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Name : Nur Wahida Putri

Nim : 1820300090
Class : TBI II
The effect of reading short story to students’ vocabulary mastery
Latar Belakang
Vocabulary is the important thing in teaching English to improve the mastery of four
language skills. The english teacher has a big role in ensuring Indonesian students to master
English as their foreign language. In reality, english vocabulary mastery has become a
challenging for most of students in Indonesia. The students can express their ideas, emotions,
desires and thought to someone if they have much vocabularys.
According to Richard and Rodgers (2001,p. 17), “Vocabulary is one of the important
elements of language proficiency that becomes the basis of how well learners speak, write,
listen and read. In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often given little priority
in second language programs”.
In the other hand, the students will find it difficult to use English in their daily activities,
like watching English program, listening to the radio, reading English book, short story and
others without understanding the meaning of words.
Short story is story that talks about author’s expression or imagination to anything about
life experience. As we know, story becomes an interesting thing for people to read and talk.
The function of story is to entertain and to enrich mental experience of the reader. Therefore,
short story may make the students motivation to improve their vocabulary in order to
understand the whole story.
Reading a story has been recognized as an effective educational strategy. When the
student read a story and they find the new word, they will search the meaning of the text from
dictionary or ask the teacher or may be their friends. It can increase their vocabulary mastery.
For this reason, this study concerns on students’ vocabulary mastery that is taught by
reading short story. This research is actually on belief that reading short story provides them
with an authentic material and enables them to gain various types of words through reading.
Rumusan Masalah
1. How is the students’ vocabulary mastery before reading short story?
2. How is the students’ vocabulary mastery before reading short story?
3. Is there any significant effect of reading short story to students’ vocabulary mastery?
Tujuan Penelitian
1. To examine the students’ vocabulary mastery before reading short story
2. To examine the students’ vocabulary mastery after reading short story
3. To examine wheter there is significant effect of reading short story to students’
vocabulary mastery or not.
There is the significant effect of reading short story to students’ vocabulary mastery .
Metode Penelitian
Metode kuantitatif
Variabel Penelitian
1. Reading short story
2. Vocabulary mastery
Rencana Instrument
1. Pretest and Posttest
2. Questionnaire
Rencana Daftar Pustaka
Richard, J.C. and Rodgers, T.S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014 (Doctoral dissertation, PBI).
Rahmawati, Nabila Mirrha. 2020. Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra. Vol. 12 No. 2. 26 Juni
Rohimajaya, Nur Azmi and Deuis Zatnita. 2018. Mendidik: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan
Pengajaran. Vol. 4 No. 2 26 Juni
The use of short conversation in improving students’ speaking ability
Latar Belakang
Speaking is one of the most important skills that must be mastered by students if they
want to be proficient in English. Speaking is an activity that can be done by one person or
monologue and also betweet one person and other or more people. Many students lack
confidence when speaking in public. This is wrong simply because of a lack of practice and
they have no friend to practice their speaking. Another reason is that students have little
vocabulary, so they find it difficult to express what they want to convey.
Short conversation is a short text that contains a conversation between two or more
people. Short conversations are easier to understand and remember because the words used
are common words and are related to daily life. Therefore, short conversation may make the
students motivation to improve their speaking ability.
For this reason, this research concerns on students’ speaking ability that is taught by
using short conversation.
Rumusan masalah
1. To what extent is the improvement of students’ speaking ability by using short
conversation ?
2. Is there any significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability by using short
story ?
3. How is the teacher’s effort to solve the students’ problem in speaking ability ?
Tujuan Penelitian
1. To examine the extent of the students’ speaking ability by using short converssation
2. To examine wheter there is significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability by
using short conversation
3. To explore the teacher’s effort to solve the students’ problem in speaking ability
There is the significant improvement of students’ speaking ability by using short
Metode Penelitian
Metode Kuantitatif
Variabel Penelitian
1. Short Conversation
2. Speaking Ability
Rencana Instrument
1. Test Lisan
2. Pengamatan
Rencana Daftar Pustaka
Ismail, Hijril. 2014. e-journal of english language teaching society. Vol. 5 No. 1. 27 Juni 2021
Manurung, Konder dan Nurrul Cikal Anugraini. 2020. Paedagoria : Jurnal Kajian,
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan. Vol. 8 No. 1. 27 Juni 2021
Siregar, Kesuma Siregar. 2019. English Education: English Journal for Teaching and
Learning. Vol. 7 No. 1. http://jurnal.iain- 27 Juni 2021

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