Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010
STATUS: 501(c)(3)
Family Tree
Foundation is one of more than 1,000 community foundations worldwide. It is the
oldest and largest community foundation in the Rocky Mountain region.
WELCOME TO THE 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 at a Glance
Dear Friends of The Denver Foundation,
Though signs of economic recovery are emerging throughout our community like green shoots in hard soil, Total given in grants:
challenging times continue. The unemployment rate is fluctuating, the rate of child poverty continues to rise,
and food pantries report that client numbers are still climbing. The State of Colorado and all of the municipalities
in the Metro area are facing their own economic woes and cutting their budgets accordingly. This means less
money for services to help those in need. Number of grants given:
In such dire circumstances, The Denver Foundation must use its resources to make a difference. While we
can’t fill the budget gaps with the resources we have, we can look for ways that our dollars can spark change, 3,970
encourage efficiency, and leverage other funding. We can be a “catalyst for good.” In the pages of this Annual
Report, you’ll read about ways that we’ve worked to do this, and about how we’ve helped our donors and Number of funds:
community leaders to serve as catalysts themselves.
• The Sprout Clinic, which was launched through the generosity of a Denver
Foundation donor and the creativity of Hunger Free Colorado, is helping young Donor-advised funds:
children to grow and thrive.
We hope their stories inspire you to think about how you too can be a catalyst for good. $51,352,704
As we write this letter, the Foundation is looking deeply at our work and seeking ways to improve through a Number of new funds created:
new strategic plan. You may have been asked to participate in our Listening Campaign, through which we’ve
asked thousands of our volunteers, donors, grantees, and community members to share their vision for the
future of Metro Denver, and how The Denver Foundation can help. Even when the Listening Campaign is over
and our plan is written and shared with our friends and partners, we want you to know we are always listening. Assets – Year End:
Please visit and share your thoughts. We know the best ideas for change
grow in the community we all love.
David Miller, President/CEO Kenzo Kawanabe, Chair 2010-11
The Sprout Clinic Addresses Hunger Among the Youngest and Most Vulnerable
The Rocky Mountain West, home to a live and work,” says Roz Elliott, Senior
thriving oil and gas industry, employs tens Director of Public Affairs for the company.
of thousands of people and provides economic “We recognized that a partnership with The
stability to dozens of communities. One aspect Denver Foundation was a good strategic
of this vibrant industry is the “midstream,” the move for us. Many people don’t realize the
part of the extraction process through which advantages of working with a community
raw materials are turned into usable products. foundation.”
One of the largest natural gas processors in
the nation is located right here in Denver and Roz notes that DCP Midstream will take part
is the region’s largest private company: in the educational sessions that The Denver
Roz Elliot
DCP Midstream. Foundation provides for its donors and will
work with the Foundation to create a strategic
“DCP Midstream does a lot of good by providing grantmaking advisory committee from among
jobs and emphasizing safety,” says David Miller, company employees. “Since we do business in
President of The Denver Foundation. “We’re 18 states, we also appreciate that The Denver
fortunate that they also choose to give back Foundation has relationships with community
to the community through their corporate foundations around the U.S.,” says Roz.
philanthropic activities and their fund at
The Denver Foundation.” The catalyst for DCP Midstream’s involvement
with The Denver Foundation was Roz herself.
DCP Midstream She has a personal donor-advised fund with the
fields a huge team at Foundation, called the Power of Six Fund, which
“We recognized the American Heart provides educational supplies for classrooms
that a partnership Association’s Heart in public schools so that teachers don’t have to
Walk every year, buy these items themselves. “The great service
with The Denver and was looking for I received for Power of Six opened my eyes to
Foundation was ways to expand their the potential that a relationship with The Denver
charitable activities. Foundation could offer DCP Midstream. It was a
a good strategic The company created natural fit.”
move for us.“ a business-advised
fund at The Denver
Foundation to help
in the areas of education, health, safety, and
the environment. “We want to contribute to the
vitality of the communities where our employees
The Aurora Human Rights Center
As she was blowing out the candles on the The presence of The Denver Foundation’s
cake at her 100th birthday party, Denver Strengthening Neighborhood Program (SN)
Foundation donor and founder of the Buck stimulates the efforts of the other groups by
Foundation, Mims Buck, was asked what she providing community organizing expertise and
wished for. She replied, “Fewer wars and more linking clients to larger community efforts.
tolerance for people of all backgrounds, faiths, SN also brings its grants program closer to the
Mims Buck
and races,” a wish most of us undoubtedly hold. residents of the Original Aurora community,
But the agile-minded, self-proclaimed optimist to aid them in carrying out resident-directed
quickly added, “I think peace is something we community strengthening projects.
are all wishing for, but it is not enough to wish
or hope, we all need to strive towards it.” “In this economy and this political climate, it
is so important that we work together across
And strive is what she has done. Through a communities, languages, immigration status,
donor-advised fund at the Foundation, Mims and religion, and race,”
the Buck Foundation have helped to fund the says Lisa Durán,
development of the Aurora Human Rights Center “I think peace is Executive Director of
(AHRC). Located in Original Aurora, the center Rights for All People,
combines five different nonprofit organizations in something we are one of the five AHRC
one location: The Somali American Community all wishing for, but agencies. “Our hope
Center, the Lowry Family Resource Center, for the AHRC is that
El Centro Humanitario, Rights for All People, and it is not enough to our presence here
a new satellite office for The Denver Foundation’s wish or hope, we and the synergy
Strengthening Neighborhoods Program. that is growing in
all need to strive the building will
Because all five organizations have the common towards it.“ support stronger
goals of advocating for and addressing the ties, joint projects,
needs of the underserved, they felt it would be and leadership
beneficial to be centralized in one location. development in ways that will benefit all Aurora
The organizations are committed to working residents, especially those in Original Aurora.”
together to address the issues that are most
important to Original Aurora’s most marginalized
residents. For example, the members of the
AHRC will offer classes and services to one
another’s clients, and they will also invite
individuals who may come for services from one
organization to get involved in larger community
change efforts led by other organizations’ leaders
and members.
Four Organizations Move to Become One
Since the inception of the pandemic, Colorado ways, but we have had to set that aside to look
AIDS service programs (CAPs) have worked at what is best for the people in the state
on the front lines to help meet the needs of of Colorado.”
people living with AIDS. In 2006, four of these
organizations began formal discussions to The entire process has been a collaborative
research the benefits of merging into one exercise. A consortium of funders, including
statewide organization. Bright Mountain Foundation, The Denver
Foundation, and the Gill Foundation/Gay &
Colorado AIDS Project (Denver), Northern Lesbian Fund for Colorado, David and Lucile
Colorado AIDS Project (Fort Collins), Southern Packard Foundation, and AIDS United joined
Colorado AIDS Project (Colorado Springs), and together to form the Colorado HIV/AIDS
Western Colorado AIDS Project (Grand Junction) Community Partnership, and together invested
serve more than 3,300 HIV-positive Coloradans in the exploration of strategies to determine the
annually, and an additional 30,000 people through feasibility of the merger and, once established, to
prevention and education programs. As services allow for the full development of the model.
shifted from comforting people dying from AIDS
“We had expert
to helping people live with HIV, and as federal
facilitation that’s
funding diminished, the CAPs began looking “… the primary made this go very
for other ways to meet the expanding needs of
reason for merging smoothly. We’ve
people living with HIV or at risk of contracting HIV
ironed out a lot
in Colorado. Together they developed a plan to can’t be saving already,” Pederson
expand the capacity of the system to emphasize
money. It’s got to says. “We could not
self-care and increase the quality of life of
have done it without
individuals served. be about fulfilling the Community
The merged organization, which will be called your mission.“ Partnership. They
the Colorado Health Network, Inc., has a funded 100% of
proposed structure of a statewide management the facilitation.”
team, a combined board with regional advisory Denver Foundation Program Officer Christiano
committees, and a network of regional offices Sosa has played an integral role in the
to deliver programs and services including groundbreaking merger process, which now
case management, prevention, advocacy, and serves as a model for many other organizations
education services. seeking to collaborate more closely in light of
challenging economic times. “Any restructuring
While numerous potential benefits are expected takes time, and requires expertise as well as a
to result from this merger, the process can be
deep commitment from staff and board to see it
challenging, nonetheless. Ruth Pederson,
through,” Sosa says. “Cost savings will follow, but
Executive Director of the Denver Regional Office,
the primary reason for merging can’t be saving
says, “We have all been around a very long time
money. It’s got to be about fulfilling your mission.”
and running our own regional offices our own
Through the Community Legacy Kerry Ann Dwyer Lisa Farber Miller and David J. Miller
Society, The Denver Foundation Sandy Elliott Mary Moser and William Richey
Barbara and Kent Erickson Susan Murphy and Donald Murphy, M.D.
honors those who have named the Gay Faris and Dave Farmer Joyce Nakamura
Foundation in their will or estate Lisa Fasolo Frishman Barbara Neal
plan. Enrollment in this society is Andy Fine, M.D. Lisa Negri
simply a matter of advising us that Katherine Gamrath Mallory Nelson
Grace Stiles
you have created a planned gift, E. James Gehres Joyce Neville
Marian and Lou Gelfand Thomas P. O’Rourke
of any type or size,The Denver Deborah and James Golanty Donald Oberndorf
Foundation. We hope you will give Philip Golberg Laura and Richard Ouellette
us the opportunity to honor your Charles Grieves, Jr. Sheron Owen
visionary giving, or to assist you Gina Guy Melissa and Richard Paige
Janice, Jim, and Linda Campbell
and your advisors as you prepare to Carol Haas The Painter Ohrbeck Family Foundation
Judge Kerry S. Hada Karen and Fred Pasternack
invest in the community even after Beverly and Harold Haddon Lester D. Pedicord
your own lifetime. Please contact Karen Hagans Adele and Gerald Phelan
the Philanthropic Services Group at Martine and Jack Hanlon Elizabeth Phillips
303.300.1790. Lucy Hanson Margaret and Robert J. Piccinelli
Kathleen and John Hasche Yvette and Wesley Powell
Deborah Hayes and James L. Martin Dean Prina, M.D.
Anonymous Legacy Society Members Joseph E. Heiland Marcia L. Ragonetti
Julika B. Ambrose, D.M.D. Lisa and Thomas Heule Karla and Kevin Raines
Catherine D. Anderson, Ph.D. and Walter Imhoff Barbara and Norwood Robb
Truman E. Anderson Leslie Karotkin Tamra and William Ryan
Debra Ardelt Amie Knox and Jim Kelley Barbara Schmitt
Trish and Pete Barron Mary Allman-Koernig and Ray Koernig George Schmitt
Diana Lee and LeRoy Stahlgren
Barbara and Dan Berv Terri and Peter Konrad Darlene Silver
Margaret and Mark Berzins Jack Koo Jacob and Keo Simonian
Gary Bird Robert Krane Mary and George Sissel
J. Fern Black Betty and Warren Kuehner Christiano Sosa
Sarah and Christopher Bock William LaBahn Grace Stiles
Vicki Boesel and Richard Molnar Pamela and Darrel Lathrop Jean and Charles L. Townsend
Ellen Boettcher Diana Lee and LeRoy Stahlgren, M.D. Frank A. Traylor, M.D.
Chelsea Brundige Kathy and Robert Lees Joanna and Dennis Trescott
Don Buckman Peggy Lehmann Robert Walker
Beverly Burke Hannah and Allen Levy Emma and Charles Warren
Janice and Jim Campbell Patricia and Wills Long Clara Winter, M.D.
Linda Campbell Joan Maclachlan Linda Roberts Zinn
Noëy and Tom Congdon Ernest Madison
Robert Connelly, Jr. Jodi and Jason Maples
Tiffany Cooley Ellen Marritt and Emanuel Marritt, M.D. For complete lists of donors and
Dr. Andrew Fine
Dorothy and Leonard Custer Leon Mason grant recipients, please visit
Ze and Dick Deane Evelyn and William McClearn
The DellaSalle Family
Patricia B. McClearn
Christine DeRose Donna and Bob McCraith
Mary Duquaine, Psy.D. Janice and Steven Miller
The following donors have The Patricia Crown Family Mable G. Young, Ed.D. and Rev. David Young The Denver Foundation Technical
given generously to create or Barbara R. and Kermit L. Darkey Nancy E. and Edward H. Zorensky Assistance Grants Fund
Catherine de la Garza and Kevin D. Millard The Denver Foundation Community Christine A. DeRose Fund
support funds that are part of Elaine Dinges, in honor of Jan and Fred Box Grants Arts & Culture Fund Falkenberg-Whittington Fund
the Foundation’s Community The Dowling Foundation Masakazu Ito
Endowment and will help Metro Lee Palmer and Ed Everding, in memory of Sally and John McLagan Herbert R. Fuester Trust
Denver in perpetuity. The beauty Margaret Young Mary Reisher and Barry Berlin Fulkerson Fund
of a community foundation is that J. M. Farley Scott Rodwin Bill and Carol Gossard Fund
Fred and Charlotte Hubbell Foundation Jill M. Wichlens and Hon. Richard L. Gabriel
these funds can help meet local Barry Freshour William D. & Dorothy C. Harmsen
needs as they change over time. The Denver Foundation Community
Katherine Gamrath Patti Jeanne Harrington Memorial Fund
Grants Civic & Education Fund
Cheryl Hodges, in memory of
If you are interested in supporting Bruce Atchison Harry Harris & George Harris
Margaret Young
the Metro Denver region through Community Foundation Charitable Fund
Hope for Generations
giving to the Community Serving Boulder County The Adolph Hecker Fund
The Joy S. Johnson Fund of the Community
Tisha Corbett
Endowment, please contact Foundation for the National Capital Region Samuel Hicks Fund
Lorna and Jerry Gray
the Philanthropic Services Lynda B. and William P. Johnson Samuel N. Hicks, III
Peggy Lehmann
C. Howard Kast C.L. Hubner Memorial Trust
Group at 303.300.1790. Jan M. Kennaugh, M.D. and Chevis Horne Evelyn and William McClearn
Mary Reisher and Barry Berlin Susan M. Lindsay Fund
Mary Baker Fund Jesse King
Charles H. Schweppe Fund Fannie Miller Fund
Anonymous Dorothy V. Lamm
Philip Leslie The Denver Foundation Community Diana Mitcheltree Fund
Arthur W. & Blanche C. Blair Trust
Lincoln Foundation, in memory of Grants Health Fund
Roy Blount Fund Larry Mizel Fund
Margaret Young Ellen Marritt and Emanuel Marritt, M.D.
Margaret M. Bosworth Fund Dorothy and Dallas Mauk Mary Reisher and Barry Berlin Russell Morris Fund
Burghardt Fund McKinstry Co. Charitable Foundation The Denver Foundation Community Norwest Consolidated Fund
David J. Miller, in memory of Margaret Young Grants Human Services Fund
Frances Charsky Fund Ira C. Rothgerber Trust
Jason Moore Community Foundation
Bertha J. Davidson Fund Sami D. Nakazono, in memory of Irene G. Rothgerber Trust
Serving Boulder County
Estate of Bertha J. Davidson Margaret Young Diane and Melvin Dinner Hazel S. Sandifer Trust
The Denver Foundation Community Barbara Neal The Estate of A. Cemal Eringen Gertrude Spratlen Fund
Endowment Fund Professional Staffing Solutions Millie and Del D. Hock Sterne-Elder Memorial Trust Fund
Anonymous Psi Boule Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Cynthia R. Kendrick
Tucker H. Adams in memory of Margaret Young Jan and John Meck Elizabeth Howe Strang Fund
Julika B. Ambrose, D.M.D. Margaret A. and Roger L. Reisher Mary Reisher and Barry Berlin Walker Straus Trust Fund
Virginia B. Bayless Mary Reisher and Barry Berlin
The Denver Foundation Community Van Hummell/Howard Fund
Barbara and Dan Berv Rick Reiter
Grants Program Fund Clarence Werthan Trust
Christopher & Sarah Bock Family Ellen and Scott Robinson
Marlene and John Becker, in honor of
Charitable Fund Richard L. Robinson, in honor of David Miller WF Consolidated Fund
Roger and Margaret Reisher
Katya Bograd, M.D. and Marjorie Seawell, in memory of
Community Foundation Edward M. and Lou M. Willis Fund
Harvey Bograd, M.D. Margaret Young
Serving Boulder County
The C-H-M Company Jeff Shoemaker
Paul Miller
Luella Chavez D’Angelo Darlene Silver, in honor of
Marcia G. Naiman For complete lists of donors and grant
Community Health Care Fund Florrie & Bruce Katchen
Barbara and Joseph Wilcox recipients, please visit 2010report.
Lisa and Shell D. Cook Julie and Morgan Smith
Phyllis M. Coors Michelle and Tom Whitten
The Denver Foundation operates a Amie Knox and Jim Kelley The Inclusiveness Project Fund
number of programs in partnership Little Pub Fund The Ford Foundation
with the community to meet a wide LJD Enterprises, Inc. Anna Jo Haynes
variety of local needs. We thank the Luff Family Fund The Partnership for Families
MacCourt Fund and Children
following donors who have given to
Joanna E. Moldow Karen and Fred Pasternack
these programs.
Joe and Gina Murray Foundation Fund Sandra D. Shreve
If you are interested in supporting Joyce Nakamura
Nelson Family Foundation Strengthening Neighborhoods
any of the programs listed here and Program
Karen and Fred Pasternack
described on pages 12-13, please Margaret and Mark Berzins
Jean and Marshall Pruitt
contact the Philanthropic Services Janet A. Barrows and Gary A. Roffe Campbell Foundation Fund
Group at 303.300.1790. Debora G. and Edward F. Lauren Y. Casteel
Brother Jeff S. Fard
The Adoption Exchange
Rosenfeld, D.M.D.
Steve D. Sander MAD Greens - Inspired Eats
The Denver Foundation
Leslie A. Schaus Marcia G. Naiman
Critical Needs Fund
Patricia S. and James W. Schroeder Martin J. and Mary Anne O’Fallon Fund
Roni and Jim Shirazi Nickolas Passig
The Anschutz Foundation
Allison Sie, in honor of Michelle and Karen and Fred Pasternack
Barton Family Foundation
Tom Whitten Sides Kids Fund
Laura Barton
Christopher & Sarah Bock Family James J. Sie, in honor of Michelle and
Charitable Fund Tom Whitten
Susan Sie, in honor of Michelle and
For complete lists of donors and
Campbell Foundation Fund
Tom Whitten grant recipients, please visit
Cherryble Fund
Nancy L. Commins, Ph.D. Sissel Family Fund
Pamela C. and Jeremy T. Crigler, Christiano Sosa
in honor of the Mark & Margaret The Trescott Foundation
Berzins Family Margaret B. and Philip K. Verleger, Jr.
David Danner Linda B. and Charles B. White
Kyle Delahanty, in honor of Suzanne A. Wilson
Holly Kingsbury Richard S. Winton
The DLBL Fund
The Denver Foundation Community
Myra Donovan
Opportunities Fund
Barbara J. and R. Kent Erickson
Grogan Family Fund
Breakthrough Kent Denver
Most recently, the fund has been used to Nonprofit Internship
address emergency food needs as hunger Program
has grown throughout the community. It is
also used to address the systemic issue of The Denver Foundation’s Nonprofit Internship
hunger in our community, and helped provide Program works to engage college students,
seed money to launch Hunger Free Colorado, especially those from populations traditionally
an organization that works to increase underrepresented in the nonprofit sector,
2010 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ARTS & CULTURE Brian Weber Elbra Wedgeworth Carlo Kriekels
Pamela Kenney Basey, COMMITTEE Suzanne Arkle Wilson Michelle Sie Whitten Dean Prina
Vice Chair Pamela Kenney Basey Mabel Young María Zubia Sandra Shreve
Mark Berzins Mark Berzins, Chair Carlos Valverde
Luella Chavez D’Angelo Masakazu Ito Jack Fox Amy Banker Tucker Hart Adams
Jack Fox, Treasurer Susan Jenson Kenzo Kawanabe Terrance Carroll Jack Fox, Chair
Barbara Grogan Mariner Kemper Jim Kelley, Chair Luella Chavez-D’Angelo, John Ikard
María Guajardo Kathryn Kucsan Michael Martinez Chair Bill Johnson
John Ikard Diana Lee Rico Munn Dave Stalls Joy Johnson
Kenzo Kawanabe, Chair Adam Lerner Lisa Durán Jim Kelley
Jim Kelley Nina Henderson Moore GRANTMAKING COMMITTEE Barbara Grogan Bob Reich
Jesse King Mary Lou Robles Mark Berzins Jesse King Bill Ryan
Diana Lee Scott Rodwin Linda Campbell, Chair Shelley Krovitz Fred Taylor
Michael Martinez, Secretary Steve Seifert Luella Chavez D’Angelo Nancy Leprino
Rico Munn Gregg Vigil Rico Munn Toya Nelson COMMUNICATIONS &
Bill Ryan Bill Ryan Mary Noonan MARKETING COMMITTEE
Sandra Shreve CIVIC & EDUCATION Cathy Phelps Rick Acosta
Michelle Sie Whitten
Mitch Ackerman Elizabeth Arenales Jamie Van Leeuwen Kelly Berger
María Zubia
Bruce Atchison Andy Fine Kathy Hagan Brown
2010 EXECUTIVE Elaine Gantz Berman María Guajardo INCLUSIVENESS PROJECT Amy Bryer
COMMITTEE Sarah Bock Sharon Heinlen COMMITTEE David Charmatz
Pamela Kenney Basey, Sharon Bridgeforth Chanda Hinton Erin Binford Luella Chavez D’Angelo
Vice Chair Nancy Commins Tom Maddox Chrissy Deal Nicolle Davies
Jack Fox, Treasurer Tisha Corbett Bernie Marquez Daniel Escalante Tanya Ishikawa
Barbara Grogan Francisco Garcia Julie Reiskin María Guajardo, Chair Francisco Miraval
María Guajardo Peggy Montano Bill Ryan, Chair Carly Hare Marv Rockford
Kenzo Kawanabe, Chair Rico Munn, Chair Mike Severns Miguel In Suk Lovato J. Whitney Sibley, III
Jesse King Andre Pettigrew Julissa Soto Michael Johnson Tracy Ulmer
Michael Martinez, Secretary Lynn Rhodes Karen Terry Barclay Jones Michelle Sie Whitten, Chair
Bill Ryan Lionel Washington Chris Urbina Kenzo Kawanabe
Pamela Kenney Mark Berzins Sarah Bock Linda Campbell Luella Chavez Jack Fox Barbara Grogan María Guajardo John Ikard Kenzo
Basey D’Angelo Kawanabe
Pamela Kenney Basey, Laura Barton Leslie A. Schaus
Co-Chair Nancy Benson Vernon E. “Butch” Shoup
Linda Campbell Mark Berzins Cade Sibley
Luella Chavez D’Angelo Sarah Bock, Chair Carol Warnick
Jesse King, Co-Chair Kermit Darkey Sarah Williamson
Bill Ryan Lee Everding
Sandra Shreve Beverly Haddon Emeritus
Jane Ingalls John Hughes
PHILANTHROPIC Diana Lee L. William Schmidt
LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Betsy Mangone Penfield W. Tate III
Rebecca Arno Jan Meck David Thomas III
Pamela Kenney Basey Barbara Neal
Barbara Berv Mary Sissel STRENGTHENING
Sarah Bock Dale Tomrdle NEIGHBORHOODS
Linda Campbell COMMITTEE
Lauren Y. Casteel
Lee Everding
Angelle Fouther
Mark Berzins
Linda Campbell
Dave Goens
New Trustees for 2011
Francis P. Brown
Barbara Grogan, Chair Mark Brown María Gonzalez
María Guajardo Cookie Hansen
Wanda G. Colburn
Beverly Haddon Michael Martinez, Chair
Myra Donovan
Jeff Hirota María Zubia
Mimi N. Hackley
Joyce Holmstrom
Kristin Koval
Patrick Horvath
Betsy Mangone
Leslie Karotkin
Holly Kingsbury Joyce Nakamura
Adrienne Mansanares Robert Phelps
David Miller
David Portillo Visit
Ginny Bayless George Sparks Chris Urbina
Oz Spies for more information.
Jim Kelley Jesse King Diana Lee Michael Martinez Rico Munn Bill Ryan Sandra Shreve Michelle Sie María Zubia
As Colorado’s oldest and largest community foundation,
The Denver Foundation connects with the community through
partnerships with donors, nonprofits, community leaders, and
other funders. Visit for more details.
Top: Karen Bellina, Barbara Berv, Dedie Cornett, Lisa Fasolo Frishman
Bottom: Lori Gilliard, Rachel Gonzales, Sarah Harrison, Nicole Holst, Leslie Karotkin
Top: Lindsay Barrett, Courtney Clapp, Jennifer Corzine, Caloy Fernandez, • Assistance with defining charitable needs
Joyce Holmstrom Bottom: Dan Lee, David Miller, Jan Nevers, Malisa Thammarath
• Guidance in creating a tailored and strategic philanthropic plan
• Research about effective charitable organizations
FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION • Creation of a personal fund for giving
• Expertise with charitable estate planning
• Assistance with involving children and grandchildren in
In addition to managing the Foundation’s endowment, which is an
charitable giving
accumulation of 85 years of gifts from thousands of individuals and
• Opportunities to meet other like-minded donors
families, F&A also oversees the accounting, human resources, and
information technology operations of the Foundation.
To find out how PSG can help you, visit
or call 303.300.1790.
The Denver Foundation’s Community Endowment is comprised of
donations from thousands of donors made over the Foundation’s 85
years of history. Investment earnings from the Endowment fund the
Community Grants Program (see page 12) and the Strengthening
Neighborhoods Program (see page 12).
The Philanthropic Partnerships Department serves as the conduit through
which The Denver Foundation engages with nonprofits, public entities,
other foundations, and citizens to address broad community issues in
a systemic way. Projects and initiatives include Advancing Colorado’s
Mental Health Care, The Inclusiveness Project, and the Nonprofit
Rebecca Arno, Flor Blake, Angelle Fouther, Carmen Holleman
Internship Program (see page 13 for more information on some of
these programs).
The Communications Department helps The Denver
Foundation tell its stories to people in Metro Denver.
The department facilitates public outreach, marketing,
and positioning in support of the Foundation’s goals.
Flor Blake, Lauren Casteel, Holly Kingsbury, Adrienne Mansanares
2010 Community Grants by Grantmaking Areas
Gift History
Colorado Youth at Risk