2021-2022 Tyt-Ayt Soru Bankalari
2021-2022 Tyt-Ayt Soru Bankalari
2021-2022 Tyt-Ayt Soru Bankalari
1. One of the great ---- of Einstein was his discovery C) get away with D) come up with
of the photoelectric effect for which he won the E) stay away from
Nobel Prize in 1921.
A) drawbacks B) predictions
C) interventions D) accomplishments
6. The King of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, who ---- the
E) conditions country to become a member of the UN, ---- the
throne after the 1973 famine.
MEB 2021 - 2022 ● Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü A) was helping / could abandon
B) had helped / had to abandon
C) helped / would abandon
2. After an ---- majority voted in favour of
independence during the election, Bougainville D) used to help / might abandon
may be well on the path of becoming an E) would have helped / must have abandoned
independent country.
A) elaborate B) archaic
C) anxious D) inspiring
7. According to Fred Genesee, a professor of
E) overwhelming psycholinguistics, children simply need ---- to a
different language for at least 30 percent of their
waking hours so that they ---- it.
A) to be climbing / accomplish
4. The U.S. economy has ---- to a 2.5 percent pace
B) climbing / had accomplished
of growth in the second half of this year thanks to
the new policies on trade and marketing. C) having climbed / were accomplishing
D) to climb / accomplished
A) decreased B) accelerated
E) climb / would accomplish
C) stopped D) accumulated
E) manipulated
13. Not ---- learner can excel in a foreign language, but
9-15. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. ---- who takes a few courses can produce simple
9. The Cold War rivalry between the United States and A) one / everybody B) every / anybody
the Soviet Union lasted ---- decades and resulted
C) each / nobody D) another / someone
---- mutual suspicions and international incidents
that led the two superpowers to the brink of a E) any / no one
nuclear disaster.
A) over / to B) for / in C) on / from
D) in / on E) at / for
10. In a study conducted last year, scientists found out 14. Although the town of Sambuca, which is situated
that children’s muscles recover ---- high-intensity Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü on the island of Sicily, is endowed with ---- beauties
exercise far more quickly than those of athletes, ---- gorgeous beaches and Arabesque architecture,
and they now hope that further research might the houses have sharply diminished in value for
reveal how our body changes ---- age. the past decade.
A) in / by B) through / over A) as / as B) such / as
C) for / at D) from / with C) whether / or D) so / that
E) to / within E) either / or
A) as B) whereas C) hence
genetic engineering in agriculture and for
MEB 2021 - 2022
16-20. sorularda aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya A) can B) must C) should
ifadeyi bulunuz.
D) had better E) would
23. ----, there was no sign of a postal system that we 26. In addition to working in the office for long hours,
would recognise today. ----.
A) Though letters travelled England with great A) a night shift can be an alternative for unemployed
frequency in the 15th century people
B) Once the recipient’s name and address was written B) my father did not accept the terms offered by the
on the outside firm and resigned
C) If messengers to London could have been found C) that is why some people found it far more difficult to
more easily work at weekends
D) Despite the fact that journeys in England in the D) Jane is attending an English course to improve her
15th century were very dangerous language skills
E) As soon as the messenger arrived to deliver a E) on some occasions, we wanted to have a break or
verbal message go on a holiday for a week
24. The flu virus, which claims half a million lives every Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
year, mutates constantly; ----.
A) however, the scientists working on it are not even
close to finding a cure
B) thus, the success rate of the attempts to develop a
vaccine is very low
C) nonetheless, the data obtained as a result of
experiments done on mice are significant
D) hence, most of us have adequate knowledge
regarding the source of it
E) in other words, the researchers will soon start
testing it on mice and monkeys
of the United States, world peace, cultural or other A) so it can be treated quite easily with the right
significant public or private endeavours, ----. methods
A) Elvis received three Grammy awards and he B) whereas in older patients, age-related changes in
appeared in thirty-three films the lens can lead to this disease
B) he was “the King of Rock and Roll”, a highly skilful C) that’s why older people tend to suffer more form the
and influencing musician of the 60s illness
C) some other musicians such as Bob Dylan and D) as it couldn’t be treated in 1960s when medicine
Stevie Wonder also got the award was not as advanced as it is today
D) since the President of the United States described E) because people do not have their eyes checked
Elvis as “an enduring American icon” regularly these days
E) the Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded to
Elvis Presley 41 years after his death
28. The “Roaring Twenties,” which was actually a
29-31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
period from about 1923 to late 1929, is a prominent
era ----.
A) as a consequence of the explosion of consumer
economy, consumer goods were available
everywhere with the advent of mass production and
widespread electrification Walter Tull was born on 28th April 1888 to a slave
B) because the concepts of large government, Barbadian father and a British mother. Although he
was of mixed race, he was always considered to
consumerism, and individualism that define the
be black. He began playing football at Clapton and
American society today were developed then
at the age of 21, he was transferred to Tottenham.
C) after business influenced political decisions and When he made his debut against Sunderland,
the government took increasing control over the he became the third black football player to show
economy, as well as increasing control over society up in the English Football League after Arthur
in general Wharton and Billy Clarke. Everything was like
a dream for the Tully, who was leaving many
D) hence it set the economic stage for the Great people with a strong impression owing to his great
Depression and the government takeover of the form. However, this dream would soon turn into a
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
economy, and ultimately, society nightmare. In September 1909, he was exposed to
racist abuse during the away game against Bristol
E) when the economy could no longer absorb the City and for the first time, a racist incident on a
inflation and expansion, the government had to football field was reported as news. In the news
resign report in Football Star Magazine, Bristol fans were
called “hooligans,” which was not a common word
at the time. After the disgusting assault, Tull went
all shy and his teammates turned their backs on
him. He left Tottenham and continued to play for
Northampton Town until World War I broke out. Tull
signed up for the battalion consisting of football
players. His leadership skills were soon noticed
by his superiors. Consequently, they sent him to
the military academy in Scotland although, at the
time, blacks were not allowed to be military officers.
Eventually, he became the first ever black officer
in the English army. Tull was killed in the battle in
Pas-de-Calais, but his body was never found.
MEB 2021 - 2022
30. According to the passage, Tull was able to become
32-34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
a military officer ----.
A) for he had an influential character
B) as he always dreamed to be a lieutenant
Electric cars have reformed the electric vehicle
C) despite the lack of support from his superiors
industry. These cars are environmentally safe
D) after he successfully led his battalion to victory and they have the potential to give a superior
performance to users. They have a powerful
E) because he was a well-known football player battery, which is charged with electricity. This
battery is somewhat similar to the batteries that
can be found in your laptops and smartphones.
Namely, lithium ion battery is used for electric cars
in order to power them up. In order to move the
car, electric motors convert electrical energy drawn
from the batteries to mechanical power. This way
is more efficient than the technology that is used in
combustion engines found on traditional cars. As a
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü result of this, if one drives an electric car, they will
be able to cover a longer distance with their charge
and this means saving money in the long term.
the 20th century.
MEB 2021 - 2022
34. What is the author’s primary purpose in this
35-37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) To give information about a new technology vehicle
and its components.
B) To explain how to use electric cars safely and save Medical tests like imaging internal organs often
energy. require operating patients or making them swallow
C) To inform the readers about all new technology big tubes with cameras on them. But what if we
cars. get the same results with less expensive, invasive
and time-consuming methods? Scientists from
D) To criticise the components of electric cars and MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
their design. Laboratory (CSAIL) led by Professor Dina
Katabi are working on a device called ReMix,
E) To help the readers decide on which vehicles to
a system which is described as “in-body GPS.”
choose in the future. Practically, the patient swallows an implant and
ReMix connects this implant wirelessly. If there
is a tumour in a tissue or an organ, the implant
homes in it and ReMix detects its location with
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü the help of wireless signals. To test the device,
Katabi’s group first implanted a small marker in
animal tissues. To track its movement, they used
a wireless device that reflects radio signals off the
patient. It was based on a wireless technology that
the researchers previously demonstrated to detect
heart rate, breathing, and movement. A special
algorithm then uses that signal to pinpoint the
exact location of the marker. In animal tests, they
succeeded in tracking the implants with centimeter
level accuracy. Now, they think that such implants
can be used to deliver drugs to specific regions in
the body in the future.
36. ReMix, a system which is described as “in-body
38-40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
GPS”, ----.
A) can only connect implants with a very special and
expensive program developed by Dina Katabi and
her team
China is famous for its pandas, and infamous for
B) utilises wireless technology to locate ingestible its pollution. To celebrate the country’s national
implants inside the human body animal while also combating greenhouse gas
C) is one of the expensive, invasive and time-consuming emissions, a solar power plant investor and
methods used for medical testing operator has unveiled a brand-new panda
D) is the best device to detect the locations of tumours shaped plant in Datong, China. The solar-panel
inside the body bear is enormous, but it’s only the first stage of
construction for the new Panda Power Plant. The
E) is not practically used in animals for checking the
plant currently has a capacity of 50 megawatts.
efficiency of it
In the near future, it is planned to construct a
second solar panda. When fully connected, the
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
Panda Power Plant will measure 1500 acres and
have a capacity of 100 megawatts. In the next 25
years, the Panda Power Plant will produce 3.2
billion kilowatt hours of solar energy, thus reducing
China’s dependence on coal and carbon emissions
by 2.74 million tons. As for the pandas themselves,
their black and white features are rendered
using two types of solar panels: white thin film
photovoltaic (PV) cells and black monocrystalline
silicon PV cells. The amusing designs are intended
to promote awareness about clean energy among
young people. Chinese youth will also be recruited
to attend summer camps at the Panda Power Plant
to learn more about green energy production.
37. Which of the following is the main idea of this Panda Green Energy also plans to construct
passage? panda-themed power stations in Fiji and the
A) Every patient should be encouraged to try new Philippines, with the goal of constructing 100 panda
treatments used for cancer therapy. plants around the world over the next five years.
MEB 2021 - 2022
39. According to the passage, once two panda shaped
41-43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
solar plants are combined ----.
A) it will be possible to produce twice as much energy
as the current production
B) China will cease the use of fossil fuels such as coal Overtaking on single carriageway roads is one
and oil of the most dangerous manoeuvres drivers can
C) thousands of similar power stations will be built all perform, and is usually unnecessary. Overtaking is
around the world dangerous because it is impossible to accurately
judge the speed and distance of approaching
D) the first stage of the construction will have traffic. This lack of judgement can easily be fatal
successfully been completed when travelling at speed on the wrong side of the
E) they will instantly start producing 3.2 billion kilowatt road. If two vehicles headed towards each other
hours of solar energy are both travelling at 60mph, the gap between
decreases by about 60 metres every second. It is,
therefore, incredibly dangerous to overtake on rural
roads, where there will rarely be enough straight,
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü visible road ahead to be certain that nothing is
coming in the opposite direction. It is also simply
not worth it: if you are travelling at 55mph, and you
overtake someone doing 50mph, and you have
ten miles left of your journey, you’ll only arrive
one minute faster than if you’d stayed behind the
slower vehicle. However, in reality you wouldn’t
even save this much time, as you would still need
to slow down for bends, junctions, etc. Authorities
advise that overtaking should be avoided unless
absolutely essential, for instance to overtake an
40. The underlined word “infamous” in the passage has extremely slow moving vehicle on a long, open
the same meaning with ----. stretch, without speeding or traffic coming the other
way. Otherwise just hang back, relax and enjoy the
A) celebrated B) obvious C) inspirational journey.
D) notorious E) deficient
A) Drivers on rural roads are not aware of the possible
threats while they are driving at 60mph or more.
B) The visibility of rural roads is usually not enough
to see if another vehicle is coming in the opposite
C) Compared to urban roads, the maintenance of rural
roads is performed less frequently.
D) The traffic on rural roads is too dense, which makes
it highly dangerous to overtake other vehicles.
E) If the gap between two vehicles on opposite lanes
is less than 60 metres, a fatal accident cannot be
42. According to the paragraph, ----.
44-48. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
A) the speed limits on rural roads must be less than bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
50mph in order to prevent accidents resulting in bulunuz.
B) even if you avoid unnecessary overtaking,
accidents might happen due to speeding on rural 44. Ashley : I thought you were going to buy a new flat in
roads this neighbourhood.
C) it might not be possible to arrive at your destination Brian : Well, I was going to buy one, but the prices are
earlier as there are other factors which will slow just too high.
you down
Ashley : ----
D) overtaking a very slow vehicle is safe whether
or not you have a good vision of the traffic in the Brian : I will probably just stay in my current
opposite direction apartment for the time being and wait for the
real estate prices to go down.
E) the only dangerous manoeuvre a driver can
perform on a rural road is to overtake another A) Isn’t it too hard for you to live alone in your
vehicle Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü apartment?
B) What is the exact reason for buying a new flat?
C) So, what are you going to do now?
D) You know the economy is getting better these days.
E) Is it a good idea to buy a flat at a low cost?
43. The authorities argue that ----. 45. Lena : What do you think we should have for dinner
A) it is worth overtaking when you still have a long
way to go as you can save some time and arrive at Lisa : ----
your destination earlier
aren’t you?
might cause traffic accidents unless the drivers are
Lisa : You might be right. I guess I should go on a
well aware of them
diet as soon as possible.
C) better roads with better visibility should be
constructed so that the mortality rate of rural road A) How about making a healthy salad with fresh
accidents can be minimised vegetables and some olive oil?
D) if it is not definitely necessary, drivers should refrain B) Shall we eat grilled fish at the restaurant that
from overtaking and take pleasure from relaxed opened last week?
driving C) I think we should definitely try something new.
E) whatever your speed, the gap between two D) Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza or
vehicles on opposite directions closes so quickly spaghetti.
that it is impossible to avoid crashes
E) I hope we can finish our meal in time and be at the
office before the meeting starts.
46. Nancy : I suppose chronic diseases are on the rise 48. Kevin : If you are a Star Wars fan, there is good
because of an ageing population. news for you as the ninth film called “The
Martin : That is not so simple. More than half of the Rise of Skywalker” will be made soon. The
patients catch them at early ages. film will be starring Mark Hamill as Luke
Skywalker and the late Carrie Fisher as
Nancy : ----
Princess Leia.
Martin : No, it’s not. Urbanisation also plays quite an
important role. Richard : ----
A) Are there any preventive health solutions to the Kevin : She did; however, the producers were able
condition? to use previously unseen footage from the
film “The Force Awakens”.
B) Really? So it’s not simply a condition of longer life.
C) I hope the specialists will soon find new ways of Richard : I see. Well, that’s great news. Besides Star
treating it. Wars films, I am also a huge fan of Carrie
Fisher and I can’t miss the opportunity to
D) I am sure that efficient healthcare systems will be
watch her final acting performance.
A) How is that possible? As you said, Fisher died a
E) Can early diagnosis of the disease help younger Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
few years ago.
B) Fisher acted in four Star Wars films as Princess
47. Burak : The report says, a company is launching C) Her health began to deteriorate quite seriously.
some satellites in a project aimed at delivering
affordable Internet access to every corner of D) Fisher performed really well in the 7th episode.
the globe. E) She also wrote a book and the screenplay for the
Derya : ---- film based on it.
however, I don’t think everyone will be happy at the toil over them and do numerous scientific studies.
MEB 2021 - 2022
50. No matter how hard they try, they will always be 52. According to most psychologists, our personalities
surpassed by their competitors in this tournament. are just like teeth: they’re stable on a daily basis,
but can shift over time.
A) Only if they try harder, can they be ahead of their
competitors in this tournament. A) Psychologists think that our personalities are
similar to our teeth in that most of the time, they are
B) They will eventually beat their competitors in this
stable; however, they can change as we grow up.
tournament unless they give up trying.
B) To some psychologists, our personalities are very
C) Although they tried as hard as their competitors did,
stable from day to day but they can change in time
they couldn’t be successful in this tournament.
like our teeth.
D) It is impossible for them to outperform their
C) What all psychologists think is that our personalities
competitors in this tournament however hard they
are similar to teeth for they are stable from day to
day, but it takes years for them to shift.
E) Whether they try or not, they will be able to
D) Most psychologists think that our personalities are
outscore their competitors in this tournament.
somewhat similar to teeth, though they’re stable
from day to day, they can change through the
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
E) As stated by most psychologists, neither our
personalities nor our teeth are stable day to day
and they can change over a long period of time.
A) There are no satisfactory explanations to prove the
MEB 2021 - 2022
idea that cell phones cause cancer in people. B) There are various purposes including political
commentary or entertainment for creating a cartoon
B) There are too many speculations about the cause
and most cartoonists prefer the former style to the
of cancer developed in people who use cell phones
too much.
C) Cartoons are created for various purposes indeed,
C) Evidence exists to suggest that cell phones have
as there are cartoonists who draw for political
the potential to cause cancer in people who use
commentary whereas there are some who design
them too much.
their cartoons for fun.
D) The evidence to support the assumption that cell
D) Cartoonists tend to create their cartoons for one
phones cause people to develop cancer because of
purpose only; however, we see some cartoonists
using them too much is not enough.
drawing for both politics and for fun.
E) Scientists haven’t found any evidence about the
E) While drawing a cartoon, some cartoonists aim to
idea that people develop cancer because of cell
criticise politicians, while there are some others
who create them for entertainment.
56. Your friend’s daughter wants to study music at the
54-58. sorularda verilen durumda söylenmiş
conservatory. He is worried that she will become
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
one of the university graduates who seeks a job
to make a living for a long time, so he wants to
deter her from her decision. Upon hearing that, you
54. One of your friends has just been offered a job are quite shocked because you think she is very
from two companies and she can’t decide which is talented. You feel you ought to encourage him and
more advantageous for her. You know that one of let her daughter pursue her dreams: ----
the companies requires long working hours despite A) Well, studying music means no opportunities for
its high salary and it will probably be difficult for jobs that provide high salaries and good conditions.
her to take care of her children. She asks you for
advice and you say: ---- B) I highly recommend you to encourage her to follow
her dreams because she is a gifted one.
A) I don’t know much about the other company, but
the one with a high salary can be acceptable for a C) If I were you, I would convince her to study
woman with children. anything apart from music however talented she is.
B) I know that you are an affectionate mom and D) She can take it up as a hobby while studying
working long hours at work and dealing with something that won’t be so pointless.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
children at home can be stressful for you. E) To be frank, she is insufficiently qualified for fine
C) I’m sure you will be satisfied with the job with a arts and needs to improve her skills.
high salary as you will not be engaged with the
housework at home.
D) If I were you, I wouldn’t consider how hard it is to
work long hours as I only care about money.
E) I think that being away from children for long hours
can be tolerated for the sake of a high salary.
separate houses, you tell your mother the situation friend while refusing her offer. You say: ----
MEB 2021 - 2022
B) I can’t decide what to do and you are not willing to C) Not in this life! Don’t you know that I hate spicy
solve my problem. food?
C) Whatever you say will not affect my decision. D) Curry is my favourite spice and I love it mostly with
chicken dishes.
D) I’ll introduce my housemate to you as soon as
possible. E) I may try them another time. Now, I just want to
have something ordinary.
E) I was expecting you to support me and now I’m
58. You and your brother are getting ready for a 60. America has always been full of languages, a fact
conference. Your brother is rather impatient and that has been a source of pride. However, there has
tells you to hurry for fear that you will be late. As long been a fundamental misconception about one
you know that you really don’t need to be punctual of its distinctive tongues: the speech of some of
since such conferences tend to start a bit later than the country’s black population, especially in highly
arranged, you say: ---- isolated areas. ---- Instead, it is like a cousin. It
developed from the same roots, but in a different
A) Oh, we won’t be late. You know how these affairs
direction, born of unique circumstances. Enslaved
are. They never start on time.
people from various African backgrounds took
B) I am hurrying as fast as I can. Now leave me alone what they learned of English and made it their own.
while I am getting ready.
A) Ebonics simply means “black speech”, a blend of
C) Well, the first session is not very interesting, so we the words ebony “black” and phonics “sounds”.
might as well skip it.
B) Other linguists emphasize its English origins,
D) Maybe we should take a taxi to the conference hall pointing to the fact that most of the vocabulary of
so as not to be late. the dialect is from English.
E) Don’t worry. Our absence will not be noticed until C) Contrary to what most people think, African-
we get there. Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü American English is not a broken and mistake-filled
version of standard English.
59-63. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçada D) Since 1996, the term Ebonics has been used
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek to emphasize an independence from standard
cümleyi bulunuz. English.
E) The Oakland School Board recognized it as the
‘primary’ language of its majority African American
59. A child with autism spectrum disorder who is very students.
sensitive may be greatly troubled -sometimes even
pained- by sounds, touches, smells, or sights that
seem normal to others. Children who are autistic 61. ---- No longer will we have to worry about the
may have repetitive, stereotyped body movements security of our login credentials. They are set to be
such as rocking, pacing, or hand flapping. replaced by an infinitely more secure login system
They may have unusual responses to people, known as Web Authentication. It is a system that
attachments to objects, resistance to change will be universally used by web browsers and
in their routines, or aggressive or self-injurious platforms for simpler and stronger authentication
behaviour. At times, they may seem not to notice processes. It will allow website users to log in
people, objects, or activities in their surroundings. securely to their online accounts using a digital
B) Most teenagers seem to be positive and energetic B) 80% of Internet revenue is concentrated in players
at all times, so even the worst situations cannot get like Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
them down. C) Public opinion towards the reigning social media
C) Similarly, the eating habits of adults may be giants is constantly changing.
affected by many different things like medical, D) Most users will choose a simple security question
psychological and social factors. in order to easily remember it.
D) In some complex games, kids can successfully E) It looks like login usernames and passwords are on
follow the instructions and complete the tasks. their way out.
E) Discussing differences, on the other hand, can
help kids appreciate diversity and better recognize
discrimination when they see it.
62. A theme park in France has established a novel
64-69. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye
and environmentally friendly way of keeping its
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
grounds free of litter. ---- The birds pick up the litter
and deposit it into a special trash can which then
64. A group of engineers and architects have put
delivers some bird feed as a reward. The more litter
forward the idea of building a floating city which
the birds put in the trash can, the more food they
will be able to withstand all sorts of natural
disasters, including floods and tsunamis.
A) It has selected and trained six “intelligent” rooks to
pick up rubbish and keep the park clean. A) Bir grup mühendis ve mimar, sel ve tsunami
de dahil olmak üzere her türlü doğal felakete
B) Some biologists say rooks, members of crow family,
dayanabilecek yüzen bir şehir inşa etme fikrini ileri
are as smart as a seven-year-old child.
C) The rooks are speedy workers and can fill a bucket
with rubbish in less than 45 minutes. B) Her türlü doğal felakete, özellikle de sel ve
D) The goal is not just to clean up, as the visitors are tsunamiye karşı dayanıklı olan bir yüzen şehir inşa
generally careful to keep things clean. etme fikri bir grup mühendis ve mimar tarafından
ortaya konmuştur.
E) Rooks like to communicate with humans and
establish a relationship through play. C) Bir grup mühendis ve mimar tarafından ortaya
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
atılan fikre göre, sel ve tsunami dahil olmak üzere
her türlü doğal felakete dayanabilecek bir yüzen
şehir yapmak mümkündür.
D) Bir grup mühendis ve mimarın ileri sürdüğü fikre
63. Finland is not satisfied with constantly being top göre, yüzen bir şehir sel ve tsunami de dahil olmak
of the world’s education leagues. The government üzere her türlü doğal felakete dayanabilecektir.
is now planning to reform its education system so E) Bir grup mühendis ve mimar, tüm felaketlere,
that young Finns are better prepared for the digital özellikle de sel ve tsunamiye karşı dayanıklı
age. ---- An example of this would be to use 3D olabilecek yüzen bir şehir inşa etme fikrini ortaya
printers in history classes so students can create koymuştur.
models of ancient buildings. The government
also wants to promote vocational training and
encourage learning in real-life work settings.
A) Students’ performance would be evaluated by a
65. Both bacteria and viruses can cause diseases,
teacher as well as by an official from the company
but knowing which is the culprit is critical for the
helping the student.
treatment to be effective.
66. The Scandinavians not only changed the history 68. Irish Potato Famine, also known as the Great
of European countries, but they also established Hunger, led to more than 1 million deaths and
territories in Iceland, Greenland and temporarily, caused millions of people to emigrate from their
North America. country to North America and Great Britain.
A) İskandinavlar İzlanda, Grönland ve Kuzey Amerika A) Büyük Açlık olarak da bilinen İrlanda Patates Kıtlığı
gibi ülkeleri ele geçirerek Avrupa ülkelerinin tarihini 1 milyondan fazla ölüme yol açtı ve milyonlarca
derinden etkilemiştir. insanın ülkelerinden Kuzey Amerika ve Büyük
Britanya’ya göç etmesine neden oldu.
B) İskandinavlar sadece Avrupa ülkelerinin tarihini
değiştirmemiş, aynı zamanda İzlanda, Grönland ve B) Büyük Açlık olarak da bilinen İrlanda Patates Kıtlığı
geçici olarak Kuzey Amerika’da yerleşim alanları 1 milyondan fazla kişinin ölümüne ve milyonlarca
kurmuştur. insanın ülkelerinden kaçıp Kuzey Amerika ve Büyük
Britanya’ya sığınmasını kolaylaştırdı.
C) İskandinavlar Avrupa ülkelerinin tarihini
değiştirdikten sonra İzlanda, Grönland ve geçici C) Büyük Açlık olarak da bilinen İrlanda Patates Kıtlığı
olarak Kuzey Amerika’yı da topraklarına katmıştı. 1 milyon kişinin ölümüne ve milyonlarca insanın
ülkelerini terk edip Kuzey Amerika ve Büyük
D) İskandinavlar sadece Avrupa tarihini değiştirmemiş;
Britanya’ya taşınmasına yol açtı.
İzlanda, Grönland ve geçici olarak Amerika’da da
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
imparatorluk kurmuştur. D) İrlanda Patates Kıtlığı 1 milyon kişinin ölümüne
yol açmakla beraber insanların ülkelerini terk edip
E) İskandinavlar, işgal ettikleri İzlanda, Grönland ve
Kuzey Amerika ve Büyük Britanya’ya kaçmalarına
geçici olarak Kuzey Amerika dışında Avrupa’nın
da neden olmuştur.
tarihinde de köklü değişimlere neden olmuştur.
E) Büyük Açlık olarak da adlandırılan İrlanda Patates
Kıtlığı 1 milyon kişinin ölümüne neden oldu ve
67. NASA is working on their massive Space Launch böylece milyonlarca insan ülkelerinden kaçıp Kuzey
System, a next-generation heavy lift rocket that Amerika ve Büyük Britanya’ya sığındı.
could launch cargo and astronauts beyond
low-Earth orbit for the first time since the Apollo 69. The most important things to consider when trying
program. to understand the story of the Christmas tree are
A) NASA, Apollo programından beri ilk defa kargo the significance of evergreen plants in pagan
ve astronotların düşük Dünya yörüngesine cultures and the symbolism of the winter solstice.
fırlatılmasına imkan sağlayabilecek bir ağır kaldırma A) Pagan kültürlerindeki yaprak dökmeyen bitkilerin
roketi olan devasa Uzay Fırlatma Sisteminin önemi ve kış gündönümünün sembolizmi
üzerinde çalışmalar yapıyor. Noel ağacının öyküsünü anlamaya çalışırken
B) NASA’nın üzerinde yıllardır çalıştığı Uzay Fırlatma düşünmemiz gereken önemli şeylerdir.
Sistemi, Apollo programından sonra ilk kez B) Noel ağacını anlamaya çalışırken dikkat etmemiz
MEB 2021 - 2022
kargo ve astronotların düşük Dünya yörüngesine gereken en önemli şeyler pagan kültürlerindeki
fırlatılabilmesine olanak sağlayan yeni nesil bir ağır yaprak dökmeyen ağaçlar ve kış gündönümünün
kaldırma roketidir. sembolizmidir.
C) NASA, yeni nesil bir ağır kaldırma roketi olan C) Noel ağacının öyküsünü anlamaya çalışırken göz
ve Apollo programından beri ilk kez kargo ve önünde bulundurulması gereken en önemli şeyler
astronotların düşük Dünya yörüngesinin ötesine pagan kültürlerdeki yaprak dökmeyen bitkilerin
fırlatılmasına olanak sağlayan devasa Uzay önemi ve kış gündönümünün sembolizmidir.
Fırlatma Sistemini kurmaya hazırlanıyor.
D) Pagan kültürlerindeki yaprak dökmeyen bitkiler
D) NASA, Apollo programından bu yana ilk kez, kargo ve kış gündönümünün sembolizmi Noel ağacını
ve astronotları düşük Dünya yörüngesinin ötesine anlamaya çalışırken dikkat etmemiz gereken önemli
fırlatabilecek yeni nesil bir ağır kaldırma roketi olan şeylerdir.
devasa Uzay Fırlatma Sisteminin üzerinde çalışıyor.
E) Noel ağacının öyküsünü anlamaya çalışırken,
E) Apollo programından bu yana NASA, düşük Dünya pagan kültürlerdeki yaprak dökmeyen ağaçların
yörüngesine kargo ve astronotları fırlatacak yeni önemi ve kış gündönümündeki sembolizm en dikkat
nesil bir ağır kaldırma roketi olan Uzay Fırlatma çeken unsurlardır.
Sisteminin üzerinde çalışmaktadır.
72. Uzak doğu felsefesinin yanı sıra tıp biliminden de
70-75. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca
önemli ölçüde etkilenmiş olan Çin mutfağı ülkenin
en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
geniş coğrafyasıyla doğru orantılı bir zenginliğe
70. Hiroşima ve Nagazaki’ye atom bombaları atıldığından
beri, hükümetler atomun barışçıl olduğu kadar A) The richness of Chinese cuisine, which has been
savaşçı bir tarafının da olduğunu vurgulamaya significantly influenced by Far Eastern philosophy
çalışıyorlar. and medicine, is as vast as the country’s
A) Ever since the atomic bombs were dropped on geography.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, governments have been B) Significantly influenced by not only Far Eastern
trying to stress that the atom has a warlike as well philosophy but also medicine, Chinese cuisine is
as a peaceful side. rich, just like the geography of the country.
B) Governments have been trying to express that the
C) Chinese cuisine, which has been significantly
atom is both peaceful and warlike since Hiroshima
influenced by Far Eastern philosophy as well as
and Nagasaki were bombed.
medicine, has richness proportional to the vast
C) From the time of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima geography of the country.
and Nagasaki, governments have been trying to
D) Being influenced by Far Eastern philosophy and
focus on the peaceful side of the atom instead of its Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
warlike side. also medicine, Chinese cuisine and geography both
have a vast richness.
D) Governments have expressed both peaceful and
warlike sides of the atom since the atomic bombs E) Just as Far Eastern philosophy has significantly
were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. influenced Chinese cuisine, which has richness
E) Governments have been trying to focus on the similar in vastness to the country’s geography, so
peaceful side of the atom side since Hiroshima and has medicine.
Nagasaki were bombed, which showed its warlike
74. Arkeologlar İnkalar tarafından inşa edilen Machu
76-80. sorularda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
Picchu kalesinin karbon-14 testinin verdiği parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
kronolojik tarih olan on beşinci yüzyıla dayandığını bulunuz.
A) According to archaeologists, the citadel of Machu
Picchu, which was built by the Incas, dates back to
76. (I) Beowulf is regarded as one of the most important
the fifteenth century, which is the chronological date
works of Anglo-Saxon literature. (II) The story was
given by the carbon-14 testing.
passed down from generation to generation before
B) Archaeologists argue that the citadel of Machu and after the migration of the Anglo-Saxons from
Picchu was built by the Incas and dates back to the Scandinavia into England. (III) The characters in
fifteenth century, which is the chronological date
Beowulf could not have been Christian since the Anglo-
given by the carbon-14 testing.
Saxons had not met Christianity in the pre-migration
C) Archaeologists who are trying to determine the period. (IV) It tells how a young nobleman called
date when the citadel of Machu Picchu was built Beowulf travels to Denmark to kill Grendel, a monster
have found out that it dates back to the fifteenth that attacks the king’s castle and eats his men every
century, which is the chronological date given by
night. (V) According to the story, Beowulf pretends to
the carbon-14 testing. Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
be asleep in the castle hall, waits for the enemy, then
D) Archaeologists assume that the citadel of Machu rips off one of the monster’s arms with his bare hands.
Picchu, built by the Incas, dates back to the
fifteenth century, which is the chronological date A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
given by the carbon-14 testing.
E) Archaeologists believe that the citadel of Machu
Picchu, built by the Incas, could date back to the
fifteenth century, which is the chronological date
estimated by the carbon-14 testing.
computer simulation of a super-mass black hole kept their ladies’ maids throughout the 1920s and 30s
MEB 2021 - 2022
whose real photograph hasn’t been drawn yet. and continued to be dressed by them as a mark of their
B) A real photograph of a super-mass black hole was social status and wealth. (IV) Those maids were not
shared by the astrophysicists around the world after satisfied with their position and didn’t want to do the
being drawn with computer simulations. laundry and ironing. (V) The practice only ended finally
C) The astrophysicists around the world shared a real with the outbreak of the Second World War when most
photograph of a super-mass black hole that could servants left their employers and joined the armed
only have been drawn with computer simulations forces.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
D) A super-mass black hole was shared by a group
of astrophysicists around the world, even though;
they couldn’t draw its photograph with computer
E) After having been drawn with computer simulations,
astrophysicists around the world shared a
photograph of a real super-mass black hole.
78. (I) Paleaontology is a science which deals with the 80. (I) Peter McNaughton, a professor of pharmacology at
life of past geological periods as known from fossil King’s College London, is a devoted optimist.
remains. (II) The Paleaontological Research Institution (II) He acknowledges that his positivity can sometimes
states that there are fewer jobs in this area in the seem irrational, but he also knows that without it he
U.S. than there were a few years ago, but a few good wouldn’t have achieved all that he has. (III) And what
jobs still become available each year. (III) It’s an he’s achieved is quite possibly monumental. (IV) These
interdisciplinary field involving geology, archaeology, form the basis for a prospective painkilling drug with
chemistry, biology, archaeology and anthropology. the potential to treat multiple chronic pain conditions.
(IV) A paleaontologist studies the history and process (V) After decades of research into the cellular basis of
of evolution by examining fossils, the preserved traces chronic pain, McNaughton believes he has discovered
of long dead animals and plants. (V) Using data from the fundamentals of a drug that might eradicate it.
the fossilized bones, ancient pollen, and other clues,
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
paleaontologists dig up the details on past climates and
past extinctions.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
1. D 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. E 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D
11. B 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. E 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. E 30. A
31. C 32. D 33. E 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. A 40. D
41. B 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. D
51. D 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. B 57. E 58. A 59. A 60. C
61. E 62. A 63. D 64. A 65. A 66. B 67. D 68. A 69. C 70. A
71. B 72. C 73. E 74. D 75. C 76. C 77. D 78. B 79. C 80. D