Lineage Booklet V2 Single Pages
Lineage Booklet V2 Single Pages
Lineage Booklet V2 Single Pages
L ineage is a sole role playing game. You will chart the lives of
Monarchs and the history of the nation they rule.
A pen or pencil
You will be instructed to roll 2D6 (two, six-sided dice) when making
choices and selecting options from tables. For most tables, dice
should be rolled individually, so you have a first and second number.
To do this, you will record the lives of Monarchs and their children.
You will keep a family tree with the complete record of the royal line.
B egin with a single Monarch. Choose their name. Using the rules
set out in the following pages, determine:
Add their details to the family tree. In the official history write a
paragraph outlining their lives for the benefit of future generations.
Repeat the process for their heir. Following the royal bloodline down
through the generations, defining the complete history of this royal
family and the nation they lead.
In the course of the game you may add additional characters and map
your nation and its neighbours.
C onsider the kingdom the Monarch rules.
How it begins may be very different from how it ends. And every
kingdom comes to an end.
A royal house may fall simply because there are no more heirs to
take the throne. It may fall because of the actions or inaction of the
These events have instructions to change the score in each category. Each
category begins with a score of zero.
These scores will only ever increase. Once respect is lost, it cannot be
M onarchs live to be remembered. Not all are remembered fondly.
Roll 2D6 to determine who the Monarch married and how the
Monarch’s spouse is remembered by their people. Record them in the
family tree
Once a Monarch has been crowned, roll 2D6 to determine how many
children the Monarch had.
Roll 1D6 and subtract this number to determine how many lived long
enough to wield power. If the resulting number is zero or less than
zero, consider this to mean the Monarch has no surviving heirs.
For each potential heir, roll 1D6. Odd numbers indicate a male heir,
even numbers female. Alternatively, designate numbers to genders as
you see fit.
Give each potential heir a name. Record them on the family tree.
Historic events
T he events of our lives shape us.
A Monarch directs the destiny of their kingdom, but must also react
to the external forces that compel all mortals.
Events are set out in the following pages. Roll 2D6 to determine a
defining event which occurred during the Monarch’s life time. Roll at
least once, but as many times as you believe appropriate.
Consider the Monarch’s character and the world they live in to decide
their reaction. This reaction may be quickly forgotten, or help define
the kingdom’s path for generations to come.
Record the Monarch’s name, the events and the Monarch’s reaction in
the official history.
If any of these categories score eight or more at any time, you must roll
1D6 on the relevant category’s table below for every Monarch going
An assassination attempt is made on the Monarch’s life. They
narrowly survive…but the attempt could not have been made
without support from those close to the Monarch. (U+1)
Filled with rage and fear, the Monarch orders the gates of the
royal palace sealed shut before burning the whole thing to to the
ground, killing all within.
Peasants openly mock the Monarch. Children sing silly songs,
with the Monarch the butt of every joke (U+1)
Suddenly By a betrayal
Leprosy Crushed
Starvation Never found
Plague In a fire
Decapitated By an animal
If the Monarch has no siblings, look back farther to the siblings of the
previous Monarch. Each time, if an heir can be found they must be of
the current generation.
These distant princess, of course, were never intended to rule. The
family may have lost its way…
L aws of succession must be adhered to for the sake of stability.
The crown passes from parent to child.
Duncan James
The dice roll will summarise the life of the Prince or Princess. Some
are harmless eccentricities whilst others shift the nature of the royal
The lives and behaviours of the parents have an impact upon the life
choices made by their descendants. Consider this when recording what
choices a Monarch made.
Continue writing the royal family tree and recording the lives of the
Monarchs until the family is no more.
Until the old ways are forgotten and all that remains are names on paper.
W hat brought you here, to this quiet room filled with forgotten
parchments? What purpose does this list of people and events hold,
now that they are gone? Is it done through respect for an bygone era,
or as mockery, or as a warning?
Only the dead exist fully. The lives
of the living are fragmentary,
doubtful, and subject to change;
but the lives of the dead are
complete, free from the sway of
Time, the all but omnipotent lord
of the world. Their failures and
successes, their hopes and fears,
their joys and pains, have become
eternal—our efforts cannot now
abate one jot of them. Sorrows
long buried in the grave, tragedies
of which only a fading memory
remains, loves immortalised by
Death's hallowing touch these
have a power, a magic, an
untroubled calm, to which no
present can attain.
Bertrand Russell
A s royal historian it is your duty to maintain a
record of the lives of Kings & Queens, thus ensuring
the stability of the kingdom.