Cpe Report Writing: Header Will Be
Cpe Report Writing: Header Will Be
Cpe Report Writing: Header Will Be
1) Title page, Certificate page, Acknowledgement page , Abstarct page & Index or Content page,
These all five pages don’t use Header & Footer.
2) Abstract will have one paragraph not more than 150 words , Abstract means You should write
your project related some information like Imagination things and little introduction.
3) Content page in dotted format with proper numbering
4) Header and Footer use only 3 chapters
Header will be
Chapter No- Project Title
Footer will be
5) In whole Report don’t use Bulletes, instead of Bullets you have to use Numbering
Now Numbering like
1 -main point
1.1 -sub point
6) Whenever starting paragraph & new paragraph should give one Tab means give little space to
7) Always should give Table caption or Table just above or up with bold
and Fig name should give below with number like Fig 1,Fig 2 like that.
8) In literature survey Should must try first paper want from 2020 year and Literature survey
should write descending order like year wise example 2019,2018 … etc with proper format with
9) Should not be same chapter name and point name ad sub point name
10) In Bibliography include name of papers, publication year, author these you have to include in
chapter two and include you are web references link properly.