Assignment 1567149977 Sms
Assignment 1567149977 Sms
Assignment 1567149977 Sms
Classification of Markets
On the basis of -
Regional Short Unregulated Retail
Period Market
Markets Market
National Long
World Very Long
i. Number of
Many One Many Few
iii. Selling
No Negligible High High
vi. Price
elasticity of Infinite P = MC Small P > MC Large P > MC Small
- E.g. A firm earns total revenue of Rs. 2,000 by the sale of 100 units of a commodity, then
its average revenue is Rs. 20 (Rs. 2000 ÷ 100 units)
- By definition average revenue is the price per unit of output. To prove it —
AR = , since TR = P × Q
AR = Q
∴AR = P (Price)
♦ Marginal Revenue (MR) :
- Marginal revenue refers to the addition to total revenue by selling one more unit of a
- Marginal revenue may also be defined as the change in total revenue resulting from the
sale of one more unit of a commodity
- E.g. If a firm sells 100 units of a commodity @ Rs. 15 each, its TR is Rs. 1,500. Now, if it
increases the sale by ten units i.e. it sells 110 units @ Rs. 14 each, its TR is Rs. 1,540.
Thus, it MR is Rs. 40
- Where - Δ TR is the change in total revenue Δ Q is the change in the quantity sold
- For one unit change – MRn = TRn – TRn-1
MRn = Marginal Revenue from 'n' units
TRn = Total Revenue of ‘n’ units
TRn-1 = Total Revenue from 'n-1' units
n = any give number
♦ The relationship between AR, MR and price elasticity of demand can be examined with the
formula —
MR = AR×
Quantity Quantity
Price Rs. per Pressure on Price
Demanded Supplied Trend
(Units) (Units)
The above table shows that at a price of Rs. 3 per unit, the quantity demanded equals
quantity supplied of the commodity. At Rs. 3 two forces of demand and supply are balanced.
Thus, Rs. 3 is the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity at Rs. 3 is 300 units.
Figure : Determination of Price
♦ The equilibrium between demand and supply can also be explained graphically as in Fig.
♦ In Fig.- the market is at equilibrium at point 'E', where the demand curve and supply curve
intersect each other. Here quantity demanded and supplied, are equal to each other.
♦ At point ‘E’, the equilibrium price is Rs. 3 per unit and equilibrium quantity is 300 units.
♦ If the price rises to Rs. 4 per unit, the supply rises to 400 units but demand falls to 200
units. Thus, there is excess supply of 200 units in the market.
♦ In order to sell off excess supply of 200 units the sellers will compete among themselves
and in doing so the price will fall.
♦ As a result the quantity demand will rise and quantity supplied will fall and becoming equal
to each other at the equilibrium price Rs. 3.
♦ Similarly, if the price falls to Rs. 2 per unit, the demand rises to 400 units but supply falls to
200 units. Thus, there is excess demand of 200 units in the market.
♦ As the price is less there is competition among the buyers to buy more and more. This
competition among buyers increases with the entry of new buyers.
♦ More demand and less supply and competition among buyers will push up the price.
♦ As a result, quantity demanded will fall and quantity supplied will rise and become equal to
each other at the equilibrium price of Rs. 3.
♦ While determining the equilibrium price, it was assumed that demand and supply
conditions were constant. In reality however, the condition of demand and supply change
♦ Thus, changes in income, taste and preferences, changes in the availability and prices of
related goods, etc. brings changes in demand conditions and cause demand curve to shift
either to right or left.
♦ In the same way, changes in the technology, changes price of labour, raw materials, etc.,
changes in the number of firms, etc. brings changes in supply conditions and cause supply
curve to shift either to right or left.
(a) Change (shift) in Demand and Supply remaining constant.
Figure : Effects of Changes in Demand on Equilibrium price
♦ In Fig.- DD and SS are the original demand and supply curves respectively inter-secting
each other at point E.
♦ At point E, the equilibrium price is OP and the demand and supply {i.e. equilibrium
quantity) are equal at OQ.
♦ When the demand increases, the demand curve shifts upwards from DD to D,D,, supply
remaining the same.
♦ As a-result, the equilibrium price rises from OP to OP, and the equilibrium quantity
increases from OQ to OQ, as shown at point E,.
♦ When the demand decreases, the demand curve shifts downwards from DD to D, D,,
Supply remaining the same.
♦ As a result, the equilibrium price falls from OP to OP, and the equilibrium quantity
decreases from OQ to OQ, as shown at point E2
(b) Change (shift) in Supply and Demand remaining constant.
10 20 100
8 40 80
6 60 60
4 80 40
2 100 20
♦ The above table and fig. shows that at a price of Rs. 6 per unit, the quantity demanded
equals quantity supplied.
♦ The industry is at equilibrium at point 'E', where the equilibrium price is Rs. 6 and
equilibrium quantity is 60 units.
Equilibrium of a firm :
♦ We have already seen that under the perfect competition, the price of the commodity is
determined by the forces of market demand and market supply i.e. price is determined by
♦ Individual firm has to accept the price determined by the industry. Hence, firm is a PRICE
10 20 100 6 8 48 6 6
8 40 80 6 10 60 6 6
6 60 60 6 12 72 6 6
4 80 40 6 14 84 6 6
2 100 20 6 16 96 6 6
♦ In the table - the equilibrium price for the industry has been fixed at Rs. 6 per unit through
the inter-action of market demand and supply.
♦ Table - shows that the firm has no choice but to accept and sell their commodity at a price
that has been determined by the industry i.e. Rs. 6 per unit.
♦ The firm cannot charge higher price than the market price of Rs. 6 per unit because of fear
of loosing customers to rival firms.
♦ There is no incentive for the firm to lower the price also.
♦ Firm will try to sell as much as it can at the price of Rs. 6 per unit.
♦ Table - shows that firm's AR = MR = Price.
Figure : The firm’s demand curve, AR and MR curves under perfect competition.
♦ Fig. shows that being a price taker firm, it has to sell at a given price i.e. Rs. 6 per unit.
♦ Therefore, firm's demand curve is a horizontal straight line parallel to X-axis i.e. a perfectly
elastic demand curve.
♦ We know that price of a commodity is also the AR for the firm.
♦ Therefore, demand curve also shows the AR for different quantities sold by the firm.
♦ As every additional unit is sold at a given price i.e. Rs. 6 per unit, the MR = AR and the two
curves coincides.
♦ Thus, in a perfectly competitive market a firm’s AR — MR = Price = Demand Curve
Conditions for equilibrium of a firm :
♦ In perfect competition, the firms are price takers and output adjusters.
♦ This is because the price of the commodity is determined by the forces of market demand
and market supply i.e. by whole industry and individual firm has to accept it.
♦ Therefore firm has to simply choose that level of output which yields maximum profit at the
prevailing prices.
♦ The firm is at equilibrium when it maximises its profit.
♦ The output which helps the firm to maximise its profit is called equilibrium output.
♦ There are two conditions for the equilibrium of a firm. They are —
1. Marginal Revenue should be equal to the marginal cost i.e. MR = MC. (First order
2. Firm’s marginal cost curve should cut its marginal revenue curve from below i.e.
marginal cost curve should have positive slope at the point of equilibrium. (Second
order condition)
♦ If MR > MC, there is incentive to produce more and add to profits.
♦ If MR < MC, the firm will have to decrease the output as cost of production of additional
units is high.
♦ When MR = MC, it is equilibrium output which maximises the profits.
Figure : Equilibrium position of the firm in a competitive market
♦ Fig. shows that OP is the price determined the industry and firm has to accept it.
♦ At prevailing price OP the firm faces horizontal demand curve or average revenue curve.
♦ Since the firm sells every additional unit at the same price, marginal revenue curve
coincides with average revenue curve.
♦ In the fig. at point 'A', MR = MC but second condition is not fulfilled.
♦ Therefore, OQ1 is not equilibrium output. Firm should expand output beyond OQ1 because-
- it will result in the fall of marginal cost, and
- add to firm's profits.
♦ In the fig. at point 'B' not only
but MC curve cuts the MR curve from below i.e. it has positive slope.
♦ Therefore, OQ2 is the equilibrium level of output and point 'B' represents equilibrium of
Supply curve of the firm in a competitive market.
In a perfectly competitive industry, the MC curve of the firm is also its supply curve. This can
be explained with the help of following figure.
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Cost : QE
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average cost : QF
= OQ × EF
Area PEFG.
Equilibrium Output : OQ
Average Revenue : QE
Average Cost : QF
Units Sold Price (Rs.) (AR) Total Revenue Rs. (TR) Marginal Revenue Rs. (MR)
1 10 10 10
2 9 18 8
3 8 24 6
4 7 28 4
5 6 30 2
6 5 30 0
7 4 28 -2
Figure : AR and MR curves under Monopoly
♦ In the figure above, AR curve of the monopolist slopes downward and MR curve lies below
♦ At a quantity OQ, average revenue i.e. price is OP (=QT) and marginal revenue is QK
which is less than average revenue OP (=QT).
♦ Thus, in case of monopoly —
1. AR and MR are both negatively sloped curves,
2. MR curve lies half way between the AR curve and the Y-axis,
3. AR cannot be zero i.e. AR curve cannot touch X-axis,
4. MR can be zero or even negative i.e. MR curve can touch or cut the X-axis.
Short Run Equilibrium of the Monopoly Firm (Price - Output Equilibrium)
♦ A monopolist will produce an output that maximizes his total profits.
♦ A monopolist will maximize his total profits when —
1. Marginal Cost = Marginal Revenue (MC = MR), and
2. Marginal cost curve cuts the marginal revenue curve from below.
♦ When a monopoly firm is in the short run equilibrium, it may find itself in the following
situations —
1. Firm will earn SUPER NORMAL PROFITS if its AR > AC;
2. Firm will earn NORMAL PROFITS if its AR = AC, and
3. Firm will suffer LOSSES if its AR < AC.
1. Super Normal Profits (AR > AC):
The monopoly firm would earn super normal profits if at the equilibrium output AR > AC.
Figure : Short Run Equilibrium of a Monopoly Firm : Super Normal Profits.
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Cost : QM
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Revenue : QL
Average Cost : QL
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Cost : QM
■ If monopoly firm’s AR > AVC or AR = AVC, it can continue to produce though it suffer
losses at the equilibrium level of output.
Long Run Equilibrium of a Monopoly Firm :
♦ The long run equilibrium of the monopoly firm is attained where its MARGINAL COST =
♦ The monopoly firm can continue to earn super normal profits even in the long run.
♦ This is because entry to the market for new firms is blocked.
♦ All costs are variable costs in the long run and these must be recovered.
♦ This means that monopoly firm does not suffer loss in the long run.
♦ However, if it is unable to recover variable costs, it should shut down.
♦ Fig. Shows the long run equilibrium of a monopoly firm.
Figure : Long Run Equilibrium of a Monopoly Firm
Equilibrium output : OQ
♦ Thus, we find that monopoly firm continue to earn super normal profits in long run.
♦ A monopoly firm does not produce at the lowest point of LAC curve i.e. does not produce
at optimum level because of absence of competition.
♦ In other words, it operates at sub-optimum level and therefore, does not produce optimum
Price Discrimination :
♦ A monopoly firm is also the industry.
♦ A single firm controls the entire supply.
♦ Therefore, the firm has the power to sell the same commodity to different buyers at
different prices.
♦ When the firm charge different prices to different customers for the same commodity, it is
engaged in price discrimination.
E.g. - Electricity supplying firm charge higher rate per unit of electricity from industrial units
than domestic consumers.
Conditions for price discrimination :
♦Price discrimination is possible under the following conditions :
1. Existence of two or more than two sub-markets.
■ The monopolist should be able to divide the total market for his commodity into two or
more sub-markets.
n Such division of market may be on the basis of income, geographic location, age, sex, etc.
■ E.g. on the basis of income, a doctor may charge high fees from rich patients than from
2. Different markets should have different price elasticity of demand.
■ The difference in price elasticity of demand in different markets enables the monopolist to
discriminate among customers.
n He can charge higher price in inelastic market and lower price in elastic market.
3. No possibility of resale.
B It should not be possible for buyers to purchase the commodity from a cheaper market and
sell it in the costlier markets.
B In other words, there should be no contact among the buyers of the two markets.
4. Control over supply.
■ The supply should be in full control of the monopolist.
Price-output determination under price discrimination
♦Suppose a discriminating monopolist sell his output in market 'A' and market ‘B\
♦ Market 'A' has less elastic demand and market ‘B’ has more elastic demand.
♦ Suppose the monopolist has only one production facility then he is faced with the
1. How much to produce?
2. How much to sell in each market?
3. How much price to charge in each market?
♦ The monopolist will first decide profitable level of total output (i.e. where MR = MC) and
then allocate the quantity between two markets.
♦ The condition for equilibrium here would be —
1. MC = MRa = MRb. It means that MC must be equal to MR in individual markets separately.
2. MC = AMR (aggregate marginal revenue). It means that the monopolist must be in
equilibrium not only in individual markets but also when the two markets are treated as one.
♦ The process of price determination under price discrimination is shown in the following
figure —
Figure : Fixation of total output and price discrimination in market A & B.
♦ In the fig. - MC curve intersect the AMR curve at point E
♦ Point E shows the total output is OQ.
♦ When a perpendicular EH is drawn, it intersect MRa at E1 and MRb at E2 These are the
equilibrium point of market A and B
♦ Point Ej shows that quantity sold in market A is OQ1 and the price charged is OP1.
♦ Point E2 shows that quantity sold in market B is OQ2 and the price charged is OP2
♦ Price charged in market 'A' is higher than in market 'B’.
♦ Thus, a discriminating monopolist chargers a higher price in the market ‘A’ having less
elastic demand and a lower price in the market ‘B’ having more elastic demand.
♦ The-marginal revenue is different in different markets.
E.g. - Suppose the single monopoly price is Rs. 40 and elasticity of demand in market A and
B is 2 and 4 respectively.
MR in market A = ARa( )
= 40( 2
= Rs. 20
MR in market B = ARb( e
4− 1
= 40 ( 4
= Rs. 30
♦ It is clear from the above example that the marginal revenue is different in different
markets when elasticity of demand at the single price is different.
♦ MR is higher in the market having high elasticity and vice versa
♦ In the above example, since marginal revenue in market 'B' is more, it will be profitable for
monopolist to transfer some units of the commodity from market 'A' to ‘B\
♦ When monopolist transfers the commodity from market A to B, he is practicing price
♦ As a result, the price of commodity will increase in market A and will decrease in market B.
♦ Ultimately the marginal revenue in the two market will become equal.
♦ When marginal revenue becomes equal in the two markets, it will no longer be profitable to
transfer the units of commodity from market A to B.
Objectives of Price discrimination:
To earn maximum profit; to dispose off surplus stock; to enjoy economies of scale; to
capture foreign markets etc.
Degrees of price discrimination
♦ Pigou classified price discrimination as follows:
(1) first degree price discrimination where the monopolist fix a price which take away the
entire consumer's surplus,
(2) second degree price discrimination where the monopolist take away only some part of
consumer’s surplus. Here price changes according to the quantity sold. E.g. large quantity
sold at a lower price,
third degree price discrimination where the monopolist charges the price according to
location customer segment, income level, time of purchase etc.
♦ We have studied two models that represent the two extremes of market structures namely
perfect competition and monopoly.
♦ The two extremes of market structures are not seen in real world.
♦ In reality we find only imperfect competition which fall between the two extremes of perfect
competition and monopoly.
♦ The two main forms of imperfect competition are —
- Monopolistic Competition and
- Oligopoly
Meaning and features of Monopolistic Competition.
♦ As the name implies, monopolistic competition is a blend of competitive market and
monopoly elements.
♦ There is competition because of large number of firms with easy entry into the industry
selling similar product.
♦ The monopoly element is due to the fact that firms produce differentiated products. The
products are similar but not identical.
♦ This gives an individual firm some degree of monopoly of its own differentiated product.
♦ E.g. NUT and APTECH supply similar products, but not identical.
Similarly, bathing soaps, detergents, shoes, shampoos, tooth pastes, mineral water,
fitness and health centers, readymade garments, etc. all operate in a monopolistic
competitive market.
The characteristics of monopolistic competitive market can be summed up as follows
1. Large number of buyers and sellers
■ There are large number of firms.
- So each individual firms can not influence the market.
- Each individual firm share relatively small fraction of the total market.
■ The number of buyers is also very large and so single buyer cannot influence the market
by demanding more or less.
2. Product Differentiation
■ The product produced by various firms are not identical but are somewhat different from
each other but are close substitutes of each other.
■ Therefore, the products are differentiated by brand names. E.g. - Colgate, Close-Up,
Pepsodent, etc.
■ Brand loyalty of customers gives rise to an element of monopoly to the firm.
3. Freedom of entry and exit
■ New firms are free to enter into the market and existing firms are free to quit the market.
4. Non-Price Competition
■ Firms under monopolistic competitive market do not compete with each other on the basis
of price of product.
■ They compete with each other through advertisements, better product development, better
after sales services, etc.
■ Thus, firms incur heavy expenditure on publicity advertisement, etc.
Short Run Equilibrium of a Firm in Monopolistic Competition. (Price-Output
♦ Each firm in a monopolistic competitive market is a price maker and determines the price
of its own product.
♦ As many close substitutes for the product are available in the market, the demand curve
(average revenue curve) for the product of individual firm is relatively more elastic.
♦ The conditions of equilibrium of a firm are same as they are in perfect competition and
monopoly i.e.
L MR = MC, and
2. MC curve cuts the MR curve from below.
♦ The following figures show the equilibrium conditions and price-output determination of a
firm under monopolistic competition.
♦ When a firm in a monopolistic competition is in the short run equilibrium, it may find itself in
the following situations —
1. Firm will earn SUPER NORMAL PROFITS if its AR > AC;
2. Firm will earn NORMAL PROFITS if its AR = AC; and
3. Firm will suffer LOSSES if its AR < AC
1. Super Normal Profits (AR > AC) :
Figure : Firm's Equilibrium under Monopolistic Competition Super Normal Profits.
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Cost : QM
QL - QM = LM
= OQ × LM
= Area PLMR
The firm will earn NORMAL PROFITS if AC curve is tangent to AR curve i.e. when
2. Losses (AR < AC):
Average Revenue : QL
Average Cost : QM
= QM - QL = ML
= OQ × ML
= Area PLMR
■ The firm may continue to produce even if incurring losses if its AR > AVC.
Long Run Equilibrium of a Firm in Monopolistic Competition.
♦ If the firms in a monopolistic competitive market earn super normal profits, it attracts new
firms to enter the industry.
♦ With the entry of new firms market will be shared by more firms.
♦ As a result, profits per firm will go on falling.
♦ This will go on till super normal profits are wiped out and all the firms earn only normal
Equilibrium output : OQ
Average Revenue : QR
Average Cost : QR
♦ In the fig., OP is the prevailing price at which the firm is producing and selling OQ output.
♦ At prevailing price OP, the upper portion of demand curve dK is elastic and lower portion of
demand curve KD is inelastic.
♦ This difference in elasticities is due to the assumption of particular reactions by kinked
demand curve theory.
♦ The assumed reaction pattern are -
1. - If the oligopolist raises the price above the prevailing price OP, he fears that none of his
rivals will follow him.
- Therefore, he will loose customers to them and there will be substantial fall in his sales.
- Thus, the demand with respect to price rise above the prevailing price is highly elastic as
indicated by the upper portion of demand curve dK.
- The oligopolist will therefore, stick to the prevailing prices.
2. - If the oligopolist reduces the price below the prevailing price OP to increase his sales,
his rivals too will quickly reduce the price.
- This is because the rivals fear that their customers will get diverted to price cutting
oligopolist’s product.
- Thus, the price cutting oligopolist will not be able to increase his sales very much.
- Hence, the demand with respect to price reduction below the prevailing price is inelastic as
indicated by the lower portion of demand curve KD.
- The oligopolist will therefore, stick to the prevailing prices.
- Each oligopolist will, thus, stick to the prevailing price realising no gain in changing
the price.
- A kink will, therefore, be formed at the prevailing price which remains rigid or sticky
or stable at this level.
♦ Other Important Market Forms:
(1)Duopoly in which there are only TWO firms in the market. It is subset of oligopoly.
(2)Monopoly is a market where there is a single buyer. It is generally in factor market.
(3) Oligopsony market where there are small number of large buyers in factor market.
(4) Bilateral monopoly market where there is a single buyer and a single seller. It is mix
of monopoly and monopsony markets.