Software Engineering: Preface
Software Engineering: Preface
Software Engineering: Preface
Merlin Dorfman
Richard H. Thayer
ful that they took time from their busy schedules to Part Four discusses software technology and edu-
write for this tutorial. cation. Chapter 12, Software Technology, discusses
Our tutorial is divided into four parts and 13 how technology is transitioned from theory to practice
chapters. as well as software re-engineering and reuse, com-
Part One includes Chapters 1, 2, and 3 and pro- puter-aided software engineering (CASE), and soft-
vides an overview of software engineering in the con- ware metrics. Chapter 13 contains a single paper on
text of current issues and the engineering of large the topic of education for software professionals.
complex systems. Chapter 1 describes the problems This tutorial is a companion document to the
that occur in developing software, sometimes called below-listed software engineering tutorials. Duplica-
the "software crisis." Chapters 2 and 3 present the tion of papers has been kept to a minimum. In a few
concepts of system engineering of software-intensive cases, particularly important papers are duplicated in
systems, and of engineering of software products, as order that each tutorial can stand alone.
the solution to the "software crisis."
Part Two, Chapters 4 through 8, describes software • R.H. Thayer, editor, Tutorial: Software En-
engineering from the viewpoint of the phases of the gineering Project Management, IEEE Com-
software life cycle: requirements, design, implementa- puter Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif.,
tion (coding), testing, and maintenance. Chapter 4, 1988 (revision in process).
Software Requirements Engineering and Software • R.H. Thayer and M. Dorfman (eds.), System
Design, discusses the state of the practice in require- and Software Requirements Engineering,
ments and design. Originally requirements engineering IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
and design were separate chapters, but most papers on Calif., 1990 (revision in process).
the subject combine the two topics so we did as well. • R.H. Thayer and A. D. McGettrick (eds.),
Chapter 5, Software Development Methodologies, also Software Engineering—A European Per-
combines approaches supporting analysis and design. spective, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Because of their growing importance, special attention Alamitos, Calif., 1993.
was paid to object-oriented and formal methods.
Chapter 6, Coding, describes programming activities We would like to acknowledge the support pro-
as they affect software engineering and vice versa. vided by the following people.
Chapter 7, Software Validation, Verification, and
Testing, and Chapter 8, Software Maintenance, de- • Ms Catherine Harris and Dr. William Sand-
scribe the state of the practice in those areas of spe- ers, managing editors of IEEE Computer So-
cialization. ciety Press
Part Three consists of Chapters 9, 10, and 11 and • IEEE volunteer editors under the direction of
takes a phase-independent view of the software devel- Prof. Jon Butler of the Naval Postgraduate
opment process and its management. Chapter 9 looks School
at software quality assurance in the larger context of • Fernando Proaiio, a graduate student at Sac-
ensuring conformance to the development process, as ramento State University, who assisted us
well as in the traditional smaller-scale context. The with the survey mentioned above
chapter also looks at configuration management, stan-
dards, and reliability engineering as keys to building Merlin Dorfman, Ph.D.
quality into software products. Chapter 10 discusses Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company
software project management and some related topics Sunnyvale, California, USA
such as software cost estimation and risk management.
Chapter 11 looks at the software development process Richard H. Thayer, Ph.D.
and how it fits into the larger scope of the software life California State University, Sacramento
cycle. Sacramento, California, USA