Integrationhub SN
Integrationhub SN
Integrationhub SN
Build workflows in a familiar Easily connect workflow Create powerful and reusable
interface automations with Virtual custom spokes with Action
Agent Designer
Integration Hub is built into Flow Enable AI-powered self-service by With Action Designer, you can
Designer – so ServiceNow incorporating Integration Hub spokes create custom integrations for
developers, IT generalists, and no- differentiated use cases, and
built into Virtual Agent Designer to
package as spokes for re-use by
code builders can create digital automate common service requests anyone. Action Designer supports
workflows that integrate data and such as Citrix session resets. JavaScript, REST, SOAP, PowerShell,
automation actions with any SSH, and more. You can even copy
external system in one native Now and extend ServiceNow spokes.
Platform experience.
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