Design and Fabrication of A Non Dissipative Charge Equalization Converter For Battery Stack Used in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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Design and Fabrication of a Non dissipative

Charge Equalization Converter for Battery

Stack used in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Srinivasarao.Gorantla1, Keseva Rao. Gattu2 ,Siva naga Raju .Sirigiri2 A.RakadaVijay
Babu3, Suman Saranu3
Srinivasarao.Gorantla, Vignan University,Vadlamudi, Guntur, AP, India, E-mail:
Keseva Rao.Gattu, Vignan‟s University, Vadlamudi, Guntur, AP, India,E-mail:
Siva Naga Raju,Sirigiri J.N.T. University, kakinada, AP, India, E-mail:
Vijay Babu A.R, Vignan University, Vadlamudi, Guntur, AP, India, E-mail:
Suman Saranu Vignan University, Vadlamudi, Guntur, AP, India, E-mail:

Abstract: With increasing interest to decrease

vehicle pollution and consumption of fossil fuels 1. INTRODUCTION
Hybrid Electric vehicle has taken on an
accelerated pace. Energy storage systems (ESS) With increasing interest to decrease vehicle
composed of battery stack play an important pollution and consumption of fossil fuels Hybrid
role in Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid Electric Electric vehicle (HEV) has taken on an accelerated
Vehicle (HEV). In battery stack, small pace. The dream of having commercially viable
differences between charges under operating Electric vehicles and Hybrid electric vehicles is
conditions tend to be magnified in each charge or becoming a reality. The technology used depends
discharge cycle. This paper proposes a Non on the goals set for the vehicle, which includes fuel
Dissipative Novel Charge Equalization efficiency, power and driving range or reduced
Converter (NDNCEC), in which the intra- greenhouse gas emissions [1]-[3]. Most HEVs on
module and inter-module equalizer are the streets today use nickel metal hybrid (Ni-MH)
implemented to equalize the battery charging batteries. A hybrid vehicle is an automobile that
levels. The equalizer balances the whole stack by has two or more major sources of propulsion power.
sequentially compensating the battery with low Most hybrid vehicles currently marketed to
charge. The effectiveness of the proposed consumers have both conventional gasoline and
converter is confirmed by simulating it in electric motors, with the ability to power the vehicle
MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The robustness by either one independently or in tandem.
of the proposed converter to parametric Consumer oriented hybrid vehicles, which have
variations is observed through simulation and been on the market for about ten years, are usually
experimental studies. The simulation results tuned for reduced emissions and driving range.
prove that the proposed voltage equalization Corporate and government fleets that have been in
circuit is characterized with rapid equalization service for twenty years or more are usually tuned
and simple control. Experimental results of for fuel efficiency, often at the cost of driving
proposed converter validate the equalization range, power, and hydrocarbon emissions Recent
scheme which promised low voltage stress, small developments in the Lithium ion battery have
size and short equalization time. higher power and energy density, a lower self-
discharge rate and higher single cell voltage than
Index Terms— Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Non the Ni-MH battery. Continual charge and discharge
dissipative Charge Equalization Converter, Battery of series connected batteries can cause charge
Stack. imbalance [4]-[5]. The problem arises when
batteries are left in use without any control such as to figure.6 respectively. The three capacitor stacks
cell equalization converter. For example, in is taken in the equalizing circuit and charging
regenerative braking mode, highly charged batteries current is Iin and turns ratio of Linear Transformer is
cannot capture an optimal amount of renewable 1:1. The converter operates with a 50% duty cycle .
energy and can cause charge imbalance. Deeply
discharged batteries in Battery Electric Vehicles
(BEV) cannot provide sufficient stored energy and
causes charge imbalance. Therefore, charge
equalization for the series connected battery stack is
essential to prevent these undesirable situations and
accomplish the maximum utilization of the battery
and strengthen its lifetime. So a novel voltage
equalization circuit is proposed in this paper. The
capacitor stack (in place of Battery stack to show
rapid charge and rapid discharge) contains three
capacitors (C1, C2, and C3). The voltage equalizer
consists of a full-bridge converter and input to the
converter is from the capacitor stack. The full
bridge converter feeds to a linear transformer. The
inductor L is introduced here to limit the current.
All of the transformer‟s secondary‟s have the same
turns to ensure that each battery output has the same
voltage level. When the equalizer works, the
secondary of the linear transformer are clamped to a
lower voltage, and the other bridge rectifiers
remains OFF. Hence, the equalization current only
flows into the weakest capacitor cell(s), and no
equalization current flows into the other capacitor
cell(s). As a result, the voltage of the weakest
capacitor rises. Until the voltage of the weakest
capacitor reaches the voltage of the second weakest
capacitor, both of the full bridge rectifiers of these
two capacitor cells turn ON. Hence, the
equalization current flow into both of these Figure.1 Proposed Block diagram of Charge
capacitor cells at the same time there by the Equalization converter
voltages of these two capacitor cells rises. At the
same time that the weakest cell(s) is (are) being
charged, the other capacitor‟s voltage decreases,
because the energy to the weakest cell(s) is from the
whole stack. On this analogy, the whole capacitor
stack finally reaches the same voltage.


The operational modes of the proposed equalization

circuit is as shown in Figure.1 can be separated into
four parts. Figure 2 shows the key wave forms of
the proposed converter. The different modes of
operation of the proposed circuit are shown figure.3 Figure.2 Key wave form of proposed charge
Equalization converter
In Mode 1 (t0-t1) shown in Figure.3, switch Sa
conducts their by diodes D1a, D1d are entered into
conduction state. So equalization current flows
through Sa, D1a, D1d.In Mode 1(t0-t1), shown in
figure.3, switch Sa conducts and diodes D1a, D1d are
forward biased. In Mode 2(t1-t2), shown in Figure.4,
switch Sa is turned OFF and D1a, D1d continue to
conduct, inductor current Iin commutates into D1b to
freewheel and rapidly drops there by energy is
continuously transferred to weakest capacitor cell
C1. At the end of this interval, the inductor current
drops to zero and diodes D1a,D1d and D1b are OFF.
In Mode 3(t2-t3) shown in Figure.5 switch Sb
conducts and D3b, D3c are forward biased there by
C1 is charged. The inductor current reversibly
increases at same rate as in interval1 (t0-t1). In
Mode 4(t3-t4), shown in Figure.6, switch Sb is
turned OFF and diodes D3b, D3c are still forward
biased. The energy is still transferred to the weakest
battery C1.This is the intra-module equalization
process [6-10]. In addition, there are additional
equalizing currents, which are the magnetizing
Figure.3 Mode 1 operation of proposed currents from the inter-module equalizer. In other
converter words, the magnetizing currents are reset through
the first cell voltage.

Figure.5 Mode-3 operation of converter

Figure.4 Mode 2 operation of proposed converter
Pin(t) is input power of the intra module equalizer at
time t
Pout(t) is output power of the intra module equalizer
at time t
Pin,avg, is average input of the intra-module equalizer
Pout,avg is average output power of the intra-module
η is overall efficiency of the intra-module equalizer



The proposed model is simulated as shown in figure

.7 through Multisim soft ware. In the converter
shown in figure.7, MOSFETS are used in place of
selection switches and for convenience the batteries
are replaced by the capacitors. Here the initial
voltages are different for different capacitors. After
Figure.6 Mode-4 operation of converter
execution voltage waveform across each
3. DESIGN ASPECTS OF CONVERTER capacitor(s) as shown in figure.8 is observed. To
verify the operational principles of the proposed cell
balancing circuit and also the usefulness of the
To obtain high power density of the proposed optimal power rating design rule, a prototype is
circuit, the optimal power rating design rule will be implemented. The magnetizing current of the intra-
applied. The optimal power rating selection guide module equalizer flows into the first cell through
can provide the minimal size of the cell balancing the rectifier diode, D1, M1, during the turn-off
circuit while achieving equalization within the cell period of a MOSFET switch. In addition, the
balancing time. In this paper, this power rating magnetizing current of the inter-module equalizer is
design rule will be applied only to the intra-module reset through the voltage of the first cell. The
equalizer, not the inter module equalizer since the equalizing current flows from the second module
inter-module equalization can be achieved into the first during the turn-on period of the
automatically by using the voltage-fed DC/DC MOSFET switches The maximum voltage stress of
converter. [11-14]. Here proposed charge the proposed equalization circuit resides at the
equalization circuit is designed for 3 capacitor cells MOSFET switches and its value does not exceed
which are grouped into 1 module. 8V including the voltage spikes. From these results,
The following equations are used to get the optimal one can see that the proposed balancing circuit has
power rating of the intra module equalizer with in advantageous features such as low voltage stress
time of equalization, due to modularization and efficient equalization
Q1(t) = 3 n=3 n=2 Qn(t) (1) during the entire equalization time. The output
Pout,avg = η Pin,av (2) voltage of the weakest cell battery and inductor
Q1(t) = Q1(0) + I1 .t = Q1(0) + (Iout - Iin ).t (3) current are shown in figure.8 and figure.9
Pout ,avg = V1 0 + 2C Iout − Iin . t . Iout (4) respectively. From this result, the proposed charge
equalization circuit, implemented by using the
Where optimal power rating design rule, shows outstanding
Qn(t) is charge quantity of the nth cell at time t charge balancing performance within a high power
Vn(t) is Voltage of the nth cell at any time t density.The Charge Equalization for series-
In is input current of the nth cell Connected battery circuit consists of batteries
Iin is input of the intra module equalizer which are to be equalized, converter circuits,
Iout is output current of the intra module equalizer selection switches and a pair of MOSFETs.
i eq

powergui Display4
Display6 +v
Pg 1 Scope9 -
Ca Mosfet Display8
V m cell 1 Scope5
D3a D3c Scope3


Vm4 Vm5



Scope11 Scope2 -
V m cell 3

Display5 Scope7 36 V
Display10 D3b D3d
v- L

1 2

Pg 2

L Tr
Mosfet 2

i eq1 D2a D2c Scope10



C 2 V M cell 2

i eq2 Display2

Scope6 D2b
1 2


L Tr1

D1a D1c

Scope4 Scope8
- v
1 2 C1
V M cell 1 Scope1

D1b D1d

Figure.7 Simulink model of proposed circuit

12V Input voltage
to converter

Figure.10 Hardware Model of Circuit under

Operation when input is 34.5 volts

Figure.8: Simulation result for charging the Voltage across

capacitor C1 when Input voltage is 36V capacitor C1
Hard ware and simulated results are given
inTable.1 and shown graphically in figure.12. A
hardware model shown in figure.10 is designed
with the batteries of rating 12V, 4.5Ah and
fabricated. Voltage across each and every cell is
shown from figure.11(a) to figure.11(c)
Figure.11(a) Output voltage across capacitor

Voltage across
capacitor C2

Figure.9 Inductor current variation Figure.11(b) Output voltage across capacitor

Voltage across 10
input voltage
capacitor C3 8
1 36
4 input voltage
2 2 34.5
input voltage
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 3 25

o/p voltage

Figure.12 Graphical comparison of software

and hardware results of proposed converter

Figure.11(c): Output voltage across capacitor


Table.1: Comparison of battery voltages measured in simulated and fabricated converter

Voltage (V) Output voltage measured in Output voltage measured in
fabricated converter circuit Simulated converter circuit
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3

Input voltage 1 36 12.2 11.9 11.8 12 12 12

Input voltage 2 34.5 11.7 11.4 11.4 11.5 11.5 11.5

Input voltage 3 25 8.4 8.3 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.3

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