NDip and BTech QA
NDip and BTech QA
NDip and BTech QA
What has happened to qualifications previously called N: Dip and B: Tech that were
offered by Universities of Technology? They will be phased out over time but have
been replaced by Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas and Postgraduate Diplomas.
2. What does this mean for people who have already qualified with N: Dip or B: Tech
qualifications? A qualification does not lose its currency. It will still be registered on
the NQF but no new students will be able to register for these qualifications from
2020 onwards.
3. What is the plan for students currently completing their N: Dip or B: Tech
qualifications? Students currently completing their N: Dip will be able to progress to
the Advanced Diploma and students who have done the B: Tech will be able to
progress to the Postgraduate Diploma, or in some cases an Honours degree, should
they want to continue with postgraduate study. Where a professional body is
involved, they have determined the progression routes for their relevant professional
4. Previously, after completing the B: Tech qualification, students could progress to the
M: Tech and D: Tech qualifications. What are the opportunities now for students
who’ve completed their B: Tech qualifications who want to progress to Masters and
Doctorate-level programmes? B:Tech students can progress to a Postgraduate
Diploma and then to a Masters’ followed by a Doctoral qualification. They cannot
progress directly into a Masters’ qualification as the B: Tech is at NQF level 7 and the
Masters’ qualification is now at NQF level 9. The gap of the NQF level 8 between the
B: Tech at NQF level 7 and the Masters’ at NQF level 9 needs to be covered before
entering into the NQF level 9 Masters’.
5. Does the process impact people who’ve secured jobs with N: Dip and B: Tech
qualifications as the perception is that these qualifications have been ‘downgraded’?
No there should be no impact. Over time academic policies change but old
qualifications do not lose their currency and SAQA would normally be able to provide
an employer with the equivalence for a qualification. For example, in 1995 when the
old Technikon policy report 151 changed, employees who had qualifications from
before 1995 were still able to be employed. The importance is for the qualification to
be registered on the NQF. There has been no downgrading of any qualification, just a
6. Has the change been communicated to all PSET institutions to ensure there’s
common understanding in academia and with students? Yes, they were all notified in
2013 and there has been on going communication by the Council on Higher
Education with the institutions. Initially the last date was suggested for 2017, but after
consultation with institutions, the date of 2019 was agreed to and published in the
Government Gazette by the Minister.