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1. Tittle : Enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery by the

use of flash card at the second grade students of
SMPN 8 Baubau
2. Research Area : English Language Education

3. Researcher
a. Name : La Ode Masrun
b. Sex : Male
c. NIM : 13231142
d. Class : C
e. Faculty : Education and Teacher Training
f. Study Program : English Language Education

4. Research Location : SMPN 8 Baubau

5. Research Time : Januari – Februari 2017

6. Research Cost : Independent

Baubau, 04 february 2017

Acknowledged by:

Pamong, Reseacher,

HARIYONO, S.Pd La Ode Masrun

NIP. 19681121 199303 1 010 NIM. 13231142

Approved by:

Headmaster of SMPN 8 Baubau,

NIP. 19680305 199103 2 013


A. Background

Language as a means of communication has an important role in

education and culture. According to 2006 curriculum, language used to

express their information, ideas, thoughts, feeling mind, and to develop

science technology and culture. It is no matter to communicate in a group of

people which use the same language as they understand the language. The

problem comes up when some different groups of people are speaking

different language. Considering the importance of understanding the others,

people try to learn it.Learning a second language is important today in the

world. It is not unusual because the main function of language is for


Vocabulary is one of the language aspects that are very important for

communication in English. If we have less vocabulary, we will not understand

what people say. Vocabulary is needed to improve the four language skills that

consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is the most

important language aspect.

Most of the students in junior high school get much difficulty to learn

English, especially to vocabulary mastery. As a proof, when PPL in SMPN 8

Baubau researher found there are many students felt difficulty in receiving

lesson material, especially the students did not know the meaning of question
when they do of tests. It is clear that they have lots of problems in vocabulary

mastery. Most of the students are not easy to remember of English words. It is

caused by many reasons.

First, the students do not have interest in English learning process.

Interest is on awareness of someone that an object or case (matter) or situation

always deals with him (Djamil, 1997:70). Interest will appear when the

students aware toward education or information for their need. At school, the

teachers often find that the students are not interested in learning a subject

matter. It also happens in learning English, because the students do not have

knowledge about the correlation between the subject matter and themselves. It

becomes the teacher’s responsibility to give motivation by arranging the

situation, so the students are aware that there is correlation between the subject

matter with their life. For example, the teachers give support and explanation

to the students that learning English is very important to their life in this

globalization era. The teacher also give explanation toward their students

about beneficial of learning English to their life later.

The teacher are still having less creativity when teaching English.

Usually the teachers just explain the material without any game, so it can

make the students bored. As teachers, they must build the interest of students

to learn English by using varieties of methods. For example, the teachers use

game in teaching learning process because the students like to play.

Finally, the uses of media and method are not appropriate with the

situation of students. Media and method are important in English learning

process. Media and method help to understand the teacher explanation easily.

Usually the teacher’s uses method or media are not appropriate with students’

need. In using method or media a teacher must be adjust with the students like.

The use of media and method are not appropriate with situation or condition of

the students can influence the interest and understand of them.

From the situation above, researcher know that the students just

acquire a few vocabularies. This situation also found in SMPN 8 Baubau, in

English teaching learning process there the teacher not use media or method

that able to increase the interest and achievement of the students. So the

researcher needs to implement a method that can improve the students’

interest in learning English.

Basic on vocabulary mastery can be pushed towards the overall

English proficiency. It should be support with the media to make the students

easy to learn vocabulary. The media which used by the writer are flashcard.

Flashcards are the cards on which words and pictures or drawn. Flashcards are

one of the media that can enhancing vocabulary mastery. Usually the students

are able to remember of English words easily if many teachers show cards that

consist of words or pictures. By using flashcards, the teachers are able to teach

English by employing many methods too, such as cards game, puzzle, role

play, etc. So the student can be more interested and enjoy in the English

learning process.
Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in having

the research with the title: “Enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery by the

use of flashcard at the second grade students of at SMPN 8 Baubau”.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background above, the researcher can be identifying the

factors that cause the problem of a lack of vocabulary in students, are as


1. The students lack of interest in reading

2. The students lack of vocabulary mastery

3. The students do not have interest in English learning process

4. The teacher are still having less creativity when teaching English

5. The uses of media and method are not appropriate with the situation of


6. The students are not easy to remember of English words.

C. Scope of The Research

Based on the identification of problem above, the scope of this research

focus on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMPN 8

D. Problem Statement

Based on the scope of the research above, this research focuses on the


“Does the use of flashcard method can enhance students’ vocabulary


E. Purposes of The Research

The objective of this research is consists of:

1. General Purposes

General purposes in this research is to enhancing the English learning

process in the classroom by the use of flashcard.

2. Specific Purposes

Specific purposes in this research is to enhancing students’ vocabulary

mastery by the use of flash card at the second grade students of SMPN

8 Baubau.

F. Benefit of the Research

The benefit of this research are as follows:

1. For teacher

Give some additional contributions to development of teaching

language of skill, especially in applying flashcard to improve students’

vocabulary mastery and can be used as a consideration in selecting the

appropriate method or technique implemented English in class

2. For students

To improving the students’ interest and students’ achievement in the

vocabulary mastery.


A. Review of literature

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of vocabulary

According of Richard (2001:4), vocabulary is one of the most obvious

components of language and one of first things applied linguistic turned their

attention. According of Hornby (1974:959), vocabulary is total number of

words which (with ruler for combining them) make up a language. Webster

(1993:327) said that vocabulary is “a list of group of words and phrases,

usually in alphabetical order.”

From the definition above, the writer concludes that the vocabulary is a

stock list of words that is used individually or in a group arranged in

alphabetical order and has meanings.

b. The sources of vocabulary

According thornbury (2002:32-51), researcher has looked at five possible

source of vocabulary input for learners:

a. List

Lists are economical way of organizing vocabulary for learning, and that it

doesn’t matter a great deal if they are put together in a rather random.

b. Course book

Course book select vocabulary for active study on the group of usefulness,
frequency, learner ability, and teacher ability.

c. Vocabulary books

Supplementary vocabulary books are usually thematically organized, but

cover a range of vocabulary skills.

d. The teacher

The teacher is potentially fruitful source of vocabulary input, not only in

term of incidental learning, but also as an introduction vocabulary through

teacher talk.

e. Other student

Other student in the class are particularly fertile source of vocabulary


c. The keys to enhancing vocabulary

There are many key to enhancing your vocabulary (Edwards, 2006:73):

a. Read as much as you can

By reading as many magazine, fiction and nonfiction books, and

journals as you can, you will encounter new words. You can guess the

meanings of many of those words by their contexts – that is, you will

get a clue to the meaning from the words that surround the new word.

If you are still not sure, you can look up the word in a dictionary to

check if you were right.

b. Use a dictionary

You will need a large collegiate dictionary for home use. The

dictionary should be all English, not a bilingual one. A good

dictionary should include the following information about word:

1. Its pronunciation.

2. It’s part of speech (noun, adjective, verbs).

3. A clear simple definition.

4. An example of the word used in a sentence or phrase.

5. Its origin (root, prefix)

c. Learn roots, prefixes

Root and prefixes from Latin and Greek make up many English

words. It has been estimated that more than half of all English words

come from Latin and Greek. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a

root and suffixes are added to the end to modify the meaning of

words. Learning these will help you increase your vocabulary.

d. Learn from listening

Listening to good programs on the radio and television as well as to

people who speak English well is another way improving your

vocabulary. Since you cannot always ask the speaker to tell you what

a particular word means, writer down the words a look them up later.

e. Use a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning; antonyms

are words that have almost the opposite meaning. Knowing the
synonyms and antonyms of a word will expand your vocabulary.

Some dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms explain each synonym

and how it differs in meaning from other synonym.since no two words

have the exact same meaning, this is very useful for you.

f. Make your own word list

Get a notebook for your vocabulary study and use it to create your

own word list. Whenever you read and come across a word you don’t

know, write it down in your notebook together with the sentence in

which you found it. Try to work out the meaning of the word from its

context. Then look the word up in a dictionary and write the definition

in your notebook. Writing will help you remember the word and its

meaning. Try to add a new word to your list every day.

g. use your new words

Using your new words, whether it is in speaking or writing is an

important step in learning.

2. Flashcard

a. Definition of flashcard

A flashcard is a little piece of paper. The size of a business card, which

has on one side a new word in a language you’re learning, and on the other

side a word in your mother tongue (http// how-to-learn-any-language

com/e/guide/flash-cards-html,10 December 2009). According to Haycraft,

flashcards are the cards on which words and or picture and painted or drawn
(Insaniyah, 2003:19). According to Suyanto, flashcards is the cards that

usually use thin paper and stiff (2008:109). Flashcards show picture or words.

Usually flashcards include of group with kind or classes. Flashcard is a piece

of cardboard about 18 X 6 inches on which appears a word, a sentence or a

simple outline drawing. The lettering should be large, net and clear so that it

can be seen from the rear of the room. Capital letters are preferred. Print

should be used since it is easy to read at a distance (Nasr, 1972:119)

Based on many definition above about flashcard, the researcher can

conclude that:

1. Flashcard is one of the media education

2. Flashcard is a little piece of paper

3. Flashcard is the cards on which words and or picture and printed or


4. Flashcard is one of the best tools for memorizing information

The flashcard must always be brief, large, neat and clear so that it can be

seen from the rear of the room. Capital letters are preferred print should be

used since it is easy to read at a distance.

Example of flash card

b. Type of flashcard

Flashcard can be divided into several types by Scott (1990:109-111), they


a. Picture card

Picture cards are useful for the teaching of vocabulary and reading (Nasr,

1972: 67). These picture cards can be drawings or cut outs from magazines or

perhaps photos. It is easiest to sort these picture cards according to size really

big ones for class work, and smaller ones for individual or group work.

b. Card games

A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary things with

which the game is played, be they traditional or game specific

(, 20 May 2010).

Almost all card games can be made into language card game and while we

want to concentrate on games where some sort of language interaction is

taking place, we can also play card game simply for relaxation. A simple snap

game using picture cards is one of kind of card game.

c. Word / sentence card

Word cards are useful for displays and for work on the flannel graph.

Sentence cards should only be used for the beginners and only with sentences

which are use a lot of. Students can simply write the question on one side and

the answer on the opposite side and test themselves repeatedly

( study methods/a/flashcards.htm, 20 May

Word/ sentence card usually consist of two sides, on the front of card

appears the word entry plus whatever supplementary information is needed,

on the back appear a concise definition and an illustration of the word use. In

the using word card and sentence card the students can match a word with the

definition in the other sentence cards. By this manner the student can more

interest to learning English.

c. The way to make flashcard vocabulary

There is way to make a flashcard vocabulary


1. Assemble your materials. There's nothing worse than starting a

project without everything you need.

2. On the front of the flash card, write a vocabulary word, and only

the word, neatly on the front of a 3 x 5 card in pencil. Center the

word both horizontally and vertically, and be sure to keep the front

of the card free from extra markings, smudges or doodles.

3. On the upper left corner of the back of the flash card: On the

reverse side, the information side of the flash card, write a

definition for the word in the upper left corner. Make sure you

write the definition in your own words. This is a key. If you write

a dictionary definition, you will be less likely to remember what

the word means.

4. On the upper right corner of the back of the flash card, write the

part of speech in the upper right corner of the info side. Make sure

you understand what the part of speech means before writing it

down. Then, color-code it. Highlight the part of speech with one

color. When you make another flashcard with another part of

speech, you'll use a different color. Make all the nouns yellow, all

the verbs blue, etc. Your mind remembers colors really well, so

you'll start to associate color with the part of speech, and

you'llhave an easier time remembering how the word functions in

a sentence.

5. On the lower left corner of the back of the flash card: Use the

vocabulary word in a sentence the student will remember. Make

the sentence steamy, hilarious, or creative in some other way. If

you write a bland sentence, your chances of remembering what the

word means go way down. Example of a memorable sentence: My

pompous ex-boyfriend used to think he could get any girl he

wanted, until he met my friend Mandy, who laughed at his

conceited self in front of the entire school. Example of a non-

memorable sentence: The king, whose pompous heads-of-state

were trying to dethrone, decided to flee the country to save his

own life.

6. On the lower right corner of the back of the flash card: Draw a

small picture/graphic to go with the vocabulary word. It doesn't

have to be artistic – just something that reminds you of the

definition. For the word "pompous," or "conceited", maybe you'd

draw a stick person with his nose in the air. You remember

pictures much better than a word, which is the reason you can't

write anything on the front of the card besides the vocabulary

word – you'd remember the design and associate it with the

definition instead of associating the word with the definition.

Repeat this process for every one of your vocabulary words, until

you have a deck of flash cards.

7. Punch a hole in the middle of the right side of each flash card, and

then hook all the cards together with the key ring, ribbon or rubber

band. You don't want to lose them all over your book bag.

d. The procedure of using flashcard

The procedures of using flashcard are below



a. Sit comfortably facing your students.

b. Arrange the flash cards in the order you would like to present them.

c. Starting with the first flash card, hold it up so your students can clearly

see the front. Keep the back of the flash card toward you so your child

cannot see it.

d. Shows the flash card front to your students that consist of picture and

said in English and asked the students to repeat after several time to

make sure that they could say it in a correct pronunciation.

e. Give question to them by showing flashcards one by one randomly, if

your students give a correct answer, place the correctly answered flash

card in a pile on your left.

f. If your students give an incorrect response or no response, tell him the

correct answer, and place these flash cards in a pile on your right side.

g. After you have finished showing your students all of the flash cards,

you may continue your flash card teaching session by using the stack of

incorrectly answered cards. Continue in the same manner, placing

correctly answered flash cards on the left and incorrectly answered

flash cards on the right.

h. Once your students have mastered the full set of flash cards, practice

them periodically to ensure your child remembers them.

e. The function of flashcard

The use of flashcard in the English teaching learning process used to help

the teacher (Kasihani and Suyanto, 2008:109)

a. To be familiar and stable with singular and plural concept.

b. To be familiar and stable with numbers.

c. To be familiar and stable with a few and a lot of concept.

d. To get the students attention using extract pictures with appropriate

(Vocabulary and Color).

e. To give variation in the teaching learning process.

f. Excess of Flashcard

Excess methods flash cards is to motivate students to always provide the

potential for learning is fun because in this method the student will pay

attention to the teacher provides teaching materials on flash card and the

use of these methods students can easily acquire vocabulary quickly

because the flashcard students will be shown the picture image in which

there is a vocabulary of the English language.

g. The weakness of flashcard

The weakness of this method is teacher always prepare flash cards and

other teaching materials need to support the learning process and the

possibility it will require a significant financial cost to be incurred by the

researchers as well as researchers must have the unique ability to use

flashcard method in the learning process.

3. The Use Of Flashcard In Teaching Vocabulary

The role of flashcard in teaching vocabulary

Flash cards are always an easy way to get some of those vocabulary

words stuck inside your head, where they need to be when the big test
rolls around (

Make_Flashcards.htm, 20May 2010).

Based on the statements above shown that the using flashcards in

English learning process are more effective and practical way of

memorizing to accomplices new vocabulary. By using flashcards is

suitable for the beginner in English. By the implementation this method

gives emphasis on pronunciation of the utterance of words. Beside that in

the English learning process the students can be more active and not only


B. Previous related research

The research of results of Aschurotun Nadziroh, a student from State

Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga, published through journal

publications in 2011 by the title “The use of flashcard to improve vocabulary

mastery for the fourth year students of MI Duren Bandungan in the academic

year of 2009/2010”

The subject of this research are the students of elementary school of MI

Duren Bandungan that consist of 29 students. The object of this research are

vocabulary mastery, student interest to study English and flashcard method.

Technique of collecting data, the researcher uses written test (pretest and

posttest), oral test, and observation in collecting the data.

Based on research of result, can be concluded that the use of flashcard can

enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery in elementary school of MI Duren

Bandungan in the academic year of 2009/2010.

C. frameworks

The role of teachers in the education process is required. The task of the

teacher is not only limited as a teacher that transfers knowledge to the student, but

the teacher acts as a facilitator who guides and directs students to the maturation.

Teachers educate their students in order to achieve the expected learning

objectives, these objectives can be achieved through the learning process is the

process of determining the success of students views from learning results he gets.

Activities conducted by the teacher in the classroom is to give a stock of

knowledge to the students, so that the knowledge can be received and understood

by students, teachers are required to develop ways or techniques of learning that

are more creative and innovative. This is done so that more students motivation

for learning and help students absorb the material taught. One of the learning

techniques that can be used as learning techniques by using flashcards.

Flashcards in this study is a learning technique that is designed to assist

students in exploring new vocabulary vocabulary words related to the theme of

learning materials, as well as efforts to help students improve their mastery of

vocabulary-vocabulary for particular vocabulary used in life daily. The stages of

the implementation of learning by applying the techniques of these flashcards are:

 Learning concept

 Determine vocabulary core vocabulary

 Make flashcards

In studying the concept of a theme or subject matter, the student is guided

first by the teacher, students are given an explanation of the theme of the lessons

to be learned, teachers guide students for find the vocabulary associated teaching

materials. Determining vocabulary core vocabulary, in this case the active

students to think and find a vocabulary-core vocabulary that became a branch of

the vocabulary kunciyang given by the teacher. Create or compile flashcards, in

this case after Shiva found the whole vocabulary-core vocabulary of the theme of

learning then students put the flashcards.

learning with flashcards application of techniques to focus on the creative

activity of students and students' activeness thinking, which will enhance the

understanding of the familiar and powerful concept. In addition to teaching and

learning activities are more fun, students will also be more motivated in learning

activities, able to learn independently, and can improve the ability to

communicate. This confirmed that the application of the technique is an

appropriate means flashcards students' vocabulary mastery. So that there is a

suspicion that learning vocabulary flashcards by applying techniques can improve

students' ability to communicate.

here is a picture cycle of classroom action research framework:





A.Desain of Research

1. PlaceResearch

Research conducted at SMPN 8 Baubau

2. Time Research

The study was conducted in the second semester of the school year


3. Subject Research

The subjects were students of class VIII by the number of 24 people

consisting of 15 female and 9 male

B. Design Class Action Research

In this research, researchers used a classroom action research is tipe of

Kurt Lewin because in the research model of Kurt Lewin if the execution cycle of

failure and learning objectives have not been achieved then be repeated again

from the beginning, but for the next cycle does not change all the activity from the

beginning, but only change in steps core activities only.

Kurt Lewin proposed a model of action research in the form of a cycle. It is based

on that action is given not only once, but can some times. Kurt Lewin, who

stated that in one cycle consists of four main steps, namely: 1) planning. 2)Acting,

3) observation and 4) reflection

Overall, the four stages in the CAR form a cycle which is described in a spiral

shape. Like in the picture below.




The research problem is how to increase the procurement vocabulary of

the English language through the use of flashcards. This problem in accordance

with the results of the initial observation in the field who find that learning

English is difficult and unpleasant, child's understanding of the English language

is still low and the use of media when the learning is still less than optimal. In this

study the authors use the method of Classroom Action research (CAR), because

this method is considered in accordance with the objectives that were defined,

namely to improve the mastery of English vocabulary a child through the method

flashcard and is expected to improve and enhancing learning optimally pursue.

CAR implementation conducted through a cycle consisting of the planning,

action, observation and reflection

C. Procedure Class Research

The procedure consists of classroom action research of pre-research and

action research cycle.

1. Pre Reseach

Pre Research is a reflection before action research cycle that act, they are:

a. Set the format of the collection of objective data in schools.

b. Adjusting lattice material questions and estimating tool / test first.

c. Schools collect objective data using a pre-study format.

d. Estimate / first test by reading the text by using flash cards

e. Analyzing the objective data of the school and the test results to be exploited

on a plan of action.

2. Cycles of action research

Based on evaluation of the data analizing result in pre-research, first test,

and discussion of collaboration team, can be designed for teaching learning

material forces likes picture as bellow:

a. Action Research Cycle I

Based on the design of the device prior learning can be structured planning

the following actions:

1) Action Planning

Develop a learning device that will be implemented that includes the

following components:

a) Syllabus English subjects in their speaking ability.

Syllabus subjects of English, VIII class the second semester of the school year

2016/207, with basic competence (KD) on their speaking ability by using flash


b) Program the second semester of academic year 2016/2017 class VIII with

learning materials (KD): The ability to speak by using flash cards consisting of

indicators: 1. Understand the power of speech, 2. Use of talk by using flash


c) Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).

In the first cycle includes indicators: 1. Understand the power of speech by

using flash cards

d) teaching materials (Learning Materials)

RPP learning material in the first cycle is to understand the power of speech by

using flash cards are arranged in sheets of learning materials.

e) student activity sheets (LKS)

LKS on student reading comprehension text ..

f) Media / tools / learning resources

Media and tools used is English language learning books and cards that have

2) Implementation of Measures

a) conditioning the learning space for students and collaborators.

b) Researchers carry out learning in a learning scenario in RPP through the

Stages of initial activity, the core activities, namely exploration, elaboration

activities, and activity information.

c) Carrying out assessment or test cycle P1.

d) The end activity to draw conclusions, assignments and learning materials

more information.

3) Observation

a) Simultaneously during the learning takes place, the two collaborators

assessed the implementation of learning in the classroom by using an

assessment instrument implementation in the classroom.

b) Then the observer together researchers collected data on the ability to

understand the reading text by using flash cards

c) Conduct observations activity of students in groups.

4) Reflection

Reflecting the results of the evaluation of the first cycle analysis of

research data on aspects / indicators:\

a) assessment of the quality of the learning process in the classroom.

b) Speech text by using flash cards

c) Results of individual learning.

The results of the evaluation and discussion of team collaboration to be

reflected in the form of recommendation to proceed to the second cycle with

improved lesson plans according to the indicators 2, is learning materials, work

sheets, assessment instruments, and others. But the approach of learning methods

are still used.

D. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques in this study is in the form of observation, testing,

and documentation.

1. Observation

a. Assess the implementation of the learning process in the classroom. A team


collaborators consisting of 2 people (teachers and students) make an assessment

based on observations on the implementation of learning undertaken by

researchers. Rate implementation of learning is done in the form of a check or a

checklist on the same instrument.

b. Fill out a questionnaire about courage in expressing opinions in learning by

students after learning is complete.

c. Observing activity of students in groups with the observation sheet.

2. Ratings

Conducting an assessment (test for three sub material teaching) with different

forms of essay questions (P1, P2, and P3) of each cycle to measure the

achievement of indicators presented by the researcher, while simultaneously

measuring the value of basic competence (KD).

3. Competency Study

Collect objective data format pre-school through research, including the

collection of value there.

E. Instrument Data Collection

The instrument used in this study aims to obtain data on the quality of

learning, understanding of materials, and learning outcomes in the subjects of

English, especially in speaking skills. This is done using flash cards in

speaking skills in class VIII SMPN 8 Baubau year 2016/2017

F. Data Analysis

Analysis of the research data with descriptive statistics class action is a simple

data analysis, carried out through the following steps:

1. Data Collection

In this phase, researchers collected data obtained from the research

implementation in the classroom, observation of student activity, courage express

opinions in learning, and the use of flash cards on learning methods

2. Data reduction

In this phase, researchers selected data is relevant and not relevant (irrelevant

data discarded).

3. Exposure Data

In this phase, researchers presented data selected in the form (sequence data


a. The data was the implementation of learning in the classroom

1) Tabulation, calculate the average, and the percentage

2) Analysis and interpretation of data

b. Data on the observation of activity and increased self-confidence of students

who express an opinion in this case by using flash cards.

G. Indicators of Success

The study assumed a class act when action is improvement of the quality of

learning. So it will have an impact on full restore learning motivation and learning

out comes. Sequence indicator in scientific logic reassembled into:

Indicators of success of the quality of the learning process of at least ‘good’

H. Collaboration Team

Collaboration team consists of two people inggris. Language education

students team collaboration called collaborators or observer. This is that a member

or observer in the research:

1. Name : Nurliana

NIM : 13231101

Occupation : Student

Function : Collaborator / observer

2. Name : Yulianti La Bai

NIM : 13231102

Occupation : Student

Function : Collaborator / observer

I. Rancangan Jadwal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

NO Jenis Kegiatan
Minggu 1 Minggu 2 Minggu 3 Minggu 4
1. Peny. Proposal penelitian tindakan kelas X X
2. Diskusi Tim dan perbaikan X
3. Penelitian di lapangan X
4. Analisa data X
5. Peny. Laporan hasil penelitian tingkatt kelas X
6. Finalisasi dan Laporan akhir X
7. Karya Tulis Ilmia (KTI) X



A flashcard is a little piece of paper. The size of a business card, which has

on one side a new word in a language you’re learning, and on the other side a

word in your mother tongue

The use flashcard method can petrify the teacher in the learning process for the

acquisition of vocabulary to students because the method can make students active

and creative in the classroom so that students easily acquire the vocabulary of the

English language.

Design of the use of this method uses design Kurt Lewin, who

stated that in one cycle consists of four main steps, namely:1) planning, 2)

Acting, 3) observing, dan 4) reflecting.

Why this method is used because this method is considered in accordance

with the objectives that were defined, namely to improve the mastery of

English vocabulary flashcard and child through the method is expected to

improve and enhance the learning process optimally pursue.

B. Suggestions

In writing this class action research report authors recognize there

are still many shortcomings and errors in writing, either in the use of

grammar or word placement by it, the authors expect criticism and

suggestions are expected to improve the writing of the paper to the front.

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Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, New York,

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Webster, Merriam. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and Seven
Language Dictionary. USA. 1961

Thornbury, Scott, How to Teach Vocabulary, England, Longman, 1990.

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Suyanto, Kasihani K. E., English for Young Learners, Jakarta, BumiAksara. 2008.
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Scott, Wendy A. and Lisbeth H. Y treberg, Teaching English to Children, New

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1. LA ODE MASRUN 13231142

2. NURLIANA 13231101

3. YULIANTI LA BAI 13231102



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