Trends in Taxonomy Revealed by The Published Literature
Trends in Taxonomy Revealed by The Published Literature
Trends in Taxonomy Revealed by The Published Literature
Artiekm JOOOOD
nom?") between 1969 logical nomenclature. Proponents of
and 1996. (c) Taxo- one change, name stabilization, wish
nomic literature as a to prevent confusing and expensive
percentage of the total changes in the names of common or
biological literature. • commercially used species by setting
up lists of accepted names that would
b remain immutable (Brandenburg
1991). Professional systematists, on
"phenetic?") methods. Clarke B. 1990. Systematics and evolutionary
(b) Number of articles
using different molecu-
biology in Britain. Association of System-
atic Collections Newsletter 19: 58-59.
lar phylogenetic methods 69 74 79 84 89 94 Fddman RM, Manning RB. 1991. Cri~is in
by year {search terms: Vea, systematic hi()logy in the "Age of Biodi-
"taxonom? and (allo- versity. "Journal of Paleontology 66: 157-
zyme? or isozyme? or 158.
electrophoresis?)" or Hawbworth 01., ed. 1991. Improving the Sta-
"taxonom: and (mtDNA billty of Names: Needs and Options. T aunLis
or mt(w)D~A or mito-
b 600 - (Germany): Koeltz Scientific Books.