Faikhus Salmani Proposal Research

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This introduction chapter consist of background of the study, statements of the

problems, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of
the study. This chapter mostly introduced the general understanding of what the
analysis of this thesis.

1.1. Background of the Study

In human life, language is a crucial element in communicating. People used

language to interact and respond to each other. By interacting and socializing with
other people, a person can be recognized by their existence through their
personality, background, character, origin, etc. Therefore, in daily life the use of
language among society bocomes the important part to express someone desire.
There are several forms of language communication, such as asking and requesting
something, sharing information, entertaining, discussion, and others. By language,
People can understand one another.

Sapir (1921:8) states that Language is a purely human and non-instinctive

method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of
voluntarily produced symbols. From the citation above, Sapir has introduced that
language is human needed. Without language, humans probably cannot
communicate and express their thought to one another. So, the use of language has
an important role in this human life.

Language also cannot be separated from society, the relation between the
two of them are one unity. The study of language that related to society is called as
sociolinguistics, sociolinguistics is from the words: Socio and Linguistics. Socio
means social or related to society and Linguistics means the science of language. R
Wardhaugh (2010:16) says that sociolinguistics should involve everything from
considering “who speaks (or writes) what language (or what language variety) to
whom and when and to what end”. Many topics of sociolinguistic study, one of
them is language variations. In language variations devided into four categories.
They are dialect, social and regional dialects, registers, and style. One of the terms
of sociolinguistics is language style.

Language style is the way of person’s style speaking or a variety

communication used by people in daily life, whether the situations in formal or
informal conditions. Furthermore, Meyerhoff (2006:27) claim that language style
also can describes the personality, mindset, and condition of human. The condition
of the humans who create the variation of language style. For example, someone
will communicate differently to strangers and their families, a client meeting
usually used consultative style, a conversation among friends usually used casual
language. However, language is really complex. In other hand, it is not enough to
understand the literal meaning of what the speaker said, but to apprehend the
context of situation and the context of culture is needed.

According to Ducrot & Todorov (1993:44), language style is the choice

among the other alternative in using language. It means that every human has their
own way and style in using language. That is why language style was often founded
whether in conversation in daily life or others media such as radio, television, social
media and many more.

Nowadays, the presence of YouTube as one of the social media platforms

become the most popular and the third most visited by people in the world (Alexa,
2011). YouTube is a platform of online communication that could connect people
around the world. Through the videos that shared by content creator, and people
could watch and give any response such by giving subscribe, like, and comment.
There are many contents or videos on YouTube, for example podcast, daily & travel
vlogs, tips and trick, tutorial of making something, beauty & make up, review &
unboxing, music, and gaming channel (Eric, 2020).

Therefore, YouTube’s contents will be interesting to be analysed and

investigated. That’s why the researcher used one of content in YouTube as the data,
such as podcast contents. The way of communication between two people or more
with an interesting topic given by the host to their special guest. Actually, podcast
is almost similar as talk show on television program. Related to the conversation
between the host and their special guest, this study was aimed to analyse the use of
language style and what function of language style has spoken by host and the

In any case, there are many podcast contents just now. In this thesis, a
podcast from Daddy Corbuzier on his YouTube channel was chosen by the
researcher as the main data of this analysis. Deotos Andreas Daddy Cahyani
Sunjoyo was well known as Daddy Corbuzier, the most popular mentalist who born
in December 29, 1967. Deddy Corbuzier starts his carrier as mentalist, he also
become a presenter and host in some of national TV Programs such as Hitam Putih,
World Record, Indonesia Mencari Bakat, The Next Mentalist, Big Deddy, Deddy's
Corner, and many others. In 2017 he was nobbled and appreciated by Panasonic
Globe Awards 2017 as Talk show Variety & Entertainment Presenter.

Right now, after retiring from any television program, Daddy Corbuzier was
focusing on his YouTube channel, his YouTube was popular especially about his
podcast content, even now he has 15,8 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
The researcher used Deddy Corbuzier podcast as the data because his podcast was
interactive and really good to discuss, moreover many interesting guests was invited
by Daddy to his podcast. One of podcast with Nadiem Makarim entitled “Kuliah
Tidak Penting (College is not Important)” was chosen by the researcher. Thus, this
podcast becomes an interesting object for this thesis.

Izar et al (2020) state that the communication will be understood if the

speaker and the partner of speech know the context of conversation clearly. The
conversation or dialogue below is the example of language style produced between
Daddy Corbuzier as the host and Nadiem Makarim as the special guest who was
invited to the podcast.
Deddy: Bro, gue suka dengan kata loe seperti itu, tapi gimana cara lo
merubah indonesia punya sistem seperti itu? (Bro, I like your words such
that, but how you change Indonesia to have such a system?)

The sentence above is Casual Style, Joos (1976) claim that language style
means the form of language that a speaker uses and it is characterized by a degree
of casualty. Casual style is used among friends, co-worker, or strangers when an
informal atmosphere. It is also desired such as the communication between your
family or friends in certain activities. Those happen in casual situation. Then, the
casual style mostly used in order to make the conversation more enjoyable.

As the data taken from YouTube of Deddy Corbuzier channel, the

researcher needs to transcribe the conversation among the host and the guest from
video form into textual form. This data is analysed using language style based on
Martin Joos’s theory, Language style divided into five styles such as frozen style,
formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. The researcher also
rewatch the podcast and collect enough data to get valid analysis (Joos, 1976).

Basically, language style has a relation with communication. The researcher

concern with a podcast content as data of the thesis. A podcast is one of media
communication that presenting social reality. Moreover, a podcast conversation is
not on the text, but it happens naturally between the host and the guests. Inside the
purpose of this research. The researcher wants to know and analyse the language
style in a podcast conversation between Deddy Corbuzier and Nadiem Makarim
entitled “Kuliah tidak Penting (College is not Important).

From those theories and data, the researcher used qualitative method to
analyse the data. The researcher will categorize words in Daddy Corbuzier podcast
with Nadiem Makarim from five types of language style according Martin Joos.
Afterwards, the researcher analyses the function of language style used by them.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of study description above, this statement of

problem is conducted to find out the main problems as follows:

1. What kinds of language style is used by Daddy Corbuzier on his podcast

with Nadiem Makarim?

2. In what ways Daddy Corbuzier used the language style used by on his
podcast with Nadiem Makarim?
1.3. Objectives of the Problem

Based on the statement of the problems, the researcher wants to accomplish

the problem that are described as follows: To know the type of language style based
on Martin Joos in Corbuzier Podcast. To identify in what ways each of the language
style that used by Daddy Corbuzier on his podcast with Nadiem Makarim

1.4. Significance of the Study

This study of language style provides some important knowledge that must
be considered by the reader to improve their knowledge level in a certain way. the
researcher will divide the significant contribution of this study into theoretical and
practical significance.

1.4.1. Theoretically
This analysis will be useful for the reader in understanding what the
language style is and what function of the use of language style, especially
that the language style also can be analysed and implemented in the podcast
1.4.2. Practically
This analysis can be advantageous to the reader as the references in
analysing the language style, especially to the English study program
students who are interested to sociolinguistics and its aspect.

1.5. The Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research focuses on analysing the type and function of the language
style used by Deddy Corbuzier on his podcast with Nadiem Makarin entitled
“Kuliah Tidak Penting (Collage is not Important)”. This analysis uses the theory
proposed by (Joos, 1976) for the language style. Then the other theory is proposed
by (Chaika, 1982) about the function of the use of language style. The researcher
hopes the analysis of the language style as the understanding reasons for using the
language in the text through an in-depth analysis.


This chapter of the literature review presents and discusses the general concepts
of language style and its kind, the language style function, the podcast, and the
previous studies. This theory is used by the researcher to analyse the data from
Corbuzier podcast with Nadiem Makarim entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College
is not Important)”. The following framework is explained by the researcher from
the basis of theories into this focuses of this study about language style.

2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.1.1. The Definition of Language
Many definitions of language, it is possible that a few of us has already
understood the basic definition of language. Most people think that language is
the term of grammar and communication rather than the major way people
express their feelings, identity, creativity, and thought from one to another.
Generally, there are three forms of language. First, spoken language, a
language that is produced directly articulate sound by the speaker to the
listener. Second, written language, a language that uses writing or text to
express the writer’s desire to the reader. Third, gesture language or silent
language, a language that uses body movement or things such as hands, eyes,
There are some definitions of language taken from some experts. Language
is purely human and not instinctive method of communications ideas, emotion
and desire through a system voluntarily produced symbol (Sapir, 1921:8)
Brown (2002:5) states that language is a system of arbitrary
conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a
given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. It is known
that Language is a communication tool that has a practical function and must
be owned by people who do social interaction with others. In general, humans
need language to communicate.
According to Hornby (2000:721) language is the system of communication
in speech and writing that used by people of particular country and the way of
expressing ideas and feeling using movement, symbol and sound. From the
quotation above, language related how the way people could express their
emotion and themselves. Language also has potential for developing the social
togetherness and successful communication if it used well. Otherwise, it will
be communication barrier if it used unwell.
2.1.2. Sociolinguistics
Language and society are one unity, between language and society cannot
be separated. A sociolinguistics as a study of the relationship between language
and society (Holmes, 2013:1). They are interested in multilingual
communication. The speaker uses his or her ability in another language, style,
or anything it served by the speaker, depending on the addressee in various
Another definition of sociolinguistics is from Wardhaugh & Fuller (2015:1)
state that “Sociolinguistics is the study of our everyday lives-how language
works in our casual conversations and the media we are exposed to, and the
presence of societal norms, policies, and laws”. It means sociolinguistics is not
only study between language and society in general aspect but the study of
sociolinguistics deeply concerns on how people could influence other people’s
Chaika (1982:2) described sociolinguistics is the study of ways people used
language in social interaction. Actually, Chaika’s statement regarding
sociolinguistic almost similar with Wardhough and Fuller. Both of them define
the point of the study of sociolinguistics used among the society. From these
statements above, the point of sociolinguistics is should be understood by
people, especially in the case of language variety and structure which occur
among society.
2.1.3. Language Style
Language dealing with social context often used by people to convey
feelings, emotion, thought, and information. However, there is a condition that
language has a potentially are not successful. Therefore, it is important to make
sure on certain aspect of language variation to achieve successful and
understandable communication. One of language variation is style. Missikova
(2003:16) states that language style is a way of speech and/or a kind of
utterance which is formed by means of conscious and intentional selection,
systematic patterning and implementation of linguistic and extra-linguistic
means with respect to the topic, situation, function, author’s intention and
content of an utterance.
According to Eckert & John (2001:1)) Style is the locus of the individual’s
internalization of broader social distributions of variation. A good style should
contain three elements, including honesty, courtesy and interesting. The
existence of language style not only used as the difference meaning but also as
the identity to the speaker who speak with that language style. There are also
different types of speech styles depending on the circumstances.
Style could be referred to the language habits of person. It could be between
one person to another person has different language style. For example, when
we talk about Deddy Corbuzier on his podcast, the language style used by
Deddy Corbuzier to some of his guests may be different. Style can be
interpreted as part or all of the language habits possessed by a person or group
of people at a time, or during a certain period of time. So, it could be concluded
that language style is all the language habits of a person or group of people in
how to say as their style.
2.1.4. Kind of Language Style
The analysis is focused on the context of situation. The researcher uses the
theory that purposed by Martin Joss, according to Joos (1976) there are five
styles of language: frozen style (oratorical style), a formal style, a consultative
style, a casual style, and intimate style the explanations of those styles as
follows: Frozen Style (oratorical style)
Frozen style is defined as the most formal style. It is usually happened in
very formal situations which consist of important or sacral moments such
as mosque, church, ritual, speeches, and some other occasions. Joos (1976)
in his book “Five Clocks” states that an oratorical style is used in public
speaking before a large audience; wording is carefully planned in advance,
intonation is somewhat exaggerated, and numerous rhetorical devices are
This style is more complexity in the preparation, it because frozen style
demands carefully preparation and planned by requiring high skill. People
who attend on the occasions mostly are high level person or an important
person but some of other occasion such as court and religion services are
attended by ordinary people. At least the occasion must be prepared so well
and used almost by the experts, professional speakers, lawyers, or even
religious leader.
(1) A religion lecture (Ceramah) in Mosque
(2) On this occasion I desire to preach on the title...... (Ridianto, 2018)
(2) The sentences such as “Yes Your Honour”, “Yes my Lord”, “I object…”,
and so on Formal Style
Formal style also called as deliberative style. it is one language style used
in situation where the speaker must be considered in the sentence structure,
pronunciation and word decisions, the speaker should be carefully of what
they spoke about. After all, the formal style is often used in classrooms,
tectonically meeting, graduation ceremony, formal speeches, and many
others. Joos (1976) in (Hamdany, 2017) this style is used in greeting
audiences, which allows listeners to be effective in a significant exchange
between speaker and listener. In general, it means the formal style happened
in formal situation which the conditions between the speaker and the hearer
are one way communication and no feedback from the hearer or the
In fact, formal style is designed to informed and the background
information of the text in complex sentence. This conversation occurs in
conversation between stranger, or the staff to Boss. Another characteristic
of this style is the speaker call the name with the addresser’s position or
(1) How are you Professor, nice to see you.
(2) The researcher decides to analyse the language styles Consultative Style
Consultative style is generally applied in the middle of situation, means
not to formal or not to casual. Based on Joos theory, (Chaer, 2004) described
this style which is often used in conducting business or discussion. It is such
kind of language used in the meeting, at school, or in the production
meeting. However, this style could be used either in formal or informal
According to Stebbins (2016:253) states that consultative involves two-
way participation; not overly formal but words are chosen with care. For
example, doctor-patient conversation, lawyer-client, and teacher-student.
The style of consultative is the conversation between two persons. While
one is speaking at intervals the others give short responses. The responses
such as: yes, no, right, mmm, great, I think so and very few others. It is
usually form of speech in a small group. Consultative is the style that often
used in daily conversation discussed so far.
(1) Teacher: Well student, don’t forget to do your homework and submit it
tomorrow. We’ll meet again in next meeting.
Students: Yes sir, thank you.
(2) Doctor: Are you feel better?
Patient: I feel better doctor. Casual Style
Appropriate to the name of casual style, this style happened in casual or
informal situations. The situations could be in conversation among friends,
family members, and someone who has ever known. Another characteristic
of this style is usually the sentences become shortened such as the use of
slangs, ellipses, and verbal formulas. Between consultative and casual style
can be distinguished. For example: “I believe that I find one” is consultative,
“I believe I can find one” is casual.
Based on Joos (1976) stated that the casual style is used for friends and
acquaintances in his book. This casual style lacks background information
and does not depend on audience participation. It means that casual style
used for relaxed situation such as with friends, family members, and
someone you have known before.
Furthermore, this style certainly not used for strangers. People could
interact directly by calling theirs’s nicknames rather than used the last name
or the substitute name. that is why casual style appropriate to the
conversation between our family or our friend, such as when you have
dinner with your big family and doing conversation there or even hangout
with friends outside.
(1) Jimmy: Hi dude, what’s up?
Sam: I’m great dude, what about you?
(2) Dian: You free tonight? I wanna go out. Intimate Style
Joos (1976) in his book “Five Clocks” states that an intimate style is
one characterized by complete absence of social inhibitions. Talk with
family, beloved ones, and very close friends, where you tend to reveal your
inner self, it is usually in an intimate style. Mostly intimate conversations
are labelled such as dear, sweetie, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or
other nicknames might be used in this situation.
One of the systematic features of intimate style based on joss called as
“extraction”. It is the speaker who extracts a minimum pattern from casual
style. For example: “Ready, Eng., and Cold”. This language could be
identified by the use of incomplete language, short words, and unclear
articulation. As Joos explained, style is characterized by a stable list of
words with private meanings shared only by a small group usually in a pair,
in family situation. The reason of the use intimate style to express the
feelings or emotion of the speaker. That is why the intimate conversation
between the speaker and the hearer are more comfortable.
(1) My son, you made me proud.
(2) Be careful honey.
(3) You have to believe me, Dear
2.1.5. The Factors of Using Language Style
Language often associated with society because language only uttered by
human, and human is a social creature. Human will communicate one another
in order not only to express their desire but also their social culture needed.
There are many factors that make someone utter language in many different
ways. The reason is caused by a condition of society has an impact to the
language. Language used in designed by some relevant factors suited to the
context. There are four component which influence someone’s language style
namely: The participant, The setting, The topic and The function. (Holmes,
2013). These factors have an important role for the speaker to decide the kinds
of language style they use in communication. The participant
The participant refers to the person who involved in a conversation.
These conversations at least consist of two people, they called as the speaker
and the listener. Between the two of them are connecting one another. It
means the participant are involve and uses a different style while in the in
the conversation. For instance, the conversation between the teacher and the
student will influence the use of language style. The setting
Setting can lead to different language styles regardless of the
personal relationship between participants (Holmes, 2001). The setting
refers to the physical and situational context where the conversation
happens. It means the place or the situation in the conversation becomes the
factor of the speaker uses a different language style. The setting place
between in classroom and outside classroom probably different. The topic
Topic refers to what is being talked about. The topic is important to
be guided in the conversation. This term is very influenced by someone to
speak in a different style because someone needs to match the style of
language and the topic. For example, the topic in planning holiday. The
speakers prefer to use informal style during the conversation. The function
A fluent communication can be marked when the speaker and the listener
could interact and response each other easily. Sometimes it is possible there is
a mistake or miss understanding between the two of them. The function of
language style present to make better understanding on many of language
variety around us. A functional of language style must be helpful in
understanding the language style itself. For instance, the function is lecturing
in a college. So, the style language will be different from the one who talks as
usual. A fourth of the factor are related to each other. They give significant
possibility in uttering their language in a different style.
2.1.6. Corbuzier Podcast
According to Wikipedia, Deodatus Andreas Deddy Cahyani Sunjoyo or
commonly known as Deddy Corbuzier is a popular mentalist in Indonesia. He
was born in Jakarta, December 28, 1976. Deddy started his professional career
as mentalist, no one doubt his skill ability as mentalist. He is one of magicians
who won the Marlin Award. His famous not only as the mentalist, but also as
the artist in some of television programs, he becomes an artist film and host in
several programs on television.
In mid-2013. Deddy started his YouTube Channels, his first videos or
contents mainly discuss about how creating a Deddy-style diet which called
“ODC” or “Obsessive Corbuzier Diet”. However, this technique was combined
with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), it is become well-liked in
Indonesia which can change the appearance of its body to become muscular
with low fat content.
After all. Many people now are not recognizing Deddy Corbuzier as
mentalist anymore, he is really popular since he uploads many of interesting
videos or contents on his YouTube channels. YouTube is more than an
entertainment platform which contains of many interesting videos but now
becomes a job which can earn much money. His fame on YouTube brings him
as YouTuber, he always uploads new videos through his YouTube channel.
Because of the content that he presented was very interesting and many
appreciations, he was nicknamed as “The Father of YouTube Indonesia”.
Deddy has several kinds of program on his YouTube channel such as "Me
Against the World", which contains his daily vlogs. "Body Science" contains
physical exercise and fitness tips based on Deddy Corbuzier’s style, "Motive"
which contains motivation for success, and the most interesting content
program is “Close the Door (Podcast Deddy Corbuzier)”.
In fact, the word “podcast” extremely becomes popular, especially a podcast
with an audio-visual concept. A podcast of Deddy Corbuzier becomes one of
the most popular podcasts in Indonesia. His podcast contains his conversation
with his special guests. Deddy has already invited many of public figures on
his podcast such as artists, youtuber, comedian, singer, even politician. One of
his podcasts entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important)” with
Nadiem Makarim as Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia which has
already reached 4,5 million viewers on his YouTube channel will be the main
data of this thesis.

2.2. Related Studies

Going together with this study, the researcher found some researches or
projects that nearly similar but different in focus and certainly different in data

First, the research belongs to Ridianto (2018) entitled Students' Perception on

Language Style Used by English Lecturers in The Classroom. That researcher also
focuses on analysing the students' perceptions of the language style used by a
lecturer in the classroom at STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh. Ridianto used
Martin Joos theory and descriptive qualitative method. The researcher on this
analysis uses the same theory with Ridianto’s research by Martin Joss. This theory
described that there are five types of language style; frozen style, formal style,
consultative style, casual style, intimate style. The different between the
researcher’s analysis and Ridianto’s research is the object data. Ridianto’s research
used the student’s perception and English lectures as the object data, otherwise, the
researcher object data is the podcast by Deddy Corbuzier
Second, Muthmainnah (2016) conducted language style of English
advertisement on television. Muthmainnah’s thesis used the theory by William
Wells. She used descriptive approach in analyzing the data, she also used note
taking as the instrument to find out more valid data. The result of his study shows
in personification style and Alliteration style, the creators of the advertisement
mostly used simple and interesting style to create beautiful sentence and to persuade
or influence the readers or viewers attention to use the products. Hidayat’s research
and the researcher thesis are different. The researcher on this analysis uses the
theory by Martin Joss, otherwise Hidayat’s research uses the theory from Mott
Theory which also will have different result.

The last thesis is “Language Styles in ‘Love Rosie’ Movie: A Sociolinguistic

Analysis” by Sipahutar (2018)From English Department faculty of Cultural Studies,
Sumatera Utara University. In her study, she is analysis an utterance in the movie,
she is used Martin Joos theory. In the movie she is found intimate style is dominant
type used by Iren. The thesis entitled “Language Styles in ‘Love Rosie’ Movie: A
Sociolinguistic Analysis” by Iren Yswara Sipahutar and the researcher’s thesis has
the similarity theory based on Martin Joss’ theory. However, between the Siti
Zulaekho’s thesis and the researcher’s thesis has the dissimilarity on the data. Siti
Zulaekho use movie as the data, otherwise the researcher use podcast as the data.

As conclusion in discussion of the theory language style, this study applies

the theory of language style that used by Deddy Corbuzier on his podcast, language
style can identify what the style of language that used often by the host or the


This chapter consist the description of the methodology used for this analysis.
The researcher will present in detail such as the research design, data and source
data, the research instrument, data collection, and the technique of data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

This analysis was conduct with qualitative method. Qualitative research is

concerned with structures and patterns, and how something is. The great advantage
of qualitative research is that enables us to compare relatively large numbers of
thing or people by using a comparatively easy index (Resinger, 2010). Therefore,
the consideration of using qualitative method based on the aims of the study at
findings the types of languages style and its function in Deddy Corbuzier’s
YouTube podcast channels. Furthermore, the study applied the descriptive
qualitative research because the form descriptive and to provide a complete and
detailed explanation. Nazir (2005) says, that descriptive method is a method of
research that makes the deccription of the situation of event or occurrence.

3.2. Source of Data and Data

The data source this study is taken from Deddy Corbuzier’s YouTube podcast
channel with the title is “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important)” The
conversations between Deddy Corbuzier and Nadiem Makarim in the podcast
become as the source of data in completing this research.

This podcast was held on March 08, 2020 with the title “Kuliah Tidak Penting
(College is not Important) Data for this research was obtained through a video
downloaded from youtube.com with the link on

3.3. Research Instrument

Research instrument is used to obtain the data of research and to collect data.
The researcher divided into two of research instrument: human instrument and non-
human instrument. The humas instrument is the researcher himself who analyzed,
selected, collected, and analyzed the data, and also show the result of the study.
And then, the non-human instrument such as laptop, mobile phone, internet which
the tool to help the researcher.

3.4. Data Collection

The data was collected by using the following ways:

1. Download and watched the podcast video in Deddy Corbuzier’s YouTube

Channel entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important).

The data of this research has been collected by the reaseacher through
wacthing the video podcast. The videos could be only acessed in YouTube,
so it is necessery for the reseacher to rewatch the video without the internet
that is why the reaercher need to download the video first. The reseacher used
the Saveform.net as the website that help the researcher to download the
podcast video in YouTube.

2. Identified and classified the types of language styles were found in the
podcast video.

In this step, the researcher starts to identified and classified the types of the
language style and in what ways of language style used by Deddy Corbuzier
on his podcast with Nadiem Makarim.

3. Transcript the video into text form

After watching the videos clearly and classified the language style, the
reseacher continue to transcript the conversation between Deddy Corbuzier
and Nadiem Makarim, the researcher only trancript the conversation which
contains the language style.

4. Coding the data.

To make the analysis easier, the writer used some codes to represent the data.
The following codes are:
01 : The number of data
00:00:00 – 00:00:00 : Hours, minutes and seconds of the existence of
language style used in Deddy Corbuzier Podcast
FZS : Frozen style
FS : Formal style
CLS : Consultative Style
CS : Casual style
IS : Intimate Style

No Types of Language Data Frequency


3.5. Data Analysis

In this study, the data is analyzed based on Miles and Hubberman (1994), the
activities of data analysis in qualitative design are done interactively and
continuously in each step of research until the finish. Four linked sub-processes are
applied in research; they are data collection, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing or verification. The process will describe in figure 3.1

Figure 3. 1 Miles & Hubberman's Interactive Data Analysis

3.5.1. Data Collection

Data collection is how the researcher collects the data. The researcher
collected the data by downloading one of podcast video in Deddy Corbuzier’s
YouTube Channel entitled “Kuliah Tidak Penting (College is not Important). Then
the researcher watched several times and tried to understand the video interaction.
After the data was collected, the researcher transcribes the data in the video form
into written form.

3.5.2. Data Reduction

It refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcription. The
researcher formed a group of data and classified the data based on the problem
statement. The researcher also bolding, italicizing, and underlining words or
sentences in the transcript in order to code the type of the language style.

3.5.3. Data Display

Data display goes a step beyond a reduction to provide organized information.

It can be extended of text, diagram, chart, or matrix providing a new way of
arranging and thinking about the more textually embedded data. In displaying the
data, the researcher simplifies the data in form of sentences and narrative by sort
the types of language.

3.5.4. Conclusion

It involves what the analyzed data mean and assessing the implications for
the question. In conclusion, the researcher made conclusion based on the data
obtained. The conclusion is in form of narration which consist a brief of summery.

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