Próxima Geração ITSM

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Next Generation ITSM

Making IT Service Management ready

for the digital age
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

Executive Summary 04

Traditional ITSM and the DevOps Approach 05

Agile Adoption and Implementation 06

Combination of ITSM Frameworks with Agile Methods 07

DevOps Concepts for ITSM Processes 08

NextGen ITSM Collaboration Model 11

Service Management Platform 14

Contacts & References 15

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Executive Summary

Process ITIL as only ITSM framework is no Application Management, Release and

longer sufficient to design a future Deployment Management should be
process map refined first

•• ITIL should be applied in combination •• Process refinement can be done central

with CMMI, COBIT, and the DevOps to effi- or decentral: Incident Management and
ciently support the digital transformation Problem Management should be adapt-
of an ITSM-based IT service process map ed centrally for all IT services whereas
Change Management and Release and
•• Processes, which are affected by a strong Deployment Management should be
customer interaction such as Incident adapted in line with the pace of the corre-
Management, Problem Management, sponding IT service

Collaboration ITIL in combination with DevOps leads become more agile, utilize Feedback
to better results in digital operating Loops, Service Delivery Teams, and Dev-
models Ops Engineers to empower collaboration
and continuous communication within a
•• It will become possible to identify and modern IT department
satisfy user needs early on, collaboration
will be improved and inefficiencies and •• Use DevOps tools like interactive mon-
information losses at process interfaces itoring in combination with ChatOps,
reduced cross-functional KPIs or automation to
make ITSM customer-centric and more
•• Traditional ITIL based organizations can agile
apply DevOps approaches and tools to

Integration Agile frameworks are helpful to should constantly refine the established
facilitate an enterprise adoption interface between business and IT (e.g.
for implementing new role concepts)
•• On ITIL based ITSM organization can
improve their implemented processes •• In case new processes or parts of existing
by utilizing agile methods like SCRUM or processes are implemented, it is highly
by applying selected concepts out of the recommendable to use an iterative imple-
DevOps approach mentation approach (e.g. based on use
cases). This will help to reduce complexity
•• Companies that have already started and strengthen the feedback loop to the
their digital transformation journey customer

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

DevOps emphasizes people and

culture and seeks to improve
collaboration between IT operations
and development teams
Fig. 1 – The next evolutionary stages of ITSM

Fast IT Stage 3: DevOps Enterprise

• Move from a silo approach to a high-trust
culture (ability to fail without blame)
• Improved customer experience and design
through stable services

Stage 2: Agile Evolution

• More likely to exceed profitability,
market share, and productivity goals
• Proactive consideration of customer feedback
Pace of the through feedback and feed-forward loops
IT Organization Agile ITSM

Stage 1: Status Quo

• Manual, resource intensive and siloed
processes, inefficient hand-offs, lack of visibility
and auditability
Classic ITSM • Demand for faster, more frequent and
predictable releases

Classic IT

low Agile mode high

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Agile frameworks are helpful to

facilitate an enterprise adoption and
essential for an agile construct like a
DevOps enterprise
Fig. 2 – Barriers and foundations of an agile adoption

Potential barriers of Relevant foundations

an agile adoption: of an agile adoption:

ITIL trained
task to the
and staff

Counter Use agile

intuitive behavior Agile frameworks
of losing the cultural (e.g. SAFe)
control about change to upscale
structure DevOps

planning of
a DevOps
ITIL vs. agile

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

The combination of ITIL with other

ITSM frameworks and agile methods
leads to a dynamic and flexible IT
service organization
•• How can ITIL support a dynamic and Fig. 3 – Agile ITSM Trend Radar
agile IT service organization and why
is this required at all? ITIL as a detailed Horizon >3: currently not in focus
and well established de-facto standard Horizon 3-2: might be relevant in a long term perspective
shows some gaps when it comes to its Horizon 2-1: might be relevant in a mid term perspective
Horizon 1-0: relevant in a short term perspective
agility and flexibility - e.g. its geared to the
waterfall approach, preferring sequential
processes rather than iterative ones.

•• How to bridge these gaps without the FitSM

neccesity to completely redesign ITIL
- which would be an enormous effort IT4IT Design Thinking
and clearly not sufficient - will be one CMMI
eTOM Kanban
question to answer. There are several
starting points: Combining ITIL with other ESM SAFe
COBIT Operating
ITSM frameworks such as COBIT or CMMI Models 1) Scrum
or applying agile methods like iterative Technology ITIL
Capability DevOps
process implementation and scaling up Model 2) Horizon
will lead to quick wins. 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

•• Following the “start small then scale ITSM Frameworks Agile Methods and Frameworks
up”-approach means to focus first on ITIL
processes which are strongly affected by
Deloitte Digital era Technology Operating Models
Deloitte Effectiveness Technology Capability Model
changing customer requirements (e.g.
incident management, change manage-
ment or application management). The
ITSM trend radar provides an indication
on the most relevant or critical ITSM
framework that should be assessed first
and which agile method can help to bring
agility in the design of a future IT service
process landscape.

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Traditional ITSM is based on ITIL

principles - future IT processes will
benefit from the quickness and
flexibility that DevOps brings
•• The common perceptions of ITIL and Fig. 4 – Synergies between ITIL and DevOps features
DevOps seem to contradict each other
on the first glance rather than illustrate ITIL DevOps
a perfect match: DevOps is agile, quick
and collaborative while ITIL’s strength lies
within the rigid and detailed definition of Consideration Focus on
processes, services and roles to manage of Usability Features
and avoid risks rather than to learn from E.g. availability, Quick realization
them. However, if evaluated carefully, scalability, of software
both frameworks complement each and security functionalities

•• While executing DevOps which focuses

on the realization of functional require-
ments (“features”), ITIL also ensures that
requirements like availability, scalability ITIL DevOps
and security are met by following proven
processes and using well established
metrics and KPIs. The almost rigid and in Focus on
detail described processes in ITIL even Focus on Delivery
Process Definition enables
create the basis for automation – you Automation of
Detailed description
cannot automate what has not been well testing and
of requirements,
described previously. deployment
processes, and roles

•• It is important to note that ITIL grants a

degree of flexibility too. The framework
often solely describes what shall be
done, but not how (example: KPIs). This
flexibility can be leveraged to make ITIL
more agile, customer-centric and even
customer-led by applying tools and
methods from DevOps.

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

DevOps complements ITIL with proven

approaches and modern collaboration
tools to enable a more agile ITSM
Fig. 5 – Adaptation of DevOps tools in ITIL

DevOps Tools

Cross-functional KPIs
Rather than separating Dev and Ops in Silos (or books), creating
conflicting infrastructure and service KPIs (e.g. uptime vs.
nt time-to-market), cross-functional and result oriented KPIs need to
prov be set up, making Dev and Ops equally responsible for them, e.g.
Im feature cycle time
Standardization and Automation

Focus on resource optimization for higher speed and agility


Service Trans through automation of testing, integration, and deployment,


n e.g. by usage of cloud provisioning tools

Dynamic and Interactive Monitoring

Dynamic and interactive kinds of monitoring, like ChatOps,

create a direct touchpoint between Dev, Ops, and the

Strategy customer. Thus problems can be identified, treated or
ce D

escalated directly where they emerge, e.g. dashboards

ti o


O Operational Feedback Loops

vic The customer voice needs to be heard where it matters: in the
development. This way, a higher customer satisfaction and
reduced ticket counts are achieved, e.g. by applying a net
promoter score

New Idea of Ticketing Systems

DevOps takes a leaner approach to ticketing tools. In-tool
processes needs to be streamlined and focus on benefits;
monitoring has to be automated and integrated with the
ticketing tool for faster responses, e.g. ServiceNow

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Communication between Dev, Ops,

and the customer is essential in
modern IT departments and can be
fostered by agile concepts
With the integration of Dev and Ops, the Loops which utilize (1) a common platform to a reduction of service disruptions,
customer voice is getting closer to the (such as ChatOps), (2) transparency and rapid reaction times to problems or new
developers who can react in a quick an integration and (3) organizational changes requirements, and a more efficient use of
effective way. One tool facilitating this idea to achieve continuous improvement of development resources.
is the concept of Operational Feedback processes, software, and services, leading

Fig. 6 – Operational Feedback Loops concept


2) Transparency & Integration:

All stakeholders know the E2E processes and
have access to relevant resources; e.g.
• Devs know business processes, and are
involved in testing early on
1) Tool: • Ops are involved in release planning
Dev, Ops, and the user are and development processes
collaborating on a common
platform (e.g. ChatOps). There is
continuous and synchronous
feedback and the customer
voice is heard where it matters.

3) Organization:
Dev & ops members are combined to
service delivery teams, facilitated by the
DevOps Engineer

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

DevOps helps ITIL to prepare ITSM

organizations for future IT challenges
by softening borders between
processes and roles
•• To soften borders between processes •• Within a matrix working mode, the DOE
and facilitate a cross-process working performs operational tasks in various
mode, the introduction of the DevOps processes along his services. In doing
Engineer (DOE) role – combining devel- so, entire processes are looked at from a
opment and operational know-how – service perspective and not as common-
secures the application of DevOps prin- ly applied, only from an isolated process
ciples across an entire service or service perspective, which uncovers inconsist-
bundle. encies across services and potentials to
improve efficiency.
•• Hereby, the DOE will not replace any ITIL
roles but will closely collaborate with
them. For example, while the Service
Owner’s job is the “initiation, transition
and ongoing maintenance and support of
a particular service”, the DOE’s responsi-
bility is much more operational.

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Fig. 7 – The DevOps Engineer within the IT Organization

Senior Responsible Services

Service Bundle 1: Service Bundle 2: Service Bundle n:

e.g. Telephoning e.g. Printing …

Service Manager (strat.) Service Manager (strat.) Service Manager (strat.)

Service Responsible (oper.) Service Responsible (oper.) Service Responsible (oper.)

SCRUM Master SCRUM Master SCRUM Master


Service Level
Service Level Manager

Management DevOps DevOps DevOps
Engineer 1 Engineer 2 Engineer n

Senior Responsible Processes

Process Owners


Technical (overarching)
Senior Responsible Architect
DevOps Topics

BU Customer BU Provider IT
Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

Agile process implementation allows

CIOs to refine their IT operating
model based on use cases and in
iterative steps
Fig. 8 – Agile Incident Management

Agile Incident Management (Example)

Detection and Classification and Investigation and Resolution and Incident

Recognition Initial Report Diagnosis Recovery Closure

End User Communication

Determining factors: Tab. 1 – Exemplary backlog

•• Process architecture: ITIL Theme Process Area Process Group User Story Priority Complexity

Service Incident Detection & As a user I want to 1 15

•• Amount of process groups: 6
Operation Recognition receive Incidents
over a Service
•• Backlog: centralized and prioritized
Cockpit where I
according to value expected and risk
can assign them
to the responsible
•• Backlog refinement is done by a defined
(change) board Service Incident Communication As a user I want to 3 5
Operation be able to access
•• Sprint process as known a Dashboard to
monitor the status
•• Result: lean but operationalized process of my reported
by defining use cases (e.g. password incident
reset) which is implemented end to end

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Drive digital transformation with the

ServiceNow platform to improve the
way teams work together in a modern
Fig. 9 – Enterprise Service Transformation with ServiceNow

Allow Cross-functional
• We manage large business
• We define cross-functional
operating models

Digitize & Automate Processes

• We create business value and
generate ideas in our Digital
Factory and ServiceNow
Creator Lab
• We provide industry insights as Deloitte
well as ServiceNow (process) Enterprise Service
best practices
Management Integrate Services and Assets
• We link business and technology
services to grant new insights and
discover opportunities
• We enable the automation of
technical services and asset
Enhance Customer Experience
• We create intuitive, user-centric
service portals
• We integrate self services and
knowledge databases Create Transparency and Insights
• We enhance decision making with
ServiceNow analytics
• We drive transparency and user-relevant
insights by creating tailored reports

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

Contacts &

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Interview partners

Prof. Dr. Olaf Resch Prof. Dr. Claudia Lemke

Berlin School of Economics and Law. Berlin School of Economics and Law.
Specialized in Business Rule Management, Specialized in Digital Transformation,
Business Intelligence, and IT-Management Business Process Management, Application
(especially ITIL and COBIT). Management, and IT Service Management.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolf Dipl.-Phys. Thorsten Pröhl

FH Aachen – University of Applied Science. Technische Universität (TU) Berlin. Specialized
Specialized in IT-Organization and in IT Service Management and ITIL, Cloud
Management (ITOM). Deputy CEO of the IT Service Mgmt., and Service Science,
Service Management Forum Germany e.V. Management and Engineering (SSME).

Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age

List of references
BMC (2017), ITIL and DevOps: Differences & Frameworks Working Together,
devops-lets-not-paper-over-the-differences/, accessed on June 2nd 2017.AXELOS (2016), ITIL® Misconceptions: “ITIL is
incompatible with other practices.”,
practices, accessed on June 2nd 2017. (2015), Why I Hate ITIL So Much,, accessed on June

2nd 2017.

Pink Elephant: “DevOps & ITSM: Defining Value From Two Sides Of The Same Coin”, 2014, Ontario, Canada.

TechTarget (2016), Meredith Courtemanche: “Tighten IT operations control with a DevOps feedback loop”, 2016-11-11,,
accessed on March2nd 2017.

DEVOPS.COM (2014), George V. Hulme: “ChatOps: Communicating at the speed of DevOps“, 2014-07-16, https://devops.
com/chatops-communicating-speed-devops/, accessed on February 18th 2017.

ITIL.ORG (2014), Alex Lichtenberger: “Disruptive Agile Service Management –Integrating Agile and ITSM“, http://blog.itil.
org/2014/07/allgemein/integrating-agile-and-itsm/, accessed on June 08th 2017.

IBM (2016), ITSM Solution Architect Council, Reference Architecture Series - 3. DevOps for ITSM,
DevOps_for_ITSM?lang=en, accessed on June 2nd 2017.

Forrester (2016), Build a fitter ITSM Practice,

RES121703, accessed on June 2nd 2017.

DEVOPS.COM (2015), Chris Riley: “Metrics for DevOps – Is your organization flying blind without metrics?“, https://devops.
com/metrics-devops/, accessed on June 08th 2017.

DEVOPS.COM (2014), Payal Chakravarty: “The DevOps Scorecard”,, accessed on

June 08th 2017.

Wauch/Meyer (2012), Agilität im IT-Servicemanagement – Ansätze für flexible Stabilität. HMD – Praxis der
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heft 288, 2012, S. 87-93.

TSO, ITIL Edition 2011 Service Design. 2011, p. 257, London.

Intland Software (2016), Eva Johnson: Agile, SAFe and DevOps – Replacing ITIL,
safe-implementation-of-agile-devops-replacing-itil/, accessed on November 02nd, 2017.

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses
Next Generation ITSM – Booklet | Making IT Service Management ready for the digital age


Gabor Vincze Andrea Diebold

Senior Consultant Senior Consultant
Technology, Strategy & Architecture Technology, Strategy & Architecture

Timur Tretner Benedikt Höller

Consultant Consultant
Technology, Strategy & Architecture Technology, Strategy & Architecture

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Issue 03/2018

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