Compensation Revision Letter India - July 2021

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May 16, 2021

Harikrishna Daddolu
Emp. No. 1041186

Dear Harikrishna,

As we find ways to keep up with these changing times, let’s take a moment to reflect upon and appreciate some of
the great work we have delivered as an organization. Our wins would not have been possible without you. We thank
you for your unparalleled support and efforts to overcome the current challenges and ensure success in all aspects.
At Infosys, we strive towards ensuring that you find meaning and purpose, both professionally and personally, while
building this transforming enterprise, learning continuously, and moving onwards and upwards. You play a pivotal
role in the long-standing relationships we’ve built over the years with our clients and are a key pillar of this

We are pleased to revise your compensation in acknowledgment of your commitment and performance with effect
from July 01, 2021.

The revised compensation is:

Total Gross Salary: INR 27,459/- per month

**Shift Allowance/Night Shift Allowance will not be included in the Total Gross Salary and allowance may vary for
every month based on the Day/Night Shift.

All other terms and conditions of your employment remain unchanged.

As we continue to grapple with these unprecedent times and consistently reimagine the way we work and live, we
look forward to your support and commitment to deliver impact outcomes to our clients and the world around us!
Best regards,

Shankar Krishnamurthy
EVP and Group Head – Human Resources

Company Confidential - This communication is confidential between you and Infosys Limited

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Emp. No. 1041186
Role Designation: Senior Operations Executive
PL: 2
Unit: CIS



(in INR per month) (in INR per month)
Fixed Salary
Basic Salary 16,480 /- 17,790 /-
Basket of Allowances 3,604 /- 3,120 /-
Bonus / Ex-Gratia 3,296 /- 3,558 /-
Retirement Benefits
Provident Fund 1,978 /- 2,135 /-
Gratuity 793 /- 856 /-
Total Fixed Salary 26,151 /- 27,459 /-
TOTAL GROSS SALARY 26,151 /- 27,459 /-
TOTAL GROSS SALARY (per annum) 313,812 /- 329,508 /-
Basket of allowance includes HRA, LTA, Medical, Children's Education, and Transport Allowance.
**Shift Allowance/Night Shift Allowance will not be included in the Total Gross Salary and allowance may vary for
every month based on the Day/Night Shift.

Please note that your acceptance of the above mentioned compensation will be considered as an acceptance of the
other terms laid out in the letter in addition to your existing terms of employment.

Company Confidential - This communication is confidential between you and Infosys Limited

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