Beneath Harlowe House v1.0

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1.1 MAIN STAIRS: wide, main 1.5 OFFICES: twin offices, once A dungeon for use with Lowlife, by Sam Sorensen (@HeadOfTheGoat). 5.1 LADY’S ANTECHAMBER: 5.3 BREEDING PITS: pools of
passage both up and down. meant for heads of staff. circular chamber, open ceiling. coagulating bio-sludge.
 12 ft. of rubble blocks the • Large desks sit in each, PREMISE & HOOK  Goes up to 3.1 Central Shaft • The pits always churn. It
stairs up to the surface. papers covering their surfaces. Outside town, on the banks of the lake, sits the Old Harlowe House. and 4.1 Central Shaft. takes 24 hours for one human
 Same blocked stairs lead Investigating the documents Back in the old days they ran a rich mining company, but nobody’s seen ! 1d4 insect-people wait as body and 1,000 insects to
down to 2.1 Main Stairs. reveals a history of House Lady Harlowe in decades. Before she vanished, there were accusations sentries, watching the descent coalesce into an insect-person.
funds being strangely diverted of profane rituals and black magic, but nobody could prove anything. and snuffing fallen lights. ! 2d4 insect-people tend to the
1.2 KITCHEN: ashy and decayed. towards unknown expenses. Now, rumors swirl that the Lady still dwells somewhere beneath the pits and their spawn.
• Ancient foodstuffs lie rotting • A locked drawer contains a House, and—more critically—that she still holds a fortune in silver. 5.2 LADY’S BOWER: dripping,  M - choke: cave-chute up to
in cabinets and iceboxes. fifth of bastard’s moonshine. cold, slick, and reeking of filth. 4.2 Lower Warrens.
• Insects skitter out of sight. • All insects protect this room.
• 4d10 pieces of silverware can 1.6 LARDER: reeks of decay. THE EXTERIOR ENCOUNTERS ! Lady Harlowe sits atop a 5.4 RITUAL CHAMBER: glossy
be found, worth 1sp each. • Mountains of rotten food. The house is in ruins. Roll 2d6 + current level for carved silver throne. black stone and dripping water.
 A - choke: chimney, to surface. The stench is overpowering. Decaying, decrepit, mostly gone. encounters every hour, or when • A grotesque blend of • Carved glyph-stones stand in
• A sealed icebox holds a • The upper stories have the party makes a lot of noise. withered dowager and a circle. Blood and juices stain
1.3 DINING ROOM: long tables, thermos of lime butter. collapsed. Little remains. centipede-beast. the middle of the ring.
long benches. Heavy foul smell. ! Stinkdamp fills the room. • A brick chimney still stands. 2d6 ENCOUNTER • Swollen, twitching, and • Spells of bones to tools,
• A dozen corpses sit around  C - choke: hole beneath a meat (This leads to 1.2 Kitchen.) covered in thin pus. foulmouth, sludge form, the
the table, hands linked. pile leads to 2.2 Human Cells. • The main staircase down is 2–6 Nothing, luckily. • Attempts to convince the whispers, and way of worms
• Two empty wine bottles sit on filled with rubble. It could be party to convert their bodies can be transcribed from glyphs.
the table: careful investigation 1.7 WINE CELLAR: musty, cleared, with time. (This is the 7 Distant rattling & chittering. willingly before attacking. ! A harvest cherub lurks amidst
will reveal traces of poison. damp, and brutally pungent. top of 1.1 Main Stairs.) ! 2 harvest cherubim and 2d4 the stalactites.
• Barrels and bottles of wine 8 1d6 guttering lungers.
• The lake sits some 200 ft. insect-people attend her.  N - choke: a ceiling tunnel
1.4 DORMITORIES: once-neat, are everywhere, mostly broken. from the base of the house. 9 Swarm of 500 mason ants. leads to 4.5 Mine Storeroom.
now decrepit and mildewing. • 1d12 bottles of fine wine can be ! Enemies usually won’t chase LADY HARLOWE
• Six different rooms: three for scavenged, worth 10sp each. the party into open sunlight. 10 Random gas floods in. HD, HP, armor, attacks, climb, 5.5 TREASURE TROVE: Lady
women and three for men. • 2 100-gallon barrels are still and cave: as harvest cherub. Harlowe’s fabled silver stash.
11 Flash flood of dirty water.
• A half-finished letter details
Lady Harlowe’s increasingly
sealed, worth 2sp/gallon.
! 2d6 kingsbane caps grow in
VERTICAL MAP ƒ Casts charm person, sleep, • Sealed by a heavy stone slab.
Weighs north of 5,000 lbs.
12 2d4 insect-people. hold person, and foulmouth
strange and reclusive behavior. one corner in a ruined barrel. • Holds 200 + 6d10 silver bars,
• In one dorm, roll 1× loot.  D - squeeze: underneath the 13 Size 1d4 cave-in. as a 5th-level magician. each weighing 10 lbs. and
 B - squeeze: hole under a bed, ruined kingsbane barrel, to ƒ Immobile. Too bloated. valued at 200sp apiece.
to 2.6 Medical Library. 3.2 Upper Warrens. 14 Coal elemental.
15 4d4 insect-people.

passage leading upwards. looming, austere, and filthy. INSECT-PERSON open mine pit, going up and down. tunnels converge into a single cave.
 Stairs blocked by rubble lead • A huge metal slab sits in the HD 1 - HP 5 - armor as scale.  Goes up to 3.1 Central Shaft.  K - choke: narrow passage up
up to 1.1 Main Stairs. center, covered in dried blood. Cave: 5-in-6 - Climb: 5-in-6  Descends further down to to 3.4 Mason Ant Colony.
• Locked doors bar the entrance. • Medical tools lie everywhere. Mandibles: +1, 1d6. 5.1 Lady’s Antechamber. ! 10,000 mason ants live in the
! 4d4 bloodsucker puffballs ! 1d4 insect-people watch at the hive and colony.
2.2 HUMAN CELLS: four locked grow under the metal slab. bottom, and snuff fallen lights. ! A mason ant queen dwells
human-sized prison cells.
• Terrible conditions.
 G - choke: if the grate is
removed, the drain beneath the
within the central cave.
 Tiny tunnels go everywhere.
! 25% chance each cell houses a slab leads to 3.6 Dumping Pit. This dungeon assumes you have more winding mine tunnels. If you can fit in an arm-sized
guttering lunger, barely alive. Lowlife on hand. If you don’t, go • Damp and muddy. Boots slosh. tunnel, there are passages to
 C - choke: one cell has a ceiling 2.6 MEDICAL LIBRARY: once- get it now! Here’s where you can • Weakened supports. If any room on Levels 3, 4, and 5.
tunnel up to 1.6 Larder. rich shelves of texts, now rotting. find everything: damaged, size 1d6 cave-in.
 E - choke: a different cell has a • Experimental transplant • Equipment: pg. 2 ! 1d4 ghost canaries sing here. 4.5 MINE STOREROOM: many
hole to 3.2 Mine Warrens. surgery is a recurring topic. • Passage sizes: pg. 4 ! 50% chance that 1d6 iron cramped, dirty shelves and crates.
• 2d4 rare textbooks, worth 25sp • Rare items: pg. 21 agarics grow in each tunnel. • Locked doors. Reinforced.
2.3 OCCULT LIBRARY: shelves to the right buyer, can be found. • Spells: pg. 22–23 • Roll 4× loot, scattered about. ! Firedamp fills the room.
of grimoires and eerie materiel. • Roll 1× loot, under an old chair. • Hazards: pg. 24 • One passage has a set of oilskin • The shelves have 500 ft. of
• Fleshsmithing and alchemy  B - squeeze: above a shelf, • Flora: pg. 26 overalls and an air bladder. dynamic rope, 100 ft. of mine
are recurring topics. passage up to 1.4 Dormitories. • Fungi: pg. 27  I & J - squeezes: vertical shafts tracks, and a mine cart.
! A werebat lives here. Sleeps • Monsters: pg. 28–31 (except up to 3.2 Upper Warrens. • A locked crate holds 12 sticks
during the day, hunts at night. 2.7 ALCHEMY LABORATORY: for insect-people and Lady  M - choke: cave-chute down to of dynamite, 25 ft. of extra
• Scrolls of bones to tools, cloying scents; colorfully grimy. Harlowe herself—see above.) 5.3 Breeding Pits. fuse, six bags of black powder,
foulmouth, and sludge form • Locked doors. Sealed tight. • Loot rolls: use the Tunnel Rat and three tins of gelignite.
each can be found on the shelves. • Shattered glass all over. gear on pg. 33. 4.3 LAKEWARD SHAFT: long • A locked steel safe, 12” thick,
! Firedamp fills the room. There are lots of tunnels and tunnel growing steadily wetter. holds a singing holler-hammer.
2.4 ANIMAL CAGES: cells of • One shelf has two miner’s shafts beneath Harlowe House • Dammed floor-to-ceiling by • Roll 2× loot for the shelves.
various sizes, locks rusted shut. nosebags, and two bottles of already, but if you want to add 10 ft. of dense stone and earth.  F - crawl: vertical ascent to
• Different bones fill each cage. drainpipe pills. even more, try out the procedures If broken, flooding will begin. 2.4 Animal Cages.
Not to horizontal scale. on pg. 16–19.
Panther, hawk, alligator, so on. • A locked cabinet contains two • Two broken skeletons lie near  L - squeeze: tunnel up to
Some hold bone-combinations. bags of black powder. the dam, old tools in hand. 3.5 Locker Room.
 F - crawl: the largest cage has a  H - crawl: a trapdoor leads Use this as the backside of the pamphlet: flip it, then fold over each ! 1d4 dire hellbenders lounge in  N - choke: tunnel down into
hole to 4.5 Mine Storeroom. down to 3.6 Dumping Pit. column so you can see a level’s map and description next to each other. the shaft. They’re hungry. 5.4 Ritual Chamber.
5 ft. beneath the surface. 24 ft. beneath the deep mines. 75 ft. beneath the surface.
Wooden walls; brick ceiling; wooden floor. Dry, dusty, and decrepit. open mine pit, going deeper. web of tiny ant-filled tunnels. Stone walls; stone ceiling; stone floor. Dripping, echoing, and cold.
 Descends to 4.1 Central Shaft  K - choke: central passage
and 5.1 Lady’s Antechamber. leads to 4.4 Mason Ant Hive.
= 5 ft. ! 1d4 insect-people watch at the ! 90% chance of running into a
bottom, and snuff fallen lights. swarm of 500 mason ants.
3.2 UPPER WARRENS: maze 3.5 LOCKER ROOM: many old
of decrepit mining tunnels. lockers, benches, and shelves.
• Broken tools everywhere. • Locked door. The inside is
• A dozen skeletons lie within. covered in scratch marks.
! 1d4 ghost canaries sing here. ! 1d6 guttering lungers lurk
• Roll 4× loot, scattered about. within, plus 1d6 dead lungers.
 D - squeeze: one shaft has a • The shelves hold 2d6 sets of
tunnel up to 1.7 Wine Cellar. tunneling gear, old but solid.
 E - choke: another shaft has a • A lockbox holds 10 tins of
tunnel up to 2.6 Human Cells. drainpipe pills, still good.
 I & J - squeezes: vertical shafts • Roll 4× loot, stashed in lockers.
to 4.2 Lower Warrens.  L - squeeze: hidden under a
locker, to 4.5 Mine Storeroom.
3.3 ORE DEPOT: piled high with
rubble, ore, and unrefined metal. 3.6 DUMPING PIT: circular
• Two locked doors. Heavy. room. Overpowering rot. Warm.
• 2d6 thousand lbs. of coal sit in • Huge pile of carcasses and
a huge central pile, worth alchemical sludge fills the pit.
3sp / lb. to a mining company. ! Maw-moss grows on every
• 10d100 lbs. of unrefined silver available earthen surface.
ore lie amidst the coal. Worth ! 25% chance 1d4 insect-
25sp / lb to a mining company. people are sifting for organs.
! Blackdamp fills the room.  G - choke: shaft through a grate
! 25% chance that each time the to 2.5 Operating Theatre.
coal pile is disturbed, an angry  H - crawl: trapdoor-shaft up to
coal elemental emerges. 2.7 Alchemy Laboratory.

1 ft. beneath the basement. 15 ft. beneath the surface. 6 ft. beneath the sub-basement. 30 ft. beneath the surface. 8 ft. beneath the basement. 45 ft. beneath the surface.
Wooden walls; wooden ceiling; brick floor. Grimy and decayed. Substrate walls; subsoil ceiling; substrate floor. Old and weathered. Substrate walls; substrate ceiling; stone floor. Damp and earthy.

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