Combined Signed I Ms Manual
Combined Signed I Ms Manual
Combined Signed I Ms Manual
IMS Manual
(Based on ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018)
Issue – 04, Date – 11-01-2021
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 1.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Amendment Sheet Page 1 of 1
To ensure that each controlled copy of IMS Manual contains a complete record of amendments, this
amendment sheet should be updated with each set of revised / new section(s) / page(s) of the IMS Manual.
7 Support
7.1 Resources 7.1 7.1 7.1
7.1.1 N/a N/a 01
7.1.2 N/a N/a
7.1.3 Infrastructure 7.1.3 N/a N/a 01
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of 7.1.4 N/a N/a 01
7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources 7.1.5 9.1.1 9.1.1 02
7.1.6 Organisational Knowledge 7.1.6 N/a N/a 01
7.2 Competence 7.2 7.2 7.2 01
7.3 Awareness 7.3 7.3 7.3 01
7.4 Communication 7.4 7.4 7.4
7.4.1 7.4.1 03
7.4.2 7.4.2
7.4.3 7.4.3
Documented Information 7.5 7.5 7.5
General 7.5.1 7.5.1 7.5.1 05
7.5 Creating and Updating 7.5.2 7.5.2 7.5.2
Control of documented information 7.5.3 7.5.3 7.5.3
8 Operation
8.1a Operational planning and control 8.1 8.1 8.1.1 03
8.1b Eliminating aspects/ hazards and N/a 8.1 8.1.2
reducing EMS impact/ OH&S risks
8.2a Emergency preparedness and response N/A 8.2 8.2 02
8.2b Requirements for products and services 8.2 N/a N/a
8.2.1 N/a N/a
8.2.2 N/a N/a 01
8.2.3 N/a N/a
8.2.4 N/a N/a
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 1.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Contents Page 3 of 4
Responsibility & Authority of CMD, Directors and Company Secretary is established, implemented
and maintained by Company Secretary.
Corporate level Organisation chart is established, implemented and maintained by Industrial
Engineering department.
Corporate level Quality, EMS and OH&S objectives are maintained with Management Representative
and discussed during Corporate level MRM.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 1.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Abbreviations Page 1 of 1
CA Corrective Action
CD Control of Document
CEA Central Electricity Authority
C&MM Contracts & Material Management
CWC Central Water Commission
Dy. MR Deputy Management Representative
QMS Quality Management System
EMS Environmental Management System
OH&SMS Occupational Health & Safety Management System
EC External Communication
EPR Emergency, Preparedness & Response
EO Environment Objective
FH Functional Head
GOI Government of India
GOUP Government of Uttar Pradesh
CMD Chairman & Managing Director
D(T) Director (Technical)
D(P) Director (Personnel)
D(F) Director (Finance)
HOD Head of Department
I/c In-charge
IC Internal Communication
IA Internal Audit
CO THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
LR Legal Requirement
MR Management Representative
MRM Management Review Meeting
IMS Integrated Management System
MME Monitoring and Measuring Equipments
MOEF&CC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
MOP Ministry of Power
NC Non-Conformity
NCR Non-Conformance Report
NCS Non-Conforming Services
OCP Operational Control Procedure
THDCIL THDC India Limited
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 1.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Distribution List Page 1 of 1
Master Copy, Controlled copy and Un-controlled copy of this Manual is being issued as per
distribution list. All other employees who have official computer/ laptop will be provided with pdf
version of this document. The distribution, issue and amendment control will be exercised as per
procedure for control of documents. However any major change in scope, organization structure,
location etc, will be communicated to certification body for their reference and necessary action.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 2.0
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Introduction Page 1 of 2
This IMS Manual describes the Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Management
System followed by THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh, as a means of ensuring that the
products & services provided by the company meet the specified customer requirements and compliance
obligation and keeping all environmental aspects and Occupational hazards under control. The Management
System has been formulated on the basis of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
Scope of certification is “Providing Designs, Contracting, Quality Assurance, Consultancy & Support
Services to Hydro Power Projects / Hydro Power Plants and other related activities”, applicable to
operation of THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Ganga Bhawan, Pragatipuram, Bye-Pass Road,
Rishikesh –249 201 Uttarakhand.
In the entire documents of QMS, EMS & OH&SMS including this IMS Manual and Procedure Manuals of
different departments, wherever the term 'Corporation/Organisation' appears, it shall be deemed to imply
THDCIL Offices at Corporate Office Rishikesh.
The IMS Manual has many sections covering all the clause numbers of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and
ISO 45001:2018. All pages of each Section / Sub-Section of this IMS Manual carries the latest revision
number. Revision No ‘00’ has been given to first issue of the section. This manual is available only in
English Language.
The Management Representative is authorised by Chairman & Managing Director to carry out activities of
preparing, issuing, maintaining and updating this IMS Manual.
In the entire documents of QMS, EMS & OH&SMS including this IMS Manual and Procedure Manuals of
different departments, wherever the term 'MR' appears, it shall be deemed that it is a reference for MR (QMS
& EMS) and MR (OH&SMS).
The Master Copy does not bear the stamp of "CONTROLLED". Any additional copies of the Manual,
required for external agencies, are issued by the Management Representative and such copies of the
Manual issued are stamped "UNCONTROLLED" in red colour. These uncontrolled copies do not come
under the preview of document amendment procedure and are not used within the company.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office
Section No. 2.0
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Introduction Page 2 of 2
The IMS Manual is reviewed periodically (once in five years or whenever any major change in the system
takes place) by the Management Representative in consultation with the related Departmental Heads. No
revision is implemented unless the competent authority has approved it.
The Management Representative introduces each revision formally by issuing revised page(s)/ document
for each of the controlled copy as per the Distribution List. The revisions are indicated by the revision
number in each of the revised Sections and recorded in the amendment sheet supplied with the controlled
copies of the Manual. The initial edition is numbered as “00”.
The insertion of the additional / amended sections and the removal of the old sections in the individual
controlled copies as per the distribution list of the Manual is the responsibility of the person holding the
individual copy. All old sections so removed are returned to the Management Representative who ensures
that the same are destroyed.
The Management Representative will retain one copy of the earlier versions of the Section(s) revised in
archives for future reference.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 3.0
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Corporation Profile Page 1 of 4
THDC India Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Ministry of
Power, Government of India and registered as a Public Limited Company in Jul’88 under the
Companies Act, 1956. THDCIL was conferred ‘Mini Ratna–Category-I Status in Oct’2009 and up-
graded to Schedule ‘A’ PSU in Jul’2010 by the Govt. of India.
The Equity of Company was earlier shared between Govt. of India and GoUP in the ratio of 75:25.
Recently, the Share Purchase Agreement was executed between NTPC Limited and President of
India on25.03.2020, for acquisition of legal and beneficial ownership of equity held by the
President of India in THDC India Limited which represents 74.50% of the total paid up share
capital of THDCIL for an aggregate consideration of INR 7500 crore (Rupees Seven Thousand
Five Hundred Crore only).
THDCIL was constituted with the sole objective to develop, operate and maintain 2400 MW Tehri
Hydro Power Complex and other Hydro projects. The 2400 MW Tehri Hydro Power Complex
comprises of Tehri Dam & HPP (1000 MW), Koteshwar HEP (400 MW) and Tehri PSP (1000
The Corporation has successfully commissioned the Tehri Dam & HPP (1000 MW) Stage-I and
Koteshwar HEP (400 MW) during the Xth and XIth Plans respectively. 1000 MW Tehri PSP is
under construction and its1st Unit is anticipated to be commissioned by Dec’2022.
Tehri Project is a multipurpose Project providing power benefits to the Northern Region, Irrigation
benefits to Uttar Pradesh and Drinking Water benefits to UP and Delhi. Due to regulated releases
from the Tehri Storage Reservoir, the existing downstream hydro projects of the State are also
benefiting by way of augmentation in generation (200 MU annually) at no additional cost to them.
Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project (444 MW) funded by the World Bank is under
construction on river Alaknanda in Uttarakhand. An agreement was entered with World Bank for a
loan of an amount of US $ 648 Million. The 1st Unit of the project is anticipated to be
commissioned by Dec’-2023.
The 24 MW Dhukwan Small Hydro Electric Project on Betwa river in Distt. Jhansi (UP) has been
commissioned on 20.12.2019. PPA signed with UPPCL of Dhukwan Project has been approved
by Hon'ble UPERC during online hearing held on 13.05.2020. UPPCL vide letter no.-112/CE/PPA-
R, dtd. 05.06.2020, has consented the COD of Dhukwan SHEP at 00:00 Hrs on date 13.01.2020.
50 MW Solar Power Project in district Kasaragod, Kerala has been Commissioned &
Synchronized with the Grid on 31st Dec’2020.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 3.0
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Corporation Profile Page 2 of 4
Towards diversification of the company into other energy areas, THDCIL has been entrusted with a
coal based 1320 MW Khurja Super Thermal Power Station at Khurja in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
MoU was signed on 14.12.2013 with GoUP for transfer of 1200.84 acre of land to THDCIL. Ministry
of Coal has allotted Amelia Coal Mine in Madhya Pradesh on 29.08.2016 to THDCIL for Khurja
STPP. Devlopment of coal mine is under process.
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) accorded investment approval on 07.03.2019 for
Khurja Super Thermal Power Plant (STPP) in District Bulandshahar of Uttar Pradesh and Amelia
Coal Mine in District Singraulli, Madhya Pradesh at an estimated cost of Rs.11,089.42 crore and Rs.
1587.16 crore (Dec’2017 PL) respectively
Hon’ble Prime Minister inaugurated Khurja Super Thermal Power Project on 09.03.2019.
THDCIL has also diversified into conventional / non-conventional and renewable sources of energy
such as Solar and Wind as well as providing specialized consultancy services in Power Sector. 50
MW Wind Power Plant in Patan in Gujarat and 63 MW Wind Power Plant in Devbhumi Dwarka,
Gujarat have already been commissioned.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has also allotted THDCIL to develop around 2000 MW Ultra
Mega Renewable Energy Power Parks through SPV/JVC in the state of Uttar Pradesh and 1500
MW in Rajasthan. In Uttar Pradesh proposal for formation of JV Company has been approved by
UP cabinet on 16.06.2020. MoU between THDCIL and UPNEDA for formation of JV Company has
been signed on 06.08.2020.
Construction and Survey & Investigation activities in all Under Construction and Survey &
Investigation Projects were suspended from 22.03.2020 due to COVID19 Lock Down announced by
Govts. However, further in Compliance to MHA order dtd. 15.04.2020,construction activities have
been resumed from 20.04.2020 onward at sites with existing available resources and with following
all the guidelines issued by MoHFW regardingCOVID-19 Pandemic.
The Corporation has an authorized share capital of ` 4000 Cr. Paid up Capital of the Corporation is
` 3665.88 Cr as on 31.01.2021.The Corporation is consistently profit making company since the
commissioning of Tehri Dam & HPP in the year 2006-07. THDCIL’s Net Profit and Dividend
declared for the year to the share holders during last nine years is summarized as under:
Year 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20
Net Profit 711.23 778.74 1198.46 903.43
703.83 531.40 595.32 691.15 809.02
(` inCr.)
Dividend 212.0 - - 140.00 162.00 221.00 340.46 464.76 NIL
(` in Cr.)
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 3.0
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Date 11-01-2021
Corporation Profile Page 3 of 4
Due to poor liquidity position and need to plough back the profit for funding to ongoing Projects,
Company could not declare Dividend for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14.
THDCIL was conferred ‘Mini Ratna–Category-I’ status in Oct’2009 and upgraded to Schedule ‘A’
PSU in Jul’2010 by the Govt. of India.
Tehri Dam Project constructed and owned by THDCIL has won the prestigious award of
‘International Milestone Project’ of International Commission of Large Dams (ICOLD). Tehri Dam
Project has been adjudged by the Jury of Dam Experts as the International Milestone Project
considering the uniqueness of its design and construction features.
Koteshwar Hydro Electric Project (400 MW) of THDC India Limited has won the most prestigious
“PMI India 2012 Best Project of the Year Award”. The award has been conferred in recognition of
excellence and the outstanding performance by THDCIL in implementation of Koteshwar Hydro
Electric Project by applying best project management principles and techniques. Koteshwar HEP
has also won the most prestigious “5th CIDC Vishwakarma Award-2013”. Koteshwar project has
been adjudged winner in Category “Best Construction Project” among more than 70 submissions
from all sectors under this category. THDCIL has been conferred “Scope Meritorious Award for
Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsiveness” in the year 2012. THDC India Limited
received Third Prize of “Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award” on the occasion of Hindi Diwas on 14th
Sept’ 2015 from President for the F.Y. 2014-15. THDC India Limited has been conferred with the
Gold Trophy and a Citation under prestigious “SCOPE Award for Excellence” for outstanding
contribution to the Public Sector Management in the Institutional Category II (Mini Ratna I & II
PSEs)" on 11.04.2016 for the year 2013-14. THDCIL received SCOPE Meritorious Award for HR
Practices in 2014.
THDCIL has also received Gold Trophy for Innovation in Recruitment Strategy in 2017-18 and
prestigious Exceed HR Gold Award in 2018-19 for Training Excellence from Ek Kaam Desh Ke
Naam a renowned Non-Governmental Organization engaged in National and Social development.
THDCIL received “Award for Social Media for PR & Branding” by Public Relations Society of India
(PRSI) in its 40th All India Public Relations Conference held in Dec’2018 in Dehradun. THDCIL also
received CBIP award 2019 for best performing utility in Hydro Sector on 04.01.2019. THDCIL also
received CSR Innovation & Leadership Award 2019 by PHD Chamber, New Delhi.
THDCIL presently has a portfolio of 13projects totaling to an installed capacity of 5,539 MW under
various stages of implementation / development. In addition, a number of Projects are in the
business development stage.
Government of Maharashtra has entrusted two Pumped Storage Schemes (PSS) namely Malshej
Ghat (700 MW) and Humbarli (400 MW) to the Joint Venture of THDCIL & NPCIL for updation of
DPR and subsequent implementation by the Joint Venture of THDCIL & NPCIL, if found viable. DPR
for Malshej Ghat has been submitted and Implementation Agreement has to be signed with Govt. of
Maharastra. However, THDCIL has presently decided to take up the implementation of Malshej Ghat
PSS only.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 3.0
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Date 11-01-2021
Corporation Profile Page 4 of 4
Under India-Bhutan Co-operation in Hydro Power Sector development, MOP allotted two Projects
namely Sankosh Storage Project (2585 MW) for updation of DPR and Bunakha HEP (180 MW) for
updation of DPR as well as subsequent implementation on Intergovernmental Authority Model / JV
with Bhutanese PSUs.
THDCIL has obtained ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Quality Management System, ISO 14001-2015
Certification (Environment Management System), OHSAS 18001-2007 Certification of Occupational
Health, and Safety Management System (OHSAS) for Corporate Office, Tehri HPP, Tehri PSP,
KHEP, Dhukwan SHEP and Vishnugad Pipalkoti HEP and presently undergoing recertification and
upgradation for OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018 at all these locations.
Looking Ahead:
• With the commissioning of Tehri Dam & HPP (1000 MW) in 2006-07 and Koteshwar HEP (400
MW) in 2011-12, THDCIL has contributed 1000 MW and 400 MW of capacity addition during Xth
and XIth Plan respectively.
• THDCIL has added 113 MW during XIIth Plan (2012-2017) in the Capacity Addition Programme
with the commissioning of 50 MW Wind Power Project in Patan in Gujarat and 63 MW Wind Power
Plant in Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat.
** Out of 300 MW Renewable Energy Projects, 50 MW Solar Power Project in district Kasaragod,
Kerala has been Commissioned & Synchronized with the Grid on 31st Dec’2020.
• THDCIL is also pursuing with GoUK for allotment of two projects namely Bagoli HEP (72 MW) on
river Pindar and Urthing Sobla HEP (280 MW) on Dhauliganga River and exploring possibilities of
development of Hydro Electric Schemes in neighbouring countries viz. Bhutan, Nepal, etc.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 4.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Understanding the organisation and its Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 4.1, ISO 14001:2015 – 4.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 4.1)
Corporation has identified its external and internal issues those are relevant to its purpose and its strategic
direction and those affect its ability to achieve the intended results of its quality/ environmental management
These issues have been included in risk assessment and environmental aspect & impact assessment.
Following are the Internal and External issues/factors those could have an impact on QMS/EMS/OH&SMS:-
External issues/factors those can have an impact on QMS/EMS/OH&SMS (Refer Risk Management
Plan/ Environmental Aspect Register/ OH&S Hazard Register)
Legal, regulatory or statutory requirement, political, social
Environmental conditions like meteorological, geological, hydrological and ecological information.
Historic disaster information related to the Corporation location
Environmental monitoring data
Technological issues
Competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments
Internal issues/factors those can have an impact on QMS/EMS/OH&SMS (Refer Risk Management
Plan/ Environmental Aspect Register/ OH&S Hazard Register)
Policies, Objectives and strategies
Capacity and capability
Client requirements in the form of contracts
Management systems and standards
Values, Culture, Knowledge and performance of Corporation
Awareness & knowledge level of employee.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 4.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Understanding the needs and expectations Page 1 of 1
of interested parties
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 4.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 4.2 and ISO 45001:2018 – 4.2)
Corporation has identified the relevant interested parties (including workers) which can/ can be
affected by the organization activities, product and services. Interested parties are also part of the context in
which an organization operates and should be considered while organization is reviewing the context.
Corporation has also identified the needs and expectations of these interested parties including the
requirement related to compliance obligation. (Refer risk management plan/ environmental aspect register/
OH&S hazard register)
Each department in Corporate Office has also identified legal and regulatory requirements that are
mandatory for compliance along with details of voluntary commitments, (Refer procedure manual of each
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 4.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Determining the scope of QMS/EMS and Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 4.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 4.3 and ISO 45001:2018 – 4.3)
Scope of certification is “Providing Designs, Contracting, Quality Assurance, Consultancy & Support
Services to Hydro Power Projects / Hydro Power Plants and other related activities”, applicable to
operation of THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Ganga Bhawan, Pragatipuram, Bye-Pass Road,
Rishikesh –249 201 Uttarakhand.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 4.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
QMS, EMS, OH&S General Requirement Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 4.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 4.4 and ISO 45001:2018 – 4.4)
Corporation has established, documented and implemented this IMS Manual in accordance with its quality,
environmental and OH&S management system. While implementing these management systems, it is
ensured that the effectiveness of these systems are continually improved.
The Corporation:
a) has determined the processes needed for the quality management system and their application
throughout the Corporation and has also:
i. Determined Inputs required and outputs expected from these processes (As per
Annexure A of this manual for QMS Processes & their interaction, Refer Procedure
manual of concerned department for determining input and output for different
processes within department)
ii. Determined criteria and methods to ensure that both the operation and control of these
processes are effective (refer QMS procedures as described in procedure manual of
respective departments, EMS/OH&SMS OCPs, Emergency response program,
objectives & action plans).
iii. Ensured the availability of resources and information necessary to support the
operation and monitoring of these processes. The resources required are also
identified in the Management Review Meetings, other departmental meetings and
through other Corporation procedures/policies as required.
iv. Identified the main processes of OH&SMS and their interactions (refer Annexure B).
v. Identified the main processes of EMS and their interactions (refer Annexure C).
vi. Assigned the responsibility and authority for these processes (Refer Job allocation
within departments)
vii. Addressed the risks and opportunities as determined.
viii. Evaluated the processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these
processes achieve intended results.
ix. Improves the processes and quality management system.
To the extent possible the documented information is maintained to support these processes (Refer
individual procedure manuals)
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 5.1a
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Leadership and Commitment Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 5.1, ISO 14001:2015 – 5.1 and ISO 45001:2018 – 5.1)
Management of THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh, is totally committed to the
development and implementation of QMS, EMS and OH&SMS and to continually improving its
effectiveness. Top management along with all HODs has taken keen interest and is provided
necessary resources needed to develop integrated management system. Top management’s
commitment towards integrated management system is demonstrated by:
a) Taking responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of QMS, EMS and OH&SMS.
b) Ensuring that QMS, EMS and OH&SMS policy are established, communicated and are
compatible with the strategic direction and context of the organization.
c) Ensuring integration of QMS, EMS and O&SMS requirements into the Corporations business
d) Communicating the importance of effective QMS, EMS, OH&SMS and of conforming to the
QMS, EMS and OH&SMS requirements.
e) Ensuring that measurable objectives are established, communicated, understood and
maintained at all the levels and functions within the organization.
f) Ensuring that the QMS, EMS & OH&SMS achieves the intended outcomes.
g) Importance of meeting customers’ requirements is communicated within the Corporation
through regular interactions and training sessions.
h) Communicating information/ requirement of interested parties like CEA, MOP, CWC,
Promoters, Beneficiaries etc. to person working within and on behalf of the Corporation.
i) Ensuring that various statutory and regulatory requirements, as laid down by Pollution Control
Board, CWC, CEA, MOP, MOEF, GOI etc. are complied by Corporation.
j) Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the EMS and OH&S
management system.
k) Ensuring that process for consultation and participation is established and maintained;
l) Ensuring protection of workers from reprisals, when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and
m) Established Safety Committee and provide support in functioning and decision making (if
n) Management reviews are conducted at least once in six months.
o) Provision of resources for the effective implementation of IMS.
p) Promoting Continual Improvement.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 5.1b
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Leadership and Commitment Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 5.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a and ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Customer focus
For the purpose of implementation of quality management system, THDC INDIA LIMITED, Corporate
office has identified its customers, which are broadly classified in two categories.
1. Primary Customer – All power Corporations and plants of THDC INDIA LIMITED
2. Secondary Customer – All beneficiary States
3. Internal Customers – Different departments who enjoy services of various departments at
Corporate Office, for eg. All personnel are internal customers of Finance, P&A.
Apart from these external customers, there are many departments who provide their services to
internal departments and all these service recipients (department or individual) are considered to be
customer for service providing departments. The services of these service departments are
controlled as per respective procedure manual. OMS deptt. at Corporate has developed a procedure
for obtaining online customer feedback (internal) on six monthly basis. The feedback rating of the
individual deptts. will be informed by the OMS deptt. for necessary action.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 5.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 01-09-2017
Quality, Environment and OH&S Policy Page 1 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 5.2, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Quality Policy
Committed to continuously strive for becoming a major global player in power
sector through quality, cost-effective planning, investigation, design,
implementation and operation of Power Corporations by adopting state of art
technology for achieving excellence in engineering with responsive social,
environmental and safety consciousness, complying all applicable
requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction by way of training, team
work and continual improvement in Quality Management System.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 5.2, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Top management has established a environmental policy for the organization which:
a) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organsiation including nature, scale and
environmental impacts of its activities, products and services,
b) provides a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets,
c) includes a commitment to the protection of the environment including prevention of pollution and
other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organization and,
d) includes a commitment to comply it compliance obligations,
e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the environmental management system to
enhance environmental performance
f) is communicated within the organisation and
g) is available to interested parties.
Environmental Policy
We are committed to provide sustainable power with commitment for protection of environment,
including prevention of pollution and other relevant applicable commitments.
We aim to achieve continual improvement in Environmental Management System to enhance
environmental performance by setting objectives, reviewing progress and communicating results.
For reduction of our environmental footprints, we shall-
Comply with applicable legal requirements, laws, regulations and follow best practices;
Communicate our Environment Policy to all our stakeholders, including our employees;
Facilitate our employees, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and consultants to fulfill their
environmental obligations with respect to our business operations & activities;
Strive to conserve resources, reduce waste and mitigate environmental risks that may be
associated with our activities;
Review and continually improve environmental management systems in line with ISO 14001
and integrate the same into our business processes.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – 5.2)
Top management has established a environmental policy for the organization which:
a. is appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organization;
b. includes a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work
related injury and ill health;
c. provides a framework for setting OH&S objectives;
d. Includes a commitment to fulfill legal requirements and other requirements;
e. includes a commitment to continual improvement of OH&S management system;
f. includes a commitment to consultation and participation of workers’ representatives;
g. is communicated within the organization;
h. is available to interested parties.
i. is relevant and appropriate (reviewed during Corporate level MRM).
OH&S Policy
We are committed to ensure health and safety of our employees as well as employees of
contractors, sub-contractors and consultants.
We are committed to:-
Fulfiil applicable legal requirements, laws, regulations and best practices.
Eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
Consultations and participation of workers and workers’ representative.
We shall conduct our business in a safe and socially responsible manner.
We shall-
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 5.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 5.3, ISO 45001:2018 – 5.3)
Top management has defined responsibility, authority and interrelation of personnel, who manage,
perform and verify work-affecting product / services offered by Corporation. The organization chart
(Corporation level) is maintained with Industrial Engineering department; same is also available with
Management Representative. The responsibilities of CMD, Directors and Company Secretary are
defined, documented and maintained with Company Secretary. The departmental organization chart
and responsibilities of all other personnel are available with respective nodal officers and is deemed
to be latest. Responsibilities and authorities are maintained with nodal officer and are communicated
to individuals.
In the case of absence, leave or otherwise of a designated person, responsibility of the designated
post passes on one step below in the organization chart, whereas the authority passes on one step
above in the organization chart.
HOP has appointed senior member of the organization for the post of Management Representative
for the effective development and implementation of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO
45001:2018 system at Corporate Office. Irrespective of his other responsibilities he has responsibility
and authority to:
a) ensure that processes needed for the QMS/EMS/OH&SMS conforms to the requirements of
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 respectively;
b) ensure that processes are delivering their intended outputs in association with respective FHs
of all other departments.
c) reports on the performance of QMS, EMS and OH&SMS to top management and on
opportunities for improvement in association with respective FHs of all other departments.
d) ensure the promotion of customer focus throughout the Corporate Office with support of all
e) ensure that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changes to the
quality management system are planned and implemented.
He is also responsible for liaisons with external agencies on all matters relating to the consultancy /
certification of QMS, EMS & OH&SMS.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 5.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Consultation & Participation Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – 5.4)
Definition: Consultation – Seeking views before making decisions
Participation – Involvement in decision making
Worker – Person performing work or work related activities that are under the control of the
Activity Responsibility
Consultation & Participation of workers is ensured through discussions during formal/ Top Management
informal meetings, trainings (provided at Corporate Office and out of Corporation, in consultation with
including safety trainings/discussions). concerned HODs
HODs ensure that the relevant information is accessible to workers in clear and HODs to ensure
understandable forms through various means like telephone/ social media ( viz.
whatsapp) / notice boards etc.
HODs ensure that all workers are motivated for providing free and unbiased inputs. HODs to ensure
HODs also ensure that workers are feeling comfortable in providing any kind of inputs.
Safety Committee meetings (Refer OMS-Safety department procedure manual) and HOD (Safety) &
meeting with Unions (Refer P&A – Welfare department, procedure manual) carried out HOD (P&A) to
to understand their requirements and views on different issues. ensure
HODs ensure that workers consultation is ensured during: HODs to ensure
Determining needs & expectations of interested parties.
While assigning roles & responsibilities within department.
While determining the legal requirements and how they are fulfilled.
While establishing QMS/EMS/OH&SMS objectives and their action plans.
While determining the contractual controls on outsourced processes.
While determining parameters for monitoring & measurement and their
analysis (Refer procedure Manual)
Determining continual improvement (Refer departmental MRM/ Safety
Committee meetings)
MR ensures that workers consultation is ensured while preparing and implementing MR to ensure
audit plans/ schedules.
HODs ensure that workers consultation is ensured during:
1. How workers can involve in consultation and participation.
2. Identifying OH&S hazards & risk assessment and determining controls – Input
will be taken from workers committee on hazard & risk assessment &
determining controls. Regular input will also be taken during monthly safety HODs in
committee meetings, MRMs. consultation with
3. Appropriate involvement in incident investigation – Will be carried out as per Head (Safety)
the procedure specified in Procedure Manual of Safety department and as per
requirement specified in SHE Manual.
4. Consultation where there are any changes that affect their OH&S – Will be
discussed with safety committee.
5. Competence requirement is already finalized at Corporate level, however any
training needs will be communicated through ORTs/PMRs.
6. Determining the parameters on which communication will be carried out.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Actions to address risks and Opportunities,
Significant aspects, Hazard identification, Page 1 of 7
2.0 Scope
Applicable to all the processes, products & services of the Corporate Office and its contractor/
Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 6.1.1 &
Activity Responsibility
Overriding Factors Concerned HOD in
Following are the overriding factors, which will make the aspect as significant, consultation with
irrespective of its rating. other Employees of
- Legal and other requirements Deptt.
- Interested Parties’ Concern
Environmental Rating Do
A. Significance rating based on environmental concerns (SE)
SE = F1*F2*F3*F4
B. Significance rating based on business concerns (SB)
SB =F5*F6
Environmental rating = (SE + SB)
The criteria for identifying significant aspect will be recorded in aspect register. Do
Significant Aspects will be reviewed in the departmental Management Review Do
Meeting at the time of reviewing the monitoring records.
Evaluation of Occupational Hazards and risk assessment
Risk Assessment shall be evaluated on Occupational concerns related to the Concerned HOD in
activity. consultation with
other Employees of
Each of the factors shall be assigned values between 1 to 10 based on the Do
following consideration:
Scoring guidelines for Severity of Hazard (F1) Do
a. Low to negligible impact on Health : 1-2
b. Moderate impact on Health : 3-6
c. Very serious damage to the Health : 7-10
Scoring guidelines for probability of Occurrence (F2) Do
a. Low chance (Rarely) : 1-2
b. Moderate chance (Quite Often) : 3-6
c. Very high chance (Very Often) : 7-10
Overriding Factors Do
Following are the overriding factors, which will make the aspect as significant,
irrespective of its rating.
- Legal and other requirements
- Interested Parties’ Concern
Significant Risk Do
The criteria for identifying significant risks will be recorded in hazard and risk
Significant risks will be reviewed in the departmental Management Review Meeting Do
at the time of reviewing the monitoring records.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Actions to address risks and Opportunities, Page 6 of 7
Significant aspects, Hazard identification,
risk assessment and determining controls
Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 6.1.1 &
Activity Responsibility
Risk assessment for issues identified during determination of context of
organization and interested parties requirements
Identify the risks and opportunities related to: (Refer Risk Management Plan) Concerned HOD
1. Internal and external issues that are relevant to organization and its strategic in consultation
direction and that can affect department’s ability to achieve the intended results of with other
QMS. Employees of
2. Needs and Expectations of interested parties. Deptt.
3. Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Identify the potential impact of risk on business. Do
Identify the responsibility of activity related to risk. Do
Assess the risk based on Impact and Probability of occurring based on below scale. Do
Scoring guidelines for Impact of risk: Concerned HOD
a. Low impact on Business :1 in consultation
b. Moderate impact on Business :2 with other
c. High impact on Business :3 Employees of
Scoring guidelines for Probability of risk: Concerned HOD
a. Rare (Not in last one year) : 1 in consultation
b. Likely (Occurs within last one year) : 2 with other
c. Frequently occurring (Occurs more than once in year) : 3 Employees of
Determine the Extent of impact and Probability for identified risks by following formula. Concerned HOD
Risk (R) = Extent of impact (E) X Probability (P) in consultation
with other
Employees of
Significant Risk Do
The criteria for identifying significant risks will be recorded in risk management plan.
Risk value ≥6; for risk P=1 & E=3
Significant risks will be reviewed in the departmental Management Review Meeting at Do
the time of reviewing the monitoring records.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Actions to address risks and Opportunities, Page 7 of 7
Significant aspects, Hazard identification,
risk assessment and determining controls
Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.1.1 & 6.1.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 6.1.1 &
Activity Responsibility
Management of Change
Adequate identification of hazards, related risks and risk assessment should be Concerned HOD
conducted in case of any changes such as: in consultation
1. Introduction of technology with other FH of
2. Significant change in organization structure dept.
3. Change in machinery
4. Change in location
5. Change/ Addition in Management System
6. Change of Processes/ Activity etc.
After the risk assessment, the controls implemented and controls required to be Do
implemented shall also be identified.
The controls identified for implementation, shall be prioritized for implementation Do
(depending on the seriousness of hazard and related risk).
Form No. Title Location Retention Disposal
Period authority
THDCIL-CO-F-AR-01 Aspect Register Nodal Officer Forever -
THDCIL-CO-F-OH&R-01 Hazard Register Nodal Officer Forever -
THDCIL-CO-F-RM-01 Risk Management Plan Nodal Officer Forever -
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.1.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Compliance Obligations and Planning action Page 1 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.1.3, ISO 45001:2018 - 6.1.3)
1.0 Purpose
To establish a system for Identification/ updation of & access to legislative /regulatory requirements
which are applicable to various activities of the Corporate Office having significant impact on the
environment/ persons performing that activity.
2.0 Scope
It covers all Acts, Rules & Regulations related to the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health &
Safety Management System applicable to Corporation’s operations, activities and services.
3.0 Definition & abbreviations:
FH Functional Head
MR Management Representative
4.0 Responsibilities
Concerned HOD in consultation with other concerned FH of department are responsible for the
implementation of this procedure.
Other responsibilities are as defined below against each activity.
Activity Responsibility
Identify and prepare list of applicable legal and other requirements. Concerned HOD
in consultation
with other
Employees of
The identified requirements are understood and implemented within the Concerned HOD
For determining legal and other requirements, consideration shall be given
(at least, but not limited to) to the requirements from various sources, such
as: Concerned HOD
a. State & Central pollution Control Board. in consultation
b. Ministry of environment and Forest with other
c. Ministry of Power Employees of
d. Other Ministries, specifying requirement related to Corporations Deptt.
e. Local State Administration
f. Publishers of Laws and Acts book/magazine.
g. Visit site or or
h. Applicable Judgements of courts or administrative tribunals
i. Other concerned authorities/ agencies/ regulators like CEA, CWC
j. Other concerned authorities/ agencies
Obtain copies of applicable legal & other requirements from the relevant Concerned FH
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.1.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Compliance Obligations and Planning action Page 2 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.1.3, ISO 45001:2018 - 6.1.3)
Activity Responsibility
Review on regular basis for any new requirements/ change in existing Concerned FH
requirements and ensure updation of new/existing requirements.
Maintain the documents as per requirements. Concerned FH to
Copies of all relevant legislation shall be treated as Documents of External Concerned FH
Origin and shall be subject to document control.
Review the Information on the applicable (already identified & new) legal / Concerned FH
regulatory & other requirements accordingly.
Identify the statutory returns/forms of various departments as applicable to the Concerned HOD in
departmental activities, services and products and update in list of applicable consultation with
legal and other requirements. other Employees of
Procedure for control of Documented Information
Communication with external authorities and agencies
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 6.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Quality, Environmental, OH&S Objectives Date 11-01-2021
Page 1 of 1
and Targets
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 6.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 6.2 & ISO 45001:2018 – 6.2)
Quality objectives and planning to achieve them
Top management has established measurable Corporate Level Quality Objectives for Corporation (Refer
Quality Objectives maintained with MR).
HOD will establish measurable quality objectives for the department and maintain them with Nodal Officer.
These quality objectives are relevant to conformity of products/services and to enhancement of customer
satisfaction. These quality objectives are consistent with the quality policy and were established after
considering all applicable requirements.
These quality objectives are the targets that management has set for the organization to achieve its laid
down policies within a certain time frame. Achievement and suitability of Corporate level objectives are
reviewed in six monthly Corporate level management review meetings and department level objectives are
reviewed during departmental MRMs.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.1 & 7.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.1)
Provision of resources
The management has determined and provided specialized skills, plant and machinery, utilities, work
environment and other resources necessary for implementing, maintaining and continually improving the
effectiveness of quality/ environmental/OH&S management system.
Corporation has also determined through Industrial Engineering department at Corporate Office Rishikesh
and provided the persons necessary for the effective implementation of quality management system.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.1.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Infrastructure Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.3, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a & ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
The Corporation has determined, provided and maintained the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to
services delivered.
Corporation is having good fixed assets for transportation, communication and working:
INDIA LIMITED is located at Pragatipuram, Bye Pass Road, Rishikesh, Dist.- Dehradun
(Uttarakhand). The campus of THDC INDIA LIMITED Corporate office has a covered area of 54230
Sq. Meter and open area of 453875 Sq. Meter. The Company has a well furnished office with
facilities like Computers, Internet, Telephone, Fax; and utilities like – Guest House, Canteen, Bank,
Staff Colony etc.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.4, ISO 14001:2015 – N/A & ISO 45001:2018 – N/A)
Work environment
Well-furnished office with associated communication facilities enables personnel to give full efficiency.
Fire Extinguishers are installed at appropriate places for use in emergency fire situations.
Apart from this, proper work environment is provided and maintained to carry out the work to achieve
conformity to service requirements. The work environment includes facilities like lights, cleanliness, safety,
hygiene, heat, humidity, air flow, noise etc.
Regular cleaning of building and work place is carried out. The employees follow practices of good house
Services/ Concerned department is responsible to arrange for proper house keeping and cleanliness.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.1.5
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Monitoring and Measuring Resources Page 1 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.1.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 9.1.1)
Concerned departments of Corporation has identified the monitoring and measuring equipments required to
monitor and measure:
1. The key characteristics of its operations that can have a significant environmental impact.
2. The effectiveness of controls (for health as well as for safety).
3. The extent to which the organization’s OH&S objectives are met
4. Product characteristics required to provide conformity of product to determined requirements (as
Note – Monitoring and Measuring equipments used to monitor the product characteristics has to be
calibrated against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards;
and ensures that where no such standard exist, the basis use for calibration or verification is recorded.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.1.5
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Monitoring and Measuring Resources Page 2 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.1.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 9.1.1)
Records will be kept for any non-conformity observed during any such informal reviews in internal
audit NCR format.
Form No. Title Location Retenti Disposal
on authority
FMS Software Master List of Monitoring and Measuring FMS Software - -
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.1.6
IMS Manual Revision 00
Date 11-01-2021
Organisational Knowledge Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.1.6, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a & ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Corporate Office has determined knowledge required for operation of its processes and to achieve
conformity of products and services and accordingly posted suitable personnel for various works.
The knowledge related to power house O&M is maintained in O&M technical directory and is available to all
concerned staff and will be provided to newly posted employees for gaining the knowledge.
All employees can also update the knowledge gained during working at Corporate Office on internal
knowledge desk managed in intranet. These knowledge gained through experiences, can be accessed by
any employee to find out solutions on various day to day issues.
Corporate HRD will identify the knowledge/competence gaps and arrange trainings to fill these gaps on
regular basis. Apart from this whenever there is a change in needs and trends, Concerned HOD will send
their request through HOD (P& A) for arranging necessary training/seminar to Corporate HRD for their
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Competence Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.2 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.2)
The management ensures that personnel performing work affecting conformity to product/service
requirements or performing tasks for it or on its behalf that have a potential to cause a significant
environmental impact(s)/ OH&S risks identified by Corporation and can affect Corporations OH&S
performance, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, experience, trainings and possesses the
required skills.
Documents related to education are verified and collected at the time of appointment (refer procedure
manual of P&A) and other educational qualifications gained during working in THDCIL are filed in service
records (refer procedure manual of P&A).
The detailed procedure for identification of training needs of employees, imparting training and for
monitoring effectiveness of training imparted is defined in procedure manual of HRD Department.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Awareness Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.3 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.3)
Concerned FH in consultation with HOD/ Nodal Officer of respective departments will ensure that all the
personnel working for it and on its behalf are aware of:
1. The quality/ environmental/ OH&S policy and relevant quality/OH&S objectives
2. Their contribution to the effectiveness of the quality/environmental/OH&S management system,
including the benefits of improved process/EMS/OH&S performance.
3. The significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated with their
4. Emergency preparedness and response requirements.
5. The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the requirements of environmental
management system/ OH&S management system and
6. The implication and potential consequences of not conforming with quality/ environmental/OH&S
management system requirements including not fulfilling the organisation’s compliance obligations.
7. Incidents and the outcomes of investigations that are relevant to them
8. Hazards, OH&S risks and actions determined that are relevant to them
9. The ability to remove themselves from work situations that they consider present an imminent and
serious danger to their life or health, as well as the arrangements for protecting them from undue
consequences for doing so.
1. Providing a copy of environmental aspect register/ OH&S hazard register in all departments.
2. Providing a copy of QMS/EMS/OH&S Policy and Objectives & action plan to achieve them.
3. Displaying Emergency Preparedness and Response Program.
4. Conducting various formal/ informal meetings at work place.
Functional Head will update all the personnel in the department regarding these points during various formal/
informal meetings/ management review meetings.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Communication Page 1 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2,
1.0 Purpose
To establish and maintain a system regarding communication on QMS, Environmental Aspects,
Occupational Hazards and EMS and OH&SMS.
a) Internal communication between the various levels & function in the Corporation
b) Communication with external interested parties.
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable for internal and external communications on Environmental/OH&S Policy,
Objectives, Performance achievements and Legal Requirements as well as External communications on
complaints from interested parties and their concerns and with statutory and regulatory bodies,.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2,
Activity Responsibility
Internal Communication
Top management with the support of MR and HODs is responsible for ensuring effective
communication (both upward and downward) within the Corporation. To encourage HODs in
communication from down to up, suggestion / feedback boxes are placed at easily consultation
accessible places. Top to bottom communication is through team briefings, office with other
circulars, e-mails, e-office, IOMs. employees of
Notice - Boards available are at prominent places at Corporation. Effective and fast department
verbal communication is carried out through use of EPABX extensions, landline
telephones and mobiles.
Other social medias are also used for internal communication like Whatsapp, Instagram,
twitter etc.
Ensure that QMS Policy, Environment Policy & Objectives, OH&S Policy & Objectives MR to ensure
are communicated to all employees by putting boards at prominent places, display on the
main gate of the company and official website of THDCIL.
MR and HODs, ensure that communication takes place regarding effectiveness of QMS Concerned FH
particularly the following listed points: to ensure
a) Achievement of Objectives;
b) Action points arising out of MRMs;
c) Relevant part of internal / external audit findings;
d) Customer complaints and the associated corrective actions;
e) Preventive action arising out of analysis of data;
f) Customer Communication related to department including complaints.
g) Any requirement under statutory and regulatory requirements
To further strengthen the communication between workers and Top Management for all HOD (Safety) to
matters related to safety, safety meetings will be conducted at prescribed frequency to ensure
get the views of all the employees, workers etc. The convener of this meeting will be FH
Safety and HOP will chair the meeting. There will be five nominated members from
management side, five members from the workers side. FH Safety will maintain the
minutes and take adequate actions to implement points identified during these meetings.
Receive suggestion/ concerns of employees in their respective areas and record the Concerned FH
details in internal communication record THDCIL-CO-F-IC-01.
Review the suggestions and concerns. Do
Take necessary correction action (as decided) and inform the concerned person. Do
Communication with Authorities & Govt. Departments: Concerned FH
All evidence of legal compliance including monitoring data as required under legal to ensure
requirement will be communicated to concerned authorities by P&A department only as
per requirement with approval of HOP.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Communication Page 3 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.4.1, 7.4.2,
Activity Responsibility
External Communication
Receive the external communication from interested parties/legislative agencies/ Concerned FH
Ministries etc.
Record the details in external communication register THDCIL-CO-F-EC-01. Do
Corporation has decided not to communicate externally about its significant Concerned FH
environmental aspects/ OH&S risks. However the information sought under any
statutory or obligatory requirement, will be provided.
Information sought by various government interested parties, will also be Concerned FH
communicated to them.
The appropriate information will be provided, after obtaining approval from competent Concerned FH
In case the communication is regarding reveal of information, take approval of Concerned FH to
competent authority and share the gathered information with the concerned ensure
interested party.
In case the communication is related to complaint on any environmental aspect/ Concerned FH
OH&S hazard, discuss the same with concerned department and gather required
Coordinate with concerned Functional Head for immediate mitigative action. Concerned FH
Take necessary correction action and inform the concerned interested party about Concerned FH
the same.
Analyse the problem and implement corrective action (if required) to prevent Concerned FH
recurrence of problem.
Requirements related to Environmental and OH&SMS are required to be Concerned FH
incorporated in all the contracts, so that contractors are informed/ updated for these
requirements, before acceptance of the work.
Other communication related to QMS/EMS/OH&SMS topics will be carried out as per Concerned FH
Communication matrix maintained in procedure manual of respective procedure
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.5 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.5)
1.0 Purpose
This procedure describes the controlling process of all the documents used for different processes within
the Quality, Environmental and OH&S Management System of Corporation.
2.0 Scope
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.5 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.5)
Activity Responsibility
Photocopies of approved documents are taken for distribution and controlled by putting MR for
‘CONTROLLED’ stamp in blue Ink on each page. Corporate level
and nodal officer
for departmental
Issue documents (Corporate level QMS, EMS & OH&MS) to the concerned user MR to ensure
department / person & update Documents Master List Cum Distribution Matrix THDCIL-
Ensure availability of relevant controlled documents at all locations where activities MR/ Concerned
essential for effective functioning of the QMS, EMS and OH&SMS are being carried FH to ensure
out. Also ensure that all the documents are legible.
Document changes / revisions
All documents shall be reviewed after 5yrs. if required, documents may be revised & re- MR/ Concerned
approval obtained & accordingly revision no & date shall be changed. FH to ensure
MR / concerned FH shall ensure that amendments to all documents are approved by MR for
the same authority as that of original version. In case this is not possible, same is Corporate level/
designated otherwise. It is ensured that designated authority has access to the relevant Concerned
background information upon which to base his review and approval. Nodal Officer for
All superseded documents are withdrawn promptly from place of use and replaced with MR/ Nodal
pertinent documents. Keep records of changes made in the documents in Documents Officer to ensure
Master List Cum Distribution Matrix.
Stamp superseded Master document as ‘OBSOLETE’ with red ink and keep for future MR/ Concerned
reference, legal or knowledge purposes. Dispose off all superseded ‘CONTROLLED’ FH to ensure
In case of any changes to be incorporated, review and amend the documents (as MR/ Nodal
necessary). Officer
Finalise and obtain approval on changes in document. Do
Put Master copy stamp (with blue ink on back side of each page) of the newly approved Do
main copy of document.
Take photocopies and put ‘CONTROLLED COPY’ stamp (with blue ink on front side of Do
each page) and issued as per distribution list.
Ensure that the previous pdf versions are replaced by the approved amended version. Do
Stamp superseded Master document as ‘OBSOLETE’ with red ink and keep for future Do
reference, legal or knowledge purposes. Dispose off all superseded ‘CONTROLLED’
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.5
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Documented Information Date 11-01-2021
Page 3 of 5
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.5 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.5)
Activity Responsibility
After the retention period, the documents are disposed as per record management Concerned HOD
system of the Corporation. to ensure
Documents of External Origin
Maintain a list of applicable National / International standards and other external origin Concerned HOD
documents. Keep it updated by regular interaction with the concerned bodies. (Refer to ensure
procedure manual of concerned department).
These external origin documents are controlled only by putting ‘CONTROLLED’ stamp Do
on title page. They don’t carry revision no., reviewing & approving authority & date.
Their issue to the departments is controlled & recorded in list of external origin
Document Numbering (At Corporate Level)
The documents prepared for the effective implementation of QMS, EMS & OH&SMS MR
shall have a unique identification as per the following scheme:
Level I Document – IMS Manual
a) The IMS Manual is designated as :
Edition No. (01 onwards)
Stands for IMS Manual
Short Name for Organisation and Corporation.
b) The Sections and Sub – Sections of the IMS Manual are designated as:
Sub – Section No. : Y.Y
where YY is Clause No. of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
Level II & III Documents
THDCIL – Short Name of Organisation.
CO – THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
F/ WI/OCP/EPR/CL–Format/Work Instruction/Operational Control Procedure / Emergency Preparedness
and Response Program/ Check List
AA – Details of area as listed in section 1.3 page 2 of 2 of this IMS Manual)
YY – Running serial number
Activity Responsibility
Document Numbering at departmental level
Document numbering systems at departmental level, are described in relevant procedure Concerned FH
manuals. to ensure
Document Numbering (Common Activities for Corporate Office and departments)
All document numbers are indicated, preferably at right hand top corner of the document. MR/ Nodal
For the First issue of Forms, the revision number ‘00’ may not be indicated. The Revision Officer to
No. will be indicated from 1st revision onwards. ensure
Paging of each documents is done as Page X of Y where X=1, 2,….N & Y is the total Do
number of pages in that document.
Registers and Log Books have format No. on cover page only. All pages of these are Do
serially numbered.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.5
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Documented Information Page 4 of 5
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.5 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.5)
Activity Responsibility
Document Numbering (Common Activities for Corporate Office and departments)
Identify the records to be maintained while establishing the system. MR for Corporate level
and Nodal Officer for
departmental level
Decide the retention period for all records (MR for Corporate Level & HODs for MR/Concerned Nodal
Departmental level) in on the basis of effective maintenance of the system and Officer
list them in document master list.
Retention time of records (Corporate level QMS, EMS and OH&SMS) is listed MR for Corporate level
at the end of each section of this Manual. QMS, EMS and
OH&SMS records
Ensure collection & proper indexing of identified records to facilitate easy Concerned users
retrieval, maintenance & storage to avoid damage or deterioration. Records
should also be legible.
Records maintained after its expiry of retention period are suitably identified for Concerned FH to ensure
the purpose & assured against any unintended use.
Where agreed in the contract the records are made available for evaluation to Concerned FH to ensure
the customer or his representative for an agreed period.
When the records are maintained in electronic media, ensure that access is Concerned Functional
restricted to authorized personnel, virus control & backup taken regularly to Head to ensure
ensure preservation of data.
Ensuring proper confidentiality, integrity and availability of information stored on Concerned Functional
server databases. Also ensuring the prevention of data from virus attack and Head to ensure
malicious codes.
Documents with special control
Documents not maintained as per above procedure
Following departmental documents will be prepared and maintained by Nodal Concerned HOD in
officer of respective department: Organisation Chart, Responsibility & Authority, consultation with other
Quality Objectives, Action Plan, Statutory and Regulatory Requirement, employees and Nodal
Communication Matrix. Officer to ensure
Corporate level organization chart will be maintained by Industrial Engineering HOD (IE) to ensure
(IE) department and copy will be given to MR.
In case of any revision in Corporate level Organisation Chart, the copy HOD (IE) to ensure
maintained Industrial Engineering (IE) department will be deemed to be latest
The old copy of these documents will be identified as “Obsolete” and kept with
IE department for future reference.
No amendment history will be maintained for these documents; however it is Nodal Officer in
deemed that the documents available with Nodal officer is the latest revision. consultation with HOD
In case of any revision, controlled copy will be destroyed and Master copy will and other employees
be kept as Obsolete copy for future reference. New documents will be again
issued to Nodal officer and HOD
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 7.5
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Documented Information Page 5 of 5
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 7.5, ISO 14001:2015 – 7.5 & ISO 45001:2018 – 7.5)
Activity Responsibility
Approving and issuing authorities
Approving and issuing authority for various documents will be as follows.
Document Type Approved By Issuing Authority
Quality Policy CMD MR – Corporate office
Environment Policy CMD GM (S&E), Corporate
Office Rishikesh
OH&S Policy CMD ED (OMS,QA &
Other Documents and Formats for MR MR
implementation of QMS, EMS &
Procedure Manual HOD Nodal Officer
Other Documents and Formats for HOD Nodal Officer
effective working in department
Form No. Title Location Retention Disposal
Period authority
THDCIL-CO-F-CD-01 Documents Master List Cum Concerned Forever -
Distribution Matrix (For Department
departmental level)
THDCIL-CO-F-CD-02 Documents Master List Cum MR Office Forever -
Distribution Matrix (Corporate level
Documents including formats)
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Operational Planning and Control Page 1 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.1, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 8.1)
The organization has planned and developed the processes needed to meet the requirements for
the provision of products and services and to implement the actions determined in section 6.1 & 6.2
of this IMS Manual.
c) Resources needed to achieve the conformity to the product and service requirements.
e) Documented information needed to provide evidence that the processes have been carried out
as per plan and that resulting product and services meet to their requirements.
All the processes of Corporation have been listed out in Procedure Manuals of different departments,
wherein how the processes are planned for execution, is detailed along with their lead time and the
document generated. The format for executing a process, as detailed in the Procedure Manual is as
The organization shall control planned changes and review consequences of unintended changes,
taking action to mitigate any adverse effect, as necessary (by conducting risk assessment including
significant aspect and OH&S hazard rating before introducing any changes)
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.1
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Operational Planning and Control Page 2 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.1, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 8.1)
Respective departments has also identified, planned and maintained processes that are associated
with the identified significant environmental aspects (Refer environmental aspect register) and
significant OH&S risks (Refer OH&S hazard and risk register) and to implement actions determined in
section 6.1 & 6.2 of this IMS Manual by:
1. Stipulating the operating criteria in the Operation Control Procedures (Refer Procedure Manuals).
2. Implementing control of the process(es), in accordance with the operating criteria.
3. Maintaining and retaining documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that the
processes related to significant aspects/ hazards are carried out as planned. (Refer OCPs and
monitoring parameters related to significant aspects/ hazards identified in Procedure Manuals, specific
requirements specified in tenders/ work orders/ LOA/ MOUs and results of legal requirements)
4. Adapting work to workers.
Concerned Functional Head shall review these procedures if there is a change in process, activity, services
related to its environmental aspects/OH&S risks.
Concerned Functional Head through Engineer In-charge will coordinate with Contractor, so that works
carried out by Contractors are in line with the requirements identified by concerned department.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.1b
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Eliminating aspects/ hazards and reducing EMS
impact/ OH&S risks Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1 & ISO 45001:2018 – 8.1.2)
While establishing controls departments shall consider following hierarchy for the elimination and
reduction of EMS aspects and OH&S risks:
1. Eliminate the aspect/ hazard;
2. Substitute with less hazardous processes, operations, materials or equipments;
3. Use engineering controls and reorganisation of work;
4. Use administrative controls, including training;
5. Use adequate personal protective equipment.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Emergency Preparedness and Response Page 1 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 –N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 8.2)
1.0 Purpose
To establish and maintain a procedure to identify potential for and respond to emergency situation and
for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts/ occupational hazards associated with them.
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all identified potential emergencies.
3.0 Definition & abbreviations:
4.0 Responsibilities
Safety Officer in co-ordination with HODs of the Corporate Office is responsible for the implementation of
this procedure. Individual responsibilities are given under description:
Activity Responsibility
Identify the possibilities of abnormal operation, which lead to potential emergencies HOD (Safety)
including natural disasters and prepare emergency preparedness and response
While identifying the emergency situation, consideration should be given to Do
following points:
- Legal requirements
- Previous data/ complaints/ accidents
- Incidents from other Power Corporations (of same nature and scale)
- Other Government directives (as applicable) etc.
List the potential emergencies THDCIL-CO-F-EPR-01. Do
Prepare the emergency preparedness and response action plan for identified HOD (Safety) to
potential emergency situations by involving relevant interested parties. ensure
In case of outsourcing, ensure that personnel/ workers are aware of emergency Concerned HOD with
preparedness and response program for identified potential emergency situations. support of HOD
(Safety) to ensure
Ensure that personnel are aware of these programs. Concerned HODs
Identify the emergencies for which mock drills are to be carried out (wherever HOD (Safety)
practicable) and record the details in list of potential emergencies THDCIL-CO-F-
Conduct mock drills (where practicable) as per defined frequency. (In case of HOD (Safety) to
outsourcing of major works, ensure mock drills are conducted by Contractor) ensure
During Mock drills, verify whether the personnel’s responsible for mitigating the Concerned FH
emergencies are following emergency preparedness and response programs. responsible for Mock
Record the results of Mock Drill. Drill
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Emergency Preparedness and Response Page 2 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 –N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 8.2)
Activity Responsibility
Emergency response including mock drills is recorded for analysis & necessary action Concerned FH
Evaluate the effectiveness of response and review & revise the emergency plan, HOD (Safety) to
where necessary. ensure
In case of occurrence of an incident or emergency situation, review the emergency HOD (Safety) to
preparedness and response action plan for its effectiveness, if necessary, revise the ensure
plan and inform concerned departments and MR.
Ensure that relevant information and training related to emergency preparedness and Concerned
response, as appropriate, to relevant interested parties, including persons working Functional Head
under its control. to ensure
Ensure that relevant information related to emergency response action is Concerned
communicated to communicating relevant information to contractors, visitors, Functional Head
emergency response services, government authorities and, as appropriate, the local to ensure
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.2, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Projects send their requirement to respective departments, which will be analysed and a suitable
solution will be provided by concerned department. Further in case of any new requirement,
which is originated from Corporate Office, it will be analysed and adequate details along with
implementation assistance will be provided to Projects by concerned department. Respective
HODs will be overall responsible for this activity.
Various departments of Corporate Office determine the needs & requirements of their internal
customers and after adequate review of their requirements provide requisite services as per
procedures defined in the procedure manual of respective departments.
The relevant statutory and regulatory requirements related to the services offered by different
departments are determined and listed in the procedure manuals of respective departments.
Commercial department at Corporate office (As per Power Purchase Agreements), shall ensure that
effective arrangements are established for communicating with customers in relation to:
a) Product information,
b) Commercial matters including Tariff related issues
c) Enquiries, contracts or order handling, including amendments, and
d) Customer feedback, including customer complaints.
e) Establishing specific requirements for contingency actions, when required.
The power purchase agreement with state beneficiaries will be signed as per procedure manual of
Commercial department at corporate office.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Design and Development Page 1 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.3, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Corporate Office is involved in providing consultancy & designs for power Projects / power plants
and other Projects entrusted to THDC India Limited.
HOD Hydro mechanical, Electro-Mechanical Design and Civil Design are primarily
responsible for design activities. The detailed design procedure is documented in Procedure Manual
of Electro- Mechanical- Design department and Civil & Hydro Mechanical Design department.
However in case of EPC contracts, design will be provided by Contractor and all the requirements
will be controlled as per technical specification/ Contract Document.
Design Planning:
On receiving information regarding allocation of a Project to THDC INDIA LIMITED by State
Government/ Ministry of Power. HOD (Design department, Civil/ Electro-mechanical, Hydro-
mechanical) will prepare detailed Project planning in consultation with different
departments/Consultants. Detailed procedure for design planning and approval is documented in
Procedure manual of HOD (Design department, Civil/ Electro-mechanical, Hydro-mechanical).
During design planning, the concerned department determines:
i) the detailed design and development stages.
ii) the review, verification and validation as appropriate to each design and development
iii) the responsibilities and authorities for design and development.
Design input:
The inputs for Project will be received from other apex bodies like State Governments,
Ministry of Power, NRSA, GSI, Survey of India Central Electricity Authority, Central Water
Commission, PFR/FR/DPR etc., and from the previous experience of the Corporation on same kind
of Projects.
Necessary design inputs will be collected from various sources, Design input includes:
a.functional and performance requirements
b.applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
c.information derived from previous similar designs
d.The preliminary and detailed field data (hydrological, seismic, structural, geological
and topographical), soil & rock property tests etc.
e. Requirements from other apex bodies like State Governments, CEA, CWC, Ministry of
Power etc.
f. Requirements stated by other involved departments.
g. Other Indian and International standards
The design input details are documented in Procedure Manual of Electro-Mechanical Design
department, Civil-Design department and Hydro-mechanical department.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Design and Development Page 2 of 3
Design Output:
The output of design and development activities will be in different types and stages e.g.
detailed design requirements like specifications/ drawings/ calculations / Quality Assurance
Plan (QAP) / Material Quality Plan (MQP)/ Bill of Quantity (BOQ) etc.
The above designs may be submitted by different/single agency/department to THDC INDIA
LIMITED. The same will enable verification against design and development input and will be
approved prior to release.
Design and Development output will also ensure:
The design output details are documented in Procedure Manual of Electro- Mechanical
Design department, Civil- Design department and Hydro mechanical department.
The design output details are documented in Procedure Manual of Electro- Mechanical
Design department, Civil- Design department and Hydro mechanical department.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Design and Development Page 2 of 3
The design outputs generated at different stages will be verified by competent authority / agency,
to ensure that the design and development outputs have met the design and development input
In case any verification is to be obtained from other department / agency, it will be sent to them
for vetting/comments.
The design output details are documented in Procedure Manual of Electro- Mechanical Design
department, Civil- Design department and Hydro mechanical department.
Design validation will be conducted at different stages to verify that the in-process and final
product meets the requirement.
The design and development validations shall be performed in accordance with planned
arrangements i.e. the method and extent of validation identified in design planning.
Design Changes:
Based on the feedback/ suggestions from the Project, CEA, CWC etc, changes may be initiated
on account of site constraints or other reasons. The changes will be reviewed, verified and
validated and approved, as required before implementation.
The review of design and development changes will include evaluation of the effect of the
changes on constituent parts and product already delivered. The design output details are
documented in Procedure Manual of Electro- Mechanical Design department, Civil- Design
department and Hydro mechanical department.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.4a
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Control of externally provided processes, Page 1 of 2
products and services
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1, ISO 45001:2018-
There are two types of material purchase in THDC INDIA LIMITED, one is related to service
delivery by Corporate Office, Rishikesh, and other is purchase of miscellaneous material/product /
Purchase Process
Individual department will initiate the requirement of material and it will be sent to MM /
Procurement department. The procedure for purchasing will be carried out as per documented
procedure in Procedural Manual of MM / Procurement department.
Other purchases will be done as per DOP and Procurement Policy of Corporation.
Individual department will identify the requirement of material and it will be procured as per DOP and
Purchase Policy. The purchasing process will be carried out as per documented procedure in Procedural
Manual of MM department/ concerned department. The criteria for selection and evaluation shall be
followed as per Purchase Policy of THDCIL. Results of supplier evaluation and selection will be maintained
in the respective files for each purchase.
The type and extent of controls both on external provider and on the product will be defined in each Work
Order/ Purchase Order/ Contract agreement.
Since THDCIL does not have any empanelled vendor list. The purchases are made on case to case basis
as per policy. Therefore re-evaluation is not required.
MM department/ Concerned department will ensure following during purchasing information shall include (as
a) Requisite type and extent of control on purchased product/service;
b) Processes, product or services to be taken;
c) Purchase information is adequately defined in purchase orders/ work orders/ contract agreement,
including approval for product/services, procedure, processes and equipments (which ever
d) Requirements for qualification of personnel (if required).
e) Control and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by the organization.
f) Requirement of inspection and testing arrangements;
g) Requirement of test certificate etc.
Determined environmental and OH&S requirements for the procurement of products and services (Refer
General Conditions of Contract of Corporation).
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.4a
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Control of externally provided processes, Page 2 of 2
products and services
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1, ISO 45001:2018-
Concerned Functional Head shall ensure that the relevant EMS and OH&S requirements are communicated
to suppliers and contractors, during contract stage and are agreed during signing of contract agreements.
Concerned HOD will ensure that all EMS and OH&SMS related requirements are met by Contractor workers
like Control on Hazards and Risks, activities identified in OCPs & Action Plan to achieve objectives,
requirements related to legal and other requirements, requirements of implementing Emergency
Preparedness and Program, participating in mock drills, monitoring any EMS/OH&S parameter (if
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.4b
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 10-11-2020
Contractors & Outsourcing Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.4, ISO 14001:2015 – 8.1, ISO 45001:2018- &
Concerned Department at Corporate Office ensures that contractors are informed about the EMS and
OH&S requirements related to Corporations activities including OH&S hazards & risks and EMS aspects
& impacts arising from:
Special conditions of contract specifies the requirement for contractors to contact the concerned
department for knowing the relevant hazards/Aspects & risks/Impacts and other OH&S/EMS
requirements which are mandatory for Contractor and its workers to implement during their contract at
Concerned HOD ensures that Contractors who were involved in carrying out outsourced activities are
explained and provided with EMS and OH&S related documents, so that they can ensure
implementation of EMS and OH&S requirements identified by Corporate Office. The acknowledgement
will be taken from Contractor on THDCIL-CO-F-OA-01
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.1, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
a. The availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product/ service.
b. The availability of work instructions (wherever required)
c. The availability and use of monitoring and measuring resources.
d. The use of suitable infrastructure and environment for the operation of processes.
e. Implementation of monitoring and measuring of processes.
f. The implementation of procedure for service/ product delivery and post-activities.
There is no special process available (in the Corporate Office) whose output cannot be verified
by subsequent monitoring or measurement, so validation and revalidation requirement is not
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.5.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Identification and Traceability Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.2, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
All the files/ registers generated during delivery of services are identified by file/register/other
relevant document numbers. The numbering system for all documents will be maintained as per
procedure manuals of different departments.
All the services rendered are traceable by referring different files/registers, which contain details
of processes followed and personnel involved in extending those services.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.5.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Property belong to customer or external Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.3, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Corporate office receives a lot of information from various Power plants/Projects for further
execution of services to them, all the concerned departments ensure that adequate care is taken
to identify, verify, protect and safeguard all the customer property received from all levels of
customers. In case of any customer property being found lost/damaged or otherwise found to be
unsuitable for use, the same shall be reported to the customer and records for the same will be
maintained by respective departments.
Various departments at Corporate Office, take many items on hiring basis for their use. The
control on those will be exercised as per the terms and conditions of relevant LOA/work order.
Apart from these controls the concerned department shall exercise care with property belonging
to external providers while it is under the organization’s control or being used by the respective
department. Concerned department shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard external
providers’ property provided for use or incorporation. When the property of external provider is
lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, the department shall report this to the
external provider and maintain the record of such communication.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.5.4
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Preservation Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.4, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Preservation of product
Corporate Office, receives few materials for storage for issuing to concerned users at a later
date. During this period, following is ensured:
a) preserving the conformity of product during storage;
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.5, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
In meeting the post-delivery activities requirement, Corporate Office considers following points.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.5.5, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Control of Changes
Top Management at Corporation reviews and control changes for production or service provision (Top
Management means CMD and Directors for Corporate level and other Functional Heads for departmental
level changes), to ensure that there is a continuing conformity with requirements.
The review will be done as part of risk assessment, before implementing any changes and record of the
review of changes, the person(s) authorizing the change and any necessary actions arising from the review.
Concerned Department also ensures that the planned temporary and permanent changes that affects EMS
and OH&S performance are controlled. The objective of a management of change process is to enhance
environmental performance and occupational health & safety at work, by minimizing the introduction of new
aspects/hazards and EMS impacts/ OH&S risks into the work environment as changes occur eg.
1. New products, services and processes or changes to existing products, services and processes,
a. Workplace locations and surroundings.
b. Work organisations.
c. Working conditions.
d. Equipment.
e. Work force.
2. Changes to legal requirement and other requirements.
3. Changes in knowledge or information about hazards and OH&S risks.
4. Developments in knowledge and technology.
Concerned Department also reviews the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any
adverse effects.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.6
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Release of products and services Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 8.6, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Release of products and services
All the services/ products offered by the Corporate Office are being monitored against various procedures
and criteria listed in procedure manual of different departments.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 8.7
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Control of Non-Conforming Output Page 1 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 8.7, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
1.0 Purpose
This procedure is established, implemented and maintained to ensure that products/ services, which are not
conforming to the specified requirements are corrected and to ensure that no non-conforming product/service
is delivered even unintentionally.
2.0 Scope
All activities and areas covered under ISO 9001 (QMS) including the nonconformance relating to supplier/
subcontractor activities.
Product/Services at all stages that does not conform to the specified requirements.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 8.7, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Activity Responsibility
When a non-conforming service is corrected, it will be re-verified to Concerned User
demonstrate conformity to the requirements.
In case the non-conformity is detected after service/product has been
delivered or put to use by the user, it is considered as a customer All concerned FH to
complaint and its redressal is done to avoid effects/potential effects as per ensure
process of handling of complaint as listed under sub-section 10.2 of this
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 9.1.1 & 9.1.2, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 –N/a)
All the processes are carried out as per the relevant procedure manual/ work instruction/ technical document
for respective departments. The output of these processes is monitored and measured against the specified
criteria/parameters, which demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned results.
Respective departments have identified the monitoring and measurement to be carried out. The planned
measures for the identified risks will also be monitored and measured.
Apart from this different department at CO has determined analysis to be conducted in the department (Refer
respective procedure manuals).
Data obtained through these activities is analysed to see whether customer is satisfied with
Corporation’s product and services and will be discussed in MRM’s for necessary action, if any.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 9.1b
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Page 2 of 2
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – N/a, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.1.1 & 9.1.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.1.1 & 9.1.2)
CO has identified the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have significant
environmental impacts/ OH&S risks as listed in OCPs, which needs to be monitored and measured. The
criteria for evaluating the environmental/OH&S performance against these parameters, frequency of
monitoring and measurement has been identified in OCPs (Refer procedure manuals of concerned
CO has decided to communicate relevant environmental performance information both internally and
externally, as identified in its communication process(es) and as required by its compliance obligation.
Concerned departments will retain the documented information as evidence of the monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation results. Concerned Functional Head will ensure that in case of any deviation, same
will be recorded in non-conformity register THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-02 (EMS) and will be dealt as per section
number 8.7 of this management manual.
Concerned HOD’s will ensure that the monitoring records are kept with the concerned executive (pertaining
to their areas/ processes).
Concerned HOD will also ensure that only calibrated or verified monitoring and measuring equipment is used
(as appropriate).
Activity Responsibility
Evaluation of Compliance
Ensure that compliance with applicable legal requirements and other Concerned HOD
requirements is up to date as per frequency decided respective procedure
Maintain records of compliance to the applicable legal and other requirements. Concerned HOD to
Ensure that all the statutory returns and other requirements are up to date and Concerned HOD
in case of any deviation, same will be recorded in non-conformity register Concerned HOD
THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-02 (EMS) and will be dealt as per section number 10.2 of
this management manual
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 9.1.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Analysis and Evaluation Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 9.1.3, ISO 14001:2015 – N/a, ISO 45001:2018 – N/a)
Departments at Corporate Office analyses and evaluates appropriate data and information arising from
monitoring and measurement. The details of parameters analysed in individual department are listed in
respective procedure manuals. The results of analysis will be used to evaluate:
a) conformity to the product/service requirements
b) the level of customer satisfaction (Refer feedback received from OMS department for internal
customers and feedback received from Beneficiaries for external customers)
c) the performance and effectiveness of quality management system
d) if planned results are achieved.
e) the effectiveness of action taken to address risks and opportunities.
f) the performance of external providers
g) the need for improvements to the quality management system.
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 9.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Internal Audit Page 1 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 9.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.2)
Corporation has established and implemented a documented procedure for conducting internal audits at Six
monthly intervals to verify that the planned arrangements, defined in procedures/ Procedure manual or work
instructions/specifications or operational control procedures, are effective to meet the requirements of the
QMS, EMS & OH&SMS standard.
Description: Procedure
The below mentioned procedure describes about the process in which internal audits are conducted after
defined intervals. The procedure describes the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting
audits, establishing records and reporting results. MR / Nodal officers are overall responsible for
implementation of this procedure.
Activity Responsibility
Prepare Annual Audit Plan THDCIL-CO-F-IA-01, keeping in mind the following
a) All the departments / activities covered under Quality/Environmental/OH&S
Management System be audited once in six months. MR
b) Plan should be based on status and importance of the activity to be
c) Areas having large number of Non-conformities in the earlier audits may be
audited more frequently than stated in (a) above.
Based on Annual Audit Plan, prepare & circulate Audit schedule THDCIL-CO-F- MR
IA-02, giving details of departments, auditors & timings in advance. Audit
schedule should define audit criteria and the scope. While preparing schedule:
- ensure that only trained auditors independent of the activity/ department to
be audited shall be deputed for conducting the audit.
- ensure availability of auditor & auditee while preparing schedule.
Send audit schedule to all auditors and auditees for information at least one MR
week prior to audit.
In case of any change due to request from auditee or auditor, MR needs to MR
revise the audit schedule (only the affected portion), same needs to be
forwarded to auditee and auditor.
Conduct audit as per schedule. Auditors
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IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Internal Audit Page 2 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 9.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.2)
Activity Responsibility
Carry out audit of department / activity for checking conformity & effectiveness Auditor
of QMS, EMS and OH&SMS. Where there is a difference of opinion with the
auditee, contact MR and resolve it.
Record the details of audit findings (Conformity/ Non-Conformity) in Audit Auditor
Observation Sheet THDCIL-CO-F-IA-03.
If nonconformity is observed, collect full details of nonconformity like date, Do
relevant record detail and document it in the Non-Conformity Report NCR
Obtain acceptance on from the Auditee of concerned department on each Auditor/MR
NCR and submit photo copy of acknowledged Non-conformity to MR.
Handover original copy of NCR to the auditee for necessary root cause Auditor/ MR
analysis, Correction and Corrective action.
The auditor also verifies NC’s found during the previous audits & review the Auditor
effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
Identify the root cause analysis, necessary correction and corrective action Concerned
along with target dates and send it to MR within 7 working days of audit. Functional Head
Inform MR or Dy. MR about their own availability and decide date, for auditor Do
visit for closure of Non-Conformity.
Arrange auditor for verification of correction and corrective action & close the MR/ Dy. MR
NCR after the target date decided by auditee. (Try to send same auditor who
has done initial audit). In case the auditor is not available on the agreed date,
MR/ Dy. MR will visit the auditee department and close non-conformity after
verification of correction and corrective action.
Verify correction and corrective action and If found satisfactory, close NCR, Auditor
otherwise keep the NCR open and take acknowledgement of auditee from
concerned department.
Send the original NCR after closure/ or after keeping it open to MR. Auditor
If no nonconformities are found during an audit as per ISO standard and
relevant documentation, don’t dig for NCR. Close the audit saying the Do
samples evaluated were found complying with the stated requirements,
however it is not a 100% audit.
Prepare Audit Summary Report THDCIL-CO-F-IA-05 for discussion in MR
Management Review Meeting.
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Date 11-01-2021
Internal Audit Page 3 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 9.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.2)
Effectiveness of Procedure and control on process (internal auditing) is reviewed through periodic internal
audits by internal auditor. In addition to this, MR informally reviews and monitors that:
a. Internal audits are conducted as per plan.
b. Time bound Corrective actions are taken against internal audit NCR’s and these actions are effective.
c. NCRs identified in internal audits are not of repetitive nature.
d. No. of NCs identified by third party auditors are less then those identified in internal auditors /
e. Audit observations are closed within the agreed timeline.
f. The action taken report along with the evidence of closure is submitted to MR within the agreed
Records will be kept for any non-conformity observed during any such informal reviews in internal audit NCR
Form No. Title Location Retention Disposal authority
THDCIL-CO-F-IA-01 Internal Audit Plan MR Office 3 Years Management
THDCIL-CO-F-IA-02 Internal Audit Schedule MR Office 3 Years Management
THDCIL-CO-F-IA-03 Audit Observation Sheet MR Office 3 Years Management
THDCIL-CO-F-IA-04 Non-Conformity Report MR Office 3 Years Management
THDCIL-CO-F-IA-05 Internal Audit Summary MR Office 3 Years Management
Report Representative
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 9.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Management Review Page 1 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.3)
Top management reviews the organization’s quality, environmental and OH&S management system, at
defined interval, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. These reviews assess
opportunities for improvement and the need for changes in QMS, EMS & OH&SMS, including the
quality/environmental/OH&S policy, quality objectives, Environmental and OH&S objectives.
The reviews will be held at two levels - Corporate Level & Departmental Level.
CMD will chair the Corporate level management review meeting, which will be held at least once in Six
The participants in the Corporate Level Management Review Meeting (MRM) are:
CMD, Directors, All HOD’s, Section Heads, MR & Dy. MR.
Department Head will chair the departmental management review meeting of his / her department, which will
be held at least once every quarter of the year, i.e. once in every three months. The participants in the
Departmental Level Management Review Meeting (MRM) are: Head of Department, Nodal officer, other
Employees of Department as desired.
Chair person of meetings at respective level may permit any other person to attend MRM as invitee / guest.
Records of Corporate MRM will be prepared in the form of minutes (THDCIL-CO-F-MRM-01) with MR, which
will be circulated to all HODs and MR of different Projects.
Records of departmental MRM will also be prepared in the form of minutes (THDCIL- CO-F-MRM-01) with
Nodal Officer, which will be circulated to all Functional Heads of their departments.
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IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Management Review Page 2 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.3)
Review Input
The agenda of meeting for different levels of MRM will be as follows:
Agenda points for Corporate level MRM Agenda points for Departmental MRM
1. Follow up of previous management 1. Follow up of previous management
reviews. reviews.
2. Corporate level QMS, EMS and OH&S 2. Review of departmental quality objectives.
objectives. 3. Process performance and Product/ Service
3. NC’s identified during external audit. Conformity.
4. Review of status of internal audit NC’s. 4. Internal Customer Feedback including
5. Output from departmental MRM (as per complaints/ Suggestions.
requirement). 5. Changes in Needs & Expectations of
6. Customer feedback including relevant interested parties
complaints. 6. Changes in external and internal issues
7. Relevant communication from external that are relevant to the Environmental and
interested parties including EMS related Quality Management System
complaints. 7. Changes in risks & opportunities related to
8. Status of incident investigations, EMS & OH&S
corrective actions and continual 8. Changes in significant Environmental
improvement. aspects
9. Changes in legal and other requirements 9. Results of Consultation & Participation
related to IMS 10. Monitoring & Measurement Results
10. Opportunities for continual 11. Non-conformities, corrective actions and
improvement. Continual Improvement
11. Any other point with the permission of 12. Effectiveness of actions taken to address
chairperson. risks and opportunities
13. Fulfillment of compliance obligations
14. Adequacy of resources
15. Performance of external providers
16. Opportunities for continual improvement
17. Any other point with the permission of
Review output
Top management should ensure that specific actions are identified for the improvement in the products,
effectiveness of QMS, EMS, OH&SMS and its processes. Resources required for effective implementation
and improvement of QMS, EMS and OH&SMS should also be identified. Possible changes to Quality/
Environment/ OH&S Policy, environmental/ OH&S objectives. Opportunities to improve integration of the
environmental management system with other business processes, if needed.
MR/Nodal Officer is responsible for monitoring the progress and completion of various actions decided in
MRM in the planned time frame.
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Date 11-01-2021
Management Review Page 3 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 9.3, ISO 45001:2018 – 9.3)
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 - 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 45001:2018 – 10.1 & 10.2)
1.0 Purpose:
This procedure is established, implemented and maintained to ensure that products/ services, which are
not conforming to the specified requirements are corrected and corrective actions taken to prevent their
The procedure will define the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with non-
conforming services/product.
2.0 Scope:
All activities and areas covered under ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), ISO 45001 (OH&SMS)
including the nonconformance relating to supplier/ subcontractor activities.
Product/Services at all stages that does not conform to the specified requirements.
3.0 Definition & abbreviations:
NCS – Non-conforming Services
NCP – Non-conforming Product
Non-Conformity – Non-fulfillment of requirement
4.0 Responsibilities
MR and all concerned FH and officer in-charges are responsible for implementation of this procedure.
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 45001 – 10.1 & 10.2)
Activity Responsibility
Ensure that, when a non-conforming service is corrected, it will be re-verified to Concerned HOD
demonstrate conformity to the requirements.
In case the non-conformity is detected after service/product has been delivered or
put to use by the user, it is considered as a customer complaint and its redressal is All concerned FH to
done to avoid effects/potential effects as per process of handling of complaint as ensure
listed under section for customer complaint.
Review the non-conformity and Identify the root cause and initiate adequate HOD in consultation
corrective action to avoid occurrence of similar non-conformity elsewhere in with other
Corporation or to avoid recurrence of same non-conformity. concerned
Record the details of correction action, root cause & corrective action in non- Do
conforming service register THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-01.
Update risks & opportunities determined during planning stage or make changes to Do
quality management system (if required)
For EMS & OH&SMS – Non-Conformity
In case of any non-compliance of any legal or other requirements, to which Concerned HOD in
Corporation has subscribed, OR in case of any non-compliance in achieving key consultation with
characteristics of activities related to significant aspects/risks, record the details of Nodal Officer and
non-conformity in non-conforming service register THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-02. other employees
Take the necessary action required to control and correct the non-conformity or Do
take action to mitigate any environmental impact/ OH&S risks caused due to non-
Review the non-conformity and Identify the root cause and initiate adequate Do
corrective action to avoid occurrence of similar non-conformity elsewhere in
Corporation or to avoid recurrence of same non-conformity.
Record the details of root cause in non-conforming service register THDCIL-CO-F- Do
Assess environmental impacts/ OH&S risks determined during planning stage or Do
make changes to environmental/ OH&S management system (if required)
Incident/Accident Handling (For OH&SMS)
In case of any incident/accident, while performing various activities, record the Concerned FH to
same in THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-02. ensure
Investigation of incident/accident shall be conducted (as per Procedure Manual of As per Procedure
OMS-EM, HM & Safety department) Manual of OMS-EM,
HM &Safety
Ensure participation of workers or workers representative or other interested parties Do
(if concerned or involved) in incident/ non-conformity investigation.
Determine the underlying OH&S deficiency and other factors that might be causing Do
or contributing to the occurrence of incidents.
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Section No. 10.2
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Non-Conformity and Corrective Action Page 3 of 3
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 14001:2015 – 10.1 & 10.2, ISO 45001 – 10.1 & 10.2)
Activity Responsibility
Prepare the detailed report identifying clear root cause(s), correction action and As per Procedure
corrective actions to be taken to avoid the recurrence of the incident. Manual of OMS-
EM,HM &Safety
Ensure that the relevant information is communicated to all concerned including Concerned FH and
contractor (as applicable) to ensure that corrective actions are implemented. other involved
officers of various
Maintain records of incident investigation, root cause, correction action and Concerned FH to
corrective action in incident/ non-conformity investigation report. ensure
Corrective Actions
Customer Complaint
Customer complaints related to intra departmental services, shall be dealt as per Concerned FH to
procedure defined procedure manuals of various departments. ensure
In case of any customer complaint from beneficiaries, which is being received HOP Office
through Commercial department, Corporate office, shall be forwarded to concerned
Discuss the problem within department and discuss the possible correction action FH in consultation
with HOP if required. with other
Implement the correction action (if any at Corporation end) and inform the Do
commercial department and other concerned departments at Corporate Office
through HOP office.
Analyse the complaint and determine the cause(s) of complaint. Do
Discuss the result of analysis with concerned personnel other functional heads / FH in consultation
HOP (as required)/, to determine the corrective action to be taken. with other
Inform the commercial department and other concerned departments at Corporate Do
Office through HOP office.
Review the effectiveness of the corrective action taken. Do
Prepare a summary of NCS’s and complaints and discuss in departmental Functional Head
Management review meeting.
Title Location Retention Disposal
Form No. period authority
THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-01 Non-Conforming Concerned FH Office 3 yrs Concerned
Product/ Services (QMS) FH
THDCIL-CO-F-NCS-02 Non-Conforming Concerned FH Office 3 yrs Concerned
Services (EMS & FH
THDC India Limited, Corporate Office Rishikesh
Section No. 10.3
IMS Manual Revision No. 00
Date 11-01-2021
Continual Improvement Page 1 of 1
(Ref Clause ISO 9001:2015 – 10.3, ISO 14001:2015 – 10.3, ISO 45001:2018 – 10.3)
Continual improvement
Corporate Feasibility Study
Planning Social & Environment
Corporate Communication
Preparation of
Finance & Accounts
Power projects & plants*
Designing Civil Contracts
Information Technology
Services (Township,
For EM QA For Civil QA Workshop, Electrical /Civil
Maintenance, Communication,
OMS, QA Concerned Project Horticulture, Administration)
S&I, G&G
Commercial CRO
Corrective Action
Management Review
Monitoring and
Supplier / Subcontractor /
Visitors Compliance to Information from Measurement 9.1.1
Hazard Identification 6.1.2
OH&SMS 8.1 different sources
Emergency Preparedness
Identify Legal /
Internal & External and Response 8.2
Regulatory 6.1.3
Issues 4.1 Requirements Services Rendered Legal Compliance 9.1.2
Training / awareness /
Resources for 7.1 Competence 7.2,7.3
implementing / - Employees
Maintaining OH&SMS. - Subcontractors
- Suppliers
Non - Conformance
[Section 10.2 of IMS Manual]
To start
Documented NO YES
To Working
Information 7.5 CONTROLLED Environment
(ISO14001:2015) EMS – Interactions of Elements, Annexure C, Rev-00, Dt 11-01-2021
Start Plan
Internal Audit 9.2
Environmental Policy 5.2
Monitoring and
Measurement 9.1.1
Supplier /
Aspect Identification 6.1
Compliance to EMS Information from
different sources Legal Compliance 9.1.2
Emergency 8.2
Identify Legal / Preparedness and
Regulatory 6.1.3 Response
Fire fighting / Safety Services Rendered
equipments / critical
to Hydro Electric
Internal & External alarms. 8.1
Various Processes at Project and Hydro
Issues 4.1 Objectives / Action
Corporate Office Power Plants and to
Plan 6.2
(support Env. Policy)
Maintenance 7.1.1 various departments
at Corporate office
Needs & Establish Management Review 9.3
Expectations of Control Methods Training / awareness /
Interested Parties Documentation Competence 7.2, 7.3
4.2 - Employees
- Subcontractors
- Suppliers
Authority / Responsibility 5.3
Scope of EMS 4.3 Communication 7.4 Non-Conformity
Corrective Action 10.2
Implementation of
Statutory & Other
requirements 8.1, 9.1.2 EMS Review
Management Resources for
System 4.4 implementing / Communication 7.4
Maintaining EMS 7.1
Infrastructure 7.1
Improvement 10.3
Non - Conformance
[Section 10.2 of IMS Manual]
Information 7.5