Software Engineering Notes Complete Good
Software Engineering Notes Complete Good
Software Engineering Notes Complete Good
CORE - 5
Subject Description: This subject deals with Software Engineering concepts
like Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance.
Goal: Knowledge on how to do a software project with in-depth analysis.
Objective: To inculcate knowledge on Software engineering concepts in
turn gives a roadmap to design a new software project.
UNIT-I : Introduction to Software Engineering: Definitions – Size Factors –
Quality and Productivity Factors. Planning a Software Project: Planning
the Development Process – Planning an Organizational Structure.
UNIT-II: Software Cost Estimation: Software cost Factors – Software
Cost Estimation Techniques – Staffing-Level Estimation – Estimating Software
Estimation Costs.
UNIT-III: Software Requirements Definition: The Software Requirements
specification – Formal Specification Techniques. Software Design:
Fundamental Design Concepts – Modules and Modularization Criteria.
UNIT-IV: Design Notations – Design Techniques. Implementation Issues:
Structured Coding Techniques – Coding Style – Standards and Guidelines –
Documentation Guidelines.
UNIT-V: Verification and Validation Techniques: Quality Assurance –
Walkthroughs and Inspections – Unit Testing and Debugging – System
Testing. Software Maintenance: Enhancing Maintainability during
Development – Managerial Aspects of Software Maintenance –
Configuration Management.
(UNIT-I: 1.1-1.3,2.3-2.4 UNIT-II: 3.1-3.4 UNIT III: 4.1-4.2,5.1-5.2
UNIT-IV: 5.3-5.4,6.1-6.4 UNIT-V: 8.1-8.2, 8.5-8.6, 9.1-9.3)
1. Software Engineering for Internet Applications – Eve Anderson, Philip
Greenspun, Andrew Grumet, 2006, PHI.
2. Fundamentals of SOFTWARE ENGINEERING – Rajib Mall, 2nd edition,
3. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING – Stephen Schach, 7th edition ,TMH.
In the initial stages of software development, the software was
unmanaged and little attention was paid to systematic methods for its creation,
until delays and costs began to go up. This necessitated the need for a
structured approach to programming, laying the way for software development
within a planned framework.
Software creation has accelerated in the recent past as evidenced by the
boom in software employment. Software has been created to automate most
aspects of every day life. But the software development has been to large extent
independent, raising questions of compatibility, quality, reusability, and
maintainability. Schedule and cost increases, poorly defined customer
requirements, poor quality of software, little or sometimes no documentation for
the software developed are some of the few problems that led to a software
crisis (disaster). These problems have grown exponentially making it almost
impossible to manage the large volume of software available. These problems
have led to a new branch of study concerned with the development of formal
methods to address these problems, called Software Engineering.
Software engineering is programming under at last one of the following
two conditions:
(1) More than one person is involved in the construction and/or use of
the programs
(2) More than one version of the program will be produced
Fairley [Fairley 1985]:
Software engineering is the technological and managerial discipline
concerned with the systematic production and maintenance of software
products that are developed and modified on time and within cost
Sommerville [Sommerville 1989]:
Software Engineering is concerned with building software systems which
are large than would normally be tackled by a single individual, uses
engineering principles in the development of these systems and is made
up of both technical and non-technical aspects.
Pomberger and Blaschek [Pomberger 1996]:
Software engineering is the practical application of scientific knowledge
for the economical production and use of high-quality software.
1.2.1. Principle of Software Engineering
The basic principle of software Engineering is to use structured, formal and
disciplined methods for building and using systems, just as in any other branch
of engineering. Software Engineering is an attempt at providing the same, a set
of methods, a variety of tools, and a collection of procedures.
Methods provide the rules and steps for carrying out tasks. The tasks
are project-planning and estimation, system and software requirements
analysis, design of processes and data structures, algorithm and
program architecture, coding, testing and maintenance.
Tools provide automated or semi-automated support for methods. Tools
which automate the range of Software Engineering methods can be
integrated into one system called CASE (Computer Aided Software
Engineering) tools. CASE tools are available to support and automate
most of the software engineering methods.
Standard procedures bind the methods and tools into a framework.
They define the sequence in which methods will be applied and the
deliverables (documents, forms, reports, etc.) that are required. These
specify the controls that ensure quality, coordinate change, and the
milestones that help a manager assess progress.
Software Engineering provides certain models that encompass the above
methods, tools and procedures. The paradigm (theories and methodology) may
be viewed as models of software development.
Check your progress
I State whether true of false:
1. There is no difference between software engineering and programming.
2. Software engineering differs from classical engineering disciplines to
some extent.
1. Apply effective methods coupled with modern tools within the context of a
mature software process.
2. Measure in order to assess the quality of the process as well the product.
Measuring Quality
Although there are many measures of software quality, correctness,
maintainability, integrity, and usability provide useful indicators for the project
a. Correctness: Correctness is the degree to which the software performs
its required function. Defects per KLOC, where a defect is defined as a
verified lack of conformance to requirements.
b. Maintainability: Maintainability is the ease with which a program can
be corrected if an error is encountered, adapted if its environment
changes, or enhanced if the customer desires a change in requirements.
There is no direct measure for software maintenance. Hence indirect
measures have to be used. A simple time-oriented metric known as a
Mean-Time-To-Change (MTTC) is the time it takes to analyze a change
request, design an appropriate modification, implement the change, test
it, and distribute the change to all the users.
c. Integrity: Integrity measures a system’s ability to withstand attacks on
its security. Attacks can be made on programs, data, and documents. To
measure integrity, two additional attributes must be defined: threat and
security. Threat is the probability that an attack of a specific type will
occur within a given time. Security is the probability that the attack of a
specific type will be repelled. The integrity of a system can be defined as:
Integrity = ∑ [1 – threat x ( 1 – security)]
d. Usability: Usability is an attempt to quantify “user friendliness” and can
be measured in terms of four characteristics: (1) the physical and/or
intellectual skill required to learn the system; (2) the time required to
become moderately efficient in the use of the system; (3) the net increase
in productivity measured when the system is used by someone who is
moderately efficient, and (4) a subjective assessment of users attitude
towards the system.
Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE)
A quality metric that provides benefit at both the project and process
level is Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE). DRE is a measure of the filtering
ability of quality assurance and control activities as they are applied throughout
all process framework activities.
DRE = E / (E + D)
Where E = number of errors found before delivery of the software to the end
D = number of defects found after delivery
The ideal value for DRE is 1. That is, no defects are found in the software.
Realistically, D will be greater than zero, but the value of DRE can still
approach 1 as E increases. In fact, as E increases, it is likely that the final
value of D will decrease. On the whole, DRE encourages a software project team
to institute techniques for finding as many errors as possible before delivery.
DRE can also be used within the project to assess a team’s ability to find errors
before they are passed to the next software engineering task. This is because
errors that are not found during a phase (e.g. Requirements Analysis) are
passed onto the subsequent stage (e.g. Design). When used in this context, DRE
can be redefined as:
DREi = Ei / (Ei + Ei + 1)
Ei = number of errors found during software engineering activity i
Ei+1 = number of errors found during software engineering activity i + 1
that are traceable to errors that were not discovered in software
engineering activity i.
A quality objective for a software team (or an individual software engineer) is to
achieve DREi that approaches 1. That is, errors should be filtered out before
they are passed on to the next activity.
Measurement of software quality factors
Software Quality Factors cannot be measured because of their unclear
description. It is necessary to find measures, or metrics, which can be used to
quantify them as non-functional requirements
For example, reliability is a software quality factor, but cannot be
evaluated in its own right. However there are related attributes to reliability,
which can indeed be measured. Such attributes are mean time to failure, rate of
failure occurrence, availability of the system. Similarly, an attribute of
portability is the number of target dependent statements in a program.
A scheme which could be used for evaluating software quality factors is
given below. For every characteristic, there are a set of questions which are
relevant to that characteristic. Some type of scoring formula could be developed
based on the answers to these questions, from which a measure of the
characteristic may be obtained.
• Understandibility: Are variable names descriptive of the physical or
functional property represented? Do uniquely recognisable functions
contain adequate comments so that their purpose is clear? Are
deviations from forward logical flow adequately commented? Are all
elements of an array functionally related?
• Completeness: Does the program contain all referenced subprograms
not available in the usual systems library? Are all parameters required
by the program available? Are all inputs required by the program
• Conciseness (short): Is all code reachable? Is any code redundant? How
many statements within loops could be placed outside the loop, thus
reducing computation time? Are branch decisions too complex?
• Portability (capable of being transferred): Does the program depend
upon system or library routines unique to a particular installation? Have
machine-dependent statements been flagged and commented? Has
dependency on internal bit representation of alphanumeric or special
characters been avoided?
• Consistency (stability): Is one variable name used to represent difficult
physical entities in the program? Does the program contain only one
representation for physical or mathematical constants? Are functionally
similar arithmetic expressions similarly constructed? Is a consistent
scheme for indentation used?
• Maintainability: Has some memory capacity been reserved for future
expansion? Is the design cohesive, i.e., each module has recognizable
functionality? Does the software allow for a change in data structures
(object-oriented designs are more likely to allow for this)? If a
functionally-based design (rather than object-oriented), is a change likely
to require restructuring the main-program, or just a module?
• Testability: Are complex structures employed in the code? Does the
detailed design contain clear pseudo-code? Is the pseudo-code at a
higher level of abstraction than the code? If tasking is used in concurrent
designs, are schemes available for providing adequate test cases?
• Usability: Is a GUI used? Is there adequate on-line help? Is a user
manual provided? Are meaningful error messages provided?
• Reliability: Are loop indexes range tested? Is input data checked for
range errors? Is divide-by-zero avoided? Is exception handling provided?
• Structuredness: Is a block-structured programming language used? Are
modules limited in size? Have the rules for transfer of control between
modules been established and followed?
• Efficiency: Have functions been optimized for speed? Have repeatedly
used blocks of code been formed into sub-routines?
• Coordinating,
• Ensuring,
• Monitoring,
• Controlling and
• Reporting
to insure that the development of software is systematic, disciplined and
Software Engineering Measurement
1. Goals
1. Organizational objectives
2. Software process improvement goals
2. Measurement selection
1. Goal-driven measurement selection
2. Measurement validity
3. Measuring software and its development
1. Size measurement
2. Structure measurement
3. Resource measurement
4. Quality measurement
4. Collection of data
1. Survey techniques and form design
2. Automated and manual data collection
5. Software measurement models
1. Model building, calibration and evaluation
2. Implementation, interpretation and refinement of models
Software Project Management
• Communication:
• Rationale management:
o The problem
o the alternatives considered
o the criteria used to evaluate the alternatives
o the debate
o the decision
• Testing: find differences between the system and its models by executing
the system with sample input data sets.
o Unit testing: object design compared with object and subsystem.
o Integration testing: combinations of subsystems are integrated
and compared with the system design model.
o System testing: typical and exceptional cases are compared with
the requirements model
o Acceptance testing
• Software configuration management: establishes baseline, monitors and
controls changes in work products, versions.
• Project management: oversight activities that insure the delivery of a
high-quality system on time and within budget including
o planning and budgeting
o hiring and organizing developers into teams
o monitoring project status
o intervening when deviation occur
• Software life cycle modeling activities
Since quantitative methods have proved so powerful in the other sciences,
computer science practitioners and theoreticians have worked hard to bring
similar approaches to software development
Software metrics are numerical data related to software development.
Metrics strongly support software project management activities. They relate to
the four functions of management as follows:
1. Planning - Metrics serve as a basis of cost estimating, training planning,
and resource planning, scheduling, and budgeting.
2. Organizing - Size and schedule metrics influence a project's
3. Controlling - Metrics are used to status and track software development
activities for compliance to plans.
4. Improving - Metrics are used as a tool for process improvement and to
identify where improvement efforts should be concentrated and measure
the effects of process improvement efforts.
A metric quantifies a characteristic of a process or product. Metrics can be
directly observable quantities or can be derived from one or more directly
observable quantities. Examples of raw metrics include the number of source
lines of code, number of documentation pages, number of staff-hours, number
of tests, number of requirements, etc. Examples of derived metrics include
source lines of code per staff-hour, defects per thousand lines of code, or a cost
performance index.
1. What are the different software paradigms available? Can we combine the
paradigms? Explain.
2. What are the objectives of Software Engineering?
3. Explain the evolving role of software.
4. Give a generic view of Software Engineering.
5. What is software re-engineering? Explain it.
6. Explain Software crises and software myths.
7. What is software reuse? Explain.
8. Define Software Engineering. List out is components.
9. Discuss the fundamental activities, which are common to all software
ii. Identify the umbrella activities in software engineering process.
1. Richard Fairley, “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Roger S.Pressman, Software engineering- A practitioner’s Approach,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 5th edition, 2001.
2.0.Aims and Objectives
2.2.Planning a Software Project
2.3.Defining the problem
2.4.Developing a Solution Strategy
2.5.Planning the Development Process
2.6.Planning an Organization structure
2.7.Other Planning Activities
2.8.Review Questions
2.9.Let us Sum up
2.10. Lesson End Activities
2.11. Points for Discussion
2.12. References
often useful. Performance considerations encompass processing and response
time requirements. Constraints identify limits placed on the software by
external hardware, available memory, or other existing systems.
To define scope, it is necessary to obtain the relevant information and
hence get the communication process started between the customer and the
developer. To accomplish this, a preliminary meeting or interview is to be
conducted. The analyst may start by asking context free questions. That is, a
set of questions that will lead to a basic understanding of the problem, the
people who want a solution, the nature of the solution that is desired, and the
effectiveness of the first encounter itself.
The next set of questions enable the analyst to gain a better
understanding of the problem and the customer to voice his or her perceptions
about a solution. The final set of questions, known as Meta questions, focus on
the effectiveness of the meeting.
A team-oriented approach, such as the Facilitated Application Specification
Techniques (FAST), helps to establish the scope of a project.
2.2.2. Resources
The development resources needed are:
1. Development Environment (Hardware/Software Tools)
2. Reusable Software Components
3. Human Resources (People)
Each resource is specified with four characteristics – description of the
resource, a statement of availability, chronological time that the resource will be
required, and duration of time that the resource will be applied. The last two
characteristics can be viewed as a time window. Availability of the resource for
a specified window must be established at the earliest practical time.
Human Resources: Both organizational positions (e.g. Manager, senior
software engineer, etc.) and specialty (e.g. Telecommunications, database, etc.)
are specified. The number of people required varies for every software project
and it can be determined only after an estimate of development effort is made.
Reusable Software Resources: These are the software building blocks that can
reduce development costs and speed up the product delivery. The four software
resource categories that should be considered as planning proceeds are:
1. Off-the-shelf components – Existing software that can be acquired from a
third-party or that has been developed internally for past project. These are
ready for use and have been fully validated. Generally, the cost for
acquisition and integration of such components will be less than the cost to
develop equivalent software.
2. Full-experience components – Existing specifications, designs, code, or
test data developed for past projects that are similar to the current project.
Members of the current software team have had full experience in the
application area represented by these components. Therefore modifications
will be relatively low risk.
3. Partial-experience components - Existing specifications, designs, code, or
test data developed for past projects that are related to the current project,
but will require substantial modification. Members of the current software
team have only limited experience in the application area represented by
these components. Therefore modifications will have a fair degree of low risk
and hence their use for the current project must be analyzed in detail.
4. New components – Software components that must be built by the
software team specifically for the needs of the current project.
Environmental Resources: The environment that supports the software
project, often called Software Engineering Environment (SEE), incorporates
hardware and software. Hardware provides a platform that supports the tools
required to produce the work products. A project planner must prescribe the
time window required for hardware and software and verify that these resources
will be available.
The phases of a software project
Software projects are divided into individual phases. These phases
collectively and their chronological sequence are termed the software life cycle
(see Fig. 2.2).
Software life cycle: a time span in which a software product is developed and
used, extending to its retirement.
The cyclical nature of the model expresses the fact that the phases can be
carried out repeatedly in the development of a software product.
System test specification
Requirements definition, and
Exact project schedule.
System and components design
Determining which system components will cover which requirements in
the system specification, and
How these system components will work together.
Important activities:
Designing system architecture,
Designing the underlying logical data model,
Designing the algorithmic structure of the system components, and
Validating the system architecture and the algorithms to realize the
individual system components.
Description of the logical data model,
Description of the system architecture,
Description of the algorithmic structure of the system components, and
Documentation of the design decisions.
Implementation and component test
Transforming the products of the design phase into a form that is
executable on a computer.
Important activities:
Refining the algorithms for the individual components,
Transferring the algorithms into a programming language (coding),
Translating the logical data model into a physical one,
Compiling and checking the syntactical correctness of the algorithm, and
Testing, and syntactically and semantically correcting erroneous system
Program code of the system components,
Logs of the component tests, and
Physical data model.
System test
Testing the mutual effects of system components under conditions close to
Detecting as many errors as possible in the software system, and
Assuring that the system implementation fulfills the system specification.
Operation and maintenance
Task of software maintenance:
Correcting errors that are detected during actual operation, and
Carrying out system modifications and extensions.
This is normally the longest phase of the software life cycle.
Two important additional aspects:
Documentation, and
Quality assurance.
During the development phases the documentation should enable
communication among the persons involved in the development; upon
completion of the development phases it supports the utilization and
maintenance of the software product.
Quality assurance encompasses analytical, design and organizational
measures for quality planning and for fulfilling quality criteria such as
correctness, reliability, user friendliness, maintainability, efficiency and
Fig. 2.3. Waterfall Model
Product Design In this phase, the software engineers carry out a detailed
or Analysis study of the user’s requirements. They then arrive at the
proposed system to be built. The model of this system is
used to freeze all requirements before the next phase
begins. This phase generates the functional
specifications, which contain:
Outputs to be produced
Inputs that need to be received
Procedures that will get the output from the input
Audit and control requirements that the user can
carry out to ensure that the system is acceptable.
Detailed Design: In this phase, the functional specifications are used for
translating the model into a design of the desired
system. The purpose of the design phase is to specify a
particular software system that will meet the stated
requirements. The design specifications that get
generated at the end of this phase are technical in
nature and typically contain:
User interfaces
Databases and data structures
Algorithms and program structures
Equipment, personnel and other facilities required
Manual procedures that will be part of the
implemented system
Integration or All the modules that have been developed before are
Testing integrated or put together in this phase, and tested as a
complete system.
Implementation: Once the system has passed all the tests, it is delivered
to the customer.
The waterfall model is ideal in situations where the requirements are well
defined from the beginning. And undergo only minor changes. However, the
requirements for a large number of applications are less stable and not perfectly
known at the very beginning. Even in cases where the initial requirements are
clear, changes are still likely to occur. For example, changes in technology can
cause changes in the initial requirements. This is particularly turn of interactive
end user applications. Most software systems of this kind are dynamic – they
are required to change over time as they acquire more users. To constrain the
development of this kind of software in a rigid process, such as the Waterfall
model, can prove counter-productive. Due to these deficiencies in the Waterfall
model, an alternative – The Evolutionary model – was developed.
2.5.2. The prototyping-oriented life-cycle model
Developed in the 1990s [Pomberger 1991].
This model is an example of an iterative approach to software
development, which is useful when either the customer or the developer is
unsure of the exact requirements of the software. The developer creates a
model of the system to be built.
This model may be one of the following types:
a) Throwaway model: Discard the model once all requirements are
b) Evolving model: Refine the model every time when the requirements
are clearer
Irrespective of whether it’s a Throwaway or Evolving model prototyping
starts with the communication phase as described in Figure 2.4. The software
engineer and the customer together define the overall objective for the software,
identify the requirements that are known and outline area for further definition.
The iteration is planned quickly and modeled in quick design. The design
focuses only in the aspects which are visible to the user. The quick design
leads to the construction of a prototype. The prototype is evaluated by the
customer. The feedback is taken and used to refine the requirements for the
software. The iterations continue, each time refining the software. Prototype
Model is extremely useful for doing proof of concepts. The rapid development
process can test out new concepts at minimal cost.
Quick Plan
Modeling Quick
Communication Prototype
Construction of
Development or
Changes can be made easily – An appreciable number of the changes in
requirement trigger modifications only in the prototype. Modifying a
prototype description is significantly simpler than modifying production
Costs are reduced – Modifying the prototype is much faster and cheaper
than modifying the production code.
User’s requirements become clearer to the developer – Usually, the user’s
requirements are unclear, and the developer is uncertain about what the
user meant. Prototyping is the best solution in such cases. The developer
can build a prototype and demonstrate to the user his or her
understanding of the user’s requirements. The user can then verify if the
prototype represents his or her requirement.
User involvement is higher – The user is involved in the development of
the system from the very beginning. The user gets a feel of what the real
system will look like and suggests changes that he or she desires.
Disadvantage is that it may lead to indiscipline of development (which
the classic life cycle model tries to overcome). For example, if some new
requirements are received while in the construction phase, the engineer may
drop construction and go back to planning or communication with customer.
At some point of time the customer requirements has to be frozen in
conformance with the customer or else it becomes on unending processing,
consuming project’s time and resources.
When to Use Prototyping: Prototyping is fast becoming popular. It is best
suited in situations where:
The user is unable to articulate his or her requirements.
The user is unwilling or unable to look at abstract models of the system,
for example, data flow diagrams.
The biggest problem area is the user interface. For example, report
formats and input screens. The developer can confirm the type of reports
that screens that the user wants. User interfaces are the most important
aspect of end user applications.
Good tools are available for prototyping. Tools like screen painters and
fourth generation language aid the process of prototyping.
Check your Progress 1
State whether true of false:
a) The prototype is always required to be a small version of the entire
b) The difference between the early approach to prototyping and the new
approach (Evolutionary model) is that in the latter the prototype is not
discarded. It is modified and enlarged to eventually become the real
2.5.3. The Spiral model
Developed in 1988 [Boehm 1988].
The spiral model is a software development model that combines the
above models or includes them as special cases. The model makes it possible to
choose the most suitable approach for a given project. Each cycle encompasses
the same sequence of steps for each part of the target product and for each
stage of completion. It is an evolutionary software process model (see Fig. 2.5).
The model has a series of evolutionary releases of the software as it is being
developed. Every iterative release might be a prototype. The later releases are
more complete versions of the software to be produced.
The development strategy behind the Spiral model has been stated as:
• Deliver something to the user.
• Measures the added value to the user in all critical dimensions.
• Adjust both the design and objectives based on observed realities.
The next step evaluates the proposed solution variant with respect to the
project goals and applicable constraints, emphasizing the detection of risks and
uncertainties. If such are found, measures and strategies are considered to
reduce these risks and their effects.
Important aspects of the spiral model: Each cycle has its own
validation step that includes all persons participating in the project and
the affected future users or organizational unit,
Validation encompasses all products emanating from the cycle, including
the planning for the next cycle and the required resources
2.5.4.. The object-oriented life-cycle model
• The usual division of a software project into phases remains intact with
the use of object-oriented techniques.
• The requirements analysis stage strives to achieve an understanding of
the client’s application domain.
• The tasks that a software solution must address emerge in the course of
requirements analysis.
• The requirements analysis phase remains completely independent of an
implementation technique that might be applied later.
• In the system specification phase the requirements definition describes
what the software product must do, but not how this goal is to be
• One point of divergence from conventional phase models arises because
implementation with object-oriented programming is marked by the
assembly of already existing components.
• During the test phase, the function of not only the new product but
also of the reused components is tested. Any deficiencies in the latter
must be documented exactly. The resulting modifications must be
handled centrally in the class library to ensure that they impact on
other projects, both current and future.
• Newly created classes must be tested for their general usability. If
there is a chance that a component could be used in other projects as
well, it must be included in the class library and documented
accordingly. This also means that the new class must be announced
and made accessible to other programmers who might profit from it.
This places new requirements on the in-house communication
The class library serves as a tool that extends beyond the scope of an individual
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ng e
project because classes provided
Fig. 2.6: Objectby one projectcycle
Oriented-Life can increase
Model productivity in
subsequent projects.
The actual software life cycle recurs when new requirements arise in the
company that initiates a new requirements analysis stage.
The object and prototyping-oriented life-cycle model
The specification phase steadily creates new prototypes. Each time we
are confronted with the problem of having to modify or enhance existing
prototypes. If the prototypes were already implemented with object-oriented
technology, then modifications and extensions are particularly easy to carry out.
This allows an abbreviation of the specification phase, which is particularly
important when proposed solutions are repeatedly discussed with the client.
With such an approach it is not important whether the prototype serves solely
for specification purposes or whether it is to be incrementally developed to the
final product. If no prototyping tools are available, object-oriented programming
can serve as a substitute tool for modeling user interfaces. This particularly
applies if an extensive class library is available for user interface elements.
For incremental prototyping (i.e. if the product prototype is to be used as the
basis for the implementation of the product), object-oriented programming also
proves to be a suitable medium. Desired functionality can be added stepwise to
the prototypes without having to change the prototype itself. These results in a
clear distinction between the user interfaces modeled in the specification phase
and the actual functionality of the program. This is particularly important for
the following reasons:
• This assures that the user interface is not changed during the
implementation of the program functionality. The user interface developed
in collaboration with the client remains as it was defined in the
specification phase.
• In the implementation of the functionality, each time a subtask is
completed, a more functional prototype results, which can be tested
(preferably together with the client) and compared with the specifications?
During test runs situations sometimes arise that require rethinking the
user interface. In such cases the software life cycle retreats one step and
a new user interface prototype is constructed.
Since the user interface and the functional parts of the program are largely
Quality plan Describes the quality procedures and standards that will
be used in a project.
Validation plan Describes the approach, resources and schedule used for
system validation.
Module A software engineer who manages and leads the team working
Leader on a particular module of the software project. The module
leader will conduct reviews and has to ensure the proper
functionality of the module
Developer A software engineer, who writes the code, tests it and delivers
it error free
This was first described by Weinberg as the “egoless team”. In an egoless
team goals are set and decisions made by group consensus. Group leadership
rotates from member to member based on the tasks to be performed and the
differing abilities of the team members. Work products (requirements, design,
source code, user manual, etc) are discussed openly and are freely examined by
all team members.
Opportunity for each team member to contribute to decision
Opportunity for team members to learn from one another
Increased Job satisfaction that results from good communication in open,
non-threatening work environments.
Communication overhead required in reaching decision,
All team members must work well together,
Less individual responsibility and authority can result in less initiative
and less personal drive from team members.
The chief programmer team
Baker's organizational model ([Baker 1972])
Important characteristics:
• The lack of a project manager who is not personally involved in
system development
• The use of very good specialists
• The restriction of team size
The chief programmer team consists of:
• The chief programmer
• The project assistant
• The project secretary
• Specialists (language specialists, programmers, test specialists).
The chief programmer is actively involved in the planning, specification and
design process and, ideally, in the implementation process as well.
The chief programmer controls project progress, decides all important
questions, and assumes overall responsibility.
The qualifications of the chief programmer need to be accordingly high.
The project assistant is the closest technical coworker of the chief
The project assistant supports the chief programmer in all important
activities and serves as the chief programmer's representative in the latter's
absence. This team member's qualifications need to be as high as those of
the chief programmer.
The project secretary relieves the chief programmer and all other
programmers of administrative tasks.
The project secretary administrates all programs and documents and assists
in project progress checks.
The main task of the project secretary is the administration of the project
The chief programmer determines the number of specialists needed.
Specialists select the implementation language, implement individual
system components, choose and employ software tools, and carry out tests.
• The chief programmer is directly involved in system development and can
better exercise the control function.
• Communication difficulties of pure hierarchical organization are
ameliorated. Reporting concerning project progress is institutionalized.
• Small teams are generally more productive than large teams.
• It is limited to small teams. Not every project can be handled by a small
• Personnel requirements can hardly be met. Few software engineers can
meet the qualifications of a chief programmer or a project assistant.
• The project secretary has an extremely difficult and responsible job,
although it consists primarily of routine tasks, which gives it a
subordinate position. This has significant psychological disadvantages.
Due to the central position, the project secretary can easily become a
The organizational model provides no replacement for the project secretary. The
loss of the project secretary would have failing consequences for the remaining
course of the project.
Hierarchical organizational model
There are many ways to organize the staff of a project. For a long time the
organization of software projects oriented itself to the hierarchical
organization common to other industrial branches. Special importance is
vested in the decomposition of software development into individual phases.
A responsible leader is assigned to each of the phases, which are led and
controlled by the project leader and which, depending on the size of the
project, are led and controlled either by a single person or by a group leader.
The project manager normally also has a project management staff with
advisory and administrative tasks.
The larger the project, the greater is the number of hierarchy levels in the
organizational schema.
The project manager's tasks and responsibilities encompass
• personnel selection,
• assignment and management,
• planning of and division of labor for the project,
• project progress checks, and
• appropriate measures in case of cost or schedule overruns.
The project management staff includes personnel who advise the project
manager in task-specific questions, provide support in administrative tasks
concerning project progress checks, prepare project standards, provide the
necessary resources, and carry out training for project team members as
The managers at the middle management level are responsible for planning,
execution and control of phase-related activities of the software life cycle.
• Planning the work
• Assessing risk
• Estimating resources
• Organizing the work
• Acquiring human and material resources
• Assigning tasks
• Directing activities
• Controlling project execution
• Reporting progress
• Analyzing the results based on the facts achieved
Project control variables
Project Management tries to gain control over five variables:
Time - The amount of time required to complete the project. Typically broken
down for analytical purposes into the time required to complete the components
of the project, which is then further broken down into the time required to
complete each task contributing to the completion of each component.
Cost - Calculated from the time variable. Cost to develop an internal project is
time multiplied by the cost of the team members involved. When hiring an
independent consultant for a project, cost will typically be determined by the
consultant or firm's hourly rate multiplied by an estimated time to complete.
Quality - The amount of time put into individual tasks determines the overall
quality of the project. Some tasks may require a given amount of time to
complete adequately, but given more time could be completed exceptionally.
Over the course of a large project, quality can have a significant impact on time
and cost (or vice versa).
Scope - Requirements specified for the end result. The overall definition of what
the project is supposed to accomplish, and a specific description of what the
end result should be or accomplish.
Risk - Potential points of failure. Most risks or potential failures can be
overcome or resolved, given enough time and resources.
Three of these variables can be given by external or internal customers.
The value(s) of the remaining variable(s) is/are then set by project management,
ideally based on solid estimation techniques. The final values have to be agreed
upon in a negotiation process between project management and the customer.
Usually, the values in terms of time, cost, quality and scope are contracted.
1. Discuss project scheduling.
2. Discuss Human-resources planning.
3. What kind of team structure would you recommend for waterfall method
and prototyping?
Collect Assignments from students and get it evaluated by faculties
Students enquiry
Dispatch of grades to university
Develop a system requirement Specification, design DFDs, and identify modules
and its operations. Select appropriate data structures for the various modules.
2. As far as the new user is concerned, which approach do you think will be
more appreciated – Waterfall or Prototyping?
4. J.C. Wethebe and N.P. Vitalani, System Analysis and Design: Best Approach,
Ed.4, West, St. Paul 1994.
3.0.Aims and Objectives
3.2.Software Cost Estimation
3.3.Software Cost Factors
3.4.Software Cost Estimation Techniques
3.5.Staffing Level Estimation
3.6.Estimating Software Maintenance Costs
3.7.Review Questions
3.8.Let us Sum up
3.9.Lesson End Activities
3.10. Points for Discussion
3.11. References
Software is the most expensive element in most computer-based
systems. A large cost estimation error can make the difference between profit
and loss. Too many variables – human, technical, environmental, political –
can affect the ultimate cost of software and effort applied to it.
Cost estimation
[Boehm 1981], [Putnam 1978], [Albrecht 1983], [Schnupp 1976]
The necessity of cost estimation stems from the requirements of
scheduling and cost planning. For lack of more precise methods, cost
estimation for software development is almost always based on a
comparison of the current project with previous ones. Due to the
uniqueness of software systems, the number of comparable projects is
usually quite small, and empirical data are seldom available. But even if
there are exact cost records of comparable projects, these data are based
on the technical and organizational conditions under which the
comparable project was carried out at that time.
The technical and organizational conditions are variable parameters,
which makes empirical data from comparable projects only an unreliable
basis for estimates.
Relationship between the best and worst programming experience
(referring to the same task, [Schnupp 1976]):
The time requirement for each task handled in a team consists of two
basic components ([Brooks 1975]):
(1) Productive work
(2) Communication and mutual agreement of team members
If no communication were necessary among team members, then the
time requirement t for a project would decline with the number n of team
t ≈ 1/n
If each team member must exchange information with one other and that
the average time for such communication is k, then the development time
follows the formula:
t ≈ 1/n + k. n2/2
"Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." ([Brooks 1975])
Most empirical values for cost estimation are in-house and unpublished.
The literature gives few specifications on empirical data, and these often
deviate pronouncedly. The values also depend greatly on the techniques
and tools used.
Distribution of the time invested in the individual phases of software
development (including the documentation effort by share) according to
the selected approach model and implementation technique ([Pomberger
Approach model: classical sequential software life cycle
Implementation technique: module-oriented
problem analysis and system specification.... 25%
design................................................................. 25%
implementation.................................................. 15%
testing................................................................ 35%
Approach model: prototyping-oriented software life cycle
Implementation technique: module-oriented
problem analysis and system specification..... 40%
design................................................................. 25%
implementation.................................................. 10%
testing................................................................ 25%
Approach model: object- and prototyping-oriented software life cycle
Implementation technique: object-oriented
problem analysis and system specification..... 45%
design................................................................. 20%
implementation.................................................. 8%
testing................................................................ 27%
The following options are useful to achieve reliable cost and effort estimates:
1. Delay estimation until late in the project. The longer we wait, the less
likely we are to make errors in our estimates. However this is not
practical. Cost estimates must be provided “up-front”.
2. Base estimates on similar projects that have already been
completed. This works well if the current project is quite similar to past
efforts. Unfortunately, past experience has not always been a good
indicator of future results.
3. Use “decomposition techniques” to generate project cost and effort
estimates. These techniques use a “divide and conquer” approach to
estimation. By decomposing a project into major functions and related
software engineering activities, cost and effort estimation can be
performed in a step-wise fashion.
Use one or more empirical models for software cost and effort
estimation. A model is based on experience (historical data) and takes the
form d = f(vi), where d is one of a number of estimated variables (eg. effort,
cost, project duration) and vi are selected independent parameters (eg.
Estimated LOC or FP).
3.3.1. Factors for cost and time estimates
• Experience and qualifications of the estimator
• Type of software (e.g., function-, data- or object-oriented, time-critical
software with high efficiency requirements, control and monitoring
software with high quality requirements)
• Anticipated complexity (e.g., number of components (modules, classes),
number of component couplings, number of methods per class,
complexity of methods)
• Expected size of program (number of statements)
• Experience and qualifications of personnel (e.g., project experience,
programming experience, knowledge of methods, experience in use of
tools, knowledge of problem domain)
• Techniques and tools to be used (e.g., planning, design and
documentation techniques, test strategies and tools, programming
• Number of staff members
3.3.2. LOC (Lines of Code) Based Estimation
To illustrate the LOC based estimation technique, let us consider the
development of software for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) application. If we
assume that the range of LOC estimates for the 3D geometric analysis
function is:
Optimistic: 4600
Most likely: 6900
Pessimistic: 8600
Applying the equation to compute EV (Earned Value), the expected value for
the 3D geometric analysis function is 6800 LOC. Estimates for all the
modules of the CAD application are computed in a similar fashion. By
summing all the estimated values, an estimate of the lines of code is
established for the CAD software system.
3.3.3. Process-Based Estimation
The process is decomposed into a relatively small set of activities or tasks
and the effort required to accomplish each task is estimated. A process-
based estimation involves the following steps:
1. Delineate the software functions obtained from the project scope.
2. A series of software process activities must be performed for each
3. Functions and related software process activities may be represented as
part of a table.
4. The planner estimates the effort (eg. person-months) that will be required
to accomplish each software process activity for each software function.
5. Average labor rates (eg. cost/unit effort) are applied to the effort
estimated for each process activity.
6. Costs and Effort for each function and software process activity are
Cost estimation models
• COCOMO Model,
• Putnam Estimation Model
• Function Point Model.
The constructive cost model is an algorithmic cost estimating model;
it is a bottom-up technique. It starts estimating at sub system level and
finally sums up all the estimates.
The steps required to estimate the software cost using COCOMO are as
• Identify all subsystems and modules in the product.
• Estimate the size of each module and calculate the size of each
subsystem and total system.
• Specify module-level effort multipliers for each module. The module-
level multipliers are: Product complexity, Programmer capability,
virtual machine experience and Programming language experience.
• Compute the module effort and development time estimates for each
module and its subsystems.
• Compute the total system effort and development time.
• Perform a sensitivity analysis on the estimate to establish tradeoff
• Add other development costs, such as planning and analysis that are
not included in the estimate.
• Compare the estimate with one developed top-down Delphi estimation.
Identify and rectify the differences in the estimates.
The COCOMO Models are defined for three classes of software projects. They
1. organic mode – relatively small, simple software projects in which small
teams with good application experience work to a set of less than rigid
requirements (e.g. A thermal analysis program developed for a heat
transfer group)
2. semi-detached mode – an intermediate software project in which teams
with mixed experience levels must meet a mix of rigid and less than rigid
requirements (e.g. A transaction processing system with fixed
requirements for terminal hardware and database software)
3. embedded mode – a software project that must be developed with a set
of tight hardware, software, and operational constraints. (eg. Flight
control software for aircraft).
Software Project Estimation using COCOMO:
Nominal Effort equation
PM = ai KLOC bi
TDEV = ci E di
S/W Project ai bi ci di
Embedded 2.8 1.20 2.5 0.32
Consider the product to be developed in 10-KLOC embedded mode s/w
PM = (2.8) * (10)1.20
= 44.4
TDEV = (2.5) * (44)0.32
It is predicted that 44.4. Programmer months and 8.4 elapsed months for
product development.
Project schedule primarily depends on effort. However, the relationship is
not linear. During the earlier phases of the project like Requirement
Analysis and HLD a lesser number of people would be required as against
those required during the Build phase (for coding and unit testing). Once
Build phase is complete, the staff requirement for the next phase i.e. the
Testing phase would be lower. While staffing a project, adequate care is
taken to have a blend of experienced and non-so-experienced people.
Maintenance Costs
• Typical software organizations spend anywhere from 40 to 70 percent
of all funds for maintenance.
• Maintenance-bound organizations result loss or postponement of
development opportunities.
• Customer dissatisfaction when requests cannot be addressed.
• Reduction in overall software quality as a result of changes that
introduce latent errors in the maintained software.
Maintenance cost factors
Non-technical factors
• Application domain
• Staff stability
• Program age
• External environment
• Hardware stability
1) The application being supported.
If the application of the program is clearly defined and well
understood, the system requirements may be definitive and
maintenance due to changing requirements minimized.
If the application is completely new, it is likely that the initial
requirements will be modified frequently, as users gain experience
with the system.
2) Staff stability. It is easier for the original writer of a program to
understand and change a program rather than some other individual
who must understand the program by study of its documentation and
code listing.
If the programmer of a system also maintains that system,
maintenance costs will be reduced.
In practice, the nature of the programming profession is such that
individuals change jobs regularly. It is unusual for one person to develop
and maintain a program throughout its useful life.
3) The lifetime of the program.
The useful life of a program depends on its application.
Programs become obsolete when the application becomes obsolete or
their original hardware is replaced and conversion costs exceed
rewriting costs.
The older a program, the more it has been maintained and the more
degraded its structure.
Maintenance costs tend to rise with program age.
4) The dependence of the program on its external environment.
If a program is dependent on its external environment it must be
modified as that environment changes. For example, changes in a
taxation system might require payroll, accounting, and stock control
programs to be modified. Taxation changes are relatively common and
maintenance costs for these programs are related to the frequency of
these changes.
A program used in a mathematical application does not normally
depend on humans changing the assumptions on which the program
is based.
5) Hardware stability.
If a program is designed to operate on a particular hardware
configuration and that configuration does not change during the
program's lifetime, no maintenance costs due to hardware changes will
be incurred. However, hardware developments are so rapid that this
situation is rare. The program must be modified to use new hardware
which replaces obsolete equipment.
Maintenance cost estimation
Boehm's maintenance cost estimation
Boehm's maintenance cost estimation ([Boehm 1981]) is calculated in
terms of a quantity called the Annual Change Traffic (ACT) which is
defined as follows:
The fraction of a software product's source instructions which undergo
change during a (typical) year either through addition or modification.
ACT = (DSIadded + DSImodified) / DSItotal
DSI is no. of source instructions
PM is no. of Program months.
MM is no. of months for development
A further enhancement is provided by an effort adjustment factor EAF
EAF – recognize that the effort multipliers for maintenance may be
different from the effort multipliers used for development.
1. Define Estimation
2. What are the types of estimation?
3. What are the factors that affect the efficiency of estimation? Explain the
4. Discuss estimation using decomposition techniques
5. Discuss empirical estimation models.
6. Write a note on automated estimation tools.
7. Specify, design and develop a program that implements COCOMO model.
8. Discuss the importance of making correct estimates project management
1. Richard Fairley, “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
2. Roger S.Pressman, Software engineering- A practitioner’s Approach,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 5th edition, 2001.
4. Matson, J., B. Barett, and J. Mellichamp, “Software Development Cost
Estimation Using Funciton Points”, IEEE Trans. Software Engineering vol.
20, no 4, April 1994, pp. 275-287
4.0.Aims and Objectives
4.2.The Software Requirement Specification
4.3.Formal Specification Techniques
4.4.Languages and Processors for requirements specification
4.5.Review Questions
4.6.Let us Sum up
4.7.Lesson End Activities
4.8.Points for Discussion
Requirements analysis provides the software engineer,
• Information of data, architectural and procedural design.
• Means to assess software quality, with the help of requirements
Modeling: Developing a model for an industrial-strength software system prior
to its construction or renovation is as essential as having a blueprint for large
building. Good models are essential for communication among project teams
and to assure architectural soundness. As the complexity of systems increase,
so does the importance of good modeling techniques. The analyst creates
models of the system to better understand data and control flow, functional
processing, and behavioral operation. The model serves as a foundation for
software design and as the basis for the creation of a specification.
Specification: The final output of the requirements analysis is the creation of a
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document. For simple problems the
specification activity might be the end result of the entire analysis. However in
most real life problems, the problem analysis and specification are done
concurrently. A good SRS should be understandable, complete, consistent, and
Review: Requirements reviews are the most common method employed for
validating the requirements specifications. Reviews are used throughout
software development for quality assurance and data collection. Requirements
review is a review by a group of people to find out errors and point out other
matters of concern in the requirements specifications of a system.
4.1.1. Specification Principles
The list of basic specification principles given below will provide a basis for
representing software requirements.
1. Separate functionality from implementation.
2. Develop a model of the desired behavior of a system that encompasses
data and the functional responses of a system to various stimuli from the
3. Establish the context in which software operates by specifying the
manner in which other system components interact with software.
4. Define the environment in which the system operates and indicate how
“a highly twisted collection of agents react to stimuli in the environment
produced by those agents.
5. Create a cognitive (perception) model rather than design or
implementation model. The cognitive model describes a system as
perceived by its user community.
6. Recognize that “the specification must be tolerant of incompleteness and
augmentable”. A specification is always a model – an abstraction - of
some real situation that is normally quite complex. Hence it will be
incomplete and will exist at many levels of detail.
7. Establish the content and structure of a specification in a way that will
enable it to be amenable to change.
Check your progress
i. Requirements Analysis is a software engineering task that bridges the gap
between _______________ and ______________
ii. Requirements analysis enables the system engineer to _________, __________
and ____________
iii. Requirements analysis provides the software engineer to _________ and
iv. Two types of formal specifications they are _________
4. Functional Requirements
5. Performance Requirements
6. Exception Handling
8. Foreseeable Modifications and
9. Acceptance Criteria
Implicit equations, recurrence relations, algebraic axioms and regular
State-Oriented Notations
he state of a system is the information required to summarize the status
of system entities at any particular point in time; given the current state and
the current stimuli, the next state can be determined. The execution history by
which the current state was attained does not influence the next state; it is only
dependent on the current state and current stimuli.
Decision tables, event tables, transition tables, finite-state mechanisms,
and Petri nets.
vi. System dynamics
vii. System properties
viii. Project management
PSL contains a number of types of objects and relationships to permit
description of these eight aspects. The system input/output flow aspect deals
with the iteration between a system and its environment.
The Problem Statement Analyzer (PSA) is an automated analyzer for
processing requirements stated in PSL.
The Requirements Statement Language (RSL) was developed by the TRW
Defense and Space Systems Group to permit brief and clear-cut specification of
requirements for real-time software systems. The Requirements Engineering
Validation Systems (REVS) processes and analyzes RSL statements; both RSL
and REVS are components of the Software Requirements Engineering
Methodology. Many of the concepts in RSL are based on PSL.
Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) was developed by D.T.
Ross and Colleagues at Softech, Inc. SADT incorporates a graphical language
and set of methods and management guidelines for using the language. The
SADT language is called the language of Structured Analysis (SA). The SA
language and the procedures for using it are similar to the engineering
blueprint systems used in civil and mechanical engineering.
d. SSA
Structured System Analysis is used primarily in traditional data
processing environments. Like SADT, SSA uses a graphical language to build
models of systems. Unlike SADT, SSA uses graphical concepts; however, SSA
does not provide the variety of structural mechanisms available in SADT. There
are four basis features in SSA: data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, procedure
logic representation and data store structuring techniques. SSA data flow
diagrams are similar to SADT diagrams, but they do not indicate mechanism
and control, and an additional notation is used to show data stores.
Gist is a formal specification language developed at the USC/Information
Sciences Institute by R. Balzar and colleagues. Gist is a textual language based
on a relational model of objects and attributes. A Gist specification is a formal
description of valid behaviors of a system. A specification is composed of three
i. A specification of object types and relationships between these types.
This determines a set of possible states.
ii. A specification of actions and demons which define transitions
between possible states.
iii. A specification of constraints on states and state transitions.
1. Define requirements analysis.
2. List requirements analysis tasks.
3. Discuss the problems with requirements analysis.
4. Discuss Balzer and Goldman’s specification principles.
5. List the different analysis methods.
1. Pressman R., Software Engineering: A practitioner's Approach, (4th ed.),
McGraw-Hill, 1997
2. Sommerville I.,Software Engineering (5th ed.), Addison-Wesley, 1996.
3. IEEE Std 830-1988, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software
Requirements Specifications. IEEE Computer Society
4. www.
5.0.Aims and Objectives
5.2.Fundamental Design Concepts
5.3.Modules and Modularization Criteria
5.4.Coupling and Cohesion
5.5.Effective Modular Design
5.6.Design Notations Considerations
5.7.Design Techniques
5.8.Review Questions
5.9.Let us Sum up
5.10. Lesson End Activities
5.11. Points to Discussion
5.12. References
Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered
product or system. The term design is used in two ways. Used as a verb, it
represents the process of design. Used as a noun, it represents the result of the
design process, which is the design for the system. The goal of design process is
to produce a model or representation of a system, which can be used later to
build that system. The produced model is called the design of the system.
Software design is an iterative process through which requirements are
translated into a “blueprint” for constructing the software. Each of the elements
of the requirements analysis model provides information that is required to
create a design model. The flow of information during software design is
illustrated in Figure 5.1.
abstraction - named sequence of events, data abstraction - named
collection of data objects)
• Refinement - process of elaboration where the designer provides
successively more detail for each design component
• Modularity – Software is divided into different modules that are
integrated. Since the monolithic software is difficult to grasp, we need to
decompose them into modules. But care should be taken when
modularising. Because at one point of time, recursive modularising will
increase the total effort.
• Software architecture - overall structure of the software components
and the ways in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a
• Control hierarchy or program structure - represents the module
organization and implies a control hierarchy, but does not represent the
procedural aspects of the software (e.g. event sequences)
• Structural partitioning - horizontal partitioning defines three partitions
(input, data transformations, and output); vertical partitioning (factoring)
distributes control in a top-down manner (control decisions in top level
modules and processing work in the lower level modules).
• Data structure - representation of the logical relationship among
individual data elements (requires at least as much attention as
algorithm design)
• Software procedure - precise specification of processing (event
sequences, decision points, repetitive operations, data
Information Hiding
The principle of information hiding suggests that modules be
“characterized by design decisions that hide from all others”. In other words,
modules should be specified and designed so that information contained within
a module is inaccessible to other modules that have no need for such
information. Hiding implies that effective modularity can be achieved by
defining a set of independent modules that communicate with one another only
that information that is necessary to achieve software function.
Procedural Design
Procedural design occurs after data, architectural, and interface designs
have been established. The procedural specification required to define
algorithmic details would be stated in a natural language like English. All
members of a software development organization can understand this common
natural language. But the disadvantage in using this natural language is that
we can write a set of procedural steps in too many different ways. Because it is
difficult to specify procedural detail unambiguously, a more constrained mode
for representing procedural detail must be used.
Architectural design has the goal of producing well-structured, modular
software systems. In this section we consider a software module to be name
entity having the following characteristics:
i. Modules contain instructions, processing logic, and data structures.
ii. Modules can be separately compiled and stored in a library.
iii. Modules can be included in a program.
iv. Module segments can be used by invoking a name and some
v. Modules can use other modules.
Examples of modules include procedures, subroutines, and functions;
functional groups of related procedures, subroutines, and functions; data
abstraction groups; utility groups and concurrent processes.
5.3.1. Software Architecture
Software architecture is the overall structure of the software and the ways
in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a system. Architecture
is the hierarchical structure of program components, the manner in which
these components interact, and the structure of the data that are used by the
One goal of software design is to derive an architectural rendering of a system.
This rendering serves as a framework from which more detailed design activities
are conducted. A set of architectural patterns enables a software engineer to
reuse design level concepts.
5.3.2. Control Hierarchy
Control hierarchy, also called program structure, represents the
organization of program components and implies a hierarchy of control. It does
not represent procedural aspects of software such as sequence of processes,
occurrence/order of decisions, or repetition of operations.
A tree-like diagram is used to represent the hierarchy. Depth provides an
indication of the number of levels of control. Width indicates the overall span of
control. Fan-out is a measure of the number of modules that are directly
controlled by another module. Fan-in indicates how many modules directly
control a given module. The control relationship among modules is expressed in
the following way: A module that controls another module is said to be
superordinate to it; conversely, a module controlled by another is said to be
subordinate to the controller.
The control hierarchy represents two subtly different characteristics of
the software architecture: visibility, and connectivity. Visibility indicates the set
of program components that may be invoked or used as data by a given
component, even when this is accomplished indirectly. Connectivity indicates
the set of components that are directly invoked or used as data by a given
5.3.3. Structural Partitioning
The program structure should be partitioned both horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal partitioning defines separate branches of the modular hierarchy
for each major program function. The simplest approach to horizontal
partitioning defines three partitions – input, data transformation, and output.
The benefits of horizontal partitioning are:
• Results in software that is easier to test
• Leads to software that is easier to maintain
• Results in propagation of fewer side effects
• Results in software that is easier to extend
The disadvantages of horizontal partitioning are:
• Causes more data to be passed across module interfaces and hence
complicates the overall control of program flow.
Vertical partitioning, often called factoring, suggests that control and work
should be distributed top-down in the program architecture. Top-level modules
should perform control functions and relatively little processing work. Low-level
modules should perform all input, computational, and output tasks.
The advantages of vertical partitioning are:
• Vertically partitioned architectures are less likely to be at risk to side
effects when changes are made and hence more maintainable.
5.3.4. Data Structure
Data structure is a representation of the logical relationship among individual
elements of data. Data structure dictates the organization, methods of access,
degree of associativity, and processing alternatives for information. The
following are some classic data structures that form the building blocks for
more sophisticated structures:
• Scalar Item: A scalar item represents a single element of information
that may be addressed by an identifier.
• Sequential Vector: When scalar items are organized as a list or
contiguous group, a sequential vector is formed.
• Array: When the sequential vector is extended to two, three, and even to
arbitrary number of dimensions, an n-dimensional space is created. It is
known as an array.
• Linked List: A linked list organizes noncontiguous scalar items, vectors,
or spaces in a manner that enables them to be processed as a list.
Software Procedure
Software procedure focuses on the processing details of each module
individually. Procedure must provide a precise specification of processing,
including sequence of events, exact decision points, repetitive operations, and
even data organization/structure.
A fundamental goal of software design is to structure the software
product so that the number and complexity of interconnections between
modules is minimized. An appealing set of heuristics for achieving this goal
involves the concepts of coupling and cohesion.
5.4.1. Cohesion
A cohesive module performs a single task within a software procedure,
requiring little interaction with procedures being performed in other parts of a
program. Cohesion is a measure of relative functional strength of a module as
shown in fig. 5.2.,
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Low High
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Low High
When there are different modules and each is unrelated, there exists no
direct coupling. When a simple data is passed from one module to another,
and a one-to-one correspondence of items exists, data coupling is said to exist.
Stamp coupling is found, when a portion of a data structure is passed via a
module interface. Control coupling exists when a control flag is passed
between modules. A control flag is a variable that controls decisions in a
subordinate or superordinate module. When modules are tied to an
environment external to the software, external coupling exists. However this
form of coupling must be limited to a small number of modules with a structure.
When a number of modules reference a global data area, common coupling
occurs. Diagnosing problems in structures with considerable common coupling
is time-consuming and difficult. Content coupling occurs, when one module
makes use of data or control information maintained within the boundary of
another module. Secondarily, content coupling occurs when branches are made
into the middle of a module. This form of coupling should be avoided.
Data Design
Data design is the first of four design activities that are conducted during
the software development. The data structure has a considerable impact on the
program structure and procedural complexity. Hence data design is said to
have a profound influence on software quality. The concepts of information
hiding and data abstraction provide the foundation for an approach to data
The process of data design as summarized by Wasserman:
The primary activity during data design is to select logical
representations of data objects (data structures) identified during the
requirements definition and specification phase. The selection process may
involve algorithmic analysis of alternative structures in order to determine the
most efficient design or may simply involve the use of a set of modules that
provide the desired operations upon some representation of an object. An
important related activity during design is to identify those program modules
that must operate directly upon the logical data structures. In this way the
scope of effect of individual data design decisions can be constrained.
Wasserman has proposed a set of principles that may be used to specify and
design data. The set of principles for data specification are:
1. The systematic analysis principles applied to function and behavior should
also be applied to data.
2. All data structures and the operations to be performed on each should be
3. A data dictionary should be established and used to define both data and
program design.
4. Low-level data design decisions should be deferred until late in the design
5. The representation of data structures should be known only to those
modules that must make direct use of the data contained within the
6. A library of useful data structures and the operations that may be applied to
them should be developed.
7. A software design and programming language should support the
specification and realization of abstract data types.
A modular design reduces complexity, facilitates change, and results in
an easier implementation by encouraging parallel development of different parts
of a system. Software with effective modularity is easier to develop because
function may be compartmentalized and interfaces are simplified. Independent
modules are easier to maintain.
Functional independence is achieved by developing modules with “single-
minded” function and an “aversion” to excessive interaction with other modules.
Independence is measured using two qualitative criteria: cohesion and coupling.
Cohesion is a measure of the relative functional strength of a module. Coupling
is a measure of the relative interdependence among modules in a program
structure. One must always strive for high cohesion and low coupling.
5.5.1. Design Heuristics for Effective Modular Design
The program architecture is manipulated according to a set of heuristics given
1. Evaluate the “first iteration” of the program structure to reduce
coupling and improve cohesion.
Once program structure has been developed, in order to improve module
independence, modules may be exploded or imploded. An exploded module
becomes two or more modules in the final program structure. An imploded
module is the result of combining the processing implied by two or more
modules. An exploded module leads to a more cohesive design, which is
always sought after. When high coupling is expected, modules can
sometimes be imploded.
2. Attempt to minimize structures with high fan-out; strive for fan-in as
depth increases.
In some structures (such as the one in Figure 5.4), a single module controls
too many modules that are subordinate to it.
Here, all the modules are “pancaked” below a single control module. This
feature indicates that the structure does not make effective use of factoring.
The fan-out value is high in these structures. To have an effective modular
design it is better to minimize such high fan-out and strive for high fan-in. A
structure with high fan-in indicates a number of layers of control and highly
utilitarian modules at the lower levels.
3. Keep scope of effect of a module within the scope of control of that
The scope of effect of a module m is defined as all other nodules that are
affected by a decision made in module m. The scope of control of module m is
all modules that are subordinate and ultimately subordinate to m. For
example, in Fig.5.4. if module e makes a decision that affects module r, then
it is said to be a violation of Heuristic 3, because module r lies outside the
scope of control of module e.
4. Evaluate module interfaces to reduce complexity and redundancy and
improve consistency.
Module interface complexity is a prime cause of software errors. Interface
inconsistency is an indication of low cohesion.
5. Define modules whose function is predictable, but avoid modules that
are overly restrictive.
A module is “predictable” when it can be treated as a black box; that is, the
same external data will be produced regardless of internal processing
details. Modules that have internal “memory” can be unpredictable unless
care is taken in their use.
6. Strive for “controlled entry” modules, avoiding “pathological
Pathological connection refers to branches or references into the middle of a
module. Software is easier to understand and to maintain when modules
interfaced are constrained and controlled.
7. Package software based on design constraints and portability
Packaging are to the techniques used to assemble software for a specific
processing environment. When a program is said to “overlay” itself in
memory, the design structure may have to be reorganized to group modules
by degree of repetition, frequency of access and interval between calls. Also
“one-shot” modules may be separated in the structure so that they may be
Design notation, coupled with structured programming concepts, enables
the designer to represent procedural detail in a manner that facilitates
translation to code. The commonly used design notations are:
a) Structured Programming
b) Graphical Design Notation (GDN)
c) Tabular Design Notation (TDN)
d) Program Design Language (PDL)
a. Structured Programming
Structured programming is an important procedural design technique. The three
constructs that are fundamental to structured programming are:
• Sequence – Sequence implements processing steps that are essential in
the specification of any algorithm
• Condition – Condition provides the facility for selected processing based
on some logical occurrence
• Repetition – Repetition provides for looping
Each construct has a predictable logical structure, allowing entry at the top,
and exit at the bottom. This enables a reader to follow procedural flow more
easily. The use of such structured constructs enhances readability, testability,
and maintainability. The structured constructs are logical chunks that allow a
reader to recognize procedural elements of a module rather than read the
design or code line by line. Understanding is enhanced when readily
recognizable logical forms are encountered. Also any program can be designed
and implemented only using the three structured constructs.
b. Graphical Design Notation (GDN)
Graphical tools such as flowchart or box diagram provide excellent
pictorial patterns that readily depict procedural detail. However if graphical
tools are misused, the wrong picture may lead to the wrong software.
i. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
A data flow diagram is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and
the transforms that applier as data move from input to output. The basic
model of DFD is shown in Fig.5.5 The data flow diagram may be used to
represent system or software at any levels. A level 0 DFD is partitioned into
several bubbles with interconnecting arrows. Each of the processes
represented at level1 are sub functions of the over all system described in the
context model
The three structured constructs – sequence, condition, and repetition using the
flowchart symbols are given in Figure 5.6.
Figure 5.7. Box Diagram Constructs
c. Tabular Design Notation
Decision Tables provide a notation that translates actions and conditions
into a tabular form. The table is difficult to misinterpret and may even be used
as a machine readable input to a table driven algorithm. A decision table is
divided into four sections. The upper left hand quadrant contains a list of all
conditions. The lower left hand quadrant contains a list of all actions that are
possible based on combinations of conditions. The right hand quadrants form a
matrix that indicates condition combinations and the corresponding actions
that will occur for a specific combination. Therefore, each column of the matrix
may be interpreted as a processing rule. The decision table nomenclature is
given in Figure 5.8.
The following steps are applied to develop a decision table:
1. List all actions that can be associated with a specific procedure.
2. List all conditions during execution of the procedure.
3. Associate specific sets of conditions with specific actions, eliminating
impossible combinations of conditions; alternatively, develop every
possible permutation of conditions.
4. Define rules by indicating what action or actions occur for a set of
d. Program Design Language
Program Design Language (PDL), also called structured English or
pseudocode, is “ a local language in that it uses the vocabulary of one language
(i.e., English) and the overall syntax of another (i.e., a structured programming
language)”. PDL differs from modern programming languages in the use of
narrative text embedded directly within PDL statements and hence PDL cannot
be complied. However PDL processors can translate PDL into a graphical
representation of design and produce nesting maps, a design operation index,
cross-reference tables, and a variety of other information.
A design language should have the following features:
• A fixed syntax of keywords that provide for all structured constructs,
data declarations, and modularity characteristics
• A free syntax of natural language that describes processing features
• Data declaration facilities that should include both simple and complex
data structures, and
• Subprogram definition and calling techniques that support various
modes of interface description.
A basic PDL syntax should include constructs for subprogram definition,
interface description, and data declaration; and techniques for block structuring,
condition constructs, repetition constructs, and I/O constructs.
The design process involves developing a conceptual view of the system,
establishing system structure, identifying data streams and data stores,
decomposing high level functions into sub-functions, establishing relationships
and interconnections among components, developing concrete data
representations, and specifying algorithmic details.
Design techniques are typically base on two approaches:
• Top-down design, and
• Bottom-up design.
5.7.1. Top-Down Design ([Dijkstra 1969], [Wirth 1971])
The design activity must begin with the analysis of the requirements
definition and should not consider implementation details at first.
A project is decomposed into subprojects, and this procedure is repeated
until the subtasks have become so simple that an algorithm can be
formulated as a solution.
Top-down design is a successive concretization of abstractly described ideas
for a solution.
Abstraction proves to be the best medium to render complex systems
comprehensible; the designer is involved only with those aspects of the
system that are necessary for understanding before the next step or during
the search for a solution.
5.7.2. Bottom-up design
The fundamental idea:
To perceive the hardware and layer above it as an abstract machine.
Bottom-up design begins with the givens of a concrete machine and
successively develops one abstract machine after the other by adding needed
attributes, until a machine has been achieved that provides the functionality
that the user requires.
An abstract machine is a set of basic operations that permits the modeling of a
5.7.3. Design decomposition
The design process is influenced not only by the design approach but also
by the criteria used to decompose a system.
Numerous decomposition principles have been proposed.
Classification of decomposition methods
1. Function-oriented decomposition. ([Wirth 1971], [Yourdon 1979]).
A function-oriented system perspective forms the core of the design.
Based on the functional requirements contained in the requirements
definition, a task-oriented decomposition of the overall system takes
2. Data-oriented decomposition. ([Jackson 1975], [Warnier 1974],
[Rechenberg 1984a])
The design process focuses on a data-oriented system perspective.
The design strategy orients itself to the data to be processed.
The decomposition of the system stems from the analysis of the data.
3. Object-oriented decomposition. ([Abbott 1983], [Meyer 1988], [Wirfs-Brock
1989], [Coad 1990], [Booch 1991], [Rumbaugh 1991])
An object-oriented system perspective provides the focus of the design.
A software system is viewed as a collection of objects that
communicate with one another. Each object has data structures that
are invisible from outside and operations that can be executed on
these structures.
The decomposition principle orients itself to the unity of data and
operations and is based on Parnas’ principle of information hiding
[Parnas 1972] and the principle of inheritance derived from Dahl and
Nygaard [Dahl 1966].
Check your progress
a. ____________allows designers to focus on solving a problem without being
concerned about irrelevant lower level details
b. _____________process of elaboration where the designer provides successively
more detail for each design component
c. access method
2. global data
3. file and data cross reference
III. Architectural Design
A. Review of data and control flow
B. Derived program structure
IV. Interface Design
A. Human-machine interface specification
B. Human-machine interface design rules
C. External interface design
1. Interfaces to external data
2. Interfaces to external systems or devices
D. Internal interface design rules
V. Procedural Design
For each module:
A. Processing narrative
B. Interface description
C. Design language (or other) description
D. Modules used
E. Internal data structures
F. Comments/restrictions/limitations
VI. Requirements Cross-Reference
VII. Test Provisions
1. Test guidelines
2. Integration strategy
3. Special considerations
VIII. Special Notes
IX. Appendices
The numbered sections of the design specification are completed as the
designer refines his or her representation of the software. The overall scope of
the design effort is described in Section I. Section II presents the data design,
describing the various entities that connect data objects to specific files. Section
III, the architectural design, indicates how the program architecture has been
derived from the analysis model. Section IV describes the interface design,
which includes the external and internal program interface and the human-
machine interface. Section V explains the modules used and the processing
narrative that explains the procedural function of each module. Section VI
contains a requirements cross-reference, whose purpose is to establish that all
requirements are satisfied by the software design and to indicate which
modules are critical to the implementation of specific requirements. The first
stage in the development of test documentation is contained in Section VII of
the design document. It includes guidelines for testing and the requirements
and considerations for software packaging. Section IX contains supplementary
data. Algorithm descriptions, alternative procedures, tabular data, excerpts
from other documents and other relevant information are presented as a special
note or as a special appendix. A preliminary operations/installation manual
may be developed and included as an appendix.
ii. Draw a top-level DFD for the system made up of the following
a. Selling customers request the organization to sell various items on
their behalf. A record of these requests is kept.
b. Buying customers make requests to buy items.
c. A sale is arranged with a buyer if the item requested by the buyer
has been previously put forward for sale by a selling customer.
d. During a sale arrangement
i. An invoice is prepared for the buyer. A record or invoice is
ii. A notification is sent to the seller whose item was sold the
seller will now hold the item.
iii. A commission is computed and debited to the selling
customer. This commission is subtracted from the amount
sent to the selling custome3r and advice of the commission
is given in the sale advice.
e. The sale is completed when payment is received from the buyer. A
cheques is sent to the seller together with the dispatch request for
items to be sent to the buyer.
1. Dijkstra E. W., Structured Programming, Software Engineering Technique,
Report on a Conference, Rome, 1969
2. Yourdon E., Constantine L., Structured Design, Prentice Hall, 1979
6.0.Aims and Objectives
6.2.Structured Coding Techniques
6.3.Coding Style
6.4.Standards and Guidelines
6.5.Documentation Guidelines
6.6.Programming Environments
6.7.Type Checking
6.8.Scoping Rules
6.9.Concurrency Mechanisms
6.10. Review Questions
6.11. Let us Sum Up
6.12. Lesson End Activities
6.13. Points for discussion
6.14. References
6.15. Assignments
6.16. Suggested Reading
6.17. Learning Activities
6.18. Keyword
conformance of the code to its specifications can be easily verified, and so that
debugging, testing, and modification are eased. This goal can be achieved by
making the source code as clear and straightforward as possible. Simplicity,
clarity and elegance are the hallmarks of good programs; unexplained
cleverness and complexity are indications of inadequate design and misdirected
The goal of structured coding is to sequencing control flow through a
computer program so that the execution sequence follows the sequence in
which the code is written. Linear flow of control can be achieved by restricting
the set of allowed program constructs to single entry, single exit formats;
however, strict loyalty to nested, single entry, single exit constructs leads to
questions concerning efficiency, questions about “reasonable” violations of
single entry, single exit, and questions about the proper role of the go to
statements in structured coding.
Programming Language Characteristics
Programming languages are vehicle for communication between humans
and computers. The coding process communication through a programming
language is a human activity.
The Psychological characteristics of a language have an important impact
on the quality of communication. The coding process may also be viewed as
one step in the S/W development project.
The technical characteristics of a language can influence the quality of
design. The technical characteristics can affect both human and S/W
engineering concerns.
A Psychological View
A number of psychological characteristics occur as a result of programming
language design. Although these characteristics are not measurable in any way,
their manifestations in all the programming languages are recognized. The
different characteristics are,
• Uniformity – The indicates the degree to which a language use consistent
notation applies arbitrary restrictions and supports syntactic or semantic
exceptions to the rule.
• Ambiguity – This is a programming language that is perceived by the
programmer. A compiler will always interpret a statement in one way but
the human reader may interpret the statement differently.
• Compactness – A programming language is an indication of the amount
of code-oriented information that must be recalled from the human
memory. The characteristics of human memory have a strong impact on
the manner in which a language is used. Human memory and
recognition may be divided into synthetic and sequential domains.
Synesthetic memory allows remembering and recognizing the things as a
whole. Sequential memory provides a means for recalling the next
element in a sequence. Each of these; memory characteristics affect
programming language characteristics that are called Locality and
o Locality- Is the synthetic characteristic of a programming language.
Locality is enhanced when statements may be combines into
blocks when the structured constructs may be implemented
directly, and when design and resultant code are modular and
o Linearity – Is a psychological characteristic that is closely
associated with the concept of maintenance of functional domain.
Extensive branching violates the linearity of processing.
• Tradition- A software engineer with a background in FORTRAN would
have little difficulty learning PASCAL or C. The latter languages have a
tradition established by the former. The constructs are similar, the form
is compatible and a sense of programming language format is maintained.
However if the same S/W engineer is required to earn APL, LISP or Small
talk, tradition would be broken and time on the learning curve would be
The Psychological characteristics of a programming language have an important
bearing on our ability to learn apply and maintain them.
A Syntactic / Semantic Model
When a programmer applies S/W engineering methods that are
programming language-independent, semantic knowledge is used. Syntactic
knowledge on other hand is language dependent, concentrating on the
characteristics of a specific language.
The semantic knowledge is the more difficult to acquire and also more
intellectually demanding to apply. All S/W engineering steps that precede
coding make heavy use of semantic knowledge. The coding step applies
syntactic knowledge that is arbitrary and instructional. When a new
programming language is learn, the new syntactic information is added to
memory. Potential confusion may occur when the syntax of a new
programming language is similar but not equivalent to the syntax of another
An Engineering View
A S/W engineering view of programming language characteristics focuses on
the needs of specific S/W development project. The characteristics are,
• Ease of design to code translation.
• Compiler efficiency.
• Source code portability.
• Availability of development tools.
• Availability of libraries
• Company policy
• External requirements
• Maintainability.
The ease of design to code translation provides an indication of how closely
a programming language reflects a design representation. A language that
directly implements the structured constructs, sophisticated data structures,
specialized I/O, bit manipulation capabilities and object oriented constructs will
make translation from design to source code much easier.
The quality of the compiler is important for the actual implementation
phase. A good compiler should not only generate efficient code, but also provide
support for debugging (e.g. with clear error messages and run-time checks).
Although fast advances in processor speed and memory density have begun to
satisfy the need for super efficient code may applications still require fast and
low memory requirement programs. Particularly in the area of microcomputers,
many compilers have been integrated in development systems. Here the user-
friendliness of such systems must also be considered.
The source code portability can be as follows:
• The source code may be transported from processor to processor and
compiler to compiler with little or no modification.
• The source code remains unchanged even when its environment changes.
• The source code may be integrated into different software packages with
little or not modification required because of programming language
The availability of development tools can shorten the time required to
generate source code and can improve the quality of code. Many programming
languages may e acquired with a set of tools that include debugging compilers,
source code formatting aids, built-in editing facilities, tools for source code
control, extensive subprogram libraries, browsers, cross-compilers for
microprocessor development, microprocessor capabilities and others.
With modular programming languages, the availability of libraries for
various application domains represents a significant selection criterion. For
example, for practically all FORTRAN compilers, libraries are available with
numerous mathematical functions, and Smalltalk class libraries contain a
multitude of general classes for constructing interactive programs. The
availability of libraries can also be used in C or Modular-2 if the compiler
supports linking routines from different languages. On the other hand, there
are libraries that are available only in compiled form and usable only in
connection with a certain compiler.
Often a particular company policy influences the choice of a programming
language. Frequently the language decision is made not by the implementers,
but by managers that want to use only a single language company-wide for
reasons of uniformity. Such a decision was made by the U.S. Department of
Defense, which mandates the use of ADA for all programming in the military
sector in the U.S (and thus also in most other NATO countries). Such global
decisions have also been made in the area of telecommunications, where many
programmers at distributed locations work over decades on the same product.
Even in-house situations, such as the education of the employees or a
module library built up over years, can force the choice of a certain language. A
company might resist switching to a more modem programming language to
avoid training costs, the purchase of new tools, and the re-implementation of
existing software.
Sometimes external requirements force the use of a given programming
language. Contracts for the European Union increasingly prescribe ADA, and
the field of automation tends to require programs in FORTRAN or C. Such
requirements arise when the client’s interests extend beyond the finished
product in compiled form and the client plans to do maintenance work and
further development in an in-house software department. Then the education
level of the client’s programming team determines the implementation language.
Maintainability of source code is important for all nontrivial software
development efforts. Maintenance cannot be accomplished until S/W is
understood. The earlier elements of the S/W configuration provide a
foundation for understanding, but the source code must be real and modified
according to the changes in design. The self-documenting characteristics of a
language have a strong influence on maintainability.
The readability of a program depends on the programming language used
and on the programming style of the implementer. Writing readable programs is
a creative process. Once the source code has been generated the function of a
module should be apparent without reference to a design specification. The
programming style of the implementer influences the readability of a program
much more than the programming language used. A stylistically well-written
FORTRAN or COBOL program can be more readable than a poorly written
Modula-2 or Smalltlak program. Coding style encompasses a coding philosophy
that stresses simplicity and clarity. The elements of style include the following:
i. Structuredness
ii. Expressiveness
iii. Data declaration
iv. Statement construction
v. Input/Output
vi. Outward form
vii. Efficiency
This refers to both the design and the implementation.
Although efficiency is an important quality attribute, we do not deal with
questions of efficiency here. Only when we understood a problem and its
solution correctly does it make sense to examine efficiency.
6.3.1. Structuredness
Decomposing a software system with the goal of mastering its complexity
through abstraction and striving for comprehensibility (Structuring in the
Selecting appropriate program components in the algorithmic formulation of
subsolutions (Structuring in the small.)
a. Structuring in the large
Classes and methods for object-oriented decomposition
Modules and procedures assigned to the modules.
During implementation the components defined in the design must be
realized in such a way that they are executable on a computer. The
medium for this translation process is the programming language.
For the implementation of a software system, it is important that the
decomposition defined in the design be expressible in the programming
language; i.e. that all components can be represented in the chosen
b. Structuring in the small
The understanding and testing of algorithms require that the algorithms
be easy to read.
Many complexity problems ensure from the freedom taken in the use of
GOTO statements, i.e., from the design of unlimited control flow
The fundamental ideal behind structured programming is to use only
control flow structures with one input and one output in the formulation
of algorithms. This leads to a correspondence between the static written
form of an algorithm and its dynamic behavior. What the source code
lists sequentially tends to be executed chronologically. This makes
algorithms comprehensible and easier to verify, modify or extend.
Every algorithm can be represented by a combination of the control
elements sequence, branch and loop (all of which have one input and one
output) ([Böhm 1996]).
D-diagrams (named after Dijkstra): Diagrams for algorithm consisting of
only elements sequence, branch and loop.
Note: If we describe algorithms by a combination of these elements, no
GOTO statement is necessary. However, programming without GOTO
statements alone cannot guarantee structuredness. Choosing
inappropriate program components produces poorly structured programs
even if they contain no GOTO statements.
6.3.2. Expressive power (Code Documentation)
The implementation of software systems encompasses the naming of objects
and the description of actions that manipulate these objects.
The choice of names becomes particularly important in writing an algorithm.
• Choose expressive names, even at the price of long identifiers. The
writing effort pays off each time the program must be read, particular
when it is to be corrected and extended long after its implementation. For
local identifiers (where their declaration and use adjoin) shorted names
• If you use abbreviations, then use only ones that the reader of the
program can understand without any explanation. Use abbreviations
only in such a way as to be consistent with the context.
• Within software system assign names in only one language (e.g. do not
mix English and Vietnamese).
• Use upper and lower case to distinguish different kinds of identifiers (e.g.,
upper case first letter for data types, classes and modules; lower case for
variables) and to make long names more readable
(e.g. CheckInputValue).
• Use nouns for values, verbs for activities, and adjectives for conditions to
make the meaning of identifiers clear (e.g., width, ReadKey and valid,
• Establish your own rules and follow them consistently.
Good programming style also finds expression in the use of comments: they
contribute to the readability of a program and are thus important program
components. Correct commenting of programs is not easy and requires
experience, creativity and the ability to express the message concisely and
The rules for writing comments:
• Every system component (every module and every class) should begin
with a detailed comment that gives the reader information about several
questions regarding the system component:
- What does the component do?
- How (in what context) is the component used?
- Which specialized methods, etc. are use?
- Who is the author?
- When was the component written?
- Which modifications has have been make?
FSET.CPP 2.0, 5 Sept. 2007
Lists operations on fuzzy sets
Written by Suresh Babu
• Every procedure and method should be provided with a comment that
describes its task (and possibly how it works). This applies particularly
for the interface specifications.
• Explain the meaning of variables with a comment.
• Program components that are responsible for distinct subtasks should be
labeled with comments.
• Statements that are difficult to understand (e.g. in tricky procedures or
program components that exploit features of a specific computer) should
be described in comments so that the reader can easily understand them.
• A software system should contain comments that are as few and as
concise as possible, but as many adequately detailed comments as
• Ensure that program modifications not only affect declarations and
statements but also are reflected in updated comments. Incorrect
comments are worse than none at all.
Note: These rules have deliberately been kept general because there are no rules
that apply uniformly to all software systems and every application domain.
Commenting software systems is an art, just like the design and implementation
of software systems.
6.3.3. Data declaration
The style of the data description is established when code is generated. A
number of relatively simple guidelines can be established to make data more
understandable and maintenance simpler. The order of data declarations
should be standardized even if the programming language has no mandatory
requirements. Ordering makes attributes easier to find, expediting testing,
debugging and maintenance. When multiple variable names are declared with
a single statement, an alphabetical ordering of names is used. Similarly,
labeled global data should be ordered alphabetically. If complex data
structures are used in design, the commenting should be used to explain
peculiarities that are present in a programming language implementation.
6.3.4. Statement Construction
The construction of software logical flow is established during design. The
construction of individual statements, is apart of the coding step. Statement
construction should abide by one overriding rule. Each statement should be
simple and direct and code should not be complicated to effect efficiency. Many
programming languages allow multiple statements per line. The spaces saving
aspects of this feature are hardly justified by poor readability that results.
Individual source coder statements can be simplified by,
• Avoiding the use of complicated conditional tests.
• Eliminating tests on negative conditions.
• Avoiding heavy nesting of loops or conditions
• Use of parenthesis to clarify logical or arithmetic expressions.
6.3.5. Input / Output
The style of input and output is established during S/W requirements
analysis and design and not coding Input and output style will vary with the
degree of human interaction. For batch oriented I/O, logical input organization,
meaningful Input/Output error checking, good I/O error recovery and rational
output report formats are desirable characteristics. For Interactive I/O, a
simple guided input scheme, extensive error checking and recovery, human
engineered output, and consistency of I/O format are the primary concerns.
6.3.6. Outward form
Beyond name selection and commenting, the readability of software systems
also depends on its outward form.
Recommended rules for the outward form of programs:
• For every program component, the declarations (of data types, constants,
variables, etc.) should be distinctly separated form the statement section.
• The declaration sections should have a uniform structure when possible,
e.g. using the following sequence: constant, data types, classes and
modules, methods and procedures.
• The interface description (parameter lists for method and procedures)
should separate input, output and input/output parameters.
• Keep comments and source code distinctly separate.
• The program structure should be emphasized with indentation.
6.3.7. Efficiency
In well engineered systems, there is a natural tendency to use critical
resources efficiently. Processor cycles and memory locations are viewed as
critical resources. Three area of Efficiency should be taken care when a
programming language is developed. They are,
a) Code Efficiency
b) Memory Efficiency
c) Input /Output Efficiency
a. Code Efficiency: The efficiency of source code is directly connected to the
efficiency of algorithms defined during detailed design. However, the coding
style can affect the execution speed and memory requirement. The following
guidelines can be applier when detail design is translated into code.
• Simplify arithmetic and logical expressions before committing to
• Carefully evaluated the nested loops.
• Avoid use of multi-dimensional arrays.
• Avoid the use of pointers and complete lists.
• Don’t mix data types.
b. Memory Efficiency – Memory restrictions in the large machines like
mainframes and workstation are a thing of the past. Low-cost memory provides
a large physical address space and virtual memory management provides
application software with an enormous logical address space. Memory
efficiency for such environments cannot be elated to minimum memory used.
Memory efficiency must take into account the paging characteristics of an
operating system. Maintenance of functional domain through the structured
constructs is an excellent method for reducing paging and thereby increases
c. Input/Output Efficiency – Two classes of I/O should be considered when
efficiency is discussed. They are,
• I/O directed to human (user),
• I/O directed to another device.
Input supplied by a user and output produced for a user is efficient when the
information can be supplier or understood with an economy of intellectual effort.
Efficiency of I/O to other hardware is an extremely complicated topic and the
following guidelines improve I/O efficiency.
• The number of I/O requests should be minimized.
• All I/O should be buffered to reduce communication overhead
• I/O to secondary memory devices should be blocked
• I/O to terminals and printers should recognize features of the device that
could improve quality or speed.
Coding standards are specifications for a preferred coding style. Give a
choice of ways to achieve an effect, a preferred way is specified. Coding
standards are often viewed by programmers as mechanisms to constrain and
devalue the programmer’s creative problem solving skills. It is desirable that all
programmers on a software project adopt similar coding styles so that code of
uniform quality is produced. This does not mean that all programmers must
think alike, or that they must slavishly implement all algorithms in exactly the
same manner. Indeed, the individual style of each programmer on a project is
identical even when right adherence to standards of programming style is
A programming standard might specify items such as
1. Goto Statements will not be used.
2. The nesting depth of program constructs will not exceed five levels.
3. Subroutine length will not exceed 30 lines.
A Guideline rephrases these specifications in the following manner:
1. The use of goto statements should be avoided in normal circumstances.
2. The nesting depth of program constructs should be five or less in normal
3. The number of executable statements in a subprogram should not
exceed 30 in normal circumstances.
4. Departure from normal circumstances requires approval by the project
i. The implementation phase of software development is concerned with
translating ____________ into ___________.
ii. Programming languages are vehicle for communication between __________
and ___________
iii. The _______________ is important for the actual implementation phase.
iv. ________________ of source code is important for all nontrivial software
development efforts.
v. The coding style refers to both the design and the implementation.
• The question of which is the “right” programming language has always been
a favorite topic of discussion in programming circles.
• The choice of a programming language for the implementation of a project
frequently plays an important role.
• In the ideal case, the design should be carried out without any knowledge of
the later implementation language so that it can be implemented in any
Quality criteria for programming languages:
• Modularity
• Documentation value
• Data structures
• Control flow
• Efficiency
• Integrity
• Portability
• Dialog support
• Specialized language elements
Modularity of a programming language
• Degree to which it support modularization of programs.
• The decomposition of a large program into multiple modules is a
prerequisite for carrying out large software projects.
• Without modularization, division of labor in the implementation becomes
impossible. Monolithic programs become unmanageable: they are
difficult to maintain and document and they impede implementation with
long compile times.
• Languages such as standard Pascal (which does not support modules,
but compare with Turbo Pascal and Modula-2) prove unsuitable for large
• If a language supports the decomposition of a program into smaller units,
there must also be assurance that the components work together. If a
procedure is invoked from another module, there must be a check of
whether the procedure actually exists and whether it is used correctly (i.e.
whether the number of parameters and their data types are correct).
• Languages may have independent compilation (e.g. C and FORTRAN),
where this check takes place only upon invocation at run time (if at all)
• Alternatively, languages may have separate compilation (e.g. Ada and
Modula-2), where each module has an interface description that provides
the basis for checking its proper use already at compile time.
Documentation value of a programming language
• Affects the readability and thus the maintainability of programs.
• The importance of the documentation value rises for large programs and
for software that the client continues to develop.
• High documentation value results, among other things, from explicit
interface specifications with separate compilation (e.g. in Ada and
Modula-2). Likewise the use of keywords instead of special characters
(e.g. begin . . . end in Pascal rather than {. . .} in C) has a positive effect
on readability because the greater redundancy gives less cause for
careless errors in reading. Since programs are generally written only once
but read repeatedly, the minimum additional effort in writing pays off no
more so than in the maintenance phase. Likewise the language’s scoping
rules influence the readability of programs.
• Extensive languages with numerous specialized functions (e.g. Ada) are
difficult to grasp in all their details, thus encouraging misinterpretations.
Languages of medium size and complexity (e.g. Pascal and Modula-2)
harbor significantly less such danger.
Data structures in the programming language
• Primarily when complex data must be processed, the availability of data
structures in the programming language plays an important role.
• Older languages such as FORTRAN, BASIC, and COBOL offer solely the
possibility to combine multiple homogeneous elements in array or
heterogeneous elements in structures.
• Recursive data structures are difficult to implement in these languages.
• Languages like C permit the declaration of pointers to data structures.
This enables data structures of any complexity, and their scope and
structure can change at run time. However, the drawback of these data
structures is that they are open and permit unrestricted access.
• Primarily in large projects with multiple project teams, abstract data
takes on particular meaning. Although abstract data structures can be
emulated in any modular language, due to better readability, preference
should be given to a language with its own elements supporting this
• Object-oriented languages offer the feature of extensible abstract data
types that permit the realization of complex software systems with
elegance and little effort. For a flexible and extensible solution, object-
oriented languages provide a particularly good option.
Structuring control flow in the programming language
• Languages like BASIC and FORTRAN include variations of a GOTO
statement, which programmers can employ to create unlimited and
incomprehensible control flow structures. In Pascal and C the use of the
GOTO statement is encumbered because the target must be declared
explicitly. In Eiffel, Modula-2 and Smalltalk there is no GOTO statement
at all, which forces better structuring of the control flow.
• In technical applications additional possibilities for control flow can play
an important role. These include the handling of exceptions and
interrupts as well as parallel processes and their synchronization
mechanisms. Many programming languages (e.g., Ada and Eiffel) support
several of these concepts and thus permit simpler program structures in
certain cases.
Notes: Every deviation from sequential flow is difficult to understand and
thus has a negative effect on readability.
Efficiency of a programming language
• The efficiency of a programming language is often overrated as a criterion.
For example, the programming language C bears the reputation that it
supports the writing of very efficient programs, while object-oriented
languages are accused of inefficiency. However, there are few cases
where a language is in principle particularly efficient or especially
• Optimizing compilers often generate excellent code that an experienced
Assembler programmer could hardly improve upon. For time-critical
operations, it pays to use a faster machine or a better compiler rather
than a “more efficient” programming language.
Integrity of a programming language
• The integrity of a programming language flow primarily from its
readability and its mechanisms for type checking (even across module
• Independent of the application domain, therefore, a language with static
typing should be preferred. Static typing means that for each expression
the compiler can determine which type it will have at run time.
Additional integrity risks include type conversions (type casts) and
pointer arithmetic operations, which are routine for programming in C,
for example.
• Run-time checks are also important for integrity, especially during the
development phase. These normally belong in the domain of the compiler.
• Mechanisms for formulating assertions (e.g. in Eiffel) and features for
exception handling (e.g. in Eiffel and Ada) also contribute to the integrity
of a programming language.
• Portability can be a significant criterion if a software product is destined
for various hardware platforms. In such a situation it makes sense to
select a standardized language such as Ada or C. However, this alone
does not suffice to ensure portability. For any external modules
belonging to the language also need to be standardized. This is a problem
in the language Modula-2 because various compiler producers offers
different module libraries.
• Beyond standardization, another criterion is the availability of compilers
for the language on different computers. For example, developers of
software for mainframes will find a FORTRAN compiler on practically
every machine.
Dialog support
• For interactive programs the programming language must also provide
dialog support. For example, FORTRAN and COBOL offer only line-
oriented input and output;
• Highly interactive programs (that react to every key pressed) can thus be
developed only with the help of specialized libraries.
• Some languages like BASIC and LOGO are particularly designed provide
dialog support for the user (and with the programmer), making these
languages better suited for such applications.
• Object-oriented programming languages also prove well suited to the
development of interactive programs, especially with the availability of a
corresponding class library or an application framework.
• For specialized tasks, specialized language elements can be decisive for
the selection of a programming language. For technical applications, for
example, the availability of complex number arithmetic (e.g. in COBOL)
can be important. For mathematical problems, matrix operations (e.g. in
APL) can simplify the task, and translation and character string
operations are elegantly solved in SNOBOL. The lack of such specialized
language elements can be compensated with library modules in modular
• Object-oriented languages prove particular suited to extending the
language scope.
A data type specifies a set of data objects and a set of permitted
operations on objects of that type. Thus, objects of type “integer” comprise an
implementation dependent range of integer values and a set of relational and
arithmetic operators on literals and variable of integer type.
The purpose of data typing is to permit classification of objects according to
intended usage, to allow the language translator to select storage
representations for objects of different types, and, the case of strong type
languages, to detect and prevent operations among object of different types.
Type checking refers to restrictions and limitations imposed on the ways in
which data items can be manipulated by the program. Different languages
improve different restrictions, reflecting the differing philosophies of various
language designers. At least five levels of type checking can be distinguished:
Level 0: Typeless
Level 1: Automatic Type coercion
Level 2: Mixed Mode
Level 3: Pseudo-Strong Type Checking
Level 4: Strong Type checking
A declaration associates an identifier with a program entity, such as a
variable, a type, a subprogram, a formal parameter, or a record component. The
region of source text over which a declaration has an effect is called the scope of
the declaration. The scoping rules of a programming language dictate the
manner in which identifiers can be defined and used by the programmer.
Scoping rules used in various programming languages include global scope,
FORTRAN scope, nested scope, and restricted scope. Global scope is provided
in BASIC and COBOL. All identifiers are known in all regions of a program. In
FORTRAN, identifiers are known throughout the containing program unit, but
are not known outside the unit unless they appear in a COMMON statement or
as actual parameters in a subprogram invocation.
Two or more segments of a program can be executing concurrently if the
effect of executing the segments is independent of the order in which they are
executed. We refer to these program segments as tasks or processes. On
multiple-processor machines, independent code segments can be executed
simultaneously to achieve increased processing efficiency. On a single-
processor machine, the execution of independent code segments can be
interleaved to achieve processing efficiency: One task may be able to execute
while another is waiting for an external event to occur or waiting for completion
of an I/O operation.
The trend towards multiple-processor machines and the increasingly
sophisticated applications of computers has resulted in higher-level language
constructs for specifying concurrent tasks. Two fundamental problems in
concurrent programming are synchronization of tasks so that information can
be transferred between tasks, and prevention of simultaneous updating of data
that are accessible to more than one task. These problems are referred to as
the synchronization problem and the mutual exclusion problem.
There are three fundamental approaches to concurrent programming:
a. shared variables
b. asynchronous message passing,
c. synchronous message passing.
1. What are the psychological characteristics that occur as a result of
programming language design?
2. What is a syntactic and Semantic model?
3. Explain the different characteristics in the engineering view on the
software development project.
4. What are the aspects to be followed in choosing a language?
5. How is the programming languages linked with software Engineering?
6. Explain the four areas in programming language fundamentals.
7. What is a good coding style? Explain the element in coding style
8. What are the different areas in which efficiency should be taken care?
In software, detailed design is the implementation of module internals, design of
data structures and algorithms, and coding in a programming language. This
chapter connects the treatment of these issues in the software technology.
i. Give reasons to justify restricting the size of subprograms to between 5
and 25 executable statements.
ii. Give reasons to justify subprograms of less than 5 statements and
subprograms of more than 25 statements.
iii. In what situations would you definitely not use global?
1. Horowitz E. and Munsen J.B., An expansive view of Reusable software, IEEE
Trans. Software Eng., SE-10 (5), 1984
2. Shneiderman B., Designing the User Interface, Reading, Addison-Wesley,
3. S.R. Schach, Practical Software Engineering, Irwin-Aksen, Homewood, III,
7.0.Aim and Objectives
7.2.Quality Assurance
7.3.Walkthrough and Inspections
7.4.Static Analysis
7.5.Symbolic Execution
7.6.Review Questions
7.7.Let us Sum up
7.8.Learning Activities
7.9.Points for Discussion
7.10. References
Need for Quality Assurance
Human beings cannot work in error free manner
Human beings are blind to their own errors
Cost of fixing errors increases exponentially with time since their
Systems Software itself is not bug free
Customers should not find bugs when using software
Post-release debugging is more expensive
An organization must learn from its mistakes i.e. not repeat its mistakes
Appropriate resources need to be allotted e.g. people with right skills
Error detection activity itself is not totally error free
A group of people cannot work together without standards, processes,
guidelines, etc.,
The goal of quality assurance is to provide management with the data
necessary to be informed about the product quality, thereby gaining insight and
confidence that product quality is meeting its goals. If the data provided
through quality assurance identify problems, it is management’s responsibility
to address the problems and apply the necessary resources to resolve the
quality issues.
7.2.1. Cost of Quality
Cost of quality refers to the total cost of all efforts to achieve
product/service quality, and includes all work to conformance to requirements,
as well as all work resulting from nonconformance to requirements. Quality
costs may be divided into costs associated with prevention, appraisal, and
• Prevention costs include quality planning, Formal Technical Reviews,
test equipment, training.
• Appraisal costs include activities to gain insight into product condition
the first time through each process. Examples: in-process and inert-
process inspection, equipment calibration and maintenance, testing.
• Failure costs are costs that would disappear if no defects appeared
before shipping a product to customers. Failure costs may be subdivided
into internal failure costs and external failure costs.
Internal failure costs include rework, repair, and failure mode
External failure costs include complaint resolution, product return
and replacement, help line support, and warranty work.
7.2.2. Need for Software Quality
• Competitive pressure: Today’s business is extremely competitive,
and the software industry is no exception. Companies must
continuously make and sustain improvements in cost and quality to
remain in business.
• Customer satisfaction: Acquiring a new customer is far more
expensive than retaining a current one. Further, few unsatisfied
customers might complain but the vast majority simply takes their
business elsewhere.
• Management of change: In an industry like software where new tools
and methods arrive at a faster rate than it takes to train staff in their
use, it is especially important that organizations fundamentally
change their management styles and their workforce’s attitudes so as
to effect significant improvements.
• Cost of defects: Defects in software may lead to huge losses to the
customer. In case of mission-critical systems, defects can cause
serious harm to the end-user.
7.2.3. Software quality attributes
Software quality is a broad and important field of software engineering.
Software quality is addressed by standardization bodies:
ISO, ANSI, IEEE, etc.,
Software quality attributes (see Figure 7.1)
Software Quality Attributes
User Friendliness
b. Reliability
Reliability of a software system derives from
Correctness, and
The behavior over time for the fulfillment of a given specification depends on
the reliability of the software system.
Reliability of a software system is defined as the probability that this system
fulfills a function (determined by the specifications) for a specified number of
input trials under specified input conditions in a specified time interval
(assuming that hardware and input are free of errors).
A software system can be seen as reliable if this test produces a low error rate
(i.e., the probability that an error will occur in a specified time interval.)
The error rate depends on the frequency of inputs and on the probability that
an individual input will lead to an error.
c. User friendliness:
Factors for the requirement of Adequacy:
1. The input required of the user should be limited to only what is
necessary. The software system should expect information only if it is
necessary for the functions that the user wishes to carry out. The
software system should enable flexible data input on the part of the user
and should carry out probable checks on the input. In dialog-driven
software systems, we give particular importance in the uniformity, clarity
and simplicity of the dialogs.
2. The performance offered by the software system should be adapted to the
wishes of the user with the consideration given to extensibility; i.e., the
functions should be limited to these in the specification.
3. The results produced by the software system:
The results that a software system delivers should be output in a clear
and well-structured form and be easy to interpret. The software system
should afford the user flexibility with respect to the scope, the degree of
detail, and the form of presentation of the results. Error messages must
be provided in a form that is comprehensible for the user.
Learnability of a software system depends on:
The design of user interfaces
The clarity and the simplicity of the user instructions (tutorial or user
The user interface should present information as close to reality as possible
and permit efficient utilization of the software’s failures.
The user manual should be structured clearly and simply and be free of all
dead weight. It should explain to the user what the software system should do,
how the individual functions are activated, what relationships exist between
functions, and which exceptions might arise and how they can be corrected. In
addition, the user manual should serve as a reference that supports the user in
quickly and comfortably finding the correct answers to questions.
Robustness (strong)
Robustness reduces the impact of operational mistakes, erroneous input
data, and hardware errors.
A software system is robust if the consequences of an error in its operation,
in the input, or in the hardware, in relation to a given application, are inversely
proportional to the probability of the occurrence of this error in the given
Frequent errors (e.g. erroneous commands, typing errors) must be
handled with particular care
Less frequent errors (e.g. power failure) can be handled more relaxly, but
still must not lead to irreversible consequences.
d. Maintainability
The effort required to locate and fix an error or introduce new features in an
operational program.
The maintainability of a software system depends on its:
Readability of a software system depends on its:
Form of representation
Programming style
Readability of the implementation programming languages
Structuredness of the system
Quality of the documentation
Tools available for inspection
Extensibility allows required modifications at the appropriate locations to be
made without undesirable side effects.
Extensibility of a software system depends on its:
Structuredness (modularity) of the software system
Possibilities that the implementation language provides for this purpose
Readability (to find the appropriate location) of the code
Availability of comprehensible program documentation
Testability: suitability for allowing the programmer to follow program execution
(run-time behavior under given conditions) and for debugging.
The testability of a software system depends on its:
Modular, well-structured programs prove more suitable for systematic, stepwise
testing than monolithic, unstructured programs.
Testing tools and the possibility of formulating consistency conditions
(assertions) in the source code reduce the testing effort and provide important
prerequisites for the extensive, systematic testing of all system components.
e. Efficiency
Efficiency: ability of a software system to fulfill its purpose with the best
possible utilization of all necessary resources (time, storage, transmission
channels, and peripherals).
f. Portability
Portability: the ease with which a software system can be adapted to run on
computers other than the one for which it was designed.
The portability of a software system depends on:
Degree of hardware independence
Implementation language
Extent of exploitation of specialized system functions
Hardware properties
Structuredness: System-dependent elements are collected in easily
interchangeable program components.
A software system can be said to be portable if the effort required for porting it
proves significantly less than the effort necessary for a new implementation.
7.2.4. The importance of quality criteria
The quality requirements encompass all levels of software production.
Poor quality in intermediate products always proves detrimental to the quality
of the final product.
• Quality attributes that affect the end product
• Quality attributes that affect intermediate products
Quality of end products [Bons 1982]:
• Quality attributes that affect their application: These influence the
suitability of the product for its intended application (correctness,
reliability and user friendliness).
• Quality attributes related to their maintenance: These affect the
suitability of the product for functional modification and extensibility
(readability, extensibility and testability).
• Quality attributes that influence their portability: These affect the
suitability of the product for porting to another environment (portability
and testability).
Quality attributes of intermediate products:
• Quality attributes that affect the transformation: These affect the
suitability of an intermediate product for immediate transformation to a
subsequent (high-quality) product (correctness, readability and
• Quality attributes that affect the quality of the end product: These
directly influence the quality of the end product (correctness, reliability,
adequacy, readability, extensibility, testability, efficiency and portability).
7.2.5 The effects of quality criteria on each other
Effect on
Correctness + 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0
Dependability 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 - 0
Adequacy 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 + -
Learnability 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
Robustness 0 + + 0 0 0 + - 0
Readability + + 0 0 + + + - +
+ + 0 0 + 0 + - +
Testability + + 0 0 + 0 + - +
Efficiency - - + - - - - - -
Portability 0 0 - 0 0 0 + 0 -
Table 1.1 Mutual effects between quality criteria (“+”: positive effect, “-“:
negative effect, “0”: no effect)
7.2.6. Software Quality Assurance
• Refers to umbrella activities concerned with ensuing quality
• Covers quality activities associated with all line and staff functions.
• Scope not restricted only to fault detection and correction.
• Oriented towards both prevention and excellence.
• Involves taking care in design, production and servicing
• Assurance comes from:
o Defining appropriate standards, procedures, guidelines, tools, and
o Providing people with right skills, adequate supervision and
Software Quality Assurance is defined as:
• Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance
• Conformance to explicitly documented development standards, and
• Conformance to implicit characteristics that are expected of all
professionally developed software.
The above definition serves to emphasize three important points:
1. Software requirements are the foundation from which quality is
measured. Lack of conformance to requirements is lack of quality.
2. Specified standards define a set of development criteria that guide the
manner in which software is engineered. If the criteria are not
followed, lack of quality will almost surely result.
3. There is a set of implicit requirements that often goes unmentioned. If
software conforms to its explicit requirements but fails to meet
implicit requirements, software quality is suspect.
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Activities
The SQA group has responsibility for quality assurance planning, record
keeping, analysis, and reporting. They assist the software engineering team in
achieving a high quality end product.
The activities performed by an independent SQA group are:
1. Prepare a SQA Plan for a project
The plan is developed during project planning and is reviewed by
all interested parties. The plan identifies:
• Evaluations to be performed
• Audits and reviews to be performed
• Standards that are applicable to the project
• Procedures for error reporting
• Documents to be produced by the SQA group
• Amount of feedback provided to software project team
2. Participates in the development of the project’s software process
3. Reviews software engineering activities to verify compliance with the
defined software process.
4. Audits designated software work products to verify compliance with
those defined as part of the software process.
5. Ensures that deviations in software work and work products are
documented and handled according to a documented procedure.
6. Records any noncompliance and reports to senior management.
7. Coordinates the control and management of change.
8. Helps to collect and analyze software metrics.
and coding. Defect implies a quality problem that is discovered after the
software has been shipped to end-users and so needs to be eliminated.
Any review employs the diversity of a group of people to
1. identify needed improvements in the product
2. conform those parts in which improvement is neither desired nor
3. achieve work of uniform, or at least predictable, quality to make
technical work more manageable.
Reviews can either be formal or informal. Formal technical reviews are more
effective from a quality assurance standpoint and effective means for improving
software quality.
or three reviewers for advance preparation. Concurrently, the Review Leader
also reviews the work product and establishes an agenda for the review meeting.
The Review Leader, all reviewers and the Producer attend the Review
Meeting. The producer presents the work product and the reviewers raise issues
if any. One of the reviewers takes on the role of recorder. The recorder records
all important issues raised during the review, like problems and errors.
After the review, all attendees of the FTR must decide whether to
1. Accept the work product without modification,
2. Reject the work product due to severe errors, or
3. Accept the work product provisionally.
Once the decision is made, all FTR attendees complete a Sign-off,
indicating their participation in the review, and their concurrence with the
review team’s findings.
During the FTR, it is important to summarize the issues and produce a
Review Issues List, and a Review Summery Report. A Review Summery Report
becomes the part of the Project Historical Record, and contains information
about what was reviewed, who reviewed, and the findings and conclusions of
the review. This report is distributed to the Project Leader, and other interested
parties. The Review Issues List serves to identify problem areas within the
product, and to serve as an action item checklist that guides the Producer, as
corrections are made. It is important to establish a follow-up procedure to
ensure that items on the issues list have been properly corrected.
A minimum set of guidelines for FTR is:
1. Review the product, not the Producer.
2. Set an agenda, and maintain it.
3. Limit arguments.
4. List out problem areas, but don’t attempt to solve every problem
5. Take written notes.
6. Limit the number of participants, and insist on advance preparation.
7. Develop a checklist for each work product that is likely to be reviewed.
8. Allocate resources and time schedules for FTRs.
9. Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers.
10. Review your earlier reviews.
7.3.4. Inspections
Inspections, like walkthroughs, can be used throughout the software life
cycle to asses and improve the quality of the various work products. Inspection
teams consist of one to four members (producer, inspector, moderator, reader)
who are trained for their tasks. The producer, whose product is under review,
inspector who evaluates the product, and the moderator who controls the
review process. There is also a reader, who may guide inspectors through the
product. Inspections are conducted in a similar manner to walkthrough, but
more structure is imposed on the sessions, and each participant has a definite
role to play. Each of the roles in an inspection team would have well-defined
responsibilities within the inspection team. Fagan suggests a procedure made
up of five steps, namely:
1. Overview, where the producers of the work explain their work to inspectors.
2. Preparation, where the inspectors prepare the work and the associated
documentation for inspection.
3. Inspection, which is meeting moderated by the moderator and guided by a
reader who goes through the work with the inspectors.
4. Rework, which is any work required by the producers to correct any
5. Follow-up, where a check is made to ensure that any deficiencies have been
The important thing here is that the inspections are formal and have a
report that must be acted on. It is also important that any recommendations
made during inspections be acted upon and followed up to ensure that any
deficiencies are corrected.
• Complexity analysis
• Structural analysis
• Data-flow analysis
a. Code inspection
Code inspection is a useful technique for localizing design and
implementation errors. Many errors prove easy to find if the author would
only read the program carefully enough.
The idea behind code inspection is to have the author of a program
discuss it step by step with other software engineers.
Structure of the four person team:
1. An experienced software engineer who is not involved in the project to
serve as moderator
2. The designer of the test object
3. The programmer responsible for the implementation
4. The person responsible for testing
The moderator notes every detected error and the inspection continues.
The task of the inspection team is to detect, not to correct, errors. Only on
completion of the inspection do the designer and the implementor begin
their correction work.
b. Complexity analysis
The goal of complexity analysis is to establish metrics for the complexity of
a program These metrics include complexity measures for modules,
nesting depths for loops, lengths of procedures and modules, import and
use frequencies for modules, and the complexity of interfaces for
procedures and methods.
The results of complexity analysis permit statements about the quality of
a software product (within certain limits) and localization of error-prone
positions in the software system.
Complexity is difficult to evaluate objectively; a program that a
programmer perceives as simple might be viewed as complex by someone
c. Structural analysis
The goal of structural analysis is to uncover structural anomalies of a test
c. Data-flow analysis
Data-flow analysis is intended to help discover data-flow anomalies.
Data-flow analysis provides information about whether a data object has
a value before its use and whether a data object is used after an
Data-flow analysis applies to both the body of a test object and the
interfaces between test objects.
This lesson gave a brief introduction to the kinds of activities that make up
quality assurance. It stressed the importance of processes that are objective in
order to find modeling errors in an organized way. This chapter outlined one
such process, walkthroughs.
The discipline of software assurance that
1) defines the requirements for software controlled system fault/failure
detection, isolation, and recovery;
2) reviews the software development processes and products for software
error prevention and/ or controlled change to reduced functionality
states; and
3) Defines the process for measuring and analyzing defects and defines/
derives the reliability and maintainability factors.
Software quality is important, if,
(1) explicitly define what is meant when you say 'software quality',
(2) create a set of activities that will help ensure that every software
engineering work product exhibits high quality,
(3) perform quality assurance activities on every software project,
(4) use metrics to develop strategies for improving your software process,
and as a consequence, improving the quality of the end product.
a) Compose a design inspection checklist for a software project of your
choice. Apply checklist to the design specifications.
d) Design a code inspection checklist for a data processing application
1. Richard Fairley, “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Roger S.Pressman, Software engineering- A practitioner’s Approach,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 5th edition, 2001.
8.0.Aims and Objectives
8.2.Levels of Testing
8.3.Unit Testing
8.4.System Testing
8.5.Acceptance test
8.6.White Box Testing
8.7.Black Box Testing
8.8.Testing for Specialized Environments
8.9.Formal Verification
8.10. Debugging
8.11. Review questions
8.12. Let us Sum up
8.13. Lesson End Activities
8.14. Points for Discussion
8.15. References
8.1.1. Software testing process
Software testing is the process used to help identify the correctness,
completeness, security and quality of developed computer software. With that in
mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of arbitrary
computer software. In computability theory, a field of computer science and
neat mathematical proof concludes that it is impossible to solve the halting
problem, the question of whether an arbitrary computer program will enter an
infinite loop, or halt and produce output. In other words, testing is nothing but
criticism or comparison that is comparing the actual value with expected one.
Testing presents an interesting variance for the software engineer. The engineer
creates a series a series of test cases that are intended to demolish the software
that has been built. In fact, testing is the only activity in the software
engineering process that could be viewed as “destructive” rather than
“constructive”. Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for
ensuring the reliability of the software.
Glen Meyers [1979] states a number of rules that can serve well as testing
1. Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding an
2. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet
undiscovered error.
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet undiscovered error.
The common viewpoint of testing is that a successful test is one in which no
errors are found. But from the above rules, it can be inferred that a successful
test is one that systematically uncovers different classes of errors and that too
with a minimum time and effort. The more the errors detected, the more
successful is the test.
What testing can do?
1. It can uncover errors in the software
2. It can demonstrate that the software behaves according to the specification
3. It can show that the performance requirements have been met
4. It can prove to be a good indication of software reliability and software
What testing cannot do?
Testing cannot show the absence of defects, it can only show that software
errors are present.
Davis [1995] suggests a set of testing principles as given below:
1. All tests should be traceable to the customer requirements.
From the customer’s point of view, when the program fails to meet
requirements, it is considered to be a severe defect. Tests are to be
designed to detect such defects.
2. Tests should be planned long before testing begins.
It is commonly misunderstood that testing begins only after coding is
complete. Testing is to be carried out all throughout the software
development life cycle. Test planning can begin as soon as the
requirements model is complete.
3. The Pareto principle applies to software testing.
The Pareto principle implies that 80% of all errors uncovered during
testing will likely be traceable to 20% of all program modules. Hence the
idea is that those 20% suspect modules are to be isolated and thoroughly
4. Testing should begin “in the small” and progress towards testing “in the
Testing activity normally begins with the testing of individual program
modules and then progresses towards integrated clusters (group) of
modules, and ultimately the entire system.
5. Exhaustive testing is not possible.
It is highly impossible to test all possible paths in a program because
even for a moderately sized program, the number of path permutations is
exceptionally large. However in practice, it is possible to adequately cover
program logic.
6. To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third
By “most effective”, we mean testing that has the highest probability of
finding errors. In general, the software engineer who created the system
is not the best person to conduct all tests for the software and hence an
independent third party is the obvious choice.
Kaner, Falk, and Nguyen [1993] suggest the following attributes of a good test:
1. A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
2. A good test is not redundant (unnecessary).
Since testing time and resources are limited, there is no point in
conducting a test that has the same purpose as another test. For
example, a library routine is developed to find the factorial of a given
number. To test the routine in order to uncover errors, the test input
may be chosen to be 3. If the routine produces the correct result, then it
is better to test for the input 50, a larger input when compared to 3,
instead of testing with the input 4, because if the routine behaved
correctly for the input 3 there is every possibility that it will also behave
correctly for the input 4.
3. A good test should be the best of kind.
In a group of tests that have a similar intent, the test that has the
highest likelihood of uncovering a whole class of errors should be used.
This is because the testing time and resources are limited.
4. A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex.
Too simple tests may fail to uncover errors. At the same time, it is
possible to combine a series of tests into one complex test, which may
mask some errors. Hence each test should be executed separately.
In carrying out testing we will wish to address some or all of the following
• How is functional validity tested?
• What classes of input will make good test cases?
• Is the system particularly sensitive to certain input values?
• How are the boundaries of a data class isolated?
• What data rates and data volume can the system tolerate?
• What effect will specific combinations of data have on system operation?
• Which activities are necessary for the systematic testing of a software
• What is to be tested?
System specifications,
Individual modules,
Connections between modules,
Integration of the modules in the overall system
Acceptance of the software product.
8.1.2. Dynamic testing
For dynamic testing the test objects are executed or simulated.
Dynamic testing is an imperative process in the software life cycle. Every
procedure, every module and class, every subsystem and the overall
system must be tested dynamically, even if static tests and program
verifications have been carried out.
The activities for dynamic testing include:
• Preparation of the test object for error localization
• Availability of a test environment
• Selection of appropriate test cases and data
• Test execution and evaluation
There are many approaches to software testing, but effective testing of
complex products is essentially a process of investigation, not merely a matter
of creating and following rote procedure. One definition of testing is "the process
of questioning a product in order to evaluate it", where the "questions" are
things the tester tries to do with the product, and the product answers with its
behavior in reaction to the questioning of the tester. Although most of the
intellectual processes of testing are nearly identical to that of review or
inspection, the word testing is imply as a consequence to mean the dynamic
analysis of the product—putting the product through its paces. The quality of
the application can, and normally does, vary widely from system to system but
some of the common quality attributes include reliability, stability, portability,
maintainability and usability.
Software testing answers questions that development testing and code reviews
Does it really work as expected?
Does it meet the users’ requirements?
Is it what the users expect?
Do the users like it?
Is it compatible with our other systems?
How does it perform?
How does it scale when more users are added?
Which areas need more work?
Is it ready for release?
What can we do with the answers to these questions?
Save time and money by identifying defects early
Avoid or reduce development downtime
Provide better customer service by building a better application
Know that we’ve satisfied our users’ requirements
Build a list of desired modifications and enhancements for later versions
Identify and catalog reusable modules and components
Identify areas where programmers and developers need training
The different levels of testing are used to validate the software at different
levels of the development process.
Unit Test
Integrated Testing
Requirement System
Analysis Testing
Unit testing is essentially for verification of the code produced during the
coding phase, and hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules.
The unit test is normally white box oriented, and the step can be conducted in
parallel for multiple modules. Unit testing is simplified when a module with
high cohesion is designed. When only one function is addressed by a module,
the number of test cases is reduced and errors can easily be uncovered.
8.3.1. Unit Test Considerations
The tests that occur as part of unit testing are listed below:
• Interface – The module interface is tested to ensure that information
properly enters into and out of the program unit under test. If data does
not enter or exit properly, then all other tests are unresolved.
• Local data structures – The local data structure is examined to ensure
that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps in an
algorithm’s execution.
• Boundary conditions – Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that
the module operates properly at boundaries established to limit or
restrict processing.
• Independent paths – All independent paths through the control
structure are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have
been executed at least once.
• Error handling paths – All error handling paths are tested.
verification of entry, and returns. Drivers and stubs represent overhead.
Because, both are software modules that must be developed to aid in testing
but not delivered with the final software product.
8.3.3. Integration Testing
Integration testing involves checking for errors when units are put
together as described in the design specifications. While integrating, software
can be thought of as a system consisting of several levels. A unit that makes a
function call to another unit is considered to be one level above it. Fig. 8.3
Unit Unit
The bottom-up approach is psychologically more satisfying because the
tester can be certain that the foundations for the test objects have been
tested in full detail.
The drawbacks
The characteristics of the finished product are only known after the
completion of all implementation and testing, which means that design
errors in the upper levels are detected very late.
Testing individual levels also cause high costs for providing a suitable test
b. Top-Down
Top-Down integration starts from the units at the top level first and
works downwards integrating the units at a lower level. While integrating if a
unit in the lower level is not available a replica of the lower level unit is created
which imitates its behavior.
The control module is implemented and tested first.
Imported modules are represented by substitute modules.
Surrogates have the same interfaces as the imported modules and simulate
their input/output behavior.
After the test of the control module, all other modules of the software
systems are tested in the same way; i.e., their operations are represented
by surrogate procedures until the development has progressed enough to
allow implementation and testing of the operations.
The test advances stepwise with the implementation. Implementation and
phases merge, and the integration test of subsystems become unnecessary.
The advantages
Design errors are detected as early as possible, saving development time
and costs because corrections in the module design can be made before
their implementation.
The characteristics of a software system are evident from the start, which
enables a simple test of the development state and the acceptance by the
The software system can be tested thoroughly from the start with test
cases without providing (expensive) test environments.
The drawbacks
Strict top-down testing proves extremely difficult because designing
usable surrogate objects can prove very complicated, especially for
complex operations.
Errors in lower hierarchy levels are hard to localize.
c. Sandwich
Sandwich integration is an attempt to combine the advantages of both
the above approaches. A “target” layer is identified somewhere in between and
the integration converges on the layer using a top-down approach above it and
a bottom-up approach below it. Identifying the target layers must be done by
people with good experience in similar projects or else it might leads to serious
d. Big-Bang
A different and somewhat simplistic approach is the big-bang approach,
which consists of putting all unit-tested modules together and testing them in
one go. Chances are that it will not work! This is not a very feasible approach
as it will be very difficult to identify interfacing issues.
typical end-user present for the testing. The end-user uses the software
and records the errors and problems. Alpha test is conducted in a
controlled environment.
The Beta test is conducted in the end-user’s environment. The
developer is not present for the beta testing. The beta testing is always
in the real-world environment which is not controlled by the developer.
The end-user records the problems and reports it back to the developer
at intervals. Based on the results of the beta testing the software is
made ready for the final release to the intended customer base.
As a rule, System testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated"
software components that have successfully passed Integration testing and also
the software system itself integrated with any applicable hardware system(s).
The purpose of Integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies between the
software units that are integrated together called assemblages or between any
of the assemblages and hardware. System testing is more of a limiting type of
testing, where it seeks to detect both defects within the "inter-assemblages" and
also the system as a whole.
8.4.2. Finger Pointing
A classic system testing problem is “finger pointing”. This occurs when
an error is uncovered, and each system element developer blames the other for
the problem. The software engineer should anticipate potential interfacing
problems and do the following:
1) Design error-handling paths that test all information coming from
other elements of the system
2) Conduct a series of tests that simulate bad data or other potential
errors at the software interface
3) Record the results of tests to use as “evidence” if finger pointing does
4) Participate in planning and design of system tests to ensure that
software is adequately tested.
8.4.3. Types of System Tests
The types of system tests for software-based systems are:
a. Recovery Testing
b. Security Testing
c. Stress testing
d. Sensitivity Testing
e. Performance Testing
a. Recovery Testing
Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail in a
variety of ways and verifies that recovery is properly performed. If recovery is
automatically performed by the system itself, then re-initialization, check
pointing mechanisms, data recovery, and restart are each evaluated for
correctness. If recovery requires human intervention, the mean time to repair is
evaluated to determine whether it is within acceptable limits.
b. Security Testing
Security testing attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into
a system will in fact protect it from improper penetration. Penetration spans a
broad range of activities: hackers who attempt to penetrate systems for sport;
unhappy employees who attempt to penetrate for revenge; and dishonest
individuals who attempt to penetrate for illegal personal gain.
c. Stress Testing
Stress tests are designed to tackle programs with abnormal situations.
Stress testing executes a system in a manner that demands resources in
abnormal quantity, frequency, or volume. For example,
1) Special tests may be designed that generate 10 interrupts per second,
when one or two is the average rate
2) Input data rates may be increased by an order of magnitude to determine
how input functions will respond
3) Test cases that require maximum memory or other resources may be
4) Test cases that may cause thrashing in a virtual operating system may
be designed
5) Test cases that may cause excessive hunting for disk resident data may
be created.
d. Sensitivity Testing
A variation of stress testing is a technique called sensitivity testing. In
some situations a very small range of data contained within the bounds of valid
data for a program may cause extreme and even erroneous processing or
profound performance degradation. Sensitivity testing attempts to uncover data
combinations within valid input classes that may cause instability or improper
e. Performance Testing
Performance testing is designed to test run time performance (speed and
response time) of software within the context of an integrated system. It occurs
throughout all steps in the testing process. Performance tests are often coupled
with stress testing and often require both hardware and software
instrumentation. External instrumentation can monitor execution intervals, log
events as they occur, and sample machine states on a regular basis.
Performance testing can be categorized into the following:
Load Testing is conducted to check whether the system is capable of
handling an anticipated load. Here, Load refers to the number of
concurrent user accessing the system. Load testing is used to determine
whether the system is capable of handling various activities performed
concurrently by different users.
Endurance testing deals with the reliability of the system. This type of
testing is conducted for a longer duration to find out the health of the
system in terms of its consistency. Endurance testing is conducted on
either a normal load, or stress load. However, the duration of the test is
Stress testing helps to identify the number of users the system can
handle at a time before breaking down or degrading severely. Stress
testing goes one step beyond the load testing and identifies the system’s
capability to handle the peak load.
Spike testing is conducted to stress the system suddenly for a short
duration. This testing ensures whether the system will be a stable and
responsive under an unexpected rise in load.
8.4.4. Regression Testing
This is an important aspect of testing-ensuring that when an error is
fixed in a system, the new version of the system does not fail any test that the
older version passed. Regression testing consists of running the corrected
system against tests which the program had already passed successfully. This
is to ensure that in the process of modifying the existing system, the original
functionality of the system was not disturbed. This is particularly important in
maintenance project, where the likelihood of making changes can inadvertently
affect the program’s behavior.
Maintenance projects require enhancement or updating of the existing
system; enhancements are introduction of new features to the software and
might be released in different versions. Whenever a version is released,
regression testing should be done on the system to ensure that the existing
features have not been disturbed.
Acceptance testing is the process of testing the entire system, with the
completed software as part of it. This is done to ensure that all the
requirements that the customer specified are met. Acceptance testing (done
after System testing) is similar to system testing but administered by the
customer to test if the system follow to the agreed upon requirements.
The development of a software product ends with the inspection
(acceptance test) by the user.
At inspection the software system is tested with real data under real
conditions of use.
The goal of the inspection is to uncover all errors that arose from such
sources as misunderstandings in consultations between users and
software developers, poor estimates of application-specific data quantities,
and unrealistic assumptions about the real environment of the software
Any engineered product can be tested in one of two ways:
1. Black Box Testing
2. White Box Testing
1. White Box Testing: White box testing is done to ensure that internal
operation performs according to the specification and all internal
components have been adequately exercised.
2. Black Box Testing: Each product has been designed to perform certain
specified functions. Tests can be conducted to demonstrate that each
function is fully operational.
White box testing, clear box testing, glass box testing or structural
testing is used in computer programming, software engineering and software
testing to check that the outputs of a program, given certain inputs, conform to
the structural specification of the program.
The term white box (or glass box) indicates that testing is done with
knowledge of the code used to execute certain functionality. For this reason, a
programmer is usually required to perform white box tests. Often, multiple
programmers will write tests based on certain code, so as to gain varying
perspectives on possible outcomes.
A complementary technique, black box testing or functional testing, performs
testing based on previously understood requirements (or understood
functionality), without knowledge of how the code executes.
White-box testing is one of the most important test methods. For a limited
number of program paths, which usually suffices in practice, the test
permits correct manipulation of the data structures and examination of
the input/output behavior of test objects.
In white-box testing the test activities involve not only checking the
input/output behavior, but also examination of the inner structure of the
test object.
The goal is to determine, for every possible path through the test object,
the behavior of the test object in relation to the input data.
Test cases are selected on the basis of knowledge of the control flow
structure of the test object.
The selection of test cases must consider the following:
Every module and function of the test object must be invoked at least
Every branch must be taken at least once
As many paths as possible must be followed
It is important to assure that every branch is actually taken. It does not
suffice to merely assure that every statement is executed because errors
in binary branches might not be found because not all branches were
It is important to consider that, even for well-structured programs, in
practice it remains impossible to test all possible paths, i.e., all possible
statement sequences of a program ([Pressman 1987], see Figure 9.4)
3. execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational
4. exercise internal data structures to assure their validity
The various White Box Testing techniques are:
a. Basis Path Testing
b. Condition Testing
c. Data flow Testing
d. Loop Testing
a. Basis Path Testing
The basis path method enables the test case designer to derive a logical
complexity measure of a procedural design and use this measure as a guide for
defining a basis set of execution paths. Test cases derived to exercise the basis
set are guaranteed to execute every statement in the program at least one time
during testing. The steps to be followed in deriving test cases using this method
1. Using the design or code as a foundation, draw a corresponding flow
2. Determine the cyclomatic complexity, V(G), of the resultant flow graph,
using the formula
V(G) = E – N + 2,
where E is the number of edges, and N is the number of nodes in the
3. Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths. The value of V(G)
provides the number of linearly independent paths through the
program control structure.
4. Prepare test cases that will force execution of each path in the basis
5. Execute each test case and compare it with the expected results.
b. Condition Testing
Condition Testing is a test case design method that exercises the logical
conditions contained in a program module. Conditions can be either simple or
compound in nature.
• A simple condition is a Boolean variable or a relational expression,
possibly preceded with a NOT operator.
A relational expression takes the form E1 <relational operator> E2,
where E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions and (relational operator) is
one of the following: “<”, “≤”, “>”, “≥”, “=”, “≠”.
• A compound condition is composed of two simple conditions, Boolean
operators, and parentheses.
A condition without relational expressions is referred to as a Boolean
A Boolean expression returns a value of true or false, based on a comparison.
The various Boolean operators used for comparing Boolean variables are:
OR (“|”), AND (“&”), and NOT (“¬”).
The possible types of components in a condition include the following: a
Boolean operator, a Boolean variable, a pair of Boolean parentheses, a
relational operator, or an arithmetic expression. If a condition is incorrect, then
at least one component of the condition is incorrect. Thus, types of errors in a
condition include the following:
1. Boolean operator error
Example: (a<b) &&& (a>c)
2. Boolean parenthesis error
Example: ((a<b) && (a<c)
3. Relational operator error
Example: a<b c
4. Arithmetic expression error
Example: a+b*
The following are the various condition testing strategies:
1. Branch Testing
For a compound condition C, the true and false branches of C and
every simple condition in C need to be executed at least once.
2. Domain Testing
For a Boolean expression with n variables, all of 2n possible tests
are required (n>0). This strategy can detect Boolean operator,
variable, and parenthesis errors, but is practical only if n is small.
3. Branch and Relational Operator (BRO) Testing
This technique guarantees the detection of branch and relational
operator errors in a condition provided that all Boolean variables
and relational operators in the condition occur only once and have
no common variables.
c. Data Flow Testing
The data flow testing method selects test paths of a program according
to the locations of definitions and uses of variables in the program. In a
program, if we assume a statement with S as its statement number,
DEF(S) = { X | statement S contains a definition of X }
USE(S) = { X | statement S contains a use of X }
The definition of variable X at statement S is said to be live at statement
S′ if there exists a path from statement S to statement S′ that does not contain
any other definition of X.
A definition-use chain (or DU chain) of variable X is of the form [X, S,
S′], where S, S′ are statement numbers, X is in DEF(S) and USE(S′), and the
definition of X in statement S is live at statement S′.
A simple data flow testing strategy, known as DU testing strategy, is to
require that every DU chain be covered at least once. Data flow testing strategies
are useful for selecting test paths of a program containing nested if and loop
statements. However the disadvantage is that it does not guarantee the
coverage of all branches of a program.
d. Loop Testing
Loop Testing focuses exclusively on the validity of loop constructs. The
four different classes of loop constructs are described below:
1. Simple Loops
The following set of tests should be applied to simple loops, where n is
the maximum number of allowable passes through the loop.
i. Skip the loop entirely.
ii. Only one pass through the loop.
iii. Two passes through the loop.
iv. m passes through the loop where m < n.
v. n – 1, n, n + 1 passes through the loop.
2. Nested Loops
i. Start at the innermost loop. Set all other loops to minimum
ii. Conduct simple loop tests for the innermost loop while holding
the outer loops at their minimum iteration parameter values.
Add other tests for out-of-range or excluded values.
iii. Work outward, conducting tests for the next loop, but keeping
all other outer loops at minimum values and other nested
loops to typical values.
iv. Continue until all loops have been tested.
3. Concatenated Loops
Concatenated loops can be tested using the approach defined above
for simple loops if each of the loops is independent of the other. When
the loops are not independent, the approach applied to nested loops
is recommended.
4. Unstructured Loops
Whenever possible this class of loops should be redesigned in to
structured loops. Then one of the above mentioned approaches can
be used.
8.6.1. Limitations
There are some software defects in the white box testing. They are:
a. Logic errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to
probability that a program path will be executed. Errors enter into our
work when we design and implement functions, conditions, or controls
that are out of the mainstream.
b. It is believed that a logical path is not likely to be executed when it may
be executed on a regular basis. The assumptions about the flow of
control and data may lead to make design errors that are uncovered only
once when testing commences.
c. Typographical errors are random. When a program is translated into
programming language source code, it is likely that some typing errors
will occur. Many will be uncovered by syntax checking mechanisms, but
others will go undetected until testing begins.
of test cases. Instead the test cases for the entire system are designed from the
requirements specification document for the system.
Black Box Testing attempts to find errors in the following categories:
1. Incorrect or missing functions
2. Interface errors
3. Errors in data structures or external data base access
4. Performance errors
5. Initialization and termination errors
By applying black box testing techniques, we derive a set of test cases that
satisfy the following criteria:
1. Test cases that reduce, by a count that is greater than one, the number
of additional test cases that must be designed to achieve reasonable
testing, and
2. Test cases that tell us something about the presence or absence of
classes of errors, rather than errors associated only with the specific test
at hand.
The various Black Box Testing techniques are as follows:
a. Graph Based Testing
b. Equivalence Partitioning
c. Boundary Value Analysis
d. Comparison Testing
a. Graph Based Testing
The steps involved in graph based testing are as follows:
1. Identify the objects that are modeled in the software and the relationships
that connect these objects.
2. Create a graph – a collection of nodes that represent objects; links that
represent the relationships between objects; node weights that describe the
properties of a node like a specific data value or state behavior, and link
weights that describe some characteristic of a link.
3. Devise a series of tests that will cover the graph so that each object and
relationship is exercised and errors are uncovered.
b. Equivalence Partitioning
A technique in black box testing is equivalence partitioning.
Equivalence partitioning is designed to minimize the number of test cases by
dividing tests in such a way that the system is expected to act the same way for
all tests of each equivalence partition. Test inputs would be selected from each
Equivalence partitions are designed so that every possible input belongs to one
and only one equivalence partition.
Equivalence classes may be defined according to the following guidelines:
1. If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and two invalid
equivalence classes are defined.
2. If an input condition requires a specific value, one valid and two
invalid equivalence classes are defined.
3. If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one valid and one
invalid equivalence class are defined.
4. If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid class are
• Doesn't test every input
• No guidelines for choosing inputs
• Heuristic based
• very limited focus
c. Boundary value analysis (BVA)
Boundary value analysis is a technique of black box testing in which
input values at the boundaries of the input domain are tested. It has been
widely recognized that input values at the extreme ends of, and just outside of,
input domains tend to cause errors in system functionality. BVA is a test case
design technique that leads to a selection of test cases that exercise bounding
values. This technique complements the equivalence partitioning method. It has
been observed that most programs that work correctly for a set of values in an
equivalence class, fail on some special values. These values often lie on the
boundary of the equivalence class. Test cases that have values on the
boundaries of equivalence classes are therefore likely to be “high yield” test
cases. Selecting such test cases is the aim of BVA.
Boundary value analysis is an excellent way to catch common user input errors
which can interrupt proper program functionality.
Boundary value analysis complements the technique of equivalence
Guidelines for BVA area as follows:
1. If an input condition specifies a range bounded by values a and b,
test cases should be designed with values a and b, just above and
just below a and b, respectively.
2. If an input condition specifies a number of values, test cases should
be developed that exercise the maximum and minimum numbers.
Values just above and below maximum and minimum are also tested.
3. Guidelines 1 and 2 are applied to output conditions.
4. If internal program data structures have prescribed boundaries, be
certain to design a test case to exercise the data structure at its
Some of the advantages of boundary value analysis are:
• Very good at exposing potential user interface/user input problems
• Very clear guidelines on determining test cases
• Very small set of test cases generated
Disadvantages to boundary value analysis:
• Does not test all possible inputs
• Does not test dependencies between combinations of inputs
d. Comparison Testing
Using lessons learned from redundant systems, researchers have
suggested that independent versions of software be developed for critical
applications, even when only a single version will be used in the delivered
computer based system. These independent versions form the basis of black
box testing technique called comparison testing or back-to-back testing.
When multiple implementations of the same specification have been
produced, test cases designed using other black box techniques are provided as
input t o each version of the software. If the output from each version is the
same, it is assumed that all implementations are correct. If the output is
different, each of the applications is investigated to determine if a defect in one
or more versions is more responsible for the difference. Mostly comparison is
done using automated tools.
Comparison testing is not foolproof. If the specification from which all
versions have been developed is itself is in error, then all versions will likely
reflect the error. Also, if each of the independent versions produces identical
but incorrect results, then comparison testing will fail to detect the error.
8.7.1. Smoke testing
A sub-set of the black box test is the smoke test. A smoke test is a
cursory examination of all of the basic components of a software system to
ensure that they work. Typically, smoke testing is conducted immediately after
a software build is made. The term comes from electrical engineering, where in
order to test electronic equipment, power is applied and the tester ensures that
the product does not spark or smoke.
As computer software has become more complex, the need for specialized
testing approaches has also grown.
a. Testing GUIs
Although the creation of the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) has become less
time consuming, the design and execution of test cases is more difficult. The
following questions can serve as a guideline for creating a series of generic tests
for GUIs:
For Windows:
Questions relating to the opening, resizing, moving, scrolling, and closing
of windows, functionality of windows, multitasking, etc. are some of the
few questions.
For pull-down menus and mouse operations:
Questions relating to the menu bar, menu functions, pull down menus,
mouse operations with regard to menus, etc. need to be considered while
designing tests.
Data entry:
Questions relating to modes of data entry, proper echoing of data entry,
recognition of valid/invalid data, input messages, etc. may be used in
designing test cases.
b. Testing of Client/Server Architectures
The distributed nature of client/server environments, the performance
issues associated with transaction processing, the complexities of network
communication, the need to service multiple clients from a centralized database,
and the coordination requirements imposed on the server all combine to make
testing of Client/Server architectures more difficult.
c. Testing Documentation & Help Facilities
Documentation testing should be a meaningful part of every software test
plan as errors in documentation are more frustrating. Documentation testing
can be approached in two phases:
1. First Phase - a formal technical review examines the document for
editorial clarity.
2. Second Phase - live test, uses the documentation in conjunction with the
use of the actual program.
Live test for documentation can be approached using black-box testing
methods. For instance, Graph based testing can be used to describe the use of
the program, Equivalence partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis can be
used to define various classes of input and associated interactions. Several
questions relating to the documentation, terminology used, guidance provided
for understanding error messages and easy troubleshooting, etc. have to be
answered. This can be accomplished by having an independent third party test
the documentation in the context of program usage.
d. Testing for Real Time Systems
In many real-time applications, in addition to designing white and black
box test cases, the test case designer must also consider event handling, the
timing of data, and the parallelism of the tasks that handle the data. Most real-
time systems process interrupts. Therefore, testing the handling of these
Boolean events is essential and is done using the State Transition Diagram and
the Control Specification.
An overall four-step strategy for design of test cases for real-time systems
is as follows:
1. Task Testing: White box and Black box tests are designed and
executed for each task. Each task is executed independently during
these tests. Task testing uncovers errors in logic and function, but will
not uncover timing or behavioral errors.
2. Behavioral Testing: Events such as interrupts, control signals, data
are categorized for testing. Each of these events is tested individually
and the behavior of the executable system is examined to detect errors
that occur as a consequence of processing associated with these events.
The behavior of the system model and the executable software can be
compared for conformance. Once each class of events has been tested,
events are presented to the system in a random order and with random
frequency. The behavior of the software is examined to detect behavior
3. Intertask Testing: Asynchronous tasks that are known to
communicate with one another are tested with different data rates and
processing load to determine if inter-task synchronization errors will
occur. Also, tasks that communicate via a message queue or data store
are tested to uncover errors in the sizing of data storage areas.
4. System Testing: Software and hardware are integrated, and a full range
of system tests is conducted so as to uncover errors at
hardware/software interface.
If programming language semantics are formally defined, it is possible to
consider a program as a mathematical object.
Using mathematical techniques, it is possible to demonstrate the
correspondence between a program and a formal specification of that
Program is proved to be correct with respect to its specification.
Formal verification may reduce testing costs; it cannot replace testing as
a means of system validation.
Techniques for proving program correctness and axiomatic approaches
Although each debugging experience is unique, certain general principles can
be applied in debugging. This section particularly addresses debugging software,
although many of these principles can also be applied to debugging hardware.
The basic steps in debugging are:
• Recognize that a bug exists
• Isolate the source of the bug
• Identify the cause of the bug
• Determine a fix for the bug
• Apply the fix and test it
Execution of cases
Test Results
Additional Suspected
test causes
Regression Identified
Tests causes
The debugging process begins with the execution of the test case. Results
are assessed and a lack of correspondence between expected and actual result
is encountered. In many cases, the non-corresponding data is found to be a
symptom of an underlying cause as yet hidden. The debugging process
attempts to match symptom with cause, thereby leading to error correction.
Characteristics of bugs ([Cheung 1990])
1. The symptom and the cause may be geographically remote. That is, the
symptom may appear in one part of a program, while the cause may
actually be located at a site that is far removed. Highly coupled program
structures exacerbate this situation.
2. The symptom may disappear (temporarily) when another error is
3. The symptom may actually be caused by non-errors (e.g., round-off
4. The symptom may be caused by human error that is not easily traced.
5. The symptom may be a result of timing problems, rather than processing
6. It may be difficult to accurately reproduce input conditions (e.g., a real-
time application in which input ordering is indeterminate).
7. The symptom may be intermittent. This is particularly common in
embedded systems that couple hardware and software.
8. The symptom may be due to causes that are distributed across a number
of tasks running on different processors.
The debugging process will always have one of two outcomes:
(1) The cause will be found, corrected, or removed, or
(2) The cause will not be found.
In general, three categories for debugging approaches are proposed:
Brute Force Approach
Backtracking Approach
Cause Elimination Approach
Each of the debugging approaches can be supplemented with debugging tools
such as debugging compliers, dynamic debugging aids, automatic test case
generators, memory dumps, and cross-reference maps.
a. Brute Force Approach
The brute force category of debugging is the most common method for
isolating the cause of an error. This method is generally the least efficient and is
used when everything else fails. A philosophy such as “let the computer find the
error” is used in this approach. Memory dumps are taken, run-time traces are
invoked, and the program is loaded with “write” statements, with the hope that
from the mass of information produced, we will find a clue that can lead us to
the cause of an error.
b. Back Tracking Approach
Debugging by backtracking involves working backward in the source
code from the point where the error was observed in an attempt to identify the
exact point where the error occurred. It may be necessary to run additional test
cases in order to collect more information. This approach can be used
successfully in small programs. The disadvantage with this approach is that if
the program is too large, then the potential backward paths may become
unmanageably large.
c. Cause Elimination Approach
Cause elimination approach is manifested by induction or deduction. This
approach proceeds as follows:
1. List possible causes for the observed failure by organizing the data
related to the error occurrence.
2. Devise a “cause hypothesis”.
3. Prove or disprove the hypothesis using the data.
4. Implement the appropriate corrections.
5. Verify the correction. Rerun the failure case to be sure that the fix
corrects the observed symptom.
6. What is the objective of unit testing?
7. Explain Control structure testing, Dataflow testing Loop testing and
Block box testing.
8. What is Equivalent partitioning?
9. Explain the boundary value analysis method?
10. Write a short notes on,
a. Comparison testing
b. Testing for real-time testing
11. Differentiate Verification and Validation?
12. What are the different structural testing methods? Explain.
The purpose of testing is not only to prove that the code performs in accordance
with the design specifications, but to prove that it does not fail when subjected
to undefined inputs.
There are several types of testing. Unit testing tests one module of code for
correct inputs, outputs, and functionality. System testing tests all the modules
of a software system together. User acceptance testing is a form of systems
testing to see if not only the system works, but it meets the requirements of the
business user. Regression testing is testing performed after a system change
to make sure that all system features are still present after the change.
Debugging is the process of isolating and correcting the causes of known errors.
Debugging occurs as a consequence of successful testing. That is, when a test
case uncovers an error, debugging is the process that results in the removal of
the error. During debugging, we might encounter errors that range from mildly
annoying (e.g., an incorrect output format) to catastrophic (e.g., causing serious
economic or physical damage). As the consequences of an error increase, the
amount of pressure to find the cause also increases. Success at debugging
requires highly developed problem solving skills.
i. State few salient characteristics of modern testing tools.
ii. If you could only select three test case design methods to apply
during unit testing, what could they be and why?
i. Differentiate Static Testing and Dynamic Testing.
1. Hetzel W., The Complete Guide to Software Testing, QED Information
Sciences, 1984.
2. Myers G., The Art of Software Testing, Wiley, 1979
3. A.J. Albrecht and J.E. Gaffney, Jr, Software Function, Source Lines of
Code and Development Effort Prediction: A Software Science Validation,
IEEE Trans. Software Engineering. Vol. 9. 6:639-648, (1983)
Lesson 9: Software Maintenance
9.0.Aims and Objectives
9.2.Enhancing Maintainability during Development
9.3.Managerial Aspects of Software Maintenance
9.4.Software Configuration Management
9.5.Source Code Metrics
9.6.Other Maintenance Tools and Techniques
9.7.Review Questions
9.8.Let us Sum up
9.9.Lesson End Activities
9.10. Points for Discussion
9.11. References
• Preventive Maintenance or Reengineering
Only about 20% of all maintenance work is spent “fixing mistakes”. The
remaining 80% is spent adapting existing systems to changes in their external
environment, making enhancements requested by users, and reengineering an
application for future use.
1. Perfective maintenance means those changes demanded by the user or
the system programmer which improve the system in some way without
changing its functionality.
2. Adaptive maintenance is maintenance due to changes in the environment
of the program.
3. Corrective maintenance is the correction of undiscovered system errors.
4. The techniques involved in maintaining a software system are essentially
those used in building the system in the first place.
• New requirements must be formulated and validated,
• Components of the system must be redesigned and implemented
• Part or all of the system must be tested.
The techniques used in these activities are the same as those used during
5. There are no special technical tricks which should be applied to software
6. Large organizations devoted about 50% of their total programming effort
to maintaining existing systems.
• The program maintainer pays attention to the principles of information
hiding. For a long-lived system, it is quite possible that a set of changes
to a system may themselves have to be maintained. It is a characteristic
of any change that the original program structure is corrupted. The
greater the corruption, the less understandable the program becomes
and the more difficult it is to change. The program modifier should try,
as far as possible, to minimize effects on the program structure.
• One of the problems of managing maintenance is that maintenance has a
poor image among software engineers. It is seen as a less skilled process
than program development and, in many organizations, maintenance is
allocated to inexperienced staff. The end result of this negative image is
that maintenance costs are probably increased because staffs allocated
to the task are less skilled and experienced than those involved in system
Software Maintenance Characteristics
In order to understand the characteristics of S/W maintenance, the
following three points are considered.
1. Structured and unstructured maintenance- The actual flow of events that
occur as a result of a maintenance request is illustrated in the figure below. If
the only available element of a S/W configuration is source code. Maintenance
activity begins with the evaluation of the code, often complicated by poor
internal documentation. The delicate characteristics such as program
structure, global data structure, system interfaces, and performance and design
constraints are difficult to handle and are often misinterpreted. The amounts of
changes that are made to the code are difficult to assess. The Regression tests
are impossible to conduct since no record of testing exists.
Suppose, a complete configuration exists, the maintenance task begins
with an evaluation of the design documentation. Important structural,
performance and interface characteristics of the S/W are determined. The
impact of required modifications or the corrections are assessed, and an
approach is planned. The design is modified and reviewed. Now source code is
developed, the regression tests are conducted using information contained in
the test specification and the S/W is released again.
2. Maintenance Cost – The cost of S/W maintenance has increased steadily
during the past several years. One intangible cost of S/W maintenance is the
development opportunity that is postponed or lost since the available resources
must be channeled to maintenance tasks. Other intangible costs include:
1. Customer dissatisfaction when legitimate request for repair or modification
cannot be addressed in a timely manner.
2. Reduction in overall S/W quality as a result of changes that introduce latent
errors in the maintained S/W.
3. The upheaval caused during development efforts when the staff must be
pulled to work on a maintenance task.
The effort expended on maintenance may be divided into productive activities
and wheel spinning activity. The following expression provides a model of
maintenance effort.
M = p + Ke(c-d)
Where M = total effort expended on maintenance
P = Productive effort
K = An empirical constant
C= The measure of complexity that can be attributed to a lack of good
design and documentation.
d= The measure of the degree of familiarity with S/W
3. Problems Most of the problems associated with S/W maintenance can be
traced to deficiencies in the way was planned and developed. A lack of control
and discipline in S/W engineering development activities nearly always
translates into problems during S/W maintenance. The following are the
problems that can be associated with S/W maintenance.
It is often difficult or impossible to trace the evolution of the S/W through
many versions or releases. Changes are not adequately documented.
It is often difficult or impossible to trace the process through which S/W
was created.
It is difficult to understand someone else program.
Someone else is often not around to explain. Mobility among S/W personnel
is high. We cannot rely upon a personal explanation of S/W by the
developer when maintenance is required.
The documentation does not exist. The recognition that S/W must be
documented is a first step, but documentation must be understandable and
consistent with source code to be of any value.
Most of the S/W is not designed for change. Unless, a design method
accommodates change through concepts such as functional independence
or object classes, modifications to S/W are difficult and error prone.
The Maintenance has not been viewed as a glamorous work. Much of this
perception comes from the high frustration level associated with
maintenance work.
o Emphasize clarity and modularity as design criteria
o Design to ease likely enhancements
o Use standardized notations to document data flow, functions,
structure, and interconnections
o Observe the principles of information hiding, data abstraction, and
top-down hierarchical decomposition.
• Detailed Design Activities
o Use standardized notations to specify algorithms, data structures,
and procedure interface specifications.
o Specify side effects and exception handling for each routine
o Provide cross-reference directories
• Implementation Activities
o Use single entry, single exist constructs
o Use standard indentation of constructs
o Use simple, clear coding style
o Use symbolic constants to parameterize routines
o Provide margins on resources
o Provide standard documentation prologues for each routine
o Follow standard internal commenting guidelines.
• Other Activities
o Develop a maintenance guide
o Develop a test suite
o Provide test suite documentation
Five steps for improving the motivation of maintenance staff
• Couple software objectives to organizational goals.
• Couple software maintenance rewards to organizational performance.
• Integrate software maintenance personnel into operational teams.
• Create a flexible perfective maintenance budget.
• Involve maintenance staff early in the software process during standards
preparation reviews and test preparation.
identically, but with controlled, incremental changes. Answering the question
will thus become a matter of comparing different results and of analysing their
differences. Traditional CM typically focused on controlled creation of relatively
simple products. Nowadays, implementators of SCM face the challenge of
dealing with relatively minor increments under their own control, in the context
of the complex system being developed.
The goals of SCM are generally:
• Configuration Identification- What code are we working with?
• Configuration Control- Controlling the release of a product and its
• Status Accounting- Recording and reporting the status of components.
• Review- Ensuring completeness and consistency among components.
• Build Management- Managing the process and tools used for builds.
• Process Management- Ensuring adherence to the organizations
development process.
• Environment Management- Managing the software and hardware that
host our system.
• Teamwork- Facilitate team interactions related to the process.
• Defect Tracking- making sure every defect has traceability back to the
9.4.2. Configuration management techniques
An important aspect of configuration management. A configuration item
is a unit of configuration that can be individually managed and versioned.
Typically, a configuration management system will control files, requirements,
or another definable unit. These units are managed with a combination of
process and tools to avoid the introduction of errors and to maintain high
quality results. The units themselves can be considered configuration items, or
they may be combined into an overall collection that is managed under the
same set of processes and tools.
From the perspective of the implementor of a change, the configuration
item is the "what" of the change. Altering a specific baseline version of a
configuration item creates a new version of the same configuration item, itself a
baseline. In examining the effect of a change, we first ask "what configuration
items are affected" and then proceed to "how have the configuration items been
affected". A release (itself a versioned entity) may consist of several
configuration items. The set of changes to each configuration item will appear
in the release notes, and the notes may contain specific headings for each
configuration item.
As well as participating in the implementation of a change and in the
management of a change, the listing and definition of each configuration item
may act as a common vocabulary across all groups connected to the product. It
should be defined at a level such that an individual involved with product
marketing and an individual at the coal face of implementation can agree to a
common definition when they use the name of the configuration item. Selection
and identification of configuration items for a particular project can be seen as
the first step in developing an overall architecture from the top down.
Configuration items, their versions and their changes form the basis of
any configuration audit.
Lehman's laws
1. The law of continuing change: A program that is used in a real-world
environment necessarily must change or become less and less useful in
that environment.
2. The law of increasing complexity: As an evolving program changes,
its structure becomes more complex unless active efforts are made to
avoid this phenomenon.
3. The law of large program evolution: Program evolution is a self-
regulating process and measurement of system attributes such as size,
time between releases, number of reported errors, etc., reveals
statistically significant trends and invariances.
4. The law of organizational stability: Over the lifetime of a program, the
rate of development of that program is approximately constant and
independent of the resources devoted to system development.
5. The law of conservation of familiarity: Over the lifetime of a system,
the incremental system change in each release is approximately
• The first law tells us that system maintenance is an inevitable process.
Fault repair is only part of the maintenance activity and that changing
system requirements will always mean that a system must be changed if
it is to remain useful. Thus, the constant theme of this text is that
software engineering should be concerned with producing systems whose
structure is such that the costs of change are minimized.
• The second law states that, as a system is changed, its structure is
degraded and additional costs, over and above those of simply
implementing the change, must be accepted if the structural degradation
is to be reversed. The maintenance process should perhaps include
explicit restructuring activities which are simply aimed at improving the
adaptability of the system. It suggests that program restructuring is an
appropriate process to apply.
• The third law suggests that large systems have a dynamic all of their own
and that is established at an early stage in the development process.
This dynamic determines the gross trends of the system maintenance
process and the particular decisions made by maintenance management
are overwhelmed by it. This law is a result of fundamental structural and
organizational effects.
• The fourth law suggests that most large programming projects work in
what he terms a 'saturated' state. That is, a change of resources or
staffing has imperceptible effects on the long-term evolution of the
• The fifth law is concerned with the change increments in each system
• Lehman's laws are really hypotheses and it is unfortunate that more
work has not been carried out to validate them. Nevertheless, they do
seem to be sensible and maintenance management should not attempt to
circumvent them but should use them as a basis for planning the
maintenance process. It may be that business considerations require
them to be ignored at any one time (say it is necessary to make several
major system changes). In itself, this is not impossible but management
should realize the likely consequences for future system change.
architecture (hardware and software) that supports them, or even by their
origin or cost. The taxonomy presented here uses function as a primary
Business process engineering tools:
By modeling the strategic information requirements of an organization,
business process engineering tools provide a 'meta-model' from which specific
information systems are derived. The primary objective for tools in this category
is to represent business data objects, their relationships, and how these data
objects flow between different business areas within a company.
Process modeling and management tools:
Process modeling tools (also called process technology tools) are used to
represent the key elements of a process so that it can be better understood.
Process management tools provide links to other tools that provide support to
define process activities.
Project planning tools:
Tools in this category include software project effort and cost estimation
tools and project scheduling tools. Project scheduling tools enable the manger
to define all project tasks, create a task network, represent task
interdependencies, and model the amount of parallelism possible for the project.
Risk analysis tools:
Risk analysis tools enable a project manager to build a risk table by
providing detailed guidance in the identification and analysis of risks.
Project management tools:
Tools in the category are often extensions to project planning tools and
are used to collect metrics that will ultimately provide an indication of software
product quality.
Requirements tracing tools:
The objective of requirements tracing tools is to provide a systematic
approach to the isolation of requirements, beginning with the customer request
for proposal or specification. The typical requirements tracing tool combines
human-interactive text evaluation with a database management system that
stores and categories each system requirement that is “parsed" from the
original specification.
Metrics and managements tools:
Metrics or measurement tools focus on process and product
characteristics. Management-oriented tools capture project specific metrics (e.g.,
LOC/person-month, defects per function point) that provide an overall
indication of productivity or quality. Technically oriented tools determine
technical metrics that provide greater insight into the quality of design or code.
Documentation tools:
Documentation production and desktop publishing tools support nearly
every aspect of software engineering and represent a substantial "leverage"
opportunity for all software developers. It is not unusual for a software
development organization to spend as much as 20 or 30 percent of all software
development effort on documentation.
Interface design and development tools are actually a tool kit of software
components (classes) such as menus, buttons, window structures, icons,
scrolling mechanisms, device drivers, and so forth.
Prototyping tools:
Prototyping tools such as screen printers enable a software engineer to
define screen layout rapidly for interactive applications. More sophisticated
CASE prototyping tools enable the creation of a data design, coupled with both
screen and report layouts.
Programming tools:
The programming tools category encompasses the compilers, editors, and
debuggers that are available to support most conventional and object–oriented
programming languages, graphical programming environments, application
generators, and database query languages reside within this category.
Web development tools:
The activities associated with web engineering are supported by a variety
of tools for Web Application development that assist in the generation of text,
graphics, forms, scripts, applets, and other elements of a Web page.
Integration and testing tools:
The testing tools categories are:
• Data acquisition - tools that acquire data to be used during testing.
• Static measurement - tools that analyze source code without
executing test cases.
• Dynamic measurement - tools that analyze source code during
• Simulation - tools that simulate functions of hardware or other
• Testing management - tools that assist in the planning, development,
and control of testing.
• Cross-functional tools - tools that cross the bounds of the preceding
Static analysis tools:
Static testing tools assist the software engineer in deriving test cases.
Three different types of static testing tools are used in the industry: code-based
testing tools, specialized testing languages, and requirements-based testing
tools. Code-based testing tools accept source code as input and perform a
number of analyses that result in the generation of test cases. Specialized
testing languages enable a software engineer to write detailed test specifications
that describe each test case and the logistics for its execution. Requirements-
based testing tools isolate specific user requirements and suggest test cases
that will exercise the requirements.
Dynamic analysis tools:
Dynamic testing tools interact with an executing program, checking path
coverage, testing assertions about the value of specific variables, and otherwise
incrementing the execution flow of the program. Dynamic tools can be either
intrusive or nonintrusive. An intrusive tool changes the software to be tested by
inserting probes. Nonintrusive tools use a separate hardware processor that
runs in parallel with the processor containing the program that is being tested.
Test management tools:
Test management tools are used to control and coordinates software
testing for each of the major testing steps. Tools in this category manage and
coordinate regression testing, perform comparisons that ascertain differences
between actual and expected output, and conduct batch testing of programs
with interactive human/computer interfaces. In addition to the functions noted,
many test management tools also serve as genetic test drivers. A test driver
reads one or more test cases from a testing file, formats the test data to conform
to the needs of the software under test, and then invokes the software to be
Client/server testing tools:
The C/S environment demands specialized testing tools that exercise the
graphical user interface and the network communications requirements for
client and server.
Reengineering tools:
The reengineering tools category can be subdivided into the following
1) Reverse engineering to specification tools - take source code as input
and generate graphical structural analysis and design models, where
-user lists, and other design information.
2) Code restructuring and analysis tools - analyze program syntax,
generate a control flow graph, and automatically generate a
structured program.
3) On-line system reengineering tools - are used to modify on-line
database systems.
These tools are limited to specific programming languages and require some
degree of interaction with the software engineer.
Check your progress
i. The __________________ is an activity that is applied throughout the S/W
engineering process
ii. A great deal of effort has been expended on developing metrics to measure the
_________ of source code.
iii. The workshop for software engineering is called an integrated project support
environment and the tool set that fills the workshop is called
Activity that modifies software to properly interface with a
changing environment (hardware and software).
o Perfective Maintenance
Activity for adding new capabilities, modifying existing
functions and making general enhancements.
This accounts for the majority of all effort expended on
o Preventive Maintenance
Activity which changes software to improve future
maintainability or reliability or to provide a better basis for
future enhancements.
Still relatively rare.
• Distribution of maintenance activities (based on a study of 487
software development organizations):
o Perfective: 50%
o Adaptive: 25%
o Corrective: 21%
o Others: 4%