Field Study 1: Observation of Learner's Development and The School Environment

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Republic of the Philippines

Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology

Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Observation of Learner’s Development and
the School Environment

Presented to:
Submitted to:
Cooperating Teacher
Field Study 1 Adviser

Submitted by:
Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Table of Contents i
Acknowledgement ii
Fs 1 Introduction 1
Fs 1 Course Description 2
DepEd’s National Competency – Based Teacher Standards 3
Schedule of Activities 4
Cooperating Teacher’s Profile 5
Pre – Service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae 6
The School Vision and Mission 7
Class Program 8
Class List 9
Class Diagram 10
Seat Plan 11
Course Content 12
A. Learners Behavior 13
a. Task 1 (Learners Profile)
b. Task 2 (Learners Observation)
B. The School Environment
a. Chart 1 (Organizational Chart)
b. Chart 2 (Checklist of School Facilities)
c. Chart 3 (Checklist of child – friendly school)
C. The Classroom Environment
a. Checklist of classroom facilities
b. Reflective Journal Entry No.1 and 2
c. Reflective Journal Entry No. 3
D. Post Conference
a. Reflective Journal Entry No. 4

Pre/Post Conference Photo Documentations/ Certificates

Monitoring Sheet

a. For Assessment Item No.1
b. For Assessment Item No.2 (Reflective Journal)

Glossary of Terms

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


I proudly and greatly thanks to following persons for helping and

accompanying me on finishing this portfolio.

First and foremost, to our Lord God, for giving me life, strength, and
wisdom in finishing this. For keeping me safe on conducting my observation.

Secondly, to Sir Jeomar M. Eugenio who gave me the warmest welcome

and for imparting essential wisdoms which we can use as we go on to our
chosen paths, for instilling in our minds that it is not a choice to educate, but a
path to take.

To Ma’am Ivy T. Caspe who always renders her time, patience and for
considering our situations and for our FS supervisor, Dr. Leomar Liboon who
taught us very much.

Last but not the least, to my ever-loving family and the undying supports
of my classmates who are always at my side despite the pandemic for
motivating me despite the pressure to finish this thing. Thank you so much,

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Field Study 1 is the first in a series of six sequential studies in Bachelor of

Elementary education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education programs
(BEED and BSED) offered by Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). Filed
Study 1 is linked with a professional education subject. It is the prerogative of
the TEI to match with an appropriate subject such as Child and Adolescent
Development, Principles of Teaching, or Facilitating Learning.

The focus of Field Study 1 is observation of learners, school structure

and the community. Since this is the first time the student teachers have been
exposed to the school environment, they are expected to take note of the school
and classroom facilities, and the organizational set-up of the school. The PSTs
shall observe the behavior of the learners in the actual learning environment.
Based on their observations of learners, PSTs shall develop their understanding
on feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the various phases of
growth and development.

To assist during transition, the students will be paired with a “buddy’.

Included in FS 1 is the enhancement of the student’s communication skills with
his/her buddy since they are expected to be adequate in the language, they will
be using during their hands-on teaching in the remaining field studies.

This Portfolio contains the course view, objectives, learning content,

expected learning competencies, and assessment items//strategies. It includes
the roles and expectations of Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs), Practicum
Supervisor, Pre-service Teachers, Cooperating Teachers and Cooperating
Principal. It has checklist and rating scales to assess school and classroom
facilities and, a schedule of visits and activities related to Field Study 1. Rubrics
are used to assess the PSTs.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Practicum is the core of pre-service teacher education program. This

model uses a graded, developmental, and sequential approach. It captures the
essence of CHED Memorandum Order No. 30 where Field Study 1 is the first in
a series of six field study courses.

This one-unit course, Field Study I, is linked to a professional subject at

university. It is focused on observation of the learner’s development and school
environment, the school community, the teaching profession, and interpersonal
communication. It is geared to guide the PSTs in the suitability of teaching as a
career path.

To quote then Sec Florencio Abad, commencement speech, U P College

of Education (Apr.22, 2005) “A central strategy we are developing is to
transform our DepEd regional offices as orchestrators of teacher professional
development that links teacher education institutions with exemplary teacher
practitioners in public schools. What we might want to build are networks of
master teachers in public schools who take on student teacher apprentices
enrolled in TEI’s. Such networks can then accelerate the development of the
teacher craft in ways that use the best practices combining formal instruction
and field practice that starts while teachers are still in teacher education courses
but continues when they work in day-to-day instruction at public schools.” Its
purpose is to connect the theories learned at the university and their application
in the field. Starting Field Study early will guide PSTs to decide whether
teaching is an appropriate career choice.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

DepEd’s National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

Domain 1- Social Regard for Learning

1.1 Acts as positive role model for students
1.1.1 implements school policies and procedures
1.1.2 demonstrates punctuality
1.1.3 maintains appropriate appearance
1.1.4 is careful about the effect of one’s behavior on students

Domain 2- Learning Environment

2.1 Creates an environment that promotes fairness
2.2 Makes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning
2.5 Create a healthy, psychological climate for learning.

Domain 3- Diversity of Learners

3.1 Determines, understands and accepts the learners’ diverse backgrounds,
knowledge and experiences.
3.2 Demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners.

Domain 4- Curriculum and Planning


4.1 Planning and management of teaching and learning process

4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies

4.3 Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs

4.4 Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice

4.5 Teaching and learning resources including ICT

Domain 5- Assessment and Reporting


5.1 Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies

5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

5.3 Feedback to improve learning

5.4 Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders

5.5 Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs

Domain 6- Community Linkages and Professional Engagement


6.1 Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment
Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Venue/ Site/ Activity Details
Time Observation
1st Google Online class Class discussion The school for the learners as their
meet by the teacher learning environment was tackled. As well
3hours/da dozz-srb?fbclid
as describing the school's programs for
y meeting the developmental requirements of
2nd Google Online class Class discussion The classroom as learning
meet by the teacher environment for the student nurtures their
developmental stage.
3rd Google Online class Class discussion Flashback as learners will draw
meet by the teacher similarities and differences of learner’s
characteristics across domains and stages of
y development.
4th Google Online class Class discussion Understanding the learners was
meet by the teacher the highlight of this episode. BEEd and
BSED students was emphasized with their
y cognitive developmental aspect.

5th Google Online class Class discussion Applying knowledge of learners

meet by the teacher cognitive characteristics to instructional
3hours/da npgw-izn
strategies is the main objective of the
y learner’s development and
6th Google Online class Class discussion The importance of a teacher as a
meet by the teacher classroom manager is one of the
effective learning strategies and is vital in
y the teaching-learning engagement.
7th Google Online class Class discussion The teacher as a facilitator of
meet by the teacher assisted learning or guided participation
in the classroom requires scaffolding in
y order to support the students as they grow
in independence as a learner.
8th Google Online class Class discussion The teacher as an implementor of
meet by the teacher purposeful assessment identify ways in
3hours/da tcnn-qbi
which assessment ca be used for teaching
y and learning.
9th Google Online class Class discussion Drawing lessons from good test
meet by the teacher administration practices is one of the task of
3hours/da xeqd-jfy
a teacher as an effective
y administrator.
10th Google Online class Class discussion Observing the school community
meet by the teacher as a learning resource offers many
3hours/da vkdx-mqb
opportunities for purposeful learning
y experience that connect the basic skills
taught in the school with application in the
context of the community.

Total 30 Hours

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Cooperating Teacher’s Profile

I. Personal Data

Name: Joemar M. Eugenio

Position: Teacher 1

Home Address: Prk. 4, North gate, Fd. Rd. #1, Brgy.

Tibal – og, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Contact No.: (0949) 845 1065

Place of Birth: Santo Tomas, Davao del


Date of Birth: November 29, 1980

Citizenship Filipino

Father: Elmer P. Eugenio Occupation: Farmer

Mother Jesusa M. Maghanoy Occupation: Housekeeper


Status: Married

Name of Spouse: Lucila F. Eugenio

Name of Children: Jocel F. Eugenio

Educ. Qualification: Did not Disclose Eligibility LET: Did not Disclose

PRC. No.: Did not Disclose GSIS ID.: Did not Disclose

Pag – Ibig No.: Did not Disclose Phil Health No.: Did not Disclose

Date of Original Appointment Feb. 06 2008

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Pre – Service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jose Emmanuel C. Dumaguit

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birthdate: September 30, 1999

Birthplace: Fd. Rd. #1, Tibal – og, Sto. Tomas Davao del Norte

Citizenship: Filipino

Father: James R. Dumaguit Occupation Government Worker


Mother: Josielyn C. Dumaguit Occupation Government Worker



Elementary: Sto. Tomas Central Elementary School – Sped Center

Fd. Rd. #3, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Secondary: Sto. Tomas National High School – Junior High School

Menzi, Sto.Tomas Davao del Norte

Sto. Tomas National High School – Senior High School

Menzi, Sto.Tomas Davao del Norte

Tertiary: Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology

Fd. Rd 4, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full
potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. As a
learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education
continuously improves itself to be better serve its stakeholders.

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,
equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where;

*Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and

motivating environment.

*Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

*Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an

enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

*Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged

and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.

Core Values




FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Class Program

S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Grade 10 -Rizal
Employment Status:
Teaching Experience:
TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:15-– 7:30 Preparation of Learners
7:30- 8:30


9:30-9:45 Snack Time


10:45 – 11:45


12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

4:00-4:15 HOME ROOM

Certified Correct Preapare by:

Approved by:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Class List

Boys Girls

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Class Diagram

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Seat Plan

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

A. Learner Behavior

Name: Weight:

Age: Sex: Height:

Ordinal Position in the Family:

Parents Father: Occupation:

Mother: Occupation:

Religion: Ethnic Group


Grade School:

Section: Class Adviser:

Club Affiliation:

Most like Subject(s): Why?:

Least like Subject(s): Why?

Hobbies: Favorite color:

Favorite Flower: Favorite Song:

Favorite TV program: Favorite game:

2 Things I like About the school are: A.


2 Things I like to change About the A.

school are:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

A. Learner Behavior

Name: Weight:

Age: Sex: Height:

Ordinal Position in the Family:

Parents Father: Occupation:

Mother: Occupation:

Religion: Ethnic Group


Grade School:

Section: Class Adviser:

Club Affiliation:

Most like Subject(s): Why?:

Least like Subject(s): Why?

Hobbies: Favorite color:

Favorite Flower: Favorite Song:

Favorite TV program: Favorite game:

2 Things I like About the school are: A.


2 Things I like to change About the A.

school are:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Learner’s Observation

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Avai Not If available, write the

School labl Avail specifications

Number Status Condition
e able
1. Library with adequate

number of holdings

2. Laboratory with adequate

numbers of equipment

3. Canteen

4. Comfort Rooms

5. Reading Center

6. Home Economics Room.

7. Industrial Art Shop

8. Audio Visual Room

9. Counseling Room


Completed by:

Assessed by:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


IF YES, give


of this..
1. The school has sufficient lawn space and

2. The school has a program for children

with special needs.

3. the school has facilities and equipment

for sports and recreations.

4.. The school has a duly assigned

personnel in-charge of securing its

premises, its properties, and those of the

pupils and teachers.

5. The teacher use non-threatening modes

of discipline.
6. The school coordinates with the

barangay and local authorities to ensure

the safety and protection of the students.

Completed by:
Assessed by:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Classroom Available Not If available, write the

Number Status Condition
1. Two (2) doors (1 √ 1 Good Functional
entrance, 1 exit)
2. Wall Fan √ 2 Good Functional
3. Teacher’s desk √ 1 Durable Functional
4. Comfort room √ 1 Good No
with lavatory Lavatory
5.chairs/desks √ 25 Durable Functional
6. cabinets √ 1 Good Functional
7. shelves √ 1 Good Functional
8.Bulletin boards √ Good Functional
9.Fluorescent √ 4 Good Functional
10. Chalk board √ 2 Good Functional
Others (specify) Reading 1 Good Functional


 The learning environment in the classroom is excellent.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Reflective Journal Entry No. 1

Reflective Journal Entry No. 2

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Reflective Journal Entry No. 3

D. Post Conference
Reflective Journal Entry No. 4

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Pre/Post Conference Photo Documentation/Certificates




FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


A. Criteria for Assessment Item 1

B. Criteria for Assessment Item 2 (A Reflective Journal)

C. Marking Guide for Reflection/Journal Entries

D. Rubric for Student Portfolio

E. Sample Portfolio Format in Field Study Courses

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


F. Criteria for Assessment Item 1

G. Criteria for Assessment Item 2 (A Reflective Journal)

H. Marking Guide for Reflection/Journal Entries

I. Rubric for Student Portfolio

J. Sample Portfolio Format in Field Study Courses

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Appendix A: For Assessment No. 1

Assessment of PSTs

Direction: Prepare a diagram and an accompanying description of the

classroom layout. Your output will be rated through the foregoing RUBRIC.
Criteria: The diagram should:
- show the layout of the room (cupboards, etc.),
- be scaled,
- include labels.
The explanation should describe the layout of the classroom clearly and
concisely. Constructive comments and suggestions about how you might design
your own classroom-based on your observations should be included.

5 4 3 2 1

(Outstanding (Satisfactory) (Unacceptable)

Diagram is Diagram is Diagram is Diagram No diagram
accurate, accurate, accurate lacks presented and
scaled and clearly according to accuracy the explanation
enhanced and labeled and layout and the and the is missing
the scaled and explanation is explanation incomplete
explanation the clear and barely
contains explanation supported by supports
suggestions critiques references the
for the (e.g., DepEd) diagram
alternatives in classroom
the classroom layout
are feasible)
(Adopt: School Facilities Checklist p.34 of ELC as Assessment Item 1B)

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Appendix B : For Assessment Item No. 2

A Reflective Journal

Assessment task for student teachers

Produce a journal that describes your observations and reflections of

each school and classroom visit. The first entry is to be done after the
orientation of the campus and school rules and regulations. This includes
classroom diagram and checklist of school and classroom facilities. The second
entry will be written after two classroom visits, the third entry is on
communication skills and the last entry is to be accomplished after the final
visit. Write a one-page reflection about your experiences and your thoughts
about becoming a teacher.
- A journal is kept during school visits
- The journal contains classroom and school observations per visit
- The journal contains reflections about observations per school visit
- The final section of the journal contains a summary reflection of about
half to one page on experiences and thoughts related to becoming
a teacher.

5 4 3 2 1

(Outstanding (Satisfactory) (Unacceptable)

Reflections The journal Observations The journal No journal
indicate an contain and reflections has all visits presented
ability to evaluate examples of are clearly and recorded. Or
observations and the ability to logically However, the The journal does
provide synthesize recorded. The observations not include
comments about information journal provides and observations and
environments gathered comments on reflections reflections for
that enhance the during school specific are every classroom
learning. These and observations and superficial. visit.
are supported by classroom indicates
examples of observations. thinking about
observations and The student the teaching
experiences in can relate this profession.
school. being a

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Appendix C: Marking Guide for Reflection/Journal Entries

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Level Excellent Proficien Satisfact Develop Needs
t ory ing Improve
Criteria ment

Reflection Presents Presents Presents Present Presents

journal entry comprehe comprehe comprehe s comprehe
includes nsive nsive nsive comprehe nsive
PSTs descriptio descriptio descriptio nsive descriptio
learning n of n of n of descriptio n of
experiences, worthwhil worthwhil worthwhil n of worthwhil
judgments, e e e worthwhi e
performance experience experience experience le experienc
and other s, explains s, explains s, explains experienc es, does
insights sound sound sound es, not
gained in the judgment judgment judgment explains explain
course. on on on sound sound
personal personal personal judgment judgment
strengths strengths strengths on on
and and and personal personal
weaknesse weaknesse weaknesse strengths strengths
s anchored s anchored s anchored and and
on many on some on few weakness weaknesse
theories theories theories es. s.
learned. learned. learned.


1 - Needs improvement (75-79)

2 - Developing (80-84)

3 - Satisfactory (85-89)

4 - Proficient (90-94)

5 - Excellent (95-100)

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Appendix D : Rubric for Pre- service Teacher FS Portfolio (Product)

Criteria Description
5 4 3 2 1
1. Contents of Has 90- Has 75-89 Has 60- Has less Has less
the Portfolio 100% of of the 74% of the than 59% than 40%
the needed needed of the of the
needed content content needed needed
content content content
2. Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Some Most
of the portfolio are are are objectives objectives
SMART SMART SMART are not are not
and cover but cover but cover SMART SMART
the whole only a only less and do not and cover
course minimum than 75% cover the only a
of 75% of of the whole minimum
the course course course of the
3. Quality of Entries Entries Entries are Some Few
Entries are of best are of of entries are entries are
quality; better acceptable of of
many are quality; quality; acceptable acceptable
well many are some are quality, quality, not
selected well well limited well
and selected selected selection selected,
substantia and and and and very
l substantial substantial substantial minimal
4.Presentation Creative, Creative, Creative, Minimal No
of Entries neat and neat and neat and creativity, creativity,
has a very has strong an neat with in
strong impact/ average minimal disarray,
impact/ appeal impact/ impact/ no impact/
appeal appeal appeal appeal
4. Promptness Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted
in the ahead of on 10 days from 11-30 31 days or
submission schedule schedule after days after more days
submissio submissio after
n n schedule

1 - Needs improvement (75-79)
2 - Developing (80-84)
3 - Satisfactory (85-89)
4 - Proficient (90-94)
5 - Excellent (95-100)

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


Student Observers - University students of Sto. Tomas College of

Agriculture, Sciences and Technology who

are enrolled in Field Studies assigned to

observe the school and classroom environment

in DepEd schools.

Pre-service Teachers (PSTs) - University students of BEEd and BSEd who

are enrolled in the higher Field Study Courses

and are involved in micro teaching, team

teaching and teaching whole lesson.

Supervising Teachers (CTs) - DepEd faculty directly responsible for

supervising, monitoring and providing support

to the university student in on/off campus

school experience.

Cooperating Teacher - Normally a classroom teacher at the

laboratory school directly responsible for

providing mentoring support to the student


School Coordinator - He/She is responsible for assigning students

in classroom and scheduling classes for

observation and participation who is usually the

Principal of the cooperating school.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Site Coordinator - His/her is responsible for assigning pre- service

students in the classrooms.

Practicum - This is referred to as the Field Experience or

Field Study course which involves exposure to all

types of schools of the Deped.

Elementary Grades - These refer to the six grade levels of the

primary and elementary under the Basic

Education Curriculum of the DepEd.

Secondary Years - These refers to the four-year levels of the

secondary course using the Basic Education

Curriculum of the DepEd.

Briefing - Serves as general orientation and workshop on

what are to be done at the practicum program

Debriefing - It is a critical appraisal done by student

teachers in their observations at the field study


Teacher Education Institutions - Refers to the college and universities offering

Teacher Education Courses with Curriculum

aligned with that of CHED. There are twenty-one

of these from region XI, XII & ARMM which

established partnership with BEAM and DepEd.

Department of Education Schools - Serve as the laboratory of the Extended School

Experience of the student teachers.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment
Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

The School for The Learners

Sketching the map of a school showing its structure

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Getting acquainted with the facilities and resources of the school.

No. of
Building/Structure Facilities Resources Found


FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Determining the purpose of the school facilities and resources for learner

Physical/ Social/ Cognitive/
Facilities available Motor Emotional Intellectual
Library/ Reading ✓ Reading
Room Enhancement
Computer Room ✓

Home Technology ✓
Industrial Arts
Health Clinics ✓

Guidance Room ✓

Gymnasium ✓

Canteens ✓

Music Room ✓

Playground ✓

Science Center

Office of School ✓

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

1.4 Internalization
Identifying the challenges if the school in providing more opportunities for

 You have identified the facilities and resources of your school.

What other facilities and resources do you think are needed for
other development programs

 What aspects or development domains can you suggest as needing

attention by the school? What programs can be suggested?

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

1.5 Dissemination
Preparing an ideal profile of a school which can meet the physical, social,
emotional and intellectual needs of learners.

A Development Plan for My Dream School

Structure to be Built Purpose Needed Resources






FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

The Classroom for Learning
Observing features of two classrooms of different grade levels

Classroom 1 Classroom 1

Grade: 7 Room:9 Grade: 7 Room:9

No. of Students: 41 Boys: Girls: 25 No. of Students: 41 Boys: Girls: 25

15 15

Furniture How Furniture How

many? many?

• Learners; Desk Yes☒ 40 • Learners; Desk Yes☒ 40

• Teachers Table Yes☒ 1 • Teachers Table Yes☒ 1

• Book Cabinets Yes☒ 1 • Book Cabinets Yes☒ 1

• Book Shelves Yes☒ 1 • Book Shelves Yes☒ 1

• Leaerners’ Lockers Yes☐ 0 • Leaerners’ Lockers Yes☐ 0

• Teachers’ Locker Yes☒ 1 • Teachers’ Locker Yes☒ 1

• Others: Yes☒ 1 • Others: Yes☒ 1

• Smart TV Yes☒ 1 • Smart TV Yes☒ 1
• Projection Screen • Projection Screen

Display Location Display Location

(Left, (Left,
Front, Front,
Front, Front,
back) back)

• Visual for new or Yes☒ Front • Visual for new or Yes☒ Front
current lesson current lesson

• Learners Art Work Yes☒ Back • Learners Art Work Yes☒ Back

• Honor Roll Yes☒ Left • Honor Roll Yes☒ Left

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

• Group Task/ Yes☒ Back • Group Task/ Yes☒ Back

Responsibilities Responsibilities

• Attendance Yes☒ Front • Attendance Yes☒ Front

• Experiments Yes☐ • Experiments Yes☐

• Rules and Standards Yes☒ Left • Rules and Standards Yes☒ Left

• Projects Yes☒ Back • Projects Yes☒ Back

• Others: Yes☐ • Others: Yes☐

Teaching Aids Location Teaching Aids Location

(Left, (Left,
Front, Front,
Front, Front,
back) back)

• Musical Instrument Yes☒ Back • Musical Instrument Yes☒ Back

• Maps/Globes Yes☒ Front • Maps/Globes Yes☒ Front

• Math Kits Yes☒ Back • Math Kits Yes☒ Back

• Art Kits Yes☒ Right • Art Kits Yes☒ Right

• Chart Yes☐ • Chart Yes☐

• Flannel Board Yes☐ • Flannel Board Yes☐

• Computer Yes☒ Back • Computer Yes☒ Back

• LCD Yes☒ Front • LCD Yes☒ Front

• Story Books/ Yes☐ • Story Books/ Yes☐

Trade Books Trade Books

• Reference Books Yes☐ • Reference Books Yes☐

• Bulletin Books Yes☐ • Bulletin Books Yes☐

• Others: Yes☐ • Others: Yes☐

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Recognizing differences in the structure and display of classrooms used by two different levels

1. What Resources are available in both classrooms? Write those

common resources in the matrix.

Common Resource





2. What Resources are exclusively found only in one classroom?

RESOURCES Classroom 1 Classroom 2

(Lower Grade) (Upper Grade)





FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3. How will you differentiate the resources found in the two classrooms in terms of type, size,
arrangement, color, number, or location

RESOURCES Classroom 1 Classroom 2

(Lower Grade) (Upper Grade)

The classroom The classroom seating

• seating arrangement is in
FURNITURE arrangement is in pair pods, lockers
group pods, are placed at the
bookshelf are back assigned to
placed at the back each students ……
filled with books
and learning



4. What could have significantly made the type of resources in the two classrooms

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

2.4 Internalization
Identifying the purpose of the resources found in the classroom

Classroom Display Classroom 1 Classroom 2

(Lower Grade) (Upper Grade)

• Material for new • To get attention. • To give more information.


• Model art Work • To appreciate the student and • To show someone’s feelings and
to remember the model. emotions of the students.

• Honor Roll • To encourage the students and • To inform the students and to
to make them participative. be competitive.

• Group Tasks/ • To encourage active learning • To give new information, to know

Assignment/Responsibilities and be cooperative. the capacity of the students and
attitudes of students.

• Student Projects/ Experiments • To introduce new ideas. • To measure the learning and
to gather new ideas.

• Exemplary learners’ written • To indicate the expected during • To know the feedback and
output the lesson. achievement of thestudents.

• Supplementary books and • To encourage the interest • To gather new ideas that are
other materials of the pupils. research to be sure they do what
they need to do.

• Rules and standards for • To develop thE behavior • For the recognition of the
class to follow of the students. achievement’s Implementation.

Do the two classrooms always share the same purposes or reasons

for having those displays? What could be the reasons why they

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

2.4 Identification
Matching the classroom resources with the learners characteristics

RESOURCES Suggested Characteristics /Description/ Contents

• Learners’ Desk • The Learners desk are provided for each students and two are
unused. They are arranged in columns, rows depending on the
number of the students and the desks are not well taken care of as
vandalism can be observed

• Bulletin Boards • The Bulletin board is located at the back of the classroom. The
Board is wide but is placed high The bulletin board contains decors
relating to the months theme that is “Teachers’ Month”

• Books • The books are placed on the classroom’s bookshelf, the books
are sorted from educational, fictional, to reference books.

• Learning kits • The kits are age appropriate. The activities have been given in
step-by-step manner, covering curriculum-based topics. Included
activities and games are developmentally appropriate. Every kit
makes children constructively engaged in creative and fun

• Learning Stations • A science station can be found near the bathroom, It is complete
with equipment and materials that are age appropriate and safe for
the students that use the station.

• Play Materials • The play materials are Safe, washable, light weight, simple,
durable, easy to handle and non-breakable.
• Realistic, attractive, constructive and offer problem-
solving opportunities.
• No sharp edges and no small removable parts which
may be swallowed or inhaled.

• Musical Device • A guitar can be found hanging near the bookshelf, the guitars’
size fit the students and is already tuned.

• Others •

Given these physical, social, emotional, and cognitive/intellectual characteristics of

upper grade learners. What activities will interest them to carry out inside or outside
their classrooms? What classrooms resources should be available to carry these out?

Answer here

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Interesting Activities for Upper Grade Learners

Useful Resources

•Hang • whiteboard and pen or interactive

man whiteboard, plus a list of subject-specific
words to inspire your students.

• Scatter-gories • pieces of paper, pens/pencils and a list of

(PANTS) subject-specific categories e.g. Earth and
Space (topic): rocks, landforms,
weather, and solar system

• Puzzles • images, words, calculations or concepts

printed or stuck on card/paper and cut into
random shapes (puzzle pieces) e.g. maths
calculations, chemical equations, subject
vocabulary, historical figures etc.

• Draw Swords • Dictionary or textbook, plus list of key


• Pictionary • whiteboards and pens or pieces of paper and

pencils/pens, plus a list of subject-specific

• Hot Potato • a soft toy, object or item for each group to pass
round e.g. bear or ball, plus a list of subject-
specific themes e.g. numbers – prime, composite,
rational, fractions, decimals

• Charades • a list of people, actions or concepts related to the

subject you are teaching.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

2.5 Dissemination
Designing an ideal classroom structure that can promote active learning for a given
developmental stage

My idea of a classroom for Grade ____

My ideal classroom for Grade ____

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Flashback as Learners
Recalling one’s experiences in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescent
period while in school

Form 2-A: Grade 1 Experiences

Middle Childhood
Member ID Experiences
A 1.
B 1.
C 1.

Form 2-B: Grade 1 Experiences

Late Childhood
Member ID Experiences
A 1.
B 1.
C 1.

Form 3-C: Grade 1 Experiences

Early Adolescences
Member ID Experiences
A 1.
B 1.
C 1.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3.2 Participation
Identifying the various domains of growth and development

Activity 1

Form 2-A: Grade 1 Experiences

Middle Childhood
Member ID Experiences
A 1. Cutting shapes using scissors Physical – Motor
2.Playing dolls with girl classmates Social
3.Counting Marbles and sticks Mental
B 1.
C 1.

Form 2-B: Grade VI Experiences

Late Childhood
Member ID Experiences
A 1.
B 1.
C 1.

Form 2-C: Grade 10 Experiences

Early Adolescences
Member ID Experiences
A 1.
B 1.
C 1.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3.2 Participation
Identifying the various domains of growth and development

Activity 1

Form 3-A: Grade 1

(Middle Childhood)
Physical – Motor Social – Emotional Linguistic - Cognitive
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.

Form 3-B: Grade VI

(Late Childhood)
Physical – Motor Social – Emotional Linguistic - Cognitive
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.

Form 3-C: Grade 10 Experiences

Early Adolescences
FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment
Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3.3 Identification
Discovering some characteristics patterns in the various stages of development
across domains

Form 4-A
Physical/ Motor Domain
Middle Childhood Late Childhood Early Adolescence
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.

Analyze the entries in the three stages of development under physics motor
1. What do you notice of the entries belonging to the same level or stage? Are
the experiences more similar or different? Why?

2. Compare the entries across stages in this domain. Are there greater
differences or variations in the experience across stages? What do you

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Form 4-B
Social – Emotional Domain
Middle Childhood Late Childhood Early Adolescence
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.

Analyze the entries in the three stages of development under physics motor domain.
1. What do you notice of the entries belonging to the same level or stage? Are the
experiences more similar or different? Why?

Form 4-C
Literacy/ Cognitive/ Intellectual Domain
Middle Childhood Late Childhood Early Adolescence
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.

Analyze the entries in the three stages of development under physics motor domain.
1. What do you notice of the entries belonging to the same level or stage? Are the
experiences more similar or different? Why?

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3.4 Internalization
Recognizing and accepting one’s Characteristics across growth development levels

My Profile

Name: Date of Brith:

Age: ________

Domain of Stage of Growth

Development Middle Childhood Late Childhood Early
(Primary) (Intermediate) Adolescence
(High School)


What Physical motr

abilities could you
perform during each

B. Social -

What social
relationships were
important to you
during each period

C. Literacy/

What literacy and

intellectual abilities
were you capable of
doing during each

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

3.5 Dissemination
Reflecting on the value of addressing the characteristics and needs of learners
during the various stages of development.

Perceived Needs of Learners

Stages of Domain of Development
Physical/Motor Social – Literacy/
Growth Emotional Cognitive/



Late Childhood



(High School)

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Flashback as Learners
4.2 Participation
Observing learner characteristics/behaviors while in class

Grade Observed: Subject Area: Time To

Subject Area
Lesson Objective
Cognitive Abilities (Specific Student Behavior/ Action/
Respons/ Work Sample)
 Children can classify or group things
that belong together

 Children Begin to read and write early

in middle childhood and should be
skillful in reading and writing by the
end of this stage

 They can think through their actuibs

abd trace back events that happened to
explain situations

 Children learn best when they are

active while they are learning rather
than just listening to an adult explain

 Children can focus attention and take

time to search for needed information

 There is greater memory capability

because many routines are automatic

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

4.3 Identification
Observing learner characteristics/behaviors while in class

Number of Evidences by Grade Level

Cognitive Abilities Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6
 Children can classify or group things
that belong together

 Children Begin to read and write early

in middle childhood and should be
skillful in reading and writing by the
end of this stage
 They can think through their actuibs
abd trace back events that happened
to explain situations
 Children learn best when they are
active while they are learning rather
than just listening to an adult explain
 Children can focus attention and take
time to search for needed information
 There is greater memory capability
because many routines are automatic

1. Were there evidences gathered for all the listed cognitive abilities? Which
characteristics were the most observable (i.e. Most number of evidences)

2. Which were not so observable? Any reason why?


3. Do you notice any pattern in our observation? Is there a relationship between the
grade level and the number of gathered evidences? What grade levels have displaced
more abilities? Less Abilites?

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

4.4 Internalization
Drawing generalizations from observations of learners’ behavior

1. Are all the learners in a given range (i.e., middle childhood or adolescence) capable of
performing all the cognitive abilities? Give reasons for your response?

2. What cultural factors can enhance the cognitive development of learners? Illustrate.

3. What factors can hamper development? Illustrate.

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

4.5 Dissemination
Giving suggestions on how teachers can develop the cognitive abilities of learners

Activites to Enhance Cognitive Development of my Learners

Grade Level: Subject Area:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Learner’s Development and Instructions
5.1 Exposure
Recalling characteristics of learners in the different stages of cognitive development

Grade/ Year Level Age Range Approximate Cognitive Stage

Grade I
Grade II – IV
Grade V – VI
Junior High – Grade 7 – 8
Junior High – Grade 9 – 10
Senior High – Grade 11 - 12

5.2 Participation
Identifying the instructional key events of a lesson in particular class

Observation Proper

Grade/Year Observed Grade 3 Name of Teacher John doe

Subject Area Observed Science Time 12 to 12 A.M./P.M.

Episode Time Key Event

20. Lesson Ends

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

5.3 Identification
Identifying the instructional key events of a lesson in particular class

Teacher Concrete Operational Learners

Grade/Year Observed Grade 3 Name of Teacher John doe
Subject Area Observed Science Time 12 to 12 A.M./P.M.

Teaching Guidelines* Episode Key Event(s) in the Lesson Observed


1. Continue to use
concrete props and
visual aids
2. Give the students a
chance to manipulate
and test objects
3. Make sure
presentations and
reading and brief and
well -organized
4. Give opportunities to
classify and group
objects and ideas on
increasingly complex
5. Present Problems that
require logical analytical

5.3 Internalization
Drawing the applications of the cognitive characteristics of learners teaching –
learning practices

Were all the teaching guidelines for concrete operational learners demonstrated in
the lesson observed? Which were clearly shown?

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

2. Which Guidelines were not shown at all?

3. What could be the reason/s why the teacher did not have the opportunity
to observe the suggested guidelines for this stage?

4. What Significant characteristics of children belonging ro concrete

operational stage enable them to reason out, discover, invent and create new

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

5.5 Dissemination
Exemplifying instructional strategies appropriate for teaching

Teaching Techniques For Concrete Operational Learners

Guidelines for Grades Examples of Teaching Techniques

1. Continue to use a.
concrete props and
visual aids

2. Give the students a a.

chance to manipulate
and test objects

3. Make sure a
presentations and
readings are brief
and well – organized b.

4. Use familiar a.
examples to explain
more complex ideas

5. Give opportunities a.
to classify and group
objects and ideas on
increasingly complex b.

6. Present problems a.
that require logical,
analytical thinking

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

The Teacher as a Classroom Manager
6.2 Participation
Gathering data on teacher management techniques through observation

O – Observed
NO – No Opportunity
NA – Not Application

Concern 1: Establishing a teacher presence in the O NO NA

classroom as a responsible role model
 Show respect to command respect ☐ ☐ ☐
 Know every student and respect diversity ☐ ☐ ☐
 Master your lessons to act confidently ☐ ☐ ☐
 Speak courteously to students at all times ☐ ☐ ☐
 Show Personal pride on your students ☐ ☐ ☐
Concern 2: Establishing a well – organized caring O NO NA
learning environment
 Structure a “welcoming” room. ☐ ☐ ☐
 Arrange the seats according to anticipated learning ☐ ☐ ☐
 Structure learning centers’ and bulletin boards that ☐ ☐ ☐
 Arrange an area for display of students’ works to ☐ ☐ ☐
recognize their worth
 Maintain positively stated rules that go with learning ☐ ☐ ☐
Concern 3: Establishing clear set of attainable O NO NA
classroom rules
 Very importantly, model all established school and ☐ ☐ ☐
classroom rule
 Lead the learners to set attainable classroom rules ☐ ☐ ☐
 Direct students to make a plan for observing classroom ☐ ☐ ☐
 Enforce rules positively ☐ ☐ ☐
 Constantly review and revise rules if necessary ☐ ☐ ☐

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

Concern 4: Establishing wholesome friendly O NO NA

relationship with and among the students
 Model respectful treatment of students of all tine ☐ ☐ ☐
 Listen to students’ voices and choices ☐ ☐ ☐
 Foster honest, wholesome and constructive conversation ☐ ☐ ☐
 Reinforce positive behaviors and achievements with ☐ ☐ ☐
deserved praise
 Exhibit warm and cheerful disposition ☐ ☐ ☐
Concern 5: Establishing a management system of O NO NA
 Establish brief, precise routine procedures for organizing ☒ ☐ ☐
learners, equipment and activities
 Define various noise levels and limits for different class ☐ ☐ ☐
 Specify time for classroom activities and movement ☐ ☐ ☐
 Provide flexibility even with well – planned routines ☐ ☐ ☐
 Adopt a consistent and persistent approach to routine ☐ ☐ ☐
Concern 6: Establishing a management plan for O NO NA
 Begin and end all class activities on time. ☐ ☐ ☐
 Plan well ahead to minimize ☐ ☐ ☐
 Use Prompts and signals to keep students on task ☐ ☐ ☐
 Make sure that all needed resource materials are readily ☐ ☐ ☐
 Allow students volunteers to carry out various tasks as ☐ ☐ ☐
Concern 7: Establishing a well-organized instruction O NO NA

 Provide a well – planned focused, and logically organized ☐ ☐ ☐

 Select varied teaching styles and grouping patterns to suit ☐ ☐ ☐
diverse learners.
 Provide opportunities for productive learning engagement ☐ ☐ ☐

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

6.3 Identification
Sharing Observations experiences

1. How did the CT establish her presence in the classroom as a

responsible role model?

2. How did the CT establish caring organized learning


3. How did the CT Established wholesome friendly relationship

with and among the students

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

4. How did the CT established clear set of classroom rules?

5. How did the CT establish a well – organized instruction

6. How did the CT established a management plan of routines

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

6.4 Internalization
My own wish list of competencies a future classroom manager

My Wish List

6.5 Dissemination
Connecting what I learned – a reflection

As a future classroom manger …

I learned

I am excited about

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

I need to

I am very much concerned about

I am afraid

Oh , How I wish

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

The Teacher as a Facilitator
of Assisted learning
7.1 Exposure
Observing daily learning routine of students in school

Grade No. of Students


Date of Observation: Session: AM/PM

Subject Name of Teacher Schedule Subject Matter

Starts Ends

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

7.2 Participation
Noting teachers’ practices in providing assisted learning

Subject Area: Name of Teacher:

Time Observe: to

Learning Task Form of Assistance Given

 Repeats Explanation
 Demonstrates steps doing it
Example: Solving a math Problem

1. 

2. 

3. 

4. 

5. 

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

7.3 Identification
Identifying the effective assisted learning practices

Forms of Assissted Learning Scaffolding Strategies Observed

1. Procedural Facilitators – These help a.
students learn a skill or procedure


2. Modeling – demonstrating or a.
showing examples


3. Providing Prompts – giving clues to a.

give correct answer


4. Regulating Difficulty of Problem or a.

Task Starting First


5. Providing Half – done Examples – a.

Starting the task first and letting
students finish it b.


6. Others a.



FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

7.4 Internalization
Recognizing the importance of assisted learning

1. From your experience when you were a student, what other strategies have your
teachers used which have helped learners understand a complex subject matter?
Can you cite a specific example?

2. What benefits do students derive from assisted learning? How is this related to
their cognitive development?

3. What about the teachers? What do they get out of using scaffolding strategies
while teaching?

4. What have you learned from this episode?

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

7.5. Dissemination
Writing a journal article on how to engage in assisted learning

Writing a Journal Article

(Title of Article)
Grade Level:
Subject Area:

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

Republic of the Philippines
Sto. Tomas College of Agriculture Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technical – Vocational Teacher Education

FS 1: Observation of Learner’s Development and the School Environment

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