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‘Types of levers Showing Resisting area of failure’

Course: Elements of Machine Design

Course Code: 22564
Academic Year: 2021-2022
Semester: 5I

Name: Ayush Kshirsagar

Roll No.: 2031
Enrollment No: 1901410298

Name of Micro Project Guide: Mr. S.D.Ambatkar

All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Polytechnic

Kennedy Road, Near RTO, Pune-411001

All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Polytechnic, Pune-01

Certified that this micro project report titled Types of Levers showing
resisting area of failure is the bonafide work of Ms./Mr. Ayush Kshirsagar
Roll no 2031 of Second year diploma in Mechanical engineering for the
course: Element of Machine Design Course code: 22564 during the academic
year 2021-2022 who carried out the micro project work under my supervision.

Mr. S.D.Ambatkar
Name & signature
Subject teacher


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Mr. S.D.Ambatkar as

well as our principal Prof. S.K.GIRAM Sir who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic ‘Types of levers showing resisting area of failure’ which
also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things I am
really thankful to them.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
project within the limited time frame.

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Micro Project Proposal

2. Rationale
3. Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project
4. Course Outcome achieved
5. Literature Review
6. Actual Methodology Followed
7. Actual Resources Used
8. Output of the Micro Projects
9. Skill Developed / Learning outcome of the
Micro Project
10. Applications of the Micro Project

Micro Project Proposal

Types of Spring

1.0 Aims/Benefit of the Micro Project

1.This project will help me to know more about levers
2. We also understand the topic in deep for future study.
3. The main purpose of this project is to know detail knowledge and use of levers in
mechanical field

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:


3.0 Proposed Methodology

1. Finalize the topic

2. Find and Collect information
3. Arrange information
4. Proofread the information
5. Review from the teacher
6. Edit project report as per the suggestions of the teacher
7. Proofread and finalize the report
8. Submission of the report
4.0 Action Plan:

Sr. No. Detail of Activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible

Start date Finish Team Members

1. Finalize the topic 1/10/21 4/10/21 Ayush Kshirsagar

2. Find and collect 6/10/21 13/10/21 Ayush Kshirsagar


3. Arrange information 18/10/21 20/10/21 Ayush Kshirsagar

4. Edit project report 22/10/21 28/10/21 Ayush Kshirsagar

5. Submission of report 30/11/21 15/12/21 Ayush Kshirsagar

5.0 Resource Required:

Sr. No. Name of Resource/Material Specificatio Qty. Remark


1. Internet -

2. Newspaper -

3. Magazine -

Micro Project Report

‘Types of levers showing resisting area of failure’
1.0 Rationale
1. By doing this project I got know the types of levers
2. From this project I got know Different types of levers have different applications
3. This project helps me to understand about levers showing resistance

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project:

1.This project will help me to know about
2.And we also understand the topic in deep for future study.
3. The main purpose of this project is to know detail knowledge of and use of

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:


4.0 Literature Review:

3. Element of Machine design (book)
5.0 Actual Methodology

Sr. No./ Date Time Work Done

Hour No.
1 2/10/2021 8:00 to 9:00 Finalized the topic
2. 4/10/21 4.00 to 5.00 Collected the information of micro project
3. 6/10/21 5.00 to 6.00 Arrange the information in proper order
4. 8/10/21 3.00 to 4.00 Created the word document of micro
5. 13/10/21 4.00 to 5.00 Proof the document
6. 16/10/21 2.00 to 3.00 Make the change in document according to
correct information.
7. 20/10/21 4.00 to 5.00 Take the review from the teacher.
8. 25/10/21 4.00 to 5.00 Edit according to teacher suggestion.
9. 28/10/21 3.00 to 4.00 Proof the read information.
10. 4/10/21 4.00 to 5.00 Arrange the information in proper order.
11. 8/10/21 3.00 to 4.00 Make the editing.
12. 15/10/21 3.00 to 4.00 Take print out of micro project.
13. 20/10/21 2.00 to 3.00 Show micro project guide.
14. 24/10/21 5.00 to 6.00 Proof and report the project.
15. 28/11/21 4.00 to 5.00 Proof read and finalized the topic
16. 15/12/21 2.00 to 3.00 Submitted the project
6.0 Actual Resource Required:

Sr. No. Name of Resource/Material Specification Qty Remark


1. Internet 1. 2
2. Book Elements of 1
machine Design
3. Magazine - -

Outputs of the Micro project.

What is Lever?
A lever (/ˈliːvər/ or US: /ˈlɛvər/) is a simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod
pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum. A lever is a rigid body capable of rotating on a
point on itself. On the basis of the locations of fulcrum, load and effort, the lever is
divided into three types. Also, leverage is mechanical advantage gained in a system. It
is one of the six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists. A lever
amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, which is said to
provide leverage. The ratio of the output force to the input force is the mechanical
advantage of the lever. As such, the lever is a mechanical advantage device, trading off
force against movement. The formula for mechanical advantage of a lever is

First, second and third class levers in the body

Levers in our body are formed from bones, joints and muscles.
A lever consists of:
 a rigid structure (bone)
 a force acting upon it (muscle) to produce a turning movement (angular motion)
 a fulcrum which is a fixed point (joint)
 a load or resistance that is placed on the rigid structure (weight of body part
being moved and anything that it is carrying)
There are three types of lever.

1. First class lever – the fulcrum is in the middle of the effort and the load.

This type of lever is found in the neck when raising your head to head a football. The
neck muscles provide the effort, the neck is the fulcrum, and the weight of the head is
the load.

2. Second class lever – the load is in the middle between the fulcrum and the effort.
This type of lever is found in the ankle area. When standing on tiptoe, the ball of the
foot acts as the fulcrum, the weight of the body acts as the load and the effort comes
from the contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. This second class lever is used when
taking off for a jump or pushing against the blocks in a sprint start.

3. Third class lever – the effort is in the middle between the fulcrum and the load.
During a biceps curl, the fulcrum is the elbow joint, the effort comes from the
biceps contracting and the resistance is the weight of the forearm and any weight
that it may be holding.

Mechanical advantages of levers

When a lever's effort arm is longer than its load arm, it is said to have high
mechanical advantage. Levers with high mechanical advantage can move large
loads with a relatively small amount of effort. Second class levers always have
high mechanical advantage. First class levers can have high mechanical
advantage, if the fulcrum is close to the load.


Levers utilize torque to assist us in lifting or moving objects. Torque is

the cross product between a force and the distance of the force from a fulcrum (the
central point about which the system turns). The cross product takes only the
component of the force acting perpendicular to the distance. Using trigonometry the
torque is defined as:

Torque = Force × Distance to fulcrum × sin (θ)

Remember that work was also force multiplied by

the distance, but it was the dot product and used
the cosine of the angle between the force and
distance: force × distance × cos(θ).

In this laboratory the force will be perpendicular (90°) to the distance. The sine of 90°
is one, therefore the torque will be:

Torque = Force × Distance to fulcrum × sin (θ)

Torque = Force × Distance to fulcrum × sin (90°)
Torque = Force × Distance to fulcrum × 1
Torque = Force × Distance to fulcrum

Procedure, Data collection, and Calculations

Class I Levers trial one: de = dr

In a class one lever the fulcrum is between the force

of the resistance (Fr) and the force of the effort (Fe).
In a class one lever the force of the effort (Fe)
multiplied by the distance of the effort from the
fulcrum (de) is equal to the force of the resistance (Fr)
multiplied by the distance of the resistance from the
fulcrum (dr). The effort and the resistance are on
opposite sides of the fulcrum. Pliers are an example
of a class one lever.
In the diagram, the mass provides the resistance, the spring scale measures our efforts.
The spring scale is calibrated in grams. Grams are not a unit of force per se, but in this
laboratory we will use the term gram-force" as the force exerted on one gram at the
Earth's surface by the acceleration of gravity. One "gram-force" will be equivalent to
980 cm/sec2 (dynes).

For the diagram: Fe × de = Fr × dr

Mechanical advantage = Fr/Fe

1. Hang a 200 gram mass at the 10 cm mark, hang the spring scale at the 90 cm
mark, suspend the meter stick from the 50 cm mark.
2. Find Fe, de, Fr, dr in gram force. To determine the gram-force of the mass (Fr) use
a balance beam scale. de and dr should be 40 cm if set up correctly. Fe can be read
from the spring gram scale directly.
3. Calculate Fe × de and Fr × dr.
4. State whether Fe × de = Fr × dr.
5. Calculate the mechanical advantage Fr/Fe.

Fede =
Fe de Fe × de Fr dr Fr × dr M.A.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Yes | No ________

Class I Levers trial two: de > dr

For the diagram: Fe × de = Fr × dr

Mechanical advantage = Fr/Fe

1. Switch masses to a 500 gram mass or two 200

gram masses lashed together.
2. Put the 500 gram mass at the 10 cm mark and
the spring scale at the 90 cm mark, suspend the
meter stick from the 30 cm mark.
3. Find Fe, de, Fr, dr in gram force.
4. Calculate Fe × de and Fr × dr.
5. State whether Fe × de = Fr × dr.
6. Calculate the mechanical advantage Fr/Fe.

Fe × Fr × Fede =

Fe de Fr dr M.A.
de dr Frdr?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Yes | _____

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ No ___

Class II Levers

In a class two lever the resistance is between the

force of the effort and the fulcrum. In a class two
lever the force of the effort multiplied by the distance of the effort from the fulcrum is
opposite and equal to the force of the resistance multiplied by the distance of the
resistance from the fulcrum. The effort and the resistance are on the same side of the
fulcrum but point in opposite directions.

The effort distance (also sometimes called the "effort arm") is longer than the
resistance distance.

Wheelbarrows and giant taro digging poles (when we push up on the pole) are
examples of class two levers.

Note that our choice of down as being positive in the first part of the lab means that up
is now negative in this section. So Fe is a negative force. Write Fe as negative in the
table and then -Fe × de will be positive.

For the diagram: -Fe × de = Fr × dr

Mechanical advantage = |Fr/Fe | where | means "absolute value." Mechanical advantage
is always positive.

1. Move the 500 gram mass (or two 200 gram masses) to around the 30 cm mark
and the spring scale at the 90 cm mark, suspend the meter stick from the 10 cm
mark. You may have to adjust the position of your mass according to the ability
of your spring scale to provide an accurate reading. You want to avoid having to
read either very small gram forces or gram forces too large for your spring scale.
If you adjust positions, remember to measure the actual de and dr you are using!
2. Find Fe, de, Fr, dr in gram force.
3. Calculate Fe × de and Fr × dr.
4. State whether -Fe × de = Fr × dr.
5. Calculate the mechanical advantage Fr/Fe.

-Fede =
Fe de -Fe × de Fr dr Fr × dr M.A.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Yes | No ________

Class III Levers

In a class three lever the resistance is between the

force of the effort and the fulcrum. In a class three
lever the force of the effort multiplied by the distance
of the effort from the fulcrum is opposite and equal
to the force of the resistance multiplied by the
distance of the resistance from the fulcrum. The
effort and the resistance are on the same side of the
fulcrum but point in opposite directions.

The effort distance (also sometimes called the "effort

arm") is shorter than the resistance distance.
For the diagram: -Fe × de = Fr × dr
Mechanical advantage = |Fr/Fe | where | means "absolute value." Mechanical advantage
is always positive.

1. Switch to a 100 gram mass.

2. Move the 100 gram mass to the 90 cm mark and the spring scale to somewhere
around the 65 cm to 70 cm mark, keeping the meter stick suspended from the 10
cm mark. Once again adjust your spring scale and mass positions, if necessary,
to get accurate readings from the spring scale.
3. Find Fe, de, Fr, dr in gram force.
4. Calculate Fe × de and Fr × dr.
5. State whether -Fe × de = Fr × dr.
6. Calculate the mechanical advantage Fr/Fe.

-Fede =
Fe de -Fe × de Fr dr Fr × dr M.A.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Yes | No ________

In the class III lever the mechanical advantage might be called a mechanical
disadvantage. Why? (Suggestion: Consider the force of the effort, is it less than the
force of the resistance or more than the force of the resistance?)

Note that the human lower arm is a third class lever: the bicep, attached just below the
elbow, can be used to lift a weight being held in the hand at the end of the lower arm.

Continuous Levers: Screwdrivers

A screwdriver is actually a form of lever where a

handle with a large radius provides a mechanical
advantage in turning a blade with a smaller radius.
All sorts of circular devices make use of this form
of mechanical advantage. Circular water valve
handles, tire irons, socket wrenches, monkey
wrenches, and many other items utilize this time of circular lever.

Measure the radius of the handle on a screwdriver and then measure the radius of the
blade. Calculate the mechanical advantage from de/dr.

Note that the mechanical advantage to a circular device is de/dr while the mech. adv.
for a lever was Fr/Fe. Note that the seeming "flip-flop" of the fraction is not a mistake.

Consider that Fe × de = Fr × dr. Cross dividing by Fe and dr yields:

de = Fr
-- -- = mechanical advantage
dr Fe
7.0 Skill development /Learning outcomes:

1.To work in time.

2.Make own decision

3.To make the report.

4.How to collect and edit information.

5.How it is important to make projects and understand it.

8.0 Applications of the Micro-Project:

Many other common tools, instruments, and appliances are applications of the
principle of the lever. The human forearm is an application of the third-class
lever, the elbow acting as the fulcrum, the weight held in the hand and being
lifted as the resistance, and the pull of the muscles between the elbow and the
hand as the effort. In a second-class lever, the effort arm is always longer than
the resistance arm, so that a smaller effort moves a larger resistance, while in a
third-class lever the reverse is always true, with the effort greater than the
resistance. In a first-class lever, the effort may be either larger or smaller than
the resistance, depending upon the location of the fulcrum
(Name and Signature of faculty)

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