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Creating and Modifying A Passenger Name Record (PNR) : Laboratory Exercise

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Philip John L. Gargar BSTM 4

Laboratory Exercise
Creating and Modifying a Passenger Name Record

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Create and modify a passenger name record (PNR) using the Amadeus system.


 Internet connection
 Amadeus Selling Platform
 Pen

Basic Principles:

The passenger name record has five (5) mandatory elements  name, segment, contact, received from, and
ticketing. These elements can be entered in any order in the system.

1. Log on to the Amadeus selling platform using your credentials.

2. Practice all transaction commands discussed in 06 Handout 1. Follow your instructor’s demonstration.
Call the attention of your instructor if you have any questions.

3. Use the system to respond to the following scenarios. Make sure to observe the system responses. Write
your responses in the space provided.
Scenario System Entry (To be filled out during the
checking of answers.)
>NM1 CHAN/DAVID MR Just do the step by step of
1. Enter the name
single family element.
element for Mr. David
Enter items 2-4 in a single PNR.
NM2 KING/DES MR/LUCILLE MRS Type the NM and how many
RP/MNLPH2958/ person involve of the
2. Enter the name
1.KING/DES MR 2.KING/LUCILLE MRS transaction which is (2) two and
element for Mr. Des
*TRN* the surename the next one is
King and Mrs. Lucille
name and suffix and repeat the
same method but without the
3. They have a child >NM1 KING/SUSIE MSTR(CHD/25MAY15) Type the single elment and put
named Susie King, who the gender of the child (MSTR)
was born on May 25, RP/MNLPH2958/ and then the status, birthdate
2015. Add the child to 1.CHAN/DAVID
the passenger name 2.KING/DES MR

06 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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4. Add also to the PNR, >NM1 WILLIAMS/JOAN First put the mothers
Mrs. Joan Williams, a MRS(INFWILLIAMS/IVOR/15AUG21) information in single family
friend of the couple, element and second put INF on
who is traveling with RP/MNLPH2958/ the name of infant to recognize
her three-month-old 1.CHAN/DAVID 2.KING/DES MR and lastly the birthdate.
Williams. (Input the MSTR(CHD/25MAY15)
date three (3) months 5.WILLIAMS/JOAN
ago as Ivor’s birthday). MRS(INFWILLIAMS/IVOR/15AUG21)

SS1Y6 Type the code of short sell enrty

*** NHP *** (SS) second type how many
RP/MNLPH2958/ seat in the situation is (1) next
1.CHAN/DAVID 2.KING/DES MR the type class which is (Y)lastly
5. Book one seat in Y class on
3.KING/LUCCILE MRS the row(6).
the flight highlighted on the
availability display above.

6. Refer to the availability display above. RP/MNLPH2958/ The passenger book are
The seat the passenger wants to book 934 Y 15NOV 1 MNLHKG DK1 not available that’s why I
is not available. She wishes to be put 2035 2305 15NOV E 0 333 D put her/his on waitlist.t I
on the waitlist. SEE RTSVC use the procedure of
2 CX 659 Y 16NOV 2 HKGSIN Short Sell Entry and put

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DK1 0140 0540 16NOV E 0 333 B PE to recognize the code

SEE RTSVC that he/her are on waitlist.

For items 7-8, refer to the above PNR.

>APM- GREEN/TERESSA MRS Just type APM and full
RP/MNLPH2958/ name of passenger if you
7. Enter a mobile number for passenger
1 APE STEEVE@GREEN.COM want the mobile number.
2 APM 8406589 And APE if you want the
3 APM GREEN/TERESSA MRS email address of the
>APE-steeve@green.com passenger.
8. Enter the e-mail address RP/MNLPH2958/
steve@green.com for passenger 2. 1 APE STEEVE@GREEN.COM
2 APM 8406589
>TKTL05NOV Type the transaction code
9. Create a request that a ticket is to be
RP/MNLPH2958/ and the date.
issued on November 5 for a specific
>RFTERESA Type the transaction code
10. Add to the PNR, Teresa Green, who
RP/MNLPH2958/ RF and then the first
contacted you for a booking.
name of passenger.
11. Creating and Modifying a PNR
A. Generate a neutral availability display for any city pair (e.g., MNL - PAR) and date you want to.
B. Create a passenger name record (PNR) using the following information.
• Name of the passenger: DELA CRUZ, MARY JOY
• Segment: One seat in any class on any availability line number
• Passenger’s contact details: Your telephone or mobile number, or e-mail address
• The person who made the booking: Your name
• Ticket to be issued on any date before the flight departure
C. Once done, call the attention of your instructor for checking.
D. CANCEL the itinerary or the flight segment using the correct transaction command.
E. Update the given name of the passenger into MARY and add the title MS.
F. Once done, call your instructor for checking.

06 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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