, also point- the corresponding number was 68%. Studies reporting on the
ing to an uniform bone loss at all four implant aspects with a potential association between history of periodontitis
high frequency of Class Ie defects (15/46, 33%).59 Based on (chronic or aggressive) and peri-implantitis are described in
the above studies, it is assumed that peri-implantitis lesions Table 2.

TABLE 1 Clinical characteristics of peri-implantitis

Study Type of study Study sample criteria Findings
Fransson et al. 200556 Cross-sectional 82 patients Progressive bone loss Clinical examination
and 200855 5 to 20 years 197 implants identified Bone level ≥3 threads & PD ≥6 mm/Suppuration
mean: 9.4 years with progressive bone bone loss >0.6 mm (% of implants)
loss No progressive bone
285 implants with no loss: 12%/5%
progressive bone loss Progressive bone loss:

Schwarz et al. 200758 Cross-sectional 24 patients Case definition Intraoperative

40 implants diagnosed PD >6 mm assessment
with BOP/SUP+ Combination of
moderate to advanced Bone loss intrabony and
peri-implantitis supracrestal defects;
intrabony defects most
frequent (55.3%).

Serino et al. 201357 Cross-sectional 29 patients Case definition Clinical examination

89 implants diagnosed PD >4 mm and intraoperative
with BOP/SUP+ assessment
peri-implantitis Bone loss ≥2 mm Circumferential-type
bone defects most
frequent (66.0%).

Derks et al. 201652 Cross-sectional 588 patients Case definition Clinical examination
9 years 137 patients diagnosed BOP/SUP+ PD ≥6 mm (% of
with mucositis Bone loss >2 mm implants)
62 patients diagnosed Healthy: 3%
with moderate/severe Mucositis: 16%
peri-implantitis Moderate/severe
peri-implantitis: 59%

Garcia-Garcia et al. Cross-sectional 25 patients Case definition Radiographic and

201659 46 implants diagnosed BOP/SUP+ intraoperative
with Bone level >2 mm assessment
peri-implantitis Circumferential-type
intrabony defects most
frequent (32.6%).

Schwarz et al. 201754 Cross-sectional 60 patients Case definition Clinical assessment with
229 implants diagnosed BOP/SUP+ validated ultrasonic
with moderate to Bone loss A-sacnner
advanced Horizontal mucosal
peri-implantitis thickness (median)
Healthy sites 1.1 mm
Mucositis: 1.7 mm
Peri-implantitis: 1.61

Schwarz et al. 201729 Cross-sectional 238 patients Case definition Clinical examination
1 month - 6.7 years 216/512 implants BOP/SUP+ Higher BOP scores at
mean: 2.2 years diagnosed with Changes in the peri-implantitis sites
mucositis radiographic bone when compared to
46/512 implants level compared to mucositis sites.
diagnosed with baseline (i.e. Similar PD scores.
peri-implantitis prosthesis installation)

TABLE 2 History of periodontitis and peri-implantitis

Study Type of study Study sample History of periodontitis Peri-implantitis Association
Karoussis et al. Cohort study 53 patients Case definition for Case definition 10-year incidence of
200389 8-12 years 8 patients with history of periodontitis not PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
periodontitis specified. BOP+ (implant level)
45 patients with no history Successfully treated Annual bone loss >0.2 mm History of
of periodontitis prior to implant therapy. periodontitis:
No history of
periodontitis: 5.8%

Ferreira et al. Cross-sectional 212 patients Case definition Case definition Odds for
2006102 0.5-5 years 30 patients with current ≥4 teeth with PD ≥4 mm PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 3.5 years periodontitis and CAL ≥3 mm BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
182 patients with no (at final examination) Bone level (no threshold) Periodontitis: OR
current periodontitis 3.1

Roos-Jansåker Cross-sectional 216 patients Case definition Case definition Odds for
et al. 9-14 years Number of patients % remaining teeth with BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
200692,93 mean: 11.0 years with/without history of bone loss ≥4 mm Bone loss ≥1.8 mm (implant level)
periodontitis not (prior to implant therapy) History of
reported Categories: 0-30% and periodontitis: OR
31-100% 4.7

Máximo et al. Cross-sectional 113 patients Case definition Case definition Peri-implantitis
2008100 ≥1 year 33 edentulous patients Number of quadrants PD ≥5 mm most common in
mean: 3.4 years 21 patients with no history showing crestal bone loss BOP/SUP+ patients
of periodontal bone loss (at final examination) Bone level ≥3 threads presenting with
59 patients with history of periodontal bone
periodontal bone loss loss in all 4
Koldsland et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Case definition for current Case definition Odds for
201094 & 1-16 years 24 patients with history of periodontitis PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
201195 mean: 8.4 years periodontitis ≥2 teeth with PD ≥5 mm, BOP/SUP+ (implant level)
(6 patients with current BOP % bone loss ≥6 mm Bone loss ≥2 mm History of
periodontitis) (at final examination) periodontitis: OR
77 patients with no history Definition for history of 6.2
of periodontitis periodontitis
Tooth loss due to
periodontitis and bone
loss ≥4 mm at ≥30% of
remaining teeth.

Roccuzzo et al. Cohort study 101 patients Case definition for Case definition for Association between
201091 & 10 years 28 patients not periodontitis not peri-implantitis not (i) % of sites with
201290 periodontally specified. Based on reported. Number of sites PD ≥6 mm, (ii) %
compromised clinical examination at with increased PD and of sites with bone
37 patients moderately baseline. Periodontally bone loss as well as loss ≥3 mm, (iii)
compromised compromised patients patients treated for % of patients
36 patients severely categorized according to peri-implantitis by means treated for
compromised number and depth of of systemic antibiotics peri-implantitis
periodontal pockets. and/or surgery are and baseline
presented. periodontal
Dvorak et al. Cross-sectional 203 patients Case definition for Case definition No association.
2011106 1-24 years Number of patients periodontitis not PD >4 mm
mean: 6.0 years with/without history of specified. BOP/SUP+
periodontitis not reported Patient-reported. Bone loss/level (no

TABLE 2 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample History of periodontitis Peri-implantitis Association
Costa et al. Cohort study 80 patients with mucositis Case definition Case definition Odds for
201217 5 years 28 patients with current ≥4 teeth with PD ≥4 mm PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
periodontitis and CAL ≥3 mm BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
52 patients with no current (at final examination) Bone level (no threshold) Periodontitis: OR
periodontitis 9.2

Casado et al. Cross-sectional 215 patients Case definition Case definition Odds for
201396 1-8 years 88 with history of Bone loss and PD ≥4 mm BOP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 5.6 years periodontitis at ≥30% of remaining Annual bone loss >0.2 mm (patient level)
127 with no history of sites (1 mm for first year) History of
periodontitis (prior to implant therapy). periodontitis: OR
Patient records. 4.0

Marrone et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Case definition for current Case definition No association.
2013103 5-18 years 62 patients with history of periodontitis PD >5 mm
mean: 8.5 years periodontitis (15 patients BOP ≥25% & PD ≥5 mm BOP+
with current periodontitis) (at final examination). Bone level >2 mm
41 patients with no history Definition for history of
of periodontitis periodontitis not reported.

Renvert et al. Cross-sectional 270 patients Case definition for Case definition Odds for
201498 mean: 10.1 years 137 with history of periodontitis not PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
periodontitis specified. Based on BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
133 with no history of patient records, interview Bone level >2 mm History of
periodontitis and clinical examination. periodontitis: OR

Daubert et al. Cross-sectional 96 patients Severe periodontitis defined Case definition Risk for
2015101 9-15 years Number of patients with as the presence of PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 10.9 years current severe periodontitis with BOP/SUP+ (implant level)
periodontitis not reported attachment loss ≥5 mm Bone loss ≥2 mm Severe periodontitis:
(at final examination) RR 7.3

de Araujo Nobre Case-control 1275 patients Tooth loss due to Case definition Odds for
et al. 201597 ≥1 year 198/255 cases with history periodontitis. PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
of periodontitis BOP+ (patient level)
57/1020 controls with Bone loss ≥2 mm History of
history of periodontitis periodontitis: OR

Canullo et al. Cross-sectional 534 patients Case definition Case definition No association.
2016105 mean: 5.1 years 140 patients with current >30% of remaining teeth PD ≥4 mm
periodontitis with BOP, presence of PD BOP/SUP+
394 patients with no current ≥4 mm and bone loss Bone level >3 mm
periodontitis (at final examination)

Derks et al. Cross-sectional 588 patients Case definition Case definition Odds for
201652 9 years 140 patients with current ≥2 teeth exhibiting BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
periodontitis BOP/SUP+, attachment Bone loss >2 mm (patient level)
352 patients with not loss ≥2 mm and PD ≥6 Periodontitis: OR
current periodontitis mm 4.1
96 edentulouspatients (at final examination)

Rokn et al. Cross-sectional 134 patients Case definition for Case definition No association.
2017104 1-11 years 17 patients with history of periodontitis not BOP/SUP+
mean: 4.4 years periodontal treatment specified. Bone level >2 mm
117 patients with no history
of periodontal treatment

TABLE 2 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample History of periodontitis Peri-implantitis Association
Dalago et al. Cross-sectional 183 patients Case definition Case definition Odds for
201799 1-14 years 33 patients with history of Tooth loss, bone loss >5 PD >5 mm peri-implantitis
periodontitis mm, mobility degree III BOP/SUP+ (implant level)
150 with no history of and/or PD >4 mm Bone level >2 mm History of
periodontitis (prior to implant therapy) periodontitis: OR

Schwarz et al. Cross-sectional 238 patients Case definition for Case definition No association.
201729 1 month - 6.7 39 with history of periodontitis not BOP/SUP+
years periodontitis specified. Changes in the radiographic
mean: 2.2 years 199 with no history of bone level compared to
periodontitis baseline (i.e. prosthesis

In two 10-year longitudinal studies, peri-implantitis was varying degrees of strength.96–100 Other studies correlated
assessed and correlated with a history of periodontitis. current periodontitis with peri-implantitis, also reporting
Karoussis et al. provided implant therapy to 45 patients with- strong associations.52,101,102 In fact, Daubert et al. found that
out a history of periodontitits.89 A total of eight patients severe periodontitis at follow-up was the strongest indica-
were treated with implants after having successfully com- tor for peri-implantitis of all variables examined, presenting
pleted periodontal therapy. The 10-year incidence of peri- with an unadjusted risk ratio of 7.101 Derks et al., in a 9-year
implantitis (case definition: PD ≥5 mm, BOP+ and annual follow-up including 588 patients reported an odds ratio of 4
bone loss >0.2 mm) in the non-periodontitis group was 6% for patients with current periodontitis.52
(implant level) compared to 29% in subjects with a history While the majority of publications is in general agree-
of periodontitis. Roccuzzo et al. followed 101 patients pro- ment when examining the association between periodonti-
vided with dental implants after having been categorized as 1) tis and peri-implantitis, it should also be noted that conflict-
periodontally not compromised, 2) moderately compromised ing reports exist.29,103–106 Thus, Marrone et al. examined 103
and 3) severely compromised.90,91 The authors reported that patients with implant-supported restorations in function for at
both the frequency of implant sites demonstrating PD ≥6 mm least 5 years.103 Neither current periodontitis nor history of
(2%, 16%, 27%, respectively) and bone loss ≥3 mm (5%, 11%, periodontitis were statistically significant predictors for peri-
15%, respectively) differed significantly between groups. The implantitis. Also Rokn et al., in a cross-sectional study on 134
results also showed that treatment of peri-implantitis was patients failed to demonstrate a higher risk for peri-implantitis
more time consuming in patients with a history of periodonti- in patients with a history of periodontitis.104 Disagreement
tis. In a follow-up study of 80 patients presenting with mucosi- between studies may be explained by differences in case defi-
tis at baseline, the incidence of peri-implantitis over 5 years nitions for 1) (history of) periodontitis and 2) peri-implantitis
was assessed by Costa et al.17 The authors observed an overall (see Table 2).
incidence of peri-implantitis of 31%. Patients suffering from Conclusion: There is strong evidence from longitudinal and
periodontitis at the final examination had significantly higher cross-sectional studies that a history of periodontitis consti-
odds to also have developed peri-implantitis when compared tutes a risk factor/indicator for peri-implantitis.
to individuals without periodontitis (OR 9).
A number of cross-sectional studies reported on prevalence
of peri-implantitis and analyzed associations with either a his- Smoking
tory of periodontitis or current periodontitis. In a study includ- Smoking has been strongly associated with chronic peri-
ing 216 patients were evaluated 9 to 14 years after implant odontitis, attachment loss as well as tooth loss,107,108 Studies
therapy, Roos-Jansåker et al. reported that implants placed in reporting on the potential association between smoking and
patients with a history of periodontits had significantly higher peri-implantitis are described in Table 3.
odds (OR 5) for peri-implantitis when compared to implants Lindquist et al. reported that smokers presented with sub-
in patients without.92,93 Koldsland et al. reported similar find- stantially more crestal bone loss than non-smokers.109 In line
ings after examining 109 subjects with 1 to 16 years of with this observation, several subsequent studies observed a
follow-up.94,95 Thus, patients with a history of periodontitis strong association between smoking and peri-implantitis. In a
were found to be at higher risk for peri-implantitis (OR 6). 10-year cohort study, Karoussis et al. found that 18% of all
Several subsequent studies confirmed this association with implants in smokers developed peri-implantitis, while only

TABLE 3 Smoking and peri-implantitis

Study Type of study Study sample Smoking Peri-implantitis Association
Karoussis et al. Cohort study 53 patients Patient-reported Case definition Incidence of
200389 8-12 years 41 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at time of PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
12 smokers implant installation. BOP+ (implant level)
Annual bone loss >0.2 Non-smokers: 6.0%
mm Smokers: 17.9%

Roos-Jansåker Cross-sectional 216 patients Patient-reported Case definition Odds for

et al. 200692,93 9-14 years Number of Smoker: smoking at final BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 11.0 years smokers/former examination. Bone loss ≥1.8 mm (implant level)
smokers not reported. Smoking OR 4.6

Máximo et al. Cross-sectional 113 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2008100 ≥1 year 60 never-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥5 mm
mean: 3.4 years 32 former smokers examination. BOP/SUP+
21 smokers Bone level ≥3 threads

Koldsland et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

201094 & 1-16 years 87 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥4 mm
201195 mean: 8.4 years 16 smokers examination. BOP/SUP+
Bone loss ≥2 mm
Rinke et al. Cross-sectional 89 patients Patient-reported Case definition Odds for
2011110 2-11 years 72 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 5.7 years 17 smokers examination and former BOP+ (patient level)
smokers (cessation <5 Bone loss ≥3.5 mm Smoker: OR 31.6

Dvorak et al. Cross-sectional 203 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2011106 1-24 years Number of smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD >4 mm
mean: 6.0 years not reported. examination. BOP/SUP+
Bone loss/level (no

Casado et al. Cross-sectional 215 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

201396 1-8 years 194 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final BOP+
mean: 5.6 years 21 smokers examination. Annual bone loss >0.2
mm (1 mm for first

Marrone et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2013103 5-18 years 83 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD >5 mm
mean: 8.5 years 20 smokers examination. BOP+
Bone level >2 mm
Renvert et al. Not reported 270 patients Patient-reported Case definition Signficant
201498 155 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥4 mm association in
110 smokers examination and former BOP/SUP+ unadjusted but not
smokers (cessation ≤10 Bone level >2 mm in adjusted
years). analysis.

Aguirre-Zorzano Cross-sectional 239 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

et al. 2015111 6 months - 17 years 164 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final BOP+
mean: 5.3 years 75 smokers examination. Bone loss >1.5 mm

Daubert et al. Cross-sectional 96 patients Patient-reported at time of Case definition No association

2015101 9-15 years 89 non-smokers implant installation and PD ≥4 mm between
mean: 10.9 years 7 smokers final examination. BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
Smoker: smoking at Bone loss ≥2 mm and (i) smoking
initial/final examination. status at
Calculation of pack/years. initial/final
examation, (ii)

TABLE 3 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample Smoking Peri-implantitis Association
de Araujo Nobre Case-control 1275 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.
et al. 201597 ≥1 year 95/255 cases are Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥5 mm
smokers examination. BOP+
242/1020 controls are Bone loss ≥2 mm

Canullo et al. Cross-sectional 534 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2016105 mean: 5.1 years 393 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD ≥4 mm
141 smokers examination. BOP/SUP+
Bone level >3 mm

Derks et al. Cross-sectional 588 patients Patient-reported Case definition Signficant

201652 9 years 467 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at time of BOP/SUP+ association in
121 smokers implant installation. Bone loss >2 mm unadjusted but not
in adjusted
Rokn et al. Cross-sectional 134 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.
2017104 1-11 years 126 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final BOP/SUP+
mean: 4.4 years 8 smokers examination. Bone level >2 mm

Dalago et al. Cross-sectional 183 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

201799 1-14 years 162 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at final PD >5 mm
21 smokers examination. BOP/SUP+
Bone level >2 mm

Schwarz et al. Cross-sectional 238 patients Patient-reported Case definition Odds for
201729 1 month - 6.7 years 204 non-smokers Smoker: smoking at time of BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 2.2 years 34 smokers implant installation. Changes in the (patient level)
radiographic bone Smoking: OR 2.7
level compared to
baseline (i.e.
prosthesis installation)

6% of implants in non-smokers were affected.89 Three cross- considerably from study to study. Furthermore, all of the
sectional studies confirmed these findings, reporting odds identfied studies relied solely on patient-reported information
ratios of 32,110 3,30 and 5,93 respectively. for the assessment of smoking status.
The majority of publications, however, failed to iden- Conclusion: There is currently no conclusive evidence
tify smoking as a risk factor/indicator for peri-implantitis. that smoking constitutes a risk factor/indicator for peri-
Aguirre-Zorzano et al. examined 239 implant-carrying indi- implantitis.
viduals after a mean follow-up time of about 5 years and found
an overall prevalence of peri-implantitis of 15%.111 Smok-
ers were not at higher risk. Results from other cross-sectional Diabetes
studies confirmed their findings.95,96,99–101,103–106 It should Diabetes mellitus comprises a group of metabolic diseases
be observed that three different studies reported on an asso- where type 1 describes an autoimmune destruction of insulin-
ciation between smoking and peri-implantitis in their respec- producing 𝛽-cells and type 2 is characterized by insulin
tive initial univariate analyses.52,97,98 However, in the follow- resistance.112 The global prevalence of diabetes in the adult
ing calculations with adjustments for confounding and inter- population is estimated at around 8%,113,114 and the disor-
action (multivariate analyses), smoking was not retained as der has been identified as a risk factor for periodontitis.115,116
a relevant predictor for peri-implantitis. This indicates that Table 4 summarizes studies on its potential association with
smoking may be confounded by other background variables, peri-implantitis.
e.g. history of periodontitis. The reasons for the conflicting A number of authors have indicated that patients with dia-
findings and the apparent weak association between smok- betes are at higher risk for peri-implantitis. Thus, Ferreira
ing and peri-implantits are currently not understood but may et al. recorded peri-implantitis in 24% of individuals who
be related to differences in categorization of smokers and either medicated for glycaemic control or presented with fast-
non-smokers. Thus, criteria for the factor “smoking" varied ing blood sugar ≥126 mg/dL at the final examination102 In

TABLE 4 Diabetes and peri-implantitis

Study Type of study Study sample Diabetes Peri-implantitis Association
Ferreira et al. Cross-sectional 212 patients Fasting blood sugar Case definition Peri-implantitis
2006102 0.5-5 years 183 non-diabetic ≥126 mg/dl or intake PD ≥5 mm (patient level)
mean: 3.5 years patients of anti-diabetic BOP/SUP+ Diabetes: OR 1.9
29 patients with diabetes medicine Bone level (no
(at final examination) threshold)

Roos-Jansåker Cross-sectional 216 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

et al. 200692,93 9-14 years Number of patients (at final examination) BOP/SUP+
mean: 11.0 years with/without diabetes Diabetes considered in Bone loss ≥1.8 mm
not reported. factor “General

Máximo et al. Cross-sectional 113 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2008100 ≥1 year 111 non-diabetic (at final examination) PD ≥5 mm
mean: 3.4 years patients BOP/SUP+
2 patients with diabetes Bone level ≥3 threads

Tawil et al. Cohort study 45 patients with diabetes Regular assessments Case definition for Peri-implantitis
2008117 1-12 years 22 patients with HbA1c of peri-implantitis not (implant level)
mean: 3.5 years level ≤7% HbA1c levels during reported. HbA1c level ≤7%:
22 patients with HbA1c pre- and 0%
level 7% to 9% postoperative period. HbA1c level 7% -
1 patient with HbA1c 9%: 4.3%
level >9% HbA1c level >9%:

Dvorak et al. Cross-sectional 203 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2011106 1-24 years Number of patients (at final examination) PD >4 mm
mean: 6.0 years with/without diabetes BOP/SUP+
not reported. Bone loss/level (no

Costa et al. Cohort study 80 patients with Fasting blood sugar Case definition No association.
201217 5 years mucositis ≥126 mg/dL or PD ≥5 mm
69 non-diabetic patients intake of BOP/SUP+
11 patients with diabetes anti-diabetic Bone level (no
medicine threshold)
(at final examination)

Marrone et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Patient-reported Case definition No association.

2013103 5 to 18 years 96 non-diabetic patients (at final examination) PD >5 mm
mean: 8.5 years 7 patients with diabetes BOP+
Bone level >2 mm

Renvert et al. Not reported 270 patients Patient-reported Case definition Association in
201498 259 non-diabetic (at final examination) PD ≥4 mm unadjusted (OR
patients BOP/SUP+ 6.1, P = 0.09) but
11 patients with diabetes Bone level >2 mm not in adjusted

Daubert et al. Cross-sectional 96 patients Patient Case definition Risk for

2015101 9 to 15 years 91 non-diabetic patients records/Patient- PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 10.9 years 5 patients with diabetes reported BOP/SUP+ (implant level)
(prior to implant Bone loss ≥2 mm Diabetic at baseline:
therapy) RR 3.0 (unadjusted

TABLE 4 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample Diabetes Peri-implantitis Association
Derks et al. Cross-sectional 588 patients Patient Case definition No association.
201652 9 years 254 non-diabetic records/Patient- BOP/SUP+
patients reported Bone loss >2 mm
14 patients with diabetes (prior to implant

Rokn et al. Cross-sectional 134 patients Patient Case definition No association.

2017104 1 to 11 years 130 non-diabetic records/Patient- BOP/SUP+
mean: 4.4 years patients reported Bone level >2 mm
4 patients with diabetes

Dalago et al. Cross-sectional 183 patients Patient Case definition No association.

201799 1 to 14 years 167 non-diabetic records/Patient- PD >5 mm
patients reported BOP/SUP+
16 patients with diabetes (prior to implant Bone level >2 mm

contrast, only 7% of non-diabetic patients were diagnosed and professionally-administered infection control measures in
accordingly. The authors reported an OR of 1.9. Recent find- the prevention of periodontal diseases. Studies on the poten-
ings from a study involving 96 patients with 225 implants tial association between poor plaque control or lack of regu-
demonstrated, after a mean follow-up of 11 years, a 3-fold lar maintenance therapy and peri-implantitis are presented in
risk (Risk ratio 3, implant level) for peri-implantitis in sub- Table 5.
jects who were diagnosed with diabetes at time of implant Results from one longitudinal study including patients
placement.101 This analysis, however, was not adjusted for diagnosed with mucositis indicated the importance of plaque
potential confounding. Tawil et al. followed 45 patients with control in the prevention of peri-implantitis.17 The analysis
diabetes for a mean of 42 months (range 1 to 12 years).117 showed that the incidence of peri-implantitis over a 5-year
In subjects with a mean HbA1c level ≤7%, no implants period was lower in patients attending maintenance therapy
were diagnosed with peri-implantitis. In patients with ele- (18%) when compared to individuals without supportive
vated HbA1c levels (7% to 9%), six out of 141 implants devel- care (44%). These findings are in aggreement with Roccuzzo
oped peri-implantitis. et al.90 The authors reported that patients who, during a
A number of studies failed to identify diabetes as a risk 10-year period, failed to adhere to the recommended main-
for peri-implantitis. In the retrospective study by Costa et al., tenance therapy required substantially more treatment for
patients with diabetes diagnosed with mucositis were not peri-implantitis (41%) than those attending the follow-up
at higher risk to develop peri-implantitis when compared visits (27%). Results from a cross-sectional study are also in
to non-diabetics.17 Similarly, a lack of assocation between agreement. Patients complying to maintenance therapy fol-
peri-implantitis and diabetes was reported in the major- lowing implant therapy during a mean obersvation time of 3.8
ity of available cross-sectional studies.52,93,98–100,103,104,106 It years were less likely to be diagnosed with peri-implantitis
should be pointed out that the assessment of diabetes in all than non-compliers (OR 0.14).122
but three studies17,102,117 was solely based on patient-reported Cross-sectional reports assessing self-performed plaque
information. In two of the three reports an association was control and its association with peri-implantitis demonstrated
found between diabetes102 or HbA1c levels117 and peri- a strong correlation. In four studies, poor plaque control at
implantitis. the final examination was the strongest statistical predictor for
Conclusion: Available evidence is inconclusive as to peri-implantitis with ORs ranging from 5 to 14.29,102,104,111
whether diabetes is a risk factor/indicator for peri-implantitis. A more modest assocation (ORs 3 to 4) was described
by one additional cross-sectional105 and one case-control
Poor plaque control/lack of regular maintenance study.97
therapy Contradictory data have also been reported. A total of four
As demonstrated in classical studies on periodontal diseases, publications were identified that failed to observe correla-
lack of regular maintenance therapy is associated with tooth tions between cross-sectional assessments of plaque scores
mortality and clinical attachment loss at teeth.26,118–121 These and peri-implantitis.93,95,103,106 In this context, it should be
findings have highlighted the importance of self-performed considered that a one-time assessment of plaque may not

TABLE 5 Poor plaque control/lack of regular maintenance therapy and peri-implantitis

Study Type of study Study sample therapy Peri-implantitis Association
Ferreira et al. Cross-sectional 212 patients Plaque score Case definition Odds for
2006102 0.5 to 5 years 43 patients with good (at final examination) PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 3.5 years plaque control BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
123 patients with poor Bone level (no Poor plaque control:
plaque control threshold) OR 3.8
46 patients with very Very poor plaque
poor plaque control control: OR 14.3

Roos-Jansåker Cross-sectional 216 patients Presence of plaque at Case definition No association.

et al. 200692,93 9 to 14 years Number of patients implant level BOP/SUP+
mean: 11.0 years with/without good (at final examination) Bone loss ≥1.8 mm
plaque control not

Koldsland et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Plaque score and Case definition No association.
201094 & 1 to 16 years 10 patients with plaque presence of plaque at PD ≥4 mm
201195 mean: 8.4 years score ≥30% implant level BOP/SUP+
93 patients with plaque (at final examination) Bone loss ≥2 mm
score <30% Recall visits

Rinke et al. Cross-sectional 89 patients Maintenance therapy Case definition Odds for
2011110 2 to 11 years 58 patients attending PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
mean: 5.7 years recommended BOP+ (patient level)
maintenance visits Bone loss ≥3.5 mm Regular maintenance
31 patients not attending therapy: OR 0.09
maintenance visits

Dvorak et al. Cross-sectional 177 patients Presence of plaque at Case definition No association.
2011106 1 to 24 years Number of patients implant level PD >4 mm
mean: 6.0 years with/without good (at final examination) BOP/SUP+
plaque control not Bone loss/level (no
reported. threshold)

Costa et al. Cohort study 80 patients with Maintenance therapy Case definition Odds for
201217 5 years mucositis Patient-reported and PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
39 patients with patient records BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
maintenance therapy Plaque index Bone level (no No maintenance
41 patients without (at final examination) threshold) therapy: OR 1.8
maintenance therapy

Roccuzzo et al. Cohort study 101 patients Maintenance therapy Case definiton for Treatment for
201091 and 10 years 79 patients adhering to peri-implantitis not peri-implantitis
201290 maintenance therapy reported. (patient level)
22 patients not adhering Treatment for Adherence to
to maintenance peri-implantitis maintenance
therapy (surgery and/or therapy: 27%
systemic antibiotics). Non-adherence to
therapy: 41%

TABLE 5 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample therapy Peri-implantitis Association
Marrone et al. Cross-sectional 103 patients Plaque index Case definition No association.
2013103 5 to 18 years 16 patients with plaque (at final examination) PD >5 mm
mean: 8.5 years score ≥30% BOP+
87 patients with plaque Bone level >2 mm
score <30%

Aguirre-Zorzano Cross-sectional 239 patients Plaque index Case definition Odds for
et al. 2015111 6 months to 17 years 50 patients with plaque (at final examination) BOP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 5.3 years score ≥25% Bone loss >1.5 mm (implant level)
189 patients with plaque Plaque ≥25%: OR
score <25% 5.4

de Araujo Nobre Case-control 1275 patients Presence of plaque at Case definition Odds for
et al. 201597 ≥1 year Plaque present in patient level PD ≥5 mm peri-implantitis
108/255 cases (at final examination) BOP+ (patient level)
Plaque present in Bone loss ≥2 mm Plaque: OR 3.6
67/1020 controls

Canullo et al. Cross-sectional 534 patients Plaque index Case definition Odds for
2016105 mean: 5.1 years Number of patients (at final examination) PD ≥4 mm peri-implantitis
with/without good BOP/SUP+ (patient level)
plaque control not Bone level >3 mm Plaque >30%: OR
reported. 3.4

Derks et al. Cross-sectional 588 patients Recall visits Case definition No association.
201652 9 years 474 patients attending Patient records BOP/SUP+
annual maintenance Bone loss >2 mm
101 patients not
attending annual
maintenance visits

Rokn et al. Cross-sectional 134 patients Plaque index Case definition Odds for
2017104 1 to 11 years Number of patients (at final examination) BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 4.4 years with/without good Bone level >2 mm (implant level)
plaque control not Plaque index
reported. (categorization not
reported): OR 5.4

Schwarz et al. Cross-sectional 238 patients Plaque index Case definition Odds for
201729 1 month to 6.7 years Number of patients (at final examination) BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis
mean: 2.2 years with/without good Changes in the (patient level)
plaque control not radiographic bone Plaque ≥33%: OR
reported. level compared to 9.3
baseline (i.e.
prosthesis installation)

necessarily reflect the long-term level of self-performed ≥2 mm.123 The authors also noted higher scores for plaque
plaque control. and bleeding at sites with reduced KM. Serino and Ström
Other factors related to oral hygiene measures at implants evaluated the accessibility of implant-supported restorations
may also be considered. Recently, Souza et al. reported for oral hygiene measures in patients diagnosed with peri-
that brushing at implant sites with keratinized mucosa implantitis.124 The authors noted that only few sites with
(KM) <2 mm was associated with considerably more dis- access for oral hygiene were affected (18%), while 65% of the
comfort when compared to brushing at sites with KM non-cleansable sites showed peri-implantitis.

TABLE 5 (Continued)
Study Type of study Study sample therapy Peri-implantitis Association
Monje et al. Cross-sectional 115 patients Plaque index Case definition Prevalence of
2017122 3 to 4.5 years mean: 3.8 Patients categorized (at final examination) BOP/SUP+ peri-implantitis:
years according to frequenc Recall visits Changes in the Regular compliers:
y of maintenance visits Patient records on early radiographic bone 72.7% were
marginal bone loss level (≥2 mm) healthy, 4.5% had
compared to baseline peri-implantitis.
(i.e. prosthesis Non-compliers:
installation) 53.5% were
Alternative case healthy, and 23.9%
definitions were had
further explored (i.e. peri-implantitis
≥3 mm and ≥4 mm (OR=0.14)
with signs of

Conclusion: There is evidence that poor plaque control another cross-sectional analysis (n = 60 patients) indicating
and lack of regular maintenance therapy constitute risk fac- that implants with a KM of <2 mm revealed a significantly
tors/indicators for peri-implantitis. higher levels of plaque accumulation as well as increased
BOP+ and PD values when compared with implant sites with
a KM of ≥2 mm.128 Canullo et al. reported that periodontally
Areas of future research healthy patients diagnosed with peri-implantitis (53 out of 534
patients) had higher plaque and BOP scores as well as higher
Keratinized mucosa
percentages of implants with a KM of <2 mm.105 Recently, in
The evidence that there is a need of a keratinized mucosa a cross-sectional analysis at 10 years after implant placement,
(KM) to maintain peri-implant health is still limited.125,126 Rocuzzo et al. reported that, even in patients with a sufficient
Previous systematic reviews have indicated that a KM of oral hygiene, the absence of KM was associated with higher
<2 mm was associated with more plaque accumulation and plaque scores.131
peri-implant soft tissue inflammation when compared with Conclusion: While studies suggest that the absence or a
implants that were surrounded by a KM of ≥2 mm.126,127 In reduced width of KM may negatively affect self-performed
particular, a meta- analysis pointed to statistically significant oral hygiene measures, there is limited evidence that this fac-
differences in terms of plaque scores, modified gingival index, tor constitutes a risk for peri-implantitis.
mucosal recession and attachment loss in favour of sites with
a wider KM.127
These findings were also supported by recent observa- Excess cement
tional studies.105,123,128–130 In a cross-sectional analysis, Lad- Several observational studies have reported on a correla-
wein et al. evaluated 211 patients (n = 967 implants) after a tion between excess cement and the prevalence of peri-
mean observation period of 8 years.130 Implant sites lacking implant diseases. Employing a variety of different case
KM were associated with significantly higher plaque scores, definitions, it was suggested that the presence of excess
marginal bleeding and BOP scores than sites with KM. How- cement was closely linked to the occurrence of either
ever, no significant differences were noted with regard to PD peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis.132–136 However,
and radiographic bone levels. the proportions of diseased implant sites showing show-
Another cross-sectional analysis of 36 patients (n = 110 ing excess cement varied considerably among studies and
implants) after an observation period of at least 6 months ranged between 9% and 81%. Accordingly, several implant
also pointed to significantly more plaque, marginal bleeding sites showing excess cement exhibited no disease.132–136
and mucosal inflammation as well as greater mucosal reces- Furthermore, cement-retained restorations were not found
sion at sites where KM was ≤2 mm.129 Souza et al. observed to be at higher risk for peri-implantitis when compared to
that implant sites with a KM of <2 mm had significantly screw-retained reconstructions.52,101,103,137 Nevertheless, a
higher plaque and BOP scores and were associated with an systematic review emphasized that the rough surface struc-
increased brushing discomfort than implant sites with a KM ture of cement remnants may facilitate retention and biofilm
of ≥2 mm.123 This finding was also supported by data from formation.138

Conclusion: It is suggested that excess cement is a potential was observed. It may be questioned whether existing stud-
risk factor/indicator for peri-implantitis. ies evaluating risk factors/indicators for peri-implantitis
are adequately powered to detect associations with rare
Genetic factors disorders.
Conclusion: Evidence suggesting systemic conditions
Gene polymorphisms may affect gene expression, protein pro-
(other than diabetes) to be a risk factor/indicator for peri-
duction and cytokine secretion.139 Several observational stud-
implantitis is limited.
ies have addressed the potential association between various
gene polymorphisms and the occurence of peri-implantitis,
with the majority focussing on IL-1.140–144 Based on a cross- Iatrogenic factors
sectional analysis, Gruica et al. reported that 64 out of The Consenus report of the 7th European Workshop on Peri-
180 patients revealed a positive IL-1 composite gene poly- odontology recognized that the onset and progression of peri-
morphism (IL-1𝛼 +4845; IL-1𝛽 +3954) and a total of 34 implantitis may be influenced by iatrogenic factors such as
patients (51 implants) were associated with biological com- “inadequate restoration-abutment seating, overcontouring of
plications (unclear case definition) at 8 to 15 years after restorations or implant-malpositioning”.1 It appears reason-
implant therapy.141 An association between a positive IL-1 able that the implant position and design of the suprastructure
composite gene polymorphism and the occurrence of bio- should facilitate access for self-performed oral hygiene and
logical complications was, however, observed only in a sub- professionally administered plaque removal.3 However, stud-
group of heavy smokers (≥20 cigarettes per day). In another ies examining the role of iatrogenic factors in the development
cross-sectional analysis, Laine et al. identified a signifi- of peri-implant diseases are still scarce.
cantly higher prevalence of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) In a restrospective analysis, it was suggested that peri-
polymorphisms in patients that were diagnosed with peri- implantitis was linked with malpositioning (OR 48) and bone
implantitis (case definition: BOP+ and/or suppuration, bone augmentation (OR 2).150 The potential association between
loss >3 threads at machined implants) when compared with bone augmentation procedures and peri-implantitis was also
patients showing healthy control implants (57% vs. 33%; OR addressed in two cross-sectional studies. 105,151 Canullo et al.
3).140 Similar findings were reported by Hamdy and Ebra- reported that in patients (n = 53) diagnosed with peri-
hem, showing that a positive IL-1 composite gene polymor- implantitis (case definition: BOP+ and/or suppuration, PD
phism (IL-1𝛼 -889; IL-1𝛽 +3954) was significantly higher ≥4 mm, radiographic bone level >3 mm), 18% of the dis-
among patients suffering from peri-implantitis.143 However, eased implants had received a bone grafting procedure at
this association was not confirmed in other cross-sectional installation while the percentage of healthy implants sites
analyses.142,144,145 Recent observational studies have also with a history of bone augmentation was significantly smaller
pointed to a potential association with gene polymorphisms (7%).105
of osteoprotegerin,146,147 IL-6,148 CD14-159 C/T and TNF𝛼 In another cross-sectional study, Schwarz et al. evaluated
-308 A/G.149 the impact of the outcome of guided bone regeneration in
Conclusion: While prospective clinical studies and studies dehiscence-type bone defects on peri-implant health.151 The
with sufficient sample size are still lacking, the available evi- residual defect height was assessed 4 months following graft-
dence points to a potential influence of various gene polymor- ing. After 4 years of follow-up, it was observed that implants
phisms in the pathogenesis of peri-implantitis. with residual defects of >1 mm were at a higher risk of devel-
oping peri-implant disease.
Systemic conditions Conclusion: In the absence of sufficient data, it appears
reasonable to suggest that implant position and design of the
The association of systemic conditions (other than diabetes)
suprastructure may influence the access for home care- and
with peri-implantitis has rarely been studied and is therefore
professionally administered plaque removal.
unclear. A cross-sectional study reported a higher risk for
peri-implantitis in patients diagnosed with cardiovascular dis-
ease (OR 9) and rheumatoid arthritis (OR 7).98 Koldsland Occlusal overload
et al. evaluated cardiovascular disease but failed to observe In the presence of plaque, the potential influence of exces-
an association with peri-implantitis.95 Roos-Jansåker et al.,93 sive occlusal overload152 and lateral static load153 on peri-
Casado et al.,96 and Canullo et al.105 combined different sys- implantitis has been addressed in animal studies. In par-
temic diseases into one parameter and found no elevated ticular, employing the ligature model in dogs, Kozlovsky
risk for peri-implantitis in their respective analyses. Other et al. subjected titanium abutments connected to machined
studies considered osteoporosis,100,106 osteopenia,100,106 thy- implants to either a supra- (i.e. overload), or infra-occlusion
roid disease,99,106 hepatitis,99,103 BMI100 as well as radia- (i.e. unloaded) over a period of 12 weeks.152 At control sites
tion and chemotherapy.97 No association with peri-implantitis (i.e. implants with plaque control), overload was associated

with an improved osseointegration over unloaded implants. Does progressive crestal bone loss around
No data on changes of crestal bone levels were presented. In implants occur in the absence of soft tissue
the study by Gotfredsen et al., implants with mucositis and inflammation?
experimental peri-implantitis were exposed to lateral static
It is important to distinguish between initial physiological
load by means of expansion screws.153 There was no dif-
bone remodeling and progressive crestal peri-implant bone
ference in terms of bone level changes between loaded and
loss, with the latter implying that a pathological process
unloaded implants. Lateral load did not induce bone loss
is ongoing. The initial remodeling of the crestal bone is
at mucositis sites. These findings were supported by Heitz-
considered to be a physiological process following implant
Mayfield et al.,154 since in their study occlusal overload at
placement.1 This process is influenced by a variety of bio-
implant sites with plaque control in the dog did not result in
logical (e.g. mucosal thickness162 ), technical (e.g. prosthetic
increased PD or BOP scores over unloaded (i.e. no crowns)
connections163 ) and surgical (e.g. implant positioning164,165 )
control implants at 8 months.
Cross-sectional analysis revealed that clinical signs of
Observational studies have indicated that crestal bone level
occlusal overload (e.g. abutment fracture, loss of retention,
changes at implants are commonly associated with clinical
chipping, dynamic occlusal measurements) were identified at
signs of inflammation. In a retrospective analysis, Fransson
three out of 207 implants with healthy peri-implant condi-
et al. evaluated the prevalence of subjects with progressive
tions, whereas the ratio changed to 27/125 at peri-implantitis
bone loss (bone level >3 threads and bone loss ≥0.6 mm with
sites (OR 19).150 It should be noted that only patients diag-
year 1 as baseline) at machined/turned implants.56 Between 5
nosed with peri-implantitis were considered in the analysis.
and 23 years after loading, the prevalence of progressive bone
In a population of 183 patients with a total of 916 implants,
loss amounted to 28% at the subject- and 12% at the implant
Dalago et al.99 identified that wear facets on the implant sup-
level. In an analysis of a subgroup of these patients, clinical
ported crowns were associated with peri-implantitis (OR 2).
signs of inflammation (i.e. BOP+, suppuration, PD >6 mm)
Conclusion: There is currently no evidence that occlusal
were more frequent at sites demonstrating “progressive bone
overload constitutes a risk factor/indicator for the onset or pro-
loss”.55 In particular, the percentages of BOP+, suppuration
gression of peri-implantitis.
and PD ≥6 mm at implant sites without progressive bone loss
were 91%, 5%, and 12% compared to 94%, 19%, and 35% at
Titanium particles implant sites with progressive bone loss.
In another cross-sectional analysis including 427 patients,
In an analysis of archive material of human biopsies, it
Derks et al. observed that, over a 9-year period, bone loss
was reported that the inflammatory cell infiltrate at peri-
(>0.5 mm) had occurred at 629 (40%) out of 1,578 implants.52
implantitis sites occasionally (i.e. seven out of 36 biopsies)
Of these 629 implants, 393 (63%) also presented with soft
revealed residues of particles featuring titanium peaks in the
tissue inflammation (BOP+) at the final examination. At
energy dispersive x-ray spectroscope.32 Similar findings were
implants presenting with more pronounced bone loss (>1, >2,
also reported by Fretwurst et al.,155 since metal particles (i.e.
>3, >4 mm), BOP+ was recorded at 72%, 80%, 87%, and
titanium and iron) were identified in nine out of 12 human
88%, respectively.
hard and soft tissue biopsies taken at peri-implantitis sites.
Similarly, a prospective analysis of implants with a mod-
Both studies, however, were lacking tissue biopsies retrieved
ified surface over a period of 10 years indicated, that
from clinically healthy implant sites (e.g. taken during the
crestal bone level changes (>0.5; >1.0; >2.0 mm) were
removal of malpositioned or fractured implants).
commonly associated with clinical signs of inflammation
In a cytological analysis of oral smears taken from the
peri-implant mucosa of 30 patients, Olmedo et al. identified
Conclusion: Evidence suggests that progressive crestal
metal-like particles at both healthy and diseased (i.e. peri-
bone loss around implants in the absence of clinical signs of
implantitis) implant sites.156 However, the titanium concen-
soft tissue inflammation is a rare event.
tration appeared to be higher in patients suffering from peri-
Conclusion: At the time being, the available evidence does
not allow for an evaluation of the role of titanium or metal
particles in the pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases. CONC LU SI ON S
A number of additional factors have been associated with
peri-implantitis in case reports, finite-element analyses or pre- 1) Peri-implantitis is defined as a pathological condition
clinical research (e.g. bone compression necrosis,157,158 over- occurring in tissues around dental implants, character-
heating,159 micromotion,160 and biocorrosion161 ). The impor- ized by inflammation in the peri-implant connective tis-
tance of such factors should be evaluated in future research. sue and progressive loss of supporting bone.

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