Faikhus Salmani Proposal Research
Faikhus Salmani Proposal Research
Faikhus Salmani Proposal Research
Language also cannot be separated from society, the relation between the
two of them are one unity. The study of language that related to society is called as
sociolinguistics, sociolinguistics is from the words: Socio and Linguistics. Socio
means social or related to society and Linguistics means the science of language. R
Wardhaugh (2010:16) says that sociolinguistics should involve everything from
considering “who speaks (or writes) what language (or what language variety) to
whom and when and to what end”. Many topics of sociolinguistic study, one of
them is language variations. In language variations devided into four categories.
They are dialect, social and regional dialects, registers, and style. One of the terms
of sociolinguistics is language style.
In any case, there are many podcast contents just now. In this thesis, a
podcast from Daddy Corbuzier on his YouTube channel was chosen by the
researcher as the main data of this analysis. Deotos Andreas Daddy Cahyani
Sunjoyo was well known as Daddy Corbuzier, the most popular mentalist who born
in December 29, 1967. Deddy Corbuzier starts his carrier as mentalist, he also
become a presenter and host in some of national TV Programs such as Hitam Putih,
World Record, Indonesia Mencari Bakat, The Next Mentalist, Big Deddy, Deddy's
Corner, and many others. In 2017 he was nobbled and appreciated by Panasonic
Globe Awards 2017 as Talk show Variety & Entertainment Presenter.
Right now, after retiring from any television program, Daddy Corbuzier was
focusing on his YouTube channel, his YouTube was popular especially about his
podcast content, even now he has 15,8 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
The researcher used Deddy Corbuzier podcast as the data because his podcast was
interactive and really good to discuss, moreover many interesting guests was invited
by Daddy to his podcast. One of podcast with Nadiem Makarim entitled “Kuliah
Tidak Penting (College is not Important)” was chosen by the researcher. Thus, this
podcast becomes an interesting object for this thesis.
The sentence above is Casual Style, Joos (1976) claim that language style
means the form of language that a speaker uses and it is characterized by a degree
of casualty. Casual style is used among friends, co-worker, or strangers when an
informal atmosphere. It is also desired such as the communication between your
family or friends in certain activities. Those happen in casual situation. Then, the
casual style mostly used in order to make the conversation more enjoyable.
From those theories and data, the researcher used qualitative method to
analyse the data. The researcher will categorize words in Daddy Corbuzier podcast
with Nadiem Makarim from five types of language style according Martin Joos.
Afterwards, the researcher analyses the function of language style used by them.
2. In what ways Daddy Corbuzier used the language style used by on his
podcast with Nadiem Makarim?
1.3. Objectives of the Problem
This study of language style provides some important knowledge that must
be considered by the reader to improve their knowledge level in a certain way. the
researcher will divide the significant contribution of this study into theoretical and
practical significance.
1.4.1. Theoretically
This analysis will be useful for the reader in understanding what the
language style is and what function of the use of language style, especially
that the language style also can be analysed and implemented in the podcast
1.4.2. Practically
This analysis can be advantageous to the reader as the references in
analysing the language style, especially to the English study program
students who are interested to sociolinguistics and its aspect.
This research focuses on analysing the type and function of the language
style used by Deddy Corbuzier on his podcast with Nadiem Makarin entitled
“Kuliah Tidak Penting (Collage is not Important)”. This analysis uses the theory
proposed by (Joos, 1976) for the language style. Then the other theory is proposed
by (Chaika, 1982) about the function of the use of language style. The researcher
hopes the analysis of the language style as the understanding reasons for using the
language in the text through an in-depth analysis.
This chapter of the literature review presents and discusses the general concepts
of language style and its kind, the language style function, the podcast, and the
previous studies. This theory is used by the researcher to analyse the data from
Corbuzier podcast with Nadiem Makarim entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College
is not Important)”. The following framework is explained by the researcher from
the basis of theories into this focuses of this study about language style.
Going together with this study, the researcher found some researches or
projects that nearly similar but different in focus and certainly different in data
This chapter consist the description of the methodology used for this analysis.
The researcher will present in detail such as the research design, data and source
data, the research instrument, data collection, and the technique of data analysis.
The data source this study is taken from Deddy Corbuzier’s YouTube podcast
channel with the title is “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important)” The
conversations between Deddy Corbuzier and Nadiem Makarim in the podcast
become as the source of data in completing this research.
This podcast was held on March 08, 2020 with the title “Kuliah Tidak Penting
(College is not Important) Data for this research was obtained through a video
downloaded from youtube.com with the link on
Research instrument is used to obtain the data of research and to collect data.
The researcher divided into two of research instrument: human instrument and non-
human instrument. The humas instrument is the researcher himself who analyzed,
selected, collected, and analyzed the data, and also show the result of the study.
And then, the non-human instrument such as laptop, mobile phone, internet which
the tool to help the researcher.
The data of this research has been collected by the reaseacher through
wacthing the video podcast. The videos could be only acessed in YouTube,
so it is necessery for the reseacher to rewatch the video without the internet
that is why the reaercher need to download the video first. The reseacher used
the Saveform.net as the website that help the researcher to download the
podcast video in YouTube.
2. Identified and classified the types of language styles were found in the
podcast video.
In this step, the researcher starts to identified and classified the types of the
language style and in what ways of language style used by Deddy Corbuzier
on his podcast with Nadiem Makarim.
After watching the videos clearly and classified the language style, the
reseacher continue to transcript the conversation between Deddy Corbuzier
and Nadiem Makarim, the researcher only trancript the conversation which
contains the language style.
In this study, the data is analyzed based on Miles and Hubberman (1994), the
activities of data analysis in qualitative design are done interactively and
continuously in each step of research until the finish. Four linked sub-processes are
applied in research; they are data collection, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing or verification. The process will describe in figure 3.1
Data collection is how the researcher collects the data. The researcher
collected the data by downloading one of podcast video in Deddy Corbuzier’s
YouTube Channel entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important). Then
the researcher watched several times and tried to understand the video interaction.
After the data was collected, the researcher transcribes the data in the video form
into written form.
3.5.4. Conclusion
It involves what the analyzed data mean and assessing the implications for
the question. In conclusion, the researcher made conclusion based on the data
obtained. The conclusion is in form of narration which consist a brief of summery.
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