3D Hosting Music Supervisor
3D Hosting Music Supervisor
3D Hosting Music Supervisor
Executive summary 1
Kodius 3D Hosting 3
Implementation services 4
The information contained in this document is strictly confidential and owned by Kodius d.o.o.
The document may not be used for any purpose other than for the stated purpose. No part of
this document may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution without the prior written
permission of Kodius.
for considering us!
Site is hosted on our hardware from a tier A monthly retainer alongside hosting will
3 data center that is among the biggest in get you a dedicated team looking after
Croatia. and ensuring the site is operational, fast,
and secure.
You are getting an SLA guaranty for
99.9% monthly availability and telephone/ You’ll also get 6h/month included that
email support 24/7. Migration from can be used for minor tweaks/fixes. If you
existing hosting is done with minimal take our optional “staging hosting” option,
downtime overnight. we can also provide an area for future
development testing.
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 1
Total investment
- hosting
- 6h retainer for small tweaks and fixes
- monitoring/reaction to critical problems
within 4h - 24/7
- telephone contact for emergency
(site down)
- provisioning application
- creating SSL certificate
- redirecting old traffic for SEO
- automating deployment
- backing up database
- backing up redis
- backing up mongodb
- migrating database
- migrating redis
- migrating mongodb
- setting up elastic search
- setting up and reindexing Solr
- setting up Cron jobs
- reindexing elastic search
- setting up AMPQ que
- migrating ENV variables
- opening HoneyBadger
- setting up health checks and
- parking a domain
- go live support
- removing Heroku and AWS RDS
- setting up backups and SSL renewals
- scheduled backup copy to offsite
location (databox NAS service)
- removing mongoDB subscription
- removing ElasticSearch subscription
- removing WebSolr subscription
- removing RedisToGo subscription
- removing HoneyBadger Heroku
- removing mspro-gru Mongo from
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 2
* Implementation activites can be done in period of 2 weeks, depending on available
resources and your needs. Transition to new hosting is done in off hours (over night) so that
disruption is minimal. Total downtime for the transition is under 2 hours and site will be fully
operational within 4 hours.
Invoicing is done every 3 months. First invoice covers one time onboarding fee and first 3
months of hosting.
What to expect?
You get 6h/month for small tweaks and
You can test new features on a separate fixes needed.
staging area so you can approve it before
going live.
4h reaction times for critical errors and
WORRY-FREE telephone support for emergency (site
Kodius team will worry about making sure down) 24/7.
your site is fast, operational, and secure.
Your website is securely hosted from Kodius
Migrating to app.musicsupervisor.com and owned hardware located in a tier 3 data
redirecting existing domain to new one. center that is among the biggest in Croatia.
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 3
How it works
The application is set up on the server. It will be served as a static site over Nginx server
with appropriate caching and security settings as well as other best practices.
We need access to the current DNS server so we can park a domain on the new address.
Changes to the new server will be propagated in under an hour.
Automatic deployment is set up and used for quick fixes and applying small changes
without additional cost on our own proprietary in-house application “Deployko”.
During the first week of production you have 24/7 support in making sure everything is
working as expected.
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 4
Scheme 1: MusicSupervisor current hosting layout
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 5
Scheme 2: 3D hosting by Kodius
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 6
For the first period of Service provision We guarantee that we’ll provide you
payment of Fees shall take place on the with quality service. However, if you are
date that You complete Your Order. unsatisfied with our service for any reason
within the 30 days, simply notify us in
For subsequent periods of Service provision, writing and we will refund your money
We will send You a renewal notice and and cancel your hosting. No unnecessary
invoice via e-mail not less than 5 Business paperwork and no hidden clauses.
Days before the expiry of the then-current
period. Payment must be made within 60 If you decide to cancel within 30 days
Business Days of receipt of the renewal of your original purchase date, you will
notice and invoice for the provision of the receive a full refund, excluding any setup
Service to continue without interruption. fees or applicable domain registration or
transfer costs.
Invoicing is done for the 3 months period
in advance. All Fees payable by You to
Us must be paid in full, without set off or
deduction. We reserve the right to suspend
the Service or terminate the Contract if
Fees are not paid on or before the due date.
Build, launch, and scale with Kodius. 3D HOSTING: Implementation proposal for MusicSupervisor 7